NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Vol 98 Nr. 4 Fault-controlled asymmetric landscapes and low-relief surfaces on Vestvågøya, Lofoten, North Norway: inherited Mesozoic rift-margin structures? Steffen G. Bergh1, Kristian H. Liland2, Geoffrey D. Corner1, Tormod Henningsen2 & Petter A. Lundekvam1 1Department of Geosciences, University of Tromsø UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, 9037 Tromsø, Norway. 2Equinor ASA, Harstad, Norway E-mail corresponding author (Steffen G. Bergh):
[email protected] The Lofoten Ridge is an integral basement horst of the hyperextended continental rift-margin off northern Norway. It is a key area for studying onshore–offshore rift-related faults, and for evaluating tectonic control on landscape development along the North Atlantic margin. This paper combines onshore geomorphological relief/aspect data and fault/fracture analysis with offshore bathymetric and seismic data, to demonstrate linkage of landscapes and Mesozoic rift-margin structures. At Leknes on Vestvågøya, an erosional remnant of a down-faulted Caledonian thrust nappe (Leknes Group) is preserved in a complex surface depression that extends across the entire Lofoten Ridge. This depression is bounded by opposing asymmetric mountains comprising fault-bounded steep scarps and gently dipping, partly incised low- relief surfaces. Similar features and boundary faults of Palaeozoic–Mesozoic age are present on the offshore margin surrounding the Lofoten Ridge. The offshore margin is underlain by a crystalline, Permo–Triassic to Early Jurassic, peneplained basement surface that was successively truncated by normal faults, down-dropped and variably rotated into asymmetric fault blocks and basins in the Mesozoic, and the basins were subsequently filled by Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sedimentary strata.