' u~~, coIP,.lln8 -: .~ j , - p J i .. - .111~0~,, B.C., l Ibl " " ' , : " i : i ' ": I ' ~ " : ~ ........ r x pl ., strike: • . , . ~ + . - ,., .-~. :_, ." . , . The Daily Herald has been removed from their issue to ilniividualpz4oblems assoclationwantstodols~ learned that the T~rrace p~itions, said Wyatt. He feels the implement a - corn- District Teachers.• According to Terrace situation stems from the prebensivepersonnelpoii'~cy Association maybe p ~h~- : D i.strict Teachers lack of bargaining rights into the school .districts ning a on~day..l~rotesti:'AS~o.eiation President accorded to tea.chers by the, ".poHcyba)ks. "- May. • • :••" . :-.•,.'.~;~-~inillhedismisiilbut-.I i " :. :; "11' ;: I f I . II : .... "i ~ tim and the m~h~ool The protest, eenires i /hey will be protesting the The School Act limits the" ~ met last o/Sht to around district personnel -manner in which it was negotiable rilh(s of policy and the troul~e~t carried out.. teachers" to salaries and discuss the issue. -: ','We're facing a much bonuses. -HoWever, it is Tea~l~ve attempts! that staff h~ve: ,reoeived .lar~er issue," said Wyatt, possible for/teachers lo to have such a p0!iey im- f~ the ~"'1 " ": "" I "this hinges oo a whnle neg0fl'ate separate local l~em~tod in the past 'lxlt A Tenn~e ~ sch0ol gambit " nf .persnnnel agreemeotS "with .'school ac¢o~:"to ~yatt !l~ve principal and a'Tboro]dll proldems in the districL" beards. " " " : ' " never i~imde the cm~eried . " principal have receady It is unfair to reduce the What Ube teachers effort they are now. : -.. • ~: .- ~ .~'~... - .,. •. .f /:4 .: : , : " ! •-i}~ •: ?j . \ :: .-- ~2~-.... -' • -~. i:~-~;.... d f~ ai/y/icra/d - ~,.,i ~ -., - .. , . .-.'~ "' . ,': ,!). : -'7" ' ,,J: ;~ "L:~ t Votollll 75 NO. 80 . Fridly, ApiiJ 114, 1tltl ,:.~ ~ .'.j - .- . -[~n Rosenbloom (left) and James Gosnell plan strategy to StOp Amax. - I : " " "" "L" (:H. Eur0""-__..tholdings are L~ ~ 1 sO ~ d * ~'i~ Nishga formulate battle plans: ByMIC~IA]~IIOWLE'I~ arrangement signed in 1979, or/ned I00 per. cent of West. Fra~'s Pr~idmt By BECKY RAGLON A delegattoa from the couscil will also travel to New Yock Em~can stocks..About ,35 and Chief Exeeutiv,i. Herald ~ Writer May 74o put forth ah~olu/i0a ata meetin~ of Amax HeNddSlaffWri~.- ~ .The deal "must be 'Enso.GdXe~ per i~ni ~ EiirociiiiBritiidi o~er,C~. Jo~so~,~ .~Am" three days ~ meel~s, meml~zs attending the simliimldem.llje.Wishges, Wbe.l~iughifoursllrminorder OsaieyhUo; . allpr~ed I~ the Foreign to live them access to the sliielmlders meeling, Will put . a Finnish multi.tuitional Invesimenl Review Agency Colmnbiaoutput is mqi=tod • ~ldlp Tdhal Canvlillionwm, e able to rlleh eouseaslm od a toEuroipe, wMle.l!, same rmects a esu~niton' d~ program ~t oppesitl~ to" the tailing ~I)~V from ~max's torth'arescluUoucamn~foramoratodumonthedumpin~ cmpany has sold-40 per (-FIRA) due to West c~nt of-" its. holdings: in Frasers 50 per cent amount~ goes to. Japan. the .company's poli~.:o:: mo~lxle~um mine into Alioe Arm. unlil the m~ronmmtsl imj)act has been delermined. E~ Pulp and Paper American ownership..An South-East Asia rece/Ves 20 lm'~ard ~ aims" Dou R4zonbbom, a VancoW~e~-based inw~r-has been fan McKmz/e, lh)scnldoom, council president James Co."Ltd. to West Fraser initial ~ with the a~ency per cent of the eMput ni seemini a mitotic. to fde suit'a~niust ~max it was announced atJhe ....... ~ C-osmdlandRodRobiueonwi!lmakeupthedelesationto llmberCo, l~d:~llille~.e], was' made in Och)ber l~0. S.lOl)e~centissoldinN.orth. ,,~,.~,t Fras.,er~ bray. li~dt]i..eouve.o..l~o. ' ... y.. ............ : ...... the mee~. llmal has I~,000 shareholders. B.C. ''., . - ._ Eui~msplesmouexpeet and South /Aloerlea. estsblished a'~ " " ' " s0m ' at ' t - vidm m li~moloumsa~aloe~womosee~mcmme0~e~" . " " " .... " ' " " " 1 " ,,-Four shares is alI K Luk~ to be"' ~de ..... to say . etbhlg ..Tlie ~ .IXO .. p r0blems to arise. from Eurocan's . saekkraft Pes iti~n in.. , . intedor.- klpdlly ot the mines openluom: ." L .. /'' that meeting." ~ saM. , ::, " ..... , : ', . :Wmt ~ ~ the.stock the ~ appiieatioo:" ixod!~."m ielilseo~i iS to iawmli!iag and, Eumea¢ , cw.....~....be.l~., vll~ _~, ._l~ : A .demonslriilton resnniim a pnasiiidliy ff everytlling ,d: with..an option to .... ~)~utieit osak-hfi0 30 per omt ~i ..cank/ .offers.us a unique imoeo, mxlmmuloueomoremeu.u.~uprmn~=u~ ... ~L,~l=il, . ' " - " .' - -: "" m.mdr~an011~rl0~£~nt ...... "~ . ouimiiwMleiislineflioard oortun~ty.to elpand ou~ the c0m ,I~o~ is oFeraunl lueluly~ :. - .... : 77,-. i' . " ' ~ . q . " . ~ 1 ~ U, ~ " ' ' The ~ . price il ~=m . ~uc --. cent of . Cauadn s and ~ mid the h l the. meantime, Amax will oonUnue to dump ll,000 nut .Don t lorlel, wn~. l)llleo:Imo:a o0roli: you u go '--t :,-'t ~ lei:laind'but ~ worla wloe salea lasi . ,,,~i~,llm : " " : : li~ ~ i~ melzle tounes. per"- day .;mto " Alice Ann.- -- - • ...• .: • .~ ..ev~ -. to fight ~ way , ouL• ,,.-... • -. • "- .- .........~..ar. < o " • tO0 " year' "were " one b'lionH "P .......Timber Co " " ." said-~ Johasou- • • . 'Tilefedlnlgovernmentwmlnotprlpuldtoestab.l~.a .Aihaxsl!~nUonmthatmoltomilmllueoffmxlso!!rc~.. ~ in ii~i~'foi:' the dollars. It has mlei~ P Ud. owns" and o~ratod ,WestPlaserwlil:imumi J. ledmilimlu~andnaoneelpecied"- " ...... ,~tm~:toMlut - .... d.own. will. - - happm" .because of the. tailing.,.... dumping." ~,,,~l,. "-~w.t "-~'-"11t.~-.... nnid every e~llntillient," but .deals uunnnill, hn- tl~i.t,m'~'d" o...... nmnallmmlt el Euroeans,- • : - : sl " l* ;;" " : " " ' " =' ' .... ~ • " " .- • ow,.~', -?~ -:.0~. r---- * " " " " 'Y~'~ ~ --'" "-'~' .'~" ~- ----~- . ']-7-- ~ - , .~.•........ -ol~n .ti~m, . snidRmmbloom,............... sowe~i~,.togoahead. H.. ..and when - we re sure,, the. food cha~.... ~ ~iaminated-, .... ~ " : Irlnsi' ~rod .its new mainiywdhthemarke.l~-. • • Bnt"ish .....Columbia ~ Its newlY created..iawmil]. J "' •' :withUM~lwl~IL': , : • ,' 's I,'<, ~ r• ': .• :.. sonleunl~wil]happen,• wanledGm..ll. " .... ' : '• i,i---n~ --;,, ,^ ~,,~,, aspects Of Canaalan..~...-,~£,~',i at, ,:c~llll dS~im~ltd~hine_lui~b0tlfi :7 L-'~:.{,'~S: ~:,.;,:,:~-,d:,,f..:: ' -- . ,:', #::g~£i'~/,<~,~, •., " .... ..:?it::, ,- -: ~ ,,.~-~;-:.',,',~.%~'.'~:',:~~ .'-.'-';., i., ;jlldllil~01RIhttclishll:h~d .,l~i!.!N$1-.-~l~. ~.~-.L~. ~ ..'-:i~e~.oillll~,ltelelil aiid projected - i~"~ '..," liB_• ". .... ..... .. : ~...'-~':-'.. _ •.... : .,..~.--_ .: ~::~ :~:~:-; ; ...._-~ .;-~.~,A -:~~~i~.!ibi;P~, ~ -gmip.of:Y-liVir~.Fbmlih li~,000,~0~,'Iti, currelily i,Wocaomablemouuoup,.able to build up,..~ ,4~| i.." II | _IA L-.-- .__ : .j.::.~~_~<i.j~-.~ '~: ::~ il i .,~:,i,, J-.-. " m~.-'A-di'~,Ir'J} <#~~' <~': "L / eorl)orations, "'wh0se ~-bnihlloll..a*""thenno: its _ . own saWmill li : ~IilllJ -II aR., IaSl l ..,Jq/]rl &li. ,, in.. dna,, .. ~ "..",,,mipi!i:[i:~ ] ,t~..p~/: :~ .,,~J ga i X _, lkIFtl with Oishowa,-mle ~ ,~i; ,':.m,=.iH:di~ii~,'~] - liilil I " II III~:' ~i = I s' ~li" ¢: h I 'Idl IF " * # i P # I i ' i ' ; " I : J # # 11: i " I : t : a : :; +" ~'i: " ' # ,a "~ I ~" i : "d'l" '': ' " I II ~MI~' "~-- --" IV~i : ml !l i~ ~ :: i !~-- W'~ -- ----':--' ---- :llll'~ k ' S# I -- ~ -- I i i |, ... ~,,-Zi='vel=tnatenab~me=l~romihesea: ' "Is,tsaret6~L=~keyes;'.:,~nL~ea. "We.ao,'t" erom a letler oi.m~tto Or~eiltio. Atme li~'ol~, ii J.~'~l=rgi:pmer:;smemtm..l~et~ee~.im-~. l:.i JlioesGamell. presnlontolflleNisllga~lYiba]CouncLI, told .knov~.,Buieldeilypeopleaire~ .... - .... proeeed..Lwith the .lheWest[~ase~sa]e,..El~** e~!nl~.lm?:.I~f. " ,,~......-~.'~ :. ~~....n~'m.~,..~.lmll~d ;~.m~dli01i.:in.annli ,sides,,!: ,,i. .... " !il - . uid.theNidi~; -- .; . ; -. .... v~re,;.. i~t• -: i~li~.~- to .stop • ,: voicing. o - :i . , : ,f.~ ~olidit, . ~mau; eet], taimeb .'~t." clim~, each ~ a .l~i.:'l~l. UtiO,, ~ut he added that i~im ," ~ ~ was re(e..rr~ to. T~ s~ out in the .whether or b0t their i0od would l~'i~ontslninated.;J"., ' BCTF ...... <;:*'referend, Um,: ii " ~uff~iCit~rommi~!~l!wecel°a-d~- W!hd0zem°(h°t He'iidihtlndlaosin Gniasy l~ainawere pd~ned by ? . • "." -. • -7" . , .: - : .... - . ", .~Weparediutbeho~ofthe~dem'dedtothe me~-and it took Japane~ exp~s.d lhe disease to .A ~ move ily•lhe llloid toto"~ol]ow "ioU0w up.lh~-Ul).lh,'- practicespraeiiet,' +~hiehl>,~hieh/, .t~e.the .~v~'~i~~".~inv~'Ml~m~~, %~''' - l!l ,,. ,, -. hul~~rou~h the nil~on dri~de by lhe'loo~0~ks; .Teachers: Federation of- ' ~ef..e~withemmelerm~de~mlm wilhsome form -toachersaccepted/:aSl.tonÙhers accepted- .as: It'a ig°ver°mentb°mls'!In government bo,,h, ~,i "Bid lear him ~ our people," G¢IneU:~eni 0o, mid rot:over the. true;: facts .....ol lle case. _;.:..i . i• ~ - : ...~:,~.~." I ' ~: " ~inted to know, ady balLfaceliouaiy, if the .o~u tasted "'We don't hev~ faith iii them," said G~neJl, keferrin~ to hold a pr0vlnee-wide .general strike-was"om ol,/,ildilglhedlspute; , bW-i~ldcmi!Wndtooi~. lel : " " " ~;~! " 1 1 Health and Welfare. He said lhat they were ~ Jo0k~ to R#ere~,,,, i=s. been seve.tadiOnss¢~,=~laL~mp~to pto~to ",:, ~e~i~ Imeben~ nave ~i~ im~epinkie investments.iavesi~e~, . ~11 •Tnilinlp ire already being dumpe¢i into ~ Arm by ~ World Heidlii0rgimilalionlo lisi ~ water and the Jp~tponed,. pending the fedÙfaUgh ieadenll~ . : ivoived in a msputo v~. .:+. .....+ Amax" and {he Nish~a are wailing'~fea~.k,, se~ what fish, and .de~ whether it would' he;" safe to eat outcome of a commission The provincial the provincial government :Toe federation wants'~ -~'.~.~l ~feet that wUl have on the salmoc run whleh s]~nid begin sochey~s, and indulge in.the futurein .hanqueis Karyested appointed to look. into the government
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