THE Inman Park Advocator Atlanta’s Small Town Downtown News • Newsletter of the Inman Park Neighborhood Association June 2014
[email protected] • • 245 North Highland Avenue NE • Suite 230-401 • Atlanta 30307 Volume 42 • Issue 6 President’s Message With Gratitude BY DENNIS MOBLEY •
[email protected] I know it’s not Thanksgiving, but I wish nonetheless to use this initial President’s Message to express my thanks for a number of things as I embark on my two-year term. First, I wish to thank my friend and predecessor Andy Coffman for the opportunity to retaliate for his portrait in the April issue of the Advocator, showing off all of his Georgia Half Marathon medals. I was in fact by his side every step of the way in all of those races! Second, and on a more serious note, I wish to thank him for believing me capable of following in his presidential footsteps. In fact, I will make every effort to keep him involved so that I and my Board colleagues can benefit from his wisdom and experience during our tenure. Given that this article was written in the aftermath of yet-another successful Inman Park Festival, with glorious and well-deserved sunny weather, I wish to thank the Festival Committee on which I remain, and the more than 900 volunteers who each year help us all pull off a very complicated and wondrous event. Thanks, too, to the vendors, artists, musicians, beer purveyors, and Home Tour families who make this an event that annually attracts people by the tens of thousands from miles around.