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September 2010 The Outer Edge Page 1 | The Outer E September 2010 Vol. 24, No. 2 d Whole No. 281 ISSN 1055-4399 g e The Friendly Computer Club Helping Make Computers Friendly. On the Web at www.cipcug.org COMMAND.COM Attendance at the By Rick Curry, President August general meeting 67 members and guests hanks to Michael Shalkey for his presentation on getting our videos into our computers and onto YouTube. We welcome one new member How much do you trust your computer? T Probably a lot more than we realize. A recent study by Volks- wagen was performed to see if people would actually trust a car that drove To Contact CIPCUG for them. The Outer Edge......................805-485-7121 General Information………...805-289-3960 From “VW to eliminate worst road hazard: drivers” (The Mailing Address...P.O. Box 51354, Oxnard, CA Register 8/27/2010): 93031-1354 “We created a car with a second steering wheel in the rear where the driver couldn't see it,” he told his audience. “He or she pressed the autopilot button and thought the machine would really drive without human help. Someone drove in the September meeting Curry rear seat without being recognized by her or him. Well, you couldn’t imagine: after a few seconds, they already took the is moving to new spot newspaper and read the news articles. So they trusted already the machine, Because the Boys & Girls Club will be which was great.” painting our meeting room on Sept. 25, Is it any wonder that we find a virus in the driver’s seat from time to time? For as inquisitive and clever as we are, we also appear to be a very we’re going to move to a new location for trusting lot. this meeting only. Other tidbits The meeting will be in Brooks Hall at I was having a lot of trouble coming up with a topic this month, but I do the Camarillo United Methodist Church, have some minor things to mention: 291 Anacapa Drive, Camarillo (see map EMET tool for older Windows: For those who are continuing to use old on page 3). versions of Microsoft operating systems (like Windows 2000 and even Win- To get to the church coming from the dows 98), Microsoft has re-released its tool for “hardening” its applications. Ventura-Oxnard area, take Highway 101 EMET version 2.0 removes or limits the ability to access “features” in Win- to Carmen Drive and Carmen to Las Posas dows operating systems and applications that have become backdoors allow- Road. Turn right on Las Posas and then ing hackers to take control of our machines. I did not look into what exactly left on Anacapa Drive. The church is a is being removed; perhaps they took the pinball game out of Microsoft Excel! large complex. Follow the signs to Brooks Surprisingly, there really was a magic set of keys you could strike in Excel (I recall it was in Office 98) and a pinball game would come up. Hall. The new and improved EMET also causes programs to randomly move If you’re coming from the Thousand around in memory (using a mechanism called ASLR) to make it more chal- (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 11) Page 2 The Outer Edge September 2010 Channel Islands Root Directory PC Users Group CIPCUG mailing address: CIPCUG NEWS P.O. Box 51354, Oxnard, CA Benefits .........................................15 93031-1354 Bits & Bytes..................................11 Board minutes .................................3 Executive Committee Coming CIPCUG events.................4 (Elected members of Board of Directors) Contributors to TOE......................13 President……………………...Rick Curry CIPCUG is a member of APCUG, Command.com................................1 .………….…………[email protected] The Association of PC Users Groups Editor’s corner ..............................13 Vice President/Program Chairman Map, schedule ...............................16 ………………………………..Craig Ladd The Outer Edge Membership report........................14 ……………[email protected] Editor……………………..John Weigle Program: 3 in one............................7 Secretary………………..Diane Mortensen P.O. Box 6536, Ventura CA 93006 Q&A session ...................................5 …………………[email protected] 485-7121………[email protected] Treasurer’s report..........................13 Treasurer…………….……....…Art Lewis The Outer Edge is published monthly by Channel ………………….…[email protected] Islands PC Users Group (CIPCUG), P.O. Box 51354, GENERAL Immediate Past President Oxnard, Calif. 93031-1354. an independent, nonprofit ……………………...…..Paul Westefer corporation. Contents of The Outer Edge copyright Learning with Levy: Open a file ……...………[email protected] 2001 by Channel Islands PC Users Group. with a specific program.............10 Permission for reproduction in whole or in part is Penguin’s Lair: Another view on granted to other computer user groups for internal (Appointed members operating system security .........12 nonprofit use provided credit is given to The Outer of Board of Directors) Smart Computing tips and Edge and the authors of the reproduced material. All Technical Adviser…………..Toby Scott other reproduction is prohibited without prior written fun facts.......................................9 Web Page Editor….… Penelope Curry consent of Channel Islands PC Users Group. ………………[email protected] Opinions expressed in this journal are solely those of ADVERTISEMENTS the authors or contributors, and do not necessarily TOE editor.…….………….John Weigle represent those of Channel Islands PC Users Group, Creative Technology.......................9 ……………………[email protected] its officers or membership as a whole. The Members’ classified ads..................9 Membership Chairman.…...Ken Church information provided is believed to be correct and O’Reilly ..........................................9 ………………[email protected] useful; however, no warranty, express or implied, is Ventura County Computers...........10 made by Channel Islands PC Users Group, its officers, editorial staff or contributors. This disclaimer extends Ex-officio members of Board of Directors to all losses, incidental or consequential, resulting from Chief Protocol Officer……George Lakes the use or application of the information provided. CIPCUG ISP Signups………..Art Lewis Channel Islands PC Users Group does not endorse or Sound Equipment Technicians recommend any specific hardware or software products, dealers, distributors or manufacturers. All trademarked ………… Jim Burke and David Minkin or registered trademarked names are acknowledged to Marketing Director……… Ron Pinkerton be the property of their respective owners, and are used Program Chairman………..…Craig Ladd for editorial purposes only. Publicity Chairman...…..…Paul Westefer SIG coordinator…..…….;..Larry Hudson Advertising in The Outer Edge Advertising is accepted for computer-related Past Presidents materials, businesses and services only. Rates are Walt Yates………………………1987-1989 for Camera-Ready copy (clear, clean black and Lois Evans de Violini…………...1989-1991 white masters). Typesetting and graphics are Terry Lee………………………..1991-1993 available at an additional fee. Jerry McLoud…………………...1993-1995 Robert Provart…………………..1995-1997 SIZE Toby Scott………………………1997-1999 Cost/Issue George Lakes …………………...1999-2001 FULL-PAGE (9½”H x 7¼”W)................$50.00 Andy Toth……………………….2001-2003 HALF-PAGE (4½”H x 7¼”W) David Harris…………………….2003-2005 or (9½”H x 3½”W )....…........$30.00 Lois Evans de Violini ........ ........ 2005-2007 THIRD-PAGE (3”H x 7¼” W)………….$25.00 Paul Westefer…………………….2007-2009 QUARTER-PAGE (4½”H x 3½W)..........$20.00 (With the exception of the immediate past BUSINESS CARD ad...............................$15.00 president, past presidents are not board members.) Discounts for multiple issues (3, 6, 9 and 12 Life members months) Frank Segesman* Ad copy deadline is the 5th of the month of Toby Scott publication. Lois Evans de Violini Make all checks payable to CIPCUG . Art Lewis 2006 Southwest User Group *Deceased Members’ classified ads are free but are limited to Conference: second place in both the 105 characters, including spaces. newsletter and Web site contests. September 2010 The Outer Edge Page 3 Minutes of August Board of Directors meeting By John Weigle action was taken. There was a suggestion the church and bring it back to the Boys [email protected] that the recordings could be placed on the & Girls Club. Craig will get a check from The August 2010 meeting of the CIP- Web site, but Toby said it’s close to its Helen Long for $200 to pay the church CUG board was held at the Camarillo space limit. He said it would be better to for the room. Boys & Girls Club after the regular meet- post such items on YouTube and put links Doughnuts: Ken reported that we lost ing. Present were President Rick Curry, to them on our website. Toby Scott and $5 this month on doughnuts, even though Vice President Craig Ladd, Technical Rick Curry will gather some more infor- all were sold. He also said that the Adviser Toby Scott, Membership Chair- mation on what would be required to do women providing the service have bought man Ken Church and TOE Editor John that. some supplies for us as a favor. The Weigle. September meeting: Because the board expressed its appreciation for that Amplifier: David Minkin reported Boys & Girls Club plans to paint the but said the women should submit a bill that two of the nine channels on the am- meeting room on our September meeting and be reimbursed. The board also voted plifier are not working, leaving three that date, next month’s meeting will be held at to raise the requested donation for dough- are not being used available. Michael the Camarillo United Methodist Church. nuts to 75 cents starting in September to Shalkey said that he might be able to ob- 291 Anacapa Drive. More details and a cover the additional costs of the rising tain a working amplifier from his other map are printed elsewhere in TOE. Be- price of doughnuts. The requested dona- job because his employer is replacing cause of the move, there will not be a tion for coffee and tea will remain at $1. some equipment and might be willing to Beginners SIG in September, and there Door prizes: Craig said we made make a donation.