
June 2012

Athletics Monthly

The Journal of the World Famous Scarborough Athletic Club

Some of the 19 who competed so very successfully at the final YA League meeting at Whitley Bay. Massive points total, overwhelming win and the League Title achieved. Congratulations to the athletes, coaches and helpers. Full report included in this edition. Ed.

Fixtures Lists. Road, Fell and Cross Country Sports Therapy Website. Injury Prevention Article on building stamina. Liz McColgan Athletics Biographies. Sue Louth Cartoon and Quote of the month Road rankings Press Reports

From the Editor

Welcome to the June Edition of the Club Magazine, and thank you to Sue Louth and Jenna Wheatman for their contribution. For the second consecutive month, I have highlighted the achievements of our younger athletes, who have now won their league in some style. I hope that many of them will stay with us in their older years, and give thus give a boost to the seniors, particularly in the senior track and field league, which so far this season has not been very successful. For what now remains of the Track and Field season, and in particular the English Schools championships, I hope that those concerned can stay injury free, and end the year on a high note.

Mick Thompson 01723 864442 [email protected]


Club members have participated in almost all of the races listed. I can help with further information if required. Ed.


See also the Esk Valley Fell Race Club web site for further information, and a very large fixture list.

Summer Series. Now on Wednesday other than the Castleton Show Race

4 Jul Maybeck 3 Crosses 10 miles - 1062 feet New course 25 Jul Cock Howe and Beyond 7 miles – 1500 feet. Plus U12-18 races 1 Aug Gribdale Gallop 7.1 miles – 1750 feet Plus U12-18 races 15 Aug Guisborough Grunt 7.2 miles – 1350 feet 29 Aug Inclined to Madness (Clay Bank)7.6 miles – 1230 feet 8 Sep Castleton Show 6.1 miles - 650 feet Plus U12-18 races 12 Sep Roseberry Topping 1.5 miles - 715 feet Plus U12-18 races

English Junior Championship races remaining

1 Jul Hawkswick 14 Jul Sedberg

British and Irish Championship

22 Sep Melmerby

English Schools

30 Sep Cockermouth

Multi Terrain

Every Saturday at 0900. Sewerby Park 5 K. Free. Enter ‘on line’ by 1800 Friday

11 Nov Dalby Forest 10K and 2K fun run.


8 Jul Kilburn 7 Hilly but popular event 21 Jul Yorks Wolds half . Bishop Wilton 22 Jul Harrogate 10K Undulating course 29 Jul Elloughton 10K Flat 2 lap course 5 Aug Jane Tomlinson 10K York 14 Aug Millenium Bridge races 5K and shorter races for all ages 19 Aug Escrick 10K Includes childrens races 2 Sep Tholthorpre 10K Fast course 9 Sep Major Stone Undulating 16 Sep half marathon

Track (All on Sunday unless stated otherwise)

1 Jul. Senior League Match 3 Middlesborough 5 Aug. Senior League Match 4 Cleckheaton

Cartoon of the month

Apologies in advance to our women athletes! Ed.

Quote of the Month

I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go.

Dean Karnazes An ultra marathon legend Dean Karnazes, Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

Scarborough Sports Therapy Web Site

Jenna Wheatman. BSc. MSST Scarborough Pro-Am Sports Injury Clinic

Injury Prevention

I wish there was some miracle program to prevent injury but in truth there is not. There are lots of theories out there on how to stay injury free whether its warming-up, stretching, strengthening or core stability amongst just a few. Yes they may take a role but there are no absolutes, what works for one person may not work for another. At some point you will get injured and you will feel aches and pains. My goal is to try and minimize lost training days and help you stay away from the nasty injuries that can jeopardize your goals.

Here are my top 5 tips for preventing injury

1) Have a structured training plan that has an off season, (time out of competition especially if you are a runner). In order to improve performance you need to have a progressive program which allows you to focus on certain aspects of your training throughout the year. In truth your body likes a challenge and responds well to change, performing the same types of sessions all year round will just put your body into hibernation. The best way to get a program started is to work out when you want to peak? What races do you want to aim for? Put these dates in your diary and work backwards. Always make sure you allow time to build up your training, 10% increases (intensity or volume) each week is what's recommended to prevent injury. Most people do well on 4 week rotations with a rest week on the 5th, each rotation will have a different goal. A rest week does not mean complete rest you choose one component to reduce whether its intensity or volume. It is usually best to find a coach who can really individualize a program to suit you. If you keep getting injured because you are following a program that was written for "Joe bloggs" then stop, find another one, this one it not for you, as I said earlier everyone is different. Some people thrive off high mileage others don't.

2) Listen to your body - If you feel tired you can try starting a session to see if its more mental but if you are not your usual self then take it easy or stop, sometimes rest is the best plan. If you feel any small niggles (pain lasting longer than 5 minutes or keeps recurring on certain activities) then stop and ice for 20 minutes you should not be running through pain unless you have had your injury assessed and it is okay to do so with guidelines. If the ice works then great if you have to take more than 3 days off training then I would get it checked out, it may only need the one session to get you on the right path again.

3) Equipment - footwear is vitally important and my last newsletter covers this subject in more detail. You must make sure the trainers you wear are for your sport and also fit your foot posture. Many shoe specialist stores have trained staff to guide you or if you keep getting injuries to the legs and you have a bit of money to spend then go see a podiatrist who can make some custom orthotics.

4) Conditioning - this is essential as most injuries are related to some kind of muscle imbalance. Ideally you should ask an expert to write a program for you because this is where it must be individual to you. I always make sure I have 2 sport specific exercises, 2-3 main core lifts and 2-3 core exercises. Technique is everything and controls the amount you lift, reps and sets depend on what your goals are 1-3reps for strength 4-8 reps for power and 12- 15reps endurance, these may also change through your yearly cycle plan.

5) Be healthy - eat healthy, sleep well and treat yourself. - Most of my clients are surprised at just how much sports massage can help get rid of aches and pains and help to work out dysfunctions before they can cause pain. But I also know its not for everyone, and its no guarantee you will not get injured but at least your in the right place if you do.

Most top athletes will have massage once or twice a week, in reality this is just not possible for the majority. I always say listen to your body, what does it tell you, this maybe every 4 weeks when training starts to increase this may be reduced to every 1-2 weeks, when training load is reduced it may be longer. Foam rolling is a good massage tool to have to aid recovery from training. Training for a specific sport whether it be for hobby, health, or competition you must look after your body and listen to what it tells you, never be afraid to ask for advice it may save you from an injury.

Steps For Building Running Stamina by Liz McColgan - , and New York Marathon winner

Once you've become used to running and have established some realistic targets for your training, the next technique to learn is how to build up stamina.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to this — it really is a case of getting out there and running as much as possible. It's also not enough to just pound the streets; you need to have a good balance in your training of solid, steady running, mixed with faster, more up-tempo bursts.

These up-tempo runs consist of interval training, which means you differ your speed within a run. You could start off doing eight three-minute runs at a very fast pace, with one minute's brisk walk in between each.

This minute of walking gives you a chance to recover, but keeps your heart rate from dropping too much. This is important because you must stay active during this recovery period.

Your slow, steady period involves running for longer at a steadier pace. That may mean anything from 20 minutes for novices to a three-hour run for more experienced athletes.

If you are specifically training for the marathon, I suggest running four to five times a week to build up the stamina you'll need. This should consist of both steady runs, three times weekly, and up-tempo runs twice weekly.

Going to the gym to do some weight training also builds stamina, and it's a crucial part of your training. You can't expect to become a top-class runner without putting in a couple of sessions of weight training each week.

Your goal should not be to bulk up like a bodybuilder, just to tone up and become leaner and stronger. As well as leg exercises, such as lunges and squats, it's important to work on your upper- body strength — arms, shoulders, back and abdominals.

Only when your whole body is strong can you become a better and more efficient runner.

For most runners, weight training twice a week is sufficient. Speak to the trainers at your gym about which machines, exercises, weights and repetitions will best help you meet your specific goals. They will also be able to show you proper lifting techniques, so you don't injure yourself.

Mental stamina is a different thing altogether. Running is quite tough mentally, and a running partner can really help you through the bad patches.

Everyone has their own mental ability. While the strong-minded will cope with the boredom better, others may need more support.

It can sometimes be hard to get motivated, but if you've set realistic, achievable short, medium and long-range goals, that should help.

Remember, everyone has training plateaus, when stamina and ability seem to level out, and your program is no longer a challenge. When this happens it's time to intensify your training slightly, set new goals and break through to the next level.

Liz McColgan MBE, was one of Scotland's most successful long-distance runners. She won Olympic silver and a Commonwealth and World Championship gold for the 10,000 metres. She has won the London, Tokyo and New York , and now runs health clubs in Carnoustie, Perth and Methil with her husband, Peter. They have four children.

Mini Biographies

Sue Louth

After making her debut marathon at Windermere last month, Sue has now run the fastest marathon time by a club woman this year, and this was on a undulating course. Ed

Years as a runner; 4 years

Best Performance; Windermere Marathon – pleased with my time due to it being my first marathon and by the very nature of being in the Lakes the course was challenging. Really recommend it to others, a lovely route, breath-taking scenery, great atmosphere and not too many other runners to jostle with!

Favourite Races; EYXC, (Langdale End), Ferriby 10, May Beck (fell race), Filey Flyer (LDWC)

Favourite Athletes; My three young children who throw themselves into various sports/competitive activities with lots of enthusiasm and energy, whether its swimming, dancing, football, karate, cricket, drama. (Cheesy I know!). Mo Farah and Paula Radcliffe aren’t bad either!

Targets; Concentrate on training for half marathons to break my PB. Unfortunately due to busy family commitments I do not have the time to plan training in the near future for another marathon. I found the marathon training took a lot more time anyway from family than I had anticipated. It’s my husband’s turn now as he was only a few minutes behind me in Scarborough 10k last year! Main target is to keep enjoy running and stay injury free.

Ambitions; I would love to do some fell racing (aside from my annual appearance at May Beck). Obviously it would be nice to do another marathon one day.

Latest Road Race Rankings 10 K

J. Kraft Sen Rother Valley 33.00 S. Haslam F55 Beverley 41.41 C.Duck Sen K.Moorside 36.53 M.Padgham F50 Beverley 48.58 T.Kraft M55 Rother Valley 37.31 L.Harrison F35 K.Moorside 49.37. R.Maw M40 K.Moorside 38.02 D.Herrington Sen Rother Valley 50.49. P. Johnson M60 Dewsbury 38.39 S.Shepherdson F40 Beverley 51.15 D, Maw Sen K.Moorside 39.28 S. Kingscott F45 Beverley 53.36 C.Allen M40 Dewsbury 39.51 A. Garrity F35 K Moorside 54.12 N. Scruton M60 Beverley 40.56 J. Clayton F45 Beverley 54.29 M.Lansell M50 Beverley 41.22 L. Raper F60 K. Moorside 57.13 D. Gadsby Sen Beverley 41.50 L Kraft F50 Beverley 59.38 D. Shipley M55 Rother Valley 42.27 K. Jackson Sen Beverley 59.47 R. Broadley M60 Beverley 43.26 A. Reading F70 Beverley 71.19 A. Cavanagh M K. Moorside 43.58 C. Clayton M45 Beverley 44.16 G. Bell M60 K. Moorside 44.48 S. Tymon M45 Beverley 44.50 D. Fox M60 K.Moorside 45.59 C. Patrick M50 Beverley 47.15 S. Flintoft M K.Moorside 47.54 D. Hearn M60 K.Moorside 48.06 M. Willis M65 Rother Valley 48.24 M. Whitely M50 Beverley 49.21 M. Lambert M50 Beverley 49.34 I. Anderson M40 Beverley 49.39 C. Clapton M59 K. Moorside 50.07 S. Spence M45 Beverley 50.09 H. Forkin M65 Beverley 50.10 D. Parke M60 K. Moorside 51.31 P. Barnard M45 Beveley 52.54 T. Rawling M45 Beverley 53.18 P. Barnard M45 K. Moorside 54.04 P. Garrity M60 K. Moorside 54.56 D. Reading M70 Beverley 56.46

One Third Marathon (now an official distance! )

D. Shipley M55 Hornsea 60.59 D. Herrington Sen Hornsea 71.56 M. Willis M65 Hornsea 69.19

10 mile

T. Kraft M55 Snake Lane 61.37 S. Haslam F55 Thirsk 67.34 P. Johnson M60 Thirsk 65.08 J. Hamp F50 Ferriby 77.17 N. Scruton M60 Ferriby 67.11 M. Padgham F45 Snake Lane 83.26 D. Shipley M55 Ferriby 77.51 N. Spence Sen Ferriby 86.01 C. Wade M50 Snake Lane 78.09 S. Shepherdson F40 Thirsk 97.17 T. Gillon M50 Ferriby 79.23 S. Kingscott F45 Ferriby 92.06 M. Whitely M50 Snake Lane 79.28 V. Lockey Sen`` Snake Lane 98.43 M. Lambert M50 Snake Lane 80.44 S. Flintoft Sen Thirsk 85.21 H. Forkin M65 Ferriby 89.21 S. Spence M50 Ferriby 91.02

Half Marathon

R. Maw M40 B. Monkey 88.10 K. Rawnsley F35 B. Monkey 84.35 N. Scruton M60 B. Monkey 91.11 S. Haslam F55 B, Monkey 93.17 J. Drury Sen Leeds 96.30 N. Henson F40 Leeds 103.38 S. Tymon M45 B. Monkey 99.27 M. Padgham F50 106.10 C. Clayton M45 B. Monkey 104.24 S. Louth F40 B. Monkey 113.16 S. Flintoft Sen Leeds 107.30 L. Walker Sen Edinburgh 117.24 M. Sweetlove M60 B. Monkey 105.00 J. Clayton F45 B. Monkey 122.43 M. Ellwood M55 B. Monkey 108.29 A. Jordan F45 H. Bridge 125.3O D. Hearn M60 B. Monkey 110.03 K. Jackson Sen B.Monkey 138.09 T. Rawling M45 H. Bridge 112.11 H. Forkin M65 Edinburgh 111.46 M. Whiteley M50 B. Monkey 113.21 K. Gerhardson M50 H. Bridge 113.38 D. Frank M45 B. Monkey 124.58

20 miles S. Louth F40 Hull 2.46.19 N. Hanson F40 Hull 2.47.08 S. Dowey F35 Hull 3.01.15 S. Gilbert Sen Wymondham 3.38.28

Marathon B. Mukherjee Sen London 2.43.55 S. Louth F40 Windermere 3.55,43 N. Scruton M60 London 3.16.57 L.Harrison F35 London 4.20.59 C. Clayton M45 London 3.40.56 S. Dowey Sen London 4.22.06 S. Tymon M45 London 3.43.16 J. Clayton F45 London 4.35.37 D. Gadsby Sen London 3.48.09 K. Jackson Sen Milton Keynes 5.04.45 M. Whiteley M50 Edingburgh 4.38.12 S. Gilbert Sen Halstead 5.46.26 M. Thompson M70 London 5.23.50

Press Reports Track and Field League York

Jack Robertson Abbie Johnson Amy Bridgeman

A total of 16 members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the second match of four in the Northern League Division Two, which was held at the club’s Home Track, the Hungtington Stadium York. Due partly to the unavailability of some club athletes, the team finished in sixth place, but remain in fifth place overall. There were some splendid performances by the junior athletes some of whom were competing in the senior league for the first time, and the club’s more experienced seniors including four veterans.

The club’s overall top scorer for the second consecutive league fixture this season was Rob Russell, who achieved two wins and a runner up placing in his three ‘A’ field events. His wins were achieved in the Discus and Shot and the second placing came in the Hammer event.

Amy Bridgeman was the second highest scorer after taking on four events, three of which were ‘A’ and one was a ‘B’ event. On the track, Amy was fifth in the ‘A’ Hurdles and sixth ‘A’ . At Field events there was a fourth in the ‘B’ Shot and 5th in the ‘A’ .

The second highest scoring club woman and the only other club member to take part in four individual events was Abbie Johnson who competed in diverse track and field events. At her two track races, Abbie was fourth in the ‘B’ 400 metres and fifth in the ‘A . She completed a good points haul with a fifth place in the ‘B’ Shot and sixth in the ‘A’ at which she achieved a personal best performance.

There was also a most notable personal best performance and what was the only win on the track, which Jack Robertson achieved in the ‘A’ 800 metres. Jack’s time of 1 minute 55.6 was the second fastest by a Under-20 Yorkshire Athlete this year.

15 year old Louise Taylor entered the Yorkshire Counties Ranking Lists for Under 17 women at 29 after a personal best in the ‘A’ 800 at which she was the runner up in the ‘B race. The Bridlington based athlete, also ran the second fastest time by a Humberside Under-17 this season.

Four of the clubs athletes who have been competing very successfully in the Young Athletes League this season made a significant contribution to the team’s performance on their senior league debut. Ben Millson continues to improve at both track and field events, and achieved personal best performances when finishing fourth in the ‘A’ 100 metres and the ‘B’ Triple Jump. He was also the runner up in the ‘B’ Shot. George Sweirs benefitted from competing with senior athletes and recorded a personal best performance when finishing runner up in the ‘B’ Long Jump. He was also the runner up in the ‘A’ 400 metes hurdles and fifth in the ‘A’ Triple Jump. Kawsar Ahmed who was unable to compete in the Triple Jump due to an injury problem, achieved a personal best performance in the ‘A’ Long Jump when finishing fourth and was also fourth in the ‘B’ Discus. Connor Buckle made his senior league debut in the ‘A and finished in sixth place. Andrew Cavanagh sustained an injury when making his senior debut in the 400 metre hurdles and was unable to compete in other events.

There was also a league and club debut for Graham and Karl Herrington. Graham who was competing at track and field for the first time in twenty years, finished third in the ‘B’ 800 metres and fourth in the ‘B . He also competed in the Javelin competition along with his son Karl and was fifth in the ‘B’ event, whilst his son came sixth in the ‘A’ completion. Karl was also fourth in the ‘B’ Hammer.

The more experienced junior athletes Becky Mills and Charlotte Edge both achieved some good results at the meeting. Becky was fifth in the ‘A’ 400 metres and third in the ‘A’ 200 metres, whilst Charlotte was third in the ‘A . Charlotte’s mother Many Edge acted as an official at the meeting and also competed in the ‘B’ Long Jump, finishing sixth in the ‘B’ event.

The Club’s Press Officer Mick Thompson took on three track events and ran a leg of the 400 metres relay. He was sixth in the ‘sixth in the ‘B 100 and 200 metres and fifth in the ‘B’ 400 metres. His efforts were recognised by the Team Captain Vickie Lockey who presented him with a personalised ‘ Athlete of the Match’ tee shirt!


The club was grateful to the following who officiated at the meeting, and in addition to providing valuable assistance to a successful meeting, enable the club to achieve points awarded for providing officials ;

Pete Northedge, Vickie Lockey, Tracy Mills, Mandy Edge and Sue Lawal

Womens Results

Amy Bridgeman 4th Shot 5.23m 5th 400m H 85.8 5th Triple Jump 7.77m 6th 100m 15.3

Charlotte Egde 3rd 3000m 11.33.0

Mandy Edge 6th Long Jump 1.76m

Abbie Johnson 4th 400 m 71.1 5th 800m 2.43.1 5th Shot 6.86m 6th Long Jump 3.55m

Becky Mills 3rd 400m 60.5 5th 200m 28.3

Louise Taylor 2nd 800m 2.29.7 4th 1500m

Men’s Results

Kawsar Ahmed 4th Long Jump 6.02m 4th Discus 20.91

Dave Baldwin 4th 1500m 5.04.0 4th 5000m 6th 400bm 89.7

Conor Buckle 6th 200m 25.9

Graham Herrington 3rd 800m 2.55.4 4th 1500m 6.29.4 5th Javelin 16.53

Karl Herrington 4th Hammer 13.56m 6th Javelin 19.19m

Ben Millson 2nd Shot 9.42m 4th Triple Jump 10.53m 4th 100m 11.6

Jack Robertson 1st 800 metres 1.55.6

Rob Russell 1st Discus 42.24m 1st Shot 12.45m 2nd Hammer 40.20m

George Sweirs 2nd 400m H 68.4 2nd Long Jump 5.34m 5th Triple Jump 11.14m

Mick Thompson 5th 200m 44.8 6th 100m 20.9 6th 400m 104.5

Relay Races

4 x 100 metres, 3rd 48.2. Buckle, Sweirs, Ahmed and Millson

4 x 400 metres, 5th 5.50.5 Baldwin, Millson, Northedge and Thompson

Scalby Nabs Races

Scarborough Athletic Club members were mainly responsible for reviving the annual Scalby Nabs races, which were a part of the annual festival held in the village. They staged a junior one mile fun run and the senior race, which for the first time was held all on roads.

19 youngsters took part in the fun run and twenty seniors competed in a 4.3 mile road race which started and finished in the centre of the village. The first three finishers in the mile race were Wilf Elliot, followed by Chloe Simmons and Hannah Cowen, who finished within three seconds of each other. Several of the youngster’s parents were members of Scarborough Athletic Club. There were four members of the Butterworth family, Harry, Sacha, William and Olivia, Jack Louth, and one of the youngest Robyn Rawnsley

In the senior race which was dominated by Scarborough Athletic Club members, veteran Dave Baldwin overcame a strong challenge from a much younger Richard Buckle to win the race for the first time, with Richard just behind at the tape after leading the race up to the closing stages. Hester Butterworth finished third overall and was the first woman. Shaun Tymon was fourth overall and the third man. Suzanne Miah and Leigh Elson finished fifth and sixth overall, and were the second and third women finishers.

Fun Run Results

1 389 Wilf Elliott 07:21.4 2 395 Chloe Simmons 07:21.6 3 398 Hannah Cowen 07:24.9 4 406 Harry Butterworth 07:31.2 5 399 Sacha Butterworth 07:35.0 6 404 Harley Harrison 07:37.9 7 390 Frazer Ives 08:30.1 8 394 Rio Defreitas 08:35.2 9 392 Rod Ives 08:36.2 10 397 William Butterworth 09:31.2 11 400 Olivia Butterworth 09:31.4 12 401 Jack Louth 09:33.8 13 393 Dargie Defreitas 10:29.0 14 374 James Porter 10:50.6 15 373 Amy Porter 10:55.4 16 375 Thomas Porter 11:15.7 17 402 Will Holborn 11:46.3 18 405 Robyn Rawnsley 11:52.3 19 403 Beth Holborn 13:08.3 Senior Race Results

1 560 David Baldwin 26:44.9 06:13.2 2 554 Richard Buckle 26:54.2 06:15.4 3 552 Hester Butterworth 30:37.8 07:07.4 4 561 Shaun Tymon 31:13.0 07:15.6 5 572 Suzanne Miah 32:22.5 07:31.7 6 566 Leigh Elson 33:47.6 07:51.5 7 551 Geoff Bell 33:54.2 07:53.1 8 562 Steve Flintoft 34:31.0 08:01.6 9 565 Nikki Hanson 34:39.6 08:03.6 10 558 Lucy Harrison 35:17.4 08:12.4 11 568 Vicky Firth 35:38.1 08:17.2 12 570 Oliver O'Brien 35:41.5 08:18.0 13 555 Tony Rawling 35:52.2 08:20.5 14 559 Louise Milne 36:06.1 08:23.7 15 556 Alison Fewster 36:25.1 08:28.2 16 574 Paul Garrity 36:51.3 08:34.3 17 557 Karl Gerhardson 36:54.8 08:35.1 18 567 Michaela Wilson 37:01.7 08:36.7 19 569 Kathryn Bird 37:15.0 08:39.8 20 573 Angela Garrity 37:31.1 08:43.5

British Milers Club Gold Standard Meeting

Two of Scarborough Athletic Club’s junior athletes competed in the latest Gold Standard Meeting of the British Milers Club, which was held at the Trafford Athletic Stadium, in Stretford Manchester. The British Milers is the premier middle distance athletics club in the country, whose aim is to improve the world standing of Middle Distance running. The club stages top class graded races at regional venues in order that promising athletes can experience top class completion in their currently ability.

In a graded 3,000 metre race, Bronwen Owen recorded a significant personal best time of 9 minutes 34.32. This time improved her United Kingdom under-17 ranking for the distance to second. In addition she now tops the all time ranking list for a 15 year old girl, having bettered the existing record set six years ago by the current Great Britain international Charlotte Purdue.

For the second time in three days, Jack Robertson recorded a personal best performance on the track. After improving his time for 800 metres at York, he competed in a graded 1500 metres race and dipped under 4 minutes for the first time. Jack who was competing as an under-20, clocked 3 minutes 59.79. Jack who is not 17 until July, has now risen to a close up fifth in the under-20 Yorkshire County rankings for the distance. He is also the second ranked at 800 metres.

English Junior Fell Running Championships. Round 3

Leah Ogden of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the third round of the English Junior Fell Race Championship, which was held at Cowpe near Rossendale Lancashire. The course for the under 16 girl’s race was one of the most challenging in the series. It consisted of 4.5 miles with approximately 1,200 feet of climb over three big hills, and in addition the weather for the race was very hot.

14 year old Leah who had moved up to the Under-16 group this year, finished up in fifth place, and as she had competed in all three of the six championship fixtures, improved her overall second position in the championship, to take over the leadership at the expense of some of the top runners who did not attend this race. The Championship is decided on the best 4 results, and whilst Leah may subsequently be overtaken, she has made an impressive start in the championship.

Driffield Mucky Duck Race

Ten members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the annual Mucky Duck race at Driffield. This is a popular multi terrain race over 8.5 miles of undulating road and trails, and which starts and finishes at the Driffield Rugby Club. This year the race took place in very warm weather, but the Scarborough runners who were all veteran athletes over the age of 35, coped very well and achieved some very good results in their own veteran categories.

The first Scarborough finisher was Neil Scruton, who was a very impressive 16th overall of the 184 finisher. Neil who celebrated his 65th birthday recently, was the first in the lower over-60 group as there no over-65 awards for this race. In the same age group, Geoff Bell was second, Ralph Broadley third and Dave Parke tenth of the sixteen other over-60s.

The second Scarborough finisher was Mark Lansell who was the fourth over-50.

Mark was closely followed by Sue Haslam who was the third woman finisher overall, first over-55. and the first of the three Scarborough women finishers. Lucy Harrison was the second across the line for Scarborough, and was the fourth over-35. Third to finish was Julie Clayton who was third over-45.

Dave Shipley was the third Scarborough runner to finish first in an age group, when he won the over-55 prize.

Club Chairman Chris Clayton had to settle for twelfth place in the very competive over-45 group, even though he was ahead of two thirds of the field to arrive back at the Rugby Club.

Complete Scarborough Results

16. Neil Scruton, 58.14 25. Mark Lansell. 59.57 28. Sue Haslam. 60.43 31. Dave Shipley. 61.22 37. Geoff Bell. 62.30 46. Ralph Broadley, 63.43 63. Chris Clayton. 66.26 103. Lucy Harrison. 73.04 126. David Parke. 77.07 136. Julie Clayton. 79.10

Edinburgh Marathon and Half Marathon

Four Scarborough Athletic Club members joined a record total of 23,000 runners competing in the increasingly popular marathon and half marathon events in Edinburgh.

In the marathon Michael Whiteley was on course for a fast time when he sustained a leg injury around the 19 mile mark, which forced him to slow down and walk for most of the remaining seven miles rather than pull out. His fortitude was rewarded with a decent finish time of 4 hours 38 minutes.

In the half marathon, Any Curtis finished well up the field in 1 hour and 34 minutes. He was followed by Melanie Padgham who finished eighth in her new over-50 age group in 1 hour 46 minutes..

Harry Forkin who was also running in a new age group, finished ninth over-65 and recorded his best time for seven years when crossing the line in 1 hour 51 minutes.

Sheffield Half Marathon

Three members of Scarborough Athletic Club took part in the Sheffield Half Marathon which attracted a record 5,737 runners. The race started and finished in Don Valley Stadium took place on one of the hottest days of the year so far.

The first of the Scarborough trio to finish was Pete Johnson who finished up in 129th overall in 1 hour 27 minutes, and was the first over-60. His time was the fastest time of all Scarborough runners this year so far.

He was followed by Mally Sweetlove who was ninth of 65 over-60 men in the race with a good time of 1 hour 44 minutes.

Vicky Firth made a good debut for the club when finishing in 1 hours 54 minutes, which was one of the fastest times this year of all the Scarborough women runners.

Melmerby 10 kilometre Road Race

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the Melmerby 10 kilometre road race by two in form runners, James Kraft and his father Ted Kraft.

On what was an undulating course and very warm weather conditions James was unable to match his recent times for the distance, but was able to finish up in fourth overall of the 199 finishers in 35 minutes 22 seconds.

Ted was also an impressive 15th overall and once again the first over-55 in 38 minutes and 7 seconds.

Ossy Oiks Fell Race

Three members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the third round of the Northern Runner Summer Fell race series which was held on the North Yorkshire Moors at Osmotherly near Northallerton. The race consisted of a testing 5.3 mile course which had 1,834 feet of climb.

On what was a pleasantly warm evening, the first of the Scarborough trio to cross the finish line was the experienced Jeff Winder who finished up in 24th overall of the 99 runners, and for the second time in this summer series was the first over-60, and is now the early leader of his age group.

Ed Whittle followed Jeff home, and on his return to fell racing this summer after concentrating on triathlon last year, continued to improve and finished in 37th overall.

Sue Haslam continues to be unbeatable in the over-55 group, and is also very competitive in the overall women’s standings after finishing in third.

Wharfedale Marathon and Half Marathon

After a successful run in this year’s , Jane Hamp and Julie Clayton competed in the tenth running of the Wharfedale Marathon which is a 25 mile fell race with 2,530 feet of climb, staged on a very scenic Yorkshire Dales course at Threshfield near Skipton.

Jane finished ahead of her training partner Julie in a splendid time for such a tough event of 4 hours 37 minutes. She was also the 15th woman overall and the sixth over-50 finisher.

Julie returned to her favourite running discipline after successfully competing in this year’s London Marathon, and was 20th woman overall in 4 hours 42 minutes. Julie was accompanied in the race by her husband and Club Chairman Chris Clayton, who also ran in this year's London Marathon. Chris was 70th overall in the same time as Julie.

Dave Parke opted for the accompanying half marathon, and in what was the first of two races over the weekend, completed the shorter but also very tough race in two hours and 36 minutes.

Mulgrave Castle Ten kilometre race

Seven members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the Mulgrave Castle ten kilometre off road race, which was held mostly on wooded paths of the Mulgrave Estate at Lythe near Whitby.

The Scarborough runners were led home 65 year old Neil Scruton who was the oldest of an over 60 quartet, who competed as over-50s in this race. Neil’s 14th overall finish in 47 minutes 26 seconds, also gave him the first over- 50 prize.

63 year old Ralph Broadley was also well up the front of the race in 29th overall in 52 minutes 57 seconds, and was the eighth over-50.

Harry Forkin who is also 65, finished 51st overall and 20th of the over-50s in 61 minutes 10 seconds.

Dave Parke who was racing for the second time in 24 hours, finished 55th overall. In 65 minutes 24 seconds. 61 year old Dave was also 23rd of the over-50 group.

Three younger club members also completed the race, with Sam Shepherdson who finished well up the field in a time of 60 minutes 50 seconds, heading Sharon Houghton and Mik Lambert who finished together in 70 minutes 24 seconds. "

Summer Handicap Series at Reasty Tops

23 members of Scarborough Athletic Club took part in the first race of the club’s Summer Handicap series, which started and finished at the Reasty Tops beauty spot, and consisted of a 3 mile circular course on woodland trails in the Broxa forest. The runners had to cope with some steep climbs, and many sections which were extremely muddy after recent incessant rainfall. Some parts of the circuit were under a large amount of water. The weather for the first of the Summer Series was much the same as the last race of the Winter Series in April, in that runners had to endure unrelenting rainfall!

18 year old Daniel Maw, who was competing in a club handicap series for the first time was the first across the very muddy finish line, after starting out third last in the staggered start for this handicap race. In addition to beating his handicap, he also ran the fastest time of all the finishers. The second fastest runner in the race was Richard Maw the father of the winner, who finished behind his son in a race for the first time ever, and ahead of Dave Baldwin who was the third fastest

The fastest woman finisher was a previous club handicap series fastest, Hester Butterworth who headed the improving Suzanne Miah, and Louise Milne who was also the third finisher on handicap.

As Daniel was a series debutant and therefore unable to score handicap points for this race, the maximum points were awarded to Liz Kraft who finished a close up second, and has taken an early lead in the six race series.

Kirby Malzeard 10 kilometre road race

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the annual Kirby Malzeard 10 kilometre road race, which is one of the races in the Yorkshire Dales series of races, by Chris Allen.

The race was held on a hilly course on roads around the scenic Harrogate District village of Kirby Malzeard. Dave finished well up the field in 37th overall of the 234 finishers, in a good time for this course of 41 minutes 14 seconds.

Broughton Woods Fell Race

Six members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the fourth round of the Northern Runner Summer Fell Race Series, which was at held Broughton Woods near Stokesley. The race consisted of a testing 4.5 miles with 1200 feet of climb, over some muddy grounds after recently heavy rainfall.

The first of the Scarborough runners was the junior international mountain runner, Charlotte Edge, who was the second woman overall and the first junior.

Charlotte was followed by Sue Haslam who maintained her domination of the Over-55 Division with another age group victory, and also remains in contention for the overall title after finishing fourth woman overall.

There was a very close battle between two other leading veterans, with Neil Scruton edging out Jeff Winder with a margin of just two seconds, to finish 35th overall and the first Over 65, whilst Jeff finished 36th overall and the first Over 60. Both lead their respective age groups.

Edward Whittle made progress in the Men’s Open Division when finishing in 10th place, and was also 30th of the 81 finishers overall.

Otley 10 Mile Road Race

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the Otley 10 mile road race, by 62 year old Pete Johnson. Over what was a tough undulating course, Pete finished up in 38th overall of the 310 finishers in 66 minutes 37 seconds, and was also the first Over 60 finisher.

Pete’s finish time was just over a minute down on his recent best,, which he achieved at the Thirsk 10 mile race earlier in the year, and which remains the 7th best time in the United Kingdom road race rankings for his age group. His time was also the second fastest by a Scarborough Athletic Club runner this year.

Blenheim Triathlon

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the Blenheim Triathlon by Bronwen Owen, who was competing for the first time this year in a triathlon, which was the British Championship for the Youth Super category.

The event consisted of a 400 metre swim, a 10 kilometre cycle and a 2.5 kilometre run. After finishing the swim section in 4th place, Bronwen was 2nd fastest over the bike section, and then achieved the fastest run time of 10 minutes and 7 seconds, which brought her up to the second of 68 competitors, and just 4 seconds down on the race winner to claim the championship runner up trophy. ( Photo attached).

British Milers Club Gold Standard Meeting. Trafford Athletic Stadium

Two of Scarborough Athletic Club’s leading junior athletes, Bronwen Owen and Becky Mills, were both in action at a top class athletics meeting in the Trafford Stadium in Stretford Manchester. The stadium was hosting the latest in the British Milers Club Gold Standard races, which are designed by graded races to improve the standard of middle distance running in the United Kingdom.

Just three days after finishing as the runner up in the British Triathlon Super Sprint Championships, Bronwen Owen achieved a second consecutive personal best performance in a 3000 metres race. Her time of 9 minutes 31 seconds was the fastest time by a United Kingdom Under 17 woman athlete this year, and has also improved the record she hold for the all time best for a 15 year old.

Becky Mills came close to a personal best time in her 800 metres race. Her 2 minutes 19 seconds clocking was just a second off her best, and was also the 5th best by a Yorkshire Under 20 woman athlete this year.

City of York Athletic Club Summer Track and Field League

12 members of Scarborough Athletic Club, competed in the first of the City of York Athletic Club’s Summer League fixtures. The league was formerly the Ingrams League is one where athletes of all ages can compete as individuals and not for a club, and gain experience of completion in a friendly but competitive environment. The league also provides an ideal introduction for younger athletes, five of whom made their club debut at this meeting at Huntington Stadium in York. ( Attached photo is of all 5).

The five debutants, Lucy Rigg, Grace Atthews, Jazmine Hilary, Isable louth and Katie Tomlinson all competed in the maximum of three events in the Under 11 group, and achieved some notable results in the 75 metres, and the Long Jump.

Three of the more experienced athletes, achieved wins in their chosen events. Becky Mills won the senior women’s 400 metres, Jenna Wheatman was equally successful in the senior women’s Hammer, whilst Leah Millard achieved a win and personal best time in the for Under 17 women.

In the Girl’s Under 15 events, Chloe Warren and Abigail Pollard who are competing in their second season, both achieved personal best performances in their favourite events. Chloe improved her when finishing in third, and Abigail improved her 200 metres time and was close to her best in the 100 metres, when finishing third in each event.

Bobby Scarborough and Kawsar Ahmed were both runners up in Men’ Under 17 events. Bobby was a close up second in the 800, and Kawsar was close in the Long Jump.

Complete Scarbrough Results

Senior Women

Jenna Wheatman. 1st Hammer 49.28 Becky Mills. 1st 800 metres 2.19.7

Men Under 17

Kawsar Ahmed. 2nd Long Jump 5.58 metres Bobby Scarborough. 2nd 800 metres 2.15.8

Women Under 17

Leah Millard. 1st 300 metres 41.8

Girl’s Under 15

Chloe Warren. 3rd Discus 22.45 Abigail Pollard. 3rd 200m 28.0. 3rd Long Jump 3.93

Girl’s Under 11

Isabel Louth. 8th 75m 13.2. 6th Long Jump 2.94. 6th 600m 2.17.0 Katie Tomlinson. 7th 75m 13.1. 9th Long Jump 2.49. 7th 600m 2.18.8 Jazmine Hilary. 12th 75m 13.4. 11th Long Jump 2.46. 9th 600m 2.19.8 Grace Matthews. 17th Long Jump 2.17. 15th 600m 2.41.0 Lucy Rigg. 16th 75m 14.4. 20 Long Jump 1.70. 13th 600m 2.32.9

North Yorkshire Schools Track and Field Championships

16 Scarborough Athletic Club athletes represented their schools and colleges at the North Yorkshire Track and Field Championships which were held at the Huntington Stadium in York. In what was less than ideal weather for almost all events due to strong winds, the club’s young athletes achieved an impressive total of 7 gold, 3 silver and one bronze medal, and several also achieved personal best performances.

In the Senior Boy’s championship, Darren Mills of the Whitby Community College made a very successful return to athletics following an injury, when winning the Javelin with what was a massive personal best throw. Jack Robertson of the Scarborough 6th Form College, who has been in very good form at top class meetings, was a clear winner of the 800 metres.

The club’s two Senior Girl’s were also amongst the medal winners, with Becky Mills of the Whitby Community College winning gold in the 400 metres, and Charlotte Edge of the Scarborough 6th Form College finishing as the runner up in the 3,000 metres

The Intermediate Girls achieved 3 gold medals, with Leah Millard of Graham School winning both the 200 metres in a personal best time and the 300 metres. Bronwen Owen of Lady Lumley’s School adding the 1500 metres gold medal to her tally for the season in a personal best time. In the 800 metres Sarah Ogden of Graham School came close to a personal best after finishing 7th in the 800 metres final.

There was a gold medal performance and some personal best performances by the Junior Girls at the championships. Chloe Warren of Filey School was the winner of the Shot and came close to a lifetime best throw. Abbie Pollard of Lady Lumley’s School achieved a personal best time in the 100 metres heats and was 6th in the final. She was also 5th in the 200 metres final. Lady Lumley’s School was also well represented when Emma Clapton made a championship and event debut in the 1500 metres, and won the silver medal. Graham School athletes Hannah Mainprize and Leah Ogden both did well in this age group, with Hannah finishing 4th in the 800 metres, and Leah coming close to a personal best in the 1500 metres when finishing in 8th place.

In the Intermediate Boys championship events, the most successful Scarborough School’s athlete was Kawsar Ahmed of Graham School who won a silver and bronze medal. In his best event, the Triple Jump, he had to settle for just his opening jump due to an injury, but still finished in second place. In the Long Jump, he won bronze medal with a personal best jump. Bobby Scarborough who was also representing Graham School made a very good event debut when finishing as the runner up in the 3000 metres. Ben Millson of Whitby Community College achieved a personal best time in the 100 metres after finishing in 7th, and Connor Buckle of Filey School finished 6th in the .

Complete Scarborough Results

Senior Boys

Jack Robertson. Scarborough 6th Form College. 1st 800m 2.02.4 Darren Mills. Whitby Community College. 1st Javelin 51.41

Senior Girls

Becky Mills. Whitby Community College. 1st 400m 60.9 Charlotte Edge. Scarborough 6th Form College. 2nd 3000m 11.47.4

Intermediate Boys Kawsar Ahmed. Graham School. 2nd Triple Jump 12.51. 3rd Long Jump 6.23 Bobby Scarborough. Graham School. 2nd 3000m 10.25.0 Connor Buckle. Filey School. 6th High Jump 1.45 Ben Millson. Whitby Community College. 7th 100m 11.5

Intermediate Girls

Leah Milard. Graham School. 1st 200m 26.8. 1st 300m 42.7 Bronwen Owen. Lady Lunley’s School. 1st 1500m 4.41.9 Sarah Ogden. Graham School 7th 800m 3.04.8

Junior Girls

Chloe Warren. Filey School. 1st Shot. 8.58 Emma Clapton. Lady Lumley’s School. 2nd 1500m 5.05.5 Hanah Mainprize. Graham School. 4th 800m 2.41.8 Abbie Pollard. Lady Lunley’s School. 5th 200m 28.8. 6th 100m 13.8 Leah Ogden. Graham School. 9th 1500m 5.57.9

Young Athletes League Div 2. Team Promoted as League Champs

Kyle Richardson Chloe Warren Lucy O’Brian

Scarborough Athletic Club fielded a record number of 19 young athletes for the final fixture in Division Two of the Young Athletes League, which was held at Whitley Bay. . The youngsters, three of whom were making their club debut and several others who were competing in their first season, achieved a most impressive total of 24 event wins, which resulted in an overwhelming match win, and secured the league championship. The club has now gained promotion back to Division One at the expense of several bigger North East England clubs, who all also possess their own dedicated track facilities.

At this final league match of the season, many of the club’s athletes achieved lifetime best performances, as all of them have done over the season. Several of the older athletes have competed successfully for the senior team in the Northern League Division Two. Some have represented the county and have achieved a top national ranking at their event. It is therefore likely that the club will be able to compete successfully in a higher league next season.

In the Under-17 Division, Ben Millson was the highest overall scorer for the club for the second consecutive match when he won the maximum permitted three ‘A’ events. Ben won the 100 metres, Triple Jump and Shot which was also a personal best performance. Bobby Scarborough was also a top scorer after winning the ‘A’ 800 metres and the Long Jump which was a personal best performance. He achieved another personal best in the ‘A’ 400 metres at which he finished third. George Sweirs boosted the team’s score when winning the ‘A’ 400 metres hurdles in a personal best time. He also scored some very good points with a second place in the ‘A’ 200 metres and a third in the ‘A’ Long Jump. Connor Buckle achieved a notable hat trick of wins, with two back up wins on the track and a win in the ‘A’ High Jump at which he equalled his personal best. His ‘B’ track wins came in the 200 and 400 metres. The quartet achieved a win in the 4 x 100 metres relay.

In the corresponding women’s age group, winning performances and personal best performances were achieved by Sarah Ogden and Louise Taylor. Sarah, who was one of the three Ogden siblings at the meeting, won the ‘A’ Shot, and the ‘B’ 200 metres with a personal best time, and was also the runner up in the ‘A’ 100 metres. Louise achieved a win in the ‘A’ 1500 metres and was 3rd in the ‘A’ 200 metres in a personal best time.

The Scarborough team’s six Under-15 girls made a very significant contribution to the team’s overall winning score by achieving six event wins, two of which were achieved by Chloe Warren who was the joint second overall highest scorer for the team. Chloe won the ‘A’ Discus and Javelin events and came close to a hat trick when finishing the runner up in the ‘A’ Shot. Abbie Pollard’s thee top scoring ‘A’ events included a win in the 200 metres, a runner up in the 100 metres and third in the Long Jump. Asha Wright achieved two wins and a runner up spot in her three ‘B’ events. The wins were achieved in the Shot and the Discus which was a personal best personal best performance. She came close to a hat trick when finishing as the runner up in the 100 100 metres. Lucy O’Brian made a splendid club debut with a win in the ‘B’ Javelin, runner up in the ‘B’ 75 metres Hurdles, and third in the ‘A’ 1700 metres. Chloe Riley achieved personal best performances in her two ‘A’ events, which were the 75 metres Hurdles at which she was third, and then a fifth place in the High Jump. Leah Ogden came close to a personal best in the ‘A’ 800 at which she finished in third. She was also third in the ‘B’ 200 metres and Long Jump. In the 4 x 100 metres relay Pollard, O’Brian, Riley and Wright boosted the overall score when finishing fourth.

In the corresponding Under-15 Boy’s group, Jack Coldbeck who was the club’s only representative, had his pick of events, and seemingly chose wisely as he achieved personal best marks at all of his three ‘A’ events. Jack was fourth in the Long Jump, and completed the sprint double with 6th in the 100 metres and seventh in the 200 metres.

The four boys in the Under 13 group look likely to be boosting the Under 15 group next season, after they achieved wins and personal bests in their age group at this meeting. There was a splendid club debut by Maurice Carlton-Seal who was the joint second highest points scorer for the team with wins in the ‘A’ 200 metres and the High Jump. He came close to a hat trick of ‘A’ wins when finishing second in the 1500 metres. In the corresponding ‘B’ 1500 metres, Kyle Richardson was the winner, and he was also third in the ‘B’ 100 metres in a personal best time. Alex Kobylka also achieved a lifetime best when finishing third in the ‘B’ 200 metres. His best result came in the ‘A’ Shot at which he was third. He was also fourth in the ‘B’ Long Jump. Ryan Ogden took care of the ‘B’ Shot for a notable double victory, and in his two ‘A’ events was 4th in the 100 metres and 6th in the Long Jump. The quartet also had an impressive win in the 4 x 100 metres relay.

In the corresponding Girl’s group there was a winning club debut by Harriet Eve in the ‘B’ Shot. On the track Harriet took on the specialist ‘A’ 70 metres Hurdles at which she was 7th and she also finished 7th in the ‘A’ 75 metres. Olive Ferguson improved her personal best in the ‘A’ Long Jump at which she finished in sixth, but her best result came in the Shot with a third place. She was also 6th in the ‘A’ 800 metres.


The club was grateful to the following officials who contributed to the smooth running of the meeting, and in addition secured the maximum points available to the team for providing their support; Graham Pollard, Chris Wade, Sharon Houghton, Sue Lawal, Mike Willis and Sarah Scarborough.

Match Result

1. Scarborough 421 points. 2. Jarrow and Hebburn 366. 3. Gateshead 359. 4. North Shields 340. 5. Tynedale 184. 6. Durham 132. 7. South Shields 125. 8. Shildon 68

Complete Scarborough Results

Under 17 Men

Ben Millson 1st ‘A’ 100m 12.4. 1st ‘A’ Triple Jump 10.20. 1st ‘A’ Shot 10.69 Bobby Scarborough. 1st ‘A’ 800m 2.16.6. 1st ‘A’ Long Jump 4.91. 3rd ‘A’ 400m 61.0 George Sweirs. 1st ‘A’ 400m Hurdles 66.9. 2nd ‘A’ 200m 25.5. 3rd ‘A’ Long Jump 5.14 Connor Buckle. 1st ‘A’ High Jump 1.50m. 1st ‘B’ 200m 25.6. 1st ‘B’ 400m 64.2

Under 17 Women

Sarah Ogden. 1st ‘A’ Shot 4.17. 1st ‘B’ 200m 34.1. 2nd ‘A’ 100m 15.9 Louise Taylor. 1st ‘A’ 1500m 5.14.4. 3rd ‘A’ 200m 31.1

Under 15 Girls

Chloe Warren. 1st ‘A’ Discus 10.07. 1st ‘A’ Javelin 17.6. 2nd ‘A’ Shot 8.14m Abbie Pollard. 1st ‘A’ 200m 28.4. 2nd ‘A’ 100m 14.2. 3rd ‘A’ Long Jump 3.93 Asha Wright. 1st ‘B’ Discus 13.48. 1st ‘B’ Shot 6.39. 2nd ‘B’ 100m 14.7 Lucy O’Brian. 1st ‘B’ Javelin 11.08. 2nd ‘B’ 75m Hurdles 17.1. 3rd ‘A’ 1500m 6.10.3 Chloe Riley. 3rd ‘A’ 75m Hurdles 15.7. 5th ‘A’ High Jump 1.15 Leah Ogden. 3rd ‘A’ 800m 2.46.9. 3rd ‘B’ 200m 31.7. 3rd ‘B’ Long Jump 3.13

Under 15 Boys

Jack Coldbeck. 4th ‘A’ Long Jump 3.74. 6th ‘A’ 100m 14.9. 7th ‘A’ 200m 30.9

Under 13 Boys

Maurice Carlton-Seal. Marice Carlton-Seal 1st ‘A’ 200m 30.9. 1st ‘A’ High Jump 1.27 2nd ‘A’ 1500m 5.11.2 Kyle Richardson. 1st ‘B’ 1500m 5.32.8. 3rd ‘B’ 100m 16.5 Alex Kobylka. 2nd ‘A’ Shot 5.99. 3rd ‘B’ 200m 35.6. 4th ‘B’ Long Jump 2.93 Ryan Ogden. 1st ‘B’ Shot 5.77. 4th ‘A’ 100m 16.1. 6th ‘A’ Long Jump 3.27

Under 13 Girls

Harriet Eve. 1st ‘B’ Shot 4.69. 7th .’A’ 70 m Hurdles 16.5. 7th 75m 12.1 Olive Ferguson. 3rd ‘A’ Shot 5.14. 6th ‘A’ 800m 3.10.1. 6th ‘A’ Long Jump 3.15


100 metres Men Under 17. 1st 39.4. Sweirs, Buckle, Scarborough and Millson 100 metres Boy’s Under 15. 1st 62.6. Carlton-Seal, Kobylka, Ogden and Richardson 100 metres Girl’s Under 15. 4th 68.7. Pollard, O’Brian, Riley and Wright

Castle Howard Trail Races

13 members of Scarborough Athletic Club took part in the Castle Howard Trail Races, which consisted of either a 6 or 10 kilometre race, inside the historic, picturesque and rolling grounds of the Castle Howard estate. The runners could enjoy some stunning views, before taking the final descent to the finish line.

In the opening 6 kilometre race, Rachel Bridgeman made an excellent event and club debut when finishing well inside the top half of the 45 finishers, in 19th overall with a time of 31 minutes 58 seconds. Rachel was also the first Over-45 woman finisher.

In the main 10 kilometre event, one of the club’s top veteran athletes Ted Kraft led home the 12 Scarborough runners in 15th overall of the 329 finishers, and was also the first Over-55 male in the race. In addition Ted led home the following trio who were the runner up team; Dave Buckle 22nd, David Shipley 49th and James Drury in 61st. The men’s team were backed up Tony Rawling, 133rd, Karl Gerhardsen 160th and Mik Lambert 161st.

Scarborough Athletic Club’s women runners, who finished as the third women’s team, were led home by Kerry Curtis who was also making a club debut, with a notable 22nd overall placing. Sam Shepherdson who was 36th and Sally Kingscott 55th completed the scoring team. The team were backed up by Liz Raper who was 58th overall and the first Over-60 woman finisher, and Liz Kraft who was 88th.

Northern Runner Summer Fell Race League at Whorlton

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the 5th race of the Northern Runner Summer Fell Race series of races, by Edward Whittle and Sue Haslam.

The race was over a 5.7 mile course with 1388 feet of climb, on the North Yorkshire moors around the villages of Whorlton and Swainby .

Edward finished up in 37th overall of the 116 finishers, and Sue was the 4th woman finisher, and once again the first Over-55 in the race, and overall for the 13 race series so far.

Selection for English Schools Championships

Four of Scarborough Athletic Club’s young athletes have been selected to represent North Yorkshire Schools, at the prestigious English Schools Track and Field Championships, which will be staged at the Gateshead International Stadium on 1 and 2 July. In addition to their successful performances in the county championship, they all had to achieve a qualifying standard in their event.

Becky Mills. Whitby Community College. 1500m . 5.34.6 on 19 June Jack Robertson. Scarborough 6th Form. 800 metres. 1.55.6 on 26 May Bronwen Owen. Lady Lumley’s School. 3,000 metres. 9.3.55 on 12 June Leah Millard. Graham School. 300 metres. 41.4 on 23 June.

English Junior Fell Race Championships

Scarborough Athletic Club was represented at the fourth round of the English Junior Fell Running Championships by Bronwen Owen and Leah Ogden. The race was held at Quernmore near Lancaster, on part of the testing Clougha Pike senior course.

Bronwen Owen, who was competing for the first time this year in the championships, finished a close second to the in form Annabel Mason of Wakfield Harriers, who earlier in the month had finished first in the Women’s Under 20 European Trial Race .

Leah Ogden finished in seventh place, but after competing in all four championship races this season, remains in first place overall

Humber Bridge Half Marathon

Three members of Scarborough Athletic Club competed in the Humber Bridge half marathon, which is a tough but very popular event, and this year attracted a total of 1379 runners.

Tony Rawling was the first of the club’s trio in 1 hour 52 minutes, which was a minute inside his time for the race in 2011. Karl Gerhardson was close behind on his event debut in 1 hour 53 minutes

Angela Jordan completed the course 14 minutes faster than last year, when finishing in 2 hours and 5 minutes "

The other Olympic Torch Relay

Scarborough Athletic Club members took part in an alternative Olympic Games relay, which set off ten days after the official Torch Relay, and will involve hundreds of runners from across the British Isles running day and night over an 8,000 mile route. The relay is on target to reach London in time for the Olympic Games Opening ceremony.

The event was arranged by Endurancelife which was formed in 2003 by a group of friends who shared a passion for challenge and adventure in the natural world. After the official relay had started, Running Clubs and organisations across the country were invited to sign up for stages of approximately 10 miles, and within days all the slots were taken up, and the stage is set for one of the greatest Olympic Endeavours of all time.