CANADA Jaycee's Trades Fair Will Sponsoring • Mother's Day Be Held at the Terrace Tes Andsl~ M Satlw~Y at Arena May 1, 2, and 3

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CANADA Jaycee's Trades Fair Will Sponsoring • Mother's Day Be Held at the Terrace Tes Andsl~ M Satlw~Y at Arena May 1, 2, and 3 ' u~~, coIP,.lln8 -: .~ j , - p J i .. - .111~0~,, B.C., l Ibl " " ' , : " i : i ' ": I ' ~ " : ~ ........ r x pl ., strike: • . , . ~ + . - ,., .-~. :_, ." . , . The Daily Herald has been removed from their issue to ilniividualpz4oblems assoclationwantstodols~ learned that the T~rrace p~itions, said Wyatt. He feels the implement a - corn- District Teachers.• According to Terrace situation stems from the prebensivepersonnelpoii'~cy Association maybe p ~h~- : D i.strict Teachers lack of bargaining rights into the school .districts ning a on~day..l~rotesti:'AS~o.eiation President accorded to tea.chers by the, ".poHcyba)ks. "- May. • • :••" . :-.•,.'.~;~-~inillhedismisiilbut-.I i " :. :; "11' ;: I f I . II : .... "i ~ tim and the m~h~ool The protest, eenires i /hey will be protesting the The School Act limits the" ~ met last o/Sht to around district personnel -manner in which it was negotiable rilh(s of policy and the troul~e~t carried out.. teachers" to salaries and discuss the issue. -: ','We're facing a much bonuses. -HoWever, it is Tea~l~ve attempts! that staff h~ve: ,reoeived .lar~er issue," said Wyatt, possible for/teachers lo to have such a p0!iey im- f~ the ~"'1 " ": "" I "this hinges oo a whnle neg0fl'ate separate local l~em~tod in the past 'lxlt A Tenn~e ~ sch0ol gambit " nf .persnnnel agreemeotS "with .'school ac¢o~:"to ~yatt !l~ve principal and a'Tboro]dll proldems in the districL" beards. " " " : ' " never i~imde the cm~eried . " principal have receady It is unfair to reduce the What Ube teachers effort they are now. : -.. • ~: .- ~ .~'~... - .,. •. .f /:4 .: : , : " ! •-i}~ •: ?j . \ :: .-- ~2~-.... -' • -~. i:~-~;.... d f~ ai/y/icra/d - ~,.,i ~ -., - .. , . .-.'~ "' . ,': ,!). : -'7" ' ,,J: ;~ "L:~ t Votollll 75 NO. 80 . Fridly, ApiiJ 114, 1tltl ,:.~ ~ .'.j - .- . -[~n Rosenbloom (left) and James Gosnell plan strategy to StOp Amax. - I : " " "" "L" (:H. Eur0""-__..tholdings are L~ ~ 1 sO ~ d * ~'i~ Nishga formulate battle plans: ByMIC~IA]~IIOWLE'I~ arrangement signed in 1979, or/ned I00 per. cent of West. Fra~'s Pr~idmt By BECKY RAGLON A delegattoa from the couscil will also travel to New Yock Em~can stocks..About ,35 and Chief Exeeutiv,i. Herald ~ Writer May 74o put forth ah~olu/i0a ata meetin~ of Amax HeNddSlaffWri~.- ~ .The deal "must be 'Enso.GdXe~ per i~ni ~ EiirociiiiBritiidi o~er,C~. Jo~so~,~ .~Am" three days ~ meel~s, meml~zs attending the simliimldem.llje.Wishges, Wbe.l~iughifoursllrminorder OsaieyhUo; . allpr~ed I~ the Foreign to live them access to the sliielmlders meeling, Will put . a Finnish multi.tuitional Invesimenl Review Agency Colmnbiaoutput is mqi=tod • ~ldlp Tdhal Canvlillionwm, e able to rlleh eouseaslm od a toEuroipe, wMle.l!, same rmects a esu~niton' d~ program ~t oppesitl~ to" the tailing ~I)~V from ~max's torth'arescluUoucamn~foramoratodumonthedumpin~ cmpany has sold-40 per (-FIRA) due to West c~nt of-" its. holdings: in Frasers 50 per cent amount~ goes to. Japan. the .company's poli~.:o:: mo~lxle~um mine into Alioe Arm. unlil the m~ronmmtsl imj)act has been delermined. E~ Pulp and Paper American ownership..An South-East Asia rece/Ves 20 lm'~ard ~ aims" Dou R4zonbbom, a VancoW~e~-based inw~r-has been fan McKmz/e, lh)scnldoom, council president James Co."Ltd. to West Fraser initial ~ with the a~ency per cent of the eMput ni seemini a mitotic. to fde suit'a~niust ~max it was announced atJhe ....... ~ C-osmdlandRodRobiueonwi!lmakeupthedelesationto llmberCo, l~d:~llille~.e], was' made in Och)ber l~0. S.lOl)e~centissoldinN.orth. ,,~,.~,t Fras.,er~ bray. li~dt]i..eouve.o..l~o. ' ... y.. ............ : ...... the mee~. llmal has I~,000 shareholders. B.C. ''., . - ._ Eui~msplesmouexpeet and South /Aloerlea. estsblished a'~ " " ' " s0m ' at ' t - vidm m li~moloumsa~aloe~womosee~mcmme0~e~" . " " " .... " ' " " " 1 " ,,-Four shares is alI K Luk~ to be"' ~de ..... to say . etbhlg ..Tlie ~ .IXO .. p r0blems to arise. from Eurocan's . saekkraft Pes iti~n in.. , . intedor.- klpdlly ot the mines openluom: ." L .. /'' that meeting." ~ saM. , ::, " ..... , : ', . :Wmt ~ ~ the.stock the ~ appiieatioo:" ixod!~."m ielilseo~i iS to iawmli!iag and, Eumea¢ ,, vll~ _~, ._l~ : A .demonslriilton resnniim a pnasiiidliy ff everytlling ,d: option to .... ~)~utieit osak-hfi0 30 per omt ~i ..cank/ a unique imoeo, mxlmmuloueomoremeu.u.~uprmn~=u~ ... ~L,~l=il, . ' " - " .' - -: "" m.mdr~an011~rl0~£~nt ...... "~ . ouimiiwMleiislineflioard elpand ou~ the c0m ,I~o~ is oFeraunl lueluly~ :. - .... : 77,-. i' . " ' ~ . q . " . ~ 1 ~ U, ~ " ' ' The ~ . price il ~=m . ~uc --. cent of . Cauadn s and ~ mid the h l the. meantime, Amax will oonUnue to dump ll,000 nut .Don t lorlel, wn~. l)llleo:Imo:a o0roli: you u go '--t :,-'t ~ lei:laind'but ~ worla wloe salea lasi . ,,,~i~,llm : " " : : li~ ~ i~ melzle tounes. per"- day .;mto " Alice Ann.- -- - • ...• .: • .~ ..ev~ -. to fight ~ way , ouL• ,,.-... • -. • "- .- < o " • tO0 " year' "were " one b'lionH "P .......Timber Co " " ." said-~ Johasou- • • . 'Tilefedlnlgovernmentwmlnotprlpuldtoestab.l~.a .Aihaxsl!~nUonmthatmoltomilmllueoffmxlso!!rc~.. ~ in ii~i~'foi:' the dollars. It has mlei~ P Ud. owns" and o~ratod ,WestPlaserwlil:imumi J. ledmilimlu~andnaoneelpecied"- " ...... ,~tm~:toMlut - .... d.own. will. - - happm" .because of the. tailing.,.... dumping." ~,,,~l,. "-~w.t "-~'-"11t.~-.... nnid every e~llntillient," but .deals uunnnill, hn- tl~i.t,m'~'d" o...... nmnallmmlt el Euroeans,- • : - : sl " l* ;;" " : " " ' " =' ' .... ~ • " " .- • ow,.~', -?~ -:.0~. r---- * " " " " 'Y~'~ ~ --'" "-'~' .'~" ~- ----~- . ']-7-- ~ - , .~.•........ -ol~n .ti~m, . snidRmmbloom,............... sowe~i~,.togoahead. H.. ..and when - we re sure,, the. food cha~.... ~ ~iaminated-, .... ~ " : Irlnsi' ~rod .its new mainiywdhthemarke.l~-. • • Bnt"ish .....Columbia ~ Its newlY created..iawmil]. J "' •' :withUM~lwl~IL': , : • ,' 's I,'<, ~ r• ': .• :.. sonleunl~wil]happen,• wanledGm..ll. " .... ' : '• i,i---n~ --;,, ,^ ~,,~,, aspects Of Canaalan..~...-,~£,~',i at, ,:c~llll dS~im~ltd~hine_lui~b0tlfi :7 L-'~:.{,'~S: ~:,.;,:,:~-,d:,,f..:: ' -- . ,:', #::g~£i'~/,<~,~, •., " .... ..:?it::, ,- -: ~ ,,.~-~;-:.',,',~.%~'.'~:',:~~ .'-.'-';., i., ;jlldllil~01RIhttclishll:h~d .,l~i!.!N$1-.-~l~. ~.~-.L~. ~ ..'-:i~e~.oillll~,ltelelil aiid projected - i~"~ '..," liB_• ". .... ..... .. : ~...'-~':-'.. _ •.... : .,..~.--_ .: ~::~ :~:~:-; ; ...._-~ .;-~.~,A -:~~~i~.!ibi;P~, ~ -gmip.of:Y-liVir~.Fbmlih li~,000,~0~,'Iti, currelily i,Wocaomablemouuoup,.able to build up,..~ ,4~| i.." II | _IA L-.-- .__ : .j.::.~~_~<i.j~-.~ '~: ::~ il i .,~:,i,, J-.-. " m~.-'A-di'~,Ir'J} <#~~' <~': "L / eorl)orations, "'wh0se ~-bnihlloll..a*""thenno: its _ . own saWmill li : ~IilllJ -II aR., IaSl l ..,Jq/]rl &li. ,, in.. dna,, .. ~ "..",,,mipi!i:[i:~ ] ,t~..p~/: :~ .,,~J ga i X _, lkIFtl with Oishowa,-mle ~ ,~i; ,':.m,=.iH:di~ii~,'~] - liilil I " II III~:' ~i = I s' ~li" ¢: h I 'Idl IF " * # i P # I i ' i ' ; " I : J # # 11: i " I : t : a : :; +" ~'i: " ' # ,a "~ I ~" i : "d'l" '': ' " I II ~MI~' "~-- --" IV~i : ml !l i~ ~ :: i !~-- W'~ -- ----':--' ---- :llll'~ k ' S# I -- ~ -- I i i |, ... ~,,-Zi='vel=tnatenab~me=l~romihesea: ' "Is,tsaret6~L=~keyes;'.:,~nL~ea. ",'t" erom a letler oi.m~tto Or~eiltio. Atme li~'ol~, ii J.~'~l=rgi:pmer:; l:.i JlioesGamell. presnlontolflleNisllga~lYiba]CouncLI, told .knov~.,Buieldeilypeopleaire~ .... - .... proeeed..Lwith the .lheWest[~ase~sa]e,..El~** e~!nl~.lm?:.I~f. " ,,~......-~.'~ :. ~~....n~'m.~,..~.lmll~d ;~.m~dli01i.:in.annli ,sides,,!: ,,i. .... " !il - . uid.theNidi~; -- .; . ; -. .... v~re,;.. i~t• -: i~li~.~- to .stop • ,: voicing. o - :i . , : ,f.~ ~olidit, . ~mau; eet], taimeb .'~t." clim~, each ~ a .l~i.:'l~l. UtiO,, ~ut he added that i~im ," ~ ~ was re(e..rr~ to. T~ s~ out in the .whether or b0t their i0od would l~'i~ontslninated.;J"., ' BCTF ...... <;:*'referend, Um,: ii " ~uff~iCit~rommi~!~l!wecel°a-d~- W!hd0zem°(h°t He'iidihtlndlaosin Gniasy l~ainawere pd~ned by ? . • "." -. • -7" . , .: - : .... - . ", .~Weparediutbeho~ofthe~dem'dedtothe me~-and it took Japane~ exp~s.d lhe disease to .A ~ move ily•lhe llloid toto"~ol]ow "ioU0w up.lh~-Ul).lh,'- practicespraeiiet,' +~hiehl>,~hieh/, .t~e.the .~v~'~i~~".~inv~'Ml~m~~, %~''' - l!l ,,. ,, -. hul~~rou~h the nil~on dri~de by lhe'loo~0~ks; .Teachers: Federation of- ' ~ef..e~withemmelerm~de~mlm wilhsome form -toachersaccepted/:aSl.tonÙhers accepted- .as: It'a ig°ver°mentb°mls'!In government bo,,h, ~,i "Bid lear him ~ our people," G¢IneU:~eni 0o, mid rot:over the. true;: facts .....ol lle case. _;.:..i . i• ~ - : ...~:,~.~." I ' ~: " ~inted to know, ady balLfaceliouaiy, if the .o~u tasted "'We don't hev~ faith iii them," said G~neJl, keferrin~ to hold a pr0vlnee-wide .general strike-was"om ol,/,ildilglhedlspute; , bW-i~ldcmi!Wndtooi~. lel : " " " ~;~! " 1 1 Health and Welfare. He said lhat they were ~ Jo0k~ to R#ere~,,,, i=s. been seve.tadiOnss¢~,=~laL~mp~to pto~to ",:, ~e~i~ Imeben~ nave ~i~ im~epinkie investments.iavesi~e~, . ~11 •Tnilinlp ire already being dumpe¢i into ~ Arm by ~ World Heidlii0rgimilalionlo lisi ~ water and the Jp~tponed,. pending the fedÙfaUgh ieadenll~ . : ivoived in a msputo v~. .:+. .....+ Amax" and {he Nish~a are wailing'~fea~.k,, se~ what fish, and .de~ whether it would' he;" safe to eat outcome of a commission The provincial the provincial government :Toe federation wants'~ -~'.~.~l ~feet that wUl have on the salmoc run whleh s]~nid begin sochey~s, and indulge in.the futurein .hanqueis Karyested appointed to look. into the government
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  • Copyrighted Material
    Index Abel, Allen (Globe and Mail), 151 Bukovac, Michael, 50 Abgrall, Dennis, 213–14 Bure, Pavel, 200, 203, 237 AHL (American Hockey League), 68, 127 Burns, Pat, 227–28 Albom, Mitch, 105 Button, Jack, and Pivonka, 115, 117 Alexeev, Alexander, 235 American Civil Liberties Union Political Calabria, Pat (Newsday), 139 Asylum Project, 124 Calgary Flames American Hockey League. see AHL (American interest in Klima, 79 Hockey League) and Krutov, 152, 190, 192 Anaheim Mighty Ducks, 197 and Makarov, 152, 190, 192, 196 Anderson, Donald, 26 and Priakin, 184 Andreychuk, Dave, 214 Stanley Cup, 190 Atlanta Flames, 16 Campbell, Colin, 104 Aubut, Marcel, 41–42, 57 Canada European Project, 42–44 international amateur hockey, 4 Stastny brothers, 48–50, 60 pre-WWII dominance, 33 Axworthy, Lloyd, 50, 60 see also Team Canada Canada Cup Balderis, Helmut, 187–88 1976 Team Canada gold, 30–31 Baldwin, Howard, 259 1981 tournament, 146–47 Ballard, Harold, 65 1984 tournament, 55–56, 74–75 Balogh, Charlie, 132–33, 137 1987 tournament, 133, 134–35, 169–70 Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL), 127 Carpenter, Bob, 126 Barnett, Mike, 260 Caslavska, Vera, 3 Barrie, Len, 251 Casstevens, David (Dallas Morning News), 173 Bassett, John F., Jr., 15 Catzman, M.A., 23, 26–27 Bassett, John W.H., Sr., 15 Central Sports Club of the Army (formerly Bentley, Doug, 55 CSKA), 235 Bentley, Max, 55 Cernik, Frank, 81 Bergland,Tim, 129 Cerny, Jan, 6 Birmingham Bulls (formerly Toronto Toros), Chabot, John, 105 19–20, 41 Chalupa, Milan, 81, 114 Blake, Rob, 253 Chara, Zdeno, 263 Bondra, Peter, 260 Chernykh,
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