Mar. 1962, Vol. 06 No. 06

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Mar. 1962, Vol. 06 No. 06 MüRCH, 1962 purpose of the t k f i , LaddêJi Volume 6, n iíb er 6 Published monthly by tho Dnughtors of Bill tit, Ine., o noo- pioflt eorporotion, 1232 Morkof Stroof, Suita 108, Son Fran­ 0^ B l LIT IS cisco 2, Californio. Talephono; UNderhIII 3 - 8196. NATIONAL OFFICERS, DAUGHTERS OF BILITIS, INC. A IfOiMEN’S ORGANIZATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING President — Jaye Bell THE INTEGRATION OF THE HOMOSEXUAL INTO SOCIETY BY: Vice President — Helen Sanders Secretary — Dottle Dee Public Relations Director — Jo Carson Treasurer — Ev Howe ...... THE LADDER STAFF Editor— Del Martin Assistant Editor — Marty Elliott ea " Education of the variant, with particular emphasis on the psych­ Art Editor — Kathy Rogers Los Angeles Reporter — Sten Russell ological, physiological and sociological aspects, to enable her New York Reporter— Deidre McAulilfe | to understand herself and make her adjustment to society in all Editorial Assistants — Mary Lee, Eileen Kaye its social, civic and economic implications— this to be accomp­ Production — Marty Elliott, Joan Oliver lished by establishing and maintaining as complete a library as Circulation Manager — Cleo Glenn possible of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex de­ THE LADDER is regarded as a sounding board for various viant theme; by sponsoring public discussions on pertinent sub­ points of view on tho homophile and related subjects and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the organization. jects to be conducted by leai^ng members of the legal, psychiat­ ric, religious and other professions; by advocating a mode of be­ havior and dress acceptable to society. 0 Education of the public at large through acceptance first of the individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous taboos and prejudices; through public discussion meetings aforemen­ tioned; through dissemination of educational literature on the homosexual theme. TEN y e a r s o f h is t o r y , A REPORT BY STEN RUSSELL........................... 4 © Participation in research projects by duly authorized and respon­ New Il l i n o i s Pe n a l Co d e - What d o e s It Me a n ? sible psychologists, sociologists and other such experts directed b y d e l Ma r t i n .......................................................................... towards further knowledge of the homosexual. BUT, but, but..................................................................................... *5 No Ha m b u r g e r s , a s t o r y b y v e r n n i v e n ............................................22 O Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, He r e a n o Th e r e ................................................................................. proposal of changes to provide an equitable handling of cases DOB Co n v e n t io n H ig h l ig h t s ...............................................................26 involving this minority group, and promotion of these changes through due process of law in the state legislatures. Mr, Slater contended that most homosexuals were well- Ten Years of History adjusted, but Dr. Hooker'dlsagreed that anyone could know whether th is was true or not. She did believe, however, that homosexuality and pathology are not necessarily connected. Regarding the question that everyone has a homosexual A Report by Sten Russell component. Dr. Hooker said it was a fine-sounding theory, but it became meaningless when you were deal­ ONE oalebrated Its tenth anniversary by devoting Its ing with people who had no overt manifestations, nor Annual Mid-Winter Institute to »Ton Tears of Homophllo laten t tendencies, nor anything indicating an uncon­ Responsibility and Leadership," scious problem 0 onneoted with homosexual tendencies. Tho program, held In Los Angeles January 26-28, began on The old question of "cure" came up and horns began to Friday with William F. Baker of San Pranclsoo, husband of lock. Dr, Hooker didn't hold out much hope f.or oure, the late Dr. Blanche U. Baker, giving a short Introduc­ "The oases of cure are so rare," she said. However, tion to the tape, "This Is Dr. Baker." The tape was a she knew one man who changed without therapy. finely edited version of the original two-hour speech given by Dr. Baker at ONE'S f i r s t Mid-Winter In stitu te Mr. Slater bridled at the terminology and snapped In January, 1955- that if a man were dissatisfied with homosexuality, he didn't see why he couldn't change without therapy. Dr. Baker said on the tape that In all of her studies Dr. Hooker f e l t that was pretty easy to say i f you she hadn't found any evidence to support the theory that hadn't seen the many terribly unhappy and dissatisfied homosexuality was Inherited. She said she believed ho­ homosexuals who had tried, even with therapy, and had mosexuality was a product of many, many factors; that been unsuccessful. She said that it was a deep-seated every human being was a mixture of femaleness and male­ pattern and extremely difficult to change, even when n ess, of fem ininity and m asculinity. There Is no such loathed. thing, she said, as a pure male or a pure female. Mr. Slater said that to change to heterosexual livin g Dr. Baker Indicated she felt the neurotic conflict of Was like oheinglng geographically and Just as easy. If roost homosexuals existed because the average homosexual that was what one tru ly wanted. Dr. Hooker disagreed, did not accept himself. The thing she found depressing end f e l t that the great problem was to help those about most homosexuals was that they were either guilt- change who tru ly wanted to do so, that in and of i t ­ ridden creatures or they went to the other extreme and s e lf , homosexuality was not an Illn e ss, considered themselves God's gift to the world. After describing the courses offered by ONE'S Educa­ In the question period that followed the tape. Bill tional division, Mr. Slater added that he felt scien­ Baker made a notable remark, "With any of your problems, tists could benefit from taking ONE'S courses; as a don't accept the apparent cause; it's seldom right." matter of fact, ONE did not really recognize the sci­ en tist who hadn't. Dr. Hooker was admirably restrained KPFK BROADCAST and asked what she could learn at ONE Institute when it had no trained sociologist on its faculty. Also heard was the tape of the August 26, 1959# KPFK broadcast on which Dr. Evelyn Hooker, UCLA psychologist Then ensued a short, fierce argument with Mr. Slater and researcher, and Don Slater, editor of ONE Magazine, uttering imprecations against the scientific profdsslon. discussed homosexuality. He declared that homosexuals must ansirer the questions penter, locksmith and electrician for the Corporation. about homosexuality because scientists have not done No salau?les were paid fo r the f i r s t four years to any so. Dr. Hooker disagreed profoundly. She stated that of the full op part time workers at ONE. Eventually she was grateful to ONE and others for their help and they did manage one paid employee, at $25 per month; cooperation in her research project, but that she felt and finally the corporation was able to pay the officers that ONE was misguided in Its own program of research a weekly pittance, sometimes. Pull time workers are and methodology. still paid very little. Mr. Slater said that he was skeptical of the worth of He continued with a description of the Educational Di­ the soientlxts In this field because they came out of vision. "It teaches us how to orient in the Jungle of school steeped in trad itio n al a ttitu d e s. Dr. Hooker the world where we are," Later, in describing ONE, he heatedly replied that ho would have the right to say said, "We are friendly as the Rook of Glbralter." I this if he had studied and worked with the scientific wasn't sure George meant the simile the way i t sounded,, - • method, but not otherwise. but i t struck me as being an arresting statement, worthy of preservation. The moderator led them to safer ground. Both agreed that the laws were antiquated and unjust in relation Later he said, "We feel we are the experts. We recog­ to homosexuality. There followed a discussion on the nize no other authority in the field of homosexuality, Model Penal Code and the Tfolfenden Report. Dr, Hooker as much ss we respect Dr, Hooker, who has been a good stated that she did not believe that homosexuality was friend of ONE," My only comment on this is a small skull necessarily a detriment, except where children or pub­ and cro ss—bones I drew on my notew at th is point. lic displays were involved. She said, "There are many symbolic of the attitude which I believe will be the distinguished and undistinguished homosexuals contri­ death of ONE unless i t i s changed. Ur. Mortenson re­ buting to society's best interests daily." ferred to the Slater-Hooker tape heard the day before. Nothing, he said , dispelled the bad impression made on It was indeed interesting to hear the representative that tape by Mr. Slater, albeit he stated the same po­ of a homophile organization taking the reactionary and sitio n more kindly and more diplom atically regarding Dr. ancient heterosexual viewpoint that homosexuality is Hooker. However, in a l l fa irn e ss, I must report that simply a matter of choice, as easily changed as an old many of the men present seemed to relish this broadside sh ir t, or moving acro ss the stre e t, if the person but attack on sciences in general, and Dr, Hooker in p arti- desired i t .
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