United Nations Development Program Country: Taiikistan Project Document Project Title "The Project for Livelihood Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-border Areas (LITACA)" UNDAF Outcome(s): Good governance and economic and social growth are jointly enhanced to reduce poverty, unlock human potential, protect rights and improve core public functions Expected CP Outcome(s): 1. Poverty reduction and economic development conditions {Those linked to the project and extracted from are improved, with particular focus on the rural poor, the CP} women and marginalized people. 2. National and local levels of government and local self-governing bodies have the capacity to implement democratic governance practices, and effectively and strategically plan, finance and implement development initiatives in an inclusive and participatory manner. 3. Decreased risk of natural and man-made hazards to rural and urban livelihoods; infrastructure and recovery mechanisms in place Expected Output(s): • Enhanced governance for economic development (Those that will result from the project) • Improved enabling environment for promoting good neighborhood and cross border cooperation Executing Entity: UNDP Tajikistan, UNDP Afghanistan Implementing Agency: UNDP Tajikistan/DIM, UNDP Afghanistan/NIM Brief Description Building on the achievements of previous programmes and initiatives funded by the Government of Japan and JICA, UNDP Tajikistan is proposing a 3 year initiative to promote stability and security in the bordering provinces of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. This will be achieved by reducing poverty, supporting economic development and cross-border collaboration among the communities along the Tajik-Afghan border. More than 152,976 people will directly benefit from LITACA project while the livelihoods of more than 1,123,000 people living in target bordering communities will be strengthened.
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