THE material of war h undergone greater changes in the past thirty years than in the previous hundreds of years since the intrciduction of . The weapons of attack and defense have become more numerous, more complicated, aad vastly more &cimt. The appurhmnca to their w are more elaborate. The micnce of gunnery constantly requires of the officer greater knowledge and higher atbiments, that he may thoroughly understand the powerful rsnd important inatmenb that are put under hi control and be prep& Go obtain from them, in time of need, their full effect. I have attempted in this text to set before the Cadets of the Mitary Academy the subjects of Ordnance and Gunnery in such manner as to give to the Wets a thorough appreciation of the fundamental principles that underlie the mmtmction and effective use of the instruments of WLI, and ~uchpractical knowledge of the material, of today as should be pmmd by every arrny officer. The purpose held in view in the preparation of the text has been to present, in order, the theories tht apply in the we of explmives and in the construction of Ordnmce material, the methods pmued in the construction of the material, dwriptiom of the material, and the principles of its use. The applications of the theoretical deductions to the investi- gation of the action of and other explosives and to the construction and use of Ordnance material, are extensively illushkd by problem fully worked out in the text; the idea being that these solutions, in addition to making. evident to the student the practical use of the theories, will serve guidm i~ so!utions of similar problems encountered in practice. Y vi PREFACE. ?Then the theoretical deductions are,applicable to other than ordnmce conAructions other problems inserted in the text indicate their more extended field. In the chapter on interior ballistics, which is taken princi- pally from the writings of Colonel James M. hgdls, United States Army, the deduction and application of Palond Tngaih' latest interior formulas %re fully set forbh. The determina- tions From these formulas have been fo~rndin practice to be more closely in accord with t.he actual results obtained in firings, than determinations from any ballistic formulas hithem in usc. In the chapter on explosivm the theoretical determination of the mu1h from explosions, including the quantiv of hat, the volume of the gases, the temperature, the pressure, etc., is ex- plained and illUstmted by exampIea. This demonstration bas not hitherto been available in English. A simplication has been intduced, by the author of the text, into the gun mnstruetion formulas of Ckvmino. The gim- plification materially shortens these extended formuIaa and reduces the labor required in their application. Thc graphic system of repmenth the pmssures and shrink- ages in , devised by Lieut. Commander Louis M. Nultoa, - United States Navy, is dm explained in rmmection with the deduction and application of the formulas of gun construction. The graphic s@m is a material help toward a ready understand- ing of thc subject. In the subject of exterior ballistics sufficient problems are introducd and fully worked out to illustp~,tethe pmcessea fol- lowed in the solutions of the principal problems of gunnery. This course has been adopted with the purpose of removing -t;o a lqe extent the difficulties mually encountered in the prmtical appli- * , cation of the .formuha of exterior balli;tiics. An appendix to the chapter oa exterior W~sticscontains the deduction of the author" ffomulas for double interpolation. The formulas are more accurate and more convenient in appEcs cation than the interpolation fonnzilas previously in use. Explan- ation of the use of the ballistic tab1e.s to which the interpolation fomulm apply, follows the deduction of the Formulas. The chapter on amor contains information rta to the general PREFACE. vii

arrangement and thickness of the armor on ships of war, the expected targets of the heavy . A chapter on submine mines, torpedos, and submarine torpedo boats concludes the text. Acknowledgment is due for much assistance obtrtind from the text-book on Ordmnce and Gunnery, by Captain L. L. Bruff, Ordnance Depirtment, that hI&s been in use at the Military Academy for the past eleven years. The plan of that work has been largely followed, many of its illustrations appear in this volume, and assistance has, been derived from ib text throughout. I desire to expm my indebtedness to Captain Edward P. O'Rern, Ordnance Department, Principal Assistant in the Deparb ment of Ordnance and Gunneryl whose valuable suggestions and helpful criticism have been of marked benefit to the Gext. Lieu- tenants En&, Bryant, and Selfridge, Artillery Corps, Assistant Instructors of the Department, have dm, by their ~uggestions, added to the vtblue of the text. I desire, too, to thank !Sergeant, Carl A. Schopper, of the West Point Ordnance ~ehchrnent. The illustrations in the text are the products of his skill as a draftsman, of his knowledge of the dushative arts, and of his unremitting labor. ORMONDM. LISSAK. WEST POINT,May 24, 1907. Blank hge viii of Original CONTENTS.

CHAPTER I. PAGE Gunpowders ...... 1 Definitions, 1. I3s&ry, 2. Chad powders, 4. Smokeless pow- dem, 5. Gunwon, 6. Nitroglycerine maU-am powder, 7. Manu- facture of nitrocellullox powder, 0. Other smokelees powders, 10. Proof of powders, 11. Advantap of smokeleae powder, 12. Pow- der charges, 14. Blank ch-* 15. Cornurnow OF POWDERUNDER CONBT~PRE~~WE, 16. Constants of form of pwder ga,ina, 18. Emision of gas by gmim of different forms, 24. Gomideratiom as to best form of grain, 27. Vm~oneDE~ER~~NATION~, 28. The number of grab in s pound, 28. The dimemions of irregular gminm, 28. Cornparkon of Burfacea, 28. Density of gunpowder, 29. r

Measurement of Velocities and Pressures...... 32 Measurement of velmityj 32. Ie hule@ chronographj 32. Measure- ment of very d intervals of time, 40. Schultz chronoscope, 41, Sebert velocimeter, 42. Methd of measuring interior velocities, A?. Memment of pmmw, 44. Initial compression, 46. Small-arm pmbarrel, 45. The micrometer caliper, 46. Dynamic methd, of m&ng pre-s, 46. Comparison of the tm methoda, 47.

CHAPTER 111. Interior Ballistics...... 49 Scope, 49. Investigations, 49. Gmvimetric density of powder, 62. Denaitg. of loading, 53. Redud length of powder chamber, 56. Reduced length of initial air &pace, 5.5. Aurblem, 56. PROPERTIEBOF PEFWEW GASES, 57. IIIariotte's law, 57. Gay L-'s law, 58. Chamteri&ic equation of the wow hate, 58. hob- hm,60. Thermal unit, 61. S~ificbeat, 62. Relations htween heat and work in the expamion of v,63. Imthermal expamion, 65. Adiabatic expamion, 65. NOBLEAND ABEL'BEXPEmmm, 67. Apparatw 67. Rid& of the experiments, 68. Wtion between prem and dellgitp of load- ix CONTENTS.

ing, 69. Temperature of explosion, 70. ReIatiom between volume and preasuro in the gun, 71. Theoretical work of gunpowder, 73. FomsFOR V~tocrrrmAND PRESSUZWIN THE GUN, 74. Prin- ciple of the cewlume, 75. Differential equation of the motion of a ptojectife in a gun, 76. Dissociation of gaaea, 78. Ingall's forrnulaq 79. Combustion under vatiahle pressure, 82. Velocity of the pm- j&tile while the powder is burning, 85. Velocity after the powder is burned, 85. Rrewureq 87. Yalua of the constants in the eqm tiom, 90. The force coefficient, 93. Values of the X functions, 94. Interpolation, using aeeond difference% 95. Characteristics of a powder, 97. ~PL~CATIONOF THPI FoRMUIA~, 97. D~~A'PIo+FROM MF&~BD ZNTICRXO~ -EB, 102. PI-& lem 1, 102. Pmbh 2, 113. The action of different powdem, 117. Quick and dow powders, 120. Effects of the powder on the design of a gun, 121. X)ETERMINATIONB FROM A MWURED MUZZLEVE~ AXD MAXIMUM PRE~~~JRE,122. Problem 3, 122. The force dcient, 131. hob Eem 4, 132. TABLEOF UNITEDSTATFA ARMY CANNON,135.

CHAPTER IV. Explosives...... 130 Effects of explosion, 136. Orders of exphion, 137. Vielle'a cW- cation of nitrocellul- 138. Conditiom that influence explosion! 139. Uwof different explmivm, 140. Bursting charp in projec- tiles, 141. Exploders, 143. Explosion by influence, 144. THEO~ICALDETERMINATION OF THE RFB~~FROM EXPL~IONB, 145. Specific be& of gases, 145. Speeific volumas of gmea, 146. CIasei- fication of gw~,147. Quantity of heat, 147. IIeats of formation, 148. Quantity of heat at constant pressure, 149. Quantity of heat at constant volume, 151. Potential, 154. Volume of em, 154. Temperature of explosion, 155. Pressure in a, closed chamber, 157. Complete ddation of the effects af explosion, 161.

CHAPTER V. Metals Used in Ordnance Constmdion...... 163 Strew and strain, 103. Physical qunlitias of metals, 163. Strength of metala, 164, Testing machine, 166. Copper, brass, bronze, 167. Iron and steel, 167. Hardening and tempering steel, 169. hal- ing, 174. Urn, 176. Gun -1, 175. MANUFAC~~REOF STEEL FORQINQSMR GUNS, 176. Open hearth prooess, 176. Other processeB, 180. Canting, 180. Defects in in- go@ 181. Whitworth's process of fluid compMon, 181. P- after casting, 183. Strength of parte of the gun, 187. CONTENTS.

CHAPTER VT. Guns ...... lsa

E~hm~ENGTR OF GUNS* 188. The elasticity of metals, 188, Roake'~law, 188. Equatiom of relation between dreas and stmin, 190. Problem, 190. Stresses and stmh in a closed cylinder, 191. Lam& laws, 192. Basic principle of gun construction, 195. Sim- plification of the formulas of gun construction. 196. Stresses in a Rimplc cylinder* 198. Limiting interior prcmres, 202. Graphic

representation, 204. ' Limiting exterior pressure, 205- Thickness of cylinder, 206. hngitudinal Btrength, '208. Problem, 207. Com- pound cylinder, Built-up guns, 208. System mmpomd of two cylinders, 209. Application of form& to outer cylinder^, 210. Ry&m in action, 212. System at rest, 213. Graphic representa- tion, 215. Shrinkage, 217. Radial compression of the tube, 219. Pmribed ahrinkage, 220. Application of the formulas, 220. Bobr bms, 222. Curves of strw in section, 227. Systems composcd of three and four cylinders, 228. Minimum number of cylinders for maximum resistance, DO. Graphic construction, three cylinders, 230. Wire wound $urn, 234. Coru~mcrro~or Gm, 236. General eharacteristitics, 236. Opm- tiorm in manufacture, 239. Gun Iatjhe, 240. Boring and turning mill, 241. Ammbling, 242. Rifling the bore, 244. v MEASUR~,NTS,345. Necessity of accurate memurements, 245, Ver- nier caliper, 245. Measuring points, 246. The star gage, 247. Calipers, 248. Standard comparator, 249. RIFLTNO,250. Twi&, 250. Increasing twist, 251. Equation of the developed curvc of the rifling, 251. Problem, 252. Service rifling, 254. BREWAM~ANISM, 255. General, chamcteriatim, 255. Slatted ecrew breech mechanism, 256. Bofors breech mechanism, 258. The Welin breech block, 259. Obturation, 260. The De Bmge obtura tor, 200. The Frcy~eobturator, 262. Firing rneahaniam, 263. Mid- ing wedge breech mechanism, 265. Older form8 of breech mechan- im, 286. 12-inch rnostar breech mechanism, 268. Automatic and wmi-automatic breech mechani~ms,268.

CHAPTER vIr. Recoil and Recoil Brakes...... 274 St~son the p carriage, 214. Velocity of free recoil, 214. Deter- mination of thn circumstmccs of free recoil, 276. Retarded moil, 279. Recoil brakes, 280. Hydraulic brake with variable orifice, 281. Totar. reaintance to recoil, 281. Values of the total and partial rcsistsnoes, and velocities of recoil, 2%- Mtmm of the hy- draulic brake, Pmure in the cylinder, 286. Relation between the pmure, mrt of orifice, and velocity of recoil, 288. Brake with variable pressure, 288. Constant pmwure, 288. Brake with con- xii CONTENTS.

Rtmt pressure, 289. Pdle of the throttling bar, 290. Neglected mhocs, 291. RecoiI ~Bternof mast mrrisga, 291. Modi- fication of mi system, 293. Wheeled carringes, Recoil, 294, of a field carriage, 300. 3-inch field carriage recoil mrn, 301. hi1gystem of other carriagee, 3Q3.


Artillery of the United States Land Service ...... 304 Mobile artillery, 304. Advantages of recent earriagea, 306. The mountain gun, 307. Field artillery, 310. The 3inch field gun, 311. Field howitzers and mortar^, 3 19. Siege artillery, 320. The 4.7-inch siege gun, 321. The 6-inch aiege howitmr, 324. Siege artillery in present service, 330. Semartillery, 332. Sea& gum, 383. mast gun mounts, 333. Pedestal mom@ 335. The balanced pillar mount, 337. 3arbette &-a for the 1qr guns, 339. Disapparing caminpa, 341. 12-inch disappeaFing &age, model 1901, 342. Modification of the recoil system, 346. 6-inch experi- mental disappearing carriage, model 1905, 346. Seacoast mortar4 ,349. Tkc 12-inch mortar carriage, mode1 1896, 350. The 12-inch mortar carriage, model 1891, 352. Subcaliber tuba, 363. Drill cartridges, projectilea, and pwder charges, 355.

CHAPTER IX. Extexior Ballistics ...... 357 X)efinitions, 357. The m0tion.d an oblong projede, 358. Deter- mination of the resistance of the air, 360. Mayev~ki'~formulas for &stance of the air, 362. Traj&.org in air, Ballistic fomulaa, 363. The bdltstic duent, 367. The functions, 368. Formulas for the whole range, 370. The ballidtic dnments, 371. The rigidity of the trajectory, 371. Secondary functions, 372. Balliptic tables, 375. E&rior ballistic fomulas, 376. Interpolation in Table 11, Double interpolation formulas, 378. The solution of problems, 380. Frob- lam, 381. Correction for altitude, 383. The effect of wid, 387. Tbe danger spa, 392. Method of double position, 393. The danger range, 396. Curved fire, 398. High mgle fire, 401. Wcula- tion of the coeficient of reduction, 410. Perforation of armor, 411. Ilanm tabke8, 412. Curvature of the earth, 413. Aocu&cv AND PROBABILITYOF FIRE, 413. Accu~~~,413. Frob- ability of &, 415. Probability me,417. Probable zonm and rectangles, 420. Probability of hitting any area, 420. Aflmnrx. THEUW OF TABW11, INGALL'SBALLISTIC TABLEB...... 421 Mription of Table 11, 421. Deduction of formulas for double inter- polation, 422. Double interpolation formulas, 425. Double inter- polation in simple tablea, 426. TJse of the for mu^, 427, CONTENTS. xiii

Old forms of projectila, 438. Modem projectiles, 440. Form of pro- jectile, 442. Canister, 443. Shrapnel, 444. The bursting of ahrap net, 446. Shot and ahell, 448. Armor piercing projectilm 449. Action of the cap, 451. hkpiercing and torpedo shell, 454. Latest form of base of shell, 454. Shell tracers, 454. Hand grenade%455. Volumes of ogival projectilea, 455. Weights of projectiles, 456. Thicknem of walls, 456. Sectid density of projectiles, 458. ~~ANUFA~~E.OF PRCMECTTEES, 460. Cast projectiles8,460. Chilled projectiles, 461. Forged projectiles, 461. Requirements in manu- facture, 482. Inspection of projectiles, 462. BalIisLitic tests, 464. The painting of projectiles, 464.

CHAPTER XI. Armor ...... JBB History, 466. Harvey and Krupp armor, 467. Mmllfmtum of armor: 467. Armor bow 469. Ballistic test of armor, 471. Characteriatio perfomtioras, 471. Armor protection oE ship, 472. Chilled castriron atmor, 475. Gun shields, 475. Field gun shields, 476.

CHAPTER XII. Primers and Fuses for Cannon...... 4X Common friction primer, 477. The ~wimcombination primer, 478, Other friction and electric primem, 481. Percussion primers, 481, 20-grain saluting primer, 483. 110-grrtin electric primer, 484. Com- bination electric and percwion primer, 484. Igniting primers, 484. Insertion of primers in cartridge cases, 485. Fwrs, 486. Percussion fuse, 486. Point pereu~ionfuse, 487. Base ' percussion fuses, 489. Combination time and percussion fuse& 492. Service oombination fuse, 492. Combination fuse, old pattern, 495. Ehrhardt combination fuae, 497. Detonating fmes, 488. The fuse setter, 489. Arming reaistnne of fuse plungew, 501. Prnbbn~,WlI.


Principle and methods* 505. Graduation of rear sights, 506. Cow tion for drift, 507. Comtion for inclination of site, 507. Bights for mobile artille'ry, 509. The adjustable or tangent sight, 509. The panoramic sight, 512. The range quadrant, 51 4, 'Telescupic sights, 517. Telmopic sight, model 1904, 517. Telescopic fight, model. 1898, 520. The power and field of view of Clempes, 522. Aiming ,mortars, 522. The gunner" qusdmnt, 523. xiv CONTENTS.

CHAPTER XIV. Range and Position Finding...... 525 Range finders, 525. DepreFsion range findem, 526. Ssaq depres- sion rarlge and position finder, 526. The plotting room, 527. Field range anrl position finding, 528. The Veldon rang finder, 528. The battery commander's telescope, 531. The battery commander'^ ruler, 532. Plotting board for mobile artiElery, 537. Other range findem, 538. The Rerdan rang finder, 538. The Rarr and Stmud range finder, 538. The Le BoulengE telemeter, 540.


Small Arms and their Ammunition ...... 541 %mice small arms, 541. The 38-caliber revolve, 541. The Colt auto- matic pistol, 544. Modern rniIitasy rifles, 546. Requirements, 547. Lifc of the rifle. Erosion, 549. The 1:. 8, mqazine rifle, mode1 1903, 550. Appendages, 554. Deviation. Drift, 555. The 22-caliber @- lqpractice rifle, 556. AMMWITIONFOR TAP: 30-CAWRRRMAGAZINE RTFTdE, 556. The ball cartridge, 556. Bullets, 559. The Blank cartridge, 560. The dummy cartridge, 561. The guard cartridge, 581. Proof or ammu- nition, 562.

CmITTER XVI. Machine Gas ...... 584 firvice machine guns, 564. The Gatling rnwhine gun, 565. The Maxim aubmatic machine gun, 569. The Xaxim one-pounder auto- matic gun, 574. The CoIt automatic machine gun, 575.

CHAPTER. XYII. Submarine Nines and Torpedoes. Submarine Torpedo Boats. . 576

SUBMARINEWNES AND WAF~OES, 576. History, 576. Confederate mincq 578. Spanish mechanica1 mine, 580. Electric mines, 581. Buoyant mines, 581. Ground mines, 682. The explosive, 582. The charge, 5M. Defensive mine pynterns, 583. Countermining, 585. The removal of minrs, 5% Mobile and automobile torpcdocs, 58&. The Sims-Edison torpedo, 586. The Whitehead torpedo, 586. The Bliaa-Zeavitt torpedo, 5s. The IIowell torpedo, 5S0. SURWAR~NETORPEDO BOAW, 590. The HolImd submarine torpedo boat, 591. The Lake submarine torpedo boat, 592. TABLES.

Table I Loah~fiff~rsOF THE X Fmcmo~ls...... 596 . *' Table IT . OF FORUT~ONOF SUBBTANCEB...... 599 Table 111. SPECI~C&ATS OF SUBSTANCES...... 601 Table IV . Dmsma AND MOLECULAR VOLUYES OF SUBSTANCEB...... 6OZ Table V . ATOMICWEIQ~ITS ...... 603 (Barnetera Exaggerated.) ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.



I. DeMtions.-Explosion, in a general sense, may be defined as a sudden and violent increase in the volume of a substance. In a chemical sense, explosion is the extremely rapid conversion of a solid or a liquid to the gaseow state, or the instantmeou< combination of two or more gases accompanied by increase of volume. Chernicd explosion is always accompanied by great heat. An explosion due to physical causcs done, as when a gas under compression is suddenly released and allowed to expand, causes cold. The expiosion of gunpowder may be divided into three parts : ignition, inflammation, and combustion. Ignition is the setting on fire of a part of the gain or ehargc. Gunpowder is ignited by heat, which nlay be produced by electricity, by conkct with an ignited body, by friction, shock, or by chemical reagents. An ordinary flame, owing k its slight density, will not ignite powder readily. Thc time necessary for ignition will vary with the condition of thc powder. Thus damp powdcr ignites less easily than dry; a smooth grain less easily than a rough onc; s dense grain less easily than a light one. 2 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.

Powdm charges in gum are ignit.ed by primers, which are fired by electricity, by friction, or by percussion. Inflammth is the spread of the ignition from point to point ,of the grain, or from grain to grain of the charge. With mdl grain powdm thc spas between t.he grsins are smdl, and the time of idammation ia large ad^ compared with the time of combustion of a, gain; but with modern large gain powdcrs the facilities for the spread of ignition and the time of burning of the pain me so great that the whole charge is supposcd to be inflamed at the same instant, and the time of inflammation is not considered. Cmbusfiolz is the burning of the inflamed grain from the sur- face of ignition inward or outward or both, according to the form of the grain. Experiment shows that powder burns in the air according to

the following laws ;' 1. In parallel layers, with dormvelocity, the velocity hing ind.ipendent of the cross section burning. 2. The velocity of combustion varies inversely with the density of the powder. When a charge of powder is ignited in a gun inflammation of the whole charge is rapidly completed. The gases evolved from the burning grains accumulate behind the projectile until the pressure they exert is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the projectile to motion, The accumulated grases, augmented by those formed by the continued burning of the charge, expand into the space left behind the projectile as it moves through the bore, exerting a continual pressure on the projectile and increasing its velocity until it leaves the mwzle. History.-The Chinese are said to have employed an explcr- sive mixture, very similar to gunpowder, in rockets and other pptechy M early aa the seventh century. The earlie& record of the use in actual war of the mixture of charcoal, niter, and sulphur called gunpowder, dates &k to the fourteenth century. Its use in war became general at tlie begin- ning of the sixteenth century. Until the end of the sixteenth century it wtas used in the fom of fme powder or dust. To over- come the difftculty experienced in loadiig small arm~from .the muzzle with powder in this form, the powder wa~lat the end of ' thc sixteenth century given a granular form. With the same end in view attempte at breech loading were made; but without success, as no effective g$s check, which would prevent the escape of the powder gases to the rear, was devised. No marked improvement was made in gunpowder until 1860, when General Rodman, of the Ordnance Department, U.8. Army, discovered the principle of progressive combustion of powder, and that the rate of combustion, and comequently the prmre exerted in the gun, could be controlled by compresing the hegrained powder prePious1y wd into larger grains of greater density. The rate or velocity of combustion was found to diminish aa the density of the powder incre+wed. The increase in size of grain diminished the surface idamed, and the -eased demitf diminished the rate of combustion, so that, in the new form, the powder evolved less gas in the first instants of combustion, and the evoEution of gas continued as the projectile moved through

, the bore. By these means higher muzzle velocities were attained with lower maximum pressures. To obtain a progre~ively increasing surface of combustion General Rodman prop& the perforated grain, and the prismatic form as the most convenient for building into charges. As a rksult of his investigations powder was thereafter made in grains of size suitable to the gmfor which intended, smdl grained powder for guns of small caliber, and large grained powder for the larger guns. The powders of regu- 1m granulation, such as the-cubical, hexagonal, and sphem-hex- &god, came into use, and finally for larger guns the prismatic powder in the form of perforartea hexagonal prisms. A further control of the velocity of combustion of powder was obbbed in 1880 by the substitution of an underburnt char- coal for the bhkchmcoal previously used. The resulting powder, called brmor eom powder from its appmrmce, burned more 4 ORDNANCE AND QUNNERY. dowly than tne black powder, and wholly replaced that powder in the larger guns. .A still further advance in the improvement of powder was brought about in 1886 by the introduction of smokeless powders. These powders are chemical mmpounds, and not mechanical mix- tures like the charcoaI powders; they burn more slowly than the

chcoal powders, and produce practically no smoke. Smokeleas powders have now almost wholly replaced blmk and brown pow- ders for charges in guns. Blmk powder is used in fuses, primers, ~bnd igniters, in saluting, chargea, and MI hexagonal powder in the smaller charges for seacoast mortars. a. Charcod Powders.-Commm~o~.-Black gunpowder is a mechanical mixture of niter, charcoal, and sulphur, in the proportions of 75 parts niter, 15 charcoal, and 10 sulphur. The niter furnishes the oxygen to burn the charcoal and sd- phur,. The charcoal furnishes the carbon, and the sulphur gives demty to the grain and lowers its point of ignition. The distinguishing characteristic 'of charcoal is its color, being brown when prepared at a temperature up to 280°, from this to 34P red, and beyond 340' black. Brown powder contains a larger percentage of niter than bkk powder, and a smaller percentage of sulphur. A smdl percentqe of some carbohydrate, aucli as sugar, is ahadded. Its color is due to the underburat charcoal. Mmm~m~.-Theingredients, purified and heIy pulver- ized, me intimately mixed in a wheel mi11 under heavy iron rollers. The mixture is next subjected to high pressure in a hydraulic press. The cake from the press is broken up into grains by rollers, and the grains are rumbled in wooden barrels $a glaze and give uniform density to their surfaces. The powder is then dried in a current of warm dry air, and the dust removed. The powder is thoroughly blended to overcome as far as possible irregularities in manufacture, For powders of regular granulation the mixture from the wheel miU was broken up and premed between die plates con- structed to give the desired shape to the grains. Prismatic powder was made by reducing the miI1 cake to powder and press- ing it into the required form. Smokeless Powders.-There are twa clmses of smokeless powders used in our service: nitroglycerine powder in ~ma1E arms, and nitrocellulose powder in cmnon. They are both made from guncotton, td which is added for the small-arm powd& about 30 per cent by weight of nitroglycerine. COYPARINN OF N~OGLY~RINEAKD NITROCELLULOSE POW- m~s.--The temperature of explosion of nitroglycerine powder is higher than that of nitrocellulose powder. As the erosion of the metal of the bare of the gun is found to increase with the tem- perature of the gases, greater erosion follows the use of nitro- glycerine powder. 'fhe endurance, or life, of a, modern gun is dependent on the condition of the bore, and on account of the great cost of cannon erosion becomes a more serious defect in cannon than in mall arms. On this account, therefore, nitrl~ cellulose powder is more suitable than nitroglycerine powder for camlon. To produce a given velocity a larger charge of nitrocellulose than of nitroglycerine powder is required. This necessitates for nitrocellulose powder a larger chamber in the gun, and the increase in size of the chamber involves increased weight of metal in the gun. This h more objectionable in a, small arm than in cannon, 6 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. for the increased weight of the gun and of the charge adds to the burden of the soldier. For this reason nitroglycerine powder is more suitable than nitrocellulose powder in the small arm; In the mandacture of nitroglycerine powders for cannon, a wtisfactory degree of atability under aU the conditions to which cannon powders are expmed waa not obtained. In time the powder deteriorated, and exudation of free nitroglycerine oc- curred. Detonations and the bursting of guns followed. In the srnd-am cartridge the powder is hermetically sealed, and as now manufactured appears to possess a satisfactory degree of stability. For these rwons nitroglycerine powder has been selected for use in small arms in our sewitx, and nitrocellulme powder for use in cannon. A disadvantage attending the use of nitrowllulose powder arises from the fact that in the explosion there is not a suffr- cient amount of oxygen liberated to combine with the carbon and form GO2. The reaction on explosion is approximately reprented by the following equation.

A large quantity of CO, an inAammable gas, is often left in the bore. On opening the breech more oxygen is admitted with the air, and ahould a spark be pres6nt the CO burna violently, uniting with the oxygen and forming COz. WEburning of the gas h called a flareback, An instance of it hm occurred with &a&row rdts in a turret gun aboard one of our men-of-war, the ,Wissoufi. 3. Guncotlon.4uncothn forms the bw of most smoke- less powders. When dry cotton, CBEroOs, is immersed in a &we of nitric md sulphuric acids part of the hydropn of the cotton is replwed by NO2 from the nitric acid. The sul- phuric acid takes up the water formed during the reaction and prevents th$ dilution of the nitric acid. The nitrated cattan, or nitrocellulose, may be of several orders of nitration, depending on the strength and proportions of the acids, and the temper* ture and duration of immersion; as mononitrocellulosc, dd nitrocellulosc, trinitrocellulose, according as one or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced. All nitrocellulose is explosive, md the ordcr of explosion produced is higher as the nitration is higher. I)initrocellulosc and trinitrocellulosc are used in the manu- facture of smokeless powders. The lower orders of nitrocellulose, containing less than 12.75 per cent of nitrogen, are soluble in a mixture of alcohol and ether. TrinitrocelIulose contains a higher pcrcentxe of nitrogen, and is insoluhlc in alcohol and ether but soluble in acetone. MANUFACTUREOF GIJNC~ONFOR SMOKELFSSPOWDERS.- The process Iollowed is practically the same for all varieties, the nitration being stopped at the point desired in each cztsc. The cotton used is the wmte or ciippinga from cotton mills. Tt is first finely divided and then freed from grease, dirt, and ether impurities by boiling with caustic sda. After cleansing it is pmsd through a centrifugal wringer and then further dried in a dry-house. The dry cotton is immersed in a mixture of about three parts sulphuric acid and two parts nitric mid for about fifteen minutes; afhr which the cotton is run through a wringer to remove aa much acid as possible. It is then thoroughly washed or drolmd. After this washing the guncotton ia reduced to a pulp and . further washed to remove any trace of acid which meby have been freed in pulping, carbonate of soda bing added to neutralize the acid. The water is then partially removed from the pulp by hy- draulic pressure, and the dehydration is completed by forcing alcohol under high pressure through the compressed cake. 4. Nitroglycerine Small-arm Powder.-Lapin ad Rand, 7.A,--In thc manufacture of this powder highly nitrated gun- cotton called insoluble nitrocellulose is used. It is insolubIe in ether and alcohol but soluble in acetone. 8 ORDNANCE AND QUNNERY.

The powder js composed of InsoIuble nitrocdulme...... 67.25 per cent Nitroglycerine...... 30.041 per cent Metallic salts...... 2.75 per cent Forty pounds of acetone serve as solvent for 100 pounds of the above mixture. The nitrogly&ine and acetone are first mixed. The acetone makes the nitroglycerine Iess sensitive to pressure or shockJ and therefore less dangerous to handle in the gubsequent operatiom. The dried guncotton is spread in a large capper pan, the fmely ground metallic salts are sifted over it, and the mixed nitrogly- mine and acetone are ~prinlrledover both. The whole is mixed by hand by meam of a wooden rake for a period of about ten minutea, the object of the mixing being to thoroughly moisten the guncotton fox the purpose of eliminating the danger from the presence of dry guncotton in the next operation. The mixed mass is put into a mixing machine, where it is mechically mixed for a period of thee hours. It cornea from the mixing machine in the form of a colloid or jelly like pas3te. It is then stuffed and compressed into brw cylinder^, from which it is forced by hydraulic pressure through dies fitted with mandrels. It comes from the die in the form of' a long hollow string or tube, and is received on a belt which carries it over steam pipes into basketa. The drying which it receives while on the belt strengthens the tube, and after remaining half an hour in the baskets it becomes sufficiently tough to be cut into grains. This is done in a machine provided with revolving knives. The resulting gains, are bead- &aped single perforated cylinders and have a length of abut one twentieth of an inch. The powder is dried for two or three weeks st a temperature not to exceed 110" F. It is then thor- oughly mixed twice in the blending barrels and graphited at the same time. It is carefully screened to remove large grains, dust. and foreign matter, and is puked in muslin bags in metallic bme1s holding 100 pounds. GUNPOWDERS. ' 9

Cordite--This is an English nitroglycerine powdw, composed of 58 per cent of nitroglycerine, 37 per cent of guncotton, and 5 per cent of vm1ine. The vaseIine serves to render the pwder water proof and improves ih keeping qualities. For small arms the powder i dein the form of slender cylindricd rods, the length of the chmber of cartridge, For cannon it is in thicker and longer rods, .in tubular form, or in the form of perforated cylinders. For heavy guna ' EL powder called Cord& M. D. has lately been introduced. The composition (30 pmta nitr* glycerine, 65 pmts guncotton, 5 parts vaseline) is very $hi- lar to that of our smalta~mpowder. The reduction in the per- cent%~of nitroglycerine was made for the purpose of lowering the temperature of explosion and reducing the erosion in the bore. Wethen Pow&.--A nitroglycerine powder manufactured at the Royal Belgian Factory at Wetteren. The ~olventused is amyl acetate, 5. Manufacture of Nitrocel~u~osePowder.-The guncottan F used contains 12,65 per cent of nitrogen, and is soluble in the ether-alcohol mixture. It is prepared as p~eviously described, the dehydration with alcohol being so conducted that when com- pleted the proper proportion of alcohol for solution remains in the cake. The guncotton cake is broken up and ground until it is free from lumps, and is then placed in a mixing machine with the proper amount of ether, two parts of ether to one of alcohol. During the mixing the temperature is kept at 5O C. to prevent loss of the solvent. The powder comes from the mixing machime as a colloid, and the remaining processes are sida to those described for nitro- glycerine powder. After, graining, the solvent is recovered by forcing hated air over the powder. The ether and alcohol vapors are collected md afterwards condensed for further use. The powder ki dried for a period varying from six weeks to three months, depending on the size of the grain. The drying % never complete, a small 10 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. percentage of the solvent always remaining, but care is taken that the remaining percentage shall be uniform. In the'manufacture of all powders uniformity in the product can only be obtained by the strictest uniformity in the quantities and qm1ity of the substances used, and in the conduct of the various processes. Cmon powders are, as a rule, not graphited. Other Smokeless Powders.-The length of time required for the &ymg of nitrocellulose powders hw led to the develop- ment of other powdera that require little or no time to dry. Two such powders have been tested. One, stabilik, is com- posed of nitrocellulose with or without nitroglycerine and a sol- vent that is itself m explosive and not volatile. The other is similar to the present nitrocellulose powders except that dmitrs cellulose is used in its manuf~tureinstead of trinitrocellulow. To make up for the insufficiency of oxygen in nitrocellulose, already referred to, a number of smokeless powders are made by CE combination of nitrocellulose with hitroglycerine or with the nitrates of barium, potassium, md sodium. The nitroglyc- erine or the metallic nitrates furnigh the oxygen which is deficient in the nitrocellylme. E. C. Powder.-This powder contains both soIubfe and insolu- ble nitrocellulose and the"nitrates of barium, potassium, and sodium. It is yellow in color and of fine granulation. It is an easily ignited quick burning powder md is used in our service in bIank small-arm cartridges. Schdtxe Powder, the type of smokeless aporting powders, is of constitution similar to that of R. C. powder. Troisdorf Pmudw, wed in the Germm service, and 3. N. Pow- dm, in the French service, are other powders similarly constituted. All these powders differ principaIly in the proportion of the ingre- dients, and dm in the organic substance used as a cementing agent. Mmim Powder is cornposed of nitrocellulose, both aoluble and insoluble, nitroglycerine, and a small percentage of sodium carbonate. GUNPOWDERS. I I Form and Size of Grain.-For most cannon in our service the powder is formed into a cylindrical grain with seven longi- ltudinal perforations, one central md the other six eqwlly dis- tributed midway between the center of the grain and its cireum- ference. A uniform thickness of web is thus obtained. The powder is of a brown color and had3 somewhat the appearance of horn. The length and diameter of the grain vary in powdem for different guns, the size of grain increasing with the cdiber of the gun. For the 3-inch rifle the grain has a length of about # of an inch and a diameter of 3, of an inch. For the 12-inch rae the length is 13 inches and the diameter # of an inch. For some of the smhller guns the graina are in the form of thin flat squares. In other services cannon powders are made into grains of various shapes. *Cubes, solid and tubular rods of circular cross section, flab strips, and rolled sheets are among the forms that have been used. 6. Proof of Powders.-All powders used by the Atmy are' furnished by privab manufacturers. The materids and proem employed in the manufacture are prescribed by the Ordnance Department in rigid specifications, and the mnufmture in all its stages irJ under the inspection of the Department. The proof of the powder consists of tests made to determine its ballistic qwlities, its uniformity, and itg stability under various eondi- tiom. Its ballistic qualities and uniformity are determined from proof firings made in the gun for which the powder is intended. The required velocity must be obtained without exceeding the maximum pressure specified. The mepn variation in velocity in a number of rounds must not exceed, in the small arm 12 feet per second, in camon 1 pr cent of the required velocity. The ~tlbbilityof the powder under various conditions IS deter- mined by heat tests, and by a nmber of special teats. For am&- arms powder the heat test consists in subjecting the powder, pulverized, to a temperature of 150' to 154' F. for 40 minutes. It must not in that time emit acid vapors, as indicated by the 12 ORDNANCE AND GUNNEEP. slightest discoloration of a piece of iodide of potassium starch paper partially moistened with dilute glycerine, The other tests consist in exposing the powder both loose and loaded in car- tridges, to heat, cold, and moisture, for periods varying from six hours to one week. When fired the variations in velocities and pressurn must not exceed specified limits. Nitrocellulose cannon powders are subjected to a heat of 135O C. (375O F.) for five hours. Acid fumes, as indicated by the reddening of blue litmus paper, must not appear under expo-. sure of an hour md a quarter, nor red nitrous fumes under two hours. Explosion must not occur under five hours. Other tesk are made for the determination of the loss of weight when sub- jc~tedto heat, of the moisture and volatile matter in the powder, of the quantities of nitrogen in the powder, md of ash in the cellulose. For the proper regulation of the evolution of gas in the gun it is important that the grains of smokeless powder retain their general shape while burning. If they break into pieces under the pressure to which they are subjected, the inflamed surface is increased, gas is more quickly evolved, and the pressure in the gun is raised. The powder is therefore subjected to a physical test to determine that the grain has sufficient strength and tough- ncss. The grains me cut so that the length equals the dkmeter, and are then subjected to slow pressure in a press. The grain must shorten 35 per cent of its length before cracking. Powder grains incompletely burned, that have been recovered after firing, show that the burning proceeds accurately in parallel layers. The outer diameter of the grain is reduced and the diam- eter of the perforations increased in exactly equal amounts. 7. Advantages of Smokeless Powder.-The advantages ob- tained by the use of smokeless powder me due almost wholly to the fact that the powder is practically completely converted into gas. The experiments of Noble and Abel show that thc gases evolved by charcoal powders amount to only 43 per cent of the weight of the powder, and part of the energy of this qum- tity of guis expended in expelling the residuc from the bore. A smder quantity of smokeIess powder will therefore produce an equal weight of gas, and with smaller charga we mygive to the projectile equd or higher velocities. The smokelessnm of the powder and the absence of fouling in the bore are rnlso due to the complete csnversion of the powder into gas. Ignition and Id9MrnRtion of Smokeless Powder.-Though the temperature at which smokeless powder ignites, abut 180° C., is much lower than that required for the ignition of black powder, 300" C., the complete inflammation of a charge com- posed only of smokeless powder takes place more slowly than the idmation of a chmge of black powder. This is due to the slower burning of the smokeless powder and the consequent delay in the evolution of a sufficient quantity of the heated gas to cornpleteIy envelop the grains composing the charge. In the long chamber of a gun the gases htevolved at the rear of the charge may, in expanding, acquire a considerable velocity. The pressure due to their energy is added to the static pressure duec to their temperature and volume, thus increasing the total prw sure in the gun. The movement of the gases back and forth causes what are called wave ppessu~es,md if the complete ignition of t.he charge is delayed until the projectile has moved some distance down the bore, there may result at some point in the gun a higher prmre than the metal of the gun at tthat point can resist. For this reason and in order to insure the practically instm- bneous ignition of the whole charge, small charges of black powdcr are added to every smokeless powder charge. The priming charges of black powder insure against hang-firm and misfires, and by producing uniformity of inflammation assist toward uni- formity in the ballistic results. In addit.ion, in order to prevent as far as possible the pr* duction of wave prmures, the charge of powder, whatever its weight, is given when practicable a length equal to the length of the chamber. 14 ORD,VdNCE AND GUNNERY.

8. Powder Charges,-The powder for a charge in the gun is inserted in one or more bags, depending upon the weight of the charge. The bags are made of special raw silk and are sewed with silk thread. The ends of each bq are double, and between the two pieces at each end is placed a priming charge of black powder, quilted in in squares of about two inches and uniformly sprd over the surface. The charge is inserted through an unsewed seam at one end, and the seam is then sewed. The bag, purposely made large, is then drawn tight around the charge by lacing drawn with a needle between two pleats on the exterior. Two priming pr* tector caps are then drawn over the ends of the bag and fastened by draw strings. In the bottom of each cap is a disk of felt which serves to kcep moisture from the priming chwge and prevents the loss of the priming through wearing of the bottom of the bag. For convenience in handling the charge a cloth atrap is attached to each protector cap. By mems of the straps the prw tector caps may be pulled off without undoing the draw strings when the charge k to bc insertcd in the gun. The ilIustrations show a bag filled ready for Mi,md a bag filled and' laced and provided with. the priming proteetor '=Ps* The weight of each portion of the charge shouId not be greater than can be readily carried by one man. Thus the chrtrge of 360 pounds for the 12-inch rifle is put up in four bweach hold- ing 90 pounds. As previously stated, the charge whatever its weight is made up if practicable of a length nearly qua1 to that of the cham- ber, with a minimum limit of nine tenths of that length. Rerw silk does not readily hold fire. With powder bags de of cotton cloth it occasionally happens that a fragment of the bag remtbins burning in the bore, md to this fact is ascribed the flarebacks that have occurred. Powder bags treated with chem- icals to render them non-inflammable have also been tried. Am- monium phmghste is found to bc the best qent for this purpose. Bag filled ready Rng laced isnd provided for I:~cin~ with priming pro- tcctor caps,

A ni@mellulm cloth which will burn up completely snd leave no midue has been used as a materid for powder bags, but as the charge of powder enclwed in this material k much more subject to midental ignition by a chance spark, the nitrocellu- lose cloth h not generally adopted. The powder charge in ked ztmmuaition is placed loow in the cartridge case. In fmed ammunition for cannon one or two wads of felt plwd on top of the powder a1 the space in the behind the projectile. The priming charges of black powdek are contained in the primer, which is herted in the head of the cartridge case, and between two dish of quilted crinoline at the forward end of the charge. Blank Charges.-If the mesmokeless powder tht is p* scribed far use with the ptojectile in any piece is uwd in a blank charge, tbe pina are not subjected ta the pressure under which they were designed to burn, and mwquently they burn very slowly and myof them are ejected from the bore only parbially r consumed, The report mde'by the explosion under these cir- cumtances is unsatisfactory for saluting purpo~s. To produce n sharper report a more rapid evoIution of gax is . necessary, which quires, if smokele~powder is employed, the use of a amller grain, OF one that is porous through imperfect colloiding. It has hem found that a mtisfactory report can be obtained from a blank charge of smokeless powder only by the use of a grain m small or of such a nature that the rate of evolu- tion of the gaR becorn= excessive. This has resulted, in several instances, in the bursting of the gun. For tb reason black powder only has been wed in =luting charges. A nitrocellulose powder, called the ThmkeS saluting pmdm, has recently given satisfactory -11% in blank: chargea. The powder is in flat ccrsmhaped grains, about 4 of an inch in length and breadth. It is of Iow density and haa the appearance of blotting-perper. 16 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.

COMBUSTION OF POWDER UNOER CONSTAM" PRESSURE. 9. Quantity Burned when any Thickness has Burned- Under constant pressure, as in the air, a grain of powder burna in parallel layers and with uniform velocity, in directions per- pendicular t~ alI the ignited &aces. Under the variable pressure in the gun powder burns with a variable velocity, but, as haa been previously stated, modern srnokelesa p~drmburn mcurately in paralel layers in the gun. A determination of the volume burned when any thicknm of layer is burned will therefore be useful when we come to con- sider the burning of the powder in. the gun. Podws of imegdar pnuhtim may kw considered aa com- posed of practimlly equivalent grains of replm form. Let &, be one half the least dimension of the grain, 1 the thicknew- of layer burned at the time t, So the initial surf= of combustion, S the surface of combustioh at the time t, when a thick- ness I haS been burned, St the surface of combustion when I= i&, . Yothe initial volume of the pain, V the volume burned at the time t, F = V/Vo the fraction of grain burned at the time f. The lwt dimension of the grain, 2h, is called the zat$ of the grain. As the burning proceeds equally in directions perpen- dicular to all the ~urfaces,the grain will, in most instances, be about to disappear when the thickness of layer burned is nwrly equal to lo. The surface SF,corresponding to this thicknem, is therefore called the vanishing m~faca. A general expression may be written for the burning aurfw of a grain when a thickurns E has been burned. Since a surface is a quantity of the second degree the expwion will be of the form, i3-s0+d+bP (1) GUNPOWDERS. 17 in which a and b are numerical coefficienh whose values depend on the form and dimensions of the grain. Far gr& that burn with a decreasing surface the sign of a in this equation will later be found to be negative, and for those that burn with an increasing surface the sign of b becomas nega- tive. The volume burned when any thicknw 1 has been burned is

And suhtituting for S its value from equation (I),

Dividing both members by Vo and introducing b by rnultiplic* tion and division we have, for the frwtion of the grain burned, r

and making

a =So&/Vo R -alo/2So p = blo2/3So we obtain

This equation gives tho value for. the fraction of the grain burned when a length 1 hm been burned; and as each grain. in a charge of powder bum in the mme manner, the equation also expresses the vdue for the fraction of the whole charge burned. The quantities a, 1, and p are called the cmastaw of fomz of the powder grain. Their values depend wholly on the fm t~ndrelative dimensions of the grain. - 18 QRDNANCE AND GUNi4gRY. When Z=b the whole grain is burned, F Wme8 unity, and we have the relation

which my always serve to teert the correctnecrs of the values of thm constanh aa determined for any grain. r o. Determination of the Vhsof the Constants of Form for Merent Grains.-In the values of a, A, and p, equations (3), the quantities 80,lo, sand VO we known for any form of grsb, We must know in addition the vrsluea of a md b. When I=& the volume burned is the original volume Vo Ad equation (2) bmma cab Vo= Solo + V +3 lo3

The burning dace st this time, dasignated by St, is, from ' equation (I), 5'*Sa+~lo +blo2

The values of a and b, if dmired, may be derived fmm thae two equations. Combining the two equations with equation8 (3) we obtain tbe following duafor a, A, and fi

Tlse Vanhhiy [email protected] quantity S', which reprewnts the vanishing surface, or ~urfaceof combustion when I= &, re- quireg expl~nation, A spherical grain burning eqdy along all the radii becomes a pobt as 1 becornea eqml to h. 8' for a sphere is therefore 0, and similarly for a cube. A cylindrical win, of length grater tban its diameter, kmea a Sine when ' 2- h. SF is therefore 0 for thii cylinder. A flat square grain & flat throughout the burning, its thickness being reduced until EM i! becornea qua1 to l~ there me two bdng surfacea with no powder between them. St, ia thii cme, ia the mm of these two gurfa4m. PARALLEL~P~PEDON.-Z~~;210 be the Last dimension, and m md n the other dimensions of the grain of powder, m being the longer. S~=4km+4~n+2mm . Sr -2(m-2h)(rt-2&) Vo= 21mn

Make s and y the ratios of the Iemt dimension to the other dimen- sions d the grain x-zl&~~ a =2Eolfi

With thew vduy we get from (3) for a

Eliminating the common factors in the values of 8 and Sa we have, 8' m7a-210~-2k,m-t 4?2 &= 2h+2bn+mn

+d dividing each term by fin, 20 ORDNAl\rCE AND GUNNERY.

. For the pmallelopipedon grain, 'the general expresdon for the fraction of the grain burned when a thickness 1 htw been burned therefore becomes, by equation {4),

And by giving various vdum to x and y thi equation may be applied to any ' form of the parallelepiped. 11. Cube.-Foi instance, for the cube m -.m=2h, and s and ql aze unity. Therefore a,=3 A= -1. p=1/3 and

Strip.-For atrips or ribbons of square cmss aection n=2b and y-1, .1+2x 2 a-2+x A=-- 24-2 pr2f5.

If the strip is very long in compwisoa with the edge of crosrs section, x is practically 5ero and

&quare Flat +%aim.-For squme flat graina z= y md

.- L h -7: ". ; If the grab are very thin, x is small compared with unity and

As the daceand vofum~of a bburning sphere of powder vq with the diameter in precisely the mme manner that the dace , and volume of a cube vary wi'& the edge af the cube, the durn a, I, and p, see quatiom (6), will be the mme for the sphere asl for the cube. And similarly the'valum of these c;omtanta for a cylinder of length greater than iix diameter will be the same as for the strips of quare crm rsection, md the values for a flat cylinder will be the same as for the flat square grain. SFHEBE.-For the sphere,

the same w for the cube. xa. SOLID~TNDER.-F~ the solid cylinder of length pter than the diameter, d -2& and x =2b/mz

If the diameter is very -11 compared with the length, as in the slender cylinders or threads of , 210 b adwith respect to m, x is mall compared with unity, and approximately

Therefore for cordite

the same as for the flat square grain, SINGLEPERFORATED Cym~a.-I&t R be the wk radius of the grain, r the radius of the perforation, and m the length of the 22 ORDN.4 NCE AND GUNNERY. grain. Make z=210/na. By proper substitution we hd, for the tubdm grain in general,

If the grain is very long compared with its thickness of wall, x is small compared with unity. We then have

a=l I=O p=O and F - z/Eo (10) This indicatm for long tubm with thin walls a constant emis- sion of gas during the burning of the pin, since F now varim directIy with I. 13. MULTIFE~IIATEDCYLINDER.-A section of the service multiperfmtited grain before burning is &own in Fig. 1. The '

FIG. 1. Fxa. 2. perforations are equal in diameter and symmetricdly Bistribukd. The web, 210, the thicknew between any two adjacent circum- ferencea. When thia tgcknm haa burned the section is es &om in Fig. 2. There remain now six interior md six exterior three-cornered pieces, &led slivers, which burn with a decreasing surface until completely consumed. The method previously followed cannot be wed to find the value of F for the multiperforahd pinbecauae the law of burn- ing for .this grain changes abruptly when the grain is but partially comumed. To find the value of F for thgrain we proceed as follm. Let R be the radius of the grain, T the radius of each perfora- tion, m the length of the grain. For the initid volume we have

When a thichess L h burned, R,r, and m become rtqectively R - 1, 'P+ I, and m -22, and the volume remaining is obtained from the above equation by making these substitutions. The differ- ence between the two voIumes will be the volume burned, and dividing this resulting volume by Vo we have the value of F. This may be reduced to

For the service multiperforatd grain we therefore have

Equation (11) applies only while the web of the grain is burn- ing and does not apply Go the slivers. The thickness of web be@trs the following relation to R and r 24 ORDNANCE AnrD QUNXERY. in our service grains, aa may be readily seen by drawing a diarn- eter though my thee perforations, Fig. 1.

We will take a specific gab for use 15.h to illustrate the hming of the rnultiperforated c~7Iinder. The grains of a lot of powder for the Sinch rifle had the following dirnensioas, in inches.

Therefore, from (131, i&-0.044875. Substituting in (ll),we obtoLin for this grain

When E - b, that is, when the grain is reduced to slivers, from which we aee th~tthe divers form about 15 pel: cent of thij particular gain. 14. Smission of Gas by Grains of Dif€ermt Po-.-& the velocity of combustion under constant pressure is uniform, the time of burning will be proportionaI to the thickness of laser burned. We may conveniently show thr: manner of burning of the different gains by dividing thc half web into five Iayers of equal thickness, that is, by giving to the ratio I/&,, in the vdue of the fraction burned, the values 1/5, 2/5, etc., in succession, and then tabulating the resulting values of F. The successive values of P obtained will be the fractionaI pmh burned in 1/5, 2/5, ew., of the total time of bnrning; and the differencea of the suc- e~ivevaluee of F will be the fractions burned in the successive intervals of time. GUNPOWDERS. 25

The following table is formed from equations (81, (9), and (14). For the multiperforated grain the fractions l/lo are frac- tions of the web only.

Cubs. Slender Cylinder. Multiperforatd Cylinder, I/% P. Difference. I F. DiEerence. F. DifImnce. 0.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.36 0.15 0.2 0.49 0.36 0.16 0.29 0.23 0.18 0.4 0.78 0.64 0.31 0.16 0.20 0.17 0.6 0.94 0.84 0.48 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.8 0.99 0.98 0.66 -0 01 -0.04 0.19- 1.0 1.00. 1.00 1 .CO 1.00 Web0.85 0.85 -0.15 Wbolcgrain 1.00 1.00

P %gmdiig the columns of differences in the table we see that nearly half of the cubical grain is burned in the fist layer, and that the volume burned in the successive layers decreases continuously. Tbc slender cylinder emits at first a less volume ' of gas thm the cube and later a greater volume, th~tis, its bum- ing is more progressive. Wc have seen, equation (lo), that the long tubular grain burns with a canstant surfwe. The quantity of gas given off in the burning of each layer is therefore the same, and the grain is more progressive than the slender cylinder. The multiperforated cyIinder burnfi with a conthually increasing surfme until the web is consumed, md the volume of gas given ofl increases for each layer burned. Whether the burning surface of the multiperfmated grain increases or decreasa depends on the relation between the Iength of the grain and the radii of the grain and of the perforations. Referring to equation (11) it will be seen that when 26 OR DNA NCE AND GUNNBRY.

the secodd term within the brackets disappears. m is the length of the grain. Giving to the multiperforated grain considered in equation (14) the length indicated in the last equation, we get m =0.29, and the value of F becomes

A table formed from this equation will show that this grain burns with a continuously decrwing blurface; the fractional volumes burned in the succe~sive intervals being 0.189, 0.186, 0.178, 0.167, and 0.152. The sum of these, 0.872, is the fm- tion of the gain bmdwhen the web omto bh. It is apparent that since the manner of burning of a multi- perforated grain depends upon the relation expmd in qua, tion (151, a grain may atsrt to burn with an increasing surfac~~ and change, aa the length is diminished, to burn with a decress- ing surface. The mdtiperforated grains used in our service me of length considerably greater than that indicated in equation (15). The length of the grain is about 2) timm the ouhr diameter. The diameter of the perforations is about 1/10 the exterior diameter of the grain. The grains burn with a continuously increasing dace until the web is burned, and then with a decreasing sur- face. The Weight of Charge Btlmed.-As9umig instant ignition of the whole charge, equation (4) exprmes .the value of the frac- tion of the charge budwhen any thickne~,I, has burned. Let o be the weight of the charge, y the weight burned at any instant. The fraction of the charge burned is therefore y/a, which we may write for F in equation (4), and obtain 15. Consideration as to Best rum of Grain.-It wouId appear that the most desirabIe form of powder grain would be one that gives off gas slowly at fist, starting the projectile before a hgh pressure is reached, and then with m increased burning surface and a more rapid evolution of g~ maintaining the pres- sure behind the projectile as it moves down the bore. It is thii considmation that has led to the adoption in our service of the multiperforated grain, which in the preceding discussion is shown to be the only practicable frma of grain that burns with an increasing surface emitting successively increasing volumee of gas, The facilities for complete inflamlation. of the charge are not as great in thk grain. as in aome others, EM the gains asguk all positions in the cartridge bag, and do not pre- sent unobstructed channeh to the flame from the igniter. We have sccn, page 13, tht when there is delay in the complete idammation of the charge, excessive pressures, cdlcd wave pres- sures, may arise, due to the velocity acquired by the gases first F formed. The single perforated cylinder, or tubular grain, offers advan- tages in thb reapect. This grain when ,its length is great com- pared to the thickness of web, as when cut in Iengths to fit the chamber, buras with a practicauy consta.nt surface, as we have seen, equation (10). The charge is readily prcpared by bind- ing the grab in bundles, ztnd when so prepared offera perfect - faciIities for the prompt spread of ignition through the uniformly distributed longitudimi air spaces within adbetween the grains. While larger charges of powder in this form may be required, to produce a desired velocity, the advantages of greater uni- forpity in velocities and pressures, md decreased likelihood of excessive pressures, will probably be obtained by its use. .In the process of drying the tubular grain in mandacture the grain will warp excessively if too long with reference to its diameters. On this account and in order that the gain my serve for convenient; building into charges ,its length is limited, The requirement of prompt ignition throughout the length of tha 28 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. grain ah0 limits its length. Good results have been obtained with grains whose length waa 8.5 timm the outer diameter.


16. To Determine the Number of Grains in a Pound-Let n be the number of grains in a pound of powder, V, the volume of each grain in cubic inches, d the density of the powder. The volume occupied by the solid powder in one pond iis e~dentlynVO; the volume of one pound of water ia 27.68 cu. in.; and the volumes being inversely proportional to the den- sitim, we obtain

and when the number of grains in a, pound is kuom, we have for the density

To Determine the Dimensions of Irregular Grains.--Irreg- dar grains may be considered as spheres, and the mean radius may be determined asl follom. Retaining the above signific* tiom of n and Vo,let r be the mean rdius of the gains in inches. Then Va -4d/3. Substituting this in the above equation and solving for T we obtain 1 A766 $'=-(W+

Comparison of Surfaces.-Let 81 be the total initid ~urfae of the grains in a pound of powder. As So is the initial ~urface of each grain, Sl =do Substituting the value of n from (17) and the value of So from

, the htof equations (3) we obtain

From which it tappems that for two charges of eqmI weight, - made up of grains of the same density and thickness of web, the initial surfaces of the two charges we, to ea,ch other as the values of a for the two form of gain. For charges of equal waghts composed of grains of the sme ahape and density the initial surfmes will be inversely proportional to the least dimen- sions of the grains. 17, Density of Gunpowder.-The density, or specific gravity, of gunpowder is the ratio of the weight of a given volume of solid powder to the weight of an equal voIurne of water. The density of charcoal gunpowders is determined by means of an instrument called P the mercury densimeter, in which is obtained the weight of a volume of mercury equal to the voIume of the powder. From the known specific gravity of the mercury that d the powder is readily determined, Mer- cury is used in the instrument insted of water because mercury possesses the property of closeIy enveloping the grain0 of powder without being absorbed into their pores, and it does not disgolve the constituents of the powder. The demimetw is shown in the accompanying figure. The ghglobe FIG. 3. a is connected with an air pump by the rubber tube c. The lower outlet of the dobe- is immersed in mercury in the dish d. AE the globe is exhausted of air by means of the air pump, the mercury is drawn upward until it fiZIs the globe and atands at a certain height in the glans tube s. The globe is then detached, full of mercury, and weighed. It is then emptied, and a given weight of powder placed in it, The globe is then returned to its

* original position, the air %%in exhausted, and mercury allowed ta enter until it stands at the same height aa before. The globe, now filled with mercury and powder, is again dekhed and weighed. With the difference of the two weighta we may arrive at the weight of the mercury whose volume is eqdto that of the powder, in the following manner. htm be the weight of the powder, P the weight of the vessel filled with mercury, Pf the weight of the vessel filled with mercury and powder, D the density of the mercury, about 13.56, d the density of the powder. Then Pf-w =the weight of the mercury md vessel when the latter is partially filled with powder, P- (P-w) -the weight of the volume of mermuy displaced by the powder. 8hce the weights of eqd volumes are proportid to the densities, we have

The density of charcoal powders varies between 1.68 and 1.85. $YOKELEM POWDER.-The nitrocellulose smokeless powders me affected by mercury; therefore if the densimeter is used in the determination of the densities of these powders, water m~t be used in the instrument in place of mercury. The density of large grained powders may be determined by weighing s grain of the powder in air and in water. The Merence of the weights in air and water is the weight of a volume of water qua1 to the volume of the grain. The density then the weight in air divided by the difference of the weights. The density of smokela powders varies from 1.55 to 1-58. MEASUREMENT OF Vl3LOCITIFi3 AND PRESSURE5. 18. Keasurement of Velocity.- In measuring the velocity of a grt~ jectile the time of passage of the projectile between two points, a known distance apart, is recorded by means of a auitable instrument. The calculated velocity is the mean velocity between the two points, and is considered as the velm ity midway between the poinb. la order that thii may be done without material error, the two pointa rnuat be seiected at such a distmce apart in the path of the projectile that the notion of the projectile between the pohh may be considered as uni- formly varying, and the path a right lie. Le Boden& Chronograph.-The instrument generally employed for measuring the time interval in the determination of velocity was in- vented by Captain Ze BoulengE of the Belgian Artillery, and .is called the Le Boulengb Chronograph. It has been modified and improved by FIG. 4. Captain Brdgw of the French Art& 32 MRASUREMHT OF VELOCITIES' AND PRESSURES. 33 lery, The brans columa, a Fig. 4, supporting two ele~troqneta~b and c, is mounted on thc triangular bedplate d which b providd with levels and leveling screws. The magnet b supporh the long rod E, called the chmmter, which is .enveloped when in we by a zinc or copper tube f, called the recorder. A nut above the recorder, shown in Fig. 10, holds the recorder fixed in place on the chronometer rod. The magnet c which supports the short rod g, called the registrar, is mounted on a, frame which permits it to be moved vertid1~- along the standard. Faatend to the base of the atandard is thc flat steel spring h which carries at its outer end the square knife i, The knife is held retracted or cocked by the trigger j which is acted upon by the spring k. The chronometer' e hangs ;so that me element of the enveloping tube or recorder is close to the knife. When the knife h released by prmure on the trigger it fli& out under the action of the spring h and indents the recorder. The registsar g hangs immediately Over the trigger. When the electric circuit through the registrar wet2~ broken the registrar fa& on the trigger md releasea the knife, The tube 1 aupporb the - registrar after it haa fallen through it. Adjustable guidw me provided to hit the swing of the two rods when first suspended. The stand or table on which the instrument is mounted is pro- vided with a pocket which receives the chronometer when it ids, at the breaking of the chcuit that actuates ik magnet. A quantity of beans in the bottom of the pocket arrests the fall of the chronometer without shock. In the use of the chronograph in measuring the velocity of a shot the following accessory spparatua is required: targets, rheostats, disjunctor, and rnwuring rule. Targets.-Two wire tar@&, each made of a conthuow wire, Fig. 5, are erected in the ~8thof the projecth. The targets form parts of electric circuits which include the electromagnets of the chronograph. Ewh magnet has its own target and its owcircuit independent of the other. The circuit from the nearer or fist taxget includes the chronometer mqnet; the circuit from &4 ORDNANCE AND GWNNBRP. tbe mend target incIudee the regisha magnet. On the passage of the projectile through the &st target the circuit is broken, the chronomc her magnet demagnetized, and the long rod, or chronometer, falls. When the projectile breaks the circuit through the second tar- get the short rod, or registrar, falls and, striking the trigger, releases the Imife, which flies out and marks the recorder 'at the point which has been brought oppoaite the knife by the fall of the chro- nometer. FIG. 6. 3n some instruments the chronqmeter circuit is led through a contact piece not shorn, c&mied by the spring h, and so arranged that the chronometer circuit cannot be closed until the knife is cocked. This arrangement prevents the of a record through ftbilure to cock the knife when suspending the rods before the piece is fired. 'The fist tmget must always be erected at ~ucha distance from the gun that it will not be affected by the blast. For ad arm it is placed three feet from the muzzle and consists of fine copper wire wound backwmd tand fornard over pins very cloge together. For camton it is placed from 50 to 150 feet from the muzzle, depending upon the size of the gun. For the mme merit of ordinary velocities the targets are usually plxed 100 feet apart for amall arms and 150 feet for cannon. The second target for mall arms consists of a steel pfah to stop the bulleta, having mounted on its rear fateJ and imulsted from it by the block w, Fig, 6, a contact spring s, contact pin pJ and their binding screws. When the bullet ssikes the plate the shock cauaes the end of the spring Fro. 6. to lave the pin, and thus breaks the circuit, which h immediately reestablished by the reaction of the spring.- - By meraas of this device constant repairing of the target is avoided. MEASUREMENT OF VELGCITIES AND PRESSURES. 35 19. The Rheostat.-Both circuits are led independently through rheostats, by means of which the resistance in the cii- cuits may be regulated, and the strength of the currents through the two magnets equalized. One form of rheostat is shown in Fig. 7. The current passes through the contact spring a and through a German silver wire wound in grooves on the wooden drum b. By turning the thumb nut c the contact spring is shifted, and more or less of the wire is included in the circuit. Another form of rheostat, through which both circuits pass FIG. 7. independently, is shown in Fig. 8. .Each current passes through a strip of graphih, a, and the rmistr ance in the circuit may be hcremed or diminished by sliding the

contact piece b so as to include a greater or Em 3mgth of the graphite strip in the circuit. The Disjunctor.-Both circuits also pass independently though an instrument called the disjunctor, by meam of which they may be broken simultmeousIy. The disjunctor is shown in elevation and part section in Fig. 9; The two halves of the instrument are exactly similar. The two contact sprinp c, weightmi at their free ends, bear against insulated contact pins e, supported in the same metal frame d. The frame is pressed upward against the 36 ORDNANCE AND QWNNERY. spring catch h by two other contact aprings, f. The electric cir- cuit pmsw from one binding post through the parts f, s, c, and a to the other binding pout. On the release of the spring catch h the frame d Aim upward under the action of the springs f until stopped by the pin g.

At the sudden stoppage of the movement the weighted ends of the contact springs simultaneously leave the contact pins, thus breaking both circuits momentarily. Mounted on a shaft are two hard rubber cams, b, which bear against other springs, a, in the two circuits. On turning the csm shaft the connection between the parts a and cr is broken, breaking both electric circuits, but not necessarily sirnu1taneoualy. The circuits are habitually broken in this manner except when taking disjunction or records in firing. 20. Disjunction.-By means of the disjunc tor both circuib are broken at the same instant. The mark made by the knife under these circumstances is called the disjunction mark, and ita height above a zero mark made by the knife when the chronomehy is suspended from its rnagnct is cvidcntly the height through which a free falling body moves in the time used by the inskuvent in making a record. This time includes my difference in the times required for demagnetization of the two magneb, the time occu- MEASUREMENT OF VEIA7CITlEIS AND PRESSURES. 37 pid by the registrar in falling, and the time required for the knife to act. From the height as measured we obtain the corresponding time from the law of falling bodies,

Now when the circuits are broken by the projectiIe thc chro- nometer bcgins to fdl before the registrar. Thc mark madc by the kniie will therefore be found above the disjunction mark. If we measure the hcight of this second mark abovc the zero, thc corresponding time b the wholc timc that the chronomctcr was falling before the mark wa~made, and to obtain the timc betwcen the breaking of the circuits wc must subtract from this time the time used by the instrument in making a rccord, or the time cor- responding to the disjunction. Lct hl and h2 represent the heights of the disjunction and rccord marks rcspcctivcly, tl and t& the corresponding times. Let t bc thc time betwcen the breaking of scrcenu, then t =12- tl = (2hz/g)'- /2hr/g)+

It will bc seen by the equation that the diflerence of the times, and not the difference of the heights, must be hlcen. FIXEDDISJUNCTION.--For the velocity at the middle point between &gets we have, representing by s the distance between +be targets, v = s/t sbbstituting for t its value, wc have

Rrom this equation we see that if the value of s, md of (2hl/gl+, the dkjunction, be fixed, the values of v can be calcdated for all va!nea of ha within the limits of practice, and tabulated. This hsbeen done for the values s=100 feet and (2hi/g)+=0.15 sec- 38 ORDNANCE AND GUNIYERP.

on&. This vaIue of (2h1/g)+ ia called the fmd dis- junction. If such a table is not at hand, the fixed value of the disjunction avoids the hbm of calculating (2hl/g)* for each shot. In thi ease t = t2-0.15 sec. = (2h~/g)+-6.15. In ordinary practice it is better to take the disjunc- tion at each shot, and to keep the disjunction mark nestr the disjunction circle, but not necessarily on it. The times corresponding to the heights of the disjunc- tion and record mrks are both red from the table, ad with the difference of these times the velocity is taken from mother table. Measuring Rule.-For memuring the height of the mark an the rccorder above the zero mmk there is pr* vided with the instrument a rulo pduated in milli- metera, and with a sliding index and vernier, the least reading bcing & of a millimeter. The swivelled pin at the end of the rulo, Fig. 10, is inserted in the hole through : the hbof the chronometer, and the knife edge of the I index is placed at the lower edge of the mark whose I height is to be memured. The height is then red from 1 thc scale. Tables are constructed from which cm be directly red the time corresponding to my height in millimeters within the limits af the scale. The maxi- mum the that can be measured with thii chronograph is limited by the length of the chronometer rod, and is about 0.15 of a second. 21. Adjustments and Use.-The instrument must be properly mounted on EL stand at smh a distance from the gun that it will not bc affected by the shock of dis- charge. The electrical connections with the batteries and targets, through the rhmtats T and disjunchr d, ,, ,, aremade asshown inFig. 11. Ta adjust the instrument, frat level it by the level- ing screwa, cock the knife, and swpend the chronometer rod, en- veloped by the recorder, from its magnet. See that the recorder hangs cloae to the knife and that no part of the bme of the rod touches any part of the instrument. The guides must be dose to. but not touching, th~bob of the chronometer. Depress tte

trigger. The knife will mark the recorder near the bottom. This mark is the zero from which all heights are measured, and the knife edge on themwamring rulo index must be HO adjusted that the zero of the vernier shaU coincide with the zero of the scde when the knife edge is in the mark. The adjustment of the knife is made as follows. Flaw the sliding index so that the zero of the vernier is at the zero of the scde on the rule. Clamp the index and apply the rule to the chronometer. Loosen the screm that hold the knife and adjust the knife edge to the zero nkk on the . mcorc'er. Tighten the knife screws. After ihis adjustment, slide the index to the mark Disjundioa on the rule, and letting the knife edge bear against the recorder turn the recorder around

, thc cckronomehr rod. The knife edge will scribe a circle on the recorder, and the mark made at disjunction should fall on or nem this circle, 40 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.

To regulate the strength of the magnets each of the rods is provided with a tubulrtr weight, one tenth that of the rod. Place the proper weight on e~hrod and suspend the rods from their magnets. Increase the resistance in. whcircuit by slowly mov- kgthe contact piece of the rheostat until the rod f&. Removc the weights from the rods and again suspend the rods. Take the disjunction. If the bottom of the mark made by the lmife does not lie on or near the circlc previously scribed on the recorder, raise or lower the registrar magnet until coincidence is ncarly obtained. Test thc disjunctor by shifting the two circuits. The height of disjunction should remain thc same. Teat the circuits by suspending the rods and causing the circuits to be broken successivcly at the two targets. Note that the proper rod falls as each circuit is broken. Always suspend the chronometer rod with the same side of . thc bob to the front, and ztlways, before suspending it, press the rccordcr hard against the bob, After emh record turn the rccordcr slightly on the rod to present a new element to the knife. Circuits should always bc broken at the disjunctor when the rods me not actually suspended, and the rods should be allowed to remain suspcndcd as short a time as possible. Neasurement of Very Small Xntemds of Time.-For the measurement of very small time intervals the registrm mag- net is raised to near the top of the standard and placcd in the circuit with the &st hrget. The chronometer magnet is put in the circuit with the second target. Under this arrangement the disjunction mark will be made near the top of the recorder md the record mark under the diijunction. The interval of time measured is obtained by subtracting the time corresponding to the height of the record mark, from the time of disjunction. The objcct of this arrangement is to obtain the record when the: chrauometm haa acquired a considerable veIocity of fall, so that the scale of time will be extended, and small errors of reaid% will not produce large errm in time. MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITIE8 AND PREXSURES. 41

za. Schultz Chronoscope.-The h Botdeng6 chronograph measurcs a single time intervd only. When it is desired to measure thc intervals between several successive events an instru- ment that provides a more extensive time scak is required. The Schdtz Chronoscope is an instrument of this class. An electrically ~u~stainedtuning fork, c, Fig. 12, whose mte of vibra- tion is known, carries on one tine a quill point b which bcars against the blackened surface of the rwo1ving cylinder a and marks on it a sinusoidal curve which is the scale of time. By

giving motion of translation to the cylinder past the fork the timc scale may be extcnded helically over the whole length of thc cylinder. The records of events, such as the pasage of the shot through screens, are made by the breaking of successive circuits which pass through the Mmcel Deprcz registers shown at e, Fig. 12, and in Fig. 13. When the circuit is broken the magnet c, Fig. 13, is demagnetized, and the spring g rotates the arrnaturc f and the quiII h atbhed to it. This marks a bend or offset in the trace of the quill on the revolving cylinder, and thc point of the bend refwed to the time scale marks the instant of the breaking of the circuit. 42 ORDYAIVCE AND GUNNERY.

It wilI be noted that the tuning fork has a constant lead with respect to any register. The point of the the scale that corre- sponds to any point on a register record is found at the length of this lead from the point on the time scale opposite the given point on the register record. me Sebert Ve1ocimeter.-This instrument is used to record the movement of the gun in recoil. A blackened steel ribbon, S,

Pro. L4. Fig. 14, is attached by the wire T to a bolt projecting from the trufinion of the gun. As the gun recoils it pulls the ribbon past the registers R and the tuning fork A, whose rate of vibration is hewn. The quill on the tuning fork marks the time sede on the blackened rib- bon as shown by the curve t, Fig. 15. The time occupied by the gun in traversing my length is obtained by laying off this length on the time scale and counting the vibratiom and parts of a vibration included. The right line through the centre of the time wale is made by pulling the ribbon past the fork when the fork is not vibrating. FIG. 15. The line assists in the count of the number of double vibrations in my length. The time scale is therefore a complete record of the move ment of the gun; and by measuring from it the length travelled by the gun during any vibration of the fork the velocity of the gm at the middle instant of the vibration may be determined. MEABURBMENT OF QELOEITIEB AND PRESSUREB. 48

When the gun moves in free rocoil, that is, when it is rn mounted that it recoih horixontdIy and with very little friction, the ve locities of the projectile may be determined from the velociti~ of the gun; and the pressures necessav to produce thm veloci- ties in the projectile may then be determined. The registers hve no function in the measurement of the recoil proper, but myhe used to record any event happening while the recoil record is being made. The instant of the de- part&e of the projectile from the bore is usually thua recorded, and independent measurement of the velocity of the projectile between points in the bore may also be made. Two register records are shown by the lines r, Fig. 15, the event recorded by each regiater having occurred when the off set at s was mde. The time that elapsed between the beginning of movement and the occurrence of the event recorded is obtained by laying off on the time =ale the length from the origin of the register record to the offset. Methods of Measuring. Interior Velocities-Two raethdr that have been used In determining the instant of the projec-

tile's pamge past selechd points in the bore are shown in Fi.16 and 17.

Some circuit breaking device b wed at the points selmted, and the electric wires me led to any suihble velocity btru- ment. 44 ORDNANCE ki3rD GUNNER P.

23. Measurement of Pressures.-Prmures in cannon are di- rectly measured by means of the pressure gauge shown in Pig. 18. In the steel housing h are membIed the ateel piston p and the copper cylinder c, which is centered by the steeI spring or rubber washer w. The housing is cldby the screw plug s. A small copper obturatiq cup o pre- vents the entrance of gas past the piston, and a copper wwher performs the same office at the joint between the housing and the closing plug. A series of grooves a, called air packing, is sometimes cut near the bottom of the piston, and assists in obturation in thc caie of a defect Fro. 18. in the copper cup. Any gas that may pass the cup has its tension rnateriaIIy rcduccd by expansion' into the successive grmves. In mother form of gauge tho housing is threaded on the exterior and the gauge is scrcwcd into a sockct provided in the head of the breech block. The gauge is placed in the gun behind the powder charge, or is inserted in its socket En the breech block. When the gun ia fred the pressure of the powder gases is exerted against the end of the piston and the copper cylinder is compressed. The compression is rnmifmtly due to the maximum pressure exerted in the: gun. The length of the cylinder is measured both before and nfter firing, and the eompree3sion due to the pressure is deter- mined. With the compression thus obtained the pressure per square inch that produced it is read at once from a tamge table previously constructed. The Tarage Table.-The copper cylinders are cut in half- inch lengths from rods very uniformly rolled and carefully an- . nealed. The compression of the cylinders under different lod8 is determined in a static pressure maebine. It is assumed that the compression obtained in frring is due to a load on the piston of the pressure gauge equal to the load that produced the same compression in the sbic machine. The pressure per squme inch in the gun my therefore be obtained by dividing the static load that corresponds to the observed compression by the area of the piston in the prcssurc gauge. Knowing the area of the piston used, the table of compressions and corregponhg pres- sures per qare inch is reatlily coastructed from the rmulta obtained in the machine. The area of piston in camon gauges is 1/10 of a square inch, and in the small-arm pressure barrel, of a aquare inch. Initial Compression.-Whm the pressure in the gun is high the compression of the copper is considera-bIe, and the piston acquires an appreciable velocity during the compression. Thc energy of the piston due to this velocity adds to the compres- sion that would result from the pressure done, and consequently the measured comprmsion is greater than the compression that corresponds to the true pressure. The energy of the piston may be reduced in two ways: by reducing its weight, and by limiting its travel and accompanying velocity. The pisfbn is. made as Iight ss posible cornistent with the duty it has to per- form. To limit its travel the copper cylinders are initidy corn- pressed before using, by a, load correqonding to a, pressure somewhat less than that expected in the gun. Further conk- pression of the copper will not occur until the load applied in the gun is close to that used .in the initial compression. The general practic~is to use a copper initially compressed by a load correspoudiig to a pressure about 3000 lbs. bss than that cxpccted in the gun. Thus if a prcssure of 35,000 lbs. i~l errpectcd, a copper initially compressed by a load correspond- jng to 32,000 Ibs. per square inch is used. Sdl-arm Pressure Barrel.-In the measurement of prcs- ewes in smgl arms a specidly eonstructcd barrcl whose bore is the same rn that of the rifle barrel is used. Thc piston of the pressure gauge passes through a hoIe bwed through the barrel over the chamber, anda steel housing erected over this part of .the barrel serve8 m an anvil far the copper cylinder. 46 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.

A hole is bored through the metallic wtiidge meto per- mit the powder gses to act directly on the end of the piston. 24. The licrometer Caliper.-The micrometer caliper, Fig. 19, is used for measuring the lengths of the copper cylinders before and after fui. This instnunent is used generally for the measuremat of ~hort cxt erior lengi hs.

The movable mearmring point p has a screw thread of forty tui.as to the inch cut on its shaft. One twn of the attached micrometer head m therefore moves the point one fortieth or 25 thousandths of an inch. By meam of the deon the aphdle and the 25 divisiom on the micrometer head m the dis- tance that separates the measuring points can be read to the one-thousandth of an inch, and by further subdividing the divi- sions on the head by the eye, readings to the ten-thousandth of an inch mybe made. The figure repraenh the points as sepa rated by 0,2907 inch-. The Dgnamic Method of Measuring Pressures.-This con sish in determining the vel~citiesof the gun in recoil, na by the Sebert velocimeter, or of the shot at different points of the bore The differences of the velocities divided by the carresponding differences of the times give the accelerations, and the corre- sponding prmes me obtained by mdtipIying the accelerac tions by the mass. A pressure obtained in this manner is evidently only the required to produce the observed MEASUREMENT OF VELOCITIES AND PRESSURES. 47

acceleration in a body whose mass is that of the gun or of the projectile. That part of the pressure expended in over- coming the friction of the projectile in the bore and in giving rotation to the projectile is neglected. The measured pressure is consequently less than the true preseure exerted in the gun* Comparison of the Two Methods.--When the same pressure in the bore is measured by thc dynamic method and by the pres- sure gauge the result obtained dynamically is usually the greater, and this notwithstanding the faet, as just explained, that the dyntlmically measured pressure is leas than the true pressure. This causes doubt M to the correctnwss of the prasures recorded by the gauge. In the gun the compression of the copper is effected in a very smaU fractiori of the time required in the static machine that produced the tarage, and as the maximum pressure in the gun is instantly relieved, it is hdd that the metal of the copper cylinder has not time to flow under t& gremure, and consequently that the compression is less than it would be under the same Iod in the static machine. The preme as obtained from thc com- pression in the gauge ix therefore less than the true pressure in the gun. On the other hand Sarrau, tin eminent French investigator, concludes from many experiments that with gunpowder, when the pressure gauge is placed in rear of the projectile, the com- pressions will agree with the tarage. The maximum pressure in the gun is reached in a, very short time, but the time is appre- ciable. Therefore the application of the pressure resembles in Rome degee that of the force producing the tarage. When high explosives are used, or when with gunpowder the pressure gauge is plmd mywhere in front of the bae of the projectile so that the gas atrikes it mddenlgr upon the passage of the projectflc, the rate of application of the force is so great that as a general rule the true prme is measured by the tarage corresponding to half the actual compre~ionof the cylinder. 48 ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY.

Though thme differences of opinion as to the correctne~of the pressure gauge exist, the gauge itnelf is in general uae. It affords the most convenient method of getting a measure of pressure, and serves to compare the measured pressure with what is ham from experience to be a safe pressure in the gun.