2020 ANNUAL REPORT The mission of Children’s Home Society of South Dakota (CHS) is to empower children, adults, families and communities Let us put to be resilient, safe, healthy our minds together and strong.

and see what life BETTER TOGETHER As the oldest nonprofit human we can make services organization in South Dakota, established in for our children. 1893, CHS innovates by evolving to meet the changing needs of SITTING BULL, HUNKPAPA LAKOTA the people we serve. Our six programs are detailed in the pages of this report.

Better Together is one of our fundamental values. It’s because we can only achieve our mission when we work together—with one another; with the people we serve and their families; with donors, volunteers and leaders; and with partners in our communities.

01 EACH YEAR, CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY SERVES THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND FAMILIES FROM EVERY COUNTY IN SOUTH DAKOTA. 03 CEO social service “I am immensely “I am immensely trauma informed trauma informed we are are we agencies, MICHELLE LAVALLEE helping heal and heal helping proud to share the to share proud all South Dakotans all South Dakotans and fulfilling lives.” and fulfilling so trauma prevent fully committed to fully the region’s leading leading the region’s to lead safe, healthy healthy safe, to lead CHS story! As one of have the opportunityhave


We are 330+ employees, along with along 330+ employees, are We volunteers, donors and numerous members. board advocates, case are accountants, administrators, We coordinators, counselors, directors, managers, cooks, HR forensic interviewers, fundraisers, housekeepers, nurses, marketers, specialists, maintenance workers, teachers, therapists, secretaries, social workers, technicians and more. education, experience, age, diverse in ability, are We gender and talent. race, professional and kind, tenacious, passionate, are We mission driven. We are tenacious. are We to live our mission and light do whatever it takes We a path forward for children and families facing adversity. We are better are together. We of collectively steward the mission and resources We Home Society and work together to shape Children’s the future for children, families and our community. kindness. choose We by bring out the best in ourselves and others We cultivating an environment of growth, understanding and respect. WHO IS CHS? IS WHO Rising to the Challenge. Together.

Nationally and locally, 2020 was an extremely challenging year.

CHS is proud of our hard work, the commitment of our staff and our unified response, which included:

Following safety measures, such as screening, quarantining, social distancing, hand-washing, masking and cleaning

Adjusting by putting up tents to replace home visits; creating fun activities; helping cover staff absences by changing schedules; providing encouragement, etc.

IT commitment and flexibility in setting up staff to work remotely as needed

Shifting to video or phone conferencing for therapy, nurse visits and Prevention and Community Based Services training events (an unexpected silver lining of the pandemic was seeing dramatic increases in participation) At Children’s Home

Adapting major fundraising events in Sioux Falls and Society, we believe the Black Hills to ensure safety in the power of teamwork. That’s Functioning with no volunteers, which affected why we say we’re dozens of activities and programs, including Christmas, better together. It’s Big Buddies, Sunday School, sports teams on campus, field trips, outings and much, much more why our six programs deliver outstanding outcomes, year after A focus on uniting and uplifting staff through enhanced communication, transparency and year. And it’s why engagement, as well as increased compensation, we are united by additional benefits, diversity education, leadership training and more. the philosophy of bringing the finest care and services to the most vulnerable people in South Dakota.

05 Residential Treatment and Day School

Black Hills Children’s Home (BHCH) and Sioux Falls Children’s Home (SFCH) are psychiatric residential treatment centers and special education schools for children, ages 4-14, with severe emotional and behavioral needs. Many of the children are victims of domestic violence, neglect, and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. It is also part of the CHS mission to partner with caring parents to help their children who have emotional or behavioral needs.


BLACK HILLS CHILDREN’S HOME Residential Treatment & Education 58 Children SIOUX FALLS CHILDREN’S HOME Residential Treatment & Education 98 Children Day School Program 40 Children

2020–21 Program Budget: $15,062,617 Charitable Support Needed: (18%) $2,684,287

full-time position, becoming a couldn’t attend to their kids,” team coordinator. Eventually “This isn’t just a April says. Her father was in she married, had children, job. You really have What becomes of and out of the State Penitentiary and began to enjoy a fulfilling the children who during her childhood. relationship with her parents, to have your heart who had changed and are still involved, and you leave the CHS “I was at BHCH for nine months,” doing well today. Residential Care April says. “I think my brother have to want to do programs? was here around two years and When she decided to continue this. You also have HOME IS my sister for about two and a her education, April received Some former residents have half years.” the CHS Madden Family to be optimistic and come back to say hi and stay Scholarship to attend Western know that there are WHERE THIS for a few minutes. April knew her mother loved her Dakota Tech in Rapid City. She going to be hard and the stay at BHCH became earned an Applied Science in HEART IS But a very special one has a pivotal moment. “She came Surgical Technology degree and days, but we’ll get come back to say hi and stay here for therapy,” says April. worked at Monument Health as through it. There’s for 18 years—and counting. “I really think this place helped a Surgical Technologist in the her a lot. I remember she got operating room. Then she was more good than April Roselles, Lead Team an award, I think from Fred approached to return to BHCH. bad. There’s way Coordinator at Black Hills Tully—a parenting award for Children’s Home (BHCH) was being consistent, showing up April answered the call, leaving more good nine years old when she first and being involved. That was behind her new career. And she than bad.” arrived at Children’s Home. nice for her at a time when she has no regrets. “I’m glad to be “I came with both my siblings; probably felt she wasn’t being a back because I really believe my “Basically I came back to give I have a younger brother and a very good parent. Affirmation is heart is here,” she says. back what I was given, because younger sister,” she says. She always important.” I literally know this place and her siblings had been in About working with the children changed our lives,” April says. foster homes prior to BHCH. Returning home at BHCH, April says, “I can “I wanted to come back and relate to the difficulties these provide that to other kids.” “My parents had a lot of April’s home life improved, kids go through. I can be very difficulties. My mom had me with no more stays in foster or empathetic and truly understand when she was 17. Her mom residential care. But she never where they’re coming from. died two weeks before I was forgot BHCH. While still in high And then I can show them that born. My father was not a good school, April began working at they can be okay, they can BHCH Lead Team Coordinator April Roselles spent time at Children’s Home during man then. They both had drug BHCH as a part-time counselor. overcome this.” her childhood. She chooses to work at CHS because she wants to “give back what addictions, alcohol addictions, After graduation, she took a I was given.” things like that, so they just CHSSD.ORG/RESIDENTIAL-TREATMENT-AND-EDUCATION 07 “If you need help, the staff will help you. And you can always tell them what you’re feeling.”


Sometimes becoming ordinary is the most extraordinary thing that can happen.

Mia’s early years were “It was more than just the typical extraordinary—in the worst defiance we see from kids,” way. By age four she had been Kelly says. sexually abused by a relative. She was removed from her “Mia’s example of how adults mother’s home and her father care for kids was not accurate, took custody of her. not safe and not healthy. As staff tried to care for her, even But her dad’s job involved with daily tasks like helping frequent travel, and he wasn’t her comb her hair, she would AN EXTRAORDINARY able to care for a young child. be resistant because she had He left Mia with various people learned not to trust anyone.” for various lengths of time. “We TRANSFORMATION don’t even know how many Staff began to consider a higher different people he left her with. level of care for Mia, such as Over the course “Mia just blossomed and uncertain. Staff didn’t want to story,” Kelly says. “Alice is Were they safe people? Did they the Human Services Center of two years, staff became such a delight and a get Mia’s hopes up if placement fantastic and both of them care for her? Did they abuse in Yankton. joy. It was such a turnaround. couldn’t happen; at the same are so caring, willing to her?” says Kelly Van Den Berg, worked with Mia She had accepted help and time, they didn’t want Alice to accept help and learn about CHS Family Therapist. Solution, support to build healthy caregiving to the point where lose interest. one another.” The new family and success she flourished and became uses counseling available When Mia was seven, Child attachments and a role model on the unit. She “We introduced them over through CHS’s Therapeutic Protection Services intervened. The small Intensive Program relationships. “For was helpful with younger kids video calls and phone calls, Foster Care program. Parental rights were terminated. at SFCH doesn’t often have and would encourage kids who which is different from what we Mia lived in a few foster openings. But staff thought her to be able to were struggling.” typically do. But they had great Today, Mia enjoys the true homes, but her behavior was outside the box and figured out trust a person that conversations and got to know blessing of an ordinary life. challenging and she was how to get Mia into this program. she didn’t know When Mia was ready to each other.” She and Alice like to do ordinary referred to SFCH. transition to foster care, the family activities. They joke The higher staff-to-child ratio, to take care of SD Department of Social “When they met for the first time, around in ordinary ways. Mia For a year and a half, Mia’s structure and routine turned her and keep her Services happened to learn Mia just ran up and hugged goes to school, has new friends, behaviors, including swearing, out to be transformative. “She of Alice, a new foster parent. her,” Kelly says. “It gives me and looks forward to summer— threats, extreme physical learned that she didn’t have safe—it was just Everyone agreed she would goosebumps just thinking like an ordinary child—which she aggression and sexual acting to act out negatively to get remarkable.” be a great match for Mia. about it!” has worked so hard to become. out, did not improve and were attention. We taught her about disruptive to other children. using her words, sorting out her “Alice had finished her trainings, About three months after they feelings and learning what helped but then COVID happened,” met, Mia left SFCH for her foster her feel better,” says Kelly. says Kelly. Everything was home. “It’s such an amazing

09 Community Based Services (Foster Care and Adoption)

Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) serves children of all ages who have moderate emotional and behavioral needs, usually from abuse or neglect. TFC offers a healing family experience to prepare children for reunification or adoption.

Adoption Services: Wendy’s Wonderful Kids (WWK) works to find adoptive families for children of all ages who are considered hard to place. WWK believes that no child is unadoptable. ADOPTIVE PARENTS Post Adoption Services include therapy, family support, training and referrals. SHINE BRIGHT

Growing a family A family by choice through adoption The idealized Chris and Megen chose Jenny. adoption story While Jenny’s background is But Jenny also chose them. involves an infant, unusual, the story of Chris and a grateful couple and Megen, her adoptive parents, “One of the interesting things a happily ever after. is no less remarkable. that the judge said at the adoption was that not many The couple knew they wanted people get to choose their However, reality is usually a family. Chris teaches middle parents,” says Megen. much messier and more school science and Megen is complicated. Many adoptive a mental health therapist. parents don’t know what “She has no reason they’re getting into. Many “My parents are older,” says to trust adults. adopted children are scarred Chris. “They’re in their mid- by trauma, even as babies. There’s nothing in seventies, so I wanted our kids Many aren’t able to be adopted to remember their grandparents her background until they’re much older. instead of just looking at photos that says adults are or a videotape. That was what That was the case with safe to trust. People happened to me.” Jenny, who was part of think, oh, that’s Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, a “We know some people who program of the Dave Thomas so great of you for are foster families, and being in Foundation for Adoption. the jobs that we’re in, we saw taking her in. Yeah, Program recruiters use the need,” says Megen. “We just a child-focused model to but that’s also so decided that that was how we find homes for older and wanted to build our family.” great of her to give Adoptive parents Megen and Chris with their daughter Jenny, who they adopted when hard-to-place children. she was 13, along with a few of the family’s pets. us a chance.” “You hear a lot of heartbreaking Jenny was 11 when CHS stories of kids who age out and Jenny has become more vocal – 2020 SERVICES PROVIDED – Adoption Specialist Tina don’t get that family. I just hated and self-confident since the Graber began working with that. Every kid deserves people adoption, in addition to growing her. “She’d been on my BLACK HILLS AREA who are in their corner for the several inches. She likes school caseload since March 2018. Therapeutic Foster Care 23 Children rest of their life.” and enjoys choir, dance, art, FFA Jenny was a resident at Wendy’s Wonderful Kids 27 Children/8 Finalized and playing Minecraft. SFCH from 2012 to 2014. She Post Adoption Services & Support 5 Children & 3 Families “We know how to deal with that was in foster care for more age group, much more than we “She likes puzzles. Oh, and than 4,500 days (most of her know how to deal with diapers she’s been building a lot with SIOUX FALLS AREA life),” Tina says. And in 2020, and that stuff,” Megen says. “We Legos lately,” says Chris. “She Therapeutic Foster Care 16 Children Jenny was adopted. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids 23 Children/2 Finalized felt it would be a good fit for our and I are starting a large pirate Post Adoption Services & Support 27 Children & 16 Families family, with what we like to do ship kit. And she’s into cats and and our routines. Having a child cats. And some more cats.” Beyond Consequences – Foster/Adoptive Parent Training 48 Attendees who can come with us to do things—instead of always trying “And cats,” says Megen. to find a babysitter—there are 2020–21 Program Budget: $1,116,379 just a lot of perks to having an Charitable Support Needed: (27%) $313,160 older child.”

CHSSD.ORG/FOSTER-CARE-AND-ADOPTION 11 Santa and her husband BK (not pictured) came to the U.S. from a Bright Start refugee camp in Bhutan. Twins Emmi and Esmee were born shortly after the family began working with a Bright Start nurse. A nurse home visitation program, Bright Start provides care for at-risk families during pregnancy and after delivery. Nursing services include prenatal, maternal and infant/child health and development assessments and education; and parenting, health, safety and nutrition education. Services may continue until the child’s second birthday. Bright Start also helps link families with community resources, such as prenatal, postpartum and pediatric medical care; family planning services; and mental health services.

Even for folks born in “All of this took place at our first The sheer volume of the U.S., navigating visit,” says Kathy. information and referrals Kathy provided to the family complex systems as Listening, learning demonstrates the important a young adult can and growing role that Bright Start played in be difficult. their lives. It included: In the Bright Start program, For Santa and her husband building a trusting relationship Teaching Santa how to BK, who came to the U.S. from between the nurse and the diaper, breastfeed and bathe a refugee camp in Bhutan, family is essential for success. the babies expecting twins was a blessing—and overwhelming. Fortunately, Santa and Kathy Helping obtain reflux medicine A friend referred Santa to bonded quickly. Although for the babies Bright Start. they’d only met a few weeks earlier, Santa invited Kathy to Referring Santa to the Sanford “Santa enrolled about three the hospital the day after she Safety Center for a home safety weeks before her twins were gave birth to her two beautiful walk-through born,” says Nurse Supervisor baby girls, Emmi and Esmee. Kathy Schneider. The couple Providing education on lived with a relative and had tummy time, potty training, no safe place prepared for the “Kathy is kind, thumb-sucking and weaning babies to sleep. Kathy helped from the bottle Santa make an appointment caring and loving,” with the federal Women, Infants Santa says. “She Educating Santa on and Children (WIC) program plagiocephaly and torticollis; that helps meet a wide range really helped when the pediatrician of expectant parents’ needs. and taught me referred Emmi for a helmet everything—how for plagiocephaly, she helped “They had one car, so I gave Santa use it consistently her taxi vouchers to get to the to take care of BUILDING hospital in case labor started a child.” Referring Santa to the free while her husband was at dental clinic; the girls have TRUST, work,” Kathy says. “I also told gone once or twice each year her about the free car seat EMPOWERING installation provided at local fire Accompanying Santa to the stations and helped her sign up hospital when she took Esmee FAMILIES at Teddy Bear Den.” to get tubes in her ears Educating Santa on positive Santa’s time with Bright Start Assisting the family in planning discipline, routines and passed quickly. Today, Emmi a trip with the twins to Nepal understanding various and Esmee are healthy, behaviors smart and thriving; Santa is a Educating the family on confident and loving mother. – 2020 SERVICES PROVIDED – COVID when the pandemic hit Helping the family find ways The family recently moved into to pay medical bills not covered a beautiful home of their own. Encouraging Santa to read, Families Served 213 by insurance sing or tell stories to the girls Nurse Home Visits 2,197 When the family graduated from every day, helping her get a Providing information on the program, Kathy brought Therapist Home Visits 207 library card and learn about buying a home and helping the stuffed bears, backpacks and free children’s activities at family find a moving truck cupcakes to celebrate their the library success. “We’re really going to 2020–21 Program Budget: $857,821 Connecting the family with in- miss her,” says Santa. United Way Support: (52%) $443,100 home Early Head Start services Charitable Support Needed: (.005%) $5,140

CHSSD.ORG/BRIGHTSTART 13 HOPE IS STRONGER Children’s Inn THAN FEAR Children’s Inn provides free services for women, children, and men who are victims of domestic violence, stalking, elder abuse, sexual assault, and child abuse or neglect.

What happens Staff welcomed her with when a dad tells his open arms. “Oh, they made me feel special. They’re daughter, “You’re so compassionate and dumb and stupid. understanding and patient,” “The staff at You’re not worth Sharon says. Children’s Inn is anything. You’re never going to be At first Sharon was afraid that just awesome,” her abuser might find her. Staff anything?” she says. “It takes assured her that she was safe at Children’s Inn. a good heart and What happens when her patience and childhood is shaped by An ending and a addiction and abuse? new beginning commitment Here’s what can happen. to deal with After helping Sharon heal The little girl believes her dad. people that are from her injuries and obtain She grows up feeling worthless a protection order, staff emotionally, and gets involved with abusive focused on helping her find men because to her, that’s physically and safe, affordable housing. Case normal. She has issues with Managers helped her get out mentally going stability, homelessness and of her lease and secure an poverty. And when she’s in her through this. apartment that met her needs. 60s, she finds herself living in They made me terror with her boyfriend, who They also helped Sharon get has become a violent and feel loved.” to doctors’ appointments and unpredictable meth addict. assisted with her court hearings. Sharon encourages other victims of domestic violence “I was scared to death of him,” The next challenge was to seek help. “Talk to a says Sharon. “I kept fearing moving. Sharon had no vehicle sister, a brother, an aunt, every time I’d go to bed—is and no family or friends to help. an uncle, a social worker, he going to come in and stab Again, Children’s Inn Case a teacher, a pastor— me? Is he going to shoot me? Managers stepped up, finding somebody that will listen Is he going to rape and kill me? a local moving company that and try to guide you the I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. would move Sharon’s furniture right way, to find the help I was always on and belongings at no cost. to get out of that situation, wondering what today was because no one needs to going to bring me. For seven When Sharon learned that her be abused, psychologically months I lived like that.” abuser had finally left the state, or physically.” she was finally able to relax. – 2020 SERVICES PROVIDED – After an assault so brutal Despite injuries, chronic health “We have to tell each other, that neighbors contacted issues, the trauma of being ‘You’re worth it. Don’t let Emergency Shelter Intakes: police, Sharon was brought abused and lack of financial anyone ever tell you you’re Adults 406 to Children’s Inn. resources, she kept her spirits not worth it, because you Children with Parent 343 up. And she knows she can still are. You’re special.’ Each Children in Protective Custody 102 turn to Children’s Inn for help. and every one of God’s Children in Respite Care 5 children is special.” Crisis Phone Calls 3, 263 Drop-in Counseling: Individuals Served 2, 226 Outreach Counseling Sessions 922 Women’s Support Group Sessions 52 Women, 42 Sessions Parenting Classes 40 Parents, 80 Sessions As we go to press, the Gift for Good Children’s Inn Domestic Violence Community Education 883 Attendees / 106 Presentations Endowment Campaign is beginning. We look forward to expanding the capacity of Children’s Inn to better serve our 2020–21 Program Budget: $3,053,846 communities. To learn how you can partner with CHS on this United Way Support: (14.2%) $435,000 important endeavor, please contact Rick Weber, Foundation Charitable Support Needed: (50%) $1,513,085 Director, at [email protected] or 605.965.3127.


Child Advocacy Center

The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) serves children who are alleged victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse or who have witnessed violence. Like more than 900 other CACs nationwide, the Children’s Home Society CAC provides forensic interviews, support to families and coordinates specialized medical examinations. TACKLING TRAUMA These services eliminate the need for repeated interviews and examinations by multiple investigating WITH TEAMWORK parties. Referrals come primarily through law enforcement and Child Protection Services.

Eventually, Alyssa shared that the sexual abuse had been happening for years. Her mother was devastated.

“First we make sure kids are “We have seen this safe, that the offender is not in young girl flourish the home,” Jennifer says. “We help the child and the family since her first get the services they need visit,” says Jennifer. to heal. The healing process “The last time she At the Child Advocacy supersedes everything else. No matter what prosecution was in, she was Center (CAC), every looks like, the child’s experience bubbly, standing child we see has does not go away.” suffered trauma. up straight and Working together to interacting with a Alyssa’s story was no exception. protect children An elementary-school-aged sense of ease. It was child, she told her mother that CAC is an integral part of a multi- quite the change!” a relative had sexually abused disciplinary team that includes her. Her mom believed her the SD Department of Social “This family touched us so much (which isn’t always the case) Services, law enforcement that CAC and CHS Community and contacted police. (state and federal), the medical Based staff in the Black Hills community, mental health and skipped our usual holiday gift When we met Alyssa, she the State’s Attorney’s office. exchange and pooled our and her mother were anxious money to help Alyssa and and afraid. For her mother, In Alyssa’s case, the her family have an extra the information was new; she investigation revealed that special Christmas.” struggled with shock and Alyssa’s offender had pain. “What she told us at multiple victims. “I will never forget the call first was just the beginning,” from Alyssa’s mom when she says Jennifer Arnold, Child Because of Alyssa’s strength received the package. She said, and Family Advocate. “That’s and bravery, these additional ‘You all made our Christmas very common. Kids will give victims had the opportunity to magical. I will never be able to piecemeal disclosures and receive early intervention and to thank you guys enough gauge how you respond. someday have safe and healthy for everything.’” Sometimes they’re not ready adult relationships. to talk.” “Working together, they’ve blessed us, and we’ve blessed them,” Jennifer says. “A little kindness goes a long way.”


Forensic Interviews 324 Children

2020–21 Program Budget: $497,290 Charitable Support Needed: (63%) $313,160

CHSSD.ORG/CAC 17 Terry Liggins became a Master Trainer in the South Dakota ACEs Prevention, Training and Resiliency training offered through the CHS Prevention program. He has since started a and Education nonprofit that works with at-risk youth and vulnerable adults. The goal of CHS Prevention, Training and Education is to prevent child abuse in South Dakota. Statewide education, trainings and events focus on teaching the public and professionals how to recognize and respond to child abuse, properly handle child abuse disclosures, understand Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and implement trauma informed care.


Abuse Prevention Education 4,641 Attendees / 206 Presentations

A child experiencing 2020–21 Program Budget: $240,667 traumatic events Charitable Support Needed: (57%) $136,071 doesn’t know trauma is occurring. Most children assume that their Nonprofit. “I learned that lives are normal— Then a poor choice landed Terry I had six ACEs All along, Terry had planned to because they don’t in federal prison for a white- (out of a possible 10), go into a helping profession. know any different. collar crime. After his release in “I wanted to be like the people 2016, he began working with an which meant I had who helped my family when I The story of Terry Liggins, 35, addiction recovery coach who many traumatic was young,” he says. Combining of Sioux Falls, SD, illustrates brought up the topic of trauma. this ambition with his new this. Originally from north experiences,” he understanding of ACEs and Omaha, NE, Terry succeeded “I learned that some of my says. “Knowing resiliency, he founded despite growing up in a tough experiences in childhood were this gave me a The Hurdle Life Foundation, environment. He became traumatic events,” he says. In a nonprofit based on the core HELPING a first-generation college his neighborhood, there were clarity about my belief that a trauma informed student on a track and field drugs, gangs and violence; own upbringing community is in the best interest scholarship at the University he survived his first drive-by of everyone. and thereby an PEOPLE of South Dakota. shooting by age six; later his younger brother was killed in a understanding The foundation works with drive-by shooting. But Terry also at-risk youth from 11-17 and CLEAR LIFE’S Flourishing in the university of my behaviors, setting, Terry was elected experienced trauma at home. vulnerable adults, providing student body president and beliefs and mindset.” trauma informed support HURDLES won the 60-meter hurdle In 2017 Terry joined the through mentorship, inspiration national championship at the Master Trainer cohort of “When I was able to learn about and education—working NCAA Division II Indoor Track the South Dakota Adverse the neuroscience, it allowed me together to help them clear and Field Championships in Childhood Experiences (ACEs) to be more comfortable with life’s hurdles—as Terry has 2008. He graduated with a and Resiliency Training offered myself and who I had become,” done himself. bachelor’s in Criminal Justice through the CHS Prevention says Terry. “It also gave me the and went on to earn a master’s program. He soon discovered knowledge that ‘hurt people in Public Administration, how ACEs had affected his hurt people.’ I developed own journey. compassion and empathy for my mom and dad so I could forgive them, and not be bitter and blaming.” Types of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) “The Rapid City Police Department has seen a great deal of benefit from having received training • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse for all of our personnel on ACEs. The theme coming from our veteran officers was that they wished that they had this training early on in their careers. This effort has been combined to create an • Physical or emotional neglect introduction to trauma informed policing, which we are building upon by adding continued education • Household member mental illness, violence, hours to further our growth and response to trauma.” substance abuse, divorce/separation and incarceration DAVE KINSER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST, RAPID CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT CHSSD.ORG/PREVENTION 19 I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.


CHS is accredited by the Joint Commission (JCAHO) and licensed by the South Dakota Department of Social Services.

Privacy Policy: To protect the privacy of the children and families we serve, it is our practice (unless otherwise noted) to use names and photos that represent our stories and ensure confidentiality. 2020 ANNUAL REPORT Children’s Home Society: Financial Report FY2020

Other 1% School Districts 7% United Way for Bright Start and Children's Inn 5% SD Dept of Education 8%

Charitable Gifts & Endowment Distribution 8% Other States 1% Govt. Grants, Contracts & Fees 22% Medicaid 48% While 2020 tested Children’s Home Society of South Dakota (CHS), we showed ourselves equal to the challenge by working together. And we took inspiration and instruction from the people we serve. BETTER TOGETHER INCOME: $18,492,002 Children, women, men and families come to CHS when they are facing some of the most difficult moments of their lives. Just as we help vulnerable people develop the skills to become more resilient, we tapped into our own reserves of resiliency to handle the difficulties presented during 2020. Child Advocacy Center 2% Prevention Training & Education .5% Administration & Marketing 12% Bright Start 4% “Better Together is the realization that the talents, experiences, Sioux Falls Residential 28% and perspectives of a group of individuals committed to a common Black Hills Education 5% TIM HAMEL mission will always produce a more successful outcome. PRESIDENT, CHILDREN’S HOME We can learn from each other, challenge each other, inspire each Foster Care & Adoption 8% SOCIETY BOARD OF other, and finally rejoice in our accomplishments with each other. DIRECTORS That is so much more fulfilling than going it alone.” Sioux Falls Education 12% Black Hills Residential 18% Children’s Inn 12.5% “Our mission, at its heart, is to serve a broken and needy world, and the people we serve often feel alone and full of fear. When we JULIE ANDERSON do the work of our mission, not only are we reminded that utilizing FRIESEN the full gifts of our board, staff, donors, and volunteers makes us EXPENSES: $20,065,976 PRESIDENT, better together, but we make it clear to those we serve they are not CHILDREN’S HOME FOUNDATION BOARD alone. We will harness all we have to help them and their families OF DIRECTORS get better—together—as well.”

2 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 3 Guardians of the Children is a legacy program established to recognize and honor those people whose vision, philanthropy and love of children have been demonstrated by a planned estate gift to Children’s Home Foundation. Funds from the Foundation support programs of Children’s Home Society including Black Hills Children’s Home, Sioux Falls Children’s Home, and Children’s Inn.

Ken & Sally Anderson Arnie Hauge Stephen R. & Jack & Linda Stengel Tom & Rebecca Batcheller Phil Helland Mary Lynn Myers Kathryn Stevens Kevin & Robin Baum Ryan & Leah Hofer Dave & Pat Nadolski Dr. Cameron & Yvonne Behrends Susan M. Hughes Bruce & Kim Nearhood Susan Stokka Chuck & Joan Benson Sherri Jackson Jeff & Muriel Nelson Jeannette Stowsand Bob & Deb† Biernbaum Pam Taylor & Steve Jansa Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Glen & Caren Straatmeyer Donald & Leona Bierschbach Craig & Louise Johnson Dr. Wesley Nord Judy Stransky Allen M. Bishop Jeff & Doreen Jorgenson Bob & Cathy Novak Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga Kerry & Donna Boekelheide Duncan & Ellie Keirnes Berniece Oberling Marian D. Sullivan Harold & Helen Boer Dan & Arlene Kirby Tom & Michele Olsen Dave & Nancy Thomas Dick & Jane Bohy Joe & Jennifer Kirby Lee† & Lynn John & Lee Thomas Rob & Leslie† Brandner Scott & Marilyn Korsten Michael & Karen Pekas Fred & Maryann Tully Rachel & Rheann Brekke Fern Lair Dale & Kathy Peterson Myron & Joan Van Buskirk John & Jan Brewer Peter & Janis Lee Don & Ann Platt Leonard Walde† & Dick & Sue† Brown Olivia Lima Shawn & Michelle Poe Shirley Lenz-Walde Franklin A. & Vernon & Donna Lind Janice Radach & Family Beth Walker THE CHILDREN Elizabeth K. Burke Bill & Lorrae Lindquist Marlene Rance Gordy & Tami Wallenstein

GUARDIANS OF Bill & Lynne Byrne John & Barbara Lockwood Warren & Rhea† Reed Tom & Kathy Walsh Jim† & Nancy Christensen David† & Rita Loving Merlin & Bev Riedel Rick & Mary Weber Doug & Darla Crown Pamela Madsen George & Donna Roberts Linda Wells Rich† & Sharon Cutler Vicki Madsen John & Kay Rozell DeAun West Children’s Home Foundation (CHF) was established in 1982 with a mission to ensure Dennis & Linda Daugaard Jack† & Ellie Marshman Art & Maggie Russo Drs. Robert† & Michael & Diana Day Larry D. & Al Schoeneman Carolyn Fassi Wharton that CHS programs and services are fully funded. To that end, CHF raises financial and Jeff Denison D. Jean Matthesen Don Schuur Dick & Donna Wilson Jim & Susan† Dodson Mac & Bev McCracken Ed & Peg Seljeskog Joe & Karin Youngberg gift-in-kind resources for operating support and facility needs, and works to establish Don†& Miriam Dunmire Tim & Diane Meyer Dr. John Spangler Thomas & Lynne Zimmer Dave & Cathy Eddy Linda Mickelson Graham Glenn† & Mary Jane Stalheim long-term sustainability through endowment funds and estate gifts. Steve & Kris Egger Patrick & Barbara Miller Jim & Carolynn Stavenger †Deceased Steve & Allison Garry Mike & Lisa Modrick Mark & Jennifer Stavenger Tom & Margaret Geertsema Robert & Deborah Mudge Pastor Carli Steffes Jim & Nini Hart Kent & Cathy Mundon Dennis† & Glenda Stene Children’s Home Foundation: Funds Raised FY July 2019–June 2020 Help Secure the Future of CHS Since the early 1900s, caring friends have helped CHS survive challenging Estate Gifts 1.5% economic times by providing bequests from their estates. Today, donors are using a wider variety of gift vehicles to ensure that CHS can care and advocate Legacy Gifts for children and families well into the future. In addition to making a bequest Endowment Gifts 9% through a will or trust, friends often designate CHS to receive memorial gifts. Making CHS the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan is another Gifts-in-kind 12.5% popular option. For larger estates, Lead Trusts and Charitable Remainder Trusts are advantageous gift vehicles. Unless otherwise restricted, estate Unless designated for a specific purpose, legacy gifts are used to grow the gifts to Children’s Home Foundation endowment from which a board-designated percentage is distributed annually are used to fund, in perpetuity, CHS to fund CHS programs and services. To include CHS in your will, the most programs and services through annual Program Support Gifts 18% common bequest language is: distributions from our endowment. Restricted Gifts 59% I bequest (description of gift) to Children’s Home Foundation to be used to support the operations of Children’s Home Society of South Dakota. LEGACY GIFTS RECEIVED IN 2020: Anonymous $8,000.00 Specific designations may be made to programs of CHS. For example, a legacy Ralph and Evelyn L. Williams $666,287.22 gift can be designated to Children’s Inn. Anonymous $52,264.42 Anonymous *$52,344.23 TOTAL: $8,810,239 For more details, visit our website: *Denotes gift to Children’s Inn NOTE: All totals reported include gifts to Children’s Inn. Become a Guardian of the Children by making a gift through your will, trust, or retirement plan. For more information, contact Rick Weber: 605.965.3127 4 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 5 Board of Directors 2O2O-2O21 Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O A listing of gifts that help support all CHS programs and services, including those – CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY– – CHILDREN'S HOME FOUNDATION– TS provided for Children’s Inn, which are noted in bold type.

$50,000 Mike & Cindy Huether High Point Networks LLC $1,000 + Cleaver’s Chef Challenge JDS Industries Arthur & Michele Holden Joseph & Susan Adams Pipestone Scott & Marilyn Korsten* Hondas with Heart Advanced Auto Parts SB III Holdings — Roger Larsen Marilyn Hoyt Dr. Paul Amundson & Gordon Spronk & Memorial Fund* The Thomas Hurd Alison Tendler Tim Hamel Laura Johnson Scott Sletten Mick Gibbs Julie Anderson Diana Dufur-Day George Twitero Bob Baker Randy Spronk Lawrence & Schiller Charitable Fund at Robert & Karen Appelwick Sioux Falls Reva Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Friesen Hill City Rapid City Sioux Falls Love, Tito’s Schwab Charitable Auto Body Specialties Inc. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Sioux Falls VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER $40,000 + Ellie Marshman Raine Jerke Christmas Bob Baker PRESIDENT Great Western Bank Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Lights Show Brent & Emily Bartels John & Patty Nohr Joe & Jennifer Kirby George & Ramona $25,000 + Dr. Verlyn & Lisa Nykamp Charitable Fund* Bartels, Jr. Get-N-Go Our Redeemer Lutheran Kouri Insurance Ruth Sylvia Bayne Fund* Great Western Bank Church, Sioux Falls Douglas & Elizabeth Lynch Joan Benz MLAEA Charitable Fund* Pipestone Maguire Iron Inc. James Berreth POET Ronald & Sheila Raczynski Marsh & McLennan Peter Blesi Red Rock Bar & Grill Steve & Tracie Rohlf Agency LLC David & Jill Bockorny South Dakota Elks Runge Enterprises Inc. Marsh & McLennan David & Jill Bockorny Sally Anderson* Jim Berman Helen Boer Darla Crown Sammons Financial Group Agency LLC Mesquite, TX Sioux Falls Lyons Rapid City Greg Blomberg John Brewer Association Boen & Associates Inc. Mike Buckingham Kim Burma Vern Eide Motorcars Inc. Sanford Health John & Carol McGrath Sioux Falls Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Harold & Helen Boer Schoeneman Lumber Molly Maid/ Robert & Lana Borem $20,000 + Company Ms. Molly Foundation Sid & Barbara Bostic First PREMIER Bank Greg & Melissa Schweiss Jay & Melanie Parsons Todd & Linda Broin Lynette Unzelman Scott & Ronna Sletten Charitable Fund§ Mike & Julie Brown Alan & Judy Spencer J.T. Profilet & Mary DeJong* Paul & Julie Bruflat $10,000 + Mark & Claudia Stenson Louis & Joyce Profilet Kent & Peggy Brugger Adams Mastrovich Tri-State Wholesale Endowment* Rick & Holly Brunick* Family Foundaton Flooring Inc. Ransom Church, Budget Blinds of Paulette Davidson Gina Hopkins Lafawn Janis Deanna Larson John & Gladys Bahnson Myrl & Lois Unzelman Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Rapid City Brandon Mary Howard Phil Lampert Lori Lewison Bill Lindquist Charitable Fund* Family Fund* Norman Rasmussen Meland Budwick, PA Sioux Falls Custer Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Richard & Rhonda Baker Tonnis & Sara Venhuizen Rosenbauer Firefighting Tom & Linda Bunkers The Carter Fund Bob & Jo Anna Warder Technology C & R Supply Coffea Roasterie Weisser Distributing Inc. John & Kay Rozell Capital Services The Clarence & Anne Dillon Sanford Health Capital Services Dunwalke Trust $2,500 + Steve & Kathy Sanford Steve & Helene Carlson Robert & Rita Elmen The 1880 Train Scheels All Sports Dorothy Christopherson Foundation Anjuli Ahluwalia Schuneman Family CHS Fund* Graham Companies Altar’d State Foundation CNA Matching Gifts Plan Eric Lee Jack Marsh John McGrath Dustin Morrison Arnie Hauge Danny & Emily Amundson Servall Uniform Community Reformed Rapid City Sioux Falls Brandon Rapid City Dave Schmidt Jeff Skinner Joe Sztapka David & Kathy Martin Dr. Kenneth & Employee Fund Church, Sioux Falls Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Nyberg’s Ace Margaret Aspaas, Jr. Kevin & Lorna Severy Paul & Mary Ellen Connelly Scott & Stephanie Barth Gail Shlanta PROGRAM SUPPORT GI F David & Brenda O’Hara Charitable Fund* Tom & Michele Olsen Harold & Helen Boer Showplace Cabinetry D.W. Proehl Directors Emeritus: Board members who attain Director Orion Land Mark Mark & Jane Brumels South Dakota Trust Construction Inc. Emeritus status have met all three of the following Sheldon Reese Foundation Burke Corporation Company Charitable Mark & Michelle Covrig Charles & Lois Rose§ CHI Health Care System Fund* Davenport Evans Lawyers requirements: Sammons Financial Group CISA Trust Company Sam & Betty Speier Fund* Merlin & Barbara Davis Software Unlimited (South Dakota) LLC Sam & Betty Speier Fund* Diane Diekman ■ served six or more years as a CHS Board Member CNA Surety Dr. Cameron & John Rozell Those Guys A.B.A.T.E. Steven & Nadine Dodds Maggie Russo Tim Rustand Karen Schreier Dr. Kirke & Dorothy Wheeler Kent & Carolyn Cutler Susan Stokka Mark Dominick Sioux Falls Aberdeen Brandon Sioux Falls ■ served six or more years as a CHF Board Member Charitable Fund* Family Charitable Fund* Joshua & Jill Storm Timothy Dougherty & ■ served as President of either Board Dakota Electric Inc. Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga* Karen Schreier $5,000 + Raymond Daugaard Thrivent Financial for Timothy Dougherty & A&B Business Solutions Memorial Fund* Lutherans Karen Schreier Arbeiter & Badiuk Steve & Kris Egger* Thrivent Financial for Timothy & Sara Doyle Avera Arthur & Carol Ehde Lutherans Mark & Susan Duffek – DIRECTORS EMERITUS– Betz Blinds Inc. Pamela Ehde Lais Memorial Thrivent Financial Donald Edmundson Lois & Richard Bierschbach Donor Advised Fund Matching Gift Robin Engles Lynne Byrne Deanna Lien John Rozell* Marvin Charles Dalliss & Marion Englund Thrivent Financial Paul Everson, CPA Greg Schweiss Norbert Sebade Chirag Shukla Carolynn Stavenger Gary Brown Helen Madsen Dave Schmidt* Citibank (South Dakota), NA§ Dr. David & Julie Ermer Two Rivers Excessive Autosports Rapid City Rapid City Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Jeb Clarkson Royal (Mac) McCracken Peg Seljeskog Component Manufacturing The First National Bank Regional Office Faith Family Church & Steve Egger Tim Meyer Carolynn Stavenger* & Reaves Buildings in Sioux Falls Tommy Jacks Pub Outreach Center, Fresca Mexican Foods Trinity Lutheran Church, Phil Helland Linda Mickelson Graham Pam Taylor Jansa CorTrust Bank Sioux Falls Richard & Sharon Dan Grider & Tea Blake Hoffman Rob Mudge Gene Uher First Bank & Trust Cutler Fund* Jennifer Josko Turner County Youth Hunt First Dakota National Bank Bob Hoover T.J. Reardon Marilyn Van Demark* Dacotah Bank Allen & Joann Gundvaldson United Parcel Service First Presbyterian Church, Gary Jensen George Roberts Doug Wells DAKOTACARE Gusso Surety Bonds Inc. Dr. Bob & Marilyn Britton *Current Board Member Daugaard for South Dakota⁰ Tim & Somboon Hamel Van Demark* First Rate Excavate Inc. Ryan & Alicia Fonder Tim & Somboon Hamel Vern Eide Motoplex First Reformed Church, Maureen Suga Marilyn Van Demark Meg Warder Jon & Kimberly Heck Jim & Nini Hart Waterbury Heating & Platte Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Hill City *Sally Anderson is an honorary member, and the great-great-granddaughter Robert & Sandy Hoover* Steve & Susan Hauff Cooling Gary & Susan Fisher of Children’s Home Society co-founder Elizabeth Sherrard. Rich & Suzanne Gabrielson 6 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 7 Lands Lutheran Church, Darrell & Beth Schmith Jerry & Susan Bohner Interstate Office Products Shiner Bock Michael & Lesley Carolan Nick & Darcy Litzen Methodist Church Time Larry & Anita Bierman Hudson Al Schoeneman Jim Bork Enterprises Peter Jaros Showplace Cabinetry Carpenter UMW Mindy Loewen Out Group, Sioux Falls Family Endowment* Dan & Marie LaRock Al Schoeneman Howard & Ruth Braren Greg & Lisa Jasmer Sioux Falls Corvette Club Alan Carter Jon & Patsy Madland Surgical Institute of Judy Bittner TS Colleen Larson Bob, Connie, Kaitlin & Keith & Dorla Brink JMJ Caseworks Sisson Printing Inc. Anne & Tracy Comp Don & Bonnie McCleerey South Dakota Dr. Jerome & Susan Blake Duane & Connie Larson Levi Scott Todd & Linda Broin Matthew & Laura Johnson Sky Technologies Inc. Nancy & Kosta Constantine Bruce & Cathy McCollister Joel Sylvester Jorjann Blake LaurieBelles Boutique Benjamin & Dawn Seeley Allen & Gloria Brown Pamela Best Johnson Charline & Deming Smith Carmell Cook Mary McGee Krista & Kellen Taylor Joel & Dar Blanchard Kristi Lee James & Deborah Siemens Carol Brown Jesse Johnston Family Endowment* Jerry & Sandy Crisp Morgan Mendelson Terra Shepherd Boutique Dale & Judy Blauwet Ralph Lindner Skinner Financial Services Jim & Kim Burma Steven & Marty Kalkman Steven & Sara Snuggerud Lisa Crist Dennis & Tammy Mettler Lois Thomas Lowell & Julie Boe Ralph Lindner Darwin & Jane Sletten Burn Boot Camp Karl’s TV & Appliance Inc. Todd & Pamela Sorensen James & Judy Cronin Larry & Dorothy Meyer Warren & Shirley Thompson Jim & Mary Bones CONTINUED Bill & Lorrae Lindquist Scott & Ronna Sletten Elton & Jody Byre Karl’s TV & Appliance Inc. Todd & Pamela Sorensen Cynthia Cummins Larry & Dorothy Meyer Endowment* Boyd Law Firm, Prof. LLC Family Fund* Norman & Joyce Smeenk Bill & Lynne Byrne Debra Kennedy Katherine Sorenson Daniel Dardis Norbert Miles Warren & Shirley Martin Boyesen & Craig & Pat Lloyd Smit Family Farms LLC Cadwell Sanford Deibert & Kira Kimball St. John’s Lutheran Memorial Fund* Dominic & Debra Miller Thompson Endowment* Wendy Butler Boyesen John & Barbara Lockwood Kenneth & Judy Snell Garry LLP Jeff Klein Church, Sioux Falls James & Deanna Daum Ed & Karen Miller Henrietta Timmer Dr. Verdayne & Mary Greg Lyon & Jennifer Sales Benjamin Solomon John & Rebecca Carmody Knights of Columbus John & Linda Stengel Kathy Davis Sharon Moon Transfiguration Greek Brandenburg Madden Family Fran & Gail Sommerfeld Family CHS Endowment* No. 1489 Jaysen Stevenson & Doug & Shirley Donnelly Elaine Moore Orthodox Church Brandon Valley Baptist Scholarship Fund* Jamie & Patrick Steele Harry & Orriette Cassell Rich & Cindy Korman Sara Curry Stevenson Doug & Shirley Donnelly Steve & Yvonne Mossberg Philoptochos, Sioux Falls Church Ted Massey Daniel & Bette Stevens Cimarron Label David & Anita Kostboth Glen & Caren Straatmeyer Brock & Jennifer Karen Muth Travel Partners Gary Brendel Louis Matzner Stockwell Engineers Clark Family Trust Jeffrey Krell Richard & Nancy Swain Doubledee David & Pat Nadolski Jerry & Bab Travis Brad Brown Don & Bonnie McCleerey Marian Sullivan Clark Family Trust Mary Lampy Tata Consultancy Services Marlys Drewes Jeff & Muriel Nelson Heidi Underwood Maxine Brown Ian & Kathy McDonald Sumption & Wyland Bill & Tam Colson Gary & Ingrid Larson Tennyson Family Miriam Dunmire Keith & Wendy Neuharth Richard & Michelle Bruce Brugman Mary Meier Taft Law Culver’s Nickole Larson Foundation Andy & Pat Dziadek Dave & Karen Nicholson Van Demark* Jason Burgers Kathleen & Dusty Target Circle Dakota Beverage Michelle & Paul Lavallee Brian & Gloria Top Kurt & Michelle Eeg Thomas & Jean Nicholson Austin VanHove Bill Bunkers Rick Miller Endowment* Shelly TenNapel Company Inc. David & Sharon LeBrun TransUnion LLC Marvin & Jackie Eich Arthur & Marie Nordstrom Vikor Teleconstruction Judith Burk Modern Woodmen of Thompson Law PC Jay & Christine Dean Peter & Janis Lee Douglas & Linda Sidney & Mayona Elcock Nordstrom’s Automotive Dr. Bruce & Judy Vogt Robert Cady America Gene & Julie Tverberg Virginia Dettman Robert & Dorothy Lees Truckenmiller Family Endowment* Inc. Dr. Bruce & Judy Vogt Calvary Lutheran Women, Kent & Judy Morstad United Commercial Charitable Fund* Edie Lien Douglas & Linda Linda Elliott Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Tim & Brenda Welbig Irene Charitable Fund* Travelers of America Bill & Beverly Donaldson Olivia Lima Truckenmiller Emmanuel Baptist Church, Oien Family Chiropractic Jeremy Wilson Calvin Christian Reformed Leon & Shirley Mulder Mark & Nancy Kent & Susan Edson Diane & Donald Loomis James Trumbull Sioux Falls Tom & Carolyn O’Meara Terry & Michelle Wolf Church, Rock Valley, IA Dr. G. J. & Christine Muller Vanden Berge Arthur & Carol Ehde Rhonda Maciejewski United Methodist Church, Enterprise Rent-A-Car Roger & Bonnie Olson Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Francis & Mary Lou Scott & Shannon Murfield Venture Crew 171 Eide Bailly LLP Masterson Family Fund* Redfield John & Bettie Erickson Orion Land Mark Smith PC Campbell Dr. Jeffrey & Mary Jo Murray Veritiv Emmanuel Presbyterian Mark & Kristol McKie Chad Van Buskirk Faith Lutheran Church, Employees David & Marge Wrotenbery Brenda Canfield PROGRAM SUPPORT GI F Charitable Fund* Viking Label & Packaging Women, Marion Brian & Danielle Meyer Curt & Tanya Vanoort Humboldt Palisade Lutheran Church, Carl Youngdahl Canton Lutheran WELCA Dr. Jeffrey & Mary Jo Murray Tim & Pam Voegele Envive Midwest Amateur Michael & Katherine Voeltz John & Cheryl Faundeen Garretson LouAnn Ziegler Amy & Calvin Carter Charitable Fund* Wagner Family Charitable Jeffery & Carmen Erickson Pool Tournament Michael & Katherine Voeltz Myra & Larry Feay Jeff & Carol Parker Robert Caselli Dr. Milton Mutch, Jr. Trust Fund I* Andrew Erie & Elmer & Patricia Minks Rita Vogt Fit Body Boot Camp Shaileshkumar & $100 + Dr. Joe & Amy Cass Michael & Gracia Gillespie Mitchell Nachtigall Curtis Walkins Sara Van Demark Minnwest Bank Karen VonEye Sheila Gartke Minaxi Patel 1st Financial Bank USA Catholic Daughters of Great Western Bank Dave & Becky Nelson Meg Warder & Justin Pickar Paul Everson, CPA Modern Woodmen George & Linda Weber Craig & Michelle Gaspar Keith & Jessica Perkins, III Credit Card Center the Americas Court Employees Dave & Becky Nelson Rick & Mary Weber FastSigns of America Thomas & Robin Weiner Mick & Michelle Gibbs Jim & Melissa Peterson Dennis & Lizette Aanenson Sancta Maria No. 368 Dan Grider, Sr. Robert & Sharen Nelson Marcy & Edwin Weiner First Reformed Church, Sabrina Momand Robert & Kathy Weisser Dennis & Jane Gilk Vilo & Marlys Pietz Kathy Addy-Hofer & Angela Caudill Jason & Bethany Gusso Elaine Niebuhr Larry & Marlene Weires Inwood, IA Maj. Mark & Jessica Morrell Nelson & Vickie Wielenga Bob & Cherie Goehring Arnie Plathe Phillip Hofer Centerville Rotary Club Nick & Carol Gusso Nordstrom’s Automotive Wells Fargo Foundation William Fischer Bev Morris Sue Williams Graber & Associates Ross & Lynn Plucker Joe & Joan Ahlers Christ Lutheran Church, Lowell Hansen Family Inc. Educational Matching Mike & Okjin Formiller Dr. David & Jane Munson Winsupply Sioux Falls Graco Inc. POET Design & Frances Alberty Salem Charitable Fund* NorthWestern Energy Gifts Program Robert & Erin Fouberg Dr. Patrick & Laura Munson Plumbing & Electrical Grandview Reformed Construction Allers Family Mary Christopher Hansen Manufacturing Corp. NuStar Energy LP Wells Fargo Foundation Frisbee Plumbing & Heating Brad & Sheryl Myers Eileen Winter Church Women of Hope, Janis & Dennis Porto Diane Almer Tom & Rogene Cihak Hansen Manufacturing Corp. James & Sally Odenbach Educational Matching Frisbee Plumbing & Heating Larry Nelson & Workplace Marketing Armour Prairie Chicken American Legion Auxiliary, Dr. Paul & Shirley Cink Lauverne Harr Leon & Brenda Olson Gifts Program Ralph & Mildred Galyen Dr. Patsy Uken Insurance Advisors Rosa Lea Grav Motorcycle Club Hurley Cipher Imaging Margaret Harrington ONE AMERICAN BANK Kim & Jackie Westerling Germantown Presbyterian New York Life Insurance The YES Group Cheryl Guerrero Joy Prehn Carol & Perry Amussen Phyllis Clark Charlene & Scott Harris Jack Paladino Terrance & Elizabeth Church, Chancellor Company LouAnn Ziegler H&H Mobile Home Pat & Randy Rasmussen Carol & Perry Amussen Dr. Dennis & Joan Clarke Danelle Hauge Christopher & Deb Palen Whalen Michael & Gracia Gillespie Arthur & Marie Nordstrom Zion Lutheran Church, Service Inc. Dr. Richard & Suzanne Marjorie Anderson Doretta Colon The Stanley & Jean Ted & Laurel Pettyjohn Angela Wiederich Jeffrey & Holly Godber Roger & Nila Novotny Bridgewater Dr. Courtland & Julianna Hall Rauschenbach Marjorie Anderson Confluence Hawthorne Fund of InFaith Shawn & Michelle Poe Theresa Wingen Gold Star Motel Patrick & Cindy O’Donnell Eric & Tammy Hanson Dr. Richard & Suzanne Tom & Carol Anderson Larry & Karen Corkins Community Foundation Owen Postma Theresa Wingen Stan Graber Financial Craig & Heather Olson $250 + Jackie Hanthorn Rauschenbach Architecture Incorporated Cornerstone Financial Tom & Jane Heinz Presentation Sisters Central Margaret Wiseman Services Inc. Our Savior’s Lutheran 38 Road House Drs. Scott Henry & Drs. Louis & Julie Raymond Dan & Leslie Ashmore Solutions Inc. The Henkel Foundation Administrative Services Kevin & Laurie Wohlleber Grider Properties Church, Flandreau A-G-E Corporation Terri Peterson-Henry Linda Rensberger Chelsea & Eric Asmus Amy Costa Becky Henning Dr. Michael & Jennifer Merle & Cecile Wollman Grider Properties Jim & Kay Owen Jean Ahlers Mike Hibma Duane & Diane Sather Kyle & Wendy Aspaas Michael & Ann Costanzo Hillcrest Church, Sioux Falls Puumala Charitable Fund* Xcel Energy Grossenburg Implement Inc. Reuben & Joan Phillips* Ailerons & Elevator Edith Hoogendoorn Tom Scheiber Darla Assman Tom & Karen Cota Blake & Marcia Hoffman Nathan & Ryan Rahm Xcel Energy Foundation Judy Hallstrom Catherine & Allstate Insurance Agency Andree Howenstein Gary & Connie Schickedanz Eugene & Kathy Ausland Betty Crawford & Dr. Wendell & Holly Hoffman Rapid City Medical Center Thomas & Lynne Zimmer Jeffrey & Kelley Hambek Lawrence Piersol AmazonSmile Foundation Terry Jacobson Jean Schmidt Donald & Arla Baker Roger Raether Edi & Owen Holzbauer LLP Robert & Charlene Zylstra Charles Hanna Dorothy Poling Marty Amble Julie Janasiewicz Larry & Dianne Schmidt Richard & Linda Bakken Andrew & Amanda Curley Jack & Gina Hopkins Jay & Allison Rasmussen Lowell Hansen Family Priceless Priorities LLC AmFam Agents Darin Johnson & Nolan & Brooke Schmidt Bev Ballenger Kara Cushman Hot Cocoa Hut Steve & Terri Reilly $500 + Charitable Fund* Pride Neon Sign Company Elon Avtjoglou Ann Gesick Johnson Michele & Brian Schuldt Irene Bamsey Dakota Alliance Hy-Vee Operation Reliabank Dakota Acucare Physical Chad & Korena Hatch Dieter Proehl Bank of America Derek Johnson Jasmin Seppanen Kelly Barnett Soccer Club Helpful Smile Reliabank Dakota Therapy Ltd. Chad & Korena Hatch Lee Raines Matching Gifts Mark & Karen Johnson Glen & Mary Severson Diane Bauer Stephen Dannen Hy-Vee Operation Timothy & Tina Reuer John & Dianne Amdahl Eloise Hefty Charitable Fund* Darrel Bartell Elmer & Karen Karl Cathy Sieverson Linda Bauer Dennis & Linda Daugaard Helpful Smile Michael & Suzanne Reuter Mavis Amundson Tim Heiman & Judi David & Erin Ratchford Tom & Rebecca Batcheller Thomas & Ruth Kattke Sioux Empire Automotive William & Shirley Bauer Vernice & Dennis Interstates Companies & Al & LeeAnn Rieman Megan Assman Woodward Heiman Jan Reynolds Christina Bauer Leo King Sioux Empire Federal Brian & Judy Bauman Daugherty the Harbor Group Dr. Craig & Michelle Rife Assurant Solutions Drs. Scott Henry & RKB Investments LLC Ronald & Leetta Bennett Henry & Christine Knapp Credit Union Employees Lori Baye Davis Family Mary Janklow Tom & Tammy Roberts Edwin & Janice Baatz Terri Peterson-Henry Romsdal Lutheran Church, Peter & Rona Bergmann Komstad Covenant Sunday Siouxland Chapter of the Gene & Kimberly Beaner James Dawson Steve & Pam Jansa Marilyn Ruediger Jamie Beisch Howard & JoAnne Hillman Hudson Donald & Leona School, Beresford American Payroll Brian & Jilliean Beck Jay & Christine Dean Pamela Best Johnson Joel & Lois Running Belbas Charity Fund Terry & Lynette Holm Kerry Ruscitti Bierschbach Tom & Cathy Kosobayashi Association Brian & Jilliean Beck Vincent & Patricia De Bates David & Marilyn Kerssen Steve & Kathy Sanford James & Ardys Berven Sandy Horst & Conley & Paula Ruud Bigs Sports Bar & Casino Susan Kulesa Leo Skancke James Becker Delaware Women’s Kylie Kiesner Matthew Sather Brienne & Brian Bieber Steve Isaacson Conley & Paula Ruud Gary & Michelle Black Benson Lang’at Galen & Terri Skarphol Jerald & Cheryl Beckler Ministries, Lennox Dan & Arlene Kirby Kevin & Robyn Saufley Donald & Leona Sandy Horst & Dr. Robert & Lori Santella Helen Oppold Blair Darlas & Donna Lehmann David Sorenson Linda & Ronald Beckman Desert Skyline Estates Dan & Arlene Kirby Amy & Gary Schaap Bierschbach Steve Isaacson Darrell & Twyla Schaap Memorial Fund* Janet Lenz South Dakota State Council Cathryn Beisel Home Owners Zan & Mary Kirsch Vernon Schaefer Brian & Janet Bird Daniel & Kathy Horsted Family Fund* Maggie Bloom Annette & Thaddeus Knights of Columbus Eilene Benz Association Board Kenneth & Mary Klatt Obadiah Scheich Charitable Fund* Tom Huebner Darrell & Twyla Schaap Walt & Jan Bones, III Lerew Zimanski Shirley Stach Dzenan & Kelsey Donna Dickson Tim & Cindi Klein Drew & Nancy Schelhaas David Bjorklund John & Anne Hughes Family Fund* Bradley & Tamara Bosch Darlene & Wendell Liaboe Peter & Lauren Stavenger Berberovic Amy Does Geoff & Elise Knobloch Arlette Scherschligt Black Hills Federal Dr. Roger & Mary Ellen Scheels All Sports Allan & Sharon Brink Family Endowment* Jeffrey & Reneece Strand Johanna Berghuis Joseph & Jolene Donelan Marten & Betty Kruger Kevin & Laney Schieffer Credit Union Hutchison Machelle & Brad Schipper Allan & Sharon Brink Ramona Lindgren Rhoda Strasser Casey & Angela Besler Donald & Mary Dorsman Susie & Jim Lammers Terry & Brenda Schmidt Norman & Melanie Bliss I-90 Truck & Dr. Greg & Karen Schultz Bill & Lynne Byrne Troy & Brittany Link Sunnycrest United Bide-A-Wee Club Claudia Douglas Family Fund* Equipment Sales Craig & Teresa Carlson Lead-Deadwood 8 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 9 Michael Draayer Lauralee Hegg Keith & Joann Kinsey Ophthalmology Ltd. Laurel Sandhurst Janice Van Vuren James Whetham Jeffrey & Jolene Dyce Barb Heien John & Marcia Kittelson Dr. Mark & Matilda Sanford Center for Lisa VanDenBerg Dorothy Ann Whisler Timothy Dykstal & Brian & Jennifer Heiman Beverly & Delmar Klassen Oppenheimer Digestive Health Alice Vanfosson Cliff White Heiman Fire Equipment “Please accept Marley Opsahl Sanford Children’s Alice Vanfosson John & Deanna Wiarda – KEY – TS Caroline Burke Dennis Knutson John Dyvig Richard Heinricy Steven & Donna Kocer Leah Orsack Specialty Clinic Brad & Amy VanMaanen Brian & Amy Wienk BOLD TYPE denotes Thomas & Connie Earley John & Molly Heisler Jan Koch this gift to be used Orthopedic Institute Clifton & Jeanette Van’t Hul Farms Marsha Wienk gifts designated to J. Scott & Julie Early Dr. William & Becky Held Scott & Pamela Koelewyn Anita Otten Saugstad Shirley Vehle Wild Flower Presbyterian Children’s Inn East Nidaros Lutheran Thomas & JoAnn Helland Scott & Pamela Koelewyn anywhere needed. Sarah Ouellette Dianne Schemper Derek & Molly Vetsch Church, Sioux Falls Gifts given through the Church, Baltic Ronald & Deborah Helsa Gilmore & Dorothy Koepsell Our Savior’s Lutheran Mark Schlueter Debra Vigness Brian Wilson * Dennis & Roxie Schmitz Sioux Falls Area

CONTINUED Larry Easter Ron & Vicki Helwig Gilmore & Dorothy Koepsell Women of the WELCA, Amanda Vlaminck Wilson R. Eastman Lori Hengeveld Pat & Mark Koll Our love to you all Flandreau Jon & Stephanie Schnider Janet Von Auer Janice Wilson Community Foundation LuAnn Edwards Josh Herbers Barry Konken Aaron Paquette Craig & Nancy Schoen Forestt & Laurie Wagner Richard & Sharon Wilson ⁰ Gifts given through the Nancy & Thomas Eichacker Chuck & Marjory Hey Doris Kono that serve these John & Jane Paulson Joyce & Steve Scholten Brad & Karen Wallenberg Audrey Wintersteen Black Hills Area Dave & Jan Eiesland Hilltop United Methodist Cathy Kramer Tabitha Pemberton Linda Schulte Janice Walline Wireless World Community Foundation Empire Riders Church Women, Carolyn Pesicka Kenneth & Colleen Schuster Merle & Nancy Les & Gloria Kruse children and their Nita Wirth § Gifts given through Endeavor Elementary Sioux Falls Dale & Kathy Peterson Merlin & Laurie Schwartz Jerry & Patricia Walton Chuck & Norma Wise Rick Kuestermeyer the South Dakota Students Scott & Nancy Hodges Tim Kurbis Daniel & Karen Peterson Garry & Gloria Scott Endowment Fund* Witful LLC families. You are Community Foundation Hazel Engle Family of Evelyn Hofer Ladies Auxiliary FOE, Pie in the Sky Studios SDSU College of Pharmacy Richard & Merry Watters Richard & Jeanne Wold Dave Englert Scott & Rebecca Hofer Rapid City the hands of God Anthony Pizer & Bryan Seaborn Rick & Mary Weber Bart & Barb Workman † Deceased David Enke Willy & Arlene Hoff Jerome & Nancy Lammers Jessica Aguilar Pamela Sheppard Roger & Michele Weber Worthing Insurance Inc. David Erickson Marlys Hohman Lands Lutheran Ladies, on this earth.” Pizza Ranch of Jeff & Kellie Shultz Lewis & Renee Weinberg Patricia Wuebben Eugene & Betty Erickson Marlys Hohman Hudson East Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Community Larry & Marlene Weires Mike Yaeger Fall Festival Folks Lyle & Lorna Hollander Janet Larsen Rodney & Ingrid Place Blood Bank Weller Brothers Mike Yaeger Family Dental Center Jean Holle Larry & Shirley Larson DAN & TRICIA Pleasant Valley Lutheran Siouxland Chapter AACN Wells Fargo Matching D.A. & Susan Young Farm Credit Services Quintin & Mary Honerman Sandi Larson STEEN Church WELCA, Shirley Skonhovd Gifts Program Eric & Lori Yunag of America Dorothy Hooks Emery & Carol Lee Vermillion Ken & Vicki Smith Dr. Randal & Suzanne Welter Arlene Zimmer Burdette Faust Hope Lutheran Church Thomas & Dorothy Lemonds David Pollard Lynn Smith Ronald & Peggy Wencl Joe & Betty Zimprich Matt & Kari Feldhaus WELCA, Sioux Falls Jill & Peter Lerdal Julie Popham Anita Solberg Jeff & Linda Weppler Annette Zwemke Monte & Karen Feldkamp Beverly Horsted Mary & Patrick Lerdal Rip & Marlys Porter Robert Solomon Pat Wheaton John & Julie Fenedick Michael & Bunny Howes Paul & Karen Leslie Carla Middlen Karen Pratt Thomas & Linda Sorenson Mary Jane Fenn Hudson Lutheran Church Larry & Carol Lewis Jerome & Anna Miles Marsha Pressler St. Boniface Altar Society, Sandy Millar Freeman

PROGRAM SUPPORT GI F Cheryl Ferrie WELCA Philip & Barb Lewison Carmen & Jane Priesz Cynthia & Walter Fischer Linda Hughes Peter & Molly Liberko Marcia Miller Protech Products Inc. Glenn & Mary Jane Stalheim First Presbyterian Church, Marilyn & Leland Hult Margaret Lien Wendell Miller Prudential Financial Inc. Kathleen Stanage Sioux Falls Rick & Tammy Huntimer Gerry & Val Liesinger Janice Mitchell Timothy & Lynnette Qualm Cathy Stark Leif & Kathleen Fjellestad Kenneth & Laurice Lighting a New Way Modern Woodmen of Patrick & Marcia Quinn David Staum & Steve & Mary Helen Flanery Iseminger Counseling Services America Camp 1766 Janice Radach Jeanne Abbott Staum James & Jodi Fleming ISG Inc. David & Denise Link Becky Moen Judith Radermacher Jim & A.J. Stavig Joel & Beth Flier Ehab Jaber Liz Lloyd Helen Mohr Troy Rames Betty Steen “Each year I am humbled by the Roberta Foltz Clara Jacob Russ & Cheryl Loar Robert Morris Lester & Mary Ramstad Daniel & Patricia Steen Guy Ford Jacquie’s Fund* Janet Lohman Mary Ann Moylan Lester & Mary Ramstad Ron & Beth Steenholdt thoughtfulness and generosity of our Brigitte Fowlds Jacquie’s Fund* Brian & Tari London Todd & Shonna Mueller Marge Rand Steve & Lisa Steinhouse Bill & Jean Fuller Erin Jansa Calvin & Sheryl Lottman Jerry & Anna Mundt Robert & Jody Rasmussen Patrice Steinman donors—but never more than in 2020. Gage Brothers Concrete Dennis & Janelle Jarabek Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery Jane Murray Janet Rathbun Jon & Jean Stenberg Gary & Cynthia Gaspar Charitable Fund* Mabel Ludens Murray Properties Richard & Connie Rathert Charles Stepp Michael & Carla Gibson Judy Jasper Traci Lund Greg & Cindi Mutchelknaus Marian & Royce Redlin-Reit Wayne & Palma Stombaugh When the pandemic hit, the economy Paul Gilk Chad & Sarah Javers Audrey Lundquist Betty Mydland Fred & Carol Rehder Alvin & Marcine Straatmeyer Paul & Katie Gilmore Linda Javers-Richter Diane Lundquist Nathanael Women of the Larry & Barbara Rehfeld Duane & Linnea Strande declined and unemployment rose, our Karen Girard Douglas & Dawn Jensen Steve & Roxanne Lynch ELCA, Alcester Cheryl & Howard Rehfeldt George & Valois Strandell Mark & Margaret Glanzer Jeptha Lodge #121 AF & AM, Steve & Roxanne Lynch Duane & Lois Nearman Brian & Laura Reimer Rhoda Strasser friends remained steadfast. When we Lori Gooch Hudson David Maddox Rick & Pat Nearman Deanna Reindel Betty Strom Melissa Goodwin Jesse & Jo Inc. Linda Maines Christopher & Robbin James & Diane Reiners Michael & Judy Strom could not give campus tours or welcome Grace Lutheran Church, JLG Architects Essam Makram Nelson Patty Reistroffer Allen & Pat Svennes volunteers, our friends remembered us. Luverne, MN Jerry & Wanda Johnsen Bev Mann Dr. Gayle & Angie Nelson Reynolds Construction Dick & Kathy Sweetman Kim Graff Jerry & Wanda Johnsen Louis & Pauline Manus, Jr. Helen Nelson Management Patty & Everett Swensen And when we were unsure what the Dave & Jan Grage David & Shannon Johnson Don & Janette Marker Merri & Henry Nelson Jan Reynolds Col. Mary Swenson, Ret. Mark & Pat Graham Dennis & Elaine Johnson Kent & Marcia Martin Dr. Pat & Sandy Nelson Merlynn Rezek Donna Belle Talty holidays would bring, our friends Gene Grohmann Eileen Johnson Rob & Mary Mastick Vince & Jeralyn Nelson Lavonne Riechers Carolyn Tam John & Jane Groos Katherine Johnson Rob & Mary Mastick Mark Neuharth Emily Ries Erica Tao ensured that the children and families Randy & Vicki Grooters Mary Johnson Annette Matzner New Beginnings Faith Karl Ries Rita & Harlan Temple Brandi & Lance Haase Tim & Patricia Johnson Debbie Maxon Church, Sioux Falls C. Emmet & Mary Terry Redlin Elementary we serve had a wonderful Christmas. Roland Hagen Tyler & Angela Johnson Bonnie McGinnis Tung Nguyen Gayle Rogers School Michael & Lori Hahn Bobbie Jones John & Carol McGrath Dwight Nicholson Elaine Romero-Douglas Sandra Terveen John Hammer Lois Jones Donna McKettrick Mark & Shannon Niemeyer Romsdal Womens Group, Ronald & Linda Thaden Thank you so very much. Kenneth Hanks Mark Jones Brenda Merges Larry & Janet Noah Beresford Ken Thaler Chris Hansen† Susan Jost Dean & Debbie Mertz Larry & Janet Noah Lois Rossum C. Ann Thompson Please know that we deeply David & Diane Hansen JSA Consulting Engineers/ Messiah Lutheran Church Frances Noteboom Royal Neighbors of America, Gregg & Laurie Thompson Bruce & Julie Hanson Land Surveyors Inc. WELCA, Flandreau Bob & Cathy Novak Sioux Falls June Thompson appreciate your support.” Hanson Claudia Kapp Robert & Ruth Metcalf Dr. James & Carol Oakland Royal Neighbors of Don Threadgold Mary Hanson Kelsey Kasten Ann Metli Duane O’Connell America, Sioux Falls Michael & Sarah Thury Rebecca Hanson Nancy Kattke Mike Metli Doris O’Dea RSA Dale Tjarks & Alan & Linda Hartman Ellen Kelsch Colleen Meyer Doug Odegard Darrel & Shirley Rupp Carol Entringer-Tjarks Alfred & Linda Hartmann Kenneth & Jacqueline Dr. Robert Meyer & Harvey & Karen Odens Robyn Russell & Jim Lloyd Jerry & Bab Travis Robert & Linda Hartmann Kessler Joan Giebink Olin & Marilyn Odland David & Janis Ruud Jean Trusty James & Patti Hartung KeyMedia Solutions Dr. Robert Meyer & O’Hara Family Doris & Kermit Rye TSP Inc. Loren & Dorothy Hass Kira Kimball Joan Giebink David Ohme Richard & Joan Saathoff Jeff & Sherry Underberg RICK WEBER Glenn Olsen El & Joan Unruh Mark & Sharon Hasvold Brady King Roxann Meyer Linda Saloum DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, Helen Olson Megan Valder Gladys Hawke Thomas & Catherine King Linda & Daniel Mickalowski Dr. Paul & Trisha Sampson CHILDREN’S HOME FOUNDATION Mike Hawkins Jamie Kingma Allison Mickelson Jon & Gloria Olson Bill & Dee Samuelson Matthew & Michele Robin Heeren Timothy & Jane Kinsella Midco Foundation Bonnie Omdahl Ronda & Craig Samuelson Van Buren

10 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 11 Endowment Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O Gifts and pledges listed include those given in support of Children’s Home TS CHS CHRISTMAS Foundation’s Legacy of Love & Hope Endowment Campaign. Children’s Inn gifts and pledges are noted in bold type. BOOKS

$250,000 + Assurant Solutions McPherson Auction & Rapid City Police Pete Laber Arnie Hauge Black Hills Animal Realty Company Department⁰ Wayne & Kay Lang Hospital PA Monument Health Brian & Brittany Richman Marv & Lori Larabee $95,000 + Black Hills Rubble Kent & Cathy Mundon Security First Bank Connie Larson Rotary Club of Management Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc. Shell Food Marts Michelle & Paul Lavallee Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Rapid City Rushmore: Black Hills Shooters Jeannette Stowsand Joe Leichtnam • Golf Tournament Supply Inc. Pacific Steel & Recycling Jeffrey & Azure Summers Doug & Penny Lind Tri State Wholesale • Gala at Mount Rushmore Brazos Roofing International Marjorie Pearman Jim McCann & Sue Stuart Fromm, MD Norm & Linda Peterson Flooring Inc. Employees Timmons-McCann Event Date: Good Samaritan Society & Don & Ann Platt Fred & Maryann Tully Erica Meyer $77,000 + Sanford Health Point Wealth Advisors Unify Home Lending Inc. Moyle Petroleum Company CHRISTMAS SEASON 2020 Jon Crane Children’s Home Granite Automotive Rapid Foundation Repair Valley Sweeping Bruce & Kim Nearhood Society Benefit Auction Allen & Joann Gundvaldson Sander Sanitation Dr. Scott & Helen Van Dam John & Marci O’Connell Dean Kurtz Construction Services Inc. Waste Equipment Michael & Georgia NET PROCEEDS: $112,989 $50,000 + Company Scull Construction Rick & Mary Weber O'Connor Arnie Hauge Ross & Angie McKie Services Inc. William & Sherry Wood Christine Peterson Tom & Kathy Walsh Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Fred & Sherry Thurston, II Konstantin & Jenna DESIGNATION: Gail Shlanta Clayton & Cheryl Trulson $250 + Posherstnik CHS Program Support $35,000 + The UPS Store U.S. Bank Arbeiter & Badiuk Prairie Auto Parts Inc. Kieffer Sanitation Trash Can DeAun West Vast Broadband, Rapid City Mark & Claudia Barry Print Mark-et Open Golf Tournament Jack Yonkovich Waste Equipment-Toter Dirk & April Boomsma Daniel & Janice Quinn John & Dorina Weigelt Robert & Judy Quinn BOOK SPONSORS: Mike & Robin Buckingham Software Unlimited $25,000 + $1,000 + Bill & Judy Wittrig Casey’s Corner Inc./ Dennis & Linda Rabe Duane & Mary Albers Thomas & Lynne Zimmer Casey’s Auto Rental Steve & Terri Reilly Coffea Roasterie Clifford & LaVonne Graese Robert & Audra Sayler Foundation Russ & Jamee Allgier Dakota Regional Mavis Amundson $500 + Periodontics Dr. Jeff & Laurie Schleusener Pipestone Bill & Carolyn Hinks William & Cheryl Schreier Jack & Vianne Kucera Dan & Leslie Ashmore Dennis & Lizette Aanenson James & Jane Doyle Sammons Financial ENDOWMENT GI F Bach Investments Inc. Dr. Robert & Judy Allen Fisher Beverage Inc. Mark Schreiner Black Hills Community Bank Gerald & Karen Baldwin Byron & Vicki Foreman Larry & Mary Stevens POET $20,000 + Black Hills Sugar Shack Big D Jeff & Karla Fullerton Betty Strom Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Scott & Ronna Sletten Doug Theel Black Hills Surgical Black Hills Federal John & Anne Hughes (In memory of Jodie, Andrea and Dan) Hospital LLP Credit Union Kieffer Family Dental PC Tyler & Lori Trevillyan $10,000 + John & Jan Brewer Butler Machinery KLJ Engineering LLC Gary & Marie Trusty Scott & Marilyn Korsten Trusty Table F.L. Clarkson Family Tom & Linda Bunkers Clarity Telecom LLC Maintenance Services NuStar Energy Foundation Roy Burr & Arlene Ham-Burr Jeb & Maureen Clarkson Lonnie & Kris McKittrick George Twitero & James Dodson Cambria Suites Clemmons Asphalt Lowell & Mary Ann Myers Shari West Twitero Geoff & Elise Knobloch Larry Von Wald James† & Eloise Elmen Canyon Lake Liquors Ltd. Maintenance Pioneer Bank & Trust Rick & Mary Weber Foundation Jay & Angela Crossland Bill & Tam Colson Rapid City Journal Brooke & Dan Wegener Great Western Bank Justin Cutler Compliance Vitals LLC Daryl & Ginny Reinicke Bobby Wessel Jack & Linda Stengel David & Terry Whiting Janet Kahler DAKOTACARE/Carver Consolidated Construction Chris Robbins David & Sharon LeBrun Linda Mickelson Graham Insurance Inc. Company Inc. Linda Rowley Marcia Whiting Pipestone Dakotah Steakhouse Nancy & Kosta Constantine Theresa Schreiner Cody Work Winsupply Sioux Falls John & Kay Rozell Michael Day & Nicholas & Chelsea Conway Signal Securities Inc. Erika Young Plumbing & Electrical Salt of the Earth Foundation Diana Dufur-Day Jon & Gail Crane Paul & Mary Thorstenson Ed & Peg Seljeskog Glen & Carla Eng David & Kimberly Dolan Troy Ward Glenda Stene Farmers Insurance & Miriam Dunmire Duane & Ann Stich Financial Services, Angela Gerlach Sun Enterprises Inc. $100 + Dave Schmidt Gunderson, Palmer, The 1880 Train Gordon & Tami Wallenstein Insurance Agency Inc. Nelson & Ashmore LLP Lyde & Jeff Adams Brig. General Myrna First Western Federal Anya Hartpence Jordan & Sarah Anderson – KEY – Williamson, Ret. Savings Bank Highmark Erectors Inc. Charles & Jill Arbeiter BOLD TYPE denotes Curt Friesen & H-S Precision Jeff & Cindy Bailie gifts designated to Julie Anderson Friesen Independent Optical $5,000 + Gary & Gloria Brown Children’s Inn Something About Christmas Black Hills Energy GenPro Energy Solutions LLC Iron Outfitters Bruce Brugman Gifts given through the June Clark Endowment James & Connie Green Karl & Jill Jegeris Courtney & Deanna * The newest Tom Roberts Christmas story Fund Gustafson Builders Christopher Karn Clayborne Sioux Falls Area Hills Septic Service Vern Hagedorn Kiewit Corporation Jean Cline Community Foundation from Children’s Home Society was published Terry Jacobson Gary & Carmen Hansen Knecht Home Center Doug & Darla Crown Gifts given through the during 2020, just in time for the holiday Myles & Jeanette Kennedy Gary Hermanson McManigal Real Estate ⁰ James & Amy Donohue Black Hills Area season. Something About Christmas is a Robert & Deborah Mudge Highmark Federal Jeffrey & Susan Meyer Kerry Engelmann Community Foundation Don & Ann Platt* Credit Union MG Oil Company Doyle Estes & poetic story of a little boy who is sad that § Gifts given through Douglas & Jane Rogers Vivian Jacobs Dr. Isaac & Holly Morgan Kathy Johnson the South Dakota Christmas is over and that decorations must John & Kay Rozell James & Judith Johnson Mountain Plains Insurance Dana & Kristi Foreman Sercl Family Fund* Ketel Thorstenson LLP Jeff & Muriel Nelson Steve & Wanda Helmers Community Foundation be put away. His parents help him realize Michael & Mary Trykoski Scott & Marilyn Korsten Ronald Neri & Kelly & Kelli Howie Deceased that Christmas continues to exist in the dawn Charitable Fund* Georgia Austin Neri † Bob & Jo Anna Warder James Huff of each new day. David & Cindy Ledford Neugebauer’s Jewelry Ron & Kathy Jeffries The newest book in a series by Tom $2,500 + Lincoln County Child Find Design & Service Kerri & Sabrina Johnston Roberts, illustrated by Hector Curriel Dr. Kenneth & Margaret Lind-Exco Inc. Ray Osloond & Deb Rawlins Jim & Holly Jones Aspaas, Jr. John & Carol McGrath William & Patricia Printz Scott Kopplin

12 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 13 Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O These gifts were given to purchase a specific item or service, or to be used for Honor gifts are given in gratitude, in tribute, or in celebration of family members, holidays, TS a designated purpose. Gifts given to Children’s Inn are noted in bold type. TS birthdays or special occasions. Honor gift card packets are available by request. Due to space limits, only gifts of $20+ are listed. Children’s Inn gifts are noted in bold type.

Richard & Donna Wilson Marco Technologies Dr. Michael & Karen Pekas Dennis & Lizette Aanenson Warren Graber Nate Lacek Sioux Falls City Engineering $10,000 + Graber & Associates JSA Consulting Engineers/ Madsen Family Education Thomas & Micah Worsley Scott & Susan Matthew Jean Petersen Debra Kennedy Guy Ford Employees Land Surveyors Inc. Scholarship at Paul & Connie Matzner Devona Prostrollo Joe & Joan Ahlers Jeff & Julie Lautt CHS Endowment* $500 + Jeremy & Emily Maurice James & Diane Reiners Steven & Susan Ahlers Chad & Melissa Hansen Sharon DeHaan Jim & Carolynn Stavenger Roxann Meyer Rushmore Rock Crawlers David & Diane Hansen Derek & Molly Vetsch Arrowhead Country Club Eric Sather Mavis Amundson Michelle Lavallee Members Cesareo Meza $5,000 + Marian & John Scarbrough Peter & Lauren Stavenger Chris & Melissa Hansen Steve & Mary Helen Flanery Amber Stevens Bayer Fund Dan & Leslie Ashmore Orion Land Mark Employees David & Diane Hansen Elaine Romero-Douglas Darin Palmer & Kari Clark John Schanberger Landen Bartels’ Lloyd Construction & Arnie Hauge Michelle Attig Dennis & Roxie Schmitz Black Hawk Community POET Employees Great Grandparents Marlinda Hay Development Mike & Pam Stolen Rosenbauer Firefighting Family of Eunice Schwader JSA Consulting Engineers/ Beverly & Delmar Klassen Church Ladies Aid Steve & Kathy Sanford Brent & Emily Bartels Maria Kollbaum Technology Nancy Scott Land Surveyors Inc. Black Hills Federal Credit Silverstone Group Rick & Rebecca Belsaas Joe Herdina Jim & Holly Van’t Land Jeremie Slagle & Union Employees Employees Robert & Dorothy Lees Sumption & Wyland Vicki Madsen Jorjann Blake $2,500 + STJ Enterprises LLC Jill Grevlos Slagle Marlys Drewes Drew & Deirdre Goodwin Dorothy Chronister Jessica & Aric Snyders Rex Bishman Bill & Carolyn Hinks Zane Vogt Darin & Janet Cox Taco John’s Jason & Angie Langford South Canyon Lutheran Ann DeVany Liz Lloyd Carson Maney Dr. Bruce & Judy Vogt Firehouse Brewing Company David & Nancy Van Holland Madsen Family Church Eunice Circle, Robert Morris Gregory & Connie Forstner Rebecca Van Otterloo Robert Bogue Kelsey VonEye Creative Arts Education Rapid City Krista & Kellen Taylor An’Drew Martinez Karen VonEye Curt Friesen & Donna Williams HONOR GI F at CHS Endowment* State Farm Companies Cynthia Cummins Julie Anderson Friesen Vicki Buseth Kortni Walker Red Rock Bar & Grill Foundation Tom & Ann Marie Amy Carter Chandler Mayo Weisser Distributing Inc. Joshua Ripley $100 + Patrice Steinman “Thank you for all Fullerton, MD “As Seen on TV” Staci Kropuenske Edith Hoogendoorn Scooter’s Coffee House Patricia Sterud Susan Welbig Highmark Federal Credit Christmas Party Lana Schwartz Jaysen Stevenson & Kerry & Bonnie Stiner you do to make a Media One Inc. Amanda Helphrey Union Employees Casey & Angela Besler Allen & Pat Svennes Sara Curry Stevenson Teacher’s Helper KeyMedia Solutions Links to Literacy Bethany Women of the Linda Wells Those Guys A.B.A.T.E. Francis & Kathy Toscana City of Sioux Falls positive impact in Endowment* ELCA, Hurley Mike & Marie Metli Gary & Connie Schickedanz Vince & Sheri Weber Parks & Recreation Little White Dog Loren & Sheila Boyens Ann Metli Jacob & Andy– Dr. Randal & Suzanne Welter JSA Consulting Engineers/ the lives of those in RESTRICTED GI F $1,000 + Pet Photography Mark Capitano & Grandchildren of Wells Fargo Employees Tom & Elizabeth Wilson Land Surveyors Inc. Percy & Marjorie Amundson Jim & Diane Lockwood, Sr. Dana Brandys Alyce Miles Brian & Danielle Meyer Family Endowment* Robert & Charlene Zylstra Jon Crane our community!” David Loving Colman Lutheran Church Norbert Miles Sheila Williams Gary & Gloria Brown Memorial Fund* Connie Colwill John & Jan Brewer Dr. Joseph & Amy Cass Bill & Tam Colson Elizabeth Mohr & Family Carmen Morrison Gary & Linda Lundeen Ross & Tracy Crum CRAIG & PAT LLOYD Helen Mohr CHS Excellence in Madsen Family Library John Custy Compliance Vitals LLC Sue Williams Caring Endowment* at Children's Inn Deadwood VFW “We were fortunate Doug & Darla Crown Debra Moritz Helen Oppold Blair Critters Restaurant & Bar Endowment* James Dodson to grow up in happy, Independent Optical Andrea Waitt Carlton Memorial Fund* Michael Day & Lou Madsen CHS Bruce & Pat Dysthe Karl & Jill Jegeris Family Foundation Gary & Kathleen Winterton Diana Dufur-Day Beautification Jim & Elaine Emery loving and safe homes, Jack & Vianne Kucera Hobi The Don Noble Family Charles & Emily O’Hara Dollar General Ray Osloond & Deb Rawlins Kathryn Bailey Endowment* Dr. Michael & Kathleen and we provided Doris Graeber Patricia & Sylvia Literacy Foundation Ed & Karen Miller Fiegen John & Kay Rozell Blair Hodges Embrace Church, Sioux Falls this same type of Theresa Schreiner The J R Noble Family Winterton-Hyslop The following Dr. Isaac & Holly Morgan Flyt (Alpine Inn) Scott & Nancy Hodges Doris Graeber O’Hara Family Dr. James Evans Susan Nelson Kevin & Joanne Gardner Bob & Jo Anna Warder list shows a few Danelle Hauge environment for our Rick & Mary Weber Kaleb Holm Brianna Palomaki The Zimmerman Family New Beginnings Faith Good Dominion Terry & Lynette Holm examples of how Roger Haugo Church, Sioux Falls Tattoo Company three daughters when John & Dorina Weigelt Courtney Swift Doris Graeber restricted gifts were Helen Madsen Endowment Robert & Kathleen Paul Dave & Jan Grage they were growing up. Dennis & Linda Daugaard Gina Hopkins Grace Peterson For CHS Prevention Brian & Brittany Richman Mark & Pat Graham Maggie Paukey Dr. Craig & Michelle Rife Carla Middlen used at CHS: Initiative* Sisson Printing Inc. Family of George Griebel Our girls are married Diane DeVito Cassie Rose & Janice Radach Dave & Tessa Howard Soroptimist International, ■ Reading curriculum Nordell & Jennifer Griebel Lewis & Renee Weinberg Travis Hubbard Angela Caudill – KEY – Michael & Bunny Howes Sioux Falls Sonia Griebel and have children of Miranda Rose for the school Kiwanis Club of Sioux Falls St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Lois Hanson their own and it gives Jill Dillenburg Kris Reaves BOLD TYPE denotes Mitch & Marilyn Klein Geraldine Hento Ellie & Ari Huber Keith & Jessica Perkins, III Rapid City Les & Linda Hengeveld us comfort to know Liz Lloyd gifts designated to ■ New Beginnings Dr. Eric & Jennifer Larson Sun Surety Insurance Blake & Marcia Hoffman Jacob Ellefson Benson & Brayden Rhoney Children’s Inn Liz Lloyd Steve & Pam Jansa baskets for women Mary Helen Thomas Josh Holle that our grandchildren Christopher & Liz Lloyd Gifts given through the Vicki Madsen Adoption & Dr. Patrick & Jan Tibbles Boyd & Dody Hopkins Robbin Nelson Erin Jansa * at Children’s Inn Foster Care Endowment* feel loved and safe Kobi Ringling Sioux Falls Area Howdy’s Libby & Evan Ernst Karl Jegeris Bill & Dee Samuelson Community Foundation Madsen Family Library at Tom & Melissa Howes Steve & Mary Helen Flanery ■ Outings and trips CHS Endowment* $250 + each and every day. Liz Lloyd Ronda & Craig Samuelson Gifts given through the Adam Attig & Jack & Mary Jacobs ⁰ (Twins games, Wild Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Leif Evans Jim & Judy Jibben Black Hills Area Jennifer Ringer Keith & Joann Kinsey We know this isn’t the Brian Rotert Jerome Ommen Daniel & Roxanne Evans Dennis & Mary Kay Ihnen Jill & Peter Lerdal Community Foundation Water West, etc.) Big D Store Kim Ladd case for everyone Laura Pierce Edward & Sherry Lake Jenna Fischer Jerry Johnsen John & Kay Rozell § Gifts given through Don & Ann Platt* Black Hills Wind & Fire Wanda Johnsen ■ Birthday and Ian & Connie Libby and wanted to give to Laura Neth Tri State Wholesale the South Dakota George & Donna Roberts Motorcycle Club Wanda Johnsen Christmas gifts Don & Cherril Brown Twyla Lippert those who are not as Kathy Fox Flooring Inc. Community Foundation John & Kay Rozell Mike Lynde & Melissa Johnson & Lyric Employees Wayne & Gaye Sander Jon & Karla Brown Kara Fox Deceased Bill & Lynne Byrne Cheryl Holle-Lynde fortunate. We chose Allison Mickelson † Donor Fund, a Donor Hailey Frankman Darlene Ruud Bill & Tam Colson Maverick's Restaurant Ginger Kapsch David & Janis Ruud Advised Fund of The D. Richard Maxwell CHS knowing they Cynthia Cummins U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Jamie & Laurie Dysthe Bev Doorenbos Rose Fink Dr. Patrick & would be able to do Tuesday Frankus Adyson Sand Sioux Valley Energy Alicia Kelderman Cynthia Cummins Bill & Mary Garry Kathleen McGreevy Terra Shepherd Boutique Sisson Printing Inc. this with our donation.” Lyle & Camilla Graff Margret Griebel Craig & Elizabeth Miller Corey & Kerrie Vilhauer Michael & Sarah Schulte Splitrock C-Store Monarch Sales Steve & Susan Hauff Dr. Daniel Franz Laurie & Jack Kloepfer Bill & Lynne Byrne Van Beek Family Kammi Myers DAN & LISA Steve & Susan Hauff Rapid City Medical Nancy Engebretson Foundation Agency Dr. James & Carol Oakland VAN DEN BERG Vicki Sieck Bill & Jolynn Hennrich Center LLP Koch Hazard Architects Cornerstone Financial Van Beek Family Dr. Michael & Deborah Olson Foundation Agency Steve & Lisa Lewis Skold Companies Solutions Inc.

14 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 15 Rush Mountain Complete Fitness Monument Health Medical Cal Veurink Adventure Park Creative Surfaces Clinic–Aspen Center Staff Brad & Lori Visker Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Cub Scout Pack 371 Dustin & Sarah Morrison Marie Vlaminck Sammons Financial Group Kirk Danielson Julie Mueller Volunteers of America “Our church Gifts-in-Kind are donations of tangible items, goods, or services. A few examples Sanford Wellness Centers Michael Day & Kent & Cathy Mundon Dakotas include Christmas presents, Easter baskets, auction items for fundraising events, Marian & John Scarbrough Diana Dufur-Day My Very Own Blanket Carissa Waddell believes in the Sertoma Butterfly House Shonna Dejager Lowell & Mary Ann Myers Washington Pavilion of consumable household goods for Children’s Inn, event passes, print materials, & Marine Cove Kendra Dexter Nathanael Lutheran Arts & Sciences services that your and media support. Children’s Inn gifts are noted in bold type. Jim & Kathy Sideras Jennifer Dreier Church, Alcester Waste & Recycling Solutions Joy Simco Arlene Drew Jan Nelson & Technology organization is Sioux Falls Flyers Jeff & Cammie Dysthe Omer & Mary Nelson Wayne Weisser Sioux Valley Energy David & Catherine Eddy Erv & DeMaris Nesheim Wells Fargo Bank providing to those in $98,000 + Washington Shoe Company Peace Lutheran Church M. Felty Photography Sioux Valley Optimist Club, Edison Middle School North Point Trust Company West Lyon Elementary Midco Linda Wells Quilters, Rapid City First Christian Reformed Sioux Falls Elkhorn Ridge Resort & Northern Hills Quilt Guild, School need, and we wish Perdue Woodworks Inc. Church, Sioux Falls Stitches of Love/Maurice Golf Club Spearfish Kirstin Westra $1,000 + PetSmart 2763 Reformed Church, IA Elks Golf Course Adam Nusbaum Brett & Stacey Wickersham $60,000 + 625 Zany Lane Designs First PREMIER Bank to support it with Pipeline Construction First Reformed Church, Sweetgrass Soapery ESA Alpha Alpha, Sioux Falls Nyberg’s Ace Mark Wiggs Midwest Communications “As Seen on TV” Christmas Operations Sioux Falls Target Card Services Tresse Evenson One American Bank Wings Gymnastics Party, Sioux Falls some of our local $50,000 + Plains Commerce Bank Tata Consultancy Services Find Your Fabulosity Employees Academy Black Hills Stock Show Fisher Beverage Inc. Dakota News Now Platinum Code Donald & Deanna Gerdes TransUnion LLC First PREMIER Bank Orange Theory Fitness Wisco Industries mission dollars.” Midco Foundation Trinity Lutheran Church, First PREMIER Bank OSHA Liz Wolf Boen & Associates Inc. Angela Poches Gold Star Amusements Results Radio POET Grace Lutheran Church, Canton Minnesota Branch Department of Labor Stephen Wolf Buffalo Wild Wings Brogan Flitter JoAnn Oyen FIRST PRESBYTERIAN $30,000 + Catholic Daughters of Jennifer Poulos Sioux Falls Twilight First Aid & Safety Patrick & Melissa Wood Connie Foss Wayne & Michelle Paulson Xcel Energy KELO TV Stations the Americas Court The Prairie Club Green 4 Ever United Sioux Tribes CHURCH Diane Pinkelman Schulte Subaru of St. Christina, Tea Quilters for Christ, Kadoka Hauff Mid-America Sports Vader & Landgraf Inc. Donna Garza Larson Brian & Jody Young Pete & Carrie Randazzo Valley Exchange Bank Kyle & Tammi Gilley Amber Poulos Sioux Falls Central States Fair Inc. Hauge Associates Inc. $100 +

GIFTS-IN-KIND Boyd & Maureen Heckel Dr. Scott & Helen Van Dam Girl Scout Troop 40278 PREMIER Bankcard Inc. Christmas Dance, Rapid City Kiwanis Club Active Generations $25,000 + HelpLine Center Bernita VanderSchaaf Glanbia Nutritionals Inc. Belinda Prostrollo Sioux Falls Paul Rausch Janet Adams Eide Bailly LLP Vern Eide Honda Employee Relations Quality Brands of the Cheryl Boyd Mary Christopher Riddle’s Jewelry Henkel Corporation Akela Spa Becky Henning Vibrant Body Art Committee Black Hills Jeff & Laura Boyd $15,000 + Citibank (South Dakota), NA Joshua Ripley Kris Albers Vision Video Rockerville Fire Department Bill & Jolynn Hennrich Jean Volkers Golf Club at Red Rock Nicole Raml Laurel Braa Jon & Gail Crane Tim & Sandy Alick Brandon Quilt Guild Interactive LLC & Sheriff’s Deputies Henry Carlson Company Waste Equipment Good Shepherd CLC Rapid City Rush Ron Allen Brian Criss, DDS, PC & Staff Bethany Brodersen Dakota Wheelin’ Sarah Rogers Carolyn Hieb Weisser Distributing Inc. Lutheran Church, Professional Hockey Mussie Alperowitz $10,000 + Charlene Hopf World Market Rapid City Red Robin Ellison Brtna Dakota West Books LLC Mari DeBerg Scheels All Sports Alvine Weidenaar LLP Sioux Falls Corvette Club Zion Lutheran Church, Grace Reformed Church Diane Rollag Marvin Burkman Monument Health Doug & Shawn DeGroot Hotel on Phillips Mavis Amundson Garretson Women of Grace, Corsica John & Kay Rozell Ciera Buum Rosenbauer Firefighting Dental Essence Sioux Falls Truck & Trailer H-S Precision Peggi Andal Great Plains Watercolor Troy Rubin Bill & Lynne Byrne Technology Down to Earth/ Jayme Sloat Paul Jensen $250 + Jordan & Sarah Anderson Theresa Sparrow Darla Johanson Society The Rushmore Hotel & Sarah Callahan About Face Masks 605 Real Estate Apple Tree West Calvary Lutheran Church, $5,000 + St. Michael's Parish, Chrissy Johnson Abiding Savior Free Karen Gubbrud Suites Julie Arnold Susan Ahmad Rose DuBois Sanford Health Irene Sioux Falls Journey Elementary – Lutheran, Sioux Falls Austin & Melinda Harrison Arrowhead Country Club Flatland Flyways Embrace Church, Sioux Falls Occupational Medicine Cambria Suites Pastor Carli Steffes 1st Grade classes Active Faith Chiropractic Karla Hasche ARTisan Skin & Laser Center Charlene & Scott Harris Full Circle Tattoo Cheryl Haugen Brian Canning & Furniture Mart Thompson Electric Brenda Kneip Bostic Luke Albers Lari, Brian & Ellanor Seaver Avera Dawley Farms Hauff Mid America Sports HDR Inc. Heidi Johnson Great Bear Ski Valley Company Don Kranz All American Gymnastics Jim & Kathy Sigle Avera Heart Hospital & Hy-Vee Diaper Drive Heiman Fire Equipment The Canton Barn LLC Martha Gregg TJ Maxx Kevin & Garn Kuiper & Inflatables Simpson’s Printing North Central Heart Lorie Kedik Gary Hermanson Sioux Falls Figure Capital Services Employees Ralph & Sylvia Grode Family Hanna Trapp Kusek Family Dentistry Kathleen Andresen Clinic Employees Knights of Columbus Tyler Goff Group LLC Hillcrest Church, Sioux Falls Skating Club Mark Capitano & Hermosa School & Implants Arctic Glacier Avera Heart Hospital St. Therese Council Hotel Alex Johnson Sioux Falls Flyers Dana Brandys Becky Lowe’s Class Dennis & Nancy Rachel Lamfers Aaron & Lisa Asmus Employees No. 8025 Van Der Weide Living Word Free Lutheran Owen & Jan Hotvet Sisson Printing Inc. Mark Capitano & Highmark Federal Augustana Lutheran Avera McKennan Hospital Dana Brandys Novak Sanitary Service Wine Time On Main Church, Sioux Falls Church, Sioux Falls Brittany Huenink Michael & Stephanie Housekeeping Results Radio Credit Union Sawyer Huff Skuodas Jason & Nicole Carlson Chad & Darcy Hoff Stephen Wolf Lord of Life Lutheran Family of Clyde Fred Autio Department Wish-Inn Mission Evelyn Slaathaug Jorge Carmona Holy Spirit Church, Woods, Fuller, Shultz & Youth Group, Sioux Falls Avera Cancer Institute Josh & Braxton Janssen Jane Bade Dawn & Marvin Jensen South Dakota Air Certified Labs $2,500 + Sioux Falls Smith PC Maswik Lodge Hematology & Bone Badlands Broadcasting Maurice Quilt Club, IA Tiffany Jensen National Guard Jeffrey & Sally Chapman ASGD Brand The HomeSlice $500 + Marrow Transplant Gregory Baete Judi Christensen Strategy + Design Minnwest Bank B.I. Performance Services Mary Jeremiason South Dakota Wildland Fire Bank Midwest Media Group The 1880 Train Jennifer Josko South Pointe Apartments Matt & Marie Christensen Black Hills Federal Jerry Mootz Kate Bartell Nowak Kimberly Banks Intek Cleaning & Restoration A&B Business Solutions Journey of Hope, St Johns Lutheran Church, Ava Christians Credit Union Interstates Control Systems Charles & Jill Arbeiter Mark & Michelle Mordhorst Beautique Jim & Laura Barnett Cary Myers Sioux Falls Pipestone, MN City of Sioux Falls Desperados Cowboy & Interstates Foundation Armstrong Shows Justin Bentz Beaver Valley Lutheran Neighborhood Ride Joyce Karll St. Michael’s School Employees Restaurant Dawn Johnston Bob & Vivian Bailly Bethleham Lutheran Church, Valley Springs Rhonda & Joseph Class Ellsworth Monthly Jon & Joanne Nelson Judy Kearney Theresa Stahl Kaskade Builders Inc. Beaver Creek Logworks Quilters, Rapid City Sandy Beck Sam Coil Volunteers Roberta Birkman Nyberg’s Ace Bethlehem Evangelical Kidprenuer Gloria Steele Rich & JoAnn Bellin Kidtopia Kimball Protestant Parish Paul & Jean Colon First PREMIER Bank Old Elm Colony Lutheran Church, Stiles Faith Group Benton Lutheran Church, L.G. Everist Inc. Black Hills Oral Surgery & Target West Side Compassionate Care Trust Department Ophthalmology Ltd. Rapid City King Law Firm Crooks Landscape Garden Centers Dental Implant Center– Don & Alice Kirby Connie Thomas Hospice Greater Good Living Hope Community Sheri Ouellette Black Hills Church of Christ, Cory Berg Dr. Crossland’s Staff Aaron Klimes Barb Thompson Mary Cooper Greater Good Church, Tea Black Hills Quilters Guild, Pajama Program Rapid City Best Western Ramkota Knecht Home Center Tim Thompson Travis & Rachel Cordell Jerry Green Mega Strong Fitness Rapid City Reading Center Dave & Cheryl Boer Bethesda Church, Bristol Jay & Melanie Parsons Vicki Lanier Thrivent Financial CorTrust Bank Employees Gunderson’s Fine Jewelry Menards Inc., Blessed Sacrament Quilters, Arne Bortnem Bethlehem Lutheran Peace Lutheran Church, Tommy Lindberg Marion Toillion Cub Scout Pack 117 Kid’s Inc. Laura Wilder Sioux Falls West Rapid City Lisa Bowen Church, Inwood, IA Elementary Sioux Falls Liv Hospitality LLC Kevin Topolinski The Dahl Modern Woodmen of Boss’ Pizza & Chicken Brandon Lutheran Church Bigs Sports Bar & Casino Dakota Alliance Kieffer Sanitation Pheasant Creek Outfitters Jenny Bruin Scott Lund & Dena Triebwasser BitGo Trust Company America Brandon Quilt Guild Tami Haugen Lund Trinity Lutheran Church, Soccer Club Michelle & Paul Lavallee New Beginnings Faith Calvin Christian Reformed Physicians Mutual Cantalope Family Mark Black Pixelbox Jackie Maguire Platte Dakota Lettering Menards Sioux Falls East Church, Sioux Falls Church, Rock Valley, IA Foundation Black Hills Area Dental Dakota Retail Technology Orion Land Mark Laura Pomes Mainstream Boutique Trinity Lutheran Church Noon Optimist Club of the Casey’s Sara Cantine Black Hills Reptile Dakota Snow LLC Orthopedic Institute Precious Angels LLC Larissa Carlson Marco Technologies Quilters, Mitchell Black Hills, Rapid City Catering by Cleavers Gardens Inc. Dakotah Steakhouse Employees Procure Hope Altruism Gwen Martin Ultimate Dance & Cheer Elise Blaseg Our Savior’s Lutheran The Country Club of Betty Carson Dale’s Tire & Retreading Inc. Ponderosa Screen In Action Catholic Daughters of Carol McEntee Unique Signs Inc. Layne Bloom Church, Sioux Falls Sioux Falls United Methodist Church, Dalesburg Lutheran Church Printing & Embroidery Raven Industries Inc. the Americas Court Denny & Kim McKay Shellie Bluhm Outdoor Gear Inc. Crabtree Amusements Memorial Lutheran Church Colton WELCA, Vermillion St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Pajama Program Dakota Lettering Charley & Gwen Ray Mother Teresa No. 2510 Kathy Boadwine MO Synod, Sioux Falls USD Sanford School of Kathryn Davids Sioux Falls Pajama Program Dakota Regional David & EJ Reid Wanda Chaney John & Lori Bockenstedt Steve & Terri Reilly Stephanie Minkler Medicine Jenny Davis Vast Broadband, Rapid City Pajama Program Periodontics Children’s House Olivia Boese Mobile FX Bill & Joann VanDenHemel Kathy Davis Vision Video Interactive LLC Reading Center Dakota Spirit Judy Rickard Montessori–Parastou Nick & Kari Borns Bruce Elkins Emily Rollason Ghazvini Classroom Sue, John & Jacklyn Mollison Al & Elaine Vanderlaan Becky Bosler 16 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 17 First United Methodist Kohl’s Susette Randal Strider Sports Church, Sioux Falls Julie Kolseth The Ransom Church, International Inc. Teresa Fischer Gary & Karen Kratochvil Sioux Falls Allen & Joyce Stucky Marla Ford Kim Kristensen Wesley Rasmusson Sturgis Buffalo Chip Sherry Ford Marten & Betty Kruger Sharon Redenius Jeffrey & Azure Summers Pastor Larry & Kathy Erica & Aubrey Kurek Samantha Relph Tally’s Silver Spoon Forristall Rae & Jane Kurth Renner Corner Locker Lourie Trygstad Carol Foster Patti Kutch Reynolds Construction Murlyn & Joan Tunender Connie Foster Rebecca LaBore Management Donna Tunge

CONTINUED Christina Fousck Donna Lehman Sally Rice Barb Umbreit Laura Francis Tom Lewis Kirk & Cheryl Rikansrud Uncle Ed’s Specialty Meats Paul & Sara Francis Lindsay Lindaman Risen Savior Church United Sioux Tribes Dr. Jennifer Friedman Barbara Long Youth Group, Brandon Anna Urban TS-IN-KIND & Clients Hannah Lubben Gloria Ristesund Corky & Mary Van Eck Curt Friesen & Deb Luettel Rock Ranch Dave & Judy Julie Anderson Friesen Peggy Luke Mark & Lisa Rockafellow Van Veldhuizen Diane Fueston Philip & Heather Maas Gloria Rolfs Vanessen’s Hair Design GI F Bonnie Funk Vicki Madsen Jamison & Cathy Rounds Marilyn VanWyhe Ralph & Mildred Galyen Peggy Mahon Rushmore Rock Crawlers Danielle Vis Good Spirits Fine Wine Bonnie Marion Aly Salguero Lexi Vogel & Liquor Greg & Denise Martin SalonCentric Mary Jo & Harvey Vogel Michelle & Efrain Rhonda Martin Jake Samp & Madison Felty Janet Von Auer Dario Gonzalez Mary Kay Print Shop Darrell & Linda Sampson Dana Voorhees Jewelry Good News Reformed Jeremy Mayer Dr. Paul & Trisha Sampson John T. Vucurevich Church, Sioux Falls Linda McCoy Brad Saum Cancer Care Institute Grace Lutheran Church Terri McCroskey Patricia Schaefer Walgreens Endowment Fund, Martin & Jan McDonald Drew & Nancy Schelhaas Darlene & Gordon Walker Luverne, MN Linda McEntee Linda Scherer Alicia Warrington Joellen Groethe Shannan McQuade Anita Schmidt Kim Wassink Kerry Grogan Darlene Meester Jeremy Schreiner Emily Wassom Mark & Stacy Gross Sharon Meile Meagan Schriever Beth & Vinson Weber Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson Bethany Melvin Second Reformed Church, Michelle Weideman & Ashmore LLP Photography Lennox Larry & Marlene Weires Kristi Gustafson Dennis & Tammy Mettler Vanessa Sheridan Laura Weires Event Date: Dawn Gutnik Sarah Miller Molly Sich West Prairie Lutheran Brandi & Lance Haase Deb Minnich Doug & Vicki Sieck Church, Worthing Caring for the Kids AUGUST 10, 2O2O Connie Hafer Modern Woodmen Simon Says Give West Prairie WELCA Due to COVID-19, the Orion Classic/Evening for the Kids Kim Davis Connie Hagen of America Sioux Falls Area Chapter Women, Worthing 30-Minute Statewide Taylor Deckert Judy Hallstrom Russell & Julie Moir of Oncology Nurses Kelley Westover was replaced with the Caring for the Kids Benefit. It included Cara DeHaan Cory & Nicole Hansen Sarah Munce Sioux Falls Lutheran Simon & Elizabeth Whealy KELOLAND TV Presentation Jacob & Catherine Bruce & Lori Lea Hanson Bonnie Munoz Preschool White Owl Club a car raffle and an online auction, along with an educational Dekkenga Stephanie Hardwick Rita Mwele Sioux Falls Lutheran Rachelle White Gertie Denhoed Harmony House Nancy Nagel Schools Kristi Wiedrich and entertaining half-hour special on KELO-TV. NET PROCEEDS: $439,000 Donna Dhaemers Rebecca Haubenschild Shirley Nagel Sioux Falls Quilters Guild Glenn & Cynthia Wika Mary Dick Arnie Hauge NAMI South Dakota Sioux Falls Stampede Randall Wildeman Diane Diekman Roger Haugo Rebecca Naser Foundation for Kids Brian & Paula Williams DESIGNATION: Kara Dirkson Mandy Healy Ashley Nelson Siouxland Chapter AACN Deb Wills Discount Merchandise Sarah Heaton Chris & Julie Nelson Siouxperior Ink Misty Wilson CHS Program Support Center Jeff Heavlin Kay Nordlie Sally Sisk Bailey Wintersteen THANKS TO OUR Dollar General Gene & Char Heiden Northwest Engineering Sisson Printing Inc. Witful LLC DONORS AND SPONSORS! Holly & George Donnello Ashley Heinen Barbara Nour Jeremie Slagle & Kevin & Laurie Wohlleber Judy Donohue Jeff & Kim Hilgenberg Pat Nytroe Jill Grevlos Slagle Wolfie’s Liquor Spot Mary Doorn Tina Hillmann Judie O’Brien Curtis Smith Mike & Jane Wolforth Karen Dunham Peggy Hisel Lindsey O’Brien Kjerstin & Jamie Smith Barbara Young Leslie Dunken Grace Hochstader Alicia & Tyler Olson Shelly Smith Young Professionals Group Marsh & McLennan Agency Dr. David & Julie Ermer TransUnion Terry & Carolyn Ebright Lisa & Nick Hofer Omnitech Sarah Smoke Carol Zingler Challenge Donors Hope Sponsors Christine Eitreim Darlene Hoffman Alice Ormseth Soma Zion Lutheran Church Gordon Spronk and Avera SilverStone Group FastSigns Vader and Landgraf Electronic Systems Inc. Steve & Terri Hoffman Open Bible School, Soroptomist Club, Women of ELCA, Hartford Randy Spronk Citi Bob & Maureen Suga First Bank & Trust Veritiv Electronic Systems Inc. UPS First National Bank of Viking Label Hope Lutheran Church Rapid City Minneota, MN Gretchen Zolty Car Sponsor CorTrust Bank Kari Elrod Dr. Bob & Marilyn Van Demark Sioux Falls Merle & Cecile Wollman WELCA, Sioux Falls Our Savior’s Lutheran South Dakota Chapter of Schulte Subaru Dacotah Bank Endeavor Elementary Lori Hunter Church, Sioux Falls Moms Demand Action DAKOTACARE Waterbury Heating & Cooling Stan Graber Financial Workplace Marketing Students Barbara Hyland Aletha Parke South Dakota State Heart Sponsors Daugaard for South Dakota For The Kids Sponsors Services Insurance Advisors Glen & Carla Eng Icon Event Hall & Lounge David & Suzanne Parrott Penitentiary First PREMIER Bank JDS Industries Tim & Somboon Hamel Tom & Lynne Zimmer Kevin & Jill Engelhart Acucare Physical Therapy Indian Creek Lutheran Ashley Patineau Southern Hills United Graham Tire Sanford Health Mavis Amundson Interstate Office Products The YES Group Dave Englert Great Western Bank Church WELCA, Meadow Patterson Dental Methodist Church, – KEY – Schoeneman’s Dr. E. Paul Amundson JMJ Caseworks Steering Committee ESA Alpha Alpha, MasterCard Modern Woodmen Laura Jackson Denise Patton Sioux Falls Tri-State Wholesale Flooring Boen & Associates Danny Amundson Sioux Falls Kathryn Jacobs Paul & Eileen Paulson SRP Companies BOLD TYPE denotes Orion Land Mark Fraternal Financial Weisser Distributing Harold & Helen Boer Dr. E. Paul Amundson Sonja Estes Brian Johnson Peace Lutheran Quilters, St. John’s Lutheran Church, gifts designated to Pipestone Dr. Patrick & Laura Munson Esurance Print Materials Sponsor Jim Bork Enterprises Jared Andersen Lori Johnson Rock Rapids, IA Sioux Falls Children’s Inn POET Dave & Becky Nelson Everything Prehistoric Sisson Printing Inc. Rick & Holly Brunick Dan LaRock Jolly Lane Greenhouse Cathy Perryman St. Paul’s Lutheran School PREMIER Bankcard One American Bank Farm Bureau Gifts given through the Jim & Kim Burma Tammy Roberts Claudia Kapp Karlyn Petersen Stacy Stahl * Caring Sponsors Don & Ann Platt Gene & Martha Fauth Sioux Falls Area Media Sponsors Cadwell Sanford Tom Roberts Kathy Karpiuk PetSmart 2763 Brenda Stange Burke Corporation Pride Neon Crystal Fedders Community Foundation KELOLAND Media Group Deibert & Garry Annie Sehr Spencer & Julie Kaul Dave & Lisa Pfannes Mark & Jenn Stavenger CNA Surety Dr. Greg & Karen Schultz John & Debra Felton Gifts given through the Midco Paul & Mary Ellen Connelly Lisa Steinhouse Edna Kipp Alice Piper Deb Steiger ⁰ Steve & Kris Egger Showplace Cabinetry Kearstin Ferguson Roine Klassen David Pommer Stellar Limousine Black Hills Area Midwest Communications Davenport Evans Lawyers Rick Weber Kenneth & Judith Fickbohm Community Foundation First National Bank of Tim Dougherty & SilverStone Group Melissa Klein Jan Porter Glenda Stene Sioux Falls Skinner Financial Services Rose Fink Elizabeth Klusmann Amber Stetson Karen Schreier Chrysti Protsch § Gifts given through Fresca Mexican Foods Taft Law First Congregational Knights of Columbus Jackie Provencio Rachel Steven Eide Bailly Church, Sioux Falls the South Dakota Maguire Iron Thompson Law PC Splitrock Council, Qdoba – Rapid City Mindy Stewart Community Foundation Envive First Gold Gaming Resort Brandon Quality Meats West LLC Patrick Stoner First Lutheran Church, Knots of Love dba Arby's Carol Storrs † Deceased Valley Springs Kristy Koepp 18 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 19 Baby Haecherl James Hulm Jerry Kerns Dennis Liberko Alyce Miles Jana Haecherl Bobbie Jones Allen & Gloria Brown Charles & Joelle Benson Chris Hansen Memorial Gifts Given January 1–December 31, 2O2O Annie Hall Kyle Hurd Marvin Kindt Dr. Michael & Janice Farritor Jerome & Anna Miles Memorial gifts are given in memory of family members or friends who have Tom & Tammy Roberts Thomas Hurd Charitable Bobbie Jones Jane Hannemann Chad Miller Mary Hallberg Fund at Schwab Charitable Delores Kirchhevel Peter & Molly Liberko Bob & Cherie Goehring Dr. Timothy & Susan Metz passed away. Memorial gift card packets are available by request. Due to space Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga Sharon Issenhuth Bob & Cherie Goehring Nancy “Nan” & limits, only gifts of $20+ are listed. Children’s Inn gifts are noted in bold type. Lois Hallem Robert & Karen Appelwick Ken Kirkeby Roger Linke Rodney Miller Richard & Rhonda Baker James & Gretchen Beecroft Dan & Leslie Ashmore Dennis & Tammy Mettler Michael & Sarah Thury Jeni Bird Patti Linngren Betty Hansen Rey & Rubye Klay Ashley Moe Ross & Tracy Crum Nancy & Kosta Constantine John & Valoy Nordlie LeAnn Moe & Family Jim & Diane Lockwood, Sr. David & Nancy Gienapp Ruth Loeber Iro Mogen Steve Adams Wayne Blanton Vince Donelan Maxine Giesen Todd Hauge Joe & Judy Keffeler Olin & Marilyn Odland Allen & Gloria Brown Terry Jacobson Vincent & Patricia De Bates Joseph & Jolene Donelan Larry & Marlene Weires Belbas Charity Fund Dwight & Linda Lehmann Scheels All Sports Lyle Lohman Ronahda “Roni” Mootz James “Jim” Ahlers Joseph Boever David Dossett Maurice “Mory” Gillespie Devona Prostrollo Janet Lohman Jerry Mootz Jean Ahlers Allen & Gloria Brown Terry Jacobson Michael & Gracia Gillespie William “Bill” Haugen Bert Itterman Jack & Gina Hopkins Linda Long Billie Morgan David & Pat Nadolski Elaine Bokker Dennis “Denny” Drew Leila Gilman Terry Jacobson Larry & Marlene Weires Michael & Gracia Gillespie Janis & Dennis Porto Allen & Gloria Brown Allen & Gloria Brown Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery Darlene Havel Colwill Howard Jacobs Irene Rezac Shirley Erickson Jerard & Barbara Hargis Kelly Loudenslager Melvin Mosemann Lottie Rollag Genine Borah Charles “Chad” Drews Richard Gilman Dean Mann Bob & Cherie Goehring Bob & Cherie Goehring Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery Jeff Hazard Vivian Jacobs Mike & Kay Smidt Mildred Ahrendt Great Western Bank Daniel & Janice Quinn David Loving Dan Mulder August “Augie” Borchardt Severin “John” Drobny Jasper Community Friend Yvonne Weeldreyer Rita Loving Leon & Shirley Mulder Joe & Joan Ahlers Michael & Cheryl Immeker Shirley Amundson Patricia Javers Russell Lowell Dave Mulder Howard Braastad Thomas Elverud Allen & Gloria Brown Deb & Dennis Moritz Joan Cleveland Leon & Shirley Mulder Bob & Cherie Goehring Roger & Bonnie Olson Larry & Karen Corkins Tom & Linda Bunkers Rick & Mary Weber Harvey Muller Sandra “Sue” Brown James Engberg Myra & Larry Feay Carol Johnson JUDI KLEIN Barry Muller Joyce Anderberg Allen & Gloria Brown Quintin & Mary Honerman Linda & Tom Geraets Vincent & Patricia De Bates Leo Skancke Former CHS foster parent Akicita Najin Dena Bruns Gloria Engel Thomas & Sheila Reding Marilyn Andersen Elnore Johnson Clara Jacob Ardys Fodness Thomas & Esther Harmon Gordon “Gordy” Lyng Doris Kono Terry Jacobson Peggy Nauman Raymond Bunjer Marlys Hohman Judi Klein Bob & Cherie Goehring James ”Jim” Anderson Merle Johnson Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Jennifer & Del Johnke Grace Entringer Joe & Joan Ahlers Glen & Caren Straatmeyer Bob & Cherie Goehring Liz Lloyd Delores Nebben Maxine Bunker Joe & Joan Ahlers Arthur & Carol Ehde Kathy Macrunnels

MEMORIAL GIFTS Vernell Johnson Allen & Gloria Brown Mary Anderson Glen & Caren Straatmeyer Joseph & Cindy Murphy Dale Tjarks & Michael & Gracia Gillespie Duane & Dorothy Wrage Roger & Bonnie Olson Harold & Helen Boer Carol Entringer-Tjarks Tom & Linda Bunkers Robert Burhenn Jack Mader Virginia Johnson Virgel Anderson Cathy Stark Dale Tjarks & SVEN GODWIN DENNIS Doris Klingenberg Roger & Bonnie Olson Chad Nelson Terry Jacobson Carol Entringer-Tjarks Robin & Gaylon Anderson Bob & Cherie Goehring Robert & Sharen Nelson James “Jim” Burke Son of Kari Clark, SFCH staff HEIDEBRINK Donald Mairose Marilyn Jones Joelle Antonson Larry & Carol Lewis Ray Entringer Witten Klingenberg Allen & Gloria Brown Gloria Nelson Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery Dale Tjarks & Friend of CHS; Marsha Frericks Rachel Case Thomas & Marilyn Simmons uncle to Kim Balk-Phelps, Coralie Bush Carol Entringer-Tjarks Sven Godwin James Arndt Patti Brende CHS staff Alice Just Patricia Knutson Joyce Nelson Darrell & Valerie Horacek Joseph Erickson Chad & Sarah Javers Allers Family Debbie & Richard Peterson Martin & Imogene Haase Alvin Bystrom Anetta Goehring Davis Family Carolyn Pesicka Richard & Rhonda Baker Dennis Heidebrink Robert “Bob” Kogel Ophthalmology Ltd. Terry Jacobson Bob & Cherie Goehring Ellen Kelsch Dorothy Austad Sarah Ervin Bill Phelps & Jim & Karli Boelter Paul Nelson Joseph & Rhonda Wurtz Audrey Lundquist Viola Callesen Sabrina Momand Velda Goehring Kim Balk-Phelps Michael & Gracia Gillespie Liz Lloyd Rick & Mary Weber Bob & Cherie Goehring Margaret Austin Steve Evangelista Rosemarie “Rose” Ronald Konold Orlan Norgaard Duane & Gretta Nomansen Shirleen Heinricy Ronald Neri & Sawyer Chick Larry & Shirley Larson Allen & Gloria Brown Kallemeyn Michael & Gracia Gillespie Lee Raines Kelli Weinstein Merlin & Laurie Schwartz Bob & Cherie Goehring Georgia Austin Neri Nancy Everett Glen Helgeson Don Kraft Marlow Ohman Gerald “Jerry” Goodale JaNelle Baete Tim Chicoine Leo Skancke Allen & Gloria Brown John Kampmeyer Dennis & Tammy Mettler Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Patrick & Marcia Quinn Leo Skancke Allen & Gloria Brown Larry & Marlene Weires Delores ”Toodie” Falk Shirley Mae Henderson Warren Kramer Judith “Judie” Oien Harmen Greenwood Larry & Ada Jorgenson Nathan Baier Comatose Friends Bobbie Jones Theresa Schreiner Mike & Deb O’Hara Roger & Bonnie Olson Kent & Marcia Martin Terry Jacobson Charlene & Scott Harris Mildred “Millie” Fanciullo Jordan Hernandez- Edwin Krause Ruth Barlow John Cornette Deb Stewart Bernardino Mary Joneson Michael & Kristi Cornette Leonard & Joanne Dankey Sharon Farstead Thomas Hurd Charitable Robert “Bob” Krell JOE MAXWELL Glenda Stene Gerald “Jerry” Crisp Michael & Gracia Gillespie Fund at Schwab Leo Skancke Former BHCH staff Allen & Gloria Brown Herman & Ardis Bauer Faye Fastnacht Charitable Grant Kringen Linda Bauer Raymond Crisp Mettler’s Locker Judy Herting Allen & Gloria Brown Barnett Family & Friends Allen & Gloria Brown Mary & Glenn Kelly Leo Skancke Joe Maxwell Norma Finnell Adam Attig & Kelly Barnett Greg Cummings Gary Hight George & Ramona Robert Lamberty Jennifer Ringer Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery John & Valoy Nordlie Susan Bartels Bartels, Jr. Allen & Gloria Brown Daniel Attig Raymond Cuppy George & Ramona First Congregational Church Russell Hinkle Milford Larson Michelle Attig Barb Heien Bartels, Jr. Children’s Home Society Lowell & Norma Wetrosky Dr. Larry & Lois Lounsbery Bill & Tam Colson Betty Bastain John Dammer Supporters Charlotte Hinricher Paul Larson Melissa Cropper Jim & Diane Lockwood, Sr. Larae Fritz Brian & Amy Wienk Allen & Gloria Brown JEAN Audrey Lundquist Kevin & Joanne Gardner Phillip Baumberger Howard Davis Ida Fossum GEORGE GRIEBEL Sherry Hirmer Evelyn Laue Richard Maxwell JEFF OKERLUND Allen & Gloria Brown Merlin & Barbara Davis Grace Ulrikson Long-time volunteer and Allen & Gloria Brown Former Children's Inn Brenda Laue Francis & Kathy Toscana Long-time friend of CHS staff Carl Becker Thomas “Tom” Davis Margaret Frick father-in-law of Jen Crisp- Evelyn Hofer Lauren Don McCuen and co-founder of Griebel, SFCH staff Harold & Helen Boer Terry Jacobson Terry Jacobson Family of Evelyn Hofer Erik Hanson Roger & Bonnie Olson CHS Orion Classic Betty Thompson Virginia “Ginger” Becker Harold & Betty Dean Jake & Norma Hofer Jean Kane Anna Mae Lee Ralph McKee Debra Brady Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga Dennis & Tammy Mettler Barb Frieberg George Griebel Liz Lloyd Dennis & Lizette Aanenson Allen & Gloria Brown Jeff Okerlund Connie Benson Frances DeBerg Margret Griebel Jennifer Barker Audrey Lundquist Christ Community Church, Joel & Lois Running Richard “Griff” Mead Overland Park, KS Bill & Lynne Byrne Dr. Joe & Amy Cass Audrey Lundquist Jean Galpin Family of George Griebel Jerome “Jerry” Hoffman Jeff & Theresa VerWey Dan & Leslie Ashmore Paul & Jean Colon Margret Griebel Catherine Creecy Judy Benz Wanda Dede Bob & Cherie Goehring Michael & Gracia Gillespie John VerWey Elizabeth Mendelson Tom & Cathy Kosobayashi Nordell & Jennifer Griebel Timothy Feathers Active Faith Chiropractic Beverly Horsted Paul Garresch Lois Holien Robert Lee Morgan Mendelson Deb & Dennis Moritz Lavon Gstohl Kent & Alma Knoll Berneta Berens Marilyn Denedan Marjorie Anderson Allen & Gloria Brown Tom & Barb Parliman Roger & Bonnie Olson Karen Messmer Don & Ann Platt Leo Skancke Rick & Mary Weber Rob & Nancy Kunz Bobbie Jones Wilbur Gehrels Thomas “Tom” Houle Steven Simms David Lees Dennis & Tammy Mettler Robert & Phyl Gural Jim Berg Aaron Diedrich Roger & Bonnie Olson Bernard & Mary Lerssen Ken & JoAnn Mattheis Tom Metli Bud Olson Kenneth & Jacqueline Blanche Kansanback Allen & Gloria Brown Dennis & Tammy Mettler Alvin Geidel Merlys Lewis Mike Metli Richard & Jeanne Wold Kessler William Huggett Roger & Bonnie Olson Kent & Joyce Alford Allen & Gloria Brown Donna McKettrick 20 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 21 Vernon Olson Mary Jane Fenn Glenn Van Ningen Roger & Bonnie Olson Mark & Pat Graham Terry & Carolyn Ebright GIFT WRAP BOOTH Iva Oltmanns Boyd & Dody Hopkins Jennifer & Del Johnke

TS Sandy Watson Michael & Bunny Howes “I had cousins Bonnie Viet Steve & Pam Jansa AND TOY DRIVE Virginia Oolman Larry & Marylin Beers Dan & Arlene Kirby Bobbie Jones who resided at the Loyd & Donna Wagner Presented by: Betty Pfeifle & Family Wagner Family Charitable Ervin Ortman Sioux Falls Area GREAT WESTERN BANK home in the ’50s Trust Fund I Sandy Fink Community Foundation Dorothy Grevlos Nancy Ward CONTINUED Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga and appreciate Event Date: Rev. & Mrs. Tom Grevlos Dick & Kathy Sweetman Margret Griebel Mr. & Mrs. Tom Murtaugh Richard & Michelle the work that James Weelborg This annual fundraiser DECEMBER 4-24, 2020 Ozzie Osborn VanDemark Allen & Gloria Brown in Sioux Falls helps Allen & Gloria Brown Ronald Reiff continues to Norman Weires Lyman “Skip” Overskei Allen & Gloria Brown Larry & Marlene Weires introduce new donors NET PROCEEDS: $55,704 Roger & Bonnie Olson Joseph & Cindy Murphy provide a home to Tamra “Tammy” Welbig and volunteers during Lillian Owen Janet “Jan” Richardson Terry Jacobson the holidays. Jim & Kay Owen Lee Raines children who need David Westbrock DESIGNATION: Julie Packard Sylvia Roberts Allen & Gloria Brown Children's Inn Program Support Allen & Gloria Brown Bob & Cherie Goehring a place to live.”

MEMORIAL GI F Donna Whitcomb David “DJ” Paintner Laverna Roth Jon & Gloria Olson Bob & Cherie Goehring Rip & Marlys Porter LARRY & SHIRLEY Hester White Results Host Volunteers Leaders Arthur Paquette Nikki Rowenhorst LARSON Virginia Myers • 313 volunteers The Empire Mall Bill Hennrich Aaron Paquette Robert & Kathleen Elizabeth Hjelm Gayle Willman • 970 volunteer hours Presenting Sponsor JoAnn Park Benedick Nelson Flores Mettler’s Locker Great Western Bank Rhonda Kelsey Mindy Loewen • Allen & Gloria Brown Glenna Wilson 4,000 gifts wrapped Kaylee Kropuenske Sweetman Construction Media Partners Sylvester “Lester” Patocka Mike & Constance • Kristi McKinney Company Over 500 toys, gifts, Dakota News Now Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Pederson clothing, and needed Jen Nuncio Samantha Ruiz Rueben Skordahl Midco Charlotte Schwab Richard Paulson Patrick Wingen items collected for Results Radio Rodney & Ingrid Place Darla Assman Terry Jacobson children’s birthday and Randy VanDeVendel Megan Assman Theresa Wingen Darlene Smart Theresa Wingen Christmas presents. Other Support Shannon Peck Bailey Heninger Marlys Bakker Robert & Sherri Dubbelde Get-N-Go Mega Strong Fitness Family Joyce Wiseman Xcel Energy Melvin Penning Deanna Reindel Dick Sorensen Allen & Gloria Brown Wireless World Allen & Gloria Brown Jessica Remme Ronald Wolf Robert & Beverly Sorensen James Peters Michelle Sorenson Joe & Joan Ahlers Tom & Michele Olsen Allen & Gloria Brown Charles Stepp Allen & Gloria Brown Jack Peterson James Rumbolz Leo “Jim” Spader Barbara Myren Willie Yost 14TH ANNUAL Allen & Gloria Brown Dr. Robert & Maureen Suga Dennis & Tammy Mettler Herman Plagge Prince Sails Annabelle Stach Shirley Stach Mildred Zeisler JON CRANE Joe & Joan Ahlers John & Valoy Nordlie Roger & Bonnie Olson Fifteen years ago Jon and Gail Crane recruited auctioneer Gertrude Poort Brown Wayne Salmen Paul Stach Orville Zeisler Denny McKay and founded this auction event to raise funds Stewart & Cassia Oaks Dennis & Tammy Mettler Shirley Stach BENEFIT AUCTION Carolyn Steffen Roger & Bonnie Olson for CHS. Moved online due to the pandemic, the auction Irma Poss Daniel “Dan” Sandven raised a significant donation. Marjorie Anderson Kenneth & Judith Fickbohm Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Gloria Zellmer Allen & Gloria Brown Trevor Printz Jane Ann Schaefer Janet Stember Kathy Sigle William & Patricia Printz Vernon Schaefer John & Valoy Nordlie Larry Zimmer Leonardo Da Vinci Ardyce Stensland Michael & Gracia Gillespie Sponsors Sherry Thurston Helen Pusl Doris Scharf $77,557 Janet Kahler Marion Toillion Carol & Perry Amussen Richard & Rhonda Baker Dean & Peg Gulbranson Ryan Zoss NET PROCEEDS: Jack & Vianne Kucera Mike Wolforth Deb Stewart Eva Rahlf Merlin Schmidt Verlyn Strenge Monument Health Melissa Wood Tim & Sandy Wulf Allen & Gloria Brown Roger & Bonnie Olson Jacquie Zweep Jo Anna & Robert Warder Nora Wosepka Leo Skancke Betty Sunde Jacquie’s Fund§ DESIGNATION: Picasso Sponsor Beverage Sponsors Sharon Schuldt Roger & Bonnie Olson Jacquie’s Fund§ Children's Home Child Advocacy Center Endowment DeMaris & Erv Nesheim A & B Business Solutions/ Dennis & Lizette Aanenson Shirley Stach Julie Swier Vincent Van Gogh Arlene Schulenburg Allen & Gloria Brown Sponsors Media Sponsors Richard & Rhonda Baker Mrs. Orville Cable Michael & Diana Day ASGD Brand Bobbie Jones Ellen Schultz Myles & Jeanette Kennedy Strategy + Design Midco Dennis & Tammy Mettler Ruth Thaden Botticelli Sponsor Ronald & Linda Thaden The HomeSlice Group Eunice Schwader – KEY – Lampert Properties Event Committee Family of Eunice Schwader Gary Thompson Original Artists Allen & Gloria Brown Dan Ashmore Claudia Scovel BOLD TYPE denotes Jon Crane gifts designated to Leslie Ashmore Emery & Carol Lee Leland “Lee” Thompson Jill Arbeiter John Brewer Craig & Lonna Reiner Barbara Myren Children’s Inn Nancy Ashley Jan Brewer Lottie Thompson Shawn DeGroot Jon Crane Sutton Senska § Gifts given through Richard DuBois MARGARET Dennis & Tammy Mettler Dennis & Tammy Mettler the South Dakota (Donated in his memory Gail Crane Christine Thormodsgard Community Foundation by his family) Diana Dufur-Day REARDON Richard “Dick” Sewell Bridget Gilbert Friend of CHS Kenneth & Linda Benson Timothy Dougherty & Dede Farrar Karen Schreier Jerry Green Denny McKay Joanne Sherman DeMaris Nesheim Jeannette Torgusen Bonnie Marion Barbara Myren Sarah Miller Theresa Schreiner Margaret Reardon Allen & Gloria Brown Abby Sharp Keel & Patricia Coddington Vinetta Shonley Mark Mordhorst Dennis & Tammy Mettler Royal Traver Joanne de Luen Nelson Melissa Wood Paul & Mary Ellen Connelly Thomas & Marilyn Novotny Nancy Dillon John Sietstra Angela Marie Poches Timothy Dykstal & David & Karla DeJongh Les Tuma Gwen Ray Terry Jacobson Ginny Reinicke Caroline Burke Ione Simons Sarah Rogers Steve & Kris Egger Orville Hill LeRoy Van Liere Allen & Gloria Brown

22 | CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT | 23 The 26th Annual Gala at Mount Rushmore was cancelled in 2020 26TH ANNUAL due to COVID-19. Thanks to our generous donors and sponsors GALA AT who stepped up to fill the gap.

MOUNT RUSHMORE Title Sponsor and Host Kieffer Sanitation Rotary Golf Committee NET PROCEEDS: $34,565 Rotary Club of Rapid City Lind-Exco Inc. Jeffrey A. Meyer, Chair Rushmore Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc. Mark Barry 31ST ANNUAL Rotary Club of Rapid City Scott Barbour DESIGNATION: Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore Presenting Sponsor Rushmore Darla Crown Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center Endowment Great Western Bank Sander Sanitation Service David Dolan US Bank Dr. Mike Fuller Diamond, Cart and Seth Green Hole Sponsors GOLF Gift Sponsors Roger Heacock Assurant Solutions Charles & Jill Arbeiter Ron Jeffries Presented by Entertainment Sponsors Contributing Event TOURNAMENT Black Hills Animal Hospital Black Hills Animal Hospital Jerome Johnson Rotary Club of Rapid City Rotary Club of Partners (Diamond and Hole Sponsor) (Diamond and Hole Sponsor) Jon D. Johnson Rushmore Rapid City Rushmore The 1880 Train, Hill City, SD Black Hills Shooters Supply Black Hills Federal Janet Kahler Xanterra Travel Collection Big D Central States Fair, Brazos Roofing Credit Union Marcia Law National Park Service at Rapid City, SD Event Committee Dean Kurtz Construction Black Hills Oral Surgery & Doug Lind Mount Rushmore Jackson Pacific Inc, Scott Van Dam, Chair Dr. Stuart Fromm, MD/ Dental Implant Center– Bruce Nearhood Wilsonville, OR Titanium Sponsor Keith Cook Black Hills Orthopedic Dr. Jay A. Crossland Debra Niemi Jon Crane Gallery & Framing, Janet Kahler Darla Crown & Spine Center Butler Machinery Mark Schreiner Hill City, SD Carmen Hansen Monument Health David & Kimberly Dolan Theresa Schreiner Platinum Sponsors Mark & Michelle Mordhorst Ron Jeffries Sanford Health/ Fisher Beverage Abby Sharp Black Hills Energy Prairie Mountain Inc, Marty LaMontagne Good Samaritan Society H-S Precision Tammy Stewart Black Hills Oral Surgery & Lockwood, MO Bruce Nearhood The UPS Store Kieffer Family Dental Derrick Stout Dental Implant Center Riddle’s Jewelry, Event Date: Linda Peterson Vast Broadband KLJ Engineering Pat Sutliff Monument Health Rapid City, SD Theresa Schreiner JULY 27, 2020 Neugebauer’s Jewelry, Dr. Willis Sutliff Rush Mountain Adventure Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Abby Sharp Design, & Service Tyler Trevillyan Park, Keystone, SD Sander Sanitation Service Lloyd Shelton Black Hills Community Bank Pioneer Bank & Trust Dr. George Twitero Sioux Pottery, Rapid City, SD Hills Septic Service Azure Summers NET PROCEEDS: $61,489 Black Hills Surgical Hospital Rapid City Journal Shari West Twitero Sysco Foods, Rapid City, SD Dakotah Steakhouse George Twitero Carver Insurance Inc./ Rapid Foundation Repair Bob Weyrich Dr. Scott & Helen Van Dam, Shari West Twitero Dakotacare Administrative Seacrest Wealth Marcia Whiting Media Sponsors Rapid City, SD Services Management/Jeffrey A. ASGD Brand Strategy + Design Wheeler Manufacturing DESIGNATION: Dave Schmidt Agency/ Meyer & Robert Sayler Midco Company Inc, Lemon, SD Children’s Home Child Advocacy Farmers Insurance Security First Bank Xanterra Travel Collection Center Endowment First Western Federal Signal Securities Inc./ Savings Bank Jon D. Johnson CIMA®, Granite Automotive AAMS®, CMFC Gustafson Builders/ Unique Signs Heavy Constructors Inc. Valley Sweeping Ketel Thorstenson LLP 32ND ANNUAL Title Sponsor Other Event & Media One Media Support Lamar Outdoor Advertising Event Host Sioux Falls Parks & Great Bear Ski Valley Recreation Gold Sponsors Event Committee Get-N-Go Ben Blomberg Great Western Bank Brad Blomberg Pipestone Greg Blomberg Alexa Giebink Title Sponsor & Host Black Hills Sugar Shack Silver Sponsors Dan Grider Kieffer Sanitation Cambria Suites Dan Grider & Jennifer Josko Kevin King GenPro Energy Solutions Koch Hazard Architects Double Eagle Sponsor Staci Kropuenske Hills Septic Service Highmark Federal Marsh & McLennan Agency Jill Lerdal Credit Union Sanford Health Scott Maguire Eagle Sponsors Mountain Plains Insurance Steve & Kathy Sanford Jeff Morlan Black Hills Rubble Pacific Steel & Recycling The Rushmore Hotel Event Date: Bronze Sponsors Jarrod Muller Management Brian Rotert (Eagle & Par Sponsor) JANUARY 22-23, 2021 Associated Consulting Media Sponsor Engineering Inc. Brooke Wegener Buffalo Wild Wings/ Z’mariks Noodle Café Gray Television/KEVN Cipher Imaging Media One Staff Event Date: Fisher Beverage The Funski event includes skiing, fat tire biking, Grossenberg Implement John Fiksdal Event Committee Ponderosa Screen SDN Communications Rebecca Goeden AUGUST 27, 2O2O Seth Green, Chairperson snowboarding, team snow tubing, snow sculpting, Printing & Embroidery Stockwell Engineers Eva Hofer The Golf Club at Red Rock, Rapid City Butch Hanssen zipfy sled racing and cross country skiing. It has become Adam Meyer Danielle Johnson Birdie Sponsor the premier outdoor winter event in eastern South Dakota. Friends of Funski Sharon Knoll Jennifer Nielsen Freeburg Hay Company Waste Equipment-Toter For 2021, it was scaled back but enjoyed just the same! Bryon Middleton NET PROCEEDS: $36,526 Dereck Parce Scheels Jessica Rice Par Sponsors Theresa Schreiner Sisson Printing Molly Schenkel Black Hills Energy Abby Sharp Stacey Sharp Media Partners Black Hills Rubble NET PROCEEDS: $38,104 Derrick Stout Dakota News Now DESIGNATION: Management Midco Children’s Home Child Advocacy (Eagle & Par Sponsor) DESIGNATION: Results Radio Center Endowment Children’s Inn Program Support


3RD ANNUAL Cleaver’s Chef Challenge April 3, 2021 • Sioux Falls Social Movement Campaign _____ Kieffer Sanitation Trash Can Open June 22, 2021 • 9:30 am Golf Club at Red Rock Theresa Schreiner: 605.343.2811 FUELED BY VERN EIDE MOTORCARS _____ Drive Out Domestic Violence Fueled by Vern Eide Motorcars Event Date: Title Sponsor Pit Crew Sponsors July 2021 Vern Eide Motorcars Harold & Helen Boer JULY 2020 Staci Kropuenske: 605.330.7387 Victory Lap Sponsor Culver’s Great Western Bank Modern Woodmen _____ More than 33% of South Dakota women will be of America Pedal to the Catherine Piersol victims of intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. Metal Sponsors Those Guys ABATE Poker Run Drive Out Domestic Violence is a social movement Harold & Helen Boer Media Partners July 18, 2021 • Sioux Falls Dakota Electric Dakota News Now LEARN MORE ABOUT campaign designed to create awareness of domestic Furniture Mart Midco Dave Brende: 605.940.3535 violence and generate funds to support victim services. Pipestone Results Radio _____ PARTNERING WITH CHS Rosenbauer Firefighting VVI Technology Other Event Support Monday, November 2, 2020 at 14:03:47 Central Standard Time Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore Subject: [BULK] Strength Training Pace Car Sponsors Dakota Lettering Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 2:58:39 PM Central Daylight Time NET PROCEEDS: $62,229 Tom & Jean Nicholson Golf Tournament From: Janet Andersen Harold & Helen Boer To: Janet Andersen Nordstrom’s Automotive Social Media July 26, 2021 • 10:00 am Inc. Ambassadors Arrowhead Country Club Issue 103 | August 2019 DESIGNATION: Pipestone These volunteers helped SIGN UP FOR A Children's Inn Program Support Rosenbauer Firefighting reach a combined audience Theresa Schreiner: 605.343.2811 Technology of more than 9 million _____ LETTER FROM HOME: Sanford Health followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Our monthly enewsletter LInkedIn. Caring for the Kids Golf Classic August 2, 2021 • Sioux Falls includes heartwearming Strength Training stories about the Tom Roberts: 605.965.3138 This is an email sent to staff by Sue Williams, the Program Director for Sioux Falls Children's Home. It sheds light on a key component of the CHS residential treatment philosophy. In light of yet more senseless shootings in our nation, I want to highlight The Six Core Strengths we children and families _____ are trying to instill in children who have suffered trauma. These come from an amazing man--Bruce Perry, MD, PhD--who has dedicated his professional life to studying and treating children who have endured abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment, parental chemical dependency, family violence...and the list continues. we serve throughout Caring for the Kids Dr. Perry says we can diminish violence if we focus on the following CORE STRENGTHS when our CHS programs. working with children: August 3, 2021 Attachment: The ability to make emotional connections to fellow human beings 6:30–7 pm Statewide Broadcast Self-Regulation: The ability to think before acting Red Rock Bar & Grill, Partners & Friends Affiliation: The ability to join in and belong to Visit our website MORE PARTNER something Tom Roberts: 605.965.3138 Attunement: The ability to think about fellow Bike Nights and other fundraising ...... More than $29,500 human beings at FUNDRAISERS _____ Tolerance: The ability to accept differences Those Guys ABATE Poker Run and Respect: The ability to value both self and others or call Kim Balk-Phelps It's likely each of us holds strong opinions about (affiliated fundraising events) potential solutions to this problem. Working hard to at 605.965.3144. Christmas Fund Gifts ...... $ 14,824 Black Hills Wind & Fire Motorcycle Run teach kids these CORE STRENGTHS is a way we Page 1 of 2 Nyberg’s Ace Little Red Stocking “Round Up” ...... $ 13,192 Thursday, August 5, 2021 Scooters Coffee – Day of Giving ...... $ 4,398 Rich Stanger: 303.818.1728 Altar’d State – Mission Mondays ...... $ 3,158 _____ Tommy Jacks Pub – Raffles ...... $ 3,707 Jon Crane CHS Benefit Auction LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: Black Hills Wind & Fire Motorcycle Ride ...... $ 3,675 Friday, October 1, 2021 • 5:30 pm Dyno Day For Kids ...... $ 3,300 Arrowhead Country Club Hondas With Heart Car Show ...... $ 2,970 Original Live Auction Art/Silent Auction Critters Restaurant & Bar Fundraiser ...... $ 2,106 Packages Hot Cocoa Hut for Children’s Inn ...... $ 1,950 Theresa Schreiner: 605.343.2811 The Barrell House Fundraiser ...... $ 1,392 WATCH CHS VIDEOS: Hy-Vee Operation Helpful Smile for _____ Children’s Inn ...... $ 1,303 For more information, Hy-Vee Operation Helpful Smile for CHS ...... $ 1,294 visit our website: HealthSource Chiropractic Fundraiser for Children’s Inn ...... $ 1,100


As the population of the Sioux Falls area rises, the need for shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and child abuse also increases. And statistics show that approximately one in three women in South Dakota will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.

Children’s Inn is the only domestic violence shelter in Sioux Falls. We serve all of Minnehaha and Lincoln counties— a population close to 300,000—along with McCook, Turner and Union counties. The current facility, built in 1991, has a 40-bed capacity. However Children’s Inn has been at or above capacity during most of the last six years.

Following a feasibility study, due diligence and consideration of all options, CHS is moving forward to build a new Children’s Inn facility on East 10th Street, adjacent to the old School for the Deaf (now Empower campus), with groundbreaking on May 4, 2021.

Please Join Us Children’s Inn provides essential shelter and care for vulnerable people in our community. Your compassion, care and visionary thinking will help shape their future, and help safeguard our community’s quality of life for generations to come.

To be part of this effort, please visit or contact Rick Weber at 605-965-3127 or [email protected].


This report honors and recognizes the many friends of Children’s Home Society. Our intention is to be inclusive and accurate.

Report any corrections to: Kim Balk-Phelps | PO Box 1749 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101-1749 | email: [email protected] | 605.965.3144

As a matter of good stewardship, we try to keep the size and cost of this publication to a minimum. There is a very lengthy list of $1 –$99 gifts that are not printed. Please know we are just as grateful for the generosity of our unlisted friends!

Privacy Policy: To protect the privacy of the children and families we serve, it is our practice (unless otherwise noted) to use names and photos that represent our stories and ensure confidentiality.