The Alabama taKE OnE! “The People’s Voice of Reason” Distributed in the Tri-County Area and Surrounding Counties! VOL. 14. ISSuE 8 maY 2014
[email protected] MONTGOMERY COUNTY ~ AUTAUGA COUNTY ~ ELMORE COUNTY ~ CRENsHAW COUNTY ~ TALLApOOsA COUNTY ~ pIKE COUNTY Remembering our World War II Veterans In Memoirium McDowell Lee The cotton ball clouds caressing the sky seemed a fitting tribute, as those gathered paid their last respects to a giant of Alabama. McDowell Lee passed on April 17 at his home in Auburn and was laid to rest at the Pea River Presbyterian cemetery April 22. "Mac" to his friends led a long and distinguished career in Alabama politics. Born in Clio Alabama, he fought in WWII. Mac returned to Alabama and earned a degree from Troy State Teachers College (Troy University). He returned to Clio and was elected mayor at age 24. May 26, 2014 Subsequently, he served as a special agent for the FBI. Memorial Day History He was elected to the Alabama Legis - The custom of honoring ancestors by cleaning cemeteries and decorating graves is an lature in 1954 ancient and worldwide tradition, but the specific origin of Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as through 1962. In it was first known, are unclear. 1963 he was elected In early rural America, this duty was usually performed in late summer and was an as Secretary of the occasion for family reunions and picnics. After the Civil War, America's need for a secular, Senate, a position he patriotic ceremony to honor its military dead became prominent, as monuments to fallen held for 47 years, a soldiers were erected and dedicated, and ceremonies centering on the decoration of soldiers' national record.