Coaching Practice

© by IAAF Athlete Typology and 27:1/2; 27-37, 2012 Training Strategy in the 400m Hurdles by Janusz Iskra


Most coaches will find themselves with ath- Prof. Janusz Iskra is a scientist, sport meth- letes who vary from any established ideal odologist and athletics coach specialised in set of characteristics, making it necessary hurdles events. He currenty works in two develop an appropriate training strategy to Polish high schools: Technical University maximise each individual athlete’s poten- in Opole and University School of Physical tial. For them, the most interesting analy- Education in Katowice. sis of training concerns groups of similar athletes - defined by body build, motor and coordinative (technical, rhythm) prepara- tion, personality and the specifics of their sport careers - so that the relevant lessons Introduction and information can be applied in practice. In a previous study the author, who is a coach and scientist, created a typology of erformance level in the 400m hurdles 400m hurdlers and found there were seven P depends on the athlete’s genetic and basic types of top performers in the event. physical pre-dispositions, particularly The aim of this article is to systematically movement awareness and coordination, and present the appropriate training means the type of long-term (6-10 years) training work for the three types of 400m hurdlers seen that is applied. The nature and specific char- most often in the early 21st century: “Spe- acteristics of this discipline make it difficult to cial Endurance”, “Technical” and “Rhythm” identify “pure” talent at the first (youth) stage and to show how these means are incorpo- of training and the best we can do is look for rated into microcycles for each of the main tall individuals with running speed, endurance, training periods as a guide for coaches who strength and good co-ordination. However, in are planning a programme. Templates of the end, coaches will find themselves with ath- endurance, strength and rhythm training letes who vary from any established ideal with means have been prepared for each type of regard to somatic build, motor preparation, hurdler. In addition, sample microcycles for level of technique, personality, etc, the “general preparation”, “special prepa- making it necessary to develop an appropriate ration” and “pre-competition/competition” training strategy to maximise each individual periods are presented. athlete’s potential.

In training science literature we traditionally have two main approaches to the description of the preparation of athletes in any discipline.

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The first presents the theory and general train- many current examples of this type of analysis ing aspects, including all the typical elements for the 400m hurdles (e.g. Harrison, 1991; of a programme (training means, macrocycle Alejo, 1993; Stepanova, 1997; Iskra, planning, types of microcycles, volume and 1999 and 2001). intensity of training sessions, etc.). From this approach we get a universal but perhaps Certainly in the case of the 400m hurdles, over-simplified picture. In current publications the most interesting analysis of training, from about the 400m hurdles we can find a lot of both the theoretical and practical points of very useful information written from this point of view, concerns groups of similar athletes de- view (e.g. McFarlane, 1988; Bowerman & fined by body build, motor and coordinative Freeman, 1991; Iskra, 1991; Bovell, 2004; (technical, rhythm) preparation, personality and Jarver, 2004). the specifics of their sport careers. This third variant of training literature is rare, but it can The second approach is an individual analy- be very valuable for planning an effective pro- sis of the training of the best performers in a gramme for athletes with the characteristics of country or the world. This kind of study is very the group or groups covered (see Table 1). interesting but it has a basic fault: the training of a champion is reserved for unique individu- In a previous study (published in Polish) I als, in specific times and places, and it is very created a typology of 400m hurdlers base on difficult to transfer the lessons, even if they are the criteria shown in Table 1. I found the follow- clear, to another athlete with his or her own set ing seven basic types of top performers, listed of characteristics and circumstances. We have here with their typical sporting background:

Table 1: Criteria of typology of 400m hurdles runners

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• “Tempo” / 400m/400m hurdles, points of his or her conditional and technique • “Technical” / 110m hurdles, abilities. I believe the best and most obvious solution is to choose the types of training • “Speed” / 100-200m, means as well as the volume and intensity that • ”Endurance” / 800/400m, are most appropriate to the somatic, motor and • “Rhythm” / pure 400m hurdles, rhythm predispositions of the athlete. • “All-round”, st • “Optimal”. In the first decade of the 21 century we find the three most common types of 400m hur- In most of the cases above, type-back- dlers on the scene are from the “Tempo” (or ground descriptions should be obvious what we now call “Special Endurance”), “Tech- enough. With regard to the “All-round” (or what nical” and “Rhythm” types. The characteristics we now call “Versatility”) group, this comprises of these types are presented in Table 2. The aim athletes who were previously jumpers or de- of this article is to provide a guide for coaches who are planning a programme by systemati- cathletes, e.g. Dia Ba (SEN), who ran 47.23. cally presenting the appropriate training means The “Optimal” or ideal type comprises athletes for these three types of hurdlers and show how who are tall and excellent in both the 400m and they are incorporated into microcycles for each 110m hurdles, e.g. (accordingly of the main training periods. 45.60, 13.64 and 47.02), (45.11, 13.65 and 46.78) and (44.71, 13.25 and 47.19). Of course, for most coaches Types of 400m Hurdles Training finding such athletes are just a dream. We can start by classifying the two main When we start to create a strategy and pe- areas of training appropriate for the 400m riodisation plan for 400m hurdles training we hurdles: conditioning (speed, endurance, must consider the type of athlete with whom strength) and technical (rhythm). In this sec- we are working. The first question might be: tion we will list the possibilities and assign the should we concentrate on the individual’s best appropriate means to each of the three types predispositions or should be focus on the weak of hurdler of interest here.

Table 2: Description of the three most common types of 400m hurdlers

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Conditioning Endurance training on the other hand is specific to the type of hurdler. In Table 3 we in- Speed, both maximal and technical (medi- troduce several means to develop endurance um and high intensity; “elements of speed”) are and in Table 4 we assign these training means necessary for all the types of 400m hurdlers. according to the needs of each of the three The means used to develop this bio-motor abil- types of hurdler. ity are much the same as they are for 400m runners and other sprinters. As these are well Note: in the following tables “Basic” means covered elsewhere and as the differences in are those that are useful for all athletes, “Help- the volume of speed training sessions between ful” are useful in individual cases, especially in the different types of 400m hurdlers are rather the general preparation period, and “Addition- small, we will only mention them as examples al” means are possibilities for creating variety when we cover microcycle planning below. in a long-term training plan.

Table 3: Endurance training means for the 400m hurdles

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Table 4: Endurance training means appropriate for common groups of 400m hurdlers

Table 5: Strength training means for the 400m hurdles

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For the “Special Endurance” type of hurdler training means according to the needs of each we choose of all runs with maximal (100%) or type of 400m hurdler. submaximal 90-95%) intensity; for “Techni- cal” type hurdlers we choose short speed- For “Special Endurance” type hurdlers, the endurance efforts; for “Rhythm” type hurdlers most effective strength training is based on we prefer less flat endurance (without hurdles) running strength exercises (jumps, skips, up- with high intensity as well as running strength. hill runs) and basic leg strength exercises with low/medium weight. The appropriate means for Strength is a very important part of training a “Technical” type of hurdler are: classic weight for the 400m hurdles. In particular, we must lifting, dynamic leg strength and short jumps. develop special leg strength and additional For the “Rhythm” type of hurdler, the training strength of trunk and upper part of body. In Ta- programme should emphasise leg strength ble 5 we present the basic patterns of strength training on machines and special running ex- (or power) training. ercises (jumps and running drills). Sometimes in long-term periodisation we must take advan- We can see that there is a large complex tage of other exercises, like explosive starts, of strength training sessions and a number sprinting with resistance and isometric strength of strength exercises. These give the coach (especially after injuries). a chance to create interesting and effective preparation programmes. The means shown Technical comprise static, dynamic, explosive and run- The real heart of the 400m hurdles coach’s ning strength exercises. If we want to plan the job is to choose the appropriate forms of tech- best individual type of strength training for a nical (rhythm) training. We can design appro- given individual and situation, we must con- priate activities using the following modifica- sider both volume (number of training sessions tion options: and number of repetitions) and intensity (loads) • whole distance of the race, of the exercises. In Table 6 we assign strength

Table 6: Strength training means appropriate for common groups of 400m hurdlers

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• part of the distance, • intensity of runs, • type of rhythm (number or strides), • length of the approach, • length of inter-hurdle spacing, • length of the finish (40m), • height of the hurdles, • type of start, • times of rest intervals, • technical emphasis (trail or lead leg drills).

Table 7: Technical (rhythm) training means for the 400m hurdles

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Abbreviations: i = time intervals, H – hurdle distance or number of hurdles, R – right leg, s = spacing between hurdles, h – chosen hurdles, LL – lead leg, l = high of hurdles, L – left leg, TL – trail leg, a = approach

In Table 7 we present several types of spe- Microcycle Planning cific (with hurdles) work. In fact, these are only part of what is possible in this interesting and The final stage of creating a periodised complicated area, but we can at least start training programme for any event is writing the from this basic information. microcycles with detailed exercise information. Here we can give sample programmes spe- Characteristic of training for “Special Endur- cific to the types of 400m hurdlers on which ance” type hurdlers are runs connected with we have been focusing in order to illustrate the flat and hurdles distances (“tempo-rhythm” principles and provide a draft for coaches to and “”rhythm-tempo”). Additionally we use begin their own elaboration. intervals and classic hurdle runs in the odd number of strides pattern (take-off on the one When we elaborate a 400m hurdles micro- leg). Work with the “Technical” type of hurdler cycle programme we must take into consid- also focuses on the same odd number stride eration information about the individual athlete rhythm. In this case the running distances and environmental conditions. The most im- are short and medium and intensity is very portant individual indicators are: high. When teaching the above types of hur- • Performance level; dlers effective rhythm, we emphasis the best leg. For the third type of hurdler covered here • Age (also training age); (“Rhythm”) the core of technical training con- • Somatic parameters (especially body height sists of all kinds of rhythm runs (classic, mod- and leg length); ify, interval) in changing stride patterns. The • Level of motor abilities (speed, endurance, examples are presented in Table 8. strength and flexibility);

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Table 8: Technical and rhythm training means appropriate for common groups of 400m hurdlers

• Level of hurdle technique (hurdle rhythm, • Medical conditions (nutrition, supplemen- hurdles clearance on both legs, ability to tations). hurdle on the curve); These groups of training means are a ba- • Aim of each season (to reach top of the sis for the “puzzle game” of planning: two form (World Championships or Olympic groups of speed drills, 12 endurance training Games), to prepare for a prolonged period means, 16 strength groups of exercises and of the high-quality performances (cycle of (most important) 14 types of rhythm training form a “pack” of playing-cards for coaches “”) or competitions in in- to arrange. Their utility value depends on the door season. knowledge and experience of the coach as well as the level and type of hurdler. Beyond of these we must analyse the fol- lowing environment conditions: In Tables 9 to 11 we give examples of mi- • Training conditions (tracks, indoor, halls, crocycles and training sessions in the three equipment, climatic (attitude), camps, stages of a one-year preparation. • Weather (temperature, wind),

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Table 9: Examples of typical microcycles for common groups of 400m hurdle runners in the “General Preparation Period”

Table 10: Examples of typical microcycles for common groups of 400m hurdle runners in the “Special Preparation Period”

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Table 11: Examples of typical microcycles for common groups of 400m hurdle runners in the “Pre-Competition and Competition Period”

Conclusion REFERNCES

The practical study of 400m hurdles train- ALEJO, B. (1993). Weight training for the 400m hurdler. ing shows that it is necessary to choose vari- Track Technique, 123, 3915-3918. ous types of training session according to the BOVELL, C. & LINDEMAN (2004). The 400m hurdles. Pre- specific abilities of the individual hurdler. This sentation at the ITFCA Congress, , Greece. is more preferable than copying the training Bowerman J. & Freeman W. (1991). High-performance of the biggest (sometimes genetic) talents. training or .Champaign, IL: Leisure Press. The possibility of planning individual-specific DUFFIELD, R.; DAWSON, B. & GOODMAN, C. (2005). Ener- preparation programmes creates a chance to gy system contribution to 400m and 800-m track running. maximise all the given athlete’s capabilities. Journal of Sport Sciences, 3, 299-307. The presentation here of training principles HARRISON, T. (1991). on track. A Lion Book, based on the classification of the main groups (ISBN 0 7452 33785). of hurdlers is an important step towards un- ISKRA, J. (1991). Endurance in the hurdles. derstanding the individual (professional) prep- New Studies in Athletics, 2, 43-50. aration required to do this. ISKRA, J. (1999). The training preparation of the European 400m hurdles champion. Track Coach, 147, 4691-4697.

ISKRA, J. & WIDERA J. (2001). The training preparation of the world junior 400m hurdles champion. Track Coach 156, Please send all correspondence to: 4980-4984, 4997.

Prof Janusz Iskra JARVER, J. (2004). The hurdles: Contemporary theory, tech- [email protected] nique and training. Mountain View, CA: Track and Field News McFarlane B. (1988) The science of hurdling. Ottawa: Ca- nadian Track and Field Association

STEPANOVA, M. (1997). My experiences in the 400m hur- dles. Track Coach, 140, 4473-4475 www.ukhurdlesclub. com (03.01.2005)

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