My Education+ Contract issued by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. 1080 Grande Allée West, PO Box 1907, Station Terminus City, Quebec G1K 7M3 1-844-442-4636 [email protected]

On August 31, 2021, the Fund Facts booklet (hereinafter the “Booklet”), which forms part of the Information Folder related to the My Education+ Contract is amended to reflect the following changes:

— The investment strategies of the two following funds have been updated: - Global True Conviction - International Equity


Effective August 31, 2021, this rider amends the Booklet in accordance with the following provisions:

1. The investment strategies have been updated as below:

1.1 Global True Conviction: The Fund advisor will seek to build a fairly diversified portfolio with similar representation in each of the 3 geographic regions it will invest in (Canada, United States, Europe/Asia). The 3 sub-portfolios will be managed by different portfolio managers that will aim to include their highest conviction investment ideas in each sub-portfolio. Risk management criteria will however ensure proper sector diversification.

2.2 International Equity: The Fund is composed of a selection of quality international equities with good growth potential and attractive value, in companies located outside North America. Industrial iA FinancialGroupis abusinessnameandtrademark of Contract –MyEducation+. simply disclosesallmaterialfactsrelatingtothevariablenatureofFunds offeredundertheIndividual Variable Annuity Industrial Alliance InsuranceandFinancialServices Inc.certifies thattheBooklet,asamendedbythisrider, brieflyand CERTIFICATION

Alliance Insurance and FinancialServicesInc. President Officer andChiefExecutive This rider, dated August 31, 2021, forms anintegral part ofthe Denis Ricard

and theMyEducation+

Information Folder Vice-President, Legal Services . Fund Facts Corporate Secretary Jennifer Dibblee Booklet


F14-12A-4(21-09) ACC RESP

My Education+

FUND FACTS As at December 31, 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Funds Offered by iA Financial Group ...... 3 Professional Management of the Funds ...... 5 Management Fees and Management Expense Ratio “MER” ...... 7 Investment Objectives and Risk Factors associated with Funds ...... 9

Fund Facts


Focus Prudent ...... 22 Diversified Security ...... 60 Focus Moderate ...... 24 Diversified ...... 62 Focus Balanced ...... 26 Diversified Opportunity ...... 64 Focus Growth ...... 28 SRI Moderate (Inhance) ...... 66 Focus Aggressive ...... 30 SRI Balanced (Inhance) ...... 68 SRI Growth (Inhance) ...... 70 SELECTION FUNDS Diversified Income ...... 72 Selection Prudent ...... 32 Strategic Income ...... 74 Selection Moderate ...... 34 Global Diversified (Loomis Sayles) ...... 76 Selection Balanced ...... 36 Fidelity Global Monthly Income ...... 78 Selection Growth ...... 38 Global Asset Allocation Security (iAIM) ...... 80 Selection Aggressive ...... 40 Global Asset Allocation (iAIM) ...... 82

INCOME FUNDS Global Asset Allocation Opportunity (iAIM) ...... 84

Money Market ...... 42 CANADIAN EQUITY FUNDS Short Term Bond ...... 44 Strategic Equity Income ...... 86 Bond ...... 46 Dividend Growth ...... 88 Canadian Corporate Bond ...... 48 Canadian Equity Index ...... 90 Core Plus Bond (Wellington Square) ...... 50 Fidelity True North® ...... 92 Global Fixed Income (PIMCO) ...... 52 Canadian Equity Growth ...... 94 Floating Rate Income (Wellington Square) ...... 54 Fidelity Canadian Opportunities ...... 96 Strategic Corporate Bond ...... 56 Canadian Equity Small Cap (QV) ...... 98 Fidelity American High Yield Currency Neutral ...... 58 North American Equity ...... 100


Global Equity Index ACWI (BlackRock) ...... 102 Asian Pacific (Dynamic) ...... 134 Global Dividend (Dynamic) ...... 104 Emerging Markets (Jarislowsky Fraser) ...... 136 Global Equity ...... 106 Global Health Care (Renaissance) ...... 138 Global Opportunities (Loomis Sayles) ...... 108 Global Infrastructure (Dynamic) ...... 140 Global True Conviction ...... 110 Real Estate Income ...... 142 Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity ...... 112 U .S . DAQ Index ...... 144 Fidelity NorthStar® ...... 114 INDEXIA FUNDS International Equity Index (BlackRock) ...... 116 International Equity ...... 118 Indexia Prudent ...... 146 Fidelity European Equity ...... 120 Indexia Moderate ...... 148 U .S . Equity Index (BlackRock) ...... 122 Indexia Balanced ...... 150 Fidelity Insights ...... 124 Indexia Growth ...... 152 Thematic Innovation ...... 126 Indexia Aggressive ...... 154 American (Dynamic) ...... 128 U .S . Equity ...... 130 U .S . Dividend Growth ...... 132

2 List of Funds Offered by iA Financial Group iA Financial Group Funds Fund Investment Advisor Inception Manager Date

FOCUS FUNDS Focus Prudent iA iA Investment Management OCT 2002 Focus Moderate iA iA Investment Management OCT 2002 Focus Balanced iA iA Investment Management OCT 2002 Focus Growth iA iA Investment Management OCT 2002 Focus Aggressive iA iA Investment Management OCT 2002

SELECTION FUNDS Selection Prudent iA iA Investment Management DEC 2013 Selection Moderate iA iA Investment Management DEC 2013 Selection Balanced iA iA Investment Management DEC 2013 Selection Growth iA iA Investment Management DEC 2013 Selection Aggressive iA iA Investment Management DEC 2013 INCOME FUNDS Money Market iA iA Investment Management SEP 1991 Short Term Bond iA iA Investment Management JAN 1998 Bond iA iA Investment Management MAY 1977 Canadian Corporate Bond iA iA Investment Management MAY 2016 Core Plus Bond (Wellington Square) iA Wellington Square JUL 2010 Global Fixed Income (PIMCO) iA PIMCO MAR 2013 Floating Rate Income (Wellington Square) iA Wellington Square OCT 2019 Strategic Corporate Bond iA IA Clarington Investments Inc . JAN 2012 Fidelity American High Yield Currency Neutral iA Fidelity Investments JUN 2015 DIVERSIFIED FUNDS Diversified Security iA iA Investment Management JAN 1999 Diversified iA iA Investment Management JAN 1987 Diversified Opportunity iA iA Investment Management JAN 1999 SRI Moderate (Inhance) iA Vancity Investment Management Ltd . OCT 2020 SRI Balanced (Inhance) iA Vancity Investment Management Ltd . DEC 2009 SRI Growth (Inhance) iA Vancity Investment Management Ltd . OCT 2020 Diversified Income iA iA Investment Management OCT 2003 Strategic Income iA IA Clarington Investments Inc . JAN 2012 Global Diversified (Loomis Sayles) iA Loomis, Sayles & Company NOV 2006 Fidelity Global Monthly Income iA Fidelity Investments OCT 2018 Global Asset Allocation Security (iAIM) iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Global Asset Allocation (iAIM) iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Global Asset Allocation Opportunity (iAIM) iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 CANADIAN EQUITY FUNDS Strategic Equity Income iA IA Clarington Investments Inc . NOV 2005 Dividend Growth iA iA Investment Management NOV 2005 Canadian Equity Index iA iA Investment Management SEP 2001 Fidelity True North® iA Fidelity Investments JAN 1999 Canadian Equity Growth iA iA Investment Management OCT 2001 Fidelity Canadian Opportunities iA Fidelity Investments JAN 1999 Canadian Equity Small Cap (QV) iA QV Investors Inc . NOV 2008 North American Equity iA iA Investment Management MAY 1969

3 iA Financial Group Funds Fund Investment Advisor Inception Manager Date

U.S. & INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUNDS Global Equity Index ACWI (BlackRock) iA BlackRock OCT 2018 Global Dividend (Dynamic) iA Dynamic Funds NOV 2006 Global Equity iA iA Investment Management JUL 2009 Global Opportunities (Loomis Sayles) iA Loomis, Sayles & Company OCT 2020 Global True Conviction iA iA Investment Management JAN 2011 Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity iA Fidelity Investments OCT 2018 Fidelity NorthStar® iA Fidelity Investments NOV 2005 International Equity Index (BlackRock) iA BlackRock SEP 1999 International Equity iA iA Investment Management NOV 2008 Fidelity European Equity iA Fidelity Investments JAN 1999 U .S . Equity Index (BlackRock) iA BlackRock JAN 1998 Fidelity Insights iA Fidelity Investments OCT 2019 Thematic Innovation iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 American (Dynamic) iA Dynamic Funds OCT 2019 U .S . Equity iA iA Investment Management DEC 2006 U .S . Dividend Growth iA iA Investment Management NOV 2005

SPECIALTY FUNDS Asian Pacific (Dynamic) iA Dynamic Funds JAN 2000 Emerging Markets (Jarislowsky Fraser) iA Jarislowsky Fraser Limited OCT 2019 Global Health Care (Renaissance) iA CIBC Asset Management SEP 2001 Global Infrastructure (Dynamic) iA Dynamic Funds OCT 2019 Real Estate Income iA iA Investment Management OCT 2003 U .S . DAQ Index iA iA Investment Management SEP 1999

INDEXIA FUNDS Indexia Prudent iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Indexia Moderate iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Indexia Balanced iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Indexia Growth iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018 Indexia Aggressive iA iA Investment Management OCT 2018

4 Professional Management of the Funds GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX ACWI (BLACKROCK) BlackRock INTERNATIONAL EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) 161 Bay Street, Suite 2500 U .S . EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) PO Box 614 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2S1 FIDELITY AMERICAN HIGH YIELD CURRENCY NEUTRAL Fidelity Investments Canada Limited FIDELITY GLOBAL MONTHLY INCOME 483 Bay Street, Suite 300 FIDELITY TRUE NORTH® Toronto, Ontario M5G 2N7 FIDELITY CANADIAN OPPORTUNITIES FIDELITY GLOBAL CONCENTRATED EQUITY FIDELITY NORTHSTAR® FIDELITY EUROPEAN EQUITY FIDELITY INSIGHTS GLOBAL DIVIDEND (DYNAMIC) Dynamic Funds AMERICAN (DYNAMIC) 1 Adelaide Street East, 29th Floor ASIAN PACIFIC (DYNAMIC) Toronto, Ontario M5C 2V9 GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE (DYNAMIC) CANADIAN EQUITY SMALL CAP (QV) QV Investors Inc . Livingston Place, South Tower 222 - 3rd Avenue SW, Suite 1008 Calgary, Alberta T2P 0B4 EMERGING MARKETS (JARISLOWSKY FRASER) Jarislowsky Fraser Limited 1010 Sherbrooke Street W . Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R7 GLOBAL DIVERSIFIED (LOOMIS SAYLES) Loomis, Sayles & Company GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES (LOOMIS SAYLES) One Financial Center 655 Atlantic Ave Boston, MA 02111 SRI MODERATE (INHANCE) Vancity Investment Management Ltd . SRI BALANCED (INHANCE) 900 West Hastings Street, Suite 300 SRI GROWTH (INHANCE) Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1E5 GLOBAL FIXED INCOME (PIMCO) PIMCO Canada Corp . 199, Bay Street, Suite 2050 Commerce Court Station P .O . Box 363 Toronto, Ontario M5L 1G2 GLOBAL HEALTH CARE (RENAISSANCE) CIBC Asset Management 1500 University Street, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec H3A 3S6 STRATEGIC CORPORATE BOND IA Clarington Investments Inc . STRATEGIC INCOME 522 University Avenue, Suite 700 STRATEGIC EQUITY INCOME Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Y7 CORE PLUS BOND (WELLINGTON SQUARE) Wellington Square FLOATING RATE INCOME (WELLINGTON SQUARE) 150 King Street West, Suite 2010 P .O . Box 5 Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J9


6 Management Fees and Management Expense Ratio ”MER“ as at December 31, 2020

MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 1 1 FEES (%) UNDERLYING RATIO (MER) (%) Prestige FUND FEE Prestige My Education+ Preferential (%)2 My Education+ Preferential Pricing Pricing

FOCUS FUNDS Focus Prudent 2.08 1.90 0.01 2.57 2.34 Focus Moderate 2.13 1.93 0.01 2.62 2.36 Focus Balanced 2.17 1.98 0.01 2.66 2.42 Focus Growth 2.22 2.03 0.02 2.70 2.50 Focus Aggressive 2.26 2.04 0.02 2.75 2.54

SELECTION FUNDS Selection Prudent 2.03 1.89 0.00 2.55 2.40 Selection Moderate 2.08 1.95 0.00 2.61 2.46 Selection Balanced 2.15 2.02 0.00 2.68 2.52 Selection Growth 2.23 2.10 0.00 2.78 2.63 Selection Aggressive 2.30 2.17 0.00 2.84 2.67

INCOME FUND Money Market 1.05 1. 0 0 - 1.39 1.34 Short Term Bond 1.75 1.60 0.00 2.16 1.97 Bond 1.73 1.60 0.01 2.18 2.01 Canadian Corporate Bond 1.73 1.60 0.00 2.15 1.96 Core Plus Bond (Wellington Square) 1.77 1.65 - 2.22 2.09 Global Income (PIMCO) 2.10 1.88 - 2.59 2.32 Floating Rate Income (Wellington Square) 1. 74 1.65 - 2.22 2.10 Strategic Corporate Bond 1.72 1.62 0.00 2.17 2.03 Fidelity American High Yield Currency Neutral 2.11 1.97 - 2.62 2.45

DIVERSIFIED FUNDS Diversified Security 2.04 1.89 0.05 2.61 2.44 Diversified 2.08 1.75 0.02 2.63 2.25 Diversified Opportunity 2.13 1.77 0.01 2.64 2.20 SRI Moderate (Inhance)3 2.22 2.04 - 2.71 2.51 SRI Balanced (Inhance) 2.27 2.11 - 2.79 2.63 SRI Growth (Inhance)3 2.32 2.14 - 2.82 2.62 Diversified Income 2.17 1.77 0.02 2.66 2.21 Strategic Income 2.06 1.68 - 2.53 2.09 Global Diversified (Loomis Sayles) 2.16 1.98 - 2.66 2.44 Fidelity Global Monthly Income 2.38 2.20 - 2.89 2.66 Global Asset Allocation Security (iAIM) 2.07 1.93 0.05 2.65 2.46 Global Asset Allocation (iAIM) 2.12 1.88 0.06 2.71 2.44 Global Asset Allocation Opportunity (iAIM) 2.16 1.91 0.06 2.75 2.46

7 MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 1 1 FEES (%) UNDERLYING RATIO (MER) (%) Prestige FUND FEE Prestige My Education+ Preferential (%)2 My Education+ Preferential Pricing Pricing CANADIAN EQUITY FUNDS Strategic Equity Income 2.09 1.69 - 2.55 2.12 Dividend Growth 2.10 1.72 - 2.55 2.13 Canadian Equity Index 2.16 1.75 0.00 2.63 2.20 Fidelity True North® 2.33 2.12 - 2.85 2.61 Canadian Equity Growth 2.21 1.84 - 2.70 2.30 Fidelity Canadian Opportunities 2.34 2.09 - 2.85 2.57 Canadian Equity Small Cap (QV) 2.55 2.32 - 3.06 2.79 North American Equity 2.21 1.86 - 2.72 2.33

U.S. & INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUNDS Global Equity Index ACWI (BlackRock) 2.14 1.78 0.10 2.72 2.27 Global Dividend (Dynamic) 2.44 2.21 0.04 2.98 2.72 Global Equity 2.32 1.94 - 2.79 2.33 Global Opportunities (Loomis Sayles)3 2.23 2.05 - 2.71 2.53 Global True Conviction 2.32 1.92 - 2.81 2.38 Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity 2.41 2.21 0.15 3.12 2.89 Fidelity NorthStar® 2.49 2.29 - 3.04 2.81 International Equity Index (BlackRock) 2.21 2.02 0.02 2.72 2.53 International Equity 2.32 1.96 - 2.78 2.36 Fidelity European Equity 2.40 2.20 - 2.91 2.68 U .S . Equity Index (BlackRock) 2.21 2.04 0.01 2.70 2.48 Fidelity Insights 2.43 2.25 - 2.93 2.74 Thematic Innovation 2.12 1. 76 - 2.60 2.21 American (Dynamic) 2.29 2.11 0.04 2.78 2.56 U .S . Equity 2.32 1.96 - 2.80 2.39 U .S . Dividend Growth 2.16 1.79 - 2.63 2.20

SPECIALTY FUNDS Asian Pacific (Dynamic) 2.50 2.30 0.08 3.07 2.85 Emerging Markets (Jarislowsky Fraser) 2.62 2.46 0.00 3.16 2.98 Global Health Care (Renaissance) 2.88 2.68 - 3.43 3.21 Global Infrastructure (Dynamic) 2.43 2.25 0.08 3.04 2.83 Real Estate Income 2.35 1.89 - 2.83 2.31 U .S . DAQ Index 2.42 2.21 0.05 2.95 2.73

INDEXIA FUNDS Indexia Prudent 1.52 1.43 0.02 1.96 1.85 Indexia Moderate 1.52 1.43 0.02 1.95 1.85 Indexia Balanced 1.52 1.43 0.02 1.95 1.85 Indexia Growth 1.52 1.43 0.02 1.95 1.84 Indexia Agressive 1.52 1.43 0.02 1.95 1.84 1 For details on the Management Fees and MER, refer to Section 2 .3 of the My Education+ Information Folder . 2 The Underlying Fund Fee represents the potential expenses of underlying funds in which segregated funds can invest, such as an exchange traded fund (ETF) . Fees are charged by the underlying funds managers and include management fees and their expenses, which may include expenses for portfolio management, administration, audit, taxes and other fees . Underlying fund fees are included in the MER . 3 MER is estimated since the fund is new or is newly available in the Series (October 2020) and may vary at any time .

8 Investment Objectives and Risk Factors Associated with the Funds The following are investment objectives and risk factors associated with the Funds offered by iA Financial Group . For a complete description of each risk factor, please refer to Section 3 .5 .2 of the My Education+ Information Folder .

FOCUS FUNDS FOCUS PRUDENT Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying funds to generate a regular long-term return by favouring Canadian fixed-income securities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as fixed-income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 70% income funds and 30% equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile . In order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added .

FOCUS MODERATE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying funds to generate a high long-term return by placing a slight emphasis on Canadian fixed-income securities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as fixed-income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 55% income funds and 45% equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile . In order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added .

FOCUS BALANCED Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying funds to generate a superior long-term return by favouring a balance between Canadian equities, foreign equities and fixed-income securities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as fixed-income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, Canadian equities, foreign equities and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 40% income funds and 60% equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile . In order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added .

FOCUS GROWTH Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying funds to generate a superior long-term return by placing a slight emphasis on Canadian and foreign equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as fixed-income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, Canadian equities, foreign equities and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 25% income funds and 75% equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile . In order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added .

FOCUS AGGRESSIVE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying funds to maximize the long-term return by favouring Canadian and foreign equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as fixed-income securities issued by Canadian governments and corporations, Canadian equities, foreign equities and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 10% income funds and 90% equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile . In order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . 9 SELECTION FUNDS SELECTION PRUDENT Risk: All risks Investment Objectives This fund primarily seeks to generate regular income and to preserve the capital by investing conservatively and mainly in income funds while also investing in equity funds . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 75% income funds and 25% equity funds . Also, in order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . This fund will be rebalanced at least once a year in order to be in line with the target allocation .

SELECTION MODERATE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives This fund seeks to generate regular income and offer the potential for capital growth over the long term by slightly favouring income funds over equity funds . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 60% income funds and 40% equity funds . Also, in order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . This fund will be rebalanced at least once a year in order to be in line with the target allocation .

SELECTION BALANCED Risk: All risks Investment Objectives This fund seeks a balance between generating regular income and providing capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in income and equity funds . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 45% income funds and 55% equity funds . Also, in order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . This fund will be rebalanced at least once a year in order to be in line with the target allocation .

SELECTION GROWTH Risk: All risks Investment Objectives This fund primarily seeks to provide capital growth over the medium to long term with equity funds while trying to generate regular income through income funds . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 30% income funds and 70% equity funds . Also, in order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . This fund will be rebalanced at least once a year in order to be in line with the target allocation .

SELECTION AGGRESSIVE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives This fund primarily seeks to provide capital growth in the short and medium term by investing aggressively and mainly in equity funds . Investment Strategy The target asset mix is composed of 15% income funds and 85% equity funds . Also, in order to pursue the investment objectives, underlying funds in which this fund invests could be withdrawn, replaced or added . This fund will be rebalanced at least once a year in order to be in line with the target allocation .

10 INCOME FUNDS MONEY MARKET Risk: I D Investment Objectives Aims to maintain excellent capital protection and a high level of liquidity, by investing in Canadian short-term securities guaranteed by Canadian governments and certain companies . Investment Strategy The Money Market Fund is composed of quality securities with maturities under one year guaranteed by federal, provincial and municipal governments and their agencies .

SHORT TERM BOND Risk: I C D Investment Objectives Provides a reasonably high return by reinvesting the interest income in the Fund while ensuring capital protection . Mainly invests in bonds issued and guaranteed by Canadian governments and corporations . Investment Strategy The Short Term Bond Fund is mainly composed of bonds and other high-quality debt securities with short and medium-term maturities from the federal and provincial governments, and from corporations offering good income and capital security potential .

BOND Risk: I C D Investment Objectives Aims to maximize the returns from interest income and capital appreciation through a diversified portfolio primarily invested in quality bond securities from Canadian governments and corporations . Investment Strategy The Bond Fund is primarily invested in bonds, coupons and other high quality debt securities from the private sector and the federal and provincial governments . The selection of securities is mostly based on forecasting the evolution of interest rates on the market .

CANADIAN CORPORATE BOND Risk: I C $ E D L Investment Objectives Aims to maximize returns from interest income and capital appreciation through a diversified portfolio mainly composed of quality bond securities issued by corporations . Investment Strategy Invests primarily in fixed-income securities issued by Canadian companies, and may invest in foreign securities . The manager uses fundamental analysis to select investments and reviews the values of the investments on an ongoing basis, paying particular attention to credit quality and diversification by geographic region, industry sector, size of issuer and credit rating .

CORE PLUS BOND (WELLINGTON SQUARE) Risk: I C D L Investment Objectives Provides income and the potential for long term capital growth, while preserving capital and mitigating the effects of interest rate fluctuations, by investing primarily in fixed income securities including government bonds, investment grade bonds and high-yield bonds, as well as other income producing securities such as asset-backed securities and senior floating rate loans . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Core Plus Bond Fund, which will invest primarily in fixed income securities of North American companies including government bonds, investment grade bonds, high yield bonds, asset backed securities and senior loans and other income producing securities, such that the overall weighted average credit rating of the Fund’s portfolio is “BBB-” or higher .

11 GLOBAL FIXED INCOME (PIMCO) Risk: I C $ E M L D Investment Objectives The Fund aims to optimize current income by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of fixed income securities that are not denominated in Canadian dollars . It targets moderate long-term capital appreciation . Investment Strategy The Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities that are not denominated in Canadian dollars and with a variety of maturities . It can invest up to 50% of its total assets in high-yield securities (“high risk bonds”) that have been rated or, if they are not rated, in securities of comparable quality . The Fund can invest up to 20% of its total assets in securities and instruments that are economically linked to emerging markets . The Fund limits its exposure to currencies (of securities denominated in currencies other than the Canadian dollar) to 10% of its total assets . The Fund can also resort to targeted derivatives, such as options, futures and forward contracts, and swaps .

FLOATING RATE INCOME (WELLINGTON SQUARE) Risk: I C $ E D L Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to provide a stream of current monthly income by investing primarily in senior floating rate loans . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund which is primarily invested in senior floating rate loans, other floating rate securities and debt obligations of investment grade and non-investment grade North American and global corporate issuers .

STRATEGIC CORPORATE BOND Risk: I C $ D L Investment Objectives Provides income and the potential for long term capital growth by investing primarily in fixed income securities with an emphasis on corporate and other higher yielding fixed income securities . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, which invests primarily in fixed income securities of North American companies . The advisor uses fundamental analysis to select investments and reviews the values of the investments on an ongoing basis, paying particular attention to credit quality and diversification by geographic region, industry sector, size of issuer and credit rating .

FIDELITY AMERICAN HIGH YIELD CURRENCY NEUTRAL Risk: A I C $ E D L Investment Objectives Aims to provide income and the potential for long term capital growth by investing primarily in fixed income securities with an emphasis on corporate and other higher yielding fixed income securities . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Fidelity American High Yield Fund, which invests primarily in higher yielding, lower quality fixed income securities, preferred stocks and convertible securities issued by U .S . companies . The Fund also uses derivatives to try to minimize the exposure to currency fluctuations between the U .S . and Canadian dollars . Fidelity American High Yield Currency Neutral Fund aims to hedge foreign currency exposure back to Canadian dollars, thus providing the benefit of the U .S market while reducing currency .

DIVERSIFIED FUNDS1 DIVERSIFIED SECURITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Generates regular long-term revenues as well as some capital appreciation . It focuses on reducing risk through a careful selection of different categories of fixed-income securities from the federal and provincial governments and corporations as well as Canadian and foreign equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy The Diversified Security Fund’s strategy is based on active and prudent management of the investment through careful diversification of the asset classes (equities and fixed-income securities) . The Fund advisor pursues a balance between security and capital growth, and typically favours fixed-income securities .

1 Diversified Funds entail all risks because of the variety of securities that make up the Funds. However, the diversification of assets greatly limits the impact of such risks since these assets do not react in the same direction to financial market movements. Therefore, some securities will be negatively influenced while others will be positively influenced by particular market movements.

12 DIVERSIFIED Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Maximizes the long-term returns and reduces the risk through a balanced distribution of investments among the Fund’s asset classes: fixed- income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities . The equity portion is mainly invested in securities equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy The Diversified Fund’s assets are distributed among Canadian and foreign equities and fixed-income securities to meet the Fund’s long-term return objective . Active management is designed to target the ideal combination of growth and security based on trends in the economy and the financial markets .

DIVERSIFIED OPPORTUNITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Maximizes long-term returns while minimizing risks through careful diversification of the asset classes: Canadian fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities . The fund mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies and fixed-income securities . Investment Strategy The strategy focuses on a distribution of the assets between Canadian and foreign equities, and fixed-income securities . The advisor typically favours equities over fixed-income securities but has above-average flexibility in terms of asset allocation in order to position the fund in a situation that will be beneficial given the trends in the economy and the financial markets .

SRI MODERATE (INHANCE) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Generate interest and dividend income with the potential for capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed-income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies that meet responsible investment principles . Fixed-income securities are preferred . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio, which invests in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed- income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies . The Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and financial analysis teams work together on a security-by-security basis for enhanced idea generation and risk management .

SRI BALANCED (INHANCE) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Generate interest and dividend income as well as capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed-income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies that meet responsible investment principles . The portfolio is balanced between fixed-income and equity securities . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Balanced SRI Portfolio, which invests in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed-income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies . The Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and financial analysis teams work together on a security-by-security basis for enhanced idea generation and risk management .

SRI GROWTH (INHANCE) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Generate capital appreciation as well as some interest and dividend income by investing in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed- income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies that meet responsible investment principles . Equity securities are preferred . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Growth SRI Portfolio, which invests in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of fixed-income securities and equities of Canadian and foreign companies . The Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and financial analysis teams work together on a security-by-security basis for enhanced idea generation and risk management .

13 DIVERSIFIED INCOME Risk: A I $ Investment Objectives Generates a regular long-term return by investing mostly in trust units, common stocks and fixed-income securities from Canadian corporations and Canadian governments . The common stock portion mainly invests in equities of large capitalization Canadian companies . Investment Strategy Invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of income trusts such as oil, gas and other commodity-based royalty trusts, real estate investment trusts, pipeline and power trusts, common stocks and fixed-income instruments .

STRATEGIC INCOME Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Provides a consistent stream of income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in Canadian equity and fixed income investments . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Income Fund, which invests primarily in Canadian equity and fixed income securities . The advisor employs a rigorous bottom-up strategy with a 12 to 18 months strategic outlook on the markets with a view to invest in a stable mix of income producing equity and fixed income securities demonstrating strong fundamentals while aiming to minimize volatility through all market conditions .

GLOBAL DIVERSIFIED (LOOMIS SAYLES) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities, fixed-income investments and money market instruments from around the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Global Allocation Fund, which mainly invests in global fixed-income and equity securities following a fundamental bottom-up approach to investing .

FIDELITY GLOBAL MONTHLY INCOME Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth and modest income . This fund invests primarily in fixed income and equity securities of companies anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy The Fund invests in units of the Fidelity Global Monthly Income Fund . The Fund is invested in a well diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities and equities of companies operating around the world .

GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION SECURITY (iAIM) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Provides income and long-term capital appreciation primarily through diversified investments in foreign income-oriented and equity ecuritiess . Fixed income securities are typically preferred . Investment Strategy The portfolio manager actively manages the Fund’s asset mix based on its long-term macroeconomic outlook and shorter-term tactical strategies . The manager determines the allocation of asset classes and specific investments on an ongoing basis through fundamental analysis, quantitative and qualitative assessments and risk/return characteristics . The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets in alternative investments such as Mortgages, Private debt, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Private Equity investments .

GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION (iAIM) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Provides income and long-term capital appreciation primarily through diversified investments in foreign income-oriented and equity securities . Investment Strategy The portfolio manager actively manages the Fund’s asset mix based on its long-term macroeconomic outlook and shorter-term tactical strategies . The manager determines the allocation of asset classes and specific investments on an ongoing basis through fundamental analysis, quantitative and qualitative assessments and risk/return characteristics . The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets in alternative investments such as Mortgages, Private debt, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Private Equity investments .

14 GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION OPPORTUNITY (iAIM) Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Provides income and long-term capital appreciation primarily through diversified investments in foreign income-oriented and equity securities . Equity securities are typically preferred . Investment Strategy The portfolio manager actively manages the Fund’s asset mix based on its long-term macroeconomic outlook and shorter-term tactical strategies . The manager determines the allocation of asset classes and specific investments on an ongoing basis through fundamental analysis, quantitative and qualitative assessments and risk/return characteristics . The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets in alternative investments such as Mortgages, Private debt, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Private Equity investments .

CANADIAN EQUITY FUNDS STRATEGIC EQUITY INCOME Risk: A D Investment Objectives Invests in an underlying fund which aims to generate modest long-term growth and regular dividend and interest income subject to the preferential tax treatment given to dividends . Invests mainly in high-yield quality dividend common and preferred shares of Canadian companies . Investment Strategy Invest in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Equity Income Fund, which invests primarily in high quality dividend-paying common and preferred shares of Canadian and foreign corporations, income trust units and/or fixed income securities of Canadian and U .S . issuers . The investment advisor employs a rigorous bottom-up strategy with a 12 to 18 month strategic outlook on the markets with a view to invest in income producing equities demonstrating strong fundamentals . The underlying fund may invest up to 49% of its assets in foreign securities .

DIVIDEND GROWTH Risk: A D Investment Objectives Invests in an underlying fund which aims to generate regular dividends that will be reinvested in the Fund while seeking long-term capital growth . The fund is mostly composed of stocks of Canadian blue-chip style companies . Mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy The Fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Dividend Growth Class, which is mainly composed of common and preferred shares of large Canadian blue-chip style companies with a substantial capital appreciation and good payment of dividends .

CANADIAN EQUITY INDEX Risk: A D R Investment Objectives The fund aims to obtain high long-term capital appreciation by attempting to reproduce the return of the S&P/TSX 60 Index, which represents the 60 largest companies in Canada . Investment Strategy The Fund invests in units of an underlying fund, which is primarily composed of trust units of the S&P/TSX 60 Index .

FIDELITY TRUE NORTH® Risk: A $ E D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund to seek long-term capital growth by investing mainly in equities of Canadian companies, across all market sectors and market capitalizations . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Fidelity True North® Fund . The Fund invests in fundamentally sound companies that are undervalued by the market . The advisor seeks companies that consistently increase their revenues, operating cash flow and investment opportunities .

15 CANADIAN EQUITY GROWTH Risk: A D Investment Objectives Obtain an increase in capital over the long term by investing mainly in equities of large capitalization Canadian companies which demonstrate above-average growth potential . Investment Strategy The investment strategy is to invest in a well-diversified portfolio of Canadian companies with good growth prospects . Therefore, the selection process favours companies that demonstrate characteristics such as good profit growth as well as superior growth of sales and superior return on equity . Moreover, risk management is an important component of the investment process .

FIDELITY CANADIAN OPPORTUNITIES Risk: A $ AS E D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that pursues long-term capital appreciation by investing mainly in the stocks of smaller and mid-size Canadian companies that are poised for growth over a market cycle . A variable portion of the Fund may be allocated to international assets to take advantage of geographic diversification without affecting the foreign content limit for RRSPs . Mainly invests in small capitalization Canadian companies . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Fidelity Canadian Opportunities Fund . The Fund advisor selects stocks using Fidelity’s traditional “bottom-up” investment approach . The advisor seeks fundamentally solid companies that continue to improve their value . These are typically strong, earnings-based companies that are just starting a growth phase or those that appear to have significant earnings potential .

CANADIAN EQUITY SMALL CAP (QV) Risk: A $ E AS D Investment Objectives Aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in the stocks of smaller and mid-size Canadian companies . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Canadian Small Cap Fund . The Fund invests primarily in equities of smaller and mid-size Canadian companies . The fund may also invest in foreign securities, generally less than 30% of the Fund’s book value .

NORTH AMERICAN EQUITY Risk: A $ E D Investment Objectives Aims to generate high capital appreciation over the long term mainly through diversified investments in Canadian equities . Moreover, the Fund mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy This Fund aims to invest in an actively managed diversified portfolio of both Canadian and U .S . equities . Security selection will mostly favour companies well-positioned within their industries that have strong growth prospects, quality management and sound balance sheets.

U.S. & INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUNDS GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX ACWI (BLACKROCK) Risk: A $ E R Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund in order to grow the medium and long-term capital of a widely-diversified global equity portfolio which reproduces the returns of the MSCI ACWI Ex-Canada Index . This index is comprised mainly of shares from large-cap companies, located around the world, including emerging countries . Investment Strategy Currently invests in units of the BlackRock CDN MSCI ACWI Ex-Canada Index Fund, which comprises equity securities that reproduce the return of the MSCI ACWI Ex-Canada Index . The purpose of passive management is to reproduce as closely as possible the index return converted into Canadian dollars .

GLOBAL DIVIDEND (DYNAMIC) Risk: A $ E R Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund to provide long-term capital growth through investments in a broadly diversified portfolio consisting primarily of equity securities of businesses located around the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Dynamic Global Dividend Value Fund, which is primarily invested in equity securities of businesses located around the world that have current or anticipated dividend policies which the portfolio advisor believes are an indicator of long-term growth potential .

16 GLOBAL EQUITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Seeks to generate high long-term added value by investing primarily in a well-diversified portfolio of equities in companies located throughout the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Global Value Fund . The Fund invests primarily in common stocks of companies throughout the world . The Fund is composed of a selection of company securities that offer good growth potential and attractive value, from various global financial markets .

GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES (LOOMIS SAYLES) Risk: A $ I L M AS E D Investment Objectives Provide long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity securities of companies located anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington Loomis Global Equity Opportunities Fund; and invests within an unconstrained global equity strategy that seeks to invest across multiple sectors, regions and countries in pursuit of a strong total return .

GLOBAL TRUE CONVICTION Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in an equity portfolio that aims to achieve high total investment return by investing primarily in equity securities of companies of which approximately one third are located in Canada, one third in the United states and one third in the Europe/Asia region . Investment Strategy The Fund advisor will seek to build a fairly diversified portfolio of approximately 45 securities including roughly 15 securities in each of the 3 geographic regions it will invest in (Canada, United States, Europe/Asia) . The 3 sub-portfolios will be managed by different portfolio managers that will aim to include their highest conviction investment ideas in each sub-portfolio . Risk management criterias will however ensure proper sector diversification .

FIDELITY GLOBAL CONCENTRATED EQUITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth . This fund invests primarily in equity securities of companies anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy The Fund invests in units of the Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Fund . The Fund is invested in a well diversified portfolio of equities of companies operating around the world . The Fund’s active management aims to achieve an absolute positive return .

FIDELITY NORTHSTAR® Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth . This fund invests primarily in equity securities of companies anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy The Fund invests in units of the Fidelity NorthStar® Fund . The Fund is invested in a well diversified portfolio of equities of companies operating around the world . The Fund’s active management aims to achieve an absolute positive return .

INTERNATIONAL EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) Risk: I $ E D R Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to provide high long-term capital appreciation by investing in securities in the index to reproduce the return of the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE Index (MSCI EAFE Index) . Mainly invests in the securities of large capitalization companies that operate in Europe, Australasia and the Far East . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the BGICL Daily EAFE Equity Index Fund, which is made up of securities that are included in the MSCI EAFE Index . Passive management of this fund is designed to reproduce, as accurately as possible, the return of the index, converted into Canadian dollars, over a medium- and long-term horizon .

17 INTERNATIONAL EQUITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives The goal is to generate added value in the long term by investing in a well-diversified portfolio of equities in primarily medium- and large capitalization companies located outside North America . Investment Strategy The Fund is composed of a selection of quality international equities with good growth potential and attractive value, in companies located outside North America . Active management of the Fund relies on a “Growth at a Reasonable Price” approach .

FIDELITY EUROPEAN EQUITY Risk: A $ E D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by mainly investing in equities of large capitalization companies from continental Europe and the United Kingdom . Investments are made primarily in the member countries of the European Economic Community and the European Free Trade Association . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Fidelity European Equity Fund invested primarily in companies from continental Europe and the United Kingdom . The advisor generally constructs the portfolio stock by stock and follows industries more closely than countries.

U.S. EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) Risk: A $ R Investment Objectives Investing in units of an underlying fund in order to grow the medium and long-term capital of a widely-diversified American equity portfolio which reproduces the returns of the Standard & Poor’s 500 index . This index is comprised mainly of shares from large-cap companies . Investment Strategy Units of the BlackRock CDN U .S . Equity Index Fund, category D, which comprises equity securities that reproduce the return of the Standard & Poor’s index . The purpose of passive management is to reproduce as closely as possible the index return converted into Canadian dollars .

FIDELITY INSIGHTS Risk: A $ E M AS L D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth . Mainly invests in equity securities of companies anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Fidelity Insights Class, which aims to invest in equity securities of “best-of-breed” firms with a tilt towards the U .S . market .

THEMATIC INNOVATION Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Generate long term-growth in capital by investing mainly in a portfolio of U .S . companies . Investment Strategy The portfolio manager seeks to build a portfolio consisting of companies taking advantage of structural innovation themes in the economy .

AMERICAN (DYNAMIC) Risk: A $ E M AS L D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth . Invests primarily in equity securities of companies in the United States . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Dynamic American Fund which seeks to take advantage of a broad variety of investment opportunities in the U .S through active management .

18 U.S. EQUITY Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Seeks to generate long-term capital growth by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of equities in quality U .S . companies . Invests in companies of all capitalizations with an emphasis on large-capitalization companies . Investment Strategy The Fund invests primarily in the equity securities of large-capitalization U .S . companies with solid financial statements . The manager seeks to produce superior returns and looks for securities which can be purchased at a reasonable price and which he believes will offer a consistent increase in earnings .

U.S. DIVIDEND GROWTH Risk: A $ E D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund which provides high long-term capital appreciation by primarily investing in stocks of high performing U .S . companies . Mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the IA Clarington U .S . Dividend Growth Fund, which mainly invests in large U .S . capitalization equity securities companies with solid financial statements . The advisor selects the securities he anticipates will provide consistent growth in profits .

SPECIALTY FUNDS ASIAN PACIFIC (DYNAMIC) Risk: A $ E M AS Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund to obtain maximum long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equities of companies located in the entire Pacific region including Japan . Mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies . Investment Strategy Units of the Dynamic Asia Pacific Equity Fund which is comprised of a selection of equities of companies located in the entire Pacific region including Japan . Companies with a sustainable competitive advantage where growth is not fully reflected in the price are selected .

EMERGING MARKETS (JARISLOWSKY FRASER) Risk: A $ E M AS L D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth through primarily investing in stocks of companies located around the world having commercial activities in emerging markets . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Jarislowsky Fraser Emerging Markets Fund, which is mostly invested in a selection of stocks of companies located around the world having commercial activities in emerging markets .

GLOBAL HEALTH CARE (RENAISSANCE) Risk: A $ E D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund to seek long-term capital appreciation by investing mainly in medium and large capitalization companies engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and distribution of products or services in the healthcare sector . Investment Strategy Units of the Renaissance Global Health Care Fund . The approach is to shift assets of the Fund into subsectors of the healthcare field with a better potential for future performance . Within each subsector, focus is on bottom-up stock selection using value management filters to identify portfolio candidates . There is also a fundamental approach to understanding the science and technology behind a prospective company’s products and services .

19 GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE (DYNAMIC) Risk: A $ E AS L D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund that aims to achieve long-term capital growth . Invests primarily in equity securities of companies anywhere in the world . Investment Strategy Invests in units of the Dynamic Global Infrastructure Fund . Invests in a diversified portfolio of publicly-traded companies from around the globe that mainly own infrastructure assets directly .

REAL ESTATE INCOME Risk: A I C M L D Investment Objectives Invests in units of an underlying fund to generate a regular long-term income by mainly investing in trust units of Canadian companies and short-term fixed-income securities issued and guaranteed by the federal and provincial governments as well as Canadian corporations . Investment Strategy Invests primarily in trust units, mostly real estate trust units, preferred securities and some short-term fixed-income securities .

U.S. DAQ INDEX Risk: A $ E D R Investment Objectives The fund aims to obtain high long-term capital appreciation by attempting to reproduce the return of the NASDAQ 100 Index® of the U .S . Stock Exchange . Investment Strategy The Fund seeks to replicate the NASDAQ 100 Index® of the U .S . Stock Exchange . Passive management of this Fund aims to reproduce, as accurately as possible, the return of the index, converted into Canadian dollars, over a medium and long-term horizon . This index is characterized by the securities of companies that offer promising products and services such as telecommunications equipment, computer services, high-technology products, etc . INDEXIA FUNDS INDEXIA PRUDENT Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying index funds to generate a regular long-term return by favouring fixed-income securities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as Canadian and foreign fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target allocation is 70% in fixed income funds and 30% in equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying index fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile .

INDEXIA MODERATE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying index funds to generate a regular long-term return by favouring a balance between fixed-income securities and equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as Canadian and foreign fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target allocation is 55% in fixed income funds and 45% in equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying index fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile .

INDEXIA BALANCED Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying index funds to generate a regular long-term return with a slight emphasis on equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as Canadian and foreign fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target allocation is 40% in fixed income funds and 60% in equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying index fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile .

20 INDEXIA GROWTH Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying index funds to generate a regular long-term return with an emphasis on equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as Canadian and foreign fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target allocation is 25% in fixed income funds and 75% in equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying index fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile .

INDEXIA AGGRESSIVE Risk: All risks Investment Objectives Invests in units of a number of underlying index funds to generate a regular long-term return with a strong emphasis on equities . Maintains a certain diversity of the investments that make up the portfolio using different asset classes such as Canadian and foreign fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities, and the integration of several managers . Investment Strategy The target allocation is 10% in fixed income funds and 90% in equity funds . The Fund is composed of underlying index fund units selected by the manager to reach the investment objectives while remaining in line with the Fund’s risk profile .

21 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FOCUS PRUDENT FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.57% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $23.90 Total Fund Value: $237.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 10,873,360 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 40.89% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.34% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $24.19 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which mainly invest in Canadian fixed-income securities. The underlying funds may invest in Canadian equities and foreign equities. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Industrial Alliance Bond Fund3 54.98% Fixed Income Funds 69.93% PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) 6.98% Global Equity Funds 14.77% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 6.44% Canadian Equity Funds 10.39% Dynamic Global Dividend Fund, Series O 4.89% U.S. Equity Funds 5.07% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 4.59% Short Term and others -0.16% IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, Series I 3.99% Total 100.00% IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, Series I 3.98% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 3.95% Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Institutional Trust 3.76% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 2.80% JF Emerging Markets Equity Fund 1.53% Industrial Alliance U.S. Equity Multifactor (iAIM) 1.26% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 1.01% Other Assets -0.16% Total 100.00% Total investments: 13 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a regular long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your HOW RISKY IS IT? investment and your personal tax situation. The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Folder for further details. AVERAGE RETURN A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has Low to Moderate $1,365. This works out to an average return of 3.16% a year. Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 9 years and down This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees in value 1 year. % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 10 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 8.09 6.74 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5.99 5 3.40 3.35 2.45 1.82 2.04 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 1.62 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -3.48 -5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3 For details on the Industrial Alliance Bond Fund top investments refer to the corresponding Fund facts included in this document 22 FOCUS PRUDENT FUND

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. Guarantee Option Maturity Death MER* My Education+ 75% 75% (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.57% 2.34%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

23 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FOCUS MODERATE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.62% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $25.88 Total Fund Value: $284.6 million Number of Units Outstanding: 12,342,499 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 34.21% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.36% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $26.23 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which are placing a slight emphasis on Canadian fixed-income securities. The underlying funds may also invest in Canadian equities and foreign equities. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 41.40% Fixed Income Funds 54.82% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 9.15% Global Equity Funds 22.86% Dynamic Global Dividend Fund, Series O 8.19% Canadian Equity Funds 15.07% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 6.61% U.S. Equity Funds 7.34% Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Institutional Trust 6.03% Short Term and others -0.09% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 5.92% Total 100.00% PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) 5.47% IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, Series I 3.98% IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, Series I 3.97% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 3.56% JF Emerging Markets Equity Fund 2.03% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 2.02% Industrial Alliance U.S. Equity Multifactor (iAIM) 1.76% Other Assets -0.09% Total 100.00% Total investments: 13 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a high long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your HOW RISKY IS IT? investment and your personal tax situation. The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has Low to Moderate $1,420. This works out to an average return of 3.57% a year. Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 10 9.71 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 7.41 7.14 5.82 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.30 3.32 3.39 1.64 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -1.38 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 -4.79 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.62% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.36%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

25 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FOCUS BALANCED FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.66% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $27.76 Total Fund Value: $412.5 million Number of Units Outstanding: 17,231,904 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 33.69% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.42% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $28.11 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which are favoring a balance between Canadian equities, foreign equities and fixed-income securities. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 27.93% Fixed Income Funds 39.86% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 12.86% Global Equity Funds 29.72% Dynamic Global Dividend Fund, Series O 9.72% Canadian Equity Funds 20.75% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 8.90% U.S. Equity Funds 9.86% Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Institutional Trust 8.04% Short Term and others -0.19% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 7.89% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 5.08% PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) 3.98% IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, Series I 3.98% IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, Series I 3.97% JF Emerging Markets Equity Fund 3.05% Industrial Alliance U.S. Equity Multifactor (iAIM) 2.51% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 2.27% Other Assets -0.18% Total 100.00% Total investments: 13 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to generate a superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your HOW RISKY IS IT? investment and your personal tax situation. The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Folder for further details. AVERAGE RETURN A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has Low to Moderate $1,471. This works out to an average return of 3.94% a year. Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees in value 2 years. that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 15 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 11.61 11.30 10 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.48 5.24 5.54 5 4.53 4.33

1 1.64 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 -5 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -4.47 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -6.18 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -10 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.66% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.42%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

27 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FOCUS GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.70% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $29.63 Total Fund Value: $145.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 5,759,398 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 35.45% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.50% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $29.94 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which are placing a slight emphasis on Canadian and foreign equities. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 17.39% Global Equity Funds 37.21% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 15.77% Canadian Equity Funds 25.60% Dynamic Global Dividend Fund, Series O 12.24% Fixed Income Funds 24.82% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 10.90% U.S. Equity Funds 12.35% Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Institutional Trust 10.02% Short Term and others 0.02% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 9.83% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 6.84% JF Emerging Markets Equity Fund 4.05% Industrial Alliance U.S. Equity Multifactor (iAIM) 3.00% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 2.51% PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) 2.48% IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, Series I 2.48% IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, Series I 2.47% Other Assets 0.02% Total 100.00% Total investments: 13 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to generate a superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,521. This works out to an average return of 4.29% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 15.89 12.83 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 8.01 6.13 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5.25 5.74 5.27

1.64 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10 -7.54 -7.59 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.70% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.50%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

29 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FOCUS AGGRESSIVE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.75% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $31.51 Total Fund Value: $47.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,803,179 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 34.68% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.54% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $31.87 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which are favoring Canadian and foreign equities. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 19.64% Global Equity Funds 44.32% Dynamic Global Dividend Fund, Series O 14.29% Canadian Equity Funds 30.91% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 13.44% U.S. Equity Funds 14.97% Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Institutional Trust 12.03% Fixed Income Funds 9.93% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 11.27% Short Term and others -0.13% Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 6.96% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 6.16% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 5.06% JF Emerging Markets Equity Fund 4.56% Industrial Alliance U.S. Equity Multifactor (iAIM) 3.75% PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) 0.99% IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond Fund, Series I 0.99% IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, Series I 0.99% Other Assets -0.13% Total 100.00% Total investments: 13 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize the long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,572. This works out to an average return of 4.63% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 20 20.44 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 14.40 10 7.05 7.04 8.21 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4.96 6.23 1.66 0

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -10 -8.96 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10.52 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -20 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 30 FOCUS AGGRESSIVE FUND

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.75% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.54%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

31 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SELECTION PRUDENT FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.55% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.41 Total Fund Value: $107.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 8,742,326 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 116.37% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 :2.40% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.52 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests conservatively in units of a number of underlying funds which emphasize investments in Canadian fixed-income investments. The underlying funds also invest in Canadian equities and foreign equities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Bond Fund3 52.02% Fixed Income Funds 70.06% IA Clarington Loomis Global Multifactor Bond Fund Class I 18.04% Canadian Equity Funds 13.76% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 10.42% U.S. Equity Funds 6.78% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 6.20% Global Equity Funds 6.20% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 5.28% Short Term and others 3.20% Industrial Alliance Money Market Fund 3.37% Total 100.00% IA Clarington Canadian Conservative Equity Fund, Series I 3.34% Fidelity Insights Investment Trust 1.50% Other Assets -0.17% Total 100.00% Total investments: 14

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a regular long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $1,241. This works out to an average return of 3.10% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 8 7.36 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 6.53 6 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4.81 4 3.75 2.44 2 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.40 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -4 -3.33 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 3 For details on the Industrial Alliance Bond Fund top investments refer to the corresponding Fund facts included in this document 32 SELECTION PRUDENT FUND

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.55% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.40%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

33 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SELECTION MODERATE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.61% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.63 Total Fund Value: $187.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 14,950,431 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 128.99% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.46% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.74 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which slightly emphasize investments in Canadian fixed-income investments. The underlying funds also invest in Canadian equities and foreign equities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 41.66% Fixed Income Funds 54.57% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 14.08% Canadian Equity Funds 15.59% IA Clarington Loomis Global Multifactor Bond Fund Class I 12.91% Global Equity Funds 14.08% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 11.26% U.S. Equity Funds 12.27% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 9.37% Short Term and others 3.49% IA Clarington Canadian Conservative Equity Fund, Series I 4.33% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Money Market Fund 3.32% Fidelity Insights Investment Trust 2.91% Other Assets 0.16% Total 100.00% Total investments: 16

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a high long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your HOW RISKY IS IT? investment and your personal tax situation. The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,263. This works out to an average return of 3.36% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 10 8.98 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 6.73 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 6.23 5 3.22 2.59 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.35 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -5 -4.41 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.61% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.46%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

35 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SELECTION BALANCED FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.68% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.07 Total Fund Value: $244.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 18,913,527 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 141.91% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.52% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.19 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which emphasize a balance between investments in Canadian fixed-income investments, Canadian equities and foreign equities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 29.28% Fixed Income Funds 39.63% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 20.28% Canadian Equity Funds 21.05% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 15.51% Global Equity Funds 20.28% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 12.42% U.S. Equity Funds 15.77% IA Clarington Loomis Global Multifactor Bond Fund Class I 10.35% Short Term and others 3.27% IA Clarington Canadian Conservative Equity Fund, Series I 5.53% Total 100.00% Fidelity Insights Investment Trust 3.35% Industrial Alliance Money Market Fund 3.30% Other Assets -0.02% Total 100.00% Total investments: 16

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to generate a superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $1,307. This works out to an average return of 3.86% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 10.70 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 7.00 7.64 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.00 2.81 0 0.25 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 -5.52 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.68% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.52%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

37 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SELECTION GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.78% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.56 Total Fund Value: $101.4 million Number of Units Outstanding: 7,574,755 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 145.22% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.63% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.67 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of a number of underlying funds which slightly emphasize investments in Canadian equities and foreign equities. The underlying funds also invest in Canadian fixed-income investments.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 27.65% Canadian Equity Funds 27.84% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 21.40% Global Equity Funds 27.65% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 18.33% U.S. Equity Funds 22.49% Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 14.09% Fixed Income Funds 19.97% IA Clarington Canadian Conservative Equity Fund, Series I 6.44% Short Term and others 2.05% IA Clarington Loomis Global Multifactor Bond Fund Class I 5.88% Total 100.00% Fidelity Insights Investment Trust 4.16% Industrial Alliance Money Market Fund 1.91% Other Assets 0.14% Total 100.00% Total investments: 16

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to generate a superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $1,356. This works out to an average return of 4.40% a year. Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 12.30 10 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 8.39 7.41 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5.17 5 3.78

0 0.22 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -6.54 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.78% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.63%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

39 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SELECTION AGGRESSIVE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.84% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.88 Total Fund Value: $26.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,900,590 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 169.00% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.67% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $14.05 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests aggressively in units of a number of underlying funds which emphasize investments in Canadian equities and foreign equities. The underlying funds also invest in Canadian fixed-income investments.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 40.18% U.S. Equity Funds 44.98% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 35.51% Global Equity Funds 40.18% Fidelity Insights Investment Trust 9.47% Canadian Equity Funds 12.37% IA Clarington Canadian Conservative Equity Fund, Series I 7.19% Short Term and others 1.50% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Growth Fund 5.18% Fixed Income Funds 0.97% Industrial Alliance Money Market Fund 1.66% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 0.49% IA Clarington Loomis Global Multifactor Bond Fund Class I 0.48% Other Assets -0.16% Total 100.00% Total investments: 14

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize the long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,388. This works out to an average return of 4.74% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 15 13.71 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 10 9.17 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 7.76 5.46 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.45 0.49 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -5 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10 -7.81 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.84% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.67%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

41 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ MONEY MARKET FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.39% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $17.71 Total Fund Value: $567.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 29,273,920 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: - Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.34% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $17.72 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in Canadian short-term securities guaranteed by Canadian governments and certain companies.

Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Government of Canada, 0.109%, 2021-03-18 47.49% Treasury bills 100.07% Government of Canada, 0.131%, 2021-04-29 15.55% Cash and Cash Equivalents -0.07% Government of Canada, 0.169%, 2021-02-18 14.93% Total 100.00% Government of Canada, 0.125%, 2021-04-15 12.46% Government of Canada, 0.145%, 2021-05-06 3.85% Government of Canada, 0.153%, 2021-05-13 1.48% Government of Canada, 0.142%, 2021-06-10 0.89% Government of Canada, 0.170%, 2021-03-04 0.72% Government of Canada, 0.173%, 2021-02-11 0.69% Government of Canada, 0.174%, 2021-01-21 0.65% Total 98.71%

Total investments: 14 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks interest income and preservation of capital the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with very low risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the short term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,031. This works out to an average return of 0.30% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 10 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 0.8 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 0.74

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 0.6 0.59 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 0.54 0.4

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.22 0.2 0.19 0.19 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0.15 0.16 0.11 0.13 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 0.0 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.39% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.34%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.025% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

43 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SHORT TERM BOND FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.16% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.32 Total Fund Value: $223.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 10,407,886 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 212.37% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.97% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.52 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund mainly invests in bonds issued and guaranteed by Canadian governments and corporations.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Province of Ontario, 3.500%, 2024-06-02 4.60% Corporates 55.32% Province of Ontario, 2.600%, 2025-06-02 4.24% Provinces 24.88% Province of Ontario, 2.850%, 2023-06-02 3.18% Short Term and others 7.94% Province of Ontario, 1.750%, 2025-09-08 2.85% Municipalities and Subsidized 5.05% Province of Ontario, 2.400%, 2026-06-02 2.80% Canada 3.47% Canada Housing Trust, 1.900%, 2026-09-15 2.77% Foreign Bonds 3.34% Province of Ontario, 2.600%, 2023-09-08 2.59% Total 100.00% Bell Canada, 2.750%, 2025-01-29 2.05% Province of Manitoba, 2.450%, 2025-06-02 1.94% Bank of Montreal, 2.280%, 2024-07-29 1.57% Total 28.59%

Total investments: 179 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a reasonably high return and capital protection the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with low risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,088. This works out to an average return of 0.85% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 4 3.86 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 2.78 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 2 1.36 1.43 0.79 0.53 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 0.01

Individual Variable Annuity Contract -0.51 -0.52 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.22 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -2 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.16% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.97%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

45 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ BOND FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.18% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $38.00 Total Fund Value: $3,471.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 28,926,515 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 219.90% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.01% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $38.35 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund is composed primarily of quality bond securities from Canadian governments and corporations.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Corporate Bond Fund 36.51% Corporates 35.89% Government of Canada, 0.500%, 2030-12-01 4.13% Provinces 33.82% Government of Canada, 2.000%, 2051-12-01 2.96% Canada 10.77% Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond ETF 2.69% Investment Fund Units 5.95% Province of Ontario, 1.350%, 2030-12-02 2.19% Municipalities and Subsidized 5.68% Province of Ontario, 1.750%, 2025-09-08 1.98% Short Term and others 5.26% Province of Alberta, 2.900%, 2028-12-01 1.51% Foreign bonds 2.63% Province of British Columbia, 5.700%, 2029-06-18 1.48% Total 100.00% Province of Ontario, 3.500%, 2043-06-02 1.34% Province of Ontario, 1.050%, 2027-09-08 1.33% Total 56.12%

Total investments: 244 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize the returns from interest income and capital the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been appreciation deducted. • invests with low risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the medium to long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $1,307. This works out to an average return of 2.71% a year. Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? in value 2 years. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 8 7.73 6.64 6.85 6 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 5.19 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4

2.01 2 1.49 1.12 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.45 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -0.84 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -4 -3.13 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.18% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.01%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

47 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ CANADIAN CORPORATE BOND FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.15% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.53 Total Fund Value: $1,837.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 144,817,376 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 115.12% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.96% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.63 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests primarily in fixed-income securities issued by Canadian and foreign companies. The FTSE TMX Canada Corporate Bond Index is used as a guide to structure the Fund and select investments. Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Fixed - Floating Rate, 1.58% Corporates 88.42% 2.950%, 2029-06-19 Foreign Bonds 6.96% iShares Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF 1.44% Short Term and others 3.43% Royal Bank of Canada, 1.936%, 2025-05-01 1.40% Canada 1.19% CARDS II Trust, 2.427%, 2024-11-15 1.07% Total 100.00% , Fixed - Floating Rate, 3.183%, 1.07% 2028-02-01 Toronto-Dominion Bank/The, 1.128%, 2025-12-09 1.07% Bank of Montreal, Fixed - Floating Rate, 2.077%, 2030-06-17 1.01% Bank of Nova Scotia, 1.400%, 2027-11-01 0.98% Bank of Montreal, 3.190%, 2028-03-01 0.93% National Bank of Canada, Fixed - Floating Rate, 1.573%, 0.92% 2026-08-18 Total 11.47% Total investments: 262 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize returns from interest income and capital the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been appreciation deducted. • invests with below-average risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the medium to long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,124. This works out to an average return of 2.55% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 7.5 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 6.54 6.03 5.61 5.62 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 5.0 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4.19 2.5 1.59 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.72 0.79 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0.0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.08 -0.99 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -2.5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.15% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.96%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

49 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ CORE PLUS BOND (WELLINGTON SQUARE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.22% Portfolio Advisor: Wellington Square Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.77 Total Fund Value: $40.6 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,513,035 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 14.38% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.09% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.85 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Core Plus Bond Fund, which mainly invests in bonds including government bonds, investment grade bonds and high yield bonds, as well as other income-producing securities such as asset-backed securities and senior floating rate loans. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Harvest Health & Recreation, 0.000%, 2022-12-19 1.80% Canadian Investment Grade Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 3.394%, 2030-04-09 1.70% Corporate Bonds 35.00% National Australia Bank Limited, Fixed - Floating Rate, U.S. Investment Grade Corporate 3.515%, 2030-06-12 1.60% Bonds 14.80% , 4.750%, 2023-10-06 1.60% Asset-Backed Securities 12.20% Fore 8 Developments Inc., 0.000%, 2020-12-15 1.50% Canadian High Yield Corporate Bonds 11.80% Royal Bank of Canada, 4.500%, 2080-11-24 1.40% Senior Loans 10.70% Brookfield Porperty Finance, 3.926%, 2025-08-24 1.30% Foreign Investment Grade Corporate Mcap Commercial Lp, 3.384%, 2027-11-26 1.30% Bonds 7.40% Aviva Plc, 4.000%, 2030-10-02 1.30% U.S. High Yield Corporate Bonds 3.60% Athene Global Funding, 2.100%, 2025-09-24 1.20% Short Term and others 2.90% Total 14.70% Preferred Equity 1.60% Total investments: 210 Total 100.00%

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks income and the potential for capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with low risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $1,177. This works out to an average return of 1.64% a year. Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? value 2 years. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 4 3.77 3.66 3.43 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 3.19 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 2 1.77 1.10 1 0.94 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.52 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -0.33 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -2 -1.72 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.22% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.09%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

51 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL FIXED INCOME (PIMCO) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.59% Portfolio Advisor: PIMCO Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.77 Total Fund Value: $579.8. million Number of Units Outstanding: 42,853,693 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 11.65% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.32% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.94 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests in units of the PIMCO Monthly Income Fund (Canada) which invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities that are not denominated in Canadian dollars and with a variety of maturities. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 2.500%, 2051-03-01 10.36% Mortgages 47.20% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 3.500%, 2051-01-01 7.10% Invest. Grade Credit 22.20% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 2.000%, 2051-03-01 5.58% Emerging Markets 15.30% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 4.000%, 2051-01-01 4.86% High Yield Credit 15.10% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 2.500%, 2051-02-01 1.94% Government Related 4.30% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 4.000%, 2051-02-01 1.75% Municipalities 2.10% Warwick Finance Residential Mortgages PLC, 0.946%, 1.64% Short Term and others -6.20% 2042-03-21 Total 100.00% Uniform Mortgage-Backed Security, TBA, 3.000%, 2051-01-01 1.56% Ginnie Mae, TBA, 4.000%, 2051-01-01 1.07% iHeartCommunications, Inc., 3.147%, 2026-05-01 1.01% Total 36.87% Total investments: 2,504 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks income and the potential for capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • seeks to diversify a traditionally invested fixed income portfolio deducted. • has a medium to long-term investment horizon Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,187. This works out to an average return of 2.80% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 9 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 25 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 22.63 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 15 10 5.70 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 5 4.93 5.17 4.96 5.09 2.30 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 1.08 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.24 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works

There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.59% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.32%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

53 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FLOATING RATE INCOME (WELLINGTON SQUARE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2019 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.22% Portfolio Advisor: Wellington Square Net Asset Value per Unit : $9.95 Total Fund Value: $21.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 2,182,318 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 19.63% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.10% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $9.96 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Floating Rate Income Fund, which primarily invests in senior floating rate loans, other floating rate securities and debt obligations of North American and global corporate issuers. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Telesat LLC, Term Loan, 2026-11-22 2.20% Senior Loans 62.00% Kruger Products Lp, 6.000%, 2025-04-24 1.90% Canadian High Yield Corporate Bonds 12.90% American Airlines Inc. Term Loan, 2027-01-29 1.90% U.S. High Yield Corporate Bonds 9.30% Diamond Sports Group, Term Loan, 2026-08-24 1.70% Cash and Other Net Assets 7.50% US Foods, Term Loan, 2023-06-27 1.70% Investment Funds Fixed Income 4.90% Transdigm Inc., Term Loan, 2025-05-30 1.70% U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Superior Plus Lp, 5.125%, 2025-08-27 1.60% Bonds 1.10% Aramark Services Inc. Term Loan, 2026-12-10 1.50% Canadian Investment Grade Harvest Health & Recreation, 0.000%, 2022-12-19 1.40% Corporate Bonds 1.10% Allied Universal Holdco LLC Term Loan, 2026-07-12 1.30% Foreign Investment Grade Corporate Total 16.90% Bonds 0.60% Foreign High Yield Corporate Bonds 0.60% Total investments: 126 Total 100.00%

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to diversify a traditionally invested fixed income portfolio the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below-average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $995. This works out to an average return of -0.46% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 7 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2019. In this period, the fund was up in value 6 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 7.5 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 6.51 6.09 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 5.0 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4.12

2.5 2.03 1.09 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.11 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0.0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.26 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -2.5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.22% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.10%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

55 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ STRATEGIC CORPORATE BOND FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.17% Portfolio Advisor: IA Clarington Investments Inc. Net Asset Value per Unit : $14.04 Total Fund Value: $42.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,007,103 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 3.58% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.03% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $14.15 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Corporate Bond fund, which primarily invests in fixed income securities with an emphasis on corporate and other higher yielding fixed income securities. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Superior Plus LP, 5.125%, 2025-08-27 3.74% Corporates 65.30% Russel Metals Inc., 5.750%, 2025-10-27 3.48% Foreign Bonds 22.57% Garda World Security Corp., Issued on October 2019, 9.500%, Short term and other 12.13% 2027-11-01 2.89% Total 100.00% Intertape Polymer Group Inc., 7.000%, 2026-10-15 2.77% Trulieve Cannabis Corp., 9.750%, 2024-06-18 2.76% Parkland Fuel Corp., 6.000%, 2028-06-23 2.75% Air Canada, 4.750%, 2023-10-06 2.73% Keyera Corp., Fixed - Floating Rate, 6.875%, 2079-06-13 2.63% TerraForm Power Operating LLC, 4.250%, 2023-01-31 2.54% Mattamy Group Corp., 4.625%, 2028-03-01 2.38% Total 28.67% Total investments: 122 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks income and the potential for capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,404. This works out to an average return of 3.86% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 9 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 20 15.94 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 15 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 9.42

5 5.27 4.94 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 2.84 2.56 2.81 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.73 -5 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -4.92 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.17% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.03%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

57 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY AMERICAN HIGH YIELD CURRENCY NEUTRAL FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.62% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.33 Total Fund Value: $44.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,949,214 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 14.43% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.45% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.44 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests primarily in higher yielding, lower quality fixed income securities, preferred stocks and convertible securities issued by U.S. companies.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Sprint Cap Corp., 8.750%, 2032-03-15 Foreign bonds 87.96% Ally Financial Inc., 8.000%, 2031-11-01 Short Term and others 5.01% CCO Holdings Cap Canadian bonds 4.02% Citigroup Inc. Foreign Equity 3.01% Refinitiv Term B 2025-10-01 Total 100.00% InterGen NV, 7.000%, 2023-06-30 C&W Services, 6.875%, 2027-09-15 PG&E 4.95%, 2050-07-01 PG&E 4.55%, 2030-07-01 CCO Holdings LLC Top 10 holdings represents 10.58% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 627 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • plan to hold his investment for the long-term the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • want to gain exposure to high yield securities deducted. • is seeking income from his investment and the potential for capital Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the gains. future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,136. This works out to an average return of 2.32% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 13.07 11.36 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 10.19 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.59 5.14 2.12 2.14

1 0 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -0.45 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 -4.29 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -5.40 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.62% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.45%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.04% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

59 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ DIVERSIFIED SECURITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.61% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $33.25 Total Fund Value: $668.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 22,523,464 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 291.66% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.44% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $33.57 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests through a careful selection of different categories of fixed-income securities from the federal and provincial governments and corporations as well as Canadian and foreign equities of large capitalization companies.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Corporate Bond Fund 15.38% Canadian Bonds 46.59% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 9.50% Canadian Equity 19.16% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 6.47% Foreign Equity 17.02% iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF 5.14% Foreign Bonds 10.76% iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF 4.38% Short Term and others 6.47% Province of Ontario, 1.750%, 2025-09-08 4.35% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 3.97% Government of Canada, 0.109%, 2021-03-18 3.70% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 3.45% Province of Ontario, 2.050%, 2030-06-02 3.44% Total 59.78%

Total investments: 219 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks regular long-term revenues as well as some capital protection the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,393. This works out to an average return of 3.37% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 9 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 10 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 8.62 7.84 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 5 5.18 5.07 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 3.54 2.66 2.64 1.54 0.96 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 -3.82 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.61% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.44%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

61 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ DIVERSIFIED FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.63% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $55.68 Total Fund Value: $2,160.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 37,639,058 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 167.56% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.25% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $56.80 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests through a balanced distribution of investments among the fund’s asset classes: fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities. The equity portion is mainly invested in securities equities of large capitalization companies.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 26.19% Canadian Equity 39.71% Industrial Alliance Canadian Corporate Bond Fund 10.03% Canadian Bonds 30.76% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 6.91% Foreign Equity 23.00% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 6.15% Short Term and others 5.29% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 5.96% Foreign Bonds 1.24% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Small Cap Fund 5.07% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Global True Conviction Fund 3.86% Province of Ontario, 1.750%, 2025-09-08 2.89% Industrial Alliance US Equity (Currency Unhedged) Fund 2.74% Government of Canada, 0.109%, 2021-03-18 2.72% Total 72.52%

Total investments: 214 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize a long-term return with low risks the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,535. This works out to an average return of 4.38% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 15 11.89 11.53

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 8.46 6.70 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.33 4.14 4.43 3.25 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 -3.20 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -6.20 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.63% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.25%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

63 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ DIVERSIFIED OPPORTUNITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.64% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $43.28 Total Fund Value: $452.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 12,757,857 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 156.63% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.20% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $44.25 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests through careful diversification of Canadian fixed-income securities, Canadian equities and foreign equities. The fund mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies and fixed-income securities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 40.04% Canadian Equity 56.20% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Small Cap Fund 8.80% Foreign Equity 24.19% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 7.36% Canadian Bonds 13.84% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 7.14% Short Term and others 5.12% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 7.05% Foreign Bonds 0.65% Industrial Alliance US Equity (Currency Unhedged) Fund 5.80% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Canadian Corporate Bond Fund 5.33% Industrial Alliance Global True Conviction Fund 4.10% Government of Canada, 0.109%, 2021-03-18 2.31% Government of Canada, 0.170%, 2021-03-04 1.33% Total 89.26%

Total investments: 193 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize long-term returns while minimizes risks the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,547. This works out to an average return of 4.47% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 15 14.33 14.19 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 9.97 6.93 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 4.72 4.67 5.21 1.92 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -6.54 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 -8.11 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.64% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.20%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

65 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SRI MODERATE (INHANCE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 26, 2020 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.71% Portfolio Advisor: Vancity Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.40 Total Fund Value: $11.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,075,087 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 9.06% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.51% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.41 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Conservative SRI Portfolio, which follows the portfolio manager’s socially responsible investment principles, and whose portfolio is invested primarily in fixed-income and equity securities of Canadian and foreign companies. Moreover, fixed-income securities are preferred.

Top investments of the underlying fund 3Top investment of the IA Clarington Investment segmentation Inhance Bond SRI Fund of the underlying fund IA Clarington Inhance Bond SRI Fund, Series I3 55.44% Canada Housing Trust, 2.900%, 2024-06-15 2.79% Fixed Income Funds 55.44% IA Clarington Inhance Monthly Income SRI Fund, 19.70% Province of Ontario, 2.700%, 2029-06-02 2.61% Canadian Equity Funds 29.65% Series I Province of British Columbia, 4.950%, 2040-06-18 2.52% Global Equity Funds 14.10% IA Clarington Inhance Global Equity SRI Class, 14.10% Province of British Columbia, 4.700%, 2037-06-18 2.48% Short Term and others 0.81% Series I Government of Canada, 1.500%, 2026-06-01 2.45% Total 100.00% IA Clarington Inhance Canadian Equity SRI Class, 9.95% Province of Ontario, 4.700%, 2037-06-02 2.25% Series I Canada Housing Trust, 1.800%, 2024-12-15 2.25% Other Assets 0.81% Province of Quebec, 5.000%, 2038-12-01 2.25% Total 100.00% Bank of Nova Scotia, 2.380%, 2023-05-01 2.17% Government of Canada, 1.250%, 2025-03-01 2.09% Total investments: 4 Total 23.86%

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks regular long-term revenues as well as some capital the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been appreciation deducted. • invests with below average risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the medium to long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence Folder for further details. for less than 1 year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence for less than 1 year.

ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract.

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.71% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.51%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

67 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SRI BALANCED (INHANCE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.79% Portfolio Advisor: Vancity Net Asset Value per Unit : $18.69 Total Fund Value: $104.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 5,674,447 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 32.63% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.63% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $18.85 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Balanced SRI Portfolio, which follows the portfolio manager’s socially responsible investment principles, and whose portfolio is invested primarily in fixed-income and equity securities of Canadian and foreign companies. Moreover, the portfolio is balanced between fixed-income and equity securities.

Top investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund IA Clarington Inhance Bond SRI Fund, Series I 39.65% Income 39.65% IA Clarington Inhance Global Equity SRI Class, Series I 23.89% Canadian Equity 35.63% IA Clarington Inhance Monthly Income SRI Fund, Series I 17.82% Global Equity 23.89% IA Clarington Inhance Canadian Equity SRI Class, Series I 17.81% Others 0.83% Other Assets 0.83% Total 100.00% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 4

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks capital appreciation and income the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • is looking for socially responsible investment principles deducted. • invests with below average risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the medium to long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,696. This works out to an average return of 5.43% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 14.23 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 12.92 11.03 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.18 5.78 6.35 5 3.60 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0.95 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.82 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 -4.15 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.79% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.63%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

69 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ SRI GROWTH (INHANCE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 26, 2020 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.82% Portfolio Advisor: Vancity Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.65 Total Fund Value: $6.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 641,920 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 14.54% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.62% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.65 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Inhance Growth SRI Portfolio, which follows the portfolio manager’s socially responsible investment principles, and whose portfolio is invested primarily in fixed-income and equity securities of Canadian and foreign companies. Moreover, equity securities are preferred.

Top investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund IA Clarington Inhance Global Equity SRI Class, Series I 31.88% Canadian Equity Funds 39.57% IA Clarington Inhance Bond SRI Fund, Series I 27.74% Global Equity Funds 31.88% IA Clarington Inhance Canadian Equity SRI Class, Series I 24.80% Fixed Income Funds 27.74% IA Clarington Inhance Monthly Income SRI Fund, Series I 14.77% Short Term and others 0.81% Other Assets 0.81% Total 100.00% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 4

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • has an average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence Folder for further details. for less than 1 year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence for less than 1 year.

ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract.

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.82% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.62%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

71 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ DIVERSIFIED INCOME FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.66% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $37.28 Total Fund Value: $289.6 million Number of Units Outstanding: 8,449,207 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 131.72% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.21% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $38.17 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests mostly in trust units, common stocks and fixed-income securities from Canadian corporations and Canadian governments to generate a regular long-term return. The common stock portion mainly invests in equities of large capitalization Canadian companies.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 19.30% Canadian Equity 52.50% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 14.50% Canadian Bonds 16.02% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity All Cap Value 11.37% U.S. Equity 13.37% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 7.00% Foreign Equity 10.88% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 6.97% Short Term and others 6.48% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Small Cap Fund 6.12% Foreign Bonds 0.75% Industrial Alliance Canadian Corporate Bond Fund 6.02% Total 100.00% IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, Series I 4.18% Industrial Alliance Global True Conviction Fund 3.91% Government of Canada, 0.170%, 2021-03-04 3.33% Total 82.70%

Total investments: 196 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks regular long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,553. This works out to an average return of 4.51% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 13.41 13.51 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 9.96 6.41 6.61 5.52 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 5.38 1.69 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -6.96 -7.94 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.66% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.21%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

73 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ STRATEGIC INCOME FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.53% Portfolio Advisor: IA Clarington Investments Inc. Net Asset Value per Unit : $15.50 Total Fund Value: $206.4 million Number of Units Outstanding: 13,504,849 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 11.64% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.09% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $15.87 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Income Fund, which primarily invests in Canadian equity and fixed income investments.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Royal Bank of Canada 3.20% Equity 61.00% Apple Inc. 2.60% Fixed Income 26.10% Carrier Global Corp. 2.50% Short Term and others 12.90% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 2.50% Total 100.00% Fortis Inc. 2.20% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 2.20% The Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.20% Johnson & Johnson 2.00% Superior Plus LP 2.00% Microsoft Corp. 2.00% Total 23.40%

Total investments: 178 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a flow of income and the potential for capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,550. This works out to an average return of 5.02% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 9 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund was up in value 6 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 13.61 12.88 11.66 10 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 8.26 7.29 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5 5.22

0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -0.70 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -5 -3.54 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -6.16 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.53% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.09%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

75 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL DIVERSIFIED (LOOMIS SAYLES) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.66% Portfolio Advisor: Loomis, Sayles & Company Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.18 Total Fund Value: $646.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 30,755,575 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 10.99% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.44% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.42

WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Global Allocation Fund, which primarily invests in equity securities, fixed-income investments and money market instruments from around the world. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Danaher Corp. 2.60% U.S. Equity 42.20% Amazon.com Inc. 2.60% Fixed Income 28.20% IQVIA 2.30% Foreign Equity 20.00% MasterCard Inc. 2.30% Short Term and others 6.60% Roper Technologies Inc. 2.20% Canadian Equity 3.00% Alphabet Inc. 2.20% Total 100.00% Linde PLC 2.10% UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.10% Facebook Inc. 2.10% Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 2.00% Total 22.50%

Total investments: 545 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,863. This works out to an average return of 6.43% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 19.79 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 20 15 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 12.97 13.49 11.13 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 7.02 5 1 3.04 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 1.86 0.55 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 -1.06 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2.25 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.66% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.44%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

77 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY GLOBAL MONTHLY INCOME FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.89% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.62 Total Fund Value: $199.5 million Number of Units Outstanding: 17,152,527 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 2.68% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.66% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.70 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the Fidelity Global Monthly Income Fund which invests in a well diversified portfolio primarily composed of foreign asset classes. Including, but not limited to: global fixed-income securities and equities. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Apple Inc. Foreign Equity 47.14% Microsoft Corp. Foreign bonds 40.04% IShares MSCI Acwi ETF Short Term and others 10.26% iShares Comex Gold Trust ETF Canadian Equity 1.54% Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Canadian bonds 1.02% HOYA Corporation. Total 100,00 % Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. B&M European Value Retail SA Lowe's Companies Inc. Sony Corp. Top 10 holdings represents 10.40% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 3,501 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital appreciation as well as some regular the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been revenues deducted. • invests with below average risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the medium to long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,174. This works out to an average return of 5.37% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 20 16.30 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 15 13.74 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 11.61 11.04 10 8.99 6.44 5 4.25 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 1.66 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 -0.01 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -0.45 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -5 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.89% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.66%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

79 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION SECURITY (iAIM) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.65% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.21 Total Fund Value: $97.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 8,662,439 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 81.94% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.46% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.25 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests primarily in a mix of underlying funds to gain exposure to a wide variety of global fixed income securities and equities. The Fund may also invest in certain alternative asset classes. Moreover, the Fund will typically maintain a bias towards fixed income securities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 24.14% Fixed Income Funds 58.29% IA Clarington Global Bond Fund, Series I 15.74% Global Equity Funds 13.83% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 9.77% U.S. Equity Funds 10.10% Industrial Alliance US Equity (Currency Unhedged) Fund 5.94% Canadian Equity Funds 9.49% IA Clarington Emerging Markets Bond Fund, Series I 5.67% Alternative Investment Funds 7.41% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 5.05% Short Term and others 0.88% Industrial Alliance Real Estate Debt (iAIM) Fund 3.29% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 3.02% iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF 2.98% Industrial Alliance Private Equity (iAIM) Fund 2.94% Total 78.54%

Total investments: 45 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a steady long-term return and capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • has a lower than average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,134. This works out to an average return of 5.95% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 2 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 2 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 8 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 7.07

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 6 5.86 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 4 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.65% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.46%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

81 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION (iAIM) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.71% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.51 Total Fund Value: $164.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 14,289,233 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 72.84% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.44% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.61 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests primarily in a mix of underlying funds to gain exposure to a wide variety of global fixed income securities and equities. The Fund may also invest in certain alternative asset classes.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 16.52% Fixed Income Funds 38.86% Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 15.99% U.S. Equity Funds 20.75% Industrial Alliance US Equity (Currency Unhedged) Fund 12.66% Global Equity Funds 19.87% IA Clarington Global Bond Fund, Series I 11.72% Canadian Equity Funds 15.65% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 7.70% Alternative Investment Funds 4.73% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 7.53% Short Term and others 0.14% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 5.47% Total 100.00% IA Clarington Emerging Markets Bond Fund, Series I 3.96% Industrial Alliance Private Equity (iAIM) Fund 2.52% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Small Cap Fund 2.48% Total 86.55%

Total investments: 46 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize high returns over the long term while the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been minimizing risk deducted. • has an average risk tolerance Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the • is planning to invest for the long term future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,172. This works out to an average return of 7.59% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 2 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 2 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 12.5 10.41 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10.0 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.5 7.16

5.0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2.5 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 0.0 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.71% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.44%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

83 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL ASSET ALLOCATION OPPORTUNITY (iAIM) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.75% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.73 Total Fund Value: $42.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,577,787 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 59.97% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.46% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.84 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests primarily in a mix of underlying funds to gain exposure to a wide variety of global fixed income securities and equities. The Fund may also invest in certain alternative asset classes. Moreover, the Fund will typically maintain a bias towards equity securities.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance International Equity Fund 23.25% Global Equity Funds 30.60% Industrial Alliance US Equity (Currency Unhedged) Fund 16.23% U.S. Equity Funds 27.61% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity (iAIM) 10.88% Canadian Equity Funds 22.08% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 9.28% Fixed Income Funds 15.00% Industrial Alliance Dividend Fund 8.28% Alternative Investment Funds 3.91% IA Clarington Global Bond Fund, Series I 5.13% Short Term and others 0.80% Industrial Alliance Bond Fund 4.49% Total 100.00% Industrial Alliance Private Equity (iAIM) Fund 4.08% Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 3.27% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Small Cap Fund 2.92% Total 87.81%

Total investments: 42 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize long-term returns the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • has an average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,204. This works out to an average return of 8.92% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 2 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 2 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 12.50 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 12.5 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10.0 8.15 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.5

5.0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2.5 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 0.0 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.75% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.46%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

85 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ STRATEGIC EQUITY INCOME FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.55% Portfolio Advisor: IA Clarington Investments Inc. Net Asset Value per Unit : $20.18 Total Fund Value: $164.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 8,683,492 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 4.11% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.12% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $20.67 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Strategic Equity Income Fund which mainly invests in high-yield quality dividend common and preferred shares of Canadian companies.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Apple Inc. 3.52% Industrials 15.50% Canadian Equity 51.03% Royal Bank of Canada 3.44% Financials 15.18% U.S. Equity 30.24% Carrier Global Corp. 3.32% Utilities 10.98% Short term and other 11.55% Enbridge Inc., 1.032%, 2021-01-05 3.04% Information Technology 10.42% Income Trust 5.17% Microsoft Corp. 2.78% Communication Services 9.80% Foreign Equity 2.01% Superior Plus Corp. 2.64% Consumer Staples 6.84% Total 100.00% Fortis Inc. 2.64% Health Care 5.36% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 2.59% Real Estate 5.17% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 2.57% Materials 4.58% Johnson & Johnson 2.33% Energy 4.10% Total 28.87% Consumer Discretionary 0.52% Total 88.45% Total investments: 132 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks dividend income and potential for capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,615. This works out to an average return of 4.92% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 6 years and down in value 4 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 17.57 14.95 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10.58 10.02 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 8.99 6.33

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0

Individual Variable Annuity Contract -2.36 -3.28 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -5.18 -5.18 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.55% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.12%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

87 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ DIVIDEND GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.55% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $25.18 Total Fund Value: $958.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 40,722,365 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 14.79% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.13% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $25.77 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Dividend Growth Class which invests in stocks of Canadian blue-chip style companies. Mainly invests in equities of large capitalization companies.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund The Toronto-Dominion Bank 5.75% Financials 35.37% Canadian Equity 78.23% Royal Bank of Canada 5.71% Industrials 11.22% U.S. Equity 17.77% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 5.21% Energy 11.08% Income Trust 2.35% Sun Life Financial Services of Canada Inc. 3.97% Utilities 7.11% Short term and other 0.90% Enbridge Inc. 3.93% Communication Services 6.44% Foreign Equity 0.75% Bank of Nova Scotia 3.03% Health Care 6.37% Total 100.00% Bank of Montreal 2.83% Information Technology 5.52% Waste Connections Inc. 2.48% Materials 5.24% Manulife Financial Corp. 2.41% Consumer Staples 4.81% BCE Inc. 2.39% Consumer Discretionary 3.07% Total 37.71% Real Estate 2.87% Total 99.10% Total investments: 61 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeking dividend income with the possibility of capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,639. This works out to an average return of 5.07% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 6 years and down in value 4 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 17.72 18.08 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 14.51 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 9.16 6.87 6.69

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -2.04 -4.01 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -4.65 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 -7.92 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.55% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.13%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

89 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ CANADIAN EQUITY INDEX FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.63% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $32.54 Total Fund Value: $477.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 11,424,346 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 48.98% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.20% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $33.29 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests in units of an underlying fund, which is primarily composed of trust units of the S&P/TSX 60 Index.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Sector Allocation of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund SHOPIFY INC. 7.63% Financials 32.11% Canadian Equity 94.84% Royal Bank of Canada 7.18% Energy 11.64% U.S. Equity 2.05% The Toronto-Dominion Bank 6.30% Information Technology 11.09% Foreign Equity 1.76% Horizon S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF 5.36% Materials 10.65% Short Term and others 1.35% Canadian National Railway Co. 4.80% Industrials 10.34% Total 100.00% Bank of Nova Scotia 4.02% Communication Services 5.44% Enbridge Inc. 3.97% Market Index 5.36% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 3.56% Consumer Discretionary 3.84% Bank of Montreal 3.02% Consumer Staples 3.71% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 2.86% Utilities 3.32% Total 48.70% Health Care 0.73% Real Estate 0.42% Total investments: 64 Total 98.65% WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain high long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,398. This works out to an average return of 3.41% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 17.90 18.15

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 10.04 8.93 7.01 5.00 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 3.07 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -10 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10.01 -9.69 -11.41 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.63% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.20%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

91 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY TRUE NORTH® FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.85% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $60.59 Total Fund Value: $251.5 million Number of Units Outstanding: 5,067,612 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 4.48% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.61% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $61.36 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Fidelity True North® Fund, which invests mainly in equities of Canadian companies, across all market sectors and market capitalizations. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Royal Bank of Canada Financials 22.12% Canadian Equity 89.78% The Toronto-Dominion Bank Information Technology 12.72% Foreign Equity 8.26% Shopify Inc. Industrials 11.11% Short Term and others 1.95% Barrick Gold Corp. Materials 10.49% Canadian bonds 0.01% Canadian National Railway Co. Energy 7.98% Total 100.00% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Consumer Discretionary 7.77% Inc. Consumer Staples 5.26% Suncor Energy Inc. Communication Services 4.74% Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Utilities 4.58% Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., Class B, SV Health Care 1.79% Top 10 holdings represents 36.58% of the underlying fund’s net Real Estate 1.22% assets. Total 89.78% Total investments: 130 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks superior long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,801. This works out to an average return of 6.06% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 21.54 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 16.53 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 12.99 10 9.39 9.53 7.24 4.27 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 -2.40 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -5.59 -10 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -8.96 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.85% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.61%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

93 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ CANADIAN EQUITY GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.70% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $45.35 Total Fund Value: $804.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 15,677,890 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 85.36% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.30% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $46.32 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund mainly invests in equities of large capitalization Canadian companies which demonstrate above-average growth potential.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Sector Allocation of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Royal Bank of Canada 5.37% Financials 28.60% Canadian Equity 82.95% The Toronto-Dominion Bank 5.28% Industrials 11.52% U.S. Equity 11.70% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 3.31% Materials 10.35% Foreign Equity 2.68% Bank of Nova Scotia 2.93% Information Technology 10.19% Short term and other 2.67% Industrial Alliance Thematic Innovation Fund 2.85% Energy 9.47% Total 100.00% Canadian National Railway Co. 2.84% Consumer Discretionary 5.99% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 2.60% Communication Services 5.87% SHOPIFY INC. 2.44% Consumer Staples 5.19% Enbridge Inc. 2.41% Utilities 3.01% Bank of Montreal 2.08% Health Care 2.57% Total 32.11% Real Estate 1.72% Total 94.48% Total investments: 147 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • wishes to obtain an increase of capital over the long term the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,537. This works out to an average return of 4.40% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 19.33 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 15.02 14.96 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 8.62 8.22 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 6.37 5.77 0

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -5.46 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 -10.82 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -12.89 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.70% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.30%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

95 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY CANADIAN OPPORTUNITIES FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.85% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $84.72 Total Fund Value: $304.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 4,072,456 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 3.48% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.57% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $86.05 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Fidelity Canadian Opportunities Fund, which invests mainly in the stocks of smaller and mid-size Canadian companies. A variable portion of the fund may be allocated to international assets to take advantage of geographic diversification. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Dollarama Inc. Consumer Discretionary 19.19% Canadian Equity 88.86% Brookfield Renewable Partners LP Financials 13.53% Global Equity 8.76% National Bank of Canada Materials 13.10% Short Term and others 1.64% Inc., Class B Industrials 8.84% Canadian bonds 0.74% CGI Group Inc., Class A, SV Information Technology 8.30% Total 100.00% Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc., Class B, SV Utilities 7.78% Franco-Nevada Corp. Consumer Staples 7.72% Restaurant Brands International Inc. Real Estate 3.97% Major Drilling Group International Inc. Communication Services 3.34% Methanex Corp. Energy 2.39% Top 10 holdings represents 35.35% of the underlying fund’s net Health Care 0.70% assets. Total 88.86% Total investments: 105 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • pursues superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,120. This works out to an average return of 7.81% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 27.01 24.05 21.09 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 15.33 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 8.80 8.88


1 0 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -1.49 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 -9.35 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10.90 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.85% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.57%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

97 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ CANADIAN EQUITY SMALL CAP (QV) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.06% Portfolio Advisor: QV Investors Inc. Net Asset Value per Unit : $23.87 Total Fund Value: $107.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 4,156,501 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 7.44% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.79% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $24.24 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Canadian Small Cap. Fund, which primarily invests in the stocks of smaller and mid-size Canadian companies. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Canadian Western Bank 5.60% Financials 26.70% Canadian Equity 96.00% AltaGas Ltd. 5.50% Energy 20.20% U.S. Equity 2.70% E-L Financial Corp. Ltd. 5.00% Materials 14.40% Short Term and others 1.00% Inc., SV 4.60% Industrials 10.90% U.S. High Yield Corporate Superior Plus LP 4.20% Consumer Discretionary 9.80% Bonds 0.20% Leon's Furniture Ltd. 3.50% Utilities 6.00% Preferred Equity 0.10% Stantec Inc. 3.20% Information Technology 4.80% Total 100.00% Stella-Jones Inc. 3.20% Consumer Staples 4.60% Major Drilling Group International Inc. 3.10% Health Care 1.40% Mullen Group 2.90% Total 98.80% Total 40.80%

Total investments: 39

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with above average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,947. This works out to an average return of 6.90% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 40 36.98 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 22.09 20 19.63 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 15.07

5.80 1.80 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 0.25 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -3.55 -7.04 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -12.42 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.06% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.79%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

99 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ NORTH AMERICAN EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.72% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $57.02 Total Fund Value: $115.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 2,145,789 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 104.66% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.33% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $58.24 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests mainly in equities of large capitalization companies from all economic sectors of the Canadian stock market.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Sector Allocation of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Royal Bank of Canada 2.63% Information Technology 19.05% Canadian Equity 49.88% The Toronto-Dominion Bank 2.59% Financials 18.22% U.S. Equity 45.82% Apple Inc. 2.39% Industrials 11.44% Foreign Equity 3.21% Microsoft Corp. 2.37% Health Care 11.25% Short Term and others 1.09% Amazon.com Inc. 2.06% Communication Services 8.18% Total 100.00% Canadian National Railway Co. 1.77% Consumer Discretionary 7.88% Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 1.76% Materials 6.52% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 1.64% Energy 5.48% Bank of Nova Scotia 1.40% Consumer Staples 5.08% SHOPIFY INC. 1.38% Utilities 3.38% Total 19.99% Real Estate 2.43% Total 98.91% Total investments: 241 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain a high capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,388. This works out to an average return of 3.34% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 17.18 13.53 11.42 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 8.74 6.58 4.65 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 3.04 0

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -4.09 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 -10.82 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -12.49 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.72% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.33%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

101 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX ACWI (BLACKROCK) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.72% Portfolio Advisor: BlackRock Net Asset Value per Unit : $28.71 Total Fund Value: $76.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 2,617,932 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 26.73% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.27% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $28.97 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund aims to replicate the performance of the MSCI AWCI Ex Canada Index by investing in the units of an underlying fund, currently the BlackRock CDN MSCI ACWI Ex-Canada Index Fund.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF 13.56% United States 70.43% Apple Inc. 3.91% Europe 18.72% Microsoft Corp. 3.10% Asia and Pacific 8.25% Amazon.com Inc. 2.56% Australia 1.76% Facebook Inc., Class A 1.21% Short Term and others 0.67% Tesla, Inc. 0.99% Mid-east and Africa 0.15% Alphabet Inc., Class A 0.97% Latin America 0.02% Alphabet Inc., Class C 0.94% Total 100.00% Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class B 0.83% Johnson & Johnson 0.76% Total 28.83%

Total investments: 1,409 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain high long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,178. This works out to an average return of 7.84% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 26.63

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 17.04 14.92 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 13.15 10.93 10 10.60 9.69

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 1.26 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -3.51 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 -7.13 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.72% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.27%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

103 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL DIVIDEND (DYNAMIC) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.98% Portfolio Advisor: Dynamic Funds Net Asset Value per Unit : $32.77 Total Fund Value: $1,145.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 35,978,103 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 3.58% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.72% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $33.23 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Dynamic Global Dividend Value Fund, which primarily invests in equity securities of businesses located around the world.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Apple Inc. 5.10% United States 47.30% Microsoft Corp. 4.60% Europe 21.10% Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 4.50% Asia and Pacific 20.00% HOYA Corporation. 4.40% Short Term and others 5.80% Keyence Corp 4.30% Mid-east and Africa 5.80% Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 4.30% Total 100.00% Morgan Stanley 4.10% Belimo Holding, AG 3.90% Parker Hannifin Corp. 3.80% L'Oreal SA 3.80% Total 42.80%

Total investments: 27 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,893. This works out to an average return of 11.22% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 28.24 22.85 21.61 21.12 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 11.15 10 9.12 4.19 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 4.12 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 -0.64 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -4.64 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.98% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.72%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

105 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.79% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $27.31 Total Fund Value: $114.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,981,933 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 25.76% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.33% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $27.95 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Global Value Fund, which invests primarily in common stocks of companies throughout the world.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Microsoft Corp. 3.81% United States 63.84% Apple Inc. 3.57% Europe 20.75% Amazon.com Inc. 3.25% Asian & Pacific 14.72% Alphabet Holding Company Inc. 2.19% Short Term and others 0.69% UnitedHealth Group Inc. 1.60% Total 100.00% Facebook Inc. 1.35% Johnson & Johnson 1.29% JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.16% NextEra Energy Inc. 1.10% Broadcom Inc. 1.05% Total 20.37%

Total investments: 167 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks high long-term added value the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,214. This works out to an average return of 8.28% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 40 31.89 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 19.96 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20 17.44 14.01 10.93 10.75 11.31

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0

Individual Variable Annuity Contract -4.10 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10.76 -9.29 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.79% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.33%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

107 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES (LOOMIS SAYLES) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 26, 2020 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.71% Portfolio Advisor: Loomis, Sayles & Company Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.34 Total Fund Value: $18.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,768,695 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 4.34% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.53% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.34 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the IA Clarington Loomis Global Equity Opportunities Fund, which mainly invests in equity securities of companies around the world.

Top investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Danaher Corp. 3.80% U.S. Equity 61.50% Amazon.com Inc. 3.80% Foreign Equity 29.10% IQVIA 3.40% Short Term and others 5.10% MasterCard Inc. 3.40% Canadian Equity 4.30% Alphabet Inc. 3.30% Total 100.00% Roper Technologies Inc. 3.30% Linde PLC 3.10% Facebook Inc. 3.10% UnitedHealth Group Inc. 3.00% Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 2.80% Total 33.00%

Total investments: 44 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence Folder for further details. for less than 1 year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High Performance data cannot be published for funds that have been in existence for less than 1 year.

ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract.

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.71% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.53%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

109 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL TRUE CONVICTION FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.81% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.26 Total Fund Value: $151.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 5,717,861 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 131.37% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.38% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.74 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in an equity portfolio of securities of companies located around the world. The geographic diversification of the portfolio corresponds to: one third in Canada, one third in the United States and one third in the Europe/Asia region.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Royal Bank of Canada 4.87% United States 31.32% Micron Technology Inc. 3.70% Canada 27.78% Moncler SpA 3.61% Europe 20.20% Activision Blizzard Inc. 3.17% Asian & Pacific 12.06% Amazon.com Inc. 3.13% Short Term and others 6.02% Facebook Inc. 3.02% Middle East & Africa 2.62% Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Sponsored ADR 3.01% Total 100.00% CGI Inc. 2.95% F5 Networks, Inc. 2.81% Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 2.81% Total 33.08%

Total investments: 44 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks high total investment return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,126. This works out to an average return of 7.84% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 9 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 60 44.08 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 40 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20 18.25 14.84 14.29 11.27 12.43 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 5.97 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 -1.73 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -7.90 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.81% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.38%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

111 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY GLOBAL CONCENTRATED EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.12% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.33 Total Fund Value: $37.5 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,037,106 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 18.20% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.89% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.42 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the Fidelity Global Concentrated Equity Fund which invests in a well diversified portfolio primarily composed of equity securities of companies operating around the world. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Pandora A/S Europe 38.32% Meggitt PLC United States 32.69% General Electric Co. Asia and Pacific 17.88% Finning International Inc. Canada 4.24% Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. Latin America 3.36% CDK Global, Inc. Short Term and others 2.34% Thai Beverage PLC Other countries 1.17% Simon Property Group LP Total 100.00% Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA Komatsu Ltd. Top 10 holdings represents 28.25% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 59 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it was Folder for further details. first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,248. This works out to an average return of 7.49% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The Low moderate Moderate to high High returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 27.82 22.99 20 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 16.03 15.93 12.06 12.42 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 9.84 6.35 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10.66 -11.32 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.12% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.89%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

113 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY NORTHSTAR® FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.04% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $28.10 Total Fund Value: $126.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 4,974,124 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 3.15% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.81% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $28.45 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Fidelity NorthStar® Fund, which invests in a well diversified portfolio of equities of companies operating around the world. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Ottogi Corp. Asia and Pacific 37.70% Imperial Brands PLC United States 32.09% Suncor Energy Inc. Europe 8.67% Microsoft Corp. Other countries 7.71% ITOCHU Corp. Short Term and others 7.52% Simplo Technology Canada 6.31% Anthem, Inc. Total 100.00% Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Amazon.com Inc. Haitian International Holdings Top 10 holdings represents 18.42% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 130 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,299. This works out to an average return of 8.69% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 50 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 45.02 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 40 30 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 24.05 20 19.28 12.91 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 10 7.08 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 3.44 4.16 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2.63 -10 -5.79 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -9.85 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.04% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.81%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

115 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INTERNATIONAL EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.72% Portfolio Advisor: BlackRock Net Asset Value per Unit : $15.45 Total Fund Value: $180.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 10,116,064 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 17.67% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.53% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $15.62 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, which invests in the securities of large capitalization companies that operate in Europe, Australasia and the Far East.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Nestlé SA 2.13% Europe 61.72% Roche Holdings AG 1.54% Asia and Pacific 30.02% Novartis AG, Registered 1.32% Australia 6.39% ASML Holding NV 1.30% Short Term and others 1.22% LVMH Moet Hennessy - Louis Vuitton SA 1.09% Mid-east and Africa 0.56% Toyota Motor Corp. 1.03% Latin America 0.09% Unilever PLC 0.99% Total 100.00% AIA Group Ltd. 0.93% SAP AG 0.86% AstraZeneca Group PLC 0.83% Total 12.02%

Total investments: 898 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain high long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,685. This works out to an average return of 5.37% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 27.63 20 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 16.04 13.87 11.79 13.10 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 3.21 1.10 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract -4.91 -10 -8.35 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -12.11 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.72% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.53%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

117 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.78% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $23.36 Total Fund Value: $577.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 19,386,230 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 35.17% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.36% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $23.85 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in a well-diversified portfolio of equities in primarily medium-and large-capitalization companies located outside North America.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Nestlé SA 2.90% Europe 56.75% Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2.42% Asian & Pacific 39.16% Iberdrola, S.A. 2.36% United States 2.73% Tencent Holdings Ltd. 2.27% Short Term and others 1.36% Vonovia SE 2.14% Total 100.00% Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 2.13% ASML Holding NV 2.06% Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. 1.97% Rio Tinto Ltd. 1.93% Schneider Electric SA 1.90% Total 22.08%

Total investments: 77 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks added value in the long term the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,751. This works out to an average return of 5.77% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES?

This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 27.14 20.94 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 18.29 16.51 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 12.92 10 6.96 1.27 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 -8.22 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -12.10 -14.69 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.78% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.36%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

119 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY EUROPEAN EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.91% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $19.74 Total Fund Value: $42.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 2,769,536 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 2.33% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.68% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $20.00 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Fidelity Europe Fund, which invests in equities of large capitalization companies from continental Europe and the United Kingdom. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Roche Holdings AG Other countries 24.74% Sanofi LLC United Kingdom 24.08% SAP AG France 18.80% Publicis Groupe SA Germany 15.43% Koninklijke Philips NV Netherlands 15.26% Axa SA Short Term and others 1.69% Legal & General Group PLC Total 100.00% Prosus NV Prudential PLC Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. Top 10 holdings represents 37.98% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 58 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks capital growth potential the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,598. This works out to an average return of 4.80% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 5 years and down in value 5 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES?

This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 40 30.43 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 24.13 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20 18.47 15.51 14.42

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0

Individual Variable Annuity Contrac -4.38 -3.01 2 -9.20 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -11.42 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -20 -14.61 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.91% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.68%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

121 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ U.S. EQUITY INDEX (BLACKROCK) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.70% Portfolio Advisor: BlackRock Net Asset Value per Unit : $36.22 Total Fund Value: $322.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 10,382,250 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 9.42% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.48% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $36.62 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests in units of the BlackRock CDN U.S. Equity Index Fund, Class D, which comprises of U.S. equity investments.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Apple Inc. 6.64% Information Technology 26.68% U.S. Equity 96.26% Microsoft Corp. 5.27% Health Care 12.79% International Equity 2.94% Amazon.com Inc. 4.35% Consumer Discretionary 12.45% Short Term and others 0.80% Facebook Inc., Class A 2.06% Communication Services 10.68% Total 100.00% Tesla, Inc. 1.68% Financials 9.90% Alphabet Inc., Class A 1.65% Industrials 7.80% Alphabet Inc., Class C 1.59% Consumer Staples 6.46% Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class B 1.41% Utilities 2.74% Johnson & Johnson 1.30% Real Estate 2.40% JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.21% Energy 2.25% Total 27.16% Materials 2.11% Total 96.26% Total investments: 512 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks medium and long-term capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium and long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $3,429. This works out to an average return of 13.13% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 10 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 40 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 36.24

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 30 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20.35 21.12 20 18.09 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 12.98 10.46 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 10 10.23 2 4.86 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 1.66 1.18 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.70% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.48%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

123 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ FIDELITY INSIGHTS FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2019 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.93% Portfolio Advisor: Fidelity Investments Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.50 Total Fund Value: $129.4 million Number of Units Outstanding: 9,574,766 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 4.72% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.74% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $13.53 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Fidelity Insights Class, which aims to invest in equity securities of “best-of-breed” firms with a tilt toward the U.S. market. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Amazon.com Inc. Information Technology 34.11% U.S. Equity 89.88% Facebook Inc., Class A Health Care 15.73% International Equity 5.23% Berkshire Hathaway, Class A Communication Services 11.96% Short Term and others 3.03% Netflix Inc. Consumer Discretionary 10.69% Canadian Equity 1.82% Microsoft Corp. Financials 7.16% Foreign bonds 0.04% Apple Inc. Industrials 4.49% Total 100.00% UnitedHealth Group Inc. Consumer Staples 3.30% Salesforce.com Inc. Materials 1.96% Nvidia Corp. Energy 0.20% Qualcomm Inc. Utilities 0.18% Top 10 holdings represents 33.84% of the underlying fund’s net Real Estate 0.10% assets. Total 89.88% Total investments: 348 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,341. This works out to an average return of 28.36% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 3 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2019. In this period, the fund was up in value 3 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 26.88 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20 20.06

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 10 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 3.45 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.93% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.74%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

125 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ THEMATIC INNOVATION FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.60% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.59 Total Fund Value: $629.2 million Number of Units Outstanding: 28,030,427 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 197.63% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.21% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $21.78 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The fund invests primarily in equity securities of large capitalization U.S. companies taking advantage of structural innovation themes in the economy.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Sector Allocation of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Apple Inc. 4.98% Information Technology 27.38% U.S. Equity 91.64% Microsoft Corp. 4.86% Health Care 21.66% Foreign Equity 4.05% Amazon.com Inc. 4.85% Communication Services 10.93% Short Term and others 2.87% Alphabet Holding Company Inc. 2.66% Consumer Discretionary 10.42% Canadian Equity 1.44% Facebook Inc. 2.13% Industrials 8.32% Total 100.00% Nanox Imaging 1.93% Financials 7.81% JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.82% Consumer Staples 3.95% Government of Canada, 0.109%, 2021-03-18 1.69% Utilities 2.71% Micron Technology Inc. 1.58% Real Estate 2.16% Johnson & Johnson 1.53% Materials 1.18% Total 28.03% Energy 0.61% Total 97.13% Total investments: 105 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,383. This works out to an average return of 16.10% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 4 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 4 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 29.90 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20 19.20 15.33

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 10 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 1.86 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.60% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.21%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

127 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ AMERICAN (DYNAMIC) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2019 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.78% Portfolio Advisor: Dynamic Funds Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.89 Total Fund Value: $71.9 million Number of Units Outstanding: 6,041,350 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 8.70% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.56% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.92 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the Dynamic American Fund which seeks to take advantage of a broad variety of investment opportunities in the U.S. through active management.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Entegris Inc. 5.60% Information Technology 37.50% U.S. Equity 97.40% Parker Hannifin Corp. 4.70% Industrials 19.50% Short Term and others 2.60% Cognex Corp. 4.30% Consumer Discretionary 17.60% Total 100.00% Microsoft Corp. 4.20% Financials 8.30% Msci Inc. 4.20% Health Care 6.70% Intuitive Surgical Inc. 4.20% Communication Services 4.00% Morgan Stanley 4.10% Consumer Staples 3.80% Nike Inc. 4.10% Total 97.40% Servicenow Inc. 4.10% Ametek Inc. 4.10% Total 43.60%

Total investments: 26 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,183. This works out to an average return of 15.40% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2019. In this period, the fund was up in value 9 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 29.14 22.75 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 16.52 15.70 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 12.89 12.81 10.76 10 4.15 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 2.68 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -3.25 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.78% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.56%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

129 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ U.S. EQUITY FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.80% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $24.08 Total Fund Value: $94.4 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,919,320 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 181.80% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.39% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $24.59 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests primarily in the equity securities of large-capitalization U.S. companies with solid financial statements.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Sector Allocation of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund Microsoft Corp. 5.98% Information Technology 27.36% U.S. Equity 98.51% Apple Inc. 5.53% Health Care 16.19% Foreign Equity 1.19% Amazon.com Inc. 5.10% Consumer Discretionary 11.77% Short Term and others 0.30% Alphabet Holding Company Inc. 3.44% Financials 10.87% Total 100.00% UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.48% Communication Services 9.50% Facebook Inc. 2.13% Industrials 8.71% Johnson & Johnson 1.97% Consumer Staples 5.27% JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.83% Real Estate 2.85% NextEra Energy Inc. 1.73% Energy 2.44% Broadcom Inc. 1.66% Materials 2.40% Total 31.85% Utilities 2.34% Total 99.70% Total investments: 90 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,722. This works out to an average return of 10.54% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES?

This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 40 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 37.02 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 30 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 20.94 21.32 20 16.84 14.07 9.78 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 10 8.45 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -1.50 -4.29 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 -8.23 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.80% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.39%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

131 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ U.S. DIVIDEND GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.63% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $26.33 Total Fund Value: $190.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 7,916,988 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 5.96% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.20% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $26.92 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the IA Clarington U.S. Dividend Growth Fund, which invests in stocks of high performing U.S. large capitalization companies.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Sector Allocation of the underlying Investment segmentation of fund the underlying fund Microsoft Corp. 5.41% Information Technology 18.66% U.S. Equity 92.79% Apple Inc. 4.80% Health Care 15.24% Canadian Equity 4.40% Johnson & Johnson 2.72% Financials 13.26% Short term and other 1.98% Broadcom Inc. 2.63% Industrials 10.52% Foreign Equity 0.83% UnitedHealth Group Inc. 2.39% Consumer Discretionary 10.11% Total 100.00% BlackRock Inc. 2.39% Consumer Staples 8.01% The Travelers Companies Inc. 2.29% Real Estate 6.97% MetLife Inc. 2.22% Utilities 6.48% Fortis Inc. 2.22% Communication Services 4.94% Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. 2.18% Materials 2.53% Total 29.25% Energy 1.30% Total 98.02% Total investments: 68 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,439. This works out to an average return of 9.34% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in value 2 years. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES?

This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 30 28.58

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20.93 20 19.38 19.31 refer to the Information Folder and the contract.

9.94 10 8.72 6.16 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 0.19 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -4.61 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -10 -7.61 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.63% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.20%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

133 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ ASIAN PACIFIC (DYNAMIC) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.07% Portfolio Advisor: Dynamic Funds Net Asset Value per Unit : $5.95 Total Fund Value: $171.0 million Number of Units Outstanding: 25,717,050 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 12.81% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.85% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $6.02 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Dynamic Asia Equity Fund, which invests in a selection of equities of large capitalization companies located in the entire Pacific region including Japan.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund BYD Co. 5.30% China 66.30% Li Ning Co Ltd. 3.20% Other countries 10.00% Shenzhen Inovance Technology 2.80% Taiwan 7.20% Lepu Medical Technology 2.70% Japan 6.80% BeiGene 2.70% South Korea 4.40% Meituan-Dianping 2.70% Thailand 3.80% Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 2.70% Short Term and others 1.50% Tencent Holdings Ltd. 2.60% Total 100.00% LG Household & Health Care Ltd. 2.50% Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co 2.50% Total 29.70%

Total investments: 52 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with above average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $2,178. This works out to an average return of 8.11% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 3 years.

ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % 50 This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 44.42 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 25 26.45 26.12 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 16.47 12.50 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.94 7.50 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -6.18 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -11.83 -25 3 -23.21 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 134 ASIAN PACIFIC (DYNAMIC) FUND

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.07% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.85%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

135 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ EMERGING MARKETS (JARISLOWSKY FRASER) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2019 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.16% Portfolio Advisor: Jarislowsky Fraser Limited Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.36 Total Fund Value: $38.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 3,140,748 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 22.66% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.98% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $12.38 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Jarislowsky Fraser Emerging Markets Fund, which mainly invests in stocks of companies located around the world having commercial activities in emerging markets.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Sponsored GDR 7.80% Asia and Pacific 80.79% Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing ADR 7.50% Latin America 7.82% Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Sponsored ADR 7.20% Europe 5.57% Tencent Holdings Ltd. 7.20% Mid-east and Africa 2.25% Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd. 3.10% Short Term and others 2.10% Meituan-Dianping 3.10% North America 1.47% Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 3.00% Total 100.00% Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc. 2.80% Airtac International Goup 2.30% New Oriental Education & Technology Inc. 2.20% Total 46.20%

Total investments: 61 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with above average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it Folder for further details. was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,224. This works out to an average return of 18.81% a year. RISK LEVEL Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 5 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2019. In this period, the fund was up in value 3 years and down in value 2 years.

ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % 30 This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 24.06 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 20 16.72 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 12.20 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10

0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -0.33 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 2 -9.75 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 136 EMERGING MARKETS (JARISLOWSKY FRASER) FUND

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.16% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.98%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

137 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL HEALTH CARE (RENAISSANCE) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.43% Portfolio Advisor: CIBC Asset Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $59.25 Total Fund Value: $273.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 4,839,239 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 8.74% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.21% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $59.96 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund invests in units of the Renaissance Global Health Care Fund, which mainly invests in medium and large capitalization companies engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and distribution of products or services in the healthcare sector.

Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund UnitedHealth Group Inc. 6.22% United States 68.77% Pfizer Inc. 4.85% Japan 7.44% Eli Lilly and Co. 4.79% United Kingdom 7.28% AstraZeneca Group PLC 4.57% Switzerland 5.55% Novartis AG, Sponsored ADR 4.46% Other countries 5.52% Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 4.19% Short Term and others 3.69% Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 4.02% Ireland 1.75% Abbott Laboratories 3.31% Total 100.00% Danaher Corp. 2.93% Boston Scientific Corp. 2.90% Total 42.24%

Total investments: 95 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain a high capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $3,783. This works out to an average return of 14.25% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 9 years and down ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? in value 1 year. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 60 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 51.49 40 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 33.95 30.64

1 20 16.37 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 11.09 8.66 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 6.97 4.92 5.87 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -13.74 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.43% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 3.21%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

139 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE (DYNAMIC) FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 28, 2019 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 3.04% Portfolio Advisor: Dynamic Funds Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.10 Total Fund Value: $61.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 6,071,366 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 10.78% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.83% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $10.12 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in units of the Dynamic Global Infrastructure Fund which is invested in a diversified portfolio of publicly-traded companies from around the globe that mainly own infrastructure assets directly. Top 10 investments of the underlying fund Investment segmentation of the underlying fund NextEra Energy Partners, LP United States 33.90% NextEra Energy Inc. Canada 26.10% Northland Power Inc. Europe 22.50% Eversource Energy Short Term and others 11.90% Orsted A/S Asia and Pacific 5.60% Crown Castle International Corp. Total 100.00% Iberdrola, S.A. American Tower Corp. Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. RWE AG Top 10 holdings represents 39.30% of the underlying fund’s net assets. Total investments: 32 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks long-term capital growth the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,017. This works out to an average return of 1.47% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2019. In this period, the fund was up in value 8 years and down in ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? value 2 years. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 25 23.41

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 18.91 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 15 12.68 12.71 13.33 10 9.64 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 6.59 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 5 1.23 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund 0 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -1.56 -5 -4.05 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 3.04% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.83%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

141 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ REAL ESTATE INCOME FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.83% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $41.23 Total Fund Value: $72.1 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,802,197 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 44.32% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.31% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $42.28 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund mainly invests in trust units of Canadian companies and short-term fixed-income securities issued and guaranteed by the federal and provincial governments as well as Canadian corporations.

Top 10 investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust 8.32% Canadian Equity 97.13% Granite Real Estate Investment Trust 7.62% Short Term and others 2.43% Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 7.42% U.S. Equity 0.44% Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 7.16% Total 100.00% InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust 5.10% Smart Real Estate Investment Trust 3.97% CT Real Estate Investment Trust 3.89% Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust 3.71% H&R Real Estate Investment Trust 3.67% Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust 3.62% Total 54.48%

Total investments: 43 WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to obtain a regular long-term income the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it RISK LEVEL was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,728. This works out to an average return of 5.63% a year. Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? in value 3 years. This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investment if the markets go down. % 20 16.67 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 15.01 16.06 12.33 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 6.99 6.45

1.00 0 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ -2.00 -1.62 Individual Variable Annuity Contract -10 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -10.11 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%. -20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.83% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.31%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

143 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ U.S. DAQ INDEX FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: June 6, 2016 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.95% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $34.81 Total Fund Value: $564.8 million Number of Units Outstanding: 16,545,766 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 121.74% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 2.73% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $35.22 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? This fund seeks to replicate the NASDAQ 100 Index®. This index is characterized by the securities of companies that offer promising products and services such as telecommunications equipment, computer services, high-technology products, etc.

Top 10 investments of the Nasdaq 100 Index Investment segmentation

Apple Inc. 10.90% U.S. Equity 95.96% Invesco Qqq Trust, Series 1 10.17% Foreign Equity 3.10% Microsoft Corp. 8.12% Short Term and others 0.94% Amazon.com Inc. 7.89% Total 100.00% Tesla, Inc. 4.00% Facebook Inc. 3.17% Alphabet Holding Company Inc., Class C 2.79% Alphabet Holding Company Inc. 2.55% Nvidia Corp. 2.38% PayPal Holdings Inc. 2.02% Total 53.99%

Total investments: 103

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks capital appreciation the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the medium to long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information AVERAGE RETURN Folder for further details. A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has RISK LEVEL $5,945. This works out to an average return of 19.54% a year. Low to Moderate YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 10 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2016. During this period, the fund was up in value 10 years and down in value 0 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? % This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees 50 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 41.37 41.51 40 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please

30 28.17 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 26.39 26.75 20 20.31 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 11.75 10 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 5.86 2 2.48 1.09 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 2.95% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 2.73%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.08% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

145 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INDEXIA PRUDENT FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.96% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.36 Total Fund Value: $151.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 13,348,329 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 78.50% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.85% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.40 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in underlying investments that aim to reproduce market indices of both domestic and foreign fixed income and equity markets. Moreover, the asset allocation of this Fund is more heavily oriented towards fixed-income securities. The target allocation is 70% in fixed-income funds and 30% in equity funds. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

BlackRock Canada Universe Bond Index Class D 49.69% Canadian Fixed Income Funds 49.69% Vanguard Global ex-Canada Fixed Income Index Pooled Fund Global Fixed Income Funds 19.78% (CAD-hedged) 19.78% Global Equity Funds 11.07% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Index Fund 9.90% Canadian Equity Funds 9.90% BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, Class D 9.03% U.S. Equity Funds 9.00% BlackRock CDN US Equity Index Fund, Class D 9.00% Short Term and others 0.56% BlackRock CDN MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Class D 2.04% Total 100.00% Other Assets 0.56% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 6

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a regular long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,140. This works out to an average return of 4.36% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 8 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 10.0 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 8.13 7.70 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 7.5 7.25 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 5.0 4.71 3.87 2.85 2.5 2.22 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0.0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2.5 -1.57 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.96% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.85%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.06% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

147 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INDEXIA MODERATE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.95% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.49 Total Fund Value: $103.7 million Number of Units Outstanding: 9,041,354 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 55.69% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.85% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.52 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in underlying investments that aim to reproduce market indices of both domestic and foreign fixed income and equity markets. Moreover, the asset allocation of this Fund is fairly balanced between fixed income and equity securities. The target allocation is 55% in fixed income funds and 45% in equity funds. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

BlackRock Canada Universe Bond Index Class D 36.74% Canadian Fixed Income Funds 36.74% Vanguard Global ex-Canada Fixed Income Index Pooled Fund Global Fixed Income Funds 17.79% (CAD-hedged) 17.79% Global Equity Funds 16.60% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Index Fund 14.77% Canadian Equity Funds 14.77% BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, Class D 13.54% U.S. Equity Funds 13.49% BlackRock CDN US Equity Index Fund, Class D 13.49% Short Term and others 0.61% BlackRock CDN MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Class D 3.06% Total 100.00% Other Assets 0.61% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 6

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks a high long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,155. This works out to an average return of 4.80% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 8 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 10.16 8.54 8.23 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.40 5.69 5 3.73 3.27 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -2.51 -5 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.95% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.85%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.06% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

149 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INDEXIA BALANCED FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.95% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.62 Total Fund Value: $113.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 9,770,265 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 43.10% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.85% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.65 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in underlying investments that aim to reproduce market indices of both domestic and foreign fixed income and equity markets. Moreover, the asset allocation of this Fund is fairly balanced between fixed income and equity securities. The target allocation is 40% in fixed income funds and 60% in equity funds. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

BlackRock Canada Universe Bond Index Class D 24.89% Canadian Fixed Income Funds 24.89% Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Index Fund 19.86% Global Equity Funds 22.20% BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, Class D 18.10% Canadian Equity Funds 19.86% BlackRock CDN US Equity Index Fund, Class D 18.03% U.S. Equity Funds 18.03% Vanguard Global ex-Canada Fixed Income Index Pooled Fund Global Fixed Income Funds 14.87% (CAD-hedged) 14.87% Short Term and others 0.15% BlackRock CDN MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Class D 4.10% Total 100.00% Other Assets 0.15% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 6

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to generate a superior long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with below average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,170. This works out to an average return of 5.24% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 8 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 15 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 12.47 12.16

The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 10 8.75 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 7.37 7.52 5 4.61 4.28

1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -5 -3.20 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.95% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.85%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.06% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

151 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INDEXIA GROWTH FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.95% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.76 Total Fund Value: $52.3 million Number of Units Outstanding: 4,446,939 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 37.55% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.84% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.79 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in underlying investments that aim to reproduce market indices of both domestic and foreign fixed income and equity markets. Moreover, the asset allocation of this Fund is more oriented towards equity securities. The target allocation is 25% in fixed income funds and 75% in equity funds. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Index Fund 24.79% Global Equity Funds 27.78% BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, Class D 22.65% Canadian Equity Funds 24.79% BlackRock CDN US Equity Index Fund, Class D 22.56% U.S. Equity Funds 22.56% BlackRock Canada Universe Bond Index Class D 14.95% Canadian Fixed Income Funds 14.94% Vanguard Global ex-Canada Fixed Income Index Pooled Fund Global Fixed Income Funds 9.92% (CAD-hedged) 9.92% Short Term and others 0.01% BlackRock CDN MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Class D 5.13% Total 100.00% Other Assets 0.00% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 6

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize the long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,186. This works out to an average return of 5.71% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 8 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 20 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. 16.48 The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 15 14.10 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 9.27 9.17 7.83 5.53 5 5.25 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ Individual Variable Annuity Contract 0 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -5 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending -3.99 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.95% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.84%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.06% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.

153 FUND FACTS Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. My Education+ INDEXIA AGGRESSIVE FUND Information as at December 31, 2020 QUICK FACTS Date of first offer under My Education+: October 29, 2018 Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.95% Portfolio Advisor: iA Investment Management Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.85 Total Fund Value: $21.4 million Number of Units Outstanding: 1,811,433 Prestige Preferential Pricing1 Portfolio Turnover Rate: 101.63% Management Expense Ratio (MER)2 : 1.84% Minimum Investment: $25 Net Asset Value per Unit : $11.87 WHAT DOES THIS FUND INVEST IN? The Fund invests in underlying investments that aim to reproduce market indices of both domestic and foreign fixed income and equity markets. Moreover, the asset allocation of this Fund is more oriented towards equity securities. The target allocation is 10% in fixed income funds and 90% in equity funds. Top investments of the Fund Investment segmentation of the Fund

Industrial Alliance Canadian Equity Index Fund 29.73% Global Equity Funds 33.82% BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Index Fund, Class D 27.57% Canadian Equity Funds 29.73% BlackRock CDN US Equity Index Fund, Class D 27.45% U.S. Equity Funds 27.45% BlackRock CDN MSCI Emerging Markets Index, Class D 6.25% Canadian Fixed Income Funds 5.05% BlackRock Canada Universe Bond Index Class D 5.05% Global Fixed Income Funds 5.03% Vanguard Global ex-Canada Fixed Income Index Pooled Fund Short Term and others -1.08% (CAD-hedged) 5.03% Total 100.00% Other Assets -1.08% Total 100.00%

Total investments: 6

WHO IS THIS FUND FOR? HOW HAS THE FUND PERFORMED? The fund may be suitable for an investor who: This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past years for • seeks to maximize the long-term return the Classic Series 75/75. Returns shown are after the MER has been • invests with average risk tolerance deducted. • is planning to invest for the long term Important: Past performance does not indicate how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the changes you made to your investment and your personal tax situation. HOW RISKY IS IT? AVERAGE RETURN The value of your investment can go down. Please refer to the Information A person who invested $1,000 in the fund 10 years ago (or since the date Folder for further details. it was first offered under My Education+ if less than 10 years) now has $1,197. This works out to an average return of 6.02% a year. RISK LEVEL YEAR-BY-YEAR RETURNS Low to Moderate Low moderate Moderate to high High This chart shows how the fund has performed for the last 8 years. The returns are estimated as if the fund had been offered for the My Education+ Classic Series 75/75 prior to 2018. In this period, the fund was up in value 7 years and down in value 1 year. ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES? This fund is offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees % 30 that may protect your investment if the markets go down. The MER includes the insurance fee for the guarantees. For details, please 20 20.61 16.23 refer to the Information Folder and the contract. 10 9.80 10.52 7.40 6.43 6.20 1 For details on the Prestige Preferential Pricing refer to Section 4.6.3 of the My Education+ 0 Individual Variable Annuity Contract 2 iA Financial Group is currently waiving a portion of the operating expenses for this fund -4.32 -10 and can terminate the waiver at any time without notice. For the period ending 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 December 31, 2020, the waiver was set at 0.05%.


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. One of the following sales charges will apply, see the Information Folder and Individual Variable Annuity Contract for full details or discuss with your life insurance agent.

Sales Charge Option What You Pay How It Works There is no initial charge or When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your No Sales Charge surrender charge when you life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender Fund Units within 5 years from invest and if you surrender. the investment date, the advisor and his/her agency may have to return all or part of their commission to iA Financial Group. Up to 5% of the amount to You and your life insurance agent decide on the rate. This sales charge is deducted from Front End Sales Charge be invested in the fund. the amount invested and is paid as a commission to your life insurance agent and his/her agency. If you surrender within: When you invest in the fund, iA Financial Group pays a commission of up to 5.6% to your 1st year 5.5% life insurance agent and his/her agency. Any deferred sales charges paid go to 2nd and 3rd year 5.0% iA Financial Group. th th Deferred Sales Charge 4 and 5 year 4.0% The deferred sales charge is a fixed rate and is deducted from the amount you surrender. 6th year 3.0% 7th year 2.0% You have the right to surrender up to 10% of the market value of your units each year, After 7 years 0.0% without a surrender fee. You may switch to units of another fund under the contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge. ONGOING FUND EXPENSES The MER includes the management fee and operating expenses of the fund. It also includes the insurance fee associated with the guarantees. You don’t pay these expenses directly but they will reduce the return on your investment. For details about how the guarantees work, please refer to the Information Folder and the contract. MER* Guarantee Option Maturity Death (Annual rate as a % of the fund value) My Education+ 75% 75% 1.95% My Education+ Prestige Preferential Pricing 75% 75% 1.84%

* MER shown may differ from actual MER. TRAILING COMMISSION Each month, iA Financial Group pays a trailing commission of up to 0.06% of the monthly average market value of your investment in this fund. This commission is for the ongoing service and advice your life insurance agent and his/her agency provide. The trailing commission is included in the management fees. The rate depends on the sales charge option you choose.

OTHER FEES You may have to pay other fees when you surrender or transfer investments in this fund. A transaction fee of $35 may be charged for a surrender or transfer in accordance with administrative policies in force. If you surrender or transfer an investment in the funds within 90 days of the investment date, you may have to pay a frequent trading fee equal to 2% of the market value of this investment. These fees are reinvested in the fund.

WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND? FOR MORE INFORMATION You may change your mind within two business days of the earlier of: This summary may not contain all the • the date you received confirmation or information you need. Please refer to • five business days after it is mailed. the Information Folder and the You may also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within contract. two business days of the earlier of: iA Financial Group • the date you received confirmation of the transaction or • five business days after it is mailed. 1080 Grande Allée West PO Box 1907, Station Terminus In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction. You have to tell the insurer in writing, Quebec City, QC G1K 7M3 by e-mail, fax or letter, that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of: 1 844 442-4436 • the value of the premium invested or

• the value of the investment on the valuation day following the day iA Financial Group received your request to cancel. Website: ia.ca The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any sales charges you paid.



Industrial Alliance Insurance andFinancialServices Inc. iA FinancialGroupis abusinessnameandtrademarkof 418 Quebec City,QCG1K7M3 PO Box1907,StationTerminus 1080 GrandeAlléeWest iA FinancialGroup iA FinancialGroup,pleasecontacttheheadoffice: For anycommentsoradditionalinformationregarding -684-5000 /-684-5000 1-800-463-6236

shares) andIAF(preferred shares). the ticker symbolsIAG (common the Toronto Stock Exchange under public companiesandislistedon groups. ItisoneofCanada’s largest for bothindividualsand services and otherfinancialproducts insurance, mortgagesandcarloans RRSPs, securities,autoandhome funds, savings andretirementplans, products, mutual andsegregated offers life andhealthinsurance Founded in1892, iAFinancialGroup About iAFinancialGroup As at December 31,2020 Fund Facts respecting insurance(Quebec). Inc., whichisincorporatedunder Alliance InsuranceandFinancialServices The contractisadministeredbyIndustrial An Act ia.ca
