PW JUN 1923 .Pdf
POPULAR WIRELESS WEEKLY, June 2nd, 1923. REGISTERED AL THE G.P.O. AS A NEWSPAPER. CONSTRUCTION & CALIBRATION OF GRID LEAKS. PopularWireless No. 53.Vol. III. SCIENTIFIC ADVISER: SIR OLIVER LODCE, F.R.S., D.Sc. June 2nd, 1923. LORD GAINFORD, CHAIR- MAN OF THE B.B.C., WITH HIS CABINET SET. FEATURESIN THIS ISSUE. Tackling the Dead -End Problem. Easily Made Boxes for Panel Mounting. A Crystal Adapter. An Improvised Winder. Some More Practical Ideas. Timed Spark for C.W. Transmission. And interesting articles by Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., D.Sc., Dr. N. W. McLachlan, M.I.E.E., and P. J. Risdon, F.R.S.A. POPULAR WIRELESS WEEKLY. June 2nd, 1023. The" BROWN "- LOUD SPEAKERS EDISWAN with new improved Curved Horns THE requisites of a Loud Speaker are pure tone, clear articulation, and good volume of sound. The VALVES BROWN Loud Speaker possesses all these qualities in a marked degree. Type H. 2 has been designed to meet home requirements, both as to volume of sound and price. PRICES H. 2 (Small). Low Resistance. H.2 120 ohms, height 12 in. £3 0 0 (small H. I (Large), Low Resistance. 120 size). ohms, height 21 in. £6 5 0 Height1-ligh Reitstauces for either size, 2:6 to 5, -extra, 12 in. THE BROWN MICROPHONE Noiseless AMPLIFIER. This amplifier gives a magnification macS greater than that obtained from a two -valve amplithr Prices Illustrated Catalogue of Head- Low Resistance (tze ohms input)£6 0 0 Sensitive phones,Loud Speakers and High Resistance (z,ono ohms input) £6 2 6 Amplifiers, post free.
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