Campus Erupts Over Gibbon's
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+BWRO' _' sti C , -l. aA ..rr.l.l e.... l~ ... l TAT D 11 e5namu .acuon U en7uiJrup nt SOUTWer Gb bn B a Campus Erupts Over Gibbon's Ban A massive Southwestern student of Southwestern, about the restau- troduced a motion providing that demonstration in front of Gibbon's rant's policy on serving Negroes. a petition be offered for student Steak House, 2439 Summer Ave- Childress said that it does not support of the resolution and that nue, both objecting to and support- make much difference to the pick- the resolution be sent to The Com- ing a boycott of the restaurant, ets if Gibbon's is a private club, mercial Appeal. was sparked this week by the re- since the moral issue of individual Cook asked if a referendum fusal of Steak House Manager Bill rights is still involved even if the would be more effective than a Taylor to serve Negro student restaurant is in fact a private club. petition. Both Hollingsworth and Lorenzo Childress. Murray Makes Motion SGA President Bill Hubbard said In an effort to support the boy- Rising Junior Senator Craig that the students might call for a cott organized by several students, Murray introduced the motion to referendum on the issue if they so the Southwestern Senate passed a adopt the resolution. desired and that the Senate was resolution last Tuesday urging the Murray stated that the resolu- only expressing its own opinion on student body to join in the move- the Gibbon's incident. ment not to patronize Gibbon's. Poll Results The Senate approved Fletcher's A Sou'wester student opinion proposal with only one opposing poll, taken in convocation Wednes- 1. Are you in favor of full racial in- vote. day, showed that a majority of the tergration of public restaurants? Following the Senate meeting, a 614 students responding were in Yes-62% No-27% No opinion-1 1% group led by Childress, Reed, favor of full racial integration, but 2. Will you support the proposed Welch, and Orr planned to picket that the majority would not sup- boycott of Gibbon's Steak House? before Gibbon's. A Sou'wester re- port the boycott and did not think Yes-38% No-52% No opinion-10% porter arrived first and questioned the Senate should take an official 3. Do you think the Southwestern several diners leaving the Steak stand on the Childress issue. Student Senate should take an of- House as to whether membership The poll reached 104 more stu- ficial stand on this issue? cards had been required of them. dents than voted in the recent SGA Yes-30% No-65% No opinion-5% The only reply was "no." Number of students polled: 614 presidential race. Good Steak Andy Anderson, Sophomore KA, Several Southwestern students appeared in the convocation and tion was not a statement for the leaving at this time said they were railed against the Senate resolu- student body, but only a recom- aware of the management's poli- tion. mendation urging the students to cies, but that "they have good Staffll Photo Lorenzo Childress spoke after boycott Gibbon's. steak." Andy Anderson delivered a Anderson, presenting his own Contacts Taylor Burly, conservative Memphian polemic against the senate boy- viewpoint on "red-neck" attitudes. Murray said he contacted Gib- Frank Flanigan and his wife cott resolution in convocation Childress, Barre Reed, Robert bon's manager Taylor by phone emerged from Gibbon's at this Wednesday. Orr, and Mike Welch, all South- Tuesday afternoon. According to time and immediately complained western students, sought service at Murray, Taylor confirmed the in- "Who's taking up for niggers?" Gibbon's on April 5. Childress said cident with Childress on April 5, Flanigan yelled "You people are in an interview that restaurant confirming that he would not serve inciting a riot!" at the reporter Festival manager Bill Taylor made it clear Negroes and that Gibbon's was a and three other students standing Staff Photo by Jim McKnight that he was refusing service to private club. outside awaiting the pickets. him because he was a Negro. Murray said that he was most LORENZO CHILDRESS, Southwestern Negro student who Backs Taylor Taylor Displays Gun unsure that Gibbon's was a private To Begin was denied service at Gibbon's Steak House, is followed by When the pickets finally arrived, He said Taylor displayed a gun club as stated by Taylor. Flanigan became quite excited and Robert Orr, Jeff Holden, Betty Beall and several other pickets and told them Gibbon's was a pri- After further discussion the reso- threatened to call the police, re- as the group attempts to enforce a boycott of the nearby restau- vate club. The group then deter- lution was carried, 16-3. Class assuring Taylor, "We'll draw the Thursday mined to picket Gibbon's to inform Newly elected Senior rant. line. I'm gonna stand right here his customers, especially students President Dickie Fletcher then in- with you, I'm gonna back you up By John Gorski 100%." Completing the array of speak- Picket leader Childress led the ers for the Southern Literary Festi- .line of marchers, who quietly filed val, which takes place here next back and forth on the sidewalk. weekend are short story writer "Nigger-lovers" Peter Taylor, journalist Hen r y The Memphis couple repeatedly Mitchell and poet-critic Paul Ram- 'Tbe yelled "Nigger-lovers" and "beat- sey. AnAll-American College Newspapter nik-b------s" as manager Taylor Playwright W i11i am Snyder's An All-American College Newspaper smiled. Taylor himself stated "It's Birthday will be premiered by (Continued on Page 4) the school's Department of Drama 48TH YEAR SOUTHWESTERN AT MEMPHIS, APRIL 14, 1967 VOL. 48, No. 21 in conjunction with the Festival. Taylor, who will lead discus- sions on the short story and its technique is an English professor Fletcher, Johnson, Purvis at the University of North Caro- lina. A graduate of St. Louis' Ken- yonCollege, he has pursued special studies at Vanderbilt under Robert IE Win Presidential Positions Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom and Cleanth Brooks. By Bill Casey Ginnis, SAE from Huntsville; and successful in his bid for re-election Taylor Writings ATO's Jim McElroy and Craig to the Student Senate. The other His stories have been published In Monday's elections D i c k i e Murray of Senators are XO Gay House of in The Kenyon Review, The Parti- Fletcher, Jim Johnson and John Camden and S pr in gfield, san Review and The New Republic Purvis were elected to the presi- M a ryville, T e nne ssee; as well as in the more popular dencies of the rising Senior, Junior Tennessee, fill KD Neva Gib- Harper's Bazaar and The New and Sophomore classes. Fifteen the Senate son from For- Yorker. senators and minor class officers spots for the rest City, Ar- Collections of them include Hap- were also elected. Juniors. kansas; Em- py Families Are All Alike, Miss Results show SAE Dickie Fletch- John Pur- ily Scar- Lenora When Last Seen and Oth- er of Mem- vis, SAE and borough, a ers, The Widows of Thornton and phis, winning this year's Tri-Delt from A Long Fourth and Other Stories. the presidency Fre shman Mc Kenzie, He has authored two plays and the of the class of V.P., is next Jim Johnson Tennes see; novel, A Woman of Means. '68, without year's President for the class of and Sigma Nu John Purvis Mitchell is the editor of The o p position. '70. David Allen took the Number Mark Houston of Jackson, Ten- Delta Review. Before assuming Betty Wray Two post, and Pedie Pederson, KD nessee. that post last year he was with took the V.P. from McKenzie, Tennessee, was Cindy Vincent, XO from New Or- The Commercial Appeal for fifteen slot. Staff Photo by Dave Garber re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer. leans, and Doug Williams of years as reporter and columnist. The new Sec- publications smile after Susanne Chadwick, AOPi of Dal- Memphis were He will head the Festival's journ- THE NEW EDITORS of Southwestern retary - Treas- chosen for the SAU las, Texas, won the race for Pub- posts. Doug will be Vice-President alism workshop. the board elected them lastTuesday. From left to right are Dale urer is J a n e Dickie Fletcher lications Representative. of the Union, and Cindy the Secre- His newspaper career began as Worsley, co-edior of THE SOU'WESTER; Bill Robertson, editor Mando, Independent from Mocks- Sigma Nu Gregg Charbonnet was tary-Treasurer. (Continued on Page 8) of the LYNX; George Hazard, managing editor of THE ville, North Carolina; Publications SOU'WESTER; and, David Massey, SOU'WESTER co-editor. Board Representative is Linda Harkrider, ChiO of Shreveport, Louisiana. New Senior Senators are Janey Bishop of Brownsville, Tennessee, Board Announces and Judy McDonald of Chattanoo- ga, both AOPi's; Frank Potter, a Sigma Nu from Macon, Georgia; Hayes McCarty, ATO of Knoxville; Four New Editors and Bruce Cook, SAE and football- er from Little Rock, Arkansas. for these positions until a later Dale Worsley and David Mas- rising Juniors is date. Heading the sey, both rising sophomores, were a Worsley is an ATO from Baton Jimmy Johnson of Memphis, chosen co-editors of The Sou'west- President is SAE Rouge and was editor of his high Sigma Nu. Vice er last Tuesday by the Publica- Terry Bitner of Jackson, Tennes- tions Commission. At the same school newspaper. He has served this year as a reporter for The see; Secretary-Treasurer and Pub- meeting, rising Senior Bill Rob- lications Representative are Court- ertson was selected to head next Sou'wester.