The Nicene Creed

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The Nicene Creed . n Fcap . 8vo . One Shilli g e ach ne t O xfo rd Churc h Te xt B o o ks Edito r The REV . LE HT N P LL N e e O M . G n ral , IG U A , A . , ’ e t. J C e e Le e T F llow of S ohn s oll g , and ctur r in h e ology ’ S t. O e C e e . at john s and ri l oll g s , O xford w ' The R v R h H b e Pi hets . e . L . TTLE D D T e e O O . C r p Y , anon of C hrist Church and Re gius Profe ssor of Pastoral The ology he U e in t niv rsity of O xford . Th Rev . B R N E O l e s O ld Te a e T e e C . ut in of st m nt h ology . F U Y , ’ D Li tt Le e H . e e S t . C e e O . , ctur r in br w at John s oll g , xford x o f th N w T m The Re v K LA K E M Th e Te e e e e . ; A t sta nt , Profe ssor of N e w T e stam e nt Exe g e sis and Early C hristian L e a e the U e Le e it r tur in niv rsity of yd n . Early Christian Doctrine . he Re v LE I TO N P ULLA N M A T . GH , . H h An Ele me ntary istory of t e Church in Gre at B ritain . ' W H H TTO N B D Fe t The Re v. S . C e e U , . llow of John s oll g , O xford . The R eformation in Gre at B ritain . M A e ll H . WA K E M AN . e A S C e e . O , . , lat F llow of ouls oll g , ’ ‘ O a nd the Re v. LE IGH I O N P LLA N M . A . xford , U , H s the B k C mm P er The i tory of oo of o on ray . M H . A DE M A E m h The Re v. C t e J U , , xa ining haplain to S t. Al Bishop of bans . th h E a The Article s of e C urch of ng l nd . D ' The R e v. B . K DD D. V o f S t . P O d . J I , , icar aul s , xfor — H t a nd E o f Arti cl i - V V I . es . 2 s o l. In ol . is ory xplanation viii — - V l E a A e . o . II . xpl nation of rticl s ix xxxix ne t. M ay a lso be fia d i n one as . The C in e a R e t . The Re v . B . K DD D. D. ont nt l forma ion J I , r rm . The Re v . T . ELD D . D A M anua l fo C onfi ation FI , Ra e e Warde n of dle y C oll g . th 2 . The Re v . H . N . BATE A History of e C hurch to 3 5 , M A E a m C a a the B L . , x ining h pl in to ishop of ondon Th C u h its M s r A . e h rc , ini t y and uthority M A L b a Pu e H e t he Re v DA RWELL S TO NE . , , i rari n of s y ous , f O x ord . A History of th e A me rican C hurch to the close of th e Nine R Re v L E I TO N C O LEMA N The . tee nth Century . ight GH , De e U . S . A . T D LL D. L e B S . , , at ishop of lawar , NS Kl NG STREET CO ENT AR DEN . LO NDO N : RIVI N GTO , 34 , V G r 0 x. 9 9 . d h h x B k — n i O xfor C urc Te t oo s Co t nued. Th R v A F M Th F e S a e . e e . S . C . O RD . A . e utur t t G Y , , ’ V e - P B C e e C e ic rincipal of ishops oll g , h shunt. M Evi d e es o f C s a . The Re v . L . RA . A nc hri ti nity GG , P e be V e - C e L e r ndary and ic hanc llor of incoln C ath dral . ’ The A s es C e e . The Re v . A . E . B RN D . D po tl r d U , V a o f H a a P e e Li chfie ld ic r lif x ; r b ndary of , nd E m l a xa ining Chaplain to th e B ishop of Lichfie d . u h Re v A N N M I ELL S s C H T e . T O T cotti h h rch istory . H Y CH , D P a P n n ian P e o f the B . a to o f T e . , rincip l and rof ssor h ology The ological C olle ge o f the E piscop al Church in S cotland ; ' C a S t M C a e E non of . ary s th dral , dinburgh . h T i n L T e e ach g of our ord . h e Re v L E I TO A M A T . N P LL N . GH U , . A S r the L e re th ld T me ho t Introduction to it ratu of e O e sta nt . H B x V R The Re v . o M . A . a L me G . , , ic r of inton , oss , for rly H e e M a e M e T a lo rs S br w st r at rchant y chool . N Th Re v . A E B RN D D The e e C e e . e . ic n r d U , T H E C H U RC H U N IVE RS A L B rie f Historie s o f H er Co nti nuous Life R V W. H H TT e b The E . O N B . D. Edit d y U , , ’ e S t . J C e e F llow of ohn s oll g , O xford . o f the A s The C hurch po tles . The Re v LO N DA L RA M A 6 n . E . s. d . e t S GG, 4 . — Th C r o f th e F e s . 6 1 e hu ch ath r 98 4 . T R v E I T N P LL A N M he e . L O A 5 . ne t GH U , . 5 . Th C u th B a 01—1 e h rch and e arbari ns . 4 003. Th E DIT R 6d e O . s . ne t . 3 . — u h and the E i e . 1 1 0 The Ch rc mp r 003 3 4 . M EDLE M D . A P e o f H the U e J Y , rof ssor istory in niv rsity me T o f Ke e C e e O of Glasgow, for rly utor bl oll g , xford . — h 1 0 1 0 . The Ag e of S c ism . 3 4 5 3 M P H E RB E RT BR E . A . e H the U e UC , , rof ssor of istory in niv r sit C e e C a . 5 . 6d . ne t . y oll g , rdiff 3 - R . 1 0 16 The eformation 5 3 48. W I TN E B D . P E Th e Re v . P . e e J H Y , , rof ssor of ccl siastical ’ H at K C e e L . 5 . n e t . istory ing s oll g , ondon 5 - 1 181 . The A g e of R e v olution . 648 5 h ED I TO R s. 6 ne t . T e . 4 d . u M d e D s 181 —1 00 The Ch rch of o rn ay . 5 9 . M I T N P LLA N . A The Rev . LE O . GH U , LO N DO N RIVI NGTO NS N TREET CO ENT A RDEN : , 34 KI G S , V G . S ma F ca . 8v o . I S . e a ne t . ll p ch , flDrforD r mm 21500135 Gen era l E di tor The R EV. LEIGH TO P ULLA , N N , ’ M . A . F e l w t o/zn s ol e e a l o o S . C l nd Lecturer i n T/z , f j g , eo ’ lo at S t. oli n s and O ri el Co lle es Ox o d r . gy f g , f h i d T e N ce ne Cre e . B h R D . D . Vi ca r o a t e Rev . A . U N H li ax y E B , , f f , ’ a nd E xa mi ni n Cna la i n to fire B i s/m o Li cn ela g p p f fi .
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