for members and friends of Mishkan Shalom

kol shalomDecember 2014 - /Tevet 5775 How might I, or you, observe in our modern day? By Rabbi Shawn Zevit

The Shmita is the original “ year” – so that every 7th year the land is allowed to rest, everyone has equal opportunty to collect food in the fields and debts are forgiven.

If the land is entitled to rest, perhaps we can advocate for environmental practices this year that honor the land. Consider Earth Quaker Action Team’s efforts to get PNC Bank out of the business of financing mountaintop removal coal mining. This is one of many excellent ways to protect and care INSIDE THIS ISSUE for Mother Earth – who provides the air, water, food and goods that we need to live healthy lives. Shmita...... 1 Rabbi’s Letter...... 2 I have no debts to forgive, but how can I or President’s Letter...... 3 we commit to lifting up others out of debt, who don’t have the same financial resources? Read A Way In...... 4 about ROLLING and STRIKE DEBT for Congregational School...... 5 College Students on the internet and be inspired by Songs...... 6 this creative generosity. Adult Education...... 7 Tikkun Olam...... 8-9 Shmita reminds us that we can trust that ; or that we can live with Library...... 10 we will have enough less. Perhaps we can live with a little less variety in Contributions...... 11 our food? Experiment with buying only local food Finance...... 12 for a while? Try living on a budget that reflects the Acts of Caring...... 14 medium income for a family of four for a week or a month? Yahrzeits...... 15 T’filot...... 16 How are you choosing to observe Shmita? Let’s have that conversation. Rabbi’s Letter by Rabbi Shawn Zevit Not until after the Second World War, and more Maccabees after the recapture and rededication of the so since the founding of the modern State of , altar in the , three years after our did Hanukkah move from a minor holiday, with no people had lost control of it to the Syrian Greeks on cessation of work, ritual or ceremonies (except the 25th of Kislev, 164 BCE: for candle-lighting at night). The Sages who rose to leadership after the destruction of the “Like the eight day celebration of , they in 70 C.E. were hesitant about elevating a political and celebrated in high spirits for eight days and recalled military victory into a religious celebration. As well, how a little while before, during the Sukkot festival throughout the centuries it was not seen wise to teach they had been wandering in mountains and caverns a story about rebellion and revolution when you had like wild animals. Now carrying a branch wrapped in minimal rights, if any, in the country that hosted you. ivy and the lulav they praised God…They passed a public ordinance and decreed that the whole Jewish It was not until the latter half of the twentieth century nation should observe these days every year.” II that Hanukkah emerged as more than a footnote in Maccabees 10: 6-8 Hebrew school and a family celebration. The founding of the modern state of Israel, the flourishing of Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, saw Hanukkah as a key in North American political, social and economic life festival in the ongoing reconstructing of Jewish life to where the melding- in true Reconstructionist fashion- remain relevant and compelling in our time. of a Jewish event and American and Canadian principles of freedom and pride in identity, and the concept “If the observance of Hanukkah can awaken in us the of Christmas and gift giving, all contributed to the determination to reconstruct Jewish life, by informing elevation of Hanukkah in the Jewish year cycle. it with a religious spirit characterized by absolute intellectual integrity, unqualified ethical responsibility In more recent years, Hanukkah has taken on a life and the highest degree of aesthetic creativity, it will of its own, in terms of religious freedom, the tensions indeed be a Festival of Dedication.” The Meaning of of commercialization, dedication of one’s values in God in Modern Jewish Religion. personal and public life through giving of to a different cause by family choice every day of Hanukkah, In explaining why the Hasmonean Jewish leaders social justice initiatives, such as our Human Rights and constructed the blessing “to kindle Hanukkah light” Faith Communities, gun control, Shabbat, examining and not “lights”, Rav Kook, the first chief rabbi of our use and misuse of oil and natural resources this Israel writes, “A person drawn to one light believes if Shmita year, and interfaith celebrations of various another person is predisposed to different lights the kinds. in the public square as exemplified by quality of light is diminished. However, as each person the lighting of a communal hanukkiah or Hanukkah strives to strengthen the positive aspect toward which menorah here in Philadelphia and elsewhere is a they are naturally inclined, the collective is built up concrete example of the mainstreaming of Hanukkah and improvements multiply… Peace will prevail in into American life. the future when it is clearly recognized that all of the different, individual lights are in fact one single light.” Interestingly due to rabbinic ambivalence, the books of Olat Re’iyah, p. 435. Maccabees (I and II, as well as the later II and IV) were only preserved in the Christian Bible and not in the The possibilities and challenges of Hanukkah are . ripe for us to engage with today. I wish all of you a hag sameah as we explore the season of light in The story of the miracle of oil that last eight days is the darkness and darkness in the light--with all of us a later rabbinic layering on the Hanukkah event to realizing we are in fact part of one precious planet, and distance from the initial political and spiritual revival in one radiant light. 167-8 BCE that had descended into corruption by the time of the fall of the Second Temple in 70 ACE. The original experience is chronicled in the Books of the Rabbi Shawn

2 President’s Letter by David Piver

We Sanctify Our Sanctuary through Now we turn to you: there is still opportunity Generosity with Each Other to participate in bringing the remainder of the Sanctifying the Sanctuary vision to fruition, It is fair to say that Mishkan is once again amongst either with a donation that can remain anonymous the leading Reconstructionist spiritual communities or one that recognizes your family’s support or is in in the country! Entering my third year of service, I honor of someone or something else that you would have seen our community come through a magnificent want recognized in the Mishkan community. transition fueled both by the generosity of families such as yours and by the selfless service of hours and Visit our website to add your voice hours and hours of passionate volunteers by so many and make your contribution! in our community. We all deeply believe in the mission and the even greater possibilities of Mishkan Shalom’s We still need to raise the remaining funds to support future. We are reconstructing Jewish spiritual and a myriad of initiatives that are important to each one social action practices, as well as sacred, loving, kind of us: our religious school; the interfaith political action and caring low-drama community relationships that work of POWER; modifications to the main sanctuary grow in capacity for our Tikkun Olam efforts- including to off-set the increase to Mishkan’s carbon foot print embracing care for our own souls and spiritual needs. and funds for increasing Mishkan’s reserves for the Wow, are we fortunate! future needs of our community.

As part of the celebration of our continuing evolution Increasing Mishkan’s reserve fund is and journey into being a leader amongst cutting essential to the stability of Mishkan’s edge Reconstructionist spiritual communities, we financial future and is a goal that, as have embarked on a fundraising vision aptly named President, I particularly want to achieve “Sanctifying the Sanctuary.” -- to leave Mishkan’s reserve fund in substantially better shape than when I I love the name “Sanctifying the Sanctuary” started. because it embodies both the elements of making improvements to our physical “sanctuary” as well as Joining with others in contributing to Sanctifying the spiritual elements of strengthening Mishkan as the Sanctuary, at whatever level you are “sanctuary” where we can bring and engage our best comfortable with, is a commitment to and an and deepest spiritual natures- a safe and beautiful place! expression of, Mishkan’s principles and values in your own life, as well as the lives of our members and the The Sanctifying the Sanctuary projects were selected community at large which all benefit from our vibrant by the board through a process to raise-up and address Mishkan. some needs of our community. These projects included: Thank you for considering my sharing of these words • Long delayed and much needed repair of the and for contributing to the vision for additional funds --- DONE! to support Mishkan further. I feel particularly good • Air conditioning system for the third floor about the financial contribution I have made to Mishkan main sanctuary to make that space more useful to this year both because of the deep good I believe this action does for me and for others supporting Mishkan our community and our tenant, Citylight Church and because of how this giving aligns with my belief and --- DONE! • Energy Use Mitigation/Sustainability participation in the profound spiritual “sanctuary” we are creating at Mishkan Shalom and for Tikkun Olam, • Education and Tikkun Olam repair of the world. • Increasing our reserves

To discuss this with me further, or with Rabbi Shawn, To date we have raised more than half of the $110,000 please feel free to call either of us. with the Torahs and air conditioning paid in full by Much Love, David Citylight Church and early generous donors.

3 A Way In: Jewish Mindfulness by Rabbi Yael Levy

Dear Friends, Sharon Barr, certified yoga teacher and longtime Mishkan member, will lead us in the Yoga Practice. The psalmist calls out: Sharon will bring her sensitivity, awareness and great A light shines in the darkness; a light of graciousness, skill as she guides us in experiencing the essence of compassion, and justice. the poses and helps us embodying the teachings of And as we align our selves with what is true, this time. Cultivating intention, This light shines through us We hope you will join with us for all or part of the And our generosity and goodness abound. day. Psalm 112:4-7 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. - Interactive study with On December 20, the Shabbat of Winter Solstice Rabbi Shawn and the 4th day of Hanukkah we will gather for a 10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - A Way In Mindfulness Yoga Mindfulness Retreat Day and heed this call of Service—with Mediation and Yoga the psalmist. 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. - Mindful Eating Practice (Please bring your own vegetarian lunch—snacks and Interweaving Meditation, Yoga Practice, Shabbat drinks provided.) Prayers and Music we will immerse ourselves in the interplay of light and darkness standing and If you are coming for the afternoon, please plan on stretching into attentive awareness, intuitive wisdom arriving by 1:00 p.m. and clear discernment. 1:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. - Yoga and Mindfulness practice 4:45-5:00 p.m. - Hanukkah Candle Lighting Entering We will listen as the winter solstice calls us to into the 5th day explore the gifts of the dark. We will pay attention as the 4th day of Hanukkah A light shines in the darkness—And each of us urges us to open the door to the wisdom that arises embodies this light. from imagination. May this season bring us warmth, inspiration and joy. And we will explore the Torah teachings for this day And may our lights shine for each other, encouraging in which we hear the call healing, wellbeing and peace --ruach elohim bo—the spirit of God is within each one of us. Shalom, Rabbi Yael

Kol Shalom is published monthly, September through June. Editor: Eileen Levinson Layout: Maralin Blistein Distribution: Maria Paranzino

Contributors include: Gene Bishop, Marcy Boroff, Doron Henkin, Anndee Hochman, Lynne Iser, Rivka Jarosh, Margaret Lenzi, Eileen Levinson, Yael Levy, Maria Paranzino, Michael Ramberg, Sharon Rhode, Abby Ruder, Stephanie Shell, Ellen Tichenor, Carol Towarnicky, Gari Weilbacher, Lisagail Zeitlin and Shawn Zevit.

Email articles by the 15th of each month to [email protected]

4 Congregational School by Rivka Jarosh

Dear All,

December is full of special celebrations for the But, of course, our major celebration is Hanukkah. students at Mishkan Shalom Congregational School. The children will discuss different aspects of the First and foremost, we have three classes that are holiday and do art projects that reflect this learning. participating in services and leading the way. Please We will be lighting candles on Wednesday, December join us for the special service with our youngest 17, at 7:30 p.m. Join us with your candles. Come sing students on December 5. They will have a potluck with us and listen as our Hanukkah Song Elective at 6:00 p.m. and then services will begin at 7:00 p.m. group performs for us. We will be selling Hanukkah for us but join us at the usual time to hear these candles during school time starting December 1. children sing. Our fourth and fifth grade students will Please come and buy a nice set for your family come on Saturday, December 13. They will lead many of the prayers of the morning service. Our Rabbinic during that time. Intern, Julie Beniof, will then lead a family service while others remain for a regular Torah service. As always, our classrooms are active. All classes are This service will be accessible to children of all ages. using a great deal of modern Hebrew in addition to Please feel welcome to join us. learning themes and ideas related to prayers. Our Tikkun Olam themes continue. Our Vav class is We always welcome our third graders into a special advocating for full day kindergarten and discussing service during Hanukkah. On Friday, December 19, school funding. Our Zayin class participated with join us for this special service. The children will be our POWER group in calling people to come out to presenting plays that reflect what they have learned vote. Come by and visit. You will be delighted to see about their ancestors. The parents will be discussing our school in operation. with the children why they chose to send their children to synagogue school. Every year, this service Have a wonderful holiday, is very moving and meaningful. Please join us for this special event. Rivka Jarosh

5 Hanukkah Songs for Energy and Light

Light One Candle in the Dark (© Rabbi Shawn I. Zevit)

(Dsus/Csus) Huddled here the shadows dance against the wall, The dark’s embrace has come to call; We gather tightly in the inner space The prayer is whispered face to face... into the nightfall.

We will not stand for mindless tyranny To no stone throne would we bend a knee I have a Little Dreidel We take the sword into oppression’s heart (Deborah Kornfeld) No callous threat can tear us apart from our God. Jewish People’s Climate Change initiative Chorus: (G/C/D/G) Light one candle in the dark I have a brand new light bulb for the miracles of old, It’s a miracle you see Light one candle in the dark It lights the room completely for the stories yet untold, Using half the energy Light one candle in the dark for the hope that will not die, Oh compact fluorescent light bulb For freedom’s never-ending spark, I really have to kvell Light one candle in the dark. It’s just so energy efficient And it saves you gelt as well Today we stand blessed by being free, Protected by your wings of liberty; My new fluorescent light bulb And yet there’s places I think I just might plotz where the oil pours about; It’s better for the environment Cannot hide while others’ lights go out… Cause it uses fewer watts. and still be free. Oh compact fluorescent light bulb (Chorus) I really have to kvell Ma-oz tzur yeh-shu-a-tee It’s just so energy efficient L’cha na-eh li-sha-bey-ach. And it saves you gelt as well. Tee-kon beyt ti-fil-a-tee Vi-sham to-dah ni-za-bey-ach.

Rock of Ages, let our song Praise your saving power; You amid the raging times Were our sheltering tower.

Light one candle in the dark... (Em/C/D) One Love/ Od Yavo

6 Adult Education by Anndee Hochman

Wrap yourself in a tallis And there’s more! that expresses your art and soul! A winter deluge of classes and workshops to feed In a two-day silk-painting workshop over the heart, mind and body: Martin Luther King Jr. weekend (Sunday/Monday from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.), adults and kids 11 and ✡✡ Learning sessions on Shabbat, up will design and paint a tallis under the inspired Shmita and led by Rabbi Shawn guidance of Rayzel Raphael, a rabbi, musician and and Rabbi Yael (dates & times still pending) artist who has been silk painting for ✡✡ Finding the Voice Within (spiritual more than 20 years. direction and music)—every third Friday from noon - 1:30 p.m. All materials are included; no ✡✡ Aging Well: Jewish Perspectives on artistic experience the Encore Years, led by Rabbi Dayle Fried- required! The man, Lynne Iser and Rabbi Simcha Zevit, Thursdays, workshop is January 8 & 22; February 12 & 26; March 12 & 26, $110 for Mishkan 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. members, $130 for others. ✡✡ Rikud: Sure, You Can Dance! Three rollicking sessions of all-ages dance Pre-registration instruction & practice: and payment required by December 31, • Jewish Folk Dance--Sunday, February 8, and 10 participants required to hold the 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. class. • Contemporary Line Dance--Sunday, March 15, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. • Square Dance--Sunday, April 12, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

✡✡ SoulCollage®--Sunday, March 22, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Details, instructor bios and registration info on the website,

7 Tikkun Olam by Lynn Iser

Choose Wind New Sanctuary Movement News: Mishkan Shalom is considering a partnership with Family in Sanctuary and New CHOOSE PA WIND encouraging our members to Campaign for Drivers’ Licenses switch to WIND ENERGY. By Michael Ramberg In Pennsylvania, we have the option to choose who generates your electricity. For instance, we can In our Torah readings for December we read about switch suppliers to one that offers the lowest prices the challenges faced by our legendary ancestors or to one that offers renewable energy. and Joseph when they were forced to leave In this program PECO will remain the utility their homes and live in other countries. While our provider and we get to choose which wind energy stories don’t merely connect us to the struggles supplier we wish to use. The cost is a bit more but of immigrants today, they bring the responsibility by switching we are supporting renewable energy. to work to make sure today’s immigrants are We have been told: Nothing you can do not oppressed. Mishkan members act on this with your personal energy budget has Jewish commitment in many ways, including our greater impact on environmental quality in community’s membership in the New Sanctuary Pennsylvania than supporting Pennsylvania Movement of Philadelphia. renewable energy. In mid-November a mother with a final deportation Keep your eyes & ears open for late breaking order and her family, members of an NSM developments. congregation, took the bold step of accepting Groundswell Rising, Protecting Our physical sanctuary in the church of another NSM congregation. At the time, they were the ninth family Children’s Air And Water in the country to do so. All of these courageous A new documentary from Emmy Award-winning families raise the awareness of our broken Resolution Pictures, captures the passion of people immigration system and escalate the pressure on engaged in a David and Goliath confrontation. They President Obama to finally keep his promise to take stand together, challenging a system that promotes executive action to improve the system. profit over health. We meet mothers, fathers, scientists, doctors, farmers and people from all sides of the Over the course of the summer, NSM volunteers political spectrum taking a hard look at energy held a listening campaign to determine our extraction techniques not proven to be safe. With next advocacy campaign. After more than 200 the oil and gas industry’s expansion of fracking seen conversations with immigrants, the top priority that as a moral issue, this provocative documentary tracks emerged was drivers’ licenses for undocumented a people’s movement, a groundswell rising towards immigrants in Pennsylvania. In our society, with reason and sensitivity, to protect life, today and inadequate public transportation, being unable to tomorrow. For more information on the film go to drive, or having to drive in constant fear, is a crippling burden. So we are joining the coalition working for Sunday, December 7, 10:00 am, this critical goal. Germantown Jewish Center, 4100 Ellet St. For more information, please contact Michael along with a light breakfast and Ramberg at [email protected] conversation with special guest, Dave Walczak, The Sustainability Team is focusing on Associate Producer of the film. some new issues, in addition to our now well The Q & A panel includes Walter Tsou, functioning and much greener Mishkan Kitchen; and MD, Ken Lande PhD and Wendy L. Lee PhD the success that we had in filling TWO BUSES for the Cosponsored by Mishkan People’s Climate March in NYC. We are looking at a RSVP to Maxine Margolies at [email protected] (Continued on next page)

8 The Spirit of the Divine: All-Day Mindfulness and Yoga Retreat with Rabbi Yael and Sharon Barr on December 20 by Carol Towarnicky please pre-register. There is a suggested donation of $36, $54, $72 or $108. An all-day Jewish Mindfulness retreat on Saturday, December 20, will combine Jewish liturgy with yoga Register and donate by check (mail to A Way In, Box and meditation to deepen the mind-body connection 118, Swarthmore, PA 19081) or by credit card online: and awaken ourselves to the present moment. (Enter “Yoga Mindfulness” in the Notes field online or in the memo line on The day will begin at 9:00 a.m. with an interactive checks and please include your email for confirma- Torah Study with Rabbi Shawn. From 10:00 a.m. to tion. For more information, email info@jewishmindful- 12:15 p.m., Mishkan member Sharon Barr, a certified or call 215.508.0226x2. yoga teacher, will join Rabbi Yael at a Shabbat Mindfulness service that will focus on words from In her letter this month, Rabbi Yael writes about the Torah portion, Miketz – “The spirit of the Divine the themes of the day -- not only the Torah portion is within us.” Following a silent (brown bag) lunch, but also the Winter Solstice and the fourth day of Rabbi Yael and Sharon will co-lead the afternoon Hanukkah. In addition, Sharon emphasizes that the retreat devoted to sitting and walking meditation retreat will lead us toward the experience of the and yoga geared to all levels of experience. The prayers in our bodies through traditional yoga poses; afternoon part of the program will start at 1:15 p.m. she will offer alternatives for all poses so that people and end at 5:00 p.m., after the lighting of the fifth of all abilities may participate. Hanukkah candle. Participants are asked to bring their own vegetarian lunches. Drinks, fruit and snacks will be provided. The afternoon program is sponsored by A Way In Jewish Mindfulness organization. Participants are Previous mindfulness or yoga experience is not ≥invited to come to all or part of the day’s program, necessary. You may bring a yoga mat, meditation but if you are attending the afternoon program, cushion or blanket, if desired.

Tikkun Olam (Continued from previous page) proposal to MOVE OUR MONEY/PROTECT deeply informative exploration with our guest. OUR PLANET – looking at our purchasing, credit The group continues to reach out to area card and banking practices so as to move our money organizations and individuals engaged in from fossil fuel energy sources to companies based issues of mass incarceration to learn more on renewable energy. and to lend our support as activists. Immigration Working Group, led by Rabbi New Jim Crow Study/Action Group Michael Ramberg, is asking that Mishkan express Mark your calendars to welcome Jhondi Harrell, our support for the decision by the New Sanctuary founder and director of The Center for Returning Movement to offer physical sanctuary to immigrants Citizens, to our study/action group at Mishkan who have received final deportation orders – an act Shalom on Sunday, November 23, 3:00 p.m. of civil disobedience. This is a decision that is being to 5:00 p.m. We look forward to a powerful and discussed by the Board.

9 Library by Sharon Rhode

Our Mishkan Library One Book Mishkan’s 10th Season Continues: Comes to You! Save the Dates for Winter & Spring Programs Were you just in the Library for a meeting or class, Guide for the Perplexed, by Dara Horn but didn’t have time to check the stacks? Been meaning to stop by the Library, but just haven’t had Rabbi Shawn’s Brown Bag a chance? Well, next time you’re in the building for Shabbat Lunch & Learn: Maimonides a program or event, look around for our library Saturday, January 31, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. cart, head on over and check out (figuratively AND Learn more about Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, rabbi, literally!) some great titles. physician and philosopher, author of The Guide for the Perplexed. Our new “Library on Wheels” will be making appearances throughout the year at Mishkan events Saturday Night at the Movies: and gatherings. We’ll have a great selection of new Fill the Void arrivals and titles sure to be of interest. A member Saturday, March 21, 7:30 p.m. of our Library Committee will be nearby to answer The New York Times called this “An enthralling, questions and help sign-out books, right where you stirring tale….” Movie nite features popcorn, are. See you at the Library Cart! libations, yummy treats and lively discussion.

One Book, One Jewish Community Panel Discussion: God in an Expanding Universe Henna House Programs in Full Gear The citywide program is well underway with many Sunday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. opportunities to attend book discussions and Our well-loved panel discussion returns with a programs created stellar cast of expert commentators: Rabbi Nancy by OBOJC Fuchs Kreimer, Joe Dougherty and Rabbi Michael partners, including Yondorf. appearances by local author Nomi Arts Night: Saturday, May 16, 7:30 p.m. Members and friends of Mishkan present a special Eve. evening of poetry readings, theatrical performances Be sure to visit the and music, including Makhelat Micha’el: Mishkan’s OBOJC webpage Community Choir. for event listings, a reader’s guide, For more information, visit our Library page at www. resources on or write to us at [email protected]. Yemenite food and See you in the Library! music, books and films about Yemen and more. Sign-up to receive regular e-mails, featuring a Yemenite Word of the Week: http://

10 Contributions

October 21 to November 15 Sanctifying The Sanctuary Steve & Cindy Perkiss Life Cycle Fund Anonymous Donor Marilyn Ackelsberg – IHO Lance & Mary Laver’s daughter’s marriage Tzaddik Fund Susan Richards & Sharon Parker – IHO Ellen Claudia Apfelbaum & Jay Tarler - IMO Ron Fischman Weaver’s Birthday Phyllis Berman & Arthur Waskow - IMO Ron Fischman Mishkan-A-Thon Judy Bernstein-Baker - IMO Ron Fischman David Acker & Bob Prischak Jean Brody - IMO Ron Fischman Laurie Actman & Christopher Johnson Jennifer Coburn - IMO Ron Fischman Hannah Ashley Helene Feldman - IMO Ron Fischman Lisa & Danel Auerbach Jim Feldman & Sharon Sigal - IMO Ron Fischman Marcy Boroff Jeff Gelles & Sharon Gornstein – IMO Ron Fischman Carol & Eugene Fleischman Sotirescu Elissa Goldberg & Anndee Hochman - IMO Ron Mindy Dorfman & Lisa Moss Fischman Anna Forrester & Mitch Young Ron Goldwyn & Carol Towarnicky - IMO Ron Elissa Goldberg & Anndee Hochman Fischman Leslie Hurtig & Tom Ginsberg Mark Haas - IMO Ron Fischman Marc Jacobs Susan Richards & Sharon Parker – IMO Ron Susan Josephs & Eric Stein Fischman Gabby & Fred Kaplan-Mayer Abby Ruder & Ellen Tichenor - IMO Ron Fischman Andrea Konow & Janet Garretson Susan Saxe & Moon Smith - IMO Ron Fischman Gena & Robert Lopata Lillian Sigal - IMO Ron Fischman Mindy Maslin Hadar Roizman & Elana Erdakos Yizkor Book Gael & Jamie Simon Marilyn Ackelsberg Elsie Stern & Steve Cohen Abbe Fletman & Jane Hinkle Eve Weiss & John Spencer Lynne Iser & Mordechai Liebling Cindy Shapiro & Mark Smith Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Kris & Mark Soffa Josh Sherer & Melanie Burnick – IHO Rabbi Shawn Rosalind Spigel

11 Finance The Finance Corner years, with higher dues targets than last year’s -- By Doron Henkin and Ellen Tichenor but reaching the 60% goal will take time. Rental income is also up, but probably can’t go much Welcome to a new regular feature of Kol Shalom, higher without major changes in how we use our where we will explore and do our best to explain building. Taking all this together, it means Mishkan has Mishkan money matters. to work a bit harder now on creative opportunities to contribute and on growing program income. Mishkan is so much more than a house of worship. There are many ways members can give money to It’s a community in motion, where we learn, pray Mishkan outside of basic dues. One popular way to and sing together; where we gather for comfort support congregations without breaking the bank and camaraderie and celebration, for quiet and is by honoring someone or something important restoration. It’s our springboard for action to repair to you. Donations of small amounts from many the world, and provides a wellspring for our spirits. members, typically $18 (the numeric equivalent of the word “hai,” meaning Life, in Hebrew) or With so much life being lived and emanating from multiples of hai ($36, $72, etc) add up to a significant here, it’s important to understand the money collective contribution over the year. Such dynamics needed to support our vitality. opportunities can include:

The chart below shows percentages of our total yy Honoring someone having a birthday, mark budget that come from various sources of income. an anniversary, thank someone for organizing social action or special event, or for receiving an award, to celebrate a b’nai , or simply to appreciate someone or something about Mishkan; yy Remembering a loved one when they die, at their yahrzeit or when you’re especially thinking of them during the year; yy Donating to a particular permanent fund, such as the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund which gives our rabbis opportunity to offer confidential or public support as needed, or the Tzaddik Fund that acknowledges righteousness; yy Contributing to special projects, such Sancti- fying the Sanctuary; yy Remembering Mishkan in your will.

These simple gifts grow our generosity as well Most synagogues raise between 60% and 80% of as our community. We are both benefactors budgets through dues. Mishkan’s current budget and beneficiaries of what we give to our beloved for dues income, at 55%, is below that range. Our Mishkan. To be sure, money is not the only thing we budget is optimistic for the first time in several give, but it’s essential.

12 Sanctifying the Sanctuary Dear Mishkan Family, Sanctifying the Sanctuary End-of-Year Fundraising Campaign It’s almost Hanukkah. The most compelling part of the story for us is how little oil there was and how With renewed energy and roots firmly planted, we miraculously long it lasted. We used to tell our are now looking forward to what is next for Mishkan daughter how important it was to keep the N’er Tamid Shalom. Rabbi Shawn’s Brit Kehillah Ceremony lit, because that is how G-d finds the Jewish people. If demonstrated a commitment from him, our leaders we keep the flame burning in the dark, G-d will see it and fellow members to move Mishkan Shalom from and know where we are and we won’t be lost. surviving to thriving. Initiated by two generous Mishkan members, we present this fund raising For us, Mishkan is our N’er Tamid, a constant light of initiative to express our faith in our future. presence and guidance that we shine into the world and rely on for warmth, inspiration, challenge, solace, The Sanctifying the Sanctuary campaign and song. Our aspirations come together here and gives attention to the sanctuary itself rise up with our voices, collectively for a just world, in while also sanctifying our larger Mishkan shared celebration, in prayer and grief and joy. and our committed involvement in the The light of N’er Tamid reminds us that we too are Greater Philadelphia community and our infused with holiness, and it is our task to tend this world. sacred fire that lights our way, to spread it into our Mishkan community and out beyond our walls. Tending Campaign Goal - $110,000 the flame illuminates for us how we will flourish, thrive, Funds Raised or Pledged to-date - $58,000 and reach out to be partners with our brothers and These funds will be used for the following sisters in repairing the world. initiatives:

This is why at Hanukkah, in gratitude for the everyday yy Livability (Air Conditioning) miracles Mishkan brings into our lives, and for the yy Energy Use Mitigation/Sustainability flames of the candles we will soon light in the darkness, yy Torah Repair and Restoration we donate first to Mishkan. Our collective light needs yy Tikkun Olam the spark and nourishment of each and every one of us yy Education to shine ever stronger. yy Increasing Cash Reserves

Help keep our N’er Tamid lit in joyous support of our We have raised more than half of the 50% of our spiritual leaders, teachers, each other and the sacred goal with the Torahs and air conditioning paid in full work of our community. Please join us in generously by Citylight Church and early generous donors. contributing to Sanctifying the Sanctuary. This Please consider an end-of-year donation by doing fundraising campaign has already restored our Torahs one of the following: and air conditioned our sanctuary. Your gift now will Visit our website grow our Tikkun Olam work, bolster our wonderful Respond to an upcoming mailing. religious school, increase our energy savings, and keep As always, please feel free to discuss your our light in the world burning steadily when we most contribution with David Piver [email protected], need it. Ellen Tichenor [email protected] or Rabbi Shawn, [email protected]. Now is the time to strive to sustain Mishkan so together we and our children may continue to walk Thank you! with its blessings through all the years of our lives.

With love and all warm wishes for the season,

Abby Ruder & Ellen Tichenor

13 Acts of Caring /G’milut Hasadim by Gene Bishop and Stephanie Shell Post (sister of Nancy Post in our prayers as well. May they all experience a refuah sheleimah (full healing). Mazel Tov Acts of Caring lets the Mishkan Shalom community We send mazel tov to Paula and Larry Wallach on learn about significant events in the lives of our the birth of their grandson, Lincoln Alexander, and members. In this way, we can reach out to one to Lance and Mary Laver on their daughter Claire’s another in times of grief, illness, and joy. To reach us recent marriage to Alexander Joseph Pientka. simply email : [email protected].

Condolences HINENI--HERE I AM We extend condolences to Chris Taranta on the If you have life circumstances that would be helped death of his father, Italo Taranta, and to Jane Hinkle by short-term support and/or help with concrete on the death of her sister, Martha Thorn. May Chris, tasks please contact Lisa Mervis and Sharon Sigal Jane and their families be comforted among all the at [email protected] or please phone Sharon mourners of Zion and all humanity and may the at 610.574.1705 or 610.649.0274. We will reach out memories of Italo and Martha be for a blessing. to the community and coordinate help with needs such as transportation to doctor appointments, meals, errands, as well as visits. Love and Support This month we send our ongoing love, support, and prayers for healing to Mishkan members Robin Are you receiving Acts of Caring Berenholz , Bernice Bricklin, Jean Brody/Louis via email? Schwartz, Wendy Caplin, Mark Goodman, Jane Acts of Caring now goes out to all Mishkan Hinkle, Sue Jacobs, Jay Kravitz , Denise Kulp, Robin members. It is our communication central for Leidner, and Aryeh Stein Azen. sharing life cycle events and community needs for help. If you are not receiving Acts of Caring, We are keeping Alan Boroff (father of Marcy please check your spam, or if you have gmail, your Boroff), Evelyn Bishop (mother of Gene Bishop), solicitations folder (Acts of Caring is distributed by Eleazar Shimon Hakohen ben Shoshana v’Ahron Constant Contact). Yosaif (father of Rabbi Shawn Zevit), Arnold Schein (father of Susan Schein), Sarah Bradley (mother of David Bradley), Debra Singer (sister of Karen Got Nachas? Sharing your good news is a Singer), Patrick Windle (brother of Susan Windle), marvelous way to connect our community! Please Sal Berenholz (father of Robin Berenholz), Jackie don’t be shy - send all lifecycle events you would like Berman-Gorvine (daughter-in-law of Natalie & to be posted to our email address: actsofcaring@ Harold Gorvine), Lorna Michaelson (mother-in-law Please notify us if you want a name of Joe Brenman), Eva Galson (mother of Wendy added to, or removed from, our “Ongoing love, Galson and mother-in-law of Susan Windle), Julie support, and prayers of healing…” list.

14 Yahrzeits

We lovingly remember those who have passed, Zichronam L’vracha.

Dora Maligson-12/1-Kislev 9 Harvey Bakely-12/14-Kislev 22 Great Grandmother of Wendy Galson Brother of Jeff Bakely

Murray Young-12/1-Kislev 9 Melvin Barbarash-12/14-Kislev 22 Father of Mitchell Young Father of Ellie Barbarash

Bernard Silver-12/3-Kislev 11 Hannah Carner-12/16-Kislev 24 Father of Joel Silver Grandmother of Hannah Ashley

Arthur Caplin-12/5-Kislev 13 Samuel Charme-12/16-Kislev 24 Father of Wendy Caplin Father of Stuart Charme

Florence Jacobs-12/9-Kislev 17 Edna Goldfisher-12/16-Kislev 24 Mother of Christopher Jacobs Aunt of Ellie Barbarash

Michael Litan-12/9-Kislev 17 Peter Leonard-12/16-Kislev 24 Husband of Ellen Steiker Step Father of Helene Halstuch

Albert Tarler-12/9-Kislev 17 Kauffman-12/20-Kislev 28 Father of Jay Tarler Father of Tracy Kauffman

Roslyn Hofer Lieberman-12/10-Kislev 18 Arthur Lang-12/24-Tevet 2 Mother of Dee Dee Lopez Father of Bill Lang

Eugene Bereston-12/11-Kislev 19 Marvin Levin-12/25-Tevet 3 Grandfather of Sarah Rebecca Katz & David Love Father of Barrie Levin

Miriam Lieberman-12/11-Kislev 19 Clifford Rainey-12/15-Tevet 3 Mother of Natalie Gorvine Partner of Eileen Levinson

Irene Wagner-12/11-Kislev 19 Dominique Gignoux-12/27-Tevet 5 Mother of Harry Mock Father of Alexandra Gignoux

Edith Kelvin-12/12-Kislev 20 Samuel Laver-12/27-Tevet 5 Mother of Lisa Tuttle Father of Lance Laver

Michael Towarnicky-12/12-Kislev 20 Glenn C. Forrester-12/28-Tevet 6 Father of Carol Towarnicky Grandfather of Anna Forrester

15 T’filot Please join us for Torah study every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.

Friday, December 5, 7:30 p.m. – Kabbalat Friday, December 19, 7:30 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service, with Julie Benioff Shabbat Service

Saturday, December 6, 9:00 a.m. – Saturday, December 20, 10:00 a.m. – A Way Vayishlach – Spiritual Direction Circle, with Rabbi In Mindfulness Retreat Day, with Rabbi Yael Shawn, Andrea and Meredith; 10:00 a.m. – A Way In Mindfulness Service, with Rabbi Yael Monday, December 22, 7:00 p.m. – Rosh Hodesh Tevet Celebration Saturday, December 13, 9:00 a.m. – Vayeshev – Tot Shabbat; 10:00 a.m. – Human Saturday, December 27, 10:00 a.m. – Rights Shabbat, with Dalit, Hey classes and Rabbi Vayigash – Shabbat Service Shawn