WDP4D (4500 HP) Locomotive
qKf, tr(-+R - qildq 245120O (PBX) td Gllr5Ft,/fel€ : oqdun s{Frqffi ftr rrq drdl AN ISO 900r 2450115 (DtD) $SI\5 - 226 0ll CERTIFIBD +Wzfax : 91-0522-2453916 Govemment of India-Ministry of Raitways Resarch Designs & Stalrdards Orgcnisation fIOI{ qG t-stc Luoknow -226011 No.SD,Genl.3 Date,27,09.2016 gqreqr{d g Chief Motive Power Enginee/Diesel, 1. Central Railway, CST, Mumbai - 400 001(MH) 2. Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Calcutta -700 001 (W'B') 3, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi -110 001 4. N,E,Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001 (UP) 5. N.F.Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati -781011 (Asam) 6, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai -600003 (TN) 7. S,C,Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad -500 371 (AP) 8, S.E,Railway, Garden Reach, Calcutta -700 043 (W, B) 9. Western Railway, Church gate, Mumbai -440 020 (MH) 10. North Western Railway, Jaipur-302006 (Rajsthan) 1 1, East Central Railway, Hajipur-844101 (Bihar) 12. East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar -751017(Odisha) 13. North Central Railway, Allahabad-211001 (UP) 14, West Central RaiMay, Jabalpur - 482001 (MP) 15. South Western Railway, Hubli - 580023 (Karnataka) 16. South East Central Railway, Bilaspur - 495004 (Chhatishgarh) frsq: Diagram book of WDP4D (4500 HP) locomotive, Newly prepared diagram book for WDP4D (4500 HP) Dual cab locomotive for Passenger service is issued as details given below: Diagram Book of WDP4D (4500 HP) Dual cab AC - AC traction locomotive report no. MP,MISC - 316 (Rev 0.00) Septembel 2016. DA: As above {H) a Rao) EDSMP GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ITrqIT HSDTq - td fTffiq vq.$fi4$1+soowft) gclET A\\ffi-\ffi odlT +qnvdtrtoeffitfue1 ffidrgkol DTAGRAM BOOK OF WDP4D (4500 Hp) DUAL CAB AC - AC TRACTION DIESEL ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE frtrC €.gqfi.fud- er o (rivil.- o.oo),Rrffi( 2016 Report No.MP.MISC- 316 (REV.
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