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UNIT-EM PROJECT Euroemployment Programme

Jerez de la Frontera, February 2012

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© Technical Team. Daleph.

Project financed by the European Social Fund and the Andalusian Employment Service of the Andalusia Government Employment Council

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This document is in line with the “UNIT-EM” Project crafted by The Municipal Institute of Training and Employment of the City Council of Jerez de la Frontera (hereinafter MITE).

This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund (80%) and the Andalusian Employment Service (20%), in the context of the EUROEMPLOYMENT Programme , for the transactional and interregional cooperation in employment.

The main aim of this Project has been to contrast the intervention strategies of employment promotion and the socioeconomic dynamization of different local entities (either national or transnational), in order to develop a joint learning in this area which may be applied for both the MITE and the promoter of the Project, as well as for the rest of entities.

Along with the FMFE, as partner entities , the following bodies have participated:

• Municipal Institute of Personal Service –MIPS– Badalona Council ( ). This Institute is organizationally placed under the Department of Health and Social Services of the City Council. • Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo (province of ). This commonwealth is formed by the following settlements: Baiona, Gondomar, , O Porriño, , Pazos de Borbén, , Nigrán, Mos, , Salvaterra de Miño and Vigo. • Municipality of Pardubice (Czech Republic). This municipality is located about 100 Km east of Prague and is the capital of the Pardubice Region, situated in West Bohemian. • Training, Employment and Economic Promotion. Province of Rome (Italy) . This Service is operated under the Department III of the Province, entity which shares features with Spanish Provincial Councils.

The activities of the Project have consisted on:

• Analysis of the socioeconomic reality of the area and of the different partner entities. • Gathering of relevant experiences about employment promotion and socioeconomic dynamization in each of the territories. • Visits (field study) to each of the territories to know first-hand those experiences. • Identification and description of examples of good practices among the analysed experiences.

Project financed by the European Social Fund and the Andalusian Employment Service of the Andalusia Government Employment Council

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• Extraction and exchange of interesting and relevant elements from the analysis of the experiences and its conclusions.

As a result of this Project and thanks to the information gathered and analysed during its implementation, this current Comparative Analysis of Local Measures to Support and Promote Employment and of the Involvement of Local Actors in its Implementation.

Project financed by the European Social Fund and the Andalusian Employment Service of the Andalusia Government Employment Council

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The partner entities of the UNIT-Em Project are local entities of different character and location, fact that has allowed enriching the comparative analysis and the exchange of good practice relating to the promotion of employment.

The purpose of this comparative analysis is to show evidences regarding with similarities and differences between the territories which have been studied, as well as to serve as a first starting point to the further analysis about the transferability of the good practices identified during the Project.

The elements that have been analysed by each of these entities are:

• Spheres of intervention of the entity: area in which the entity has its influence (local, regional, provincial, etc.). • Population of the territory: Number of inhabitants of the territory where the entity has its influence. • Main production sectors: Main sectors in which the economy of the territory is based. • Unemployment rate : Number of active population between 15 and 64 years of age that are unemployed. • Profiles or sectors that are most affected by unemployment : description of people that, at this current time, suffer acutely the unemployment in the territory. • Most contracted profiles or sectors : Most hired occupations at this moment and the sectors with the greatest possibilities for growth. • Existence of Strategic Plans for Employment : Guidance documents to plan the employment strategies and territorial development in regard with the scope of intervention that the entities have. • Main bodies that work to promote employment : Public and private bodies that take part in the definition and implementation of programmes in this field. • Coordination or social concertation mechanisms: Established instruments between the entities that work to promote employment in the territory which allows coordinating the participation of the entities themselves in the definition and implementation of services, programmes or projects in the area of employment or socio-economic dynamization. These mechanisms may include roundtables on employment, formal communication protocols, information Exchange systems, etc.

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All those elements have an unquestionable impact on the model of intervention with employment promotion purposes defined in each territory, as well as on the programmes or services carried out in this field.

There is a summary table below with the main former parameters of information for each of the participant entities in the Project:

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Profiles/sectors most ENTITIES / SOCIO-ECONOMIC Main Sectors of Unemployment Most demanding Existence Strategic Coordination Main entities working to Area Population affected by CHARACTERISTICS Activity Rate Profiles/sectors Employment Plan Mechanisms employment promotion unemployment Service sector ATIPE Plan Service sector (especially women) Cleaning; agricultural (Preferential A variety of different entities: Social Concertation (Turism). followed by the tasks; turism; Integrated Territorial SAE, TOWN COUNCIL, CEC, CC Jerez Council Local 216.297 22,00% Agreement (Roundtables Potential logistics building sector and dependency and logistics Plans for Jerez, CCOO and UGT, non- on Employment) sector persons without services Employment) Cadiz profit making entities, etc. previous employment Bay

There is not any Formal and informal 7 public entities but different Strategic Plan at local Freelancers; building, coordination in nature and competences Turism, service Hotel and catering trade ; level, but there are MIPS Badalona Council Local 218.887 20,84% service and industrial mechanisms and (SOC, IMPO, INSERCOOP, and industrial cleaning; dependency. two Plans for sectors. occasional exchanges of BDNCAPAÇ, FUNDACIÓ Remodelling specific statistical information TALLERS) areas

Cleaning; manufacturing Wide 6 entities of different nature industry; services linked diversification There is not any (Vigo Councils; Vigo Chamber Women older than 25 to Hotel and Catering Local Employment Regional (12 linked to the specific Strategic Plan of Commerce, Pontevedra Commonwealth of Vigo (ICV) 434.112 20,71% years old from the Trade and commerce; Agreement and informal municipalities) industrial, service which operates in the Provincial Council, service sector agroforesty sector; mechanisms and fisheries Region Department of Labour, CCOO agrofood and business sector y UGT) services.

The low There is not any Roundtables on Service (Turism unemployment rate Administrative and Employment Plan for Employment, formal and linked to the makes the commercial positions; the municipality Protocols of coordination Regional Employment Service Municipality of Pardubice Local 90.401 public 6,90% identification of Electronic and computer although the National at national level, shared and employment agencies administration) specific profiles devices assembly Plan of Employment information Systems and and industry harder Policy may be applied informal mechanisms

Service (Turism There is not any Roundtables on Public entities (Ministry of and linked to the Strategic Plan for Employment, Tripartite Labour, Capitale Lavoro S.P.A. - Both young persons Engineering; NTIC; public Promoting Commissions for Training dependent on the Province of Province of Rome Provincial 4.107.209 9,10% and people over 45 in Transport sector and administration) Employment which and Employment, shared Rome- and Lazio Region) and all sectors Turism and industry (to a may be applicable to information Systems and private entities (of training, lesser extent) the whole Province of informal mechanisms companies, etc) Rome TOTAL 5.066.906

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In the framework of the UNIT-Em Project, different experiences about the promotion of employment and the socioeconomic dynamization in the partner entities’ territories have been analysed.

These experiences are understood from a wide perspective, because they could consist on stable services habitually provide by the local entities, programmes or specific projects.

All of them are of a common interest for partner entities and certain factors of success that make its analyses to be of the interest of other actors who work in the promotion of employment as base of multilateral learning and sharing of good practices.

There is a summary below about the main experiences analysed throughout the UNIT-Em Project from each of the partner entities.

Project financed by the European Social Fund and the Andalusian Employment Service of the Andalusia Government Employment Council

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In the case of MIPS, the Integral Care Service of the Basic Social Services has been object of analysis. A summary of this service is shown below: General - It consists of a continuous and stable process of assistance aimed at Description of persons with particular difficulties for insertion from less favoured areas, the Basic that serves, in an integrated manner, their needs in labour Social Services intermediation, insertion, training and psychosocial care (grants, Assistance fellowships, allowances, medical care, etc.).

- To this end, social service centres from the five districts of the municipality of Badalona are used (municipal facilities).

- The labour technician starts the intervention of each person, identifies his/her needs (from points of view such as social, training, labour intermediation, etc.), defines those competences to be encouraged, schedule an individual and specific work plan (in collaboration with the user) and monitor the process

- Persons with particular difficulties for insertion are monitored by a single technician without there being a need for the referral to different resources and equipment; referral which, in many cases, produces the abandonment of the attention and makes those group’s real insertion harder.

- There is a solid process of coordination between the different municipal areas involved and the Catalan Government’s Service of Employment supporting this service. - The involvement of the local business sector is monitored by technicians thanks to their direct relationship (an internal job board is available and provided). Among the different programmes and internship experiences in companies, the following should be noted: - Tailor-Made Training: When a company from the local business sector provide a job offer, the occupational agent advice about the ideal profile and contributes to the elaboration of the job description thanks to a questionnaire of analyses. After defining it, the selection of candidates takes place. Each user is classified in no more than three profiles in the

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database of the MIPS, where an automatic matching happens. It is important to underline that MIPS is independently working in this process and the offer is not managed through the SOC (Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya) thanks to a previously defined protocol. When applicants are selected, the company has the choice to try two candidates per job without any cost. That lets know first-hand the worth of the candidatures and if they fit with the needs of the company. To that end, an agreement is signed by the company, the candidate and the MIPS. In addition, the candidate receives a continuous monitoring by the occupational agent and the company. The insertion rate of these programmes is very high (90%) because the number of candidatures, which are sent, is low but very much pertinent to the company’s needs. - Tailor-made Internships: In these internships, the user Works in the company without being given any payment for period of about two months. The aim of this programme is the development of the user’s personal competences in a business context (It is not compulsory the existence of any previous job offer). It is totally free for the company and should be formalised through a collaborative agreement. The person doing the period of practice is covered by a civil liability insurance taken out and paid by the MIPS. Similarly to the previous case, an occupational agent carries out the user’s monitoring to assess the development of the practice, his/her learning, the improvement of his professional skills, etc. - This service is subject to monitoring and continuous assessment system through: - A dashboard is drawn and analysed on a monthly basis in which contains the following information:

- Number of visits to companies

- Number of tailor-made training managed

- Job offers managed

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- Insertion data fro m different programmes

- The most requested profiles and the activity sector with greater growth

- A continuous monitoring of the user through meetings, talks, telephone contacts, contacts with member of his/her immediate family, interviews with legal guardians in the case of minors, etc. - A feedback of companies which collaborates with insertion actions. These companies evaluate both the system of internship organisation and the selection criteria. They also measure the performance and the monitoring of the person chosen. This system of continuous monitoring allows the drawing of conclusions, the approach of the services provided to companies and the rectification of possible deviations. This system is also helpful in future job selections of applicants.

Basic Social - To facilitate people with special needs the access to labour intermediation Services’ Aims services in order to provide them in an integral way and in coordination with training, guidance, psychological care and social benefit (aids, grants, etc.) process, among others. - To increase the motivation and movement of persons with particular difficulties of integration in companies’ tailor-made training, internships and occupational insertion programmes. - Improvement of the coordination circuits and referral to teams of professional and other services which work in insertion, training and social aids in the municipality. - To optimize the social benefits system (aids) and improving its assessment, always taking into account the labour perspective. - To increase the optimization of resources and professional in social care, intermediation and training.

Contents of The methodology of intervention or the different stages of this individualized the Service assistance are the following: Provided (Methodology - To referral staff from the assigned centre of the City Council to of programmes of integral care. A baseline technician is always kept, intervention) irrespective if the assistance given to the user by the occupational agents.

- To elaborate the user’s “personal file” and to diagnose his/her personal

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and professional competences exhaustively.

- To agree an itinerary of insertion where the support, which the user may need, is identified: psychological care, pharmacological assistance, family support, school meals grants, summer schools, schedules, transports, etc.

- To assess the transversal and personal competences of each person and to define a Work Plan (or social-labour itinerary) specific for each person. This plan is accepted and signed by the user as a sign of his/her commitment.

- To encourage this competences through a prelabour training: adaptation of the physical appearance for labour and social insertion, verbal and non- verbal communication, autonomy, assertiveness, self-esteem, turns to speak, synthesis capacity, punctuality, teamwork, organization of time, etc. Each of those modules is dealt with specific didactic materials (although users may use different material depending on their needs).

- To implement preparatory labour insertion activities, such as mock interviews and recreation of social situations (criticism of the task carried out, changes of schedules, acceptance of orders, work under pressure tolerance, etc.).

- To identify training needs and referral to training resources; as well as to monitor the attendance and the best use of them.

- To provide services of labour intermediation. To inform people about available offers. To monitor interviews, communication with companies, etc. In such a way, both the user and the technician in charge of monitoring have a direct feedback. To that end, there is an internal job board and a direct coordination with the Regional Service of Employment (Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya –SOC-) is established.

- Monthly monitoring of all the actions implemented, in order to evaluate the suitability of the social aids approved in favour of each person, (in other words, there is a link between the aids granted and the user’s following of the Work Plan).

This methodology is perfectly recorded in order to ensure the homogeneity of the provision of services.

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In particular, the following protocols y materials are provided:

- User’s file and diagnosis :

° Protocol of referral in different services of insertion

° Description sheet of the socio-labour profile of the user

° Tutorial Sheet or coordination meeting carried out

° Employment Board Sheet

° Socio-Labour sheet

° CV model

- Training :

° Training Sheet

° Training assessment sheet (to be filled by the occupational agent)

° Module assessment questionnaire (to be filled by users)

° Attendance control and final assessment of the practice period (to be filled by companies)

° Accreditation certificate of training attendance

- Aids :

° Aid application cover (summary table)

° Attendance record

° User’s aid application form model

° Model of authorisation for minors (to receive the aid and to sign labour documents)

° Technic report model of payment of aids

- Thematic courses about seeking employment (materials dealing with a specific topic related to the training/labour itinerary of the user):

° Self-awareness and labour competences

° CV and cover letters

° The communication in the searching of employment

° Channels and resources for searching employment

° The job interview

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° New sources of employment

- Insertion:

° Sheets:

o Employment Board

o Company

o Job Offer

o Letter of referral of candidates to companies.

° Documentation for companies:

o Company letter with information about the service

o Assessment Survey of companies about the interest of the service

o Agreements (Accession Convention to service, private agreement of internship, “tailor-made training” agreement, etc.)

o Attendance record format

o Information leaflet about the service

- “Tailor-made Training” Programme:

° Information about “Tailor-made Training (TT)

° Analysis of the Job Questionnaire

° TM Agreement with the company

° TM Agreement with the participant

° Attendance record

° Details of the insurer

- Job offers:

° Management of job opportunities process

° Input record of the offer

° Job offer Sheet

- Resources:

° Formal education resources

o Literacy resources

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o Adult School

o Social Guarantee Programmes (SGP)

o Intermediate and advanced training cycles in Badalona

° Occupational training resources

o OT Centres in Badalona and surroundings

o OT Centres in Barcelona

o Cifos (Innovation and OT Centres)

o OT Centres for disabled people

° Labour Resources

o Labour insertion services

o Insertion service for disabled people

o Insertion companies

o Insertion companies list

o Others: home assistance staff, care homes in Badalona and Barcelona, children’s canteens, Temporary work agencies, supermarkets and big stores, etc.

- Other Technical Documentation:

° Social exclusion certificate

° Socio-labour report

° Proof of attendance to interviews

° Proof of attendance to training

° House Calls

- Job Club (Club de Feina)

° Sign up recordings via the internet

° Agenda for the searching of employment

° Users’ registration in the job club

- Prelabour training materials: self-esteem, communicative competences, etc.

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Personnel - 5 middle-level technician located in the five social centres of the involved in municipality. Those technicians have professional profiles related to the service psychology and social services; they are also experts in direct attention to users of these fields.

- 1 administrator

- 1 management assistant

- 1 supervisor

These persons directly provide services to social centres and carry out a direct and integral care of users.

There are weekly meetings of coordination in which the implemented activities are commented and planned; and interesting information about users is shared.

The team is specialist in several thematic areas (one technician per area):

- Women

- Ethnic minorities

- Youth and justice

- New technologies training

- Companies and employment management

Impact - Thanks to these services, between 500 and 700 persons are assisted every year in the municipality. Of Badalona, in its five areas of social services. In particular, in 2011, 805 persons were assisted. - A level of insertion between 30% and 35% has been achieved (That is a very high level because the majority of persons which have been attended are from a group with special needs of insertion). - On the other hand, about a 30% of cases refer to training resources have obtained the qualification.

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Financing of This service of integral care has been financed in equal parts by the Municipal the Service Institute of Personal Service (Badalona Council) and the European Social Fund (ESF), through a programme managed by the Ministry of Public Administration. This programme belongs to the 2007-2013 strategies of the adaptability and employability in the Community framework

During the period 2008-2011 it had a Budget of EUR 1,234,543

The EC funding ended on December 31, 2011. From that date onwards, the programme is being financing by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.

Main - It implies an integra tion and linkage with the services and labour interesting insertion nature resources, as well as, intermediation, psychological care, elements and social support and training, in other words, there is a link between the factors of aids granted and the user’s monitoring of the work plan (carrying out of success of the training courses, modules, interviews assistance, etc.) experience. - It introduces innovative elements addressed to groups with special needs. Among them, several elements are underlined: the improvement of physical appearance, verbal and non-verbal communication, autonomy, assertiveness, self-esteem, turns to speak, synthesis capacity, punctuality, teamwork, organization of time, etc.

- The integrity of the attention contributes to the higher level of quality of a personalised service provided to users.

- There is a coordination between the social services provided by the City Council and the Regional Employment Service (Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya –SOC-)

- This means, at the same time, an optimization of resources and professionals, because duplicities are eliminated. Persons, who are attended by the social services, who apply for Jobs or who receives social benefits for a long period of time, are normally assisted by other professionals who are occasionally involved; and must go to different services.

- It is an experience addressed to groups with special needs of insertion which adds a suitable methodology of specific intervention, attending the main problems of these persons (monitoring difficulties, deletion of

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referrals to other services or teams which woul d have entailed the risk of abandonment, etc.).

- The integral intervention in the labour context, with the definition of a single work plan as unique reference, which is identified as social, makes the resources to be provided to the user, instead of being identified by the person when he/she needs it in different stages.

- It provides an effective system of monitoring and assessment of services and users (dashboard, continuous contacts with users, meetings with companies, statistical analysis of data, etc.).

- It is an experience which applies in the municipal sector especially , because it means the impact and the coordination between psychosocial care and intermediation, insertion and training tasks.

- This experience, in the different programmes in which has been applied, has achieved a positive rating from both a qualitative (assistance and services provided to users) and a quantitative perspective (rate of insertion, of training with qualifications, etc.)

- This service, thanks to its implementation period, is properly defined and listed , what facilitates the implementation in other companies. As it has been observed, it has protocols, forms, materials, etc.

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In the addition to the Integral Case Service of the Basic Social Service of the MIPS of the Badalona Council, the experience of the Special Centre of Employment “El Caltor” should be noted. There is a summary below:

General El Caltor is a Special Centre of Employment where 150 persons with intellectual description of disabilities work. It is considered a supporting unit of the professional activity the of this group. experience These persons are paid the national minimum wage. One quarter of the wage is covered by the income generated by the centre and the rest is assumed by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

The main activity of the centre is related to the installation of industrial devices and construction material, although it is made up of five different sections supervised by two instructors:

- Section 1: Assembly and quality supervision of sanitary fittings. 40 persons working.

- Section 2: Packaging. 20 persons working.

- Section 3: Assembly of parts of vehicles, pneumatic presses, etc. 42 persons working.

- Section 4: assembly of clay sets.

- Warehouse: 2 persons working.

Interesting - In El Caltor Centre, personalised sand stable service is constantly provides elements of to persons with intellectual disabilities in Badalona and surroundings, the thanks to specific methodologies and qualified people with experience in experience the assistance and support to these people. About 150 persons with intellectual disabilities work there.

- Disabled people and their families take an important role in the planning and evaluation of the actions, and also in the suggestion of proposals for improving the activity of the Centre. It is important to underline the strong coordination of the Centre with other services and municipal resources in matters related to the social care, guidance, labour insertion, intermediation, medical care, etc.

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Broadly speaking, the competence for the implementation of programmes and projects in the area of employment in the Pardubice region (Czech Republic) corresponds to the Pardubice Regional Service of Employment , which works in coordination with the municipalities (or councils) of the Region.

In the case of the municipality of Pardubice seven promoting employment programmes that are of a special interest have been identified. These programmes, which are not stable services but temporary actions, share a number of common characteristics although they are destined for different groups, which entail the adaptation of certain activities as well as working methods.

A summary table of the identified experiences is shown below:

1) “Personal assistant and work in the social services area” General description of - Aims of the project: the ° To increase the skills the opportunities for integration of the target experiences group.

° To create 3 new jobs. These jobs must meet specific requirements in order to assure a continuity and consistency of the work over time of at least 6 months after the end of the project.

° Creation of 55 new Jobs in Community service.

- Number of participants: 100 unemployed workers of the Region of Pardubice.

- Target group: Applicants that because of different reasons cannot find a job related to their original training and who are interested in working in the social services (working at reception centres, centres for elderly people, partnerships, etc.) and who have skills and conditions for this kind of work. It responds to the sector of the population services as well as to the need to increase the socio-labour insertion of groups with particular difficulties.

- The Project offered:

° Professional Overall Diagnosis -POD-. This diagnostic method is explained later in the section called “Main elements which are of the interest of the experience”.

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° Retraining in sectors with special potentials, with valid certificates for all the Czech Republic and approved at European level.

° Personalised advice programme

° Support in the filling of job vacancies

° Assessment of experiences.

- Final results (completed project):

Indicator Expected Real

Number of attended people 100 100

Number of supported job 55 (9 OP y 46 in 58 vacancies covered Community service)

Total employment X 84

Success of the retraining 90 90/90

Number of non-supported job - 16 vacancies covered

- Budget: 15090670 Czech korunas *(financed in an 85% by the FSE).

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 3298512 korunas 1.

- Budget for salaries of the hired people (benefits for companies): 10746000 korunas.

- Date of termination of the project: 31.12.2011.

2) “Aid and higher support for applicants in the Region of Pardubice”

- Aims of the project:

° To increase the opportunities of insertion of the target group through activities in order to get to increase the motivation, responsibility, training for the labour market, work under pressure tolerance, etc.

° To create 8 new jobs according to the sustainability requirements.

° Creation of 74 new jobs.

______1 * Currency exchange: 1 Czech Koruna = 0,03872 Euros – Date: 10/01/2012.

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° Creation of 40 jobs in the framework of the project without economic support for the companies.

- Number of participants: 445 (the project plus number of chosen experiences).

- Target group: Employment applicants who have only basic education, who are long-term or intermittent applicants (who had been repeatedly recorded in the offices of the regional service of employment). This group has the added difficulty of the lack of motivation and labour discipline, responsibility, work under pressure tolerance, etc.

- The Project offers:

° Consultancy programmes and career guidance for groups

° Consultancy programmes and individual career guidance

° Professional Overall Diagnosis –POD-. Depending on the results of this diagnosis and of the consultancy activities, the curricular routes of the participants are determined.

° Obtaining professional retraining certificates in sectors with special potentials with national validity.

° Support in the search for a long term job

° Monitoring in the workplace till 3 months after the recruitment. It includes labour mediation, because it is in contact with the hired person as well as with the company.

- Results (not yet final, not yet been completed project):

Indicator Expected Real

Number of participants 405 405

Number of diagnosis (POD) - 101

Number of job vacancies 74 72

Number of new created jobs 8 8

Counselling 405 387

Number of non-supported job vacancies 40 113 covered

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133 (of which a 33% approx. Success of the retraining 162 Are of long- term duration)

- Budget: 24358020 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 16097270 korunas.

- Budget for salaries of the hired persons (benefits for companies): 6475500 korunas.

- Expected date to end the project: 30/06/2012

3) “Give way to employment!” (¡Vía libre a los oficios!) (a programme still to be started)

- Expected number of participants: 200

- Target group: People up to 25 years of age, who received a learning apprenticeship certificate of a job (handcrafted, manual, artistic, etc.) after being graduated and they would like to work in their field. Young people in these sectors lack the minimal experience demanded by the companies.

- The Project will offer:

° Information about legislation and basic characteristics of the labour market (for young people, many of them do not ever have had an employment still).

° Job search assistance (search of job offers, development of CV and cover letters, improvement of the communicative and interpersonal skills, preparation of interviews, preparation of the driving licence, etc.).

° Deeping and widening of the participants’ competences in order to increase their possibilities of insertion (always within their source sectors).

° Recognition of certificates with national validity;

° Formalisation of knowledge acquired in an informal way.

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° Benefits to companies for recruitment

° Organization of joint encounters between businessmen and young participants in order to facilitate the intermediation (companies explain their field, current needs, etc.).

° Support in the search of work

° Continuous monitoring during all the stages of the programme (two years)

- Budget: 19135150 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 4262750 korunas.

- Budget for salaries of the hired people (benefits for companies): 12559500 korunas.

- Expected date for the ending of the project: 31/05/2015.

4) “A new way for you”(“Una nueva forma para usted”)

- Aims of the project:

° To allow the participants acquire training and experience in order to increase their level of employability in the labour market or their possibilities of re-entering the educational system.

° To create 2 new jobs creation according to the sustainability requirements.

° Creation of 20 new jobs.

- Number of participants: 120

- Target group: the project has been created for applicants up to 25 years of age with a basic education, who cannot be contracted in the regular labour market due to their low levels of formal education and to the lack of work experience.

- The Project offers:

° Professional Overall Diagnosis –POD-. Immediate relatives of the young people participate in this process.

° Individualised guidance and guidance for groups.

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° Group and individual actions for motivation and the improvement of the self-esteem and personal relationships, at the studies completion and / or the incorporation to the labour market.

° Training courses

° Obtaining certificates of professional retraining

° Integrated support for job search

° Monitoring and tracking in the workplace (once recruited); Labour mediation with the company is included.

- Results (not yet final results, a not ended project):

Indicator Expected Real Number of attended persons 120 120 Number of job vacancies covered 20 3 Number of job vacancies of new creation 2 1 Counselling / Success 80 85/68 Success of the retraining 80 16/16

Number of persons who have followed a specific training programme de personas - 59 (courses)

- Budget: 18596900 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 10313000 korunas.

- Budget for salaries of the hired people (benefits for companies): 2.475.000 korunas.

- Expected date for the ending of the project: 31/05/2013

5) “The flexibility in working hours”

- Number of participants: 200

- Target group: Employment applicants who, because of different reasons, cannot have a work in the conventional or regular labour market (for instance, a person who have to look after a child of under 15 years of age

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or who have to look after elderly people, disabled people, or people from other groups of persons who need to adapt their working hours).

The jobs offered by companies were, in many cases, a half-day work, with flexible working hours, jobs suitable for people with disabilities in order to face the specific needs of the group.

- The Project offers:

° Individualised counselling programme and motivation

° Professional Overall Diagnosis –POD. Ergo diagnosis for people with disabilities is included (specific diagnosis of the tasks that can be carried out by the person in the workplace – movements, limitations, alternatives, etc.-).

° Re-training

° Obtaining of professional retraining certificates which are valid in the whole country

° Support in coverage of vacancies.

° Attendance and mediation in the workplace

° Complement services such as nurseries, elderly care, transport aids, etc.

- Results (not final yet final results, no tended project):

Indicator Expected Real

Number of attended people 200 200

Number of job vacancies covered 144 76

Number of non-supported job - 55 vacancies covered

Counselling 200 200/194

Success of the retraining 156 154/137

- Budget: 22837600 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 8803450 korunas.

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- Budget for salaries of the hired people (benefits for companies): 12758000 korunas.

- Expected date for the ending of the project: 31/07/2012

6) “The experience is an advantage”

- Aims of the project:

° To create 20 jobs of new creation according to the sustainability requirements.

° Creation of 74 new jobs.

- Target group: The employment applicants of the region of Pardubice and of all levels of education, with labour experience but that are unemployed of more than 5 months or more than 12 months and, at the same time, who are older than 50 years. This group has particular difficulties because they have lost all hope for searching a job and, therefore, they have low motivation.

- The Project offers:

° Individualized counselling programmes and counselling for groups programmes and motivation

° Professional Overall Diagnosis –POD. It includes the assessment of the working career of people, health condition and family situation, etc.

° Retraining

° Obtaining of professional retraining certificates with a validity in the whole country

° Support in the coverage of job vacancies.

° Attendance and mediation in the workplace

° Psychological care during the whole project

° Legal attendance

- Budget: 21614200 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company (implementation of actions): 506400 korunas.

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- Budget for salaries of hired people (benefits for companies): 15390000 korunas.

- Expected date for the ending of the project: 06/30/2014

7) “The first work experience for graduates”

- Aims of the project:

° Through advice and motivation sessions, prepare applicants for their insertion in the labour market: preparation of interviews, labour relations, functional flexibility, etc.

° To create 20 jobs of new creation according to the sustainability requirements.

° To create 30 new jobs.

- Number of participants: 141

- Target group: Applicants – Graduates until 2 years after ending the school with a short period of time or any labour experience.

- Content of the project: advice programme to the attended people, and the support for the coverage of job vacancies distributed by professional branches, in which the applicants have been trained and educated.

- Final results (ended project):

Indicator Expected Real

Number of attended people 130 141

Number of job vacancies covered 50 77

Counselling and motivation courses 130 140

Number of non-supported job vacancies - 78 covered

- Budget: 14638758 Czech korunas.

- Budget for the winning company: 4431901 korunas.

- Budget for salaries of the hired people (benefits for companies): 7920000 korunas.

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- Date of ending of the project: 30/04/2011

- Innovation in the diagnosis and selection of the target groups. The works Main of diagnosis of the groups to which the studied programmes are directed interesting and in particular the method of diagnosis called Professional Overall elements or Diagnosis are of a special interest. success factors of the This innovator diagnostic methodology, carried out by experienced experiences psychologists, looks for a maximum utilisation of human potential and skills of each person in order to improve the labour insertion.

In this diagnosis factors beyond the traditional ones are taken into account, because aspects related to the personality of the participants or their psychological stability are taken into account, such as: patience, positivism, assertiveness, work under pressure tolerance, communicative skills, familiar situation, actual availability, state of health, etc.

In order to obtain this information psychological methodologies are used (using individual interviews with the psychologist as well as in group sessions) such as: personality test, attention test, intelligence test, test of clinical diagnosis, problem-solving tests, objective and motivation test, self- diagnosis test, psychophysical health test, etc.

Many of these activities are articulated by computer programmes which facilitate the analyses and interpretation of the data and the drawing of conclusions.

In the case of young people, immediate relatives can participate in the diagnosis to increase the quantity and quality of the information about to be analysed. As has been pointed out above, in the case of a disabled person this method also includes an ergo diagnosis (an specific diagnosis about the tasks that can be carried out by a person in the work place – movements and accessible tasks, limitations, alternatives, etc.-).

Once the process of diagnosis has ended, each user has an own report with the result of all the activities: results of the tests and interviews, skills, personal characteristics, guidance for a future professional career, recommendations, etc.

The results of this POD are taken into account for: choosing the

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participation or not of a person in a particular programme (prior selection) and the adaptation of the actions to the target persons, which leads to a higher success of the programmes.

While it is true that in this diagnostic method a significant amount of time is invested, the information collected is also available for its use in later editions, projects or programmes, this is of a special interest for persons who have additional difficulties in the socio-labour insertion.

- Innovation in the actions and services provided. In addition to the traditional services (training, guidance, counselling, monitoring in the workplace etc.), it is important to underline that the participants in these programmes receive services such as: relaxation classes, motivation, image consultancy, self-awareness, self-esteem, communication, children and infants care, etc.; combination of individual programmes of guidance and counselling and in groups, preparation of the driving licence, etc.

- Integral work with groups . The analysed experiences focus their efforts in many particular groups of applicants and different fields which have influence in the socio-labour insertion of the people are taken into account: motivation, guidance, training, insertion in companies, monitoring, retraining, etc.

- Priority to the recruitment . All the experiences are programmes clearly directed to the recruitment in companies. For this aim, the Regional Service of Employment has a wide network of private companies (especially small business) which collaborate regularly in employment programmes.

It is important to highlight that the majority of the monetary amount of the programmes is directly for the benefits of the companies to contraction. This means a benefit for the hired people (employment applicants who get a job) as well as for the companies (which acquire skilled personnel by a low or even no cost).

- Long-term orientation. The programmes collect concrete measures and special benefits when companies are committed to the recruitment of the persons in long periods of time. A long-term monitoring of the hired persons in the workplace is also included (guidance, resolution of doubts, motivation, retraining, support in the resolution of conflicts, mediation,

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assistance in the negotiation of labour conditions, etc.).

- Flexibility of the actions . In these programmes the adaptation of the actions (itineraries, benefits, incentives, limits, etc.) according to certain specific situations is allowed.

In particular, the following adaptations should be underlined:

° According to the job about to cover in each case (importance of the sector, difficulty of insertion of the person, duration of the contract offered, specialization of the job, salary offered, etc.) is possible to increase the benefit approved for the company.

° According to the importance of the company in the area or of its projection, the companies can have a larger number of trainees or benefits.

° The applicants can have a longer duration of the programmes according to the good use they show or to their performance in the work, their difficulty of insertion, etc.

These adaptations are carried out while the programmes are developed, thanks to an effective system of continuous monitoring.

- Response to needs of the labour market. The programmes or experiences selected show a clear orientation towards the specific needs of the labour market attending to those occupations and sectors with a greater potential in the region of Pardubice. This is due to the implementation of current data concerning the labour market in each project planning.

- Private-public collaboration . In the analysed experiences, the actions are carried out by external firms of services specialized in the field. These companies are recruited by public tenders and are experts in the activities which, at any single point in time, are developed in the framework of the programmes. One of the keys to be underlined is that in the tendering processes, the companies are committed to a number of results (number of recruitments, number of attended people, medium-term taxes of insertion of the users, etc.), so there is an added incentive to the search of a good implementation and impact of the projects in the territory.

This is a clear example of private-public collaboration in which criteria such

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as efficiency and effectiveness are quit e important, always under the control and supervision of the Regional Service of Employment.

- Role of the business sector . The Regional Service of Employment has a “network of companies” which frequently participates in employment programmes. The companies are of different size and sectors, and have contact persons familiar with the development of apprenticeship programmes. For these companies, the collaboration is beneficial because they obtain human resources trained in a “tailor-made” way and as well as significant social benefits. In return, they participate in the actions for the determination of the training and of the activities of the programmes; they participate in the monitoring and assessment of the projects, in the activities of exchange of experiences and of motivation of the applicants, etc.

- Transversal tools adapted to groups. The analysed experiences are a compendium of projects which use similar tools but that, putting a certain emphasis on one or another matter is directed to different groups. This gives, on the one hand, valid work protocols in the implementation of those tools and, on the other hand, a clear adaptation of the methodologies about to be applied according to the target group.

- Combination of methodologies . The projects mentioned combine in a successful way works of training and labour insertion, particularly aimed for the professional retraining of the employment applicants, including motivation, counselling, monitoring, etc.

- System of assessment of the programmes 360 º . Once the programmes are finished, the assessment of them is carried out taking into account all the participant parties (regional service of employment, hired company for the implementation of actions, applicants and companies).

The following activities are carried out for this:

° Final reports of the contracted company, quantitative as well as qualitative reports. Moreover, in the medium and long term, a monitoring of the persons and companies must be carried out (once the programmes are finished).

° Assessment from the Regional Service of Employment regarding with

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the impact and results of the projects, as well as the opportunities for improvement, etc.

° Assessment of the applicants about: Management of the programmes by the hired company and by the regional service of employment, best use of the training activities, the improvement of their opportunities for their integration, assessment of the companies where they have carried out the internship or they have been recruited, etc.

° Assessment of the companies regarding aspects such as: management of the programmes by the hired company and the regional service of employment, candidates’ suitability, assessment of the training activities developed, etc.

° Exchange of experiences activities between the applicants and the leaders of the companies by which have recruited (exchange moderated by personnel of the Regional Service of Employment).In these exchanges of experiences both parties share impressions about the development of the programmes, as well as they share successful experiences of other areas or programmes. This promotes the creation of a further network of collaboration, the detection of improvement needs, the employer/employee relationship, the motivation of the applicants, etc.

It is important to underline that during the implementation of all the programmes there is a continuous assessment and monitoring by the winning company and a second level of monitoring, control and assessment by the technique equipment of the Regional Service of Employment. This allows the detection of problems and to create corrective actions before the ending of the projects.

- Good impact and results. The information provided about the impact of the projects show a great success of those projects (number of job vacancies covered, success of the retraining, etc.).

- In the Region there is an actor of social Concertation called “Adviser Body” (“Cuerpo Consejero”) at regional level, led by the Regional Service of Employment and in which local entities, trade unions and employers’ associations, bodies representing civil society, etc. participate. The success of this body is its effective, flexible and participatory functioning result-

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oriented in which the technical equipment have an active participation in the determination of the policy and programmes of employment, as well as in the coordination of entities. The definition of the analysed experiences is carried out taking into account the guidance of this “Adviser Body”.

- New technologies , because many of the activities (in particular those activities integrated in the Professional Overall Diagnosis) are carried out by computer programmes.

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Among the analysed experiences in the case of the Province of Rome, the Porta Futuro experience is of a special interest. A summary of it is shown below:

General Porta Futuro is a multifunctional centre of 1800 square metres distributed over description of a single floor situated in the centre of the province of Rome, where a lot of Porta Futuro quality services related to the guidance, training, labour insertion and to promote the entrepreneurship are provided in a continuous and integrated way.

It draws from an exchange of experiences with the city of Barcelona, where Barcelona Activa implemented a similar centre called Puerta 22 and was carried out, after the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Province of Rome and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Cataluña) on 25 th September 2010, opening its doors definitively in July 2011.

In particular, the following services are provided by Porta Futuro:

a) Reception:

The persons who go to Porta Futuro are received in the “Accueil Triage”, a reception where they are assisted by a technician (a sociologist or a psychologist) who gives them information about the available services and studies their necessities; lead them to the self-guidance service or to the personal guidance with a technician.

If they do not need guidance, it is possible for them to access directly to a database of job offerings or of occupational training of their interest located next to the Triage.

b) Self-guidance:

This service is based on a computer programme with a number of questionnaires and tests which allow the users: to introduce personal data and CV; to identify the profile or profiles that best fit their training and experiences as well as their personal qualities; to check if there is any job offer which

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responds to their profiles; to identify training or events o f their interest, etc.;

This programme is connected to the Sistema Informativo del Laboro (S.I.L.), a system of the employment offices which dependent on the public service of employment.

This system is shaped by competences because curriculums, as well as career profiles, job offers, training courses, etc., are classified by competences.

It is also easy to access to this system because the technicians as well as the companies themselves can introduce all the job offers and the available programmes of professional training described by competences directly in the system.

This self-guidance programme, installed on 20 computers freely accessible by users of the Porta Futuro, consists of the following sections:

- Personal data and CV : in this section the user should introduce information about his/her experience, studies, training, linguistic knowledge, interests, personal skills, social, organizational, technical and artistic skills and competences. All this information is automatically transferred to the database of the employment office. The user signs a responsible statement confirming that the data which have been introduced are real.

- Test “Discover your professional interests” : The user should answer a number of psychological and personal questions which help to define the professional profile.

This test tries to help user to discover his/her genuine vocation and labour predisposition, beyond the determined by his/her academic education or previous experience (it means, it is an information that has to be taken into account in an additional way to what it is included in his/her CV).

For this purpose, the test takes into account many variables such as: taste for shift work, crafts, group work, scholarly work, mobility, outdoor work, to work directly with persons, to talk on the phone, social networks, inventive tasks, to work with children or with persons with some special needs, to dance, to sing, art, to speak in public, etc.

This computer programme has some “test questions” in order to detect

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any contra diction or random answers by the user. In this case, it is not possible to continue the process and the presence of a monitoring technician of Porta Futuro is required to continue with the self-diagnosis.

As a final result of that self-diagnosis test, the user visualizes the fields and the professional profiles best fit to him/her and which could be more interesting for him/her according to his/her competences and skills.

The professional profiles are defined by the following data: required training, tasks to be accomplished, labour opportunities, necessary requirements for the profile, knowledge required, appropriate behaviour, available training and job offers.

Once the person gests the profile or profiles, can continue answering questions in order to go into them and elaborate further his/her predisposition and opportunities in each one of these profiles.

- Training opportunities available which can fit the profile. The system provides the title of the course, the entity by which is given, the recipients, its geographical location, qualification obtained at the end of the course, requirements (if there is any requirement), etc.

The user may register directly here. Later, a technician of Porta Futuro will approve the interest of the person and his/her suitability to the profile.

- Job offers. The programme shows in an automatic way the available job offers for the profile or profiles of the user thanks to some search criteria and filters (city, qualification required, working time, type of contract, etc.). From here, the user may register and monitoring the job offers in which he/she is enrolled. If the user does not fulfil any of the training or experience requirement, it is not possible to continue the process of registration. Later, a technician of Porta Futuro will approve the interest of the person and his/her suitability to the profile.

- Future events of interest (information days, opening of programmes, calls for aid, lectures, business fairs, etc.).

Once the self-guidance service is finished, users can take an assessment test about the software in order to detect any problem and necessity of improvement (to include new experiences, training, profiles, to clarify some

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questions, etc.).

This software (which is available only in Italian) had a cost of 350,000€ and was developed by a company which works with the Minister of Employment and with a lot of provinces in Italy, so it had a wide knowledge of the necessities of the entities and of the users.

This software is constantly improving. Initially, a basic product was delivered in mid-2011 which has been improved twice in five months, mostly thanks to the quality questionnaires ( feedback ) with the users (applicants as well as companies).

c) Professional counsellor:

In addition to the self-guidance service, Porta Futuro has other services of direct guidance (with technicians in a presently way). These technicians, besides carry out the activities of the computer programme with the users (in order to achieve the homogenization of the collected data), carry out other activities by means of guidance workshops: how to prepare a CV, cover letter, labour contracts, etc.

On the other hand, a specific attention is paid to groups with special difficulties. In particular, Porta Futuro has a centralized service of labour information for disabled persons. In this sense, there is a specific computer programme which helps to define the professional profile and the competences of the disabled persons. This system is called MATCH Programme . It shares characteristics with the self-diagnosis programme but it is specially designed for disabled people of different type. This service is quite important because in Rome there are more than 60,000 disabled persons and if people have more a disability greater than or equal to 66%, they are entitled to register at the employment office as applicants and to receive a subsidy.

d) Self-employment service and creation of enterprises: - Specific consultancy about business plan and access to finance (usually microcredits).

- Counselling and information about administrative formalities in order to create an individual enterprise is provided by technicians of the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is the entity with competence in matters of company registration, for this reason, its participation in the process of counselling gives a great added value. Porta Futuro, through the Chamber

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of Commerce, maintains a close relationship with the BIC (National Network of Incubators companies of Italy) and with the regional networks of incubators.

- Programme support for the creation of companies: Thanks to an agreement with a financial entity, the entrepreneurs are allowed to access credits with guarantee fond and low-interest loans. The entrepreneur goes, is informed about this credit and the request for a loan is processed directly (in his/her case).

- Exchange of information : Porta Futuro shares systems of information with Main other entities which work in the area of employment (database of job elements of offers and professional profiles of the Sistema Informativo del Laboral - interest or S.I.L-, information about the labour market, data of the Chamber of success Commerce, etc.). factors of Porta Futuro - Integration : In a single space, a services system integrated and structured for the employment is provided, with full attention of the users so there is not any duplication, movements are avoided, the resources are optimized and homogeneous information is provided.

- Concertation : the Province of Rome has signed agreements with other entities relating to the provision of those services (chamber of commerce, employment service, ISFOL, the National Agency of the Leonardo da Vinci programme in Italia, educational and training entities, etc.).

- Coordination of the services through the new technologies : many of the services have been reinforced through specific applications and computer programmes, which facilitate the personalised attention, the autonomy of the user and the flexibility in the welcome.

- Support to the entrepreneurship , from the technical point of view, as well as from the financial point of view thanks to an aid programme. Furthermore, many of the entrepreneurs have previously received training and labour guidance at early ages that have directed their professional vocation to the entrepreneurship.

In addition to Porta Futuro, the following interesting experiences were identified:

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Other - Training for companies with ESF. In the province of Rome, there is an open experiences call for 3 years, through which the European Social Fund (ESF) gives directly highlighted by to the Department III 35 millions of de euro per year for the celebration of the Province the “tailor-made training”. Previously, these calls of the ESF for the of Rome Professional Training were directed to private intermediary bodies of Professional Training.

Nowadays, the companies explain to the Province what are their training needs, they present a training project (with the counselling of the technical personnel of the Province itself) and in a maximum period of 15 days after its reception, they answer them and finance the training (directly to the company, a 85-90% of the ESF and the rest is paid by the applicant company), being the company itself which looks for the centre in which the training course will be offered.

- Collaboration with ISFOL. In the field of the international mobility, the province of Rome participates actively in the network called EURES. For this reason, there is a technician of the Province in each one of the employment offices and he/she informs the persons concerned about this programme, he/she helps to prepare the CV, he/she manages the mobility application form and access directly to the possible job offers.

Nowadays, there is an agreement between the Department III with the National Agency ISFOL in order to create training courses for technicians and companies related to the mobility (languages, different legislations, international law, the European Union regulations, external trade, etc.).

- Film School Gian María Volonté. This film school was inaugurated in November 2011 in a marginal zone of the periphery of Rome in order to cover pupils of all social classes. It offers a course of 700 hours which lasts 2 years; in the first year common knowledge is taught (about the history of cinema, film language, etc.) and the second year is focused on the teaching about the different stages in the production of a film (implementation, editing, post-production, etc.). Furthermore, during the first training year famous actors tell their experiences, performances are carried out in laboratories and students have 120 hours of internship in a company.

In the second year, the student choses among 10 different professional profiles: actor, scriptwriter, stage director, director of photography, editing, sound technician, scenography, tailoring and make-up, special

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effects, organisation of production. During this year, students also have 180 hours of internship in companies (they are free for the student and the company but unpaid).

This centre offers a complete picture of the whole process of production, whereas other specialized schools lose that global vision.

It is also important to underline the serious socio-labour attention to the young people, because there is a field of general, pre-labour and labour guidance (in collaboration with Porta Futuro).

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A great number of experiences of interest were identified in the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo: two permanent services, three programmes already finished about employment promotion and socioeconomic activity which had a special relevance and impact on the area.

There is a summary of these experiences below:

General SERVICIO DE ASESORAMIENTO A EMPRENDEDORES description of the An average of 250 per year are assisted in the Entrepreneur Advice Service experiences (EAS) of the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo: advice in the definition of business ideas, elaboration of Business Plans, general information about the different legal nature of companies, information about aids, about the administrative burden for registering new companies, processing of grants, project monitoring, etc.

In addition, other tasks of information about business activities and auto employment are carried out through seminars, conferences, courses, edition and publication of supporting materials, etc.

There are other entities in the areas providing services of business creation in collaboration with the Commonwealth.


The Economic Promotion and Local Development Service (EPLDS) manages the coordination of the Network of Local Development Actors (LDAs) that work in the entire Commonwealth in coordination with other local entities.

In order to make homogeneous the service, those LDAs will be given protocols and patterns for the provision of services which will provide continuous training and information about new projects, labour methodologies that favours the homogenization of tasks, forms, etc. Among these protocols should be underlined: – General protocol of attendance and information to users.

– Project sheet.

– Shadowing sheet of the project.

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– Tutorials and meetings sheet

– Model request for aids

– Activity request model

On the other hand, it is important to know that since 1995 to 2009, a Department of Promotion and Development works in the Commonwealth. It has been a regional referent in the management and coordination of projects of school-work transition (workshop of Employment Workshop Schools and Trade Skills Houses). Those Projects are currently stalled due to the lack of activities in that department.


PRODER II was developed in the rural areas of the Commonwealth (Baiona, Fornelos de Montes, Gondomar, Mos, Nigrán, Pazos de Borbén, O Porriño, Redondela and Soutomaior) and in six parishes of the municipality of Vigo (Beade, Bembrive, Candeán, Saiáns, Valadares and Zamáns).

This Project pursued the following objectives : to promote the sustainable development in the rural areas of the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo; to decrease the isolation factor and the territorial imbalance; to enhance the economic and social relations in the rural areas; to strength the endogenous resources of the territory and/or its attractive for developing new compatible activities; and, finally, the spread and introduction of new information technologies for local development and population’s quality of life.

The total Budget of the Project was EUR 10, 773, 196.57. This amount was cofunded by community funds and the state and regional administrations, in collaboration with the contributions of the local administration and penitentiary entities.

The Project contemplates four lines of action:

1. New Technologies. The following actions were developed:

• Creation of three Antenna Centres. Thanks to them, those new technologies were approached to the population of the territory. Actions of training, of awareness, digital literacy, etc.

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• Creation of three Neural Centres, incubators which provides internet access services, multiple-purposes rooms, etc.

• Others: awareness to new technologies actions, aids for acquisition of IT endowment and service of technologic counselling for companies and association.

• E-administration: actions for the improvement of the local management bringing the citizens closer to municipal services and making the best use of new information and communication technologies.

This service currently continues to be provided in the Commonwealth, as laid down in this report.

2. Emerging Sectors. Promotion of new enterprises in emerging sectors. Direct aids are granted for the creation of nine companies in emerging sectors o with greatest influence in the territory (attendance to elderly, biomass, textile handicraft, recycling, geotechnics, etc.)

3. Appreciation of the heritage. 15 interventions of protection, conservation and recovery of heritage and sensitive environmental and artistic areas. Awareness-raising tasks for conservation and development of rural areas were also implemented.

4. Tourism. Actions for the modernization and promotion of enterprises in the agroforestry and tourism sectors and the development and touristic information system (still available on the Commonwealth’s website through the following link www.terrasatlá ).

Finally, it is worthy to note that 296 jobs were created thanks to this Project.

The success factors or elements of interest of PORDER II are:

• Positive impact of the project related to job consolidated, actions developed and enterprises created or financed.

• Interesting system of monitoring and management of the Project, in which different entities were involved at the same time.

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• Management of a complete programme of direct aids to companies.

• The area of operation was made up of a number of City Councils with inner features. That makes the measures to be implemented easier to be adapted.

• Relevance at socioeconomic level of the sectors affected in the region: agro food, tourism, etc.

• Strong relationship between rural and urban sector despite the fact of the internal imbalance.


In the context of the Community Initiative EQUAL (line 4), since 2005 to 2007, the Commonwealth led the Conta con Elas Project, with a budget of about 3 million euros.

Its ultimate objective was to decrease the labour segregation of employment which affects women in Vigo.

Its operational goals were the following: create a more equitable social perception between men and women; promote the gender mainstreaming through institutional actions; step up women’s presence in sectors and Jobs traditionally held by men; awareness-raising in business sector for the change of the type of tasks and responsibilities which women can adopt; promote the choice of educational and professional routes which are not based on stereotypes among the secondary schools / vocational training; optimize the resources about equal opportunities in the territory; and promote the culture of taking a civilized approach to environment, the creation of new job in this field and the use of a gender approach in the environmental policymaking of the project

In particular, the programmes were addressed to four groups:

1. Women

As main lines of activity of direct attendance to women, the following

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programmes were initiated:

• Empléate: Employment portal in which more than 200 women were attended.

• Reafirma: training programme and personalized itinerary of insertion through which about 250 were attended.

• Reafirma Medio-Ambiente: 18 women were granted with an aid of six months (500 €/moth plus costs of travel and board.) in companies chose activity was related to environment.

• Emprende Innova: 9 women developed new business projects with innovative elements.

2. Companies

The following actions, among others, were addressed to companies:

• Informative and sensitization visits to almost 600 companies, of which 190 were added to the Project and offered a total of 220 jobs.

• Programme of direct aids to 14 companies (6 of them of 2,300 € and the rest of 4,000 €).

• Incorporation of (women) interns for 6 months without costs for the company, in the environmental sector (Reafirma Medio Ambiente).

• MIDE Programme (Measures for the equality in companies) through which equality plans were developed in 11 companies.

• Development of forums, fairs, dynamic management of networks of equality business, etc.

3. Institutions

In the framework of the Conta con Elas Project, the following tasks are developed: counselling, technic staff training and free technic assistance on equality in local entities and public sector actors.

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4. Society

Activities for the whole population are carried out: time bank for equality, an “equality” bus which went around the municipalities of the province (with more than 2500 visits), etc.

In general, in the context of this Project, sensitisations were developed in the following sectors: socio-educational, institutional, business and labour.

In CONTA CON ELAS there are several success factors or elements of interest that has been identified below:

• Relevant impact in terms of people, companies and participant entities.

• Interesting integration in the same project of gender equality and environmental respect in different activities implemented.

• Wide range and variety of sector and groups involved

• Establishment of different models for the attendance to beneficiaries adapted to fulfil the objectives of the Project.

• Support of teamwork and network of mutual support through the coordination of the different entities involved in order to optimise the available resources about equal opportunities.

• Management of direct aids to companies.

• A selection of four good practices were carried out in the Project.


This project takes place between 2004 and 2005. It was led by the Pontevedra Provincial Council and financed by the European Social Fund in collaboration with the Interm. Commonwealth of Vigo which assume important tasks such as: implementation and monitoring of actions in the area.

Other participant entities are Xunta de (Regional Government of Galicia – Department of Social Subject, Employment and Labour Relations), Associations, Regional Foundations, Trade Unions, Business Entities, etc., so it

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is clear that the Concertation, the participation and the coordination were the key approach of this Project.

The total cost of it was 205.299 € and its main objectives were: contribute to the implementation of the European Employment Strategy at local level; promote the coordination of active policies in local entities; create social participation of the productive sector and the social partners; develop an interactive telematics platform of information; regulate working procedures of employment and promote the implantation of “quality marks” in territories and companies.

There are three main activities

• Elaboration of Three Employment Strategies (one for each territorial areas of the Project: Salnés, Morrazo y Vigo). The actors involved in this elaboration participate in an active way and carried out Experts Round Table on different topics.

• Creation of an interactive telematics platform through which users could get access to information about: territorial and labour market data, official gazettes, aids, directory of training, guidance, employment board, forums, virtual centre of entrepreneurs and companies, etc.

• Creation of quality marks in employment, both for companies and institutions. This quality mark is given to those entities which complied with certain requirements about employment (knowledge, work patterns, guarantees, recruitment methods, etc.) A service of certification and monitoring of the mark was available. Different entities participated in this service.

The most remarkable success factors or elements de of interest of EMPLEO CITIES are:

• Effective implementation of a process of Concertation and social and institutional participation. It strengthened the commitment of the entities.

• Suitable environment for intervention (regional or “supralocal”).

• Monitoring methodology of the Employment Plans through a Provincial Commission of Management and Monitoring and different Regional Units

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of Intervention.

• Innovative experience about “quality marks in employment” both for companies and institutions.

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Below, a summary matrix of the experiences about the promotion of employment is shown. Those experiences have been previously commented in each section.

This matrix summarises the experiences added and its impact on the main field and themes related to the promotion of employment. In particular:


Encouragement of Entrepreneurship and Creation of new companies. Job Offering Consolidation of Business Fabric Promotion of Local Development

Intermediation Labour Intermediation (services, networks of support, etc.) Labour Guidance Demand for Employment Occupational Training Insertion and Job shadowing

The main goal of this summary-map is to make easier the comprehension and visualisation of the experiences analysed (services, programmes and projects) in each partner entity which show the keys of the intervention type related to employment in each area.

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Escuela de Atención Integral en AREA OF EMPLOYMENT Formación Cine Gian Colaboración Centro de Empleo IDENTIFIED THEMATIC ISSUES / EXPERIENCES Porta Futuro Servicios sociales PROMOTION Empresas FSE María con ISFOL "El Caltor" Básicos Volonté

Boost for Entrepreneurship and Creation of New Companies

Job Offering Consolidation of the Business Fabric

Promotion of the Local Development

Intermediation between Labour intermediation (services, support Labour Supply and networks, etc) Demand

Career guidance

Employment Demand Training for Employment

Insertion / Job shadowing

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Boost for Entrepreneurship and Creation of New Companies

Job Offering Consolidation of the Business Fabric

Promotion of the Local Development

Intermediation between Labour intermediation (services, support Labour Supply and networks, etc) Demand

Career guidance

Employment Demand Training for Employment

Insertion / Job shadowing

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A number of elements identified as keys of success have been found in the analysis of the experiences. These keys should be considered in the definition of intervention strategies of employment promotion and socioeconomic encouragement carried out by the different participant entities in the Project.

These keys of success are listed below:


Multilateral response to different factor influencing on the Integrity socio-labour insertion of job seekers.

Adaptation of every programme to the personal features of Adaptation to Groups target users, especially with homogeneous groups of persons with particular difficulties of insertion.

Introduction of innovative elements in the planning, Innovation implementation, definition of contents or assessment of employment programmes.

Role of the private business sector in the different stages of Business Sector the employment programmes: definition, planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment.

Definition of protocols for procedure in the different programmes of employment which affect the intervention Recording of Processes methodology, the resources assigned, the mechanisms for sharing information, the monitoring of actions, etc.

Capacity to adapt to the changing needs of the environment Flexibility and of the target persons for the duration period of programmes of employment promotion.

Participation of entities from the private sector in the Private – Public implementation of actions included in programmes of Collaboration employment promotion, with the goal of delivering criteria of efficiency and agility to those programmes.

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Incorporation of elements to employment programmes New Technologies through new information and communication technologies (specific software, platforms, programmes, etc.).

On-going and final review of programmes of employment Assessment promotion in order to value the real impact and identify those elements with greater success in each case.

Internal relationships among all the entities involved in the implementation of programmes, in order to ensure the Coordination intervention along the same lines way and optimize the resources assigned or increase its positive impact.

Existence of stable initiatives of social Concertation in the territories in which different private and public entities Social Concertation could participate in order to promote employment, identify needs, define common aims and intervention proposals.

Definition of specific and continuous systems which allow the exchange of information of interest for the promotion of Exchange of Information employment among the different entities of the area with greater involvement in this field.

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In relation to the keys of success already commented, the following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the main experiences identified for each partner entity:


Employment promotion programmes which have a greater positive impact cover a wide range of areas related directly or indirectly to the labour insertion, in a multilateral and integral way which brings an undeniable multiplier effect. These are the areas: career guidance, training for employment, intermediation, advice, workplace monitoring, retraining, social, medical and psychological care, financial support (grants, allowances, free and specific care services, etc.), motivation, etc.

Many programmes carried out in order to promote employment cover areas related in a more directly way to the insertion (guidance, training, advice, intermediation, etc.), remaining outside in an almost usual way, aspects which perhaps have an indirect effect but which are equally important such as the social, medical and psychological care and the financial support.

However, many experiences which have been analysed for this current comparative Study show a special professional integrity of all these areas which constitutes in many cases the key of its success.

This can be carried out thanks to a combination of differentiated methodologies (individual technical advices, group activities, courses, internships in companies, counselling techniques, psychotherapies, activities with computer applications, self-diagnosis tests, exchanges of experiences, etc.).

It involves, in many cases, the joint work of different entities or even of different services, departments, areas or people of the entity which leads the programme.

Nevertheless, with regard to the applicant who takes part in the programme, it is important that he/she has just an only one work plan and an only one referent (technicians, service or entity). In this way, the resources are made available to the person and the person must not be who has to identify the resources that he/she will need during different stages of the programme.

In this sense, the following experiences are of special interest:

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1. The Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council.

- It consists of a continuous and stable process of assistance aimed at persons with particular difficulties for insertion from less favoured areas, that serves, in an integrated manner, their needs in labour intermediation, insertion, training and psychosocial care (grants, fellowships, allowances, medical care, etc.).

- Persons with particular difficulties for insertion are followed by a single technician without there being a need for the referral to different resources and equipment; referral which, in many cases, produces the abandonment of the attention and makes those group’s real insertion harder. To this end, social service centres from the five districts of the municipality of Badalona are used (municipal facilities).

- The methodology of acting or the different steps in this individualised care are these:

° The staff of the corresponding Social Service Centre will refer to the programme of integral care. A reference technician is always kept, irrespective of the fact that the care of the person is in charge of the labour-insertion staff.

° Preparing the user’s personal file and making a precise diagnosis of his/her personal and labour competences

° Agreeing an itinerary of insertion, in which the assistance (or resources), that may be needed, are identified: psychological and medical care, family support, school meals grants, summer schools, schedule, means of transport, etc.

° Assessing the transversal and personal competences of each individual and defining a specific Work Plan (or socio-occupational itinerary). This plan is accepted and signed by the user as a demonstration of his/her commitment and acceptance.

° Working on these competences throughout a pre-employment job: adaptation of the physical appearance for the socio-occupational insertion, verbal and non-verbal communication, autonomy, assertiveness, self-esteem, turns to speak, capacity for synthesis, punctuality, teamwork, time management, etc. Every unit is worked with clearly- defined didactic materials (although everyone has not to use all the different materials).

° Accomplishing preparatory activities for labour insertion, like mock interviews y simulations of “frightened” social situations (criticism of the task carried out, schedules changes, acceptance of orders, working under pressure tolerance, etc.).

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° Identifying training needs and referring to training resources; likewise, a monitoring of the assistance and its training achievement is carried out.

° Providing labour intermediation services. The persons shall be informed of any available offer. Subsequently, interviews are subject to monitoring, communication with business, etc. In this way, both the user and the technician in charge of monitoring have a direct feedback. In order to do that, there is an internal job board with the coordination of the Regional Employment Service (Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya –SOC-)

° There is a monthly follow up of the actions carried out, for judging the suitability of the aid granted to each person (in other words, the link that exist between the aids granted and the user’s monitoring of the work plan). That implies an integration and linkage with the services and labour insertion nature resources, as well as, intermediation, psychological care, social support and training (carrying out of training courses, modules, interviews assistance, etc.).

- It is, therefore, possible in a town with an important population rate (about 220.000 inhabitants) in which different private and public entities take part into issues affecting social and labour insertion of those groups, that is because the experience is of a particular relevance.

- As a way of its special positive impact in the territory, it is worth noting that thanks to this service, an insertion rate of between 30% and 35% has been achieved (a very high rate level, taking into account that almost all attended people belongs to groups with particular difficulties of the insertion. In addition, about 30% of the cases referred to training resources have obtained the qualification. This is undoubtedly because of the integral assistance provided, the specific monitoring by the service staff and the link between the grating of allowances and aids and the applicants’ monitoring of the defined activities in the Work Plan.

2. Pardubice Regional Employment Service Programmes

In these programmes there is a combination of a wide range of activities and complementary work methodologies in order to meet the different aspects of the personal and socio-labour insertion of the applicants, such as:

- A general diagnosis of the applicant (Professional Overall Diagnosis) from both the strictly professional (training, experience, etc.) and personal (relational, organisational, attitudinal competence, etc.) point of view.

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- Information on legislation and basic characteristics of the labour market.

- Guidance in job-seeking (search for job offerings, development of CV and cover letters, preparation for job interviews, preparation for driving licence, etc.).

- Psychological care during all the Project and workshops on: improvement of the communicative and interpersonal skills, self-esteem, assumption of family responsibilities, gender equality, etc.

- Training courses; Help to obtain professional requalification certificates and actions to get the formalization of knowledge acquired in an informal way; Actions to get requalification and professional retraining.

- Group and individual motivation actions at the completion of studies and/or for the incorporation to the labour market.

- Monitoring of the employment (after being hired); it includes labour mediation and legal assistance because contact is kept both with the hired person and with the responsible for the company.

- Significant benefits to companies for the contracting of applicants.

- Organisation of joint encounters between businessmen and applicants in order to facilitate the intermediation and motivation (companies explain its sector, present-day needs, future employment opportunities, career development, etc.).

- Family support for applicants while programmes are implemented in order to facilitate the monitoring of actions (financial aids for nursery schools, school meals grants, means of transport, care for the elderly, etc.).

3. Porta Futuro, from the Province of Rome.

Porta Futuro is a multifunctional centre of 1800 m 2 of a single plant located in the centre of the province of Roma, where a vast amount of services of quality related to counselling, training, labour insertion and entrepreneurship promotion is provided in a coordinated and integrated manner.

In particular, Porta Futuro provides the following services:

a) Welfare and general information.

b) Self-counselling: this services is based on a software which includes a number of questionnaires and tests that let users: enter their personal information and CV; identify the

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5 CONCLUSIONS ON THE KEYS OF SUCCESS profile or profiles that best fit their training and experiences (i.e. personal qualities); check if there is any job offer that best suits their profiles; identify training courses o events of their interests, etc. c) Professional counsellor: in addition to the self-counselling, Porta Futuro provides direct counselling (with face-to-face technicians). Those technicians, in addition to help users with the questionnaires and tests from the software (to ensure that the gathered information is homogeneous); carry out other activities through employment guidance orientation workshops: how to write a CV, cover letter, employment contracts, etc.

On the other hand, there is a specific assistance to groups with particular difficulties. In particular, in Porta Futuro a centralized labour information service is available to disabled persons. To that end, specific software that helps to define their professional profile and personal competences may be use. This system is called MATCH software. It is similar to the self-diagnostic program but has been specially design for disabled persons of different nature. d) Self-employment and business creation Service:

- Specific advice about business plan and access to funding (usually microloans).

- Advice and information rendered by a technician from the Chamber of Commerce about the administrative procedures to create a company. The Chamber of Commerce is an entity which is expertise in the registration of companies; therefore its participation in the mentoring process provides a considerable value-added. Porta Futuro, through the Chamber of Commerce maintains a close relationship with BICs (National Italian Business Incubators Association) and other regional networks of incubators.

- Business start-up assistant programme: thanks to an agreement with financial institution, entrepreneurs have access to loans with guarantee funds and at a low interest rate. The entrepreneurs come, are informed of this credit and the loan requests are directly handled (if appropriate).

Porta Futuro, in a single space, provides an integrated and structured service for employment, with total assistance for users, without duplicities, avoiding the need to travel, optimising resources and providing homogeneous information.

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Many of the programmes analysed must provide responses to groups with social and labour insertion has additional problems (because deprived areas are attended or because groups with particular difficulties are covered).

In these cases, specific needs methodologies to response to the main problems of these people must be developed and carried out (difficulties in monitoring, failure of the derivations to other services or equipment which can represent the abandonment of the attention, etc.). The services of qualified personnel with specific experience of this social profile and, if possible, with knowledge of the region or territorial range of action should also be provided.

In general, resources should be brought closer to people with particular difficulties, without expecting for they to access in normal processes of derivation. The resources should be brought closer to the available equipment in deprived areas and it is necessary to make possible the recruitment and/or monitoring of this collective in a proactive manner (work with the associative network, educational entities, commercial areas, etc.).

It is important to underline the integration in these cases of the social and labour attention given to these people (already commented on the key of success called “professional integrity”). A link should, to the extent possible, exist between the social, instrumental or financial supports which may be needed (psychological, pharmacological and familiar support, school meals grants, summer schools, schedules, means of transport, etc.) and the actions developed for the labour insertion.

Any project created to work with groups of difficult insertion or in deprived areas or with particular socio-economic difficulties should take into account these premises, particularly these premises carried out by local entities that have responsibility for the great major of competences for social care and that have local equipment in deprived areas.

In relation to the adaptation to groups, the following experiences should be highlighted:

1. The Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council.

As discussed earlier, this is a specialised service in the care of people with particular difficulties of insertion in the most deprived areas in the city. These people have particular difficulties in the monitoring of the actions, in the derivations to other services or equipment that can mean the abandonment of the attention, etc. For this reason, the work methodologies are specially designed for these groups and the assistance is provided by specialized technicians that know the deprived areas of the city. A genuine link between the

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helps or supports already adopted and the actions developed by the applicant in order to get the labour insertion is also guaranteed.

2. Employment Centre – El Caltor, Badalona.

In the Centre called El Caltor, a personalised care is constantly given in an established way to all people that have intellectual disability in Badalona and surroundings thanks to specific methodologies and qualified people with experience in the assistance and support to these people. 150 persons with intellectual disability work in it and it is considered as a support unit for the professional activity of this group.

Disabled people and their families take an important role in the planning and evaluation of the actions, and also in the suggestion of proposals for improving the activity of the Centre.

It is important to underline the strong coordination of the Centre with other services and municipal resources in matters related to the social care, guidance, labour insertion, intermediation, medical care, etc.

3. Pardubice Regional Service of Employment Programmes.

These programmes are directed at very particular groups of applicants so the actions are widely adapted to their characteristics.

Some examples of this adaptation are shown below:

- People until the age of 25, with a job apprenticeship certificate (technical, handicraft, artistic, etc.) already graduated and they would like to work in their occupational field. Young people in these sectors have not the minimum experience asked for the application by the companies. For this reason, activities such as the following are carried out:

° Information on legislation and basic characteristics of the labour market.

° Assistance in finding employment (search for job offerings, development of CV and cover letters, improvement of communicative skills, preparation for job interviews, preparation for driving licence, etc.).

° Deepening or expansion of the professional qualifications of the participants in order to increase their possibilities of insertion (always within the source sectors).

° Recognition of certificates with national validity and formalisation of knowledge acquired in an informal way.

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° Organisation of joint encounters between businessmen and young applicants in order to facilitate the intermediation (companies explain its sector, present-day needs, etc.).

- Assistance in finding employment, benefits to companies for the contracting and monitoring after contracting.

- Employment applicants with only basic education, who are long term or intermittent applicants . This group has the additional difficulty of the lack of motivation and discipline, responsibility, work under pressure tolerance, etc. For this reason, all these disciplines are widely worked and also the obtaining of professional training, apprenticeship at company, the support and monitoring in the finding of employment, benefits to companies for their contracting, the monitoring in the workplace, etc.

- Employment applicants with particular difficulties that, due to different reasons, cannot occupy a job in the conventional or ordinary labour market (for instance, a person who has to take care a child under 15 years or elderly people, disabled people, or of other groups that need to adapt the working time).

The Jobs offered by companies (and from which they will receive benefits) should be, in many cases, part-time, with flexible schedule, jobs adapted to disable people in order to face the particular necessities of the group, etc.

Applicants were also provided during the whole programme with additional services such as: nursery schools or old people attention services, transport aids, etc.

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As shown in the different analysed experiences, those programmes in which have been introduced innovative elements, in general, have a better impact and assessment than those in which have just been introduced traditional actions.

Thus, innovation is of great importance for the studied employment promotion programmes, both in the identification of person who will participate in the project (diagnosis y selection) and in the action to be carried put with the applicant in the context of the employment programmes.

This latter aspect has been specially highlighted in the analysed experiences in Pardubice and in The Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council.

1. Pardubice Regional Service of Employment Programmes

• In the diagnosis of the applicants of those programmes, unusual factors have been taken into account and psychological methods have been used in those programmes, analysing aspects related to the applicants’ personality. Along these lines, the diagnostic system of Professional Overall Diagnosis -POD- draws particular attention.

This innovative diagnosis method, carried out by a team of psychologists, seeks the best use of human potential and of every person’s skills in order to improve his/her labour insertion.

Unusual factors are taken into account in this diagnosis, for instance, aspects regarding with applicants’ personality or their psychological stability such as: patience, positivism, assertiveness, work under pressure tolerance, communicative skills, family situation, actual availability, health condition, etc.

Psychological methodologies are employed to obtain this information (Both individual interviews with the psychologist and group sessions) such as: personality tests, attention tests, intelligence tests, clinical tests, problem-solving tests, motivation and aims tests, self- diagnosis tests, psychophysical tests, etc.

Most of these activities take place through software that facilitates the analysis and interpretation of data and the drawing of conclusions.

In the case of young people, member of their immediate family are allowed to participate in the diagnosis in order to increase the amount and the quality of the information to be analysed. As regards with disabled people, this method also includes an ergonomic diagnosis (specific diagnosis of the tasks which may be developed by the person at his/her workplace – movements y accessible tasks, limitations, alternatives, etc.).

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At the end of the diagnosis process, all users obtain their own reports with the results of all the activities: interviews and tests results, skills, personal characteristics, guidance for the future professional development, recommendations, etc.

Results of this POD are taken into account for : deciding the participation or a person in a given programme (pre-selection) and the implementation of measures for people for whom measures are intended, leading to a greater success in the programmes.

While a significant amount of time is dedicated in this method of diagnosis, the extracted information is also available for the use in forward, projects or programmes, so it is of relevant interest for persons with added difficulties in the socio-labour.

• Innovation in the provided actions and services . In addition to traditional services (training, guidance, counselling, monitoring of the job, etc.) something also to emphasize is that the participants in those programmes are receiving services such as: relaxation classes, motivation, image advice, self-knowledge, self-esteem, communication, nursery, etc.; combination of counselling programmes and individual or group guidance, driving licence preparation, etc. Moreover, other services included are: legal-labour assistance and counselling, mediation between companies and hired people, monitoring of the work, etc.

2. The Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council.

In this case, in addition to the traditional services offered to employment applicants (training, guidance, counselling, monitoring of the job, etc.), other topics with an impact as relevant as the former ones are also implemented: relaxation classes, motivation, image advice, self-knowledge, self-esteem, communication, hygiene, relation between colleagues and superiors, verbal and non-verbal communication, autonomy, assertiveness, turns to speak, capacity for synthesis, punctuality, teamwork, time management, individual or group counselling and guidance, driving licence training, etc.

Those topics have a higher or lower impact in the labour insertion depending on the function of the group, although all of them may be of relevant interest.

However, it can be said that the incorporation of those psychological, social and labour aspects in the programmes of employment promotion is a trend that can be found in he analysed experiences allowing increase the success of the insertion due to the influence of those factors on the integration of applicants in the labour market.

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One of the elements of greatest relevance, which have been found in the success of the studied programmes of employment promotion for, has been the active role given to the business sector, especially in different fields:

- Identification of sectors with greater potential growth, irrespective of the data given by the information system of the labour market.

- Detecting of the applicants’ training needs and the methodologies employed in that training.

- Definition de the actions to be integrated in the employment programmes.

- Assessment of the programmes ( feedback ) towards both unemployed people and the public entity leading the programme (local entity or employment service).

- Emphasis on recruitment by companies, including allowances. Most of the experiences include specific amounts for supporting companies when hiring unemployed people, at the expense of other direct aids for applicants.

- Impact in the creation of new businesses, support for entrepreneurs and self-employment, one of the key lines as a driving force for a rapid economic recovery in the area.

- Support of the entrepreneurship, both from a technical and financial point of view through an aid programme. Similarly, most of the entrepreneurs have previously received, in early ages, training and labour guidance which has led their professional vocation towards the entrepreneurship.

Traditionally, resources for employment programmes or devices generally centralised efforts in paying attention to demand (training, support for the unemployed, etc.). However, reinforcement in the emphasis on job offers have been found in most of the analysed experiences, not only on entrepreneurship, but also on the existing coverage and strength of the business fabric.

Thus, the applicants’ labour insertion and the response to companies’ needs are designed as two side of the same coin. In general, programmes related to employment promotion are independently defined and implemented with regard to the local business fabric, and only focused on actions with the applicant group, clearly having a more limited impact and success.

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The most interesting experiences for the analysis of the business sector role are:

1. Pardubice Regional Service of Employment, where companies have a very active role in the different stages of planning, implementation and assessment.

The Regional Service of Employment disposes of a “ Network of businesses ” that assiduously takes part in employment programmes. Companies are of different size and sectors, and its workers are familiarized with the development of apprenticeship programmes and subsidised recruitment. This collaboration is beneficial for companies because they get trained human resources and important allowances. In exchange, they shall participate in different tasks concerning the definition of training and activities from the programmes, monitoring and assessment of projects, sharing of experiences activities, motivation of applicants, etc.

The direct participation of companies makes possible a higher knowledge of their needs (regarding professional profiles, professions, ideal candidate, required training for applicants, etc.) what, ultimately, result in the success of the programmes.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight a clear recruitment priority . All experiences consist of programmes which are clearly oriented to the recruitment in companies. Therefore, the majority of the budget for programmes is directly destined to companies for recruitment purposes, instead of spending it in other activities for the target group (training, guidance, counselling, etc.). This means a benefit for both hired people (employment applicants access a job) and companies (that acquire skilled personnel at minimal or no cost)

2. Porta Futuro, Province of Rome, whose actions are designed to provide answers to the business sector’s needs and to promote entrepreneurship.

In particular, the following should be noted:

• Service of auto-employment and business creation:

- Training and labour guidance at early ages for the awareness for entrepreneurship.

- Specific advice about business plan and access to funding (usually microloans).

- Advice and information rendered by a technician from the Chamber of Commerce about the administrative procedures to create a company. The Chamber of Commerce is an entity which is expertise in the registration of companies; therefore its participation in the mentoring process provides a considerable value-added. Porta Futuro, through the Chamber of Commerce maintains a close relationship with BICs (National Italian Business Incubators Association) and other regional networks of incubators.

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- Business start-up assistant programme: thanks to an agreement with financial institution, entrepreneurs have access to loans with guarantee funds and at a low interest rate. The entrepreneurs come, are informed of this credit and the loan requests are directly handled (if appropriate).

• Training for companies with ESF. In the Province of Rome, there is a an open call throughout 3 years, in which the European Social Fund (ESF) directly granted to Department III about EUR 35 million per year for holding “tailor-made training” courses. Previously, the ESF calls for Vocational Training were addressed to intermediate private bodies of Vocational Training.

Currently, companies set out what training needs they may have to the Province, submit a training project (with the advice of a proper technician provides by the Province itself) and not later than 15 calendar days from the date of the receipt, a response is given and this training is financed (directly to the company, ESF paid about the 85-90% of the cost and the rest is assumed by the applicant company), being the company itself which looks for a centre that may offer that training. This allows an optimal fit of the training received by the applicants to the companies’ needs, what increases the possibilities of insertion and the business consolidation.

3. Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo Programmes , especially the Advisory Service to Entrepreneurs (ASE), Economic Promotion and Local Development Service (EPLDS) and PRODER II as shown below:

- ASE: it consists on a stable service of guidance to the definition of business ideas, elaboration of business plans, general information about models and legal nature of business, aid programmes, formal administrative proceedings for setting up businesses, monitoring of projects, processing of grants, etc. In addition to this, from ASE other tasks of information and promotion of the employment and the business activity will be carried out through the organisation of seminars, conferences, auto-employment courses, edition and publication of supporting materials, etc.

- EPLDS: thanks to a wide network of Actors in Local Development and Employment (ALDEs), this service assumes promoting business projects with impact on local development, processing of grants, monitoring of companies, business location, etc.

PRODER II: This project involved an important employment promotion thanks to the creation of new businesses in emerging sector through an aid programme with a large budget.

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Most of the successful experiences analysed have a recording of the actions in which work methodologies, materials needed and feedback mechanisms that will be used in the development of the services are defined. These recordings, understood in a wide sense, can adopt the way of proceedings, questionnaires, forms, dossiers, internal instructions, etc.

This is of particular interest in relation to the services that are provided continuously over time by the local entities with specific structures and personnel for it.

This fact gives the following advantages:

- It enables a continuous improvement of the processes (because the recording can be revised and it is possible to work on further improvements) and, therefore, the consolidation of the experience.

- It favours the extrapolation of results or methodologies from other programmes to other entities, services or technique personnel of the entity that carry them out (because there is already available materials to start working).

- It makes possible the standardisation of the provision when the activity or service is given by different entities.

Among the most interesting examples of recording analysed in the current Study, the Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council and the Promotion of Local Economic Development (PLED) of the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo are highlighted.

1. Integral Care Service in Basic Social Service of the MIPS of Badalona Council.

The methodology for action of this service is perfectly recorded in order to guarantee the standardisation in its service provision by the different technicians. Specifically, the following records and materials are provided:

- File and diagnosis of the user : Derivation record between the insertion services; Description sheet of the socio-labour profile of the user; tutorial sheet or coordination realised meeting; Organisation’s work card; Socio-working itinerary card; CV model.

- Training: Training card; Training assessment card (to fill out by the labour insertion technician); Questionnaire of assessment modules (to fill out by the user); Monitoring of the attendance and final assessment of the apprentices (to fill out by the company); a model certificate supporting to the training.

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- Aids: sheet of request for aids (summary table); Attendance recording; Request for aids model of the user; Authorisation models for under age users (to recover the aids and to sign the working papers); Technical report model in order to recover the aids.

- Monographics in finding employment (materials needed for the work of a specific thematic related to the training and / or labour itinerary of the user): Self-knowledge and labour competences; Curriculum vitae and cover letters; The communication in the job search; Canals and resources in finding employment; The job interview; New Employment Sources.

- Insertion :

° Organisation’s work cards, of company, of job offering; referral of company candidates. ° Documentation for companies: Charter enterprise with information about the service; evaluation survey to the company about the interest in the service; agreements (of joining to the service by the company, private internship agreement, etc.); Attendance record format in the company; Diptych of information about the service, etc. ° “Tailor-Made” Training Programme: Information about the “Tailor-Made” (TM); Job analysis questionnaires; agreement for TM with the company; Agreement for TM with the participant; Attendance record; Details of the insurer.

- Job Offers: Management processes of job offers; Register of the entry of the job offer; Offer letter.

- Resources:

° Formal training resources: Literacy resources; School for adults; Social Guarantee Programmes (SGP); Mid- and Upper-level Vocational Training Cycles in Badalona. ° Job training resources: job training centres in Badalona and the surrounding areas; Job training centres in Barcelona; Job training centres for disabled people. ° Labour resources: labour insertion services; Insertion services for disabled people; Insertion companies; List of insertion companies; ° Others: home care personnel, geriatric homes in Badalona and Barcelona, school meals, TEA, supermarkets and cash-and-carry chains, etc.

- Other Technical Documentation: Social exclusion certificate; Socio-occupational report; Supporting documentation of the attendance to the interview; Supporting document of attendance to the training; Summons;

- Club de Feina (Job Club): Internet users’ recordings; Agenda for search a job; Users record in the job club.

- Prelabour workshop materials: self-esteem, communicative competences, etc.

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2. Economic Promotion and Local Development Service (EPLDS) of the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo

In the EPLDS the coordination of the Network of Actors in Local Development (ALDs) is managed that Works in all the Commonwealth area in coordination with other local entities.

In order to ensure the homogenisation of the service, those ALDs are provided with guidelines and protocols to provide services, continuous training and information about new projects are given, labour methodologies that favours the homogenisation of tasks, filling forms, etc. Among these protocols, the followings are underlined:

– General protocol of information and users’ support.

– Project Fiche

– Monitoring Project fiche.

– Meeting sheet

– Application form for aids

– Activities report model.

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Within the framework of the promoting employment programmes, with an average duration from 12 months to two years, it is appropriate to introduce certain elements of flexibility in the carrying out of actions that makes possible to adapt its content according to needs at any particular moment, place or person.

In the case of more permanent services, this flexibility is more frequent (because technicians have more time to adapt the provided services to the users), but this is not the case of particular programmes or projects, that are based on an advance planning and should respond to specific targets.

Though it means an unquestionably added difficulty to the carrying out and monitoring of the actions, according to the analysed experiences, it is very important in order to increase the success of the programmes. It is necessary to highlight that the private-public collaboration in this already mentioned carrying out makes far easier this flexibility.

In this regard, it is important to underline the programmes of Regional Employment Service of Pardubice

In these programmes there is an adaptation of actions (itineraries, financial bonuses, incentives, deadlines, etc.) according to certain parameters and particular situations identified while the programmes are carrying out.

In particular, the following adaptations are quite important:

° According to the job post to be filled in each case (importance of the sector, difficulty in the insertion of the person, duration of the job offer, specialization of the job, salary offered, etc.) it is possible to increase the approved benefits for the company.

° According to the importance of the company in the area or of its projection, companies can have a larger number of trainees or benefits.

° Applicants can have a longer duration of the programmes according to the good use of the programmes they may show or their performance in the work, or the difficulty of insertion, etc.

These adaptations take place during the development of the programmes, thanks to an effective system of continuous monitoring.

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In the experiences which have been analysed, most of the most successful actions are implemented through external specialised service firms (guidance, counselling, psychosocial care, labour mediation, etc.). This means a clear example of private – public collaboration in which criteria such as efficiency and effectiveness are essential, always under the control and supervision of the local entity or employment service in charge.

In general, the excessive bureaucracy in services and actions to promote employment has a negative impact on efficiency, and the private – public collaboration is a counterbalance in the bureaucracy.

In that sense the experiences derived from the Pardubice Regional Service of Employment are of an important interest.

In the experiences which have been analysed, actions are implemented through external specialised service firms. These firms are hired through public tenders and are experts in the activities which are developed in the framework of the programmes. One of the key elements to be highlighted in tendering processes is that companies undertake to fulfil a number of results (recruitment level, number of people attended, users’ insertion rate in a medium term perspective, etc.), so they have an added incentive for the pursuit of a goof implementation and impact on the projects in the area.

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An interesting coordination of services through new technologies has been found in several analysed experience. The use of new technologies number of advantages:

- It favours personalized attention.

- It allows a higher user’s autonomy.

- It improves the recording and later use of statistic data introduced.

- It allows the direct connection between different systems and data bases, avoiding duplicities when introducing it.

- It provides a better flexibility in the reception of services – a wide range of schedule, locations, avoiding queues, waits, appointment, etc.

- It favours the recording of services and programmes.

- It facilitates the continuous improvement of the service provided thanks to the increase of the gathered information and to the ease of the introduction of changes which may operate in a general level.

In this sense, the experiences of greater interest are: the Pardubice Regional Service of Employment and, Porta Futuro in the Province of Rome.

1. Pardubice Regional Service of Employment

An Innovative method, as it has been commented above, is used in these programmes called Professional Overall Diagnosis.

Psychological methodologies are employed to obtain users’ psychological information such as: personality tests, attention tests, intelligence tests, clinical tests, problem-solving tests, motivation and aims tests, self-diagnosis tests, psychophysical tests, etc.

Most of these activities take place through software that facilitates the analysis and interpretation of data, drawing of conclusions and the elaboration of reports.

2. Porta Futuro in the Province of Rome

As it has been analysed throughout the document, one of the items of greater interest of Porta Futuro is the Auto-guidance.

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This service is based on a software with a number of questionnaires and tests which let users: enter their personal information and CV; identify the profile or profiles that best fit their training and experiences (i.e. personal qualities); check if there is any job offer that best suits their profiles; identify training courses o events of their interests, etc.

This programme is linked to the Sistema Informativo del Laboro (S.I.L.) which is the system of employment offices of the service of public employment.

Likewise, this system provides an easy access because both the technician and the companies themselves may directly introduce all the available offers and programmes of vocational training in the system.

This software of auto-guidance is installed in 20 computers that users can freely make use of in Porta Futuro offices.

When the auto-guidance services have been completed, users are invited to fill an assessment sheet about the software in order to improve (by including new experiences, training, profiles, solving questions, etc.). Thanks to that, this software is constantly improving.

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The success or failure of the promoting employment programmes should influence the planning of future projects or services. It is therefore essential a correct assessment that goes well beyond collecting quantitative data and it focuses on quality assessment methodologies with a high participation of the local entities, applicants and participating companies in the programmes.

In this way, the assessment methodologies included in the Pardubice Regional Service of Employment and in the Integral Care in Social Services of the MIPS (Badalona Council) are of particular interest.

1. Pardubice Regional Service of Employment programmes

Once the programmes have been completed, the assessment of the programmes is carried out taking into account all the participants (regional service of employment, hired company for the implementation of the actions, applicants and companies).

To this end, different activities are implemented:

- Final reports of the contracted company, both quantitative and qualitative reports. A long and a medium term monitoring of the persons and companies (after the programmes are ended) should also be done.

- Assessment by the Regional Service of Employment in terms of impact and results of the projects, as well as opportunities for improvement, etc.

- Assessment of the applicants about: management of the programmes by the contracted company and by the regional service of employment, use of the training activities, the improvement of the opportunities for insertion, assessment of the companies in which the working practices have been carried out or in which they have been contracted, etc.

- Assessment of the companies in some aspects such as: management of the programmes by the hired company and by the regional service of employment, applicants’ suitability, assessment of the training activities developed, etc.

- Exchange of experiences 360º activities between applicants and company leaders (Exchange moderated by the Regional Service of Employment personnel). In these exchanges of activities, the two parties exchange views about the development of the programmes, successful experiences of other areas or programmes are also shared. This promotes the

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creation of a further collaboration network, the detection of necessities for improvement, the feedback employer/employee, the motivation of the applicants, etc.

It is important to emphasise the fact that during the implementation of all the programmes, there is a continuous assessment and monitoring by the winning company and a second level of monitoring, control and assessing by the technical equipment of the Regional Service of Employment. This enables the detection of problems and the implementation of corrective measures before the projects are finalized.

2. Integral Care in Social Services of the MIPS, Badalona Council

A continuous system of monitoring and assessment is applied to this service through a:

- A table of actions: Once a month, a table of actions is analysed in which there is, among other, the following information:

° Number of visits made to companies

° Number of trainings courses managed

° Job offers managed

° Data insertion of the different programmes

° Profiles more demanded and sectors of activity with greater growth

- A continuous monitoring of the user through meetings, talks, telephone contacts, contacts with members of the immediate family, interviews with legal guardians in the case of minors, etc.

- A feedback of the companies which participate in action of insertion. These companies value both the system of the organization of internships, and the selection criteria of the persons as well as the performance and the monitoring of the person chosen.

This continuous system of monitoring makes possible the drawing of conclusions, the management of the attention paid to the companies and the correction of possible deviations.

Likewise, it is of a great support in the future selections of applicants for jobs.

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The participant entities in programmes or services promoting employment (both public and private) should be coordinate in order to:

- Avoid contradictions in the goals set, in the guidance of actions or in the methodologies employed with applicants.

- Avoid duplicities in the provision of services.

- Optimize processes and resources targeted at actions.

- Identify, while actions are implemented, refocusing or adjustment needs.

- Improve the communication with users in such a way to avoid they may hold parallel meetings with different entities which do not add value and make difficult to monitor the actions.

In order to achieve a proper coordination among participant entities in the implementation of a programme or service for promoting employment, according to the analysed experiences, it is mandatory to fulfil the following:

- Identification of contact persons from each entity in different levels.

- Prior definition of competences or function in the framework of programmes through function maps, lists of competences, assignment of tasks, etc.

- Definition of agile system for sharing of information purposes.

- Establishment of clear system of monitoring and assessment.

- Identification of an entity capable of leading the programme as well as the coordination and the monitoring of actions.

After observing the different analysed experiences, the coordination between employment services and local entities is crucial, because both of them assume responsibilities and implement programmes which, in some cases, may overlap.

In this sense, two experiences are underlined:

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1. The Integral Care Service in Basic Social Services of the MIPS of Badalona Council

This services is possible thanks to an agile system of internal coordination between the different department and units of the Council (social services, employment, care services, etc.) and other Catalan institutions such as the Catalan government's employment agency .

2. Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo

Due to the nature of that entity, the Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo carries out an important task, because it externally coordinates all the local entities which are part of the Commonwealth and other supramunicipal bodies.

This entity also provides a regional perspective that may be interesting for the coordination and optimization of resources and active policies in employment in the territory.

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In more general terms, in the definition of policies and programmes relating to the promotion of employment in a territory, as well as in its implementation and monitoring, it is of a special interest to have mechanisms of social Concertation which articulate the participation of the different entities with a greater involvement on the subject of promoting employment in a territory and which serves as a transmission belt for the real needs of the area.

The Concertation plays a decisive role in active employment policies, particularly in the following fields:

- It serves as a mechanism for the fine adjustment to the territorial reality in which it is applied and to the specific features of the labour market.

- It increases the commitment and the involvement of the participant entities in terms of employment promotion in the territory.

- It has a positive effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of the programmes.

- It allows a better continuous and final assessment system of the actions undertaken.

However, as it has been observed in the territorial realities of the partner entities, not all the existing initiatives of Concertation are useful. According to the analysed experiences, a number of key success factors have been identified:

- Formalised functioning (which does not mean bureaucratic), professionalised, effective, flexible and participatory exchange of information.

- Results-oriented (definition of objectives, lines for action, programmes and expected results). The entities and representatives that participate should respond if the already mentioned objectives have not been met.

- Participation in these of public and private actors with a potential impact on the territory.

- Participation of technical equipment of the participating entities (not only people with a political profile).

- Leading role assumed by an entity, that one that carries greater weight promoting employment in the territory, which boosts the actions of Concertation and has the greater commitment and responsibility with the objectives given.

- Establishment of monitoring mechanisms and assessment of results.

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Although in any of the analysed experiences it has been possible to observe any optimal mechanism of social Concertation, the following are highlighted:

1. Intermunicipal Commonwealth of Vigo

The chosen experiences show how the Commonwealth assumes the leading role of the coordination at local level highlighting the role of the local entities in their territory and the added value which brings the implementation of Concertation and coordination mechanisms at a regional level.

2. Porta Futuro of the Province of Rome

Porta Futuro has established agreements with other entities for the provision of services (chamber of commerce, employment service, ISFOL, the National Agency of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme in Italy, educational and training entities, National Network of Business Incubators of Italy, etc.).

The agreements with these entities has made possible to adapt the actions of the target groups and to avoid contradictions or duplications (optimization of the training processes, integration of the information systems, streamlining the administrative procedures between the entities, etc.).

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For many of the analysed experiences, the entities which lead the employment promotion programmes share information systems with other entities that work in the labour field. The following exchanges are of a special interest:

- Shared IT systems.

- Integration of different databases with information about: job offers, companies located in a territory, professional profiles most offered and/or demanded, of previous actions, etc.

- Updated information on the labour market in an area (most demanded professions, most contracted profiles, mains sectors of activity, etc.).

This is of a special interest in the definition of the target groups, the planning of actions, the monitoring and the assessment of the programmes, as well as the coordination of the different participating entities.

In this regard, the experience of the Porta Futuro, of the Province of Rome is highlighted.

In particular, the programme that provides support for the self-guiding service is connected to the Sistema Informativo del Laboro (S.I.L.), a system of the employment offices of the public employment service.

It is also easy to access to the system because the technicians and the companies can introduce in it all the job offers and all the available programmes of professional information described by their competences.

Thanks to this, all the data entered by the users, by the technicians of Porta Futuro or by the companies themselves are recorded automatically in the S.I.L.

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Below is shown a summary table which contains all conclusions previously discussed. In each case, the experiences of higher interest and the partner entities which have led the programmes are identified below.


- MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Services Professional Integrity - Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes - Province of Rome. Porta Futuro.

- MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Services. Employment Centre - El Caltor. Adaptation to Group - Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes

- Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes Innovation - MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Services

- Intermucipal Commonwealth of Vigo. ASE, EPLDS y PRODER II Business Sector Role - Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes - Province of Rome. Porta Futuro

- MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Recording of Processes Services - Intermucipal Commonwealth of Vigo. ASE y EPLDS.

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- Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Flexibility Programmes.

- Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Public Private Collaboration Programmes

- Province of Rome. Porta Futuro. New Technologies - Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes.

- Municipality of Pardubice. Regional Service of Employment Programmes. Assessment - MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Services

- MIPS. Badalona Council. Integral Care in Basic Social Coordination Services - Intermucipal Commonwealth of Vigo.

- Intermucipal Commonwealth of Vigo. Social Concertation - Province of Rome. Porta Futuro.

Information Exchange - Province of Rome. Porta Futuro.

A matrix which summarizes this information is shown below:

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