Sunday 13 September 2009

At The Derbyshire Hotel, South Normanton



Executive Committee

Tony Boynton [Chairman], Linda Matthews, Tony Wood.

Team Representatives: Altrincham Aardvarx, Army Air Corps Ice Hawks, Basingstoke Cougars, Black Bears, , Blackburn Falcons, Bracknell B52’s, Bracknell Blizzard, British Army Blades, Chelmsford Chargers, Cleveland Comets, Coventry Chaos, Coventry Chargers, Durham City Dragons, Flintshire Phantoms, Grimsby Lightning, Guildford Smoke, HMPS Tornadoes, Kingston Cobras, Medway Madness, Met Police, MK Hurricanes, MK Jesters, MK Rumble, Newcastle Coyotes, Newcastle Preditors, Knights, Eagles, Peterborough Phoenix, RAF Bluewings, RAF Cosford Stars, RAF Eastern Crusade, RN Destroyers, Sheffield Squeelers, Sheffield Vipers, Slough Satans, Slough Scorpions, Slough Tornadoes, Steel City Shoguns.

Opening Remarks

The Chairman opened the meeting by thanking everyone that attended and remarking that he was pleased at the large turn out.

Apologies from Solihull Wolves, Bristol Warriors, Whitley Wildcats, Solent Scorpions, Nationwide Knights and Steve Tysoe. Also, apologies from Ron Christison, John Freeman and Richie Clark from the Executive.

Acceptance of last years Minutes.

Mr Waugh of MK Jesters told the Chairman that there was a mistake in last years minutes regarding the ban for the third offence. After the amendment, it was proposed by Peterborough Eagles and seconded by Kingston Cobras that the minutes of the 2008 AGM were accepted.

Chairman’s Report

We are here to try to make it easy for you to play hockey, you are the ones who do all the running around for your teams. We have 84 teams, started 26 years ago when we had just 5 teams. Now we are close on 3000 Rec players, which is second in size to the juniors. Most of you do not know, I am a member of the Rink Managers Association, as their health and safety person. You are all doing things right. Running your teams, taking part in competitions and we would like to thank you for the efforts you are putting in - so give yourselves a pat on the back. He asked if anyone had read the IIHF rules, which states that recreational hockey is ‘non league’ hockey, which is why we have Cup Competitions. If a team set up a ‘league’ and the IIHF see it, you will have to pay £750 for an ITC card for every foreign national (not of English decent) on your team. The one thing we do that is against the IIHF, is checking hockey. There is an insurance claim currently going through, and the outcome may have an impact on us as to whether we continue with checking hockey or not. We have a very good framework and an excellent website. The Chairman thanked Tony Wood and Linda Matthews for their excellent work and asked for a vote of thanks for Linda’s work behind the scenes.

There was a question regarding whether checking hockey was played at the Sheffield Tournament. The Chairman confirmed that it was. He also suggested that the officials be notified if your game is a checking game.

Administrator’s Report

This year started rather more quietly than the previous year, largely due to losing the University Clubs from within the Section. The usual bottle-neck was avoided and the registrations were completed without any delays. Although there were some of the same problems as in previous years - insufficient postage being affixed to envelopes so having to pay considerable surcharges. The insistence of a minority of clubs sending two or three applications several times each week also slows down completion of registrations. Be aware that in the new period, only fully and correctly filled in application forms will be accepted, with acceptable photographs and correct fees. Please also be aware that registrations are not completed until monies have cleared your account. For on-line payments that is three to four days after the payments are made and are only active when the players name appears on your teams roster. Only players named on your roster may take part in any team activities, or play in arranged games. It has been brought to my attention that Rec insurance claims have been received by the provider on EIHA claim forms, thought to have been obtained from the EIHA website. I hold the supply of such forms and control the issue of them, as I need to be advised of any accidents or incidents which are likely to result in a claim being made as soon as possible after it occurs. (Ron will provide a claim form for completion). Please note, my email address has changed to [email protected], telephone number 0191 384 0886 remains unchanged.

Tony Wood clarified that Ron would accept new registrations for existing players from 1st September, but new players will not be processed until 1st October of any year.

There was a question from Eastern Crusades regarding an injury claim made on the 89th day. Action: TB stated he would get clarification on claims going through.

Question from Coventry Chaos reference registrations lost in post. Suggestion of sending registered post to Ron on certain days of the week. Action: TB to discuss with Ron

Question with reference to using registration cards and players turning up without it for a game. It was stated that there was no proof the player was registered, so rosters were introduced.

Question from Newcastle Coyotes regarding players not being registered and icing for the first time. Chairman explained that a player can be provisionally insured for two weeks; providing an Application Form is completed by the person and ID, Photos and Payment is provided. After two weeks player either registers (Team Management send Application and Funds to Ron) or the Form, ID, Photo and monies are returned.

There was a question regarding a team requiring a game report from officials which had not materialised. The Chairman stated that the EIHA main board tell us what we can do and if the chief referee would not give the report there is nothing that he could do about it.

Treasurers Report

Chairman stated that the EIHA fund our Section and we receive monies from them. Our starting balance at Sept 2008 was £901.20, with the closing balance at Sept 2009 being £1072.60. Monies in being four 4 new teams and the Recfest entrance fees. Debits were expenses for the Executive and the internet providers.

Re-election of Officers

The Chairman stated that Rec is the only Section that elect its officials. This year Tony Boynton and Linda Matthews were up for re-election.

It was carried unanimously that both Tony Boynton and Linda Matthews be re-elected for a further three years.

Service Teams

The Chairman stated that in the past a player signed for the British Army Blades team, and players were filtered into the various army teams from that Roster of players. This was to help them in the initial set up process where players were being recruited from throughout the Country but were still in active duty so could be transferred or sent away at short notice.

It was suggested that, if any team is putting together a competition and one of the teams is a service team, you need a list of all the players of the service team at the beginning of the competition.

It was suggested that each Services Section (Army, Navy, RAF) should register their players under each Service, and then sub divide internally into local teams. Thus allowing players to be brought in from other areas should numbers be short due to posting, as the players would still be on a Roster.

Action: TB is to have a discussion with the representatives of the Services teams.

Child Protection

The Chairman told the meeting that unfortunately Charles Dacres was unable to attend the meeting, but had spoken to him earlier. The Chairman went on to say that having an U18 in your club gives you major issues.

Some mandatory points were highlighted;

A level 2 and level 1 coach must be at every practice Both teams at Games must have a level 2 and level 1 coach All coaches must be CRB Checked Teams must have access to a child protection officer Teams must have their own child protection policy [approved by EIHA] in place.

If an U18 joins your team he must know who he can go to formally if something happens that he/she is not happy with. The rest of team should also be informed of the CP Requirements if the club intend to allow U18’s to join

If entering a competition, you need to check if U18’s are allowed to play.

If anyone has any questions or require further information or guidance they are to get in touch with Charles. Details are on the EIHA website.

Kevin from MK Jesters asked if U18 officials were assigned to a game. Chairman stated that Mr Ashraff has a child protection policy in place and he tries not to assign U18’s as the referee. Action: TB to get CD’s presentation/report and pass to TW to post on Website

The Chairman explained that any team can print off a Roster for any other team. If either team turns up without their roster, the penalty for not bringing a Roster to a Game is that the offending team has an automatic five minute penalty at the start of the game. Action: TB Officials are to be informed of this.

A question was asked about playing unregistered teams. The Chairman stated that if you play an unregistered team then your teams insurance is invalid. Also, if the Rink Management find out about it, their insurance is also invalid. If a team organises an unofficial league and is found out, their registrations could be suspended.

Game Sheets

Tony Wood explained that sending game sheets to him made him aware of any major penalties where disciplinary action was needed. When Tony receives the game sheet he checks for illegal players and match suspensions etc. If the game sheets are not received, then players who should be suspended will still show as being able to play. Plus, if a team has players on suspension and Tony does not receive the sheets, then the game would not be able to count as a game missed by the suspended player.

Tony hopes to have a system, within the next 12 months, on the website where game sheets can be scanned directly onto website.

To enforce the policy already detailed within the Handbook, a strategy has been put in place to police the fairness of the system. If a Game Sheet & Roster is not received, the team would first get a warning. Should the team still not send in their Game Sheet and Rosters a £5 fine will be levied. Any subsequent offences will incur a £10 fine per missing Sheet/Rosters

Tony Boynton confirmed that a player can register for up to three teams, and that Rosters should be regularly checked for errors or up to date registrations prior to games by team Managers/Game Coordinators

MK Jesters asked about game sheets being posted but not received by Tony Wood. Tony advised it happens only very rarely, but suggested keeping a copy and forwarding that to him. There is also the option to Scan and email or Fax sheets and Rosters

Blackburn Buccanners asked if the onus was on the home team to send in the game sheets. Tony Wood said that it was, as detailed in the Handbook

Tony Wood also stated that this year there is to be a web page listing all the EIHA Approved Tournaments and Cup Competitions. It will state who is running the competition/tournament, what it is called, teams involved and their rules. This will publicise the competition and hopefully attract more interest. Tony Boynton needs to ok the tournaments/competitions beforehand, so you need to email him the details outlined above for approval before the Competition begins.

There was a request from Milton Keynes Jesters to outline the procedure for discipline. The Chairman explained that if a player receives discipline for match penalties, the Officials report goes to Mr Ashraff who sends it to Tony Wood. Tony W then deals with what discipline is required, if necessary, with discussion with other people. Chairman stated he has no involvement with this procedure. Tony Wood makes decision and the Chairman gets copy of suspension. If a lengthy ban is given, only the club can appeal on the decision, not the player involved. If a team wishes to appeal; the Club contact the Chairman, who follows the procedure to get the match report. As it stands at the moment, the appeal may cost the club up to £250, which we have never had to enforce. If the appeal goes to the EIHA board it will cost £250.

There was a comment about everything being down to poor coaching and poor refereeing. The Chairman stated that only 23 games were not covered by officials this season. We have gotten rid of the goons on the ice, everyone just wants to play hockey. He asked for a show of hands of who wanted to be a referee – there were four hands raised – he went to on say he could get players onto a level 1 course for free but all players want to do is play hockey.

The Chairman explained that there were not enough officials to cover junior or senior games as well as Rec hockey, plus Rec hockey has a lot of late face off times. There are 134 officials who can officiate on Rec games but only 42 prepared to do them mostly because of the late face off times.

Cross Team/Section Training – Basingstoke Cougars, Karl B-S, RAF Eastern Crusade.

The Chairman announced that any player registered within the EIHA aged over 16; provided the recommended coaches are in place, can train with any EIHA team with the permission of both managers as the insurances are now compatible.

A question was asked to the Chairman re a claim submitted to Ron where a Rec player was training with another Rec team and injured and Ron had stated that the insurance claim was held up as Ron was not aware of this fact. Action: TB to find out where this claim has progressed to

A Representative from Nottingham Knights raised the issue that a couple of players from a Uni team want to play for the Knights. Uni players may join the Rec Section but must follow the Application procedure which will be treated as a 1st Team Registration.

A question was brought up with reference to a player asking to train with another team, Tony Wood explained that every teams roster can be viewed on the website to make sure the player is registered.

Insurance Information – Flintshire Phantoms, MK Jesters.

The Chairman spoke about emergency dental treatment, £500. It is for emergency treatment only and not for the £4,000 - £6,000 claims which had been received but were not covered. Incapacity, after first week is £30 per week. The insurance is mainly for third party liability where someone is seriously injured.

Multiple Team registrations – Ken Clarke, Peterborough Eagles

Mr Clarke suggestion was that a player can only register for two teams, not three, and the first team has to give permission to play for the second team.

Mr Clarke put to the floor the suggestion that a player could only register for two teams instead of three as now. He explained that only a few players registered with Eagles would travel to an away game ,with the majority who are registered with another team would turn up for home games.

The Chairman replied that we cannot restrict a player to only play for two teams but a team could state this in their clubs constitution. He went on to say it was ‘restriction of freedom for people’ The Chairman had spoken to the Institute of Sport regarding this matter and had been told that you cannot stop people playing, its sport for all.

It was proposed that a player could only register for two teams, not three, and the first team has to give permission for the player to play in the second team.

Proposal that a player registers only for two teams, not three - Proposed by Peterborough Eagles, no seconder.

Proposed that if there is a conflict of games, there must be permission from the manager of the first team he is registered for to play for the second team - Proposed by Peterborough Eagles, seconded by Chelmsford Chargers. Only two for. Motion defeated.

Before the vote, the representative from MK Jesters stated that all new players were given a copy of their clubs constitution; which states that Jesters had exclusive call on their game plan.

Game day rosters – Tony Lawrence – Solent Scorpions

The Chairman stated that the job of scrutinising the away teams roster us now the responsibility of the Team Manager. Representative stated that many visiting teams did not bringing their roster and she would like the official to take heed of the five minute penalty. Action: TB to take this back to the officials.

Note: 2007 Minutes. 8.5 “The Chairman also advised that if a team arrives to a game without a roster, the referee will assign the team a five minute major penalty at the start of the game and the game will automatically become a non-checking game. It was noted that this rule was actually proposed by the referees and therefore would be passed down to them”

Registration – Flintshire Phantoms.

Flintshire had stated that they would like submit the motion to the AGM to consider a 12 month rolling registration period. The insurance company had said ‘no’. The insurance company stated they needed a cut off date. The Chairman announced that all the clubs present at the AGM will pay £40 each registration, teams that did not turn up pay £45 each. Anyone who joins after 1 March 2010 will pay £40 registration.

For members of the teams that did not turn up paying the extra £5 each, means that there will be a surplus of funds. One suggestion for what to do with the extra funds, is to run free coaching courses in the north and south. If funds available, to run referee courses north and south. The Chairman asked the floor for their comments. Suggestion of a specialist coaching day on a particular subject. Other suggestion that the registration fee be reduced with the EIHA paying part of the fee; but this, as the Chairman pointed out, would benefit those teams that did not attend. Question was asked from the floor about players wanting to register July/August time and having to pay the full registration cost. Action TB: Chairman to look into this

General Discussions

In house rules and referees rules. The Chairman stated that this would be on our website within the week. He went through a few of the new rule changes.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting which finished at 3.25pm.