THE WEATHER, THE METAL MARKET. West run - Oonersllv fair Tuesdsy and New York electrolytic copper.. WseeSn New York lead Mi New Monro and Artsons-Tnes- aod Wednesday fair; not much Changs In tem- Re York silver W perature.



aras Baa ' nas Hers 78 YEARS I FOR PERSHING e; PE Til Active Work Begins Under Direc- Man Who Discovered "Bread- Wf JnawBawai tion of Herbert L. Satterlee and basket of World" fat Great Funston Advises War Department That Mexicans Claim to Lawrence Graham of Now Northwest Dies Peacefully at Have Twenty-on- e Thousand Picked Troops York; George von L. Meyer to Home in St Paul After Several Aérame Charge of Campaign. Hours of Unconsciousness. Mobilised in Northern Chihuahua.

ALICE H. CHITTENDEN KNOWN TO AMERICANS AS fawÉilSfito Failure of de Facto Government Agent to Deliver Carranza WILL FIGHT SUFFRAGE GREAT EMPIRE BUILDER Ultimatum Puzzles Washington; Suspicion That First Chief's Courage Has Oozed. Notice Received of Contest Over Funeral Services to Be Conducted Eight Delegates at Large from by Vicar - General Gibbons ,.,, By international News Service. tha! the American troops with withdrawn, Texas, filed by C. J. Hostrassei From Family Residence Wed WmwmmmmMMr Bkw. Washington. May M. State and war de- from Mrxlro, reached the department last HHB sSftW 4rW gtgjgfWft partment orririgls were seriously concerned week. Later dispatches rrom Mexico City of Houston; Hughes Men May nesday Afternoon ; Interment today over reports forwarded by General ssld the Csrrania government was taking Precipitate Fight to Be in North Oaks Mausoleum Funslon, of We menacing attitude or precautions to gusrd sgainst prematuro military leaders In Chihuahua. publication or We note, and that noWtng Oeneral Funston communicated t report concerning Its contents would bo revealed By Associated Press. Associated Press. brought to him, thst General Luis Herrera until It had been prosented In Wssblngton. Chicago, May W. Republican noosevelt St. Paul, Minn., May St. The funeral of hsd published s proclamation Wreatenlng lo De rsrlo government orriclsls were quoted headquarters were opened In Chicago to- - James J. Hill, who died at his home here drive the American troops out or Mexico, ss ssylng they expected We note would he day by Herbert L. Satterlee and Lawrence shortly after 9 o'clock this morning, will unless they evacuated before July t. At handed pi Secretary Lansing. Mr. Arre- no de- Oraham or New York, active work havi- be held st his residence st t p. m. the ssmo time raneral Funston sdvlsrd fe- dondo msde sppnintment st the state ng- begun. The headquarters were open- Wednesday. Announcement of Dineral ar wer dopsrtmem that Mexican military or partment today, and as tomorrow is a le- ed seversl hours berore colonel noosevelt rangemsnts was contained In a statement rieláis are claiming to have M.U0U picked gal holiday, It Is certain that We note will arrived here en route to Kansas City, where Issued by the family at 4 p. in. today. troops concentrated In northern Chihuahua. not be made public before Wednesdsy, be Is to deliver an address tomorrow. Contrary to expectations Interment will After receiving We Funston dlspstches, should It srrlve tonight or tomorrow. George von L. Meyer, former secretary not bo In calvary cemetery, but in a Secretsry or Wsr Maker conrerred with M- Amrrlrsn Tank Cars Selred. of the navy. Is expected In Chicago tomor- private mausoleum to be erected at North e ajor General Hugh L. Scott, and Major Gen- The protest of Si Amcrlcsn oU operators row to assume charge of the Oaks farm, five miles northeast of St. eral Tasker Bliss, chler arid assistant chler In the Tamplcn region against decrees or campaign for itoosevelt. Paul, long thw. summer home of "the em- or surr, and with Judge Advocate General the de rscto government, srrectlng their Fight Anticipated. pire builder.' Will Recruit New Mexico Mayor Does Not Approve Enoch Crowder. Later, Secretary Baker work Is t II awaiting consideration at indications are that the plan of Frank The general orflces of the Great Noitb-e- and Acting Secretary or State Polk were In the state department. It was received at II. Hitchcock to have the names or Charles railway and the First National bank Guard to Full Strength of Garcia's Proclamation conference. the White Hoi-a- and referred to Secretary E. Hughes presented to the Republican and Northwest Trust company will be While realising the absurdity or any such Lansing. Navy advices reported quint st national convention ' as closed Wednesday. Wrests snd while fully confident or Genersl Tamplro. The selsure or saveral American the first candidate By the may in an Interesting No Flowers. Time Special Correspondent Andreas oarcla, consul at El Paso for Pershing's sblllty lo annihilate any forces owned tank cars has been the only dis- result fight between Carranza government, explained the the Root, Roosevelt and Hughes forces. The family statement includes s re Lss Cruces, N. M., May St. As s pert or s litu of Mexicans opposing him, officials were quieting Incident In thst section orrictslly APPROPRIATION proclamation Mcx Alice Hill Chittenden of the New York quest that no flowers be sent Rev. Tho general, statewide recruiting scheme for srtce of his notifying the concerned over the reports ss Indicating sn reported. A protest will be msde. (can on Wis side of the to suffrage association noti- uinDins, vicar general or me cstnouc toe New Mexico notional guard s mass rltlaens border attitude on the part or the Mexican forces Rumors transmuted by border military state st the Mexican In fied Chairman Hules by telegraph that she diocese or St. Panl, who attended Mr. Hin meeting will be held here tomorrow night regbter consulate. order that msy precipitate t conflict. commanders as matters of information ror they given protection and as- would appear the convention com- during his last few hours, will offtcate at to urge recruiting ror the two locsl com that might be Envoy Denies or the war department, ssld 33,000 Csrrania before sistance, the Possession Note. on resolutions to oppose Inser- the Dineral. panies now at Columbus. Orders have been by stating yesterday that Another mystifying development or troops. were mobilised nesr chihuahua City, mittee the nomo BILL PASSES proclamation was simply s copy of a form the tion in the Republican platform or a na- All afternoon telegrams continued to pour Issued to the sao men composing tne dsy In the Mexican was Wa ar- orricers showed little Interest In Wis re- sent out to-- situation, women suffrage plank. The nation- In from all pans of the country with ex- (juard to be present at the armory, snd an circular all Mexican consulates of Manuel Mendei, Carranxa'a envoy, port. Oeneral Scott's comment being that tional or We rival al suffrage association will pressions or condolence for the ramtly. A effort is being made t osecure a wide at- from the otrice cousulstc genersl In Ihe note he was to Oeneral Trevlno appeared to be acting In Mexico Ctty. .itoout reported be send a delegation to Chicago to work constant stream or family friends called at tendance of all ctlie.TK. The local band will brining to Washington. At least Mendei accordance with the under- or Commenting on the proclamation against the Hank while members or tha the residence Louis W. Hill, next door. play In order to add attraction to the pro INSENATE yatter himself, snd officials of we Mexican em- standing. Mayor Tom l ea congressional union will appear Few entered, most or them merely leav- gram, and a number of patriotic speeches day. said: bassy. Instalad h brought no note Wash- Herrera Ready lo Aliniih Aeseriuae national or see very like to the committee to plead ing words syntpiihy far the elder Mrs. .are on the orcjrram. 4 utile necessity in turret ington. AnoWer rumor transmitted sad Mexico before resolution Tor or kind being in favor of an endorsement of nauon wide Hin and her children. these proclamations Wis fti spile of Wese denials, however, the Clly papers quoted en. Luis Herrera as Family Statement. Captains P. B. Detsauer snd 0. H. Totten Issued, ss in si probability the uninielll ssylng he wss ready to attack Ihe Amen suffrage for women. ' A D companies both here belief persisted in official circles that Men The family statement was as snd srrlved Filibuster of Senators Ken yon and gent Mexicana will mlfconsirue it and Wink íf hc.v did not withdraw rrom Mexl- - Chairman Hlllea has been advised that follows: morning, accompanied by de brought the note to wsshington snd "St. J'aul, Minn., May 99, this their order there Is danger, especially aa the request Its defvery to co before July I. the six delegates representing Hawaii 11. lies. oBth men will talk tonight the ar Sherman Fails and Seven Re- tbst the stats department la "Mr. HUI passed sway very peacefully at seems to have come from We wise lips of being a more special Agent riorlgers has not mentioned rorto Rico and the Phttllplnes, who under mory and will leave tomorrow morning on publicans Democratic withheld until opportune mo the reapportionment or delegates adopted aftar seversl hours or unconsciousness. All Join the iocsi Mexican consul. ment. Some of the rectors believed to bo this report. Herrera Is tho officer whose a recruiting trip, having Alsmogordo as its I csn see, no by the Republican national committee In the members or the Immediate family were Majority in Putting Measure "So far ss necessity will influencing carranza to delay delivery of alleged revolt precipitated many alarming present one first objective. No announcement lias been hi El We con- or 1013 are given in toe convention with except daughter, Mrs. Anson arise Psso whereby Mcxlcsii bis new demands ror troop withdrawal aro reports at the time the Columbus raid. seats Beard, made as to the other towns that will be Across by on out votes. who will arrive tonight; and one Vote of 35 to 32. sul will be railed to protect hla people. believed to be. grandson, N. B. visited by the party, but it is planned to The United or givea GUARD They argue that they are as much entitl James Hill, who will arrive States America Wat Effort lo Account for Nondelivery. TEXAS TO BE RECRUITED from Cambridge be or ten days' duration and wlH supple protection Itaeir. And in this Were TO ed to vote ss the delegates from the dis tomorrow. regard First The desire to complete the cont en I'P FULL WAR STRENGTH. "Vicar General Gibbons HUI ment In each locality the campaign thai LUMP SUM SUBSTITUTE is little protection an American cui- By Associated trict of Columbia and Alaska. attended Mr. titer tratlon of troops In northern Mexico to bsrk Press. during bis hours, the various companies have been making. ten steps serosa We into Mexico. San Antonio, May -- Texas C test-- last snd will officiate at FAILS BY SINGLE VOTE border up wo demand berore It Is formally pre Texas. s. Authority the The trip will be made in Captain Totten's "Mexican people come on this was obtained to- Reynolds received noUee a runeral services at the bouse and also side and tented. rrom the war department Secretary of st the grave. The public big National touring car. receive not only the protection or the law, day to contest over the eight delegates st large services will be Second Carransa's conviction tbtt the note recruit those units of the Texas beld at the residence. U0 Summit Avenue, but every protection on We atreets, in militia, now In We federal from Texas. The contest was filed by Word haa been received from Columbus of annot, possibly receive favorable consider. service, to war at p. m., Wednesday, will Appropriation $200,000 for stores, street cars and everywhere else, strength. Recruiting sgenu will C. or Houston, Tex., and will interment be a of the Las Cruces men who atlon If preeented on We eve of We point be tent J. Hostrasser, in private at North Oaks, that number Deepening East River Only cut Mexico say We same or Americans In to the towns where the be heard by the committee when it meets were turned down in the first physical ex cal conventions. various companies "Following the simplicity which the fam- Mexico?" Third - Because one or were organised snd there the people to take up contests 1. aminations have been passed under second New Project in Bill ; As Passed, Its chler point wat will June ily knew would be the desire of Mr. Hill, objection to be given we first opportunity to The total contests riled more thorough tests, so thst the ranks the second American exnedi enroll number of thus the request Is made that no flowers or snd Bill Carrying Approximately Uon, which been those Urging to bring each company to lsn far as 40 wblcb Involve the right or 62 the two local companies win not be has withdrawn since we floral offerings be sent to the bouse. Tues- of Seattle Plans Memorial note was prepared, necessitating changes mm. it Is expected the plsn will sdd to to in the ü as badly as had been antici Forty Million Dollars. in delegates seats convention. day, at p. m, at the residence, an op- decimated" me text. the forces slong the border approximately Chairman anouneed the appoint pated. At least twenty MeslUa valley auto Hules portunity win be given the veteran em- Services or Ijsoo man. only one squadron er cavalry or ten loud voiced to mobiles msde the trip to t oiumbus and re- for J. J. Hill reported differences ment reading clerks ployes of the Great Northern Railway com- By Associated Press. between and Obregon. and one battory or artillery remained at the convention. Among pany turn Saturday and Sunday. They reoprl Csrrania serve during them to pay their respects and take a Wssblngton, Msy The senate today i.arrana-Obreao- We militia csmp here todsy. The D. last camp Is quiet, Seattle, Wash., May 39. Plans for me- Breach Widens. third are Charles M. Dsy or Sioux Falls, 8. rarewell or their old employer. that the there remarkably passed the rivers and harbors approprta Obregon regiment. We last or the cleanly and beautiful. morial services for James J. Hill were Oeneral bad acquiesced In the mllltla Infantry, W. E. Scott or Pueblo, Colo., and David H. "The active pall bearers be M. R orderly, Practice Uon bill, carrying approximately to,COO,ooo, lert here pjday ror slong We will ssy. today discussed today by officers or the second expedition, which was sent Into sutluns bor- Bowman or Nebraska. Brown, Rslpb Budd. Chas. W. hikes, they are being started to or 36 to der In We Brownsville Gordon, J by a vole 3. or commerce snd We racul-t- Mexico, during the course or his ronrer district. The caval- M. Gruber, P. L. Howe, condition the men and to relieve the mo Kenyon'a sesttle chamber ry will be W. P. Kenney, Last Snot. or we University or WsshlngWn. Mr. enees with Oeneral Scon. Obregon is said sent rorwsrd this week. ROOSEVELT IN CHICAGO FOUR. Charles Maltland. George A. notony. The militiamen who have been re- MacPUereon, Just before We final vote was taken Sena Hill was by people or Seattle to have been aggrieved because Carrani Mexican Troops Maaetag In North. OURS; CAUGHT IN JAM. Theodore and J. J. jected by the crmy surgeons will not return regarded we Reports Scbaits Toomey. tor Kenyon predicted It would be the last with deep affection because of bis aid to refused to apporve bis Informal military un from General Pershing indicated By Associated Press. "The honorary pall an- until after their pay day on June t. or an congress no developments, bearers win be Its kind to psss American Die city at a period. When we demanding with Oeneral Scott snd to reel other Wan a contmual Chicago, May Roosevelt nounced !20,ouo,ouo critical movement Into 1. Theodore later." "You are voting st least Into announced his intention met ne nan lost caste and military pres- the north of Mexfeo troops. stopped In Chicago ror rour today railroad builder Most or hours this hill thst Is absolutely unjustifiable," or extending we Great Northern railroad tige by being overruled. We inrormaUon has reached the on wsy Oyster Bsy to Kansas James Hill discovered t dumping his from J. "the toresdbss-ke- said Senstor Kenyon. "You are w Puget Sound with Seattle as the prin- Confidential Information received here In- department headquarters relative to tbt City, where be Is s memorial or the in the massing or de to deliver world" Great Northwest; PABLO LOPEZ WILL thousands of dollars Into streams where cipal terminal. Seattle had been dicates thst Obregon and not Csrrania haa the facto government troops day address. He was met at the La Salle he led In Its development from a wilder- commerce Is rapidly disappearing and into ordered the concentration of Mexican troops In the north, snd list been of a c on P adie- ness Into now by We railroads Wen operating. to ry nature, street station by a cheering throng, who what comprises six wealthy streams with lets than a foot or water Judge Thomas Burke, president or the near the border snd near Pershing's forces. but from the mass, Oeneral crowded about his train so closely that the states dotted with 400.000 farms: snd be them. or These advlcea sute Wst Obregon' purpose Funston snd his surr have separated enough bleied s ror chamber commerce, generally credited appears committee which met blm had trouble In trail transportation which "You have bad an opportunity to rorrees expedited the. completion or Is not primarily hostile to the United states, that reliable to Indicate that at reached eventually with having least 0,000 escorting him to the automobile which was from Buffalo to Asia, BE SHOT JUNE 7TH some or tlieae abuses, but you would not Oreat to Paciric Tidewater but that he agrees wlW Csrrsnis hhat the Mexicans have been concen- with a mileage or rail the Northern In and or to carry blm to his hotel. total and steamship Your mol to Is, 'Let We peoplo squeal.' I Mr. feasibility of American forces ought to be withdrawn and trated about the city ClXhuabua. rarllltles would by urging upon IliU We No At the bote I Colonel Roosevelt made sn that nearly girdle the earth. have done my best, and I want to ssy thst today s definite time fixed ror their withdrawal. further correspondence concerninr That roughly spans or we project, ssld General Osvlrs's address to seversl hundred people who but the story bis ir the price of holding my seat in tne sen impossible to estímete tne Coasts en Sympathy. Journey to Genersl Per- "It would be shing's conrerence crowded about blm in the lobby in which schievement ate Is to vote for bills of tills kind, the seat or Mr. Hill's influence msklng ir Obregon brings available and wen, hesdqusrters for a baa Nest Guelpb, In Ontario, slue in bsen received, be referred to the cordiality or bis recep- where James J. Information Received Here That may go. Some day a congress will be hero Seattle she Is todsy. Indeed the equipped loyal troops in large numbers to but It waa assumed here (Jerome) Hill was 1838, what the Mexican and views be has previous- bora In the son which will Wat we greatest Mr. be- - the American frontier. It Is pointed out that orrtrer yould leave Juare tion reiterated or an of Americans Will not consider debt or the entire sute to Hill Is thst ror ly on national preparedness. raimar who imi Murderer statesman We man who can get the carranxe would be In s most embarrassing Casas Grandes Tuesday or Wednesday. expressed when boy js yound computation." I tht waa It, there stands a tree Death Penalty. money u position, should Obregon take "I'm thankful still have the physique stump Pay greatest aiuoimi oi out ui toe desert and to a labeled; "The last Me chopped by erst treasury. with him the constitutionalist troops. Obre- stand jam sucb ss that at the station." James J. Telegraphers be said. Bin." "It Is s pity that the whole blame for this gon It saw to count on the sympathy or Threaten It marked to something oc- - Among those with whom Colonel Roose too lad's reeolutton so to Unless at present unforseen extravagance must rest upon the Demo- CONFERENCE WILL the United Slates, in any breach he may the united State. He bad basa propmted curs in the meantime, Pablo Lopes, luc crauc party, the bill never could have with Csrrsnis. Strike on Eve of Big velt conferred were Chief Justice Olson, of by an because odd Incident According to the story Villa bandit who carried out the horrible be lieniiblican voles." the Chicago municipal court, recently a Is passed without that told, s strange traveler bad slopped massacre of Americans at anta Isabel, will hhoruy the bill was placd upon UNITED STATES REPORTED Chicago Conventions candidate ror the Republican nomination at the Hill farm to before take dinner, aod left lake hla walk from the Jail lis final passage the Nowlalids amendment PUTTING SCREWS ON CARRANZA. for mayor; and Raymond Robins, who prob his the gate. Young on boras at Hill aaw BBS in Chihuahua City to Santa Hoss lite to create a national waterway commission BE HELD BETWEEN By international News Service. New York. May ss in an atempt to pre- ably will be temporary chairman of the animai was urea ana a he earned it pall morning of June 7. conrtdenltsl sdvlces which been was strictest Mexico City. May W.- -A sudden change vent a strike or So ,ooo commercial tele Progressive national convention. The form or water. Toe stranger was pleased had accepted, with were received In El Paso to thst errect We bill on a renewed pomt of hts come In tbe relstlons between Mexico graphers Wroughout tills country and er president dined with o. X. Davis, sec- the lad's though and aa he from order tfulneas. drove morning, oeneral Jacinto Trevlno, made by Senator Oalllnger. and tbe United Slats, it is Canada upon We eve or the Republican retary of the Progressive national commit- off be tossed lUm newspaper s from the commander or the Garran ta forces, is said New Osees Conference. reported tonight Wat there is a strong national convention in Chicago, tbe de- tee sod left st 8 o'clock. United States, and called com- le out gravely: to have fixed the date and to have The bill will now go to a conference of ARMY GENERALS probability that the Mexican nop-- sent by partment or labor tonight nolined 8. J. "Go there, young man. That country pleted all arrangements for we execution special measen st to Washington, win not Konenkunp, president or we MAJORITY Or NEW YORK DRUCGATCS needs youngsters or your We two houses. The right against II, be- commercial spirit.' or the notorious bandit. Santa Ross Is tne gun by and Sen be delivered to tbe American government. 'telegraphers union In convennon here, Wat FAVOR HUGHES FOR PRESIDENT. Chops Last Tree. Senator Kenyon of Iowa execution place st chihuahua Sherman or Illinois, gained strength un- Conditions have assumed a hue an favor Holand Mahauey, commissioner or concilia By Associated Press. HIU read the paper carefully. con lor It Texas history furnishes many instance a to dlaplace it wlW a sub- able to the Mexican government. It is said, lion, wss on his wsy to this city and re- Chicago. May A majority of the tained glowing accounts of opportunities in til rutel erfort of cruelty which are similar lo the massa- a lump sum or tao, Pershing and Gavtra Will Likely that ate government no longer considers It quested that the telegraphers delay action from New York to the Republican the States. He resolved to Investigate stitute appropriating necessary or for cre at Bants Isabel. Fannin aod his men ouo.uoo wa defeated by only one vote. Near to demand tbe withdrawal until they canter with blm. Mr. Konen convention self. II was the next mornlnar he Meet This Week Pre!-den- national favor the nnrrsnsttoa thai were OoUad. Texaa, in almost troops, bul will leave it to t ksmp said Were bad been no definite strike Hughes ror president, according chopped bis last tree. massacred at Senators Aeburet. Uoore, llolliv liusling. of Justtcs we same manner. Some of them ran away PUtmaii, Pomerene, Casas Oranfias Wilson to have Wem reure gradually. action token and there was no ditposiUou given out tonight by Fred- AS s mere roustabout lad of IS. he ton pert Lane, Newlands. to to a statement and lived lo tell the story. The Mler epi- Tbowas Thompson, all Demo- The American government, it is known "rush matters." C. Tsnner, chairman of the Republi- from Maine to Minnesota. When, In IBM. snd here, I on Genersl erick sode is another simllsr occurrence. crats, voted with We Republicans to send putting pressure car can state committee sad a delegate at disembarked from a Mississippi river It has bean definitely settled Wst s per reus not to present tbe note and bring thai At was somewhat more We bill back to we committee large packet st 8L Paul that place was a fron- Mier the cruelty sonal conference between General (isvlra, tltustlon to s menacing head. M Texas Customs Ports Are tier town refined, lo provide a little en- Wats nastiiiitli and twenty three Repub ror "A canvass cf the New York delegation. of Moo Inhabitant. At the sisa la order tone commander In Chlbuahu tbe de W. Bass E Co.. garrí sou We Mexican lican senstor voted against we bill. They Listed just received, shows a clear majority of J. areata far the nú. tertainment for the facto government, and Oeneral Pershing, WASHINGTON MVKTlKltll OVER for Consolidation buque a st. Paul Co.. be omccra arranged a drawing. Some while were: of tbe American punitive ex- - N Page Two.) Packet found a ON AJTPEARAN c. OF NOIL. (Continued on job aa both stevedore and besas, and a black beau ror every tenth Democrats Aahuisl. Gore. Hollls, Hint will held or nesr Casas Special to clerk. - ladillos, be st By ASSOelsted Press the Morning Tunes. Ing, Newlands, Pomerene. shafroth, fsg- - Neither atari Ner F1sta. mas. were placed in a jar. Each American craudes some tune mis week Genersl Os- Washington, Way deparimenl or- Wellington, slay st.-- gen and Thompson. July i alt In the fifteen years thai renewed ha prisoner whs required to walk up lo ate ssld yesterday nut he thought the riclsls were somewhat mystified today over customs port in Texas are to be Day in Congress sited every opportunity to Jar sad draw s bean. Those who drew the Republicans Borah. Brady, ciara ot conference would be beld on Ssturdsy, al- The study the Dillingham. Ihe failure or tbe new note from Oeneral with the Galveston office IT whole problem of river transportation He black bean were executed to make a Mex- Wyoming. Cummins, Curtis, mo ugh to go lo Casas Grandes deparuuent present plan of Pall, kenyou. La Carranxe to reach tha or the the treasury depart : I amelad no end or esperienee and a Uttle ican holiday. These strociUes were car- Oalllnger. Harding. Jones, about Thursday I ar BERATE: Page, Mexican embassy Tbe department's ad meat put into effect at the begin- bill ried out By we accredited military autoorl FoUelte. LJDDltt. Lodge. Morris. one or General Oevlra'a aides went nVtanwSS wa to be of we new year, Debate on livers and harbors WadsworW, badleated that it expected ning fiscal and to ai continued. Orm of Bill, arts Co.. which promptly ues of Mexico. At the Alamo no one knows hmool, Sutherland, Town send, uranuea icawoay " m m eouuuu- - lySStarday irebaMllty they will be. it u uncer- Commerce sub committee beard pro- displayed It lnlHMva by bringing the what occurred, at so American Uved to tell warren. Weeks and Works in. .hum wlW General Perilling and aecer Meeeeeser (tuve a Nothing of Note tain whether El Paso will kw Senator 7 nomas. included ta against shipping bul. first load of coal mat bad ever besa seen the asst. Undoubtedly another massacre st Tillman and Democrat. talu his wtsbe relative to we details of to Manuel Meno I, the foreign office the coruolldattou, but Eagle La- test could not Pass, unuai iier and harbors appropn In that section Into St. Paul. Two years test plans, as every American periahed. and ought to cast negative voles, but conference. frost Mexico cuy. no w supposed to be redo and Port Arthur are derinjluiy Uon Mil carrying SOJ00JS passed st later, wttb a Mat bottomed steamer, he as- - if any of the rules of human warfare had traveler Weir pain All of We of ii. reporte which have basa aslsts as special mrenger. arrisad here listed for the executive order, jalees in bill ii to St. tabllsbed the first regular eommimloetton been followed there would bve been seats Seven Republican, rata given out regarding we proposed loufer- - B7, declared Iw had no knowledge work now being done by McLean.'r Nelson, hut of the tssat Adojurucd al 4.40 p to noon wad wtia St. Paul and tas Maullaba ports of the tapisote. The Santa Isabel massacre only were Branden. coincide Wat tbe two oommanrlssaJ' SOU whatever and merely bad eome to represen salive raí in. Michigan rerttle Red River valley. Oliver. Powdexter, smith of snd win uiar.ii ouiy uie rusposiuou anu move- sMttstan on vacation attsse artsdon- - Secretory MoAdvo HOUSE: At about met at, Paul was having not nh asaet much In the last too years, only sterling. ment of the troops of Wo two govern dO, Uie Mexican ambassador desígnale, with ir the CUDS It The bill passed ihe bouse continued SaSSS! It ST. Of BAVel Mil. first expertmeul la railroad building to grow worse, a the airocitle at the a It carried menu with reference to the campaign whom Mendei cufnrsd. aald Wat none of eral port Ways and mean eoruiuiite Demo Eighty miles had been laid lo ML Cloud, tie Alamo, st Mler sad el boiled were d pproiianetsl Uto un aiut the bandit. Oeneral Bts messages mm. mo rureian office con- IH..UI1 Ultrrlly H. utile to aViwckeurldg. Ah HO0.OU0 deepen tlxrotTont' bo in of which tor against soldiers of Tessa, While We appropriation loi lor icu toetruc lo decline to tained any aumii.m .f s nesr ante. col let tora wilt Lw oTÍ i of the affair at Santa Isabel was commuted Wg East river, New v.ok. the only new withdrawal ib j American troops V9 Word that tie note coming snd mat that official's work belU (CewSktaed as Pass tvoj" agetiui astrtned and inoffensive civilians SS Pat Ttsaj kUttea ft would ptvbetiJy 'enew lbs suggeetiwu clerk st the ua anted sen 2 EL PASO MORNING TiMfcS, 'ÍUhSÜAY. MAY 30, i 91 6.

henchmen who are paying to much par inn along racial lines or among our pao JUDGE EDWARDS APPEALS TO VOTERS month to maintain the club to that they Pie. can perpeiuata themselves in office ". We hope that no party will nominate The hsrr mad against Mr. Brldgers for the presidency a Candidate whose view at the meeting of toe cuy machine were tend to (tabllh such division made by P. H. Marrum. in city's special ". W trust that Ihe Bepubllran con TO SAVE COUNTY FROM BANKRUPTCY social club prosecutor. When Mr. Marrum ventlon will unite all the elements In the flrat came to Kl Paao and waa prartlcaHy psrty upon Wait For It! Seven Days Mr. Brldgera mm unknown. gar a poiltidn In harmony with JB .SAL In hit ..true in r I shag to addraat the con- pressed. vention, Mr. Bridgem glvea an ova- of Wonderful Selling! was We the Democratic convention tion. 7. trust for the presidency one who States at Meeting of Political Club That Ha Haa Resided Here yoo expect a apeerh." safa' win nominate "If caustic to the expressed herein for Thirty Yean and Haa Never Seen Such Mr. Srldger. "you will ba disappointed. subscribe views I have determined to Ignora aperches maSa before. Conditions Existing. against me through a spirit of pur am "a. We assert that any candidate for the mua." presidency who Is not In accord with the The Boston Store's Third Annual Peculiar Cslselet views expressed herein before It unworthy ave county the support or a ire asa th from going bankrupt wu tena of this rtty and county which will have Mr. Brldgers thought It was rather a p iiitinaiaii 01 or the pltnk incorporated In tie- to be met in aix yeara. Tma la a different rullar coincident that the rlty administra- electoral. of the citizens' liemorritlc ticket at debt berause this nam- dent carne, with It tion was juat now thinking about cloalng Fdr-t- i " th PemnrrMlc convention held In the e per rent Interest A year ago Judge social clubs In view of the state f room night. The sweency it district court lint slated that the proposed mo.oflo ment of the El Paao City and County Demo GENERAL SALAZAR Urge court room wet well filled. road bonds were defeated and It waa toen craur club had said cloalng the clubs was "I have been in El Plan M year, elnr that the ftno.ono road bond issue carried. but fulfilling election promises made by TUB SALE lst April ami I hee never aren atTalra In That amount, be declared, was til that tin- Uie sdminlstrsllon before election. aurh a .minion ta ttiey ara now," declared commisstonera mere authorised by the us "The administration haa been in office Jodg Peyton F. Cdwarda. "Whan I flrat payers to tpend and when they Issued a little more than a year," aald Mr. Brldg- VISITING JUAREZ came here the county win In debt bonded tvon.ono in scrip ior more road work they era, "and it seems to me to be rsther SATURDAY, 3rd disobeyed the Injunctions of the clos- Opens June indebtedness-b- ut the county paid II orr property peculiar that the club art now being and made everything aa good aa run. How ownert. ed." doe ii it happen that In two yeara thing MMN for Court House Mr. Brldgers said that Injunction suit had filed wera and have been turned upside down, nnleaa It was MM.ntiO he filad after elections Former Federal Who Started New "There voted for the erection not before. wa the adminlatratlon or thr El Paso City of the court aald Sweeney, TIMES AD announced the opening date of this house." Judge Mr. Brldgera he had had a Revolt Met With Com- YESTERDAY'S ánd Count)' Democratic club? v. thins lit the commissioners have learned an stated that '"hut standing agreement police de- I that ever happened before until that rlub the lesson of money with the plot Failure. great annual sale Watch our ads tomorrow. Thursday and uell spending that they partment that if they would secure Infor- rama into cztstence ana tried to tell at are spend an 1400,000 on additional the mation against social club be would what to do. There It one thin that I want conn The day In Friday for further details concerning El Paso's greatest yearly bargain nrrtt. coming when these bring the InlunrUon aulla. All "dolled up" In a new ault of clothea. thin convention to pledge, and that la to debts will have to be paid. El Paao county uae every to Ita candidate to Crusade Analnnt Joae Ynet alazar, professional Mexican I Sale, first people South- errort ret the property in antensed SO per cent of Ita Club. on carnival The Tub introduced to the of the legislature to have a law penned whereby "Just shortly before the against revolutionist, was a conspicuous figure value. Kami county so, and Dallas county crutide Bal- - tin- commissioners' court ran t,n mipenrlaed the rlubs wss Inaugurated," tald thr streets of Juarez yesterday. When west in June, 1914, has ever since become known the signal for si The values are set by the commission -- would as we I aaw Captain I azar arrived Sunday In Juarez, be and ran protect nuraelvea. There la era. Upon Hie values the state collects Its lirldgers. Hall. told horn any a In if be would get the Information I have been admitted without question In this aurh provision the constitution, but amount. If a lloo in Harria rounty It as- would values unprecedented and unequalled in great city. This year a waa panuca, close the clubs. He aald he would look Ho ho convention '.n the land, but a bath and law never ir the law la sessed In llarrla counly at 10 cents, why change In then any the Into the matter. Eater Sergeant Pollock a sun of clothe made a great finds a rapidly rising market, early pasted, taxpayer ran ro before should Kl Paso pay 40 cents? Why ahould rine but preparation and foresight has of gave me Ihe names of It I his appearance. He appeared to be In district court and have the action the El i'aso he forred to pay a too per cent all club. Mex- the police could not any spirits yesterday a ha Joked with the found us ready complete stocks rcmmtssloneri' court supervised. We would more It was the policy of Judge Eylar's peculiar tht find with at prices, in the most cases, much then have amne way to protect ouraelvea. more than these tlx rluba. I filed thete ican orricer and told of hi adventure. court to cut down the valuations in per cent ago I believe that the court of Tea did wronr every again police can 8 alazar started out several week a lower than former years. Everything is in readiness be here when year until the values were on an "l reitérala that the to when they I at (United ncrlp for any pur cloae these clubs. I down to few miles down the river Inaugurate equal basis with other conntlea In the stat. went the ! I another revolution. He soon found that the doors open next Saturday at 8:30 puse. wonder what the commissioners The commissioners are about to aprnd Woo,. police station and told Don Johnson: 'I morning 7.V). the revolutionary field was well occupied. would have done If they had sot that 000 in scrip and it win be abaolutely neces- understand you want to cloae the clubs. I After roaming around over the country for OOdt If the. road had been an bad after sary to raise the tax rate. In the next two OoflM with ma and will show you how $300.000 spent what would they can be The police accompanied several weeks with an army consisting of thr already weeks the people of the rounty will be it done.' a have been If the trsn.iui had been spent? me. we want to two club and the police omvirmed man. a man, and able to tee what haa been done. I'.very he derided to ask for amnesty. Nominated Setapll Industry In the rountry will have bur- arrested the inmates The club closed. A the vol- It wu granted by General Oavlra, Carran- den to bear. There will be a 110,000,000 third club heard of the activities and These were some of the Introduriory re untarily closed. There waa an actual za commander at Juarez, and selaxar and mark made by Judg Kdwards. who noml raise. Thereby an additional will go hi three followers appeared at d facto to the state coffers. Every demonstration of the fact that the police natcd H. C. MBBM for lommlssloner of the increase could close the clubs. headquarters on Sunday. No ceremonies rlty precinct. Ills nomination was arrond values makes an additional amount that has marked hla arrival. Ha pretested Him ed by Dave ftulllvan. In makltir the noml to ba sent to the state. If the commission "I say the police can close these clubs. aeir before Ceo eral Oavlra and wat told ers If I was mayor of the city the police would nation, Judge Kdwards railed on the ron had intelligence enough they could gee w list waa expected of him by the Carran- ventlon to support a business man for the that they could lower the values and collect close the clubs or there would be a new za force. piare. Mr. Semple la a well known bus! sufficient money to pay the running ex ubllca department." Sever stories were circulation regarding penses nans man. He owns property In the i lly of the rounty. Mr. Brldgers slated that he worked no alazar yesterday. One had It that he In- and valley. Ills nomination was unani- 'If they had reduced the IM,000,000 valut days In the year and the state only paid tended to go lo the interior and seek Experienced Salesladies mous. tlon to they could have collected him for tSJ. Three months of the year, work. Another had It that ha would be Hie Mr. nrldgers said, he did gratuitous work in to Mexican en- ana Mr semple told the conven same amount of money. Ail they would retained Juaras teach the A. M. "If elected." for the state. 'I haven't attended a theater gineering corpa how to use explosives. Wanted. Apply this Hon. will try and Kl I'aso have had to do Is to have a tax rate of "I ice that scrip In two said Mr. Brldgers. "I do how to get ANNUA1 "tHlHOaAMNUAW will not the or Villa scrip, If about 7if rents. They could thus have saved years," He know the maximum effect reach mine not believe there Is county official that of a minimum amount of dynamite or AHlD we nave to NU Ib cows. money. This proposition naa been put up out volden works than I do. am only telling giant powder. Still itory was out TUB SAL The of the present county to tho commissioners. But they have gone harder another prodigality you this because charges been made to the that he would ba used at a romtntaalouers ,v emphasized In Urn anean nuiineaned and rued the values hve effect gainst mc -- charges actuated by animus. I guide In Chihuahua for the de facto troops to convention by "The county Is going apeerh delivered th Judae on tho rocks as fast work laui at night. I haven't even had sre now In Chihuahua In great num U. as It can. wlilrh I. Sweeney. "I have not had time." aald Today the county treasury Is time to go to a muvlng picture ahow. bers, ostensibly to bunt bandits. Judge Sweeney, rully Investigate Juat unoiii empty, mere Is no money In "to the till. hesrd the golden cows and how bad the county's finances Mate been he county have to do on "I have sbout win business the poor rarm that is so poor a buzzard Mohawk Slightly Damaged BMsaSged up to dule. When y lar credit until December. When the that netted a rot tune of 1100.000. he and a syn Pacific steamships for the commercial In the big opportunity today." be tald, "is taxes has to rly over tlmea before Iw By Associated Press. turned ovéf the county to the preaent come in In January the coffer will again it three dlcate or three others Sir Donald A vatton of Japan and China. Japan at tbe the man In the rank." But the secret of can a shadow," said H. Car- - New London, Conn., May The coast the county waa on a cash basta. be empty It make Ponder tt smith. George Stephen and Norman W tun wanted steel rails, but proposed get failure he rrexruently declared to be ex- because will take all the money tor, the way in to win .thlsj guard cutter Mohawk, which grounded on Hut In the past two years havo to laxo un- or tne scrip. "but which Kittson obtained the object or thl desire. ting them from England, as the rates were travagance. He regarded this at a national affairs been It will take alt campaign for every candidate to make the sunsls off Bartletl's reef lightship dur- - mi managed thing Lave There Is years the county to The St. Paul, Minnesota Jt Manitoba rail- less. It Is related that whan John W. Dates tendency, against which he strongly set rnanaed. for ba placed In the personal campaign. let the voters Ing a rog today, was Hosted with the high tftifti.uuo facing cltl- - same Just way wat formed to operate the property tbe steel magnate or Chicago, came to Hill himself, particularly a concerned the a noatlnr debt of the condition It was In when It was Carry the to each tide tonight and she al once proceeded to over to know the facts. mailer with Hill as general manager. When In with the proposition of getting American natural resources. turned the present commlasloners." Oo conven- own power. Tbe cut and every voter. out of this this port under her I8S3 Mr. HUI wat elected president he uri rails to Japan the latter replied: Commissioner James Clifford was given un tion with tbe determination lo win. If you only slightly damaged. Always aa the Job. utn.u ter wu dcrlook the extension or the rotd rrom Its or APPENDICITIS when Judge Hweeney declared that do thai you can give that political club the "I will make you a rate M a ton rrom During hi active supervision of the Oreat HOW e commissioner bad stood alone and Dakota and .Minnesota homestead to the Chicago or Pittsburgh to Yokohama. Job of milking the golden cows and tending ocean. He confronted Northern system Mr. HUI oversaw almost CAN BE PREVENTED fought fur the property ownors. RIVERS HARBORS APPRO Parirle wat by three that it too much I will carry It for the axlo every or to the poor farm. Let those people have great competitors to the south, each detail, to the wonder an employes If BILL PASSES grease used on the locomotives and rrelght A others than American citizens and the little social clubs to talk about. Good PRIATION which had big bonuses govern with whom he came in contact. fugitivo Bl Taao people should know u or El Paso received at cart; and If you can't stand that I will or his that ware employed on the ness knows they have not done anything IN SENATE ment aid, whereas the. "Manitoba," or instance recognition In hi own court house It waa duty up to the carry your freight ror nothing." country the of few dose of simple buckthorn bark the of the commis rite lo date talk about. This little Oreat Northern, as It came to be known, story tourist, who Adler-1-ka- , aa At the named the glycerine, etc.. aa mixed In sioners, juuge sweeney declared, to aee bombastic social club crusade is Jutt (Continued! rrom Page did not have a of government at rata American mami that there are afloat In the Swedish was In On: dollar tub racturer the or 10,000 oftan relieve or prevent appendicitis that Included Uie contracts and lived bombaallr as the creature who started It." or an or grant to Ita wat enabled to secure Japan section of the northwest upward up to. New p roject Inserted In the bill by the house tidy acre forward This simple mixturo remove atich York bad aucli law, he aald. Judge Edwards made an appeal to the progresa from the Minnesota boundary to eie contract. dirrerent stories In Swedish dialect with aim it was a good law. and stricken out by the senate committee The tame tactic were adopted In getting "Tern Hell" as the centerpiece. Patrons of surprising foul matter that ONU convention to support Prank Alderetc who later, waa restored by the senate later. the sea. Business Man for Commissioner. is a candidate on tbe Citizen's ticket for Populate as He Builds. American wheat and flour Into Japan and his lines have liked and disliked him In SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY Judge Sweeney delivered hla apeech be- Edwards China, where rtce wa the staple food. rapid alternation, ror It was his point too district clerk. Judge declared MAJORITY LEADER KlTCHIN In this light, plan was widely CASK constipation, ur stomach fore Mr. (temple was nominated. He urged If It bad not been for the Mexicans mil's His faith in the far east wat rewarded at have his way, not only where his road, that ATTACKS BIG NA V MEM. docmcd pure roily, he pressed It to con- or gas. A shurt treatment helps the convention to nominate a business man he did not bellove battle or San Ja- but liberally as that In the northwest. It is should run, but where his patrons should the II v Associated Press. clusion by building and populating be chronic stomach trouble. Adler-1-k- a for the office of commissioner who could have been won. at estimated that the Pacific fleet now Car- settle. This wa part of hi economic pol- cinto would Waahlngton, May Majority Leader severs! years he give his time to the county's and built. For laid rails rie nearly wo,ooo,ooo worth or products lo icy. He carried out a singular regularity has eaalest and most thorough action business '"I have known Frank Alderete," said kite ti n, in a spe.-c- in behalf of the naval a a safeguard Hie county'a rinances. westward at the rate of mile day and Ihe Orient every year. In the location of branch lines, giving a of anything we ever aold. The War Judge i Edwards, "for m yesrs both in appropriation bill In tbe houte today, ex a mile, Although Brldg-er- at a cost or and at be went of on ner Drug Co. (Adv.) District Attorney w. W. and and I have always plained that, while he believed Build Immense Fortune. minimum short lines which light politics business the he left a trail or embryonic rarm by the were unavoidable. was McioUlly altaeked at the last meet- known him to b true." provided for greater preparedness on sea While Mr. Hill built up for himself and train The principal ing or El c ralltlde. of hi gospel wa low the Paso city and County Judge I.. A. Dale declared that the Citi ihlian the country really needed, he would his associates an Immense fortune, he also text railway grades. club, the line to sound once laid, be heavy power, large the city's political machine, the zen's tlrket wat going to bo elected be support It, because U eliminated the navy With Puget helped to create for tbe settlers along hi capacity car and big empire He the on his main and he district attorney rerused to indulge In the cause Ihe candidates were rreo from the r building program. turned builder. Introduced lines a wealth of over 6,ooo,uoo,ooo in real tralnloads lines, began department's areas a policy of the political club. domination of such a political machine as lie devoted hlmsolf most vigorously l livestock industry Into vast of bunch property, which tt represented by the value to preach tills at time when these things No The reason grass plains and developed tbera by Im held aa visionary by Pain that the political organization the El Paso City and County Democratic club. attacking the big navy men, as or the 00,000 farm and their Jera most railway Is harpljng on the club crusade, In these timet," declared Judge Date, "It Is Uie present clamor for pre porting blooded stock; he sent demonstra acre or Improved land. By this new selling that tion men fT t at brought out, is because It has dona noth- your spirit or rrugallty will win." waa due in the main to hysteria trains through the country with Upon bl retirement at 68, the "streak or In contact with the late E. H. H method we ft that paredness who people more arriman. ing else to talk about Judge Dale urged every candidate lo get and Jingoism. showed the bow to raise rust" he bad bought thirty years before had who outdid him In the extent or railway a k If f t ran "of all Iho poor Utile starved out political a campaign. wheat to the acre; be mad an outlet ror expanded to more 6,000 it Mr. only II CmfTfU II out and make personal lit opposing the program, Mr than mile, and ownership, HlUwas not tbe finan- the by a cheap your tin Issues the social club political Issue Is the Judge T. A. Falvey, present county chair- Kitehin aald It would foolish to con grain establishing rate by was earning gross profit of more than cial bead, but the practical head, of If be to Buffalo, his pressions ig U , taaae worse." tald Mr. Hrldgcrs. "It is being man nominated John Harper tnr the piare. for ship at present high rail and steamship where he,ooo g year and carrying I6, great railway system. He was the chief 'iear eitfliig II tract price, but great In fact, tin- morning advertised so much to arreen the real thing The law Is inch that Judge I'alvcy cannot It waa probable coat or built elevators; for upward ton of freight annually. He still retained promotor and president of the Se- v. eaise te. it that the materials or yeara pow Northern As, ann mat la tne rinanclal affairs of the conn succeed himself. Mr. Harper's nomination would be much the war. twenty be left nothing In hit hand in the Oreat Northern's policy as curities company, organised with a purpose jff lower after to develop ly. When the financial affairs of the coitti was seconded by Judge Dale. debate closed Mr. er undone the country where he chairman or tne board of directora, while to bring the Northern Pacific Oreat ileneral with Kllchln't as the com and ty are made known the political club Issue speech, had slaked out his culm great hi son Louis, who had worked up from Northern under one ownership, lo which and give you your and the house then began mon $20 will have to take a back seat." ROOSE-VEL- T or carrier. the humblest position of his father's rail such opposition developed a teeth iii the even- HEADQUARTERS OF the bill under tbe rula permit- that suit wat At the meeting of the El I'aso City Organize road, became president. brought in tho United SET OF ing. We can do and MEN IS OPENED ting rue minute speeches on amendment. Parirle Fleet States circuit court, this work fit any County club last Erlday night Tilla pt.bbly will be continued until 4 But it the Pacific tidewater be wat not The secret or the Hill success was no se which decided that the acquisition was an TEETH mouth; make a plate tne erusaao against social clubs was ex- IN CHICAGO o'clock Friday ariernoon, the hour set for t,atlafled, ror be saw In the Orient tUU fur- cret at all, according to Mr. Hill, and he had Illegal combination affirmed in March, atlek to 60 Iba. pull plained on the ground that to close these the final vote. The bouse remained In ses- ther opportunities. He organized a fleet or no new recipe to offer. "Tbe man with 19M, by the United States supreme court. had been a promise maoe by the present (Continued rrom Page One.) sion until late this evening, and lead-er- $7.50 - the ho strong you ran city anminisiration nerore it was elected to to tbe stand on them. Let Justice Hughes." chairman Tanner dt lar agreed meet tomorrow at usual IVIthoiit Hoof office. The administration has been Of- or ua enow you this. in oil. He continued: hour Instead recessing over Memorial rica a year and toil Is the rirst time that day. No more there has been any "This la notwithstanding the high regard nesi maoe efforl made lo close the tor Hoofs ability and experience Repraaentatlvet Farr or Pennsylvania, undue and clubs. Mr. lirldgers tlmugni was Senator ( ruttns $5 00 it rathnr and la In or Hughea' Brillen or Illinois and Roberts or s a peculiar Coincidence that the city spite Justice reruial N leas would to lake any part in ihe conlett." spoke during the day for tbe mi- launch Its campaign against the clubs report, with It pro- II Work (.ti aran teed In Writing lor Juat A latter signed by William Barnes, as nority larger building before an election. gram, Including two Tea Vrars. Republican national rouunlUccmaii and dreadnaughta and six "I bad the aame proposition submitted to Instead or inCW SYSTEM DENTAL made public here today, announced battle crulaers, the rive battle me," said Mr. Bridge r, "and they know there cruiser provided for In tbe bill. Mr. Farr r ui. l would be a meeting in Chicago or tins that know how limy are working II." If the drew applause rrom the galleries by de- F.I New York state delegation lo the Republi- Cor. Paaa and Nan Anísale KU. the social club fight was not to ba used aa claring In ravor or building twenty-riv- Natings Bank asMly can national convention Tuesdsy oter renin sled politics, Mr. Brldgers wanted to know why evening capacity righting ships, so submarines and old First Nal. Bank Hid. s :jtl 6 the purpose or Hours BS MSI oinmiMi Ulloli waited S vi ae before June for orgsnlzlng and many aircraft. lo M; Minidava H:M to II. Two lady instiiuting injunction transaction of such business ss may coma attendants, Spanish and Cerates Mills. Tho political Representative Britten denounred the bill spoken. Phone Ml. cluB la even now using such as campaign before tin meeting. The letter was tent as unaclantirtc, unbalanced and a patch- li thunder and It appears to he about all the lo every stale delegation. work or between pacificist and thunder It ba. and the roar of ita Rome politicians interpreted the letter a conservationists. , rill for "count or notes" or the Roose- velt, Hughes and Hoot ractiona, In view SENATE (XKAHS WAV FOR or the reported threats by delegates from POLITICAL CONVENTIONS. all three camp! to introduce resolutions at By Associated Press. t in firtt in. inn; looking in that end. wastUDgtoii, aay vs. no way was elckred in tne senate today for U10 na Onyx"$ Hosiery LEADER lional political conventions by the adoption orriciAL or a resolution providing ror throe recesses , lust's htatkment. Yeas Get GOOD Talus a ANYrici-tua- UstasrCaaM Jfct as. sab By Associated pre I from June I to June t. Nothing bul the Chicago. May M An Official Introduction or bills and resolutions and -- statement or Emery Beers Company, inc. or the meeting of (crinan American lead the reception commuters frum Hit pretl will be In ers held here yesterday and today wu giv- dent older. en out this afternoon. An understanding was ntered Into when reces agreement was made Delegates weir present rrom twenty-fiv- th that ihe senate ahould dispose or the Oregon stales and Alaka afar repNaasMd by and calironne legislation before proxy. Then- delégales, II Is staled, were or June W. Senator Shafroth sought to hive THE authorized reprrtentatlvet churches of Philippine Mil made Hie EVERY HOME OWNER many the unfinished IN Parbyshire Harvie Iron & Machine Co. different denominations; or social, lbs tenate votad quasi political business, but lo take up business aad organizations, prererence we postonirc appropiiaUou PUBLIC and or the Oerman Huerican presa EL PASO SHOULD ARRANGE TO STEEL associa- bill. SVTVAL SHOP, MACHINE SHOP, AND tion," The bouse leaders plan to keep their rOUNDRY WORK EXECUTED PROMPTLY. "All large organization! of Americana of branch in session throughout the conven- INVITED SEE THE DEMONSTRATIONS Ocruian ancestry throughout the country tion period, working on riU,UMl Mw" FUM- appropriation bills. ara, - . Chaxuzal. were eiHier nirecuy repreaentcd or assur- To the Teste that will con- That will be cooductod at show room tbe Latter part of l.c. Bu.krta. K.cfl ,Iauu fur Prompt WUiMtkewT ed tbe committee of sympathetic support,' J. J. HILL GOES TO REWARD WrlU Hoi 176, say this I, Kl Paao, Tola. lb statement OF clusively prove the value of It quote a formal platform of principles, AT RIPE AGE 78 The tests win ba public and tbe aiaaisiutu wfll ha nade tbe substance of which was made public YEARS the Haurf elt Jacket on all by representative of both newspapers. Hairfelt yesterday and aun. o in - adoption oi the The Jacket Ttae Ouly Fire Proof Morago lo Kl Pago following resolutions (Continued from Page One) Hot Water Tanks, is a boost to boutwwhre dunajr tbe hot taw r ntesatfas. Oar "We, the authorized representatives ot fiasoeadradanaj eawbnt hi WESTERN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Hed River vaUey, eud there win- ti,ui 100 test are for the purpose of tbe Gas millions of voaart la the United htatea. in or track, "which began nowhere and SJH at unlet that the Jacket will iaataxurate and wfll convince tbe moat a Stan too conference assembled cblrato, in. this ended in that aame Inderinile spoL" May. resolve inn Lovell weAar rvth day of tat, thai: venture ran up a debt of liJ.ouo.ouu and kipdeaj that will beat faster at lea iibisii than is the "I. We demand a neutrality in strict loUapaed. with It ouly asaste being "a ceee witbotit tbe Jacket i Avi.Lrtilt.LI. accordance with the advice contained In rew etreaa of rust and a right pf way-- GROCERY si i Co. LEVY COMPANY! unit h Oeorg Waahlagton a adztieat to the Ameri- Hill aad bad sufficient success In th Engineering ALL HOUSEWIVES ARE INVITED TO BE ON HAND fcXTKA HPhaJiAia can people. lo be aelatd with a cuiuuznlng desire DURING THE DAYS OF THIS TEST, WHICH DATES We urge a foreign policy which pro- to purea the defunct property. Afur S VAN CtUCJtV TAM t. sag 411 MESA AVE. WILL BE ANNOUNCED TOMORROW. oaou oaok tect American Uvea American I titer-et- rive year af flaancltl dlcktnug, including ti malar itrios. I 25c with equal rtrmnea and Jusure. tt tal of all hi other uitsrests. which s cams rae rttvrv W condemn avary official H and Slav, k t. reate, atajan aa4 policy which show passionate attacb-mea- tria. 25c stars. Brew, UfalalaS ysaaata, Btvaa mm for ono bajllgerent nation or m. is os. 4 by SUMOS t awzt. Dost aad Wtnd Sttiodr fi 25c nierala antipathy for aaoUivr aaUtU rsUevasT ay Maata Ere Eaatsdy. No Trajtia fatta as Mat save moawy. Matt order Wa deplora too utterance, voiced by officials and ottn XUfc officials ri jigt,. SOD and MX. atta atad - t Ovstlattd Sl rd to create, or tending to crvak a dlvtt- I EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30. 1916. Saloon Proprietor Held KELLY TOLO KOSHER SHE DISCHARGED SECOND BATTALION on Charge of Buying We Give & Property of Government S. H" Green Trading Stamps HOWJTJAPPENED HERPHYSICIAN SEVENTH INFANTRY A warrant yesterday was Issued by United late Commissioner Oliver for the arrest of a If. Ilo wtngton . proprietor of the anta PopnUr Paso R. R. Official Fe saloon, charging Romlngton with pur Remarkable Statement Made New chasing government property. He had not by Milwaukee Lady, Who IN BUTT'S MANUAL Gets Pooling ae RomH been arrested laat nlght. of Vftalhae. Bowlngton. It Is alleged by the military Claim She Is Feeling authorities, bought a .4 automatic govern- Best in Y EVERYBODY'S ment platol from a soldier, paying fit for The the offense ynu It maximum penalty for Physidal Ejcards With Rifles Have noticed the change Is two spars Imprisonment and a asno rine. D. the i. SCUT. popular and well known an to practice of selling Statistics show that stomach trou- Will Be Feature of Flag Superintendent of bridges and Buildings In effort step the SECOND OUR in- THE DAY OF GREAT for the 8. Pf a k Mr. Noser, tbr Vitadlas government property, which has been ble Is far more prevalent than the Day Program. demonstrator at Kelly Pollard' Drug creasing; rapidly recently, military officers average Individual auppoae. It tore. Bowing would yesterday said the case against Is simply "Mr. Kelly lire at Htn Wyoming treet would be prosecuted vigorously. It la to let this The second battalion, Infantry. tell ton seventh and he inn that Vltallta ha rurrd their aim to slop the purchase or the prop trouble sap your comfort and health are listed to demonstrate the manual Mm of rheumatism and ha toned him up per arms and and made him reel better In every way. erty, by making an example of those away. It wears it victim down un- nutta' manual, having the sixth and tenth places on the program at He say that the rheumatism, at time, sons who buy It. til he disease official waa very severe m one hip, the pain stows weaker as the wasmngion park. Wednesday. June It allrk-In- gathers would be like the point of a knife, force, nourishing Itself on the The Butts' manual Is a nhvslcal exercise Underselling Campaign HI COURTS In hi riesh. hip became attlt IN THE patient's very life blood. It Is more with the rifle, the purpose being to aecure and he was much worried. Mr. Kelly say ease ann rapidity weapon. The It help than probable one mem- with that 'I started Vltalltas hoping would District Court. that there Is Is me and before I the silent manual more extensive, possessing had finished rtrst M. Judge. ber In every family )wittle I be ran to feel relief. The change (Dap Jackson, who la afflicted as ii does igr. movements and alma to at Mas been so wonderful that I cannot tell Ule or Texas vs. James !. Baskin. mur In this way. Plant Juice, the new sys- tain absolute familiarity In handling the OPENS WITH A RUSH now that I ever had rheumatism at all. der: Instructed verdirt or not guilty. tem tonic, has no peer in all caaes of ruie ana precision In execution. I 'not only ant rellr.r from rheumatism. vg. There are only two of a long Mat In way. I State of Texas Jose Rústanteme. stomach, liver, kidney of but felt better In every find It trouble and fan try events making up an excellent blood tonic, ana a powerful satilt to murder: not guilty. rheumatism, as Is by tne military tour My or vs. E. and Simon An attested the nament for "Preparedness" and Flag day, And why shouldn't it, when the we reconstructive tonic. mother, who sute Texas Sans number of people prices getting along- in years, was weak ana in dasolo. burglary; given two years each and throughout the given under the ausplcea of the United a run down condition. I put her on 'sentences suspended. United States who speak of it In flow Sutes Army Belief society, the benevolent 'offering on necessary and she ha certainly Improved: ins terms. Recently the signed state oi sanitation of the service. are merchandise mother Is now reeling riñe. I know " Forty-fir- District Court. ment of Mrs. S. E. Dalley, who resides The Infantry forms the greater part pf the to be a wonderful medicine.' army, you every down, Vltalltta Is truly a wonderrul medicine. (P. R. Price, Judge.) at No. 1316 Chestnut Street, la trncient mrantry must always keep that use day are put in and In good physical H Is beyond doubt Nature's most errertlve H. B. vs. Angela Hale, trespass to Itself condition: know how Stevens popular and resident of to care ror known tonic and corrective for disorder try title; on trial. Wis., Itseir in the Held and be able to some instances, to as low as half their of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and Milwaukee. was received. She attack under all conditions both by rire and blood. Call on Mr. Moser, question him said: the bayonet. Silly-fift- Court. with Thcae two exhibits will g lampli District 'For years I was original prices. These money-savin- op- Kelly at Drug Ad (Ballard Colitwrll, Judge.) troubled with mv Illustrate part of the training necessary at Pollard's store. to Flores vs. Francisco Villa, at siomacn. gas, indigestion and dyspep- secure this efficiency. Francisca Troops on sia. While under the d..ntr' I of the Eighth cavalry will present portunities will help you over the rocky Uchmenti trial. nr. a mounted Charged With Robbing Roommate. read about your Plant Juice in the musical drill, and are listed seventh. The purpose of this ride Is to se- James Rhodes, alleged to be a klepto- County Court. aaiiy papers and decided to try It. to Economy. Take advantage proriclency In road of Adrian Pool, Judge.) My husband cure equitation and promote did not want me to take skill of maniac, and well known to the police, laat Slate of texas vs. Victor Mayo and Maria the the rider. but I did so, and the first table-- The or or night was held on a charge of theft under D. selling riled duty the cavalry in time war Is them today. TreJo. unlawfully wine: spoonful gave me to Texas vs. Sol Berger, swindling immediate relie scour the country in rront or the army the value of ISO. Rhodes Is accused of rob- state of and I took to secure given 30 days and costs. three bottles; waa out of information and prevent surprise bing: his roommate, A. O. Calentlne, at it a by the enemy, lit SUte pf Texas vs. Qulrlno Esparta, pistol for week and want some more in attack It guarda the A po- now, as and acts or Brown street. suitcase seised by the linen ana costs. it did me so much jrood I nanks. mounted dismounted, as situ occasion orrers. In lice, which bad been In Rhodes' possession, discharged my doctor. I no fur- pursuit. It cuts off and -T- had holds the enemy. In retreat It delays the ODAY'S FLOWER PRICES contained a quantity of clothing Identified Justice Court. ther use for him. I am y as now entire-l- hostile advance. If necrasary, to by Calentlne. Rhodes met Calentlne Sunday (James M. Deaver, Judge.) cured a well the extent woman and give all of sacrificing Itseir. PAY night. It was said, when the owner of the sute of Texas vs. Maria Seln and Louisa praise for my present good HflF MORE? rooming house suggested two room Castillo, kidnapping: dismissed. health to Battery "A," Firth Field artillery, comes r that the Plant Juice." together. When calentlne awoke yesterday state of Texas vs. Julia Urlbe, assault into action In fourth place with an extensive - Plant . This, too, is conducted non-prof- it accom- morning- be missed his clothing-- fined 13 and costs. Juice is sold in Kl ra.n drill. is hut one of the several As out Flower Section on a strictly basis and for the Kelly a Pollard Drug Store. Adv. artillery events on the Hat. The duties of the artillery In war artlon modation of our customers, our prices are much less than you are asked to pay Is to prepare the way. support the attack elsewhere. These flowers are fresh from our California Gardens this morning. and assist in pursuit of the enemy. In re Prospectus of Labor treat It serves as a rallying point ror the discomfited troops, and holds Its place SWEET PEAS, FRESH EVERY CAPE JASMINE BUDS, Temple Adopted Last even at tne risk or the loss or Its guns, to HOUR, PER BUNCH 5c PER DOZEN ... 50c Make Strength Food gain time ror them to rernver. Evening by Union The numbers noted, while giving a fair Your Food! Idea to the average reader or the nature of SWEET PEAS, FRESH EVERY GLADIOLUS, The following nmsoectiis or pi n.un the military tournament, has lis educational HOUR, PER DOZEN BUNCHES. 50c PER STALK. 10c Faust Spaghetti builds brain in. Uie Labor Temple association was alooted tut value from standpoint of "Prepared and brgwn with the least evening by the Central Labor union: ness" and ran hardly rail In pleasing peo- of all ages every HOUSE CARNATIONS, BLOOMING EASTER LILIES, tax on digestí ve organs. Tho Kl Paso Union I.ahop ple in wall of life. LATH 4 to the Tnni. Those In charge or the celebration re deli- tlon will be composed of the fldo PER DOZEN 25c 6 blooms on a stalk, per stalk 25c It is so appetizing and bona port they are convinced, In- unions and unionists or El that through pleases every- Paso county. formation gained of people cious that it The aim and object of this association u representative in every part or El Paso, that vast one everywhere. to cement and solidify all the tollera or crowds El I'aso county, into bounds or .i,,n will attend the tournament and are plan- And economical Ten cents' worth .h ning accordingly ror the accommodation or solidarity, and to attract and all feeds s family of six, and give gather thousands for both the afternoon night the best efforts of the aforementioned to and ' nourishment equal to $1.00 worth one great, common cause, exhibitions. Quick easy that in future of meat and to cook. through collective gathering and collective , FLOWERS AND FLAGS Recipe book, mailed free. council, wc may the better learn the v.iim Year grocer oi collective Dargaming. FIERRO TO BECOME DECORATION DA Y Faatt Spaghetti wim ino aforementioned In mind thn FOR first work or this association will be the MAULL BROS.. St. Lotos, U. S. A. undertaking of constructing iihnr Temple, In other words, a home where she Below we offer two special Flag and Flower Combinations from which you can ' " wc vouers may meet in BIG MINING CAMP their individual and collective iiicetlmra and fashion wreaths and other floral decorations for the laat resting place of your loved carry on tho business and social made prices so low none should be neglected. ssssrc singular ana collective unions aim ones. We have the that for the success and consummation or ihi. project, we submit to you the following Colorado Fad and Iron Company Putting in Huge Concentrator Flower aid Flag Combination No. 1 Flower and Flag Combination No. 2 I. That a Labor Temple assocla.lon he properly incorporated according and Other Improvements. 1 Flag, inches laws or Texas, ror the purpose of erect- 1 Flag, 17x27 inches 15c . . 19x36 lSc ing a Labor Temple and conducting all the By Times Special Correspondent ' with 3 Flags, 7x11 in., with Spear j Special uusiucs pertaining Hiérelo. 3 Flags, 7x11 in., Spear jOBCm silver city. Ix. M., May SO. Grant county Tops 3. That this may 15cf p be performed, we sub la to have another mining camp which will Tops 1SclPrice Dozen Carnations orn me lonowing plans, viz. rival toe extensive operations of chino 2 . . 50c ITlCe the 1 Carnations 25c ) (a) That each union located In El Paso Copper company at Santa Rita and Hurley Dozen 3 Fern Sprays 15c ( m county be asked to subscribe for such and the Burro Mountain Copper company quantities or stock as own ai ryrone. their rinancea Regular ana Duslncss may penult. The r Iron and Copper Recular SeUirsg Price 50c J Vv Selling Price 95c VVV (D) mat each union member he asked company, or extensive iron ore deposits at ana permuted to subscribe Tor such num Fierro, now being operated under leaae by ber or .shares or stock as bis personal tne Colorado Fuel and Iron company, Is to auinty may permit him. erect a big concentrator and make other ) That each union member so sub large Improvements at Fierro this year for scribing will be saked to make the pay- me nannnng oi urns mined there. Mayor Lea and Asled Soldiers to ments eltber total or by Installments to D. M. Barrlnger and Frank II. Brock, capl Heavy Artillery Mounted Officials Have a proper orricer or bla Individual local tallsta or Philadelphia, who are prominent- City Inspect Slums Drinl; Touched or to the proper orricer or the Labor ly associated with the atcel Induatry In on Concrete Foundation of for $90 Temple association, to the full amount of Pennsylvania, arter a visit to Fierro, have sucn shares as he may desire to subscribe returned eaat and will at once authorize at Chihuahua City Mayor Tom Lea, Alderman J. I'. O'tronnnr Congeniality and goodrcllowshlp, coupled with an admiration or American for; such payments to be not less than the improvements mentioned. It la stated. and nr. W. 0. klutu, city physician, yes soldiers, Babies in monthly Installments unUI B. E. Mekeehnier, who la general manager Hesvy artillery which was recently directed In particular at two or the for made an automobile to Chlltua Comtort terday trip soldiers, Sunday night K. M. the full amount or such subscriptions be tne Hanover Hrtscmer corporation, brought from the interior or Mexico has cost Williams, paid In. Time limit or full payment or now at Fierro making preliminary plana nulla, a greater portion of which Is now or Ulobe, Ariz., a miner, a considerable am for this electric fan. I don't been Installed on concrete foundation- - no sum or money. How thankful I stocg subscribed, to be four months. Ad- ror me building or the concentrator. hehig destroyed under the supervision of the bills approaches know how baby would get along during this hot spell ditional subscriptions shall be allowed There are millions or tons or Iron ore in which command the the city health department. Hovela, which Williams became acquainted with two , further time, to set by Labor Temple lo City, according to many soldier-- , he told the police, extended all this comfort for only com sight st Fierro, carrying a small copper Chihuahua stories haVe stood feet below the street and without it. And just think mittee . content, ami with the recent riso In the told by late arrivals rrom that place. These grades tor Si and 30 yesrs, are being de an Invitation to them to "have a drink." el Tbat when such subscrtpuons ror price of base mollshed. The have been Hcveral hours afterward, after several cents a day. metals, these ores have reports have It that guns have been placed occupants, who three or lour stock bave been paid in, receipts ror the come very valuable. deprived or Ibe while living In drinks had been dono away with, Williams on Cerro la liosa, cerro i:oroiiel and sunlight same will be Issued by the Labor Templa ucees of Sanitarium Assured. de their huts, are carting away the material, says he awoke. The soldiers were gone. breeze se near tho aqueduct. son Its breeze is better than s summer isn't association and durlnr the pendency ur Sliver City, N. M., May Si. ItecogniUon preparatory to erecting homes elsewhere. So also was a draft ror on a '.h Authentic reports have also been receiv a gold watch, a rront El Paso dusty, and the strength can be regulated at will. In the final incorporation and the Issuance or uie National Methodist sanitarium In sil .Some have rented rooms In the neighbor- ticket or stork for receipts so held, all moneys ver City, established a year ago by the ed that Ueneral Trevlno has dispatched at hood. Thus far I ho huta have been de- to Ulobe, and SIO In cash. one or addition to these advantages, the breeze from a are to be held In escrow, by the respecUve Methodist Episcopal church, by the gen leaat tralnload field artillery stroyed. There sre ISO more destined to un- selected officers or either Individual unions eral board or this denomination the past from Chihuahua, it is understood dergo the same treatment. Adgrrlon Return to El Paso. or the Labor Temple association. week In annual convention at Saratoga, that thla artillery will be kept near Villa Alex Adgerton, of Kl I'aso, has 3. That all orflcers selected ror the pur- N. V., insures the success or the sanitarium Ahumada ror use In any emergency which I.osowell be careful of your baggage from a business trip through New Mexico G-- E pose of receiving funds ror stock In the as a national Institution may arise In the affairs of Mexico. checks. Leave at l.ongwil's. Tel. I Adv. and Arizona. Oscillating Fan Labor Temple association, must be suf- The sanitarium win now share In the an ficiently bonded. nual appropriations or the church, whlcii thus keeping the air in the whole 4. Thai the El Paso Labor Temple asso- will enable sxlenalve buildings lo be erect- - is swung to end fro, ciation be incorporated to the amount of for and a more Utx ral policy as to man room in good circulation. That's why it is the best 4u.OUu.uoo and that upon the sum or So per agement pursued, thus permitting in sani cent or the above being paid In, applica- babies it doesn't disturb their sleep. tarium to lake rank with the largest tion for charter be made under the laws ror Uie treatment and care of s of Texas and that upon tho receipt of suffering rront tuberculosis, not In same, building alle be selected and plana opriaUon in Uie United Steles. For sale by all Electrical Dealers and ror building be adopted, these detalla to New School Superlnlcudcnt. be acted upon by a committee composed Sliver City, N. at.. May The bosrd or or one member from each organisation education has elected Byron Read superin- EL PASO ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. holding stork or a power or attorney for tendent or tne Eaat Las Vegas public stock purchased by members of such or- schools to be superintendent or the Silver gan IxaUon. ily public schools ror the next acuooi (S) Tbat all abares or slock be to the year. Simultaneously the Essl Las Vegas amount of fgfvO per share, that each share board elected Walter B. Mi Farland, retir will have an Interest bearing value of 4 ing superintendent here, to be superinten- per cene, the same to be accumulated upon dent or the Meadow city achools. In brief. For semi annual payments and the date of In Superintendents Head and Me far land have SWium's Greenes Aft Fisisn Qaility tere st on all such stock to begin with the effected s change or positions, which waa date of receipt or charter and Issue of concurred in by the two boards or educa- stork. tion or lbs clUes concerned. Prof. McFar-lan- The central Labor union under the pre- bad previously accepted Uie WINCARNIS sent system of renting and rentals or the or the Ahuuogordo public schools g TONIC Union Labor hall are paying a rent or snd the otero county high school, but A per month and are collecting rentals this acceptance when the Vegas A RESTORATIVE from various unions for hall rent or an propoeltton was mads him. Who the super- at monthly amount of Siai.OU. lias not BLOOD-MAKE- R eumuialive intendent will be at Alainogordo A All halls are occupied each evening and yet been announced. Wincarnis is a liquid food tonic. Its formula is not con some in the afternoon and nine unions Javae Heading Is silver. are meeting in oilier buildings ua account Silver city. . M May W The monUi r cealed; it is composed solely of extract of beet from prize of lack of sccotiunodstlona. Purifier, the roses, likewise weddings. June, Is at be cattle, extract of malt from choice ripe grains and a special largest ball at present Is Inadequate In telebrsted In Silver City by two important to slae for the accommodation of our larger i P.. ii,. Ml ee oielil lian been wine possessing extraordinary tome properties, due the unions snd were this Inadequacy remedied. made of the marriage of Miss Josephine mineral laden soil of the district from which it is obtained. rentals would be approximately Brass sad Lee ttehulz. popuisi young by than 10,000 physicians. Unsuccessfully doubled by the present organisations, to aay Die here, and of Walter Hlsckrvvell. proml Indorsed more nothing of the onss lust sre not ruling nent young buisnea mau. and Miss ina imitated for 33 years. Contains no drugs of any kind. Not with ua at present and which under a Marriott, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c. W. medicine. Labor temple building could readily be Marriott, pioneer rsiiuly of this city. a patent tecouimodsled. Humor has, it thai st least one more and Large size bottle (quarts) Jjl.50 The secretar y of your local wlU pisase maybe two marriages among the local Medium size bottles (pints) 85 a notify age secretary of the Labor Temple smart set will be celebrated nest luoolb. committee. Mrs. N. f. brown. Sfisl Copper sveoue. Highland park, wual action you Pleat be advlssd thai the Southern Pa- bate taken iu Ibe mrtssr. cific clay ticket office will close Msy Sutb WATSON'S GROCERY at uu o'clock, account iei oration day. Starrs Leases far hare, Ail tickets and Pul n wo i eer valiosa can 210-21-2 Texas St. Plume S151 or 5182 or 5153 g benito C. hierra. USUI recently Mexican be bad at the Lulou depot consul at Brownsville, passed through Kl Your, truly. Paso today to Naco to Use barge of the t. K. No.NROg Mexican consulate at thai place. t. p. a t. a Ad. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916.

Charged With Being Witt Entertain MISS DAVIS STARS "Soused" Is Dismissed Shiners Guests Amusements "Adv Five Facts You Should Know Tiran hsriR If yon will only let me never, never anaMBBjajjjjjkfffJ go tM ansa. I wont b W. S. MART AT OSStCUN. condition, we yon IN SHRINE SHOW (2) That whan we correct the disordered eliminate the up here stain. Please, wilt win can a woman rind stfll a - n that ah torea Judge V sobbed Mary (tout, man who has wrongly accused and eleeaeo. negreas lean- publicly oo throughout body. povrerfnl. duaky a. she humiliated her. when aha dlacovera (8) That the sloes Is tho carrier of leona tho Judge Thomas In that ed over toward Ptul the man really believed her rullty? This (4) That to successfully treat any disease orlatitstlng In tho blood, ws mrporatlrm ronrt veMerrtay. i With Bobby Robert She Scored is lie problem that rives a new and tenw have to treat tho Mood, ss the cause. Well. Ill rirlil. twal II." II til turn to the "love Interest" In "The Primal Mary, . Oj. rename remeey ror removing the podge ssld. and her Hit in V.odevfll. at Testes I. ure." new Triangle play w. S, (I) That a 8. Is the moot impvnoas brightened hy starring face irlorlnm Grand Theater. Hart, at the oreclan theater, today and so. .from tho blood. mile. trudged happily from the court morrow. room. She hurt been accused of being Any woman or 8. 8. 8. Is no experiment of to- - Poison, ehronlo skin trouble, or any peace. who has endured the lash rtriinlt and distorting the F.lhel I. avis, classic shared the a raise form of blood trouble 8. 8. 8. fiend, dancer, cruel snd accusation will sympa- Lday, trot is a successful remedy for other Frank IMMM, drnir awaBBai honors with Bobby Roberts and A. Hilas Al thise with Lola LeVoyne, the Saturday to leave (own, youthrul I boon blessing will go directly to the seat of the given chance in the college playlet. ' After the Iwrolne or this play of the the blood that has s did not have lime enough. bron far northwest trouble; giving the blood S thor- apparently fJarne." St the performance of the Keeking to leave s little the of f to thousands of sufferers for the yeatcrday. and fined first sift work ough cleansing, driving oat the Im- - He vu arretted Khclne vaudeville, at the Teiat (irand the- her own hands. In I be desk of the man last fifty years. There Is nothing sir In corporation rourt. VBsBsflsBBBBsJ In a natural way, and ater last night. The entire vaudeville pro- whom she ahyly and secretly loves, she about 8. 8. 8. It Is sn Is mrsterloua ffUso blood pure and refreshed, gram, whirls was staged, produced, snd aelsed by that man aa a thler. dragged herbs, roots mi: Kin s tNvrx. ant w. MtMUt, Rob- through the and extract from native ready to do Its full duty In building hn most of whlrh wss written by Bobby settlement, thrust into pecu- erts, was put through with a snap and prison before the eyes of everyone she and bark, each known for Its the tissues np to s normal and heal- I. r nen Here. prerialon which, In nearly every number, knows. liar medicinal ralue. These Ingre- thy state Begin today on a bottle revenge J. E. Bean, a ratllemnn of Van llom. would have stamped the perrnrmers ss pro- Her romes. The man who has dients combine and set In a bene- of 8. 8. a and note bow soon you Teias hs been in the rlty fnr a rew rtay fessionals instead of amateurs. misjudged her Is In his turn publicly helpful way with nature. will begin feel relief. We will a ficial and to and during Ihe !. of hit wife, who Miss Davis, formerly a student under and bears bitter burden. But. your gladly gire special adrice snd free 1 despite his mistakes, be Is made or the It doesnt matter whether han Iteen operated on for appendicitis at Mme Pavlowa. displayed grace and training tho you tuff or which molded, In esse of blood trouble Is one of consultation. If are In doubt the Hotel MM. WtmM appearance on Uie heroes are and nhlch warrant her time or many forms of Rheumatism, or Ca about the nature of your case, write professional Her was deaperate peril be offers his lire atare. flrat number for the gin. Then does she still care Scrofula. Contagious biooo axeoicai Department, ttoom s. a dance followed by a ballet to for tarrh. (Irerlan him? 100 Rooms or Solid Comfort Btara." The opening dance THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. dsnre. "Silver At she she does not, Hotel Savoy, ((vrrlan.l and Stanton, every- was done to the of the alluring first thinks hut when nets- strain he tella her she has came to occupy thing and strictly modern: can't he Connies li'lloffuian," was charming b thsl the price; B.Í0 week up. Aitv. and his and mind, to the exclusion of all beat for Ihe Because the loss of a slip heart watchers. of other women she finds she for- per In dance, unknown that must the middle of the give him. and go to bun, or elae deprive to most of the audience, the steps were herself or her greatest happiness In lire.. Months." a Mutual feature, which Is along will be shown at the Bijou today. The pic funny cartoon, will also be a part of the 'unpleted with one toe dancer's slipper and The program. NIGHT picture contains thrilling portrayals Is from ture Is well made melodrama, and receives OPEN ALL one pink iiken Let stocking foot. "The or a unusual lines. The story different Mme. Petrova, In of the derense border post against an or a "Playing With Fire," Prescriptions filled and delivered loin Cakewalk," and a Spanish dance, Indian attack, a right with knives under any yet offered In moving pictures. rood treatment at the hands rood will be hare Friday. completed liavla' tiiimbe at ani tlm day or night Mall nana," Miss water between Hart and an Indian, and re- contains a pleasing romance with a bit of cast The with some very Faina Hbkman look the part of kitty Orders Filled Promptly. markable snowstorm effects. and Interesting numbers, Including the Eighth The Garden new on In the playlet, "Arpir the llame.' a thrill here and there. Vivian nidi theater, the airdomc Parker the comer or Boulevard Vraln A. E. RYAN & CO. Oubby Boberts, who played the part of Ken Alfred Vosburgh are the stars. V- 8. cavalry in action at El Paso will be and 3t "THE HEART OF NORA 11 INN Chaplin's new streets, is now open, the management took his part In Ihe same sketch for two shown. "Police," "Charlie snd DRUGGIST. "The Heart or Nora Flynn," Friday "The Fighting Hermans," a pie announces that the bill ror years on the orpheiiin etrciilt, and showed with the comedy will be here Friday and Saturday secured the .banning actress, Marie Doro, is playing of the entire battle of lvangorod. I coming week Is one that wilt prove or Ethel Dm is In lassb- Dañera, his training to advantage. A. Miss Albro lure a engagement the Alhambra to- great Interest to the "rana." The Garden Shrine aildei Dir. played mil part of Dick Malhews equal return at shows Ihe starts and the baltle up to the THE t'MQUE WILL FEATURE TODAY the day. This when exhibited will have first run Universal films. feature here last fall or the town. The Mutual Film corpo Tora Moore and Anna Mlsson, in "The ly well. month created a moat Impression Bnhby Robert favorable Tangled Web," a supreme and Katherlne Rlrkman and on sll who saw the ration guarantees toe scenes to all be EAT AT supplied opener. Rune and the It It reaches best an interesting subject, will please the most mi. of Private Hlllry. Ihe "The l.asky standards. In the place a real genuine. This comiumy also claims that It Tue Kewest and Beat Reatsursnt inalogiie, singing and dancing mad first fastidious audience. ADS BRING RESULTS Private l.oiinle llllley, company f" Twen '.i.l human interest story is there, and It is Is the only picture of Its kind authorized WANT up the number. "Two tittle Hearts." and Mutt and Jeff, in the Mess kitchen a Ij third Infantry, who according to the entirely original. It inusuales one or the hy the Oerman government ror public ex "Don't Rite the Hand That Feeds You," were most admirable tralla or Irish character. hibltlon. tmpieal verdict, committed suicide aa the the two songs. Club House Cafe A man or woman with a real Irish heart A was IN Soulk Ki Paae resell of BSreeaJkM loS, riven a nun novelty in amateur theatrical cannot betray a conridence. Nothing Is more BIJOt BILL TODAY. si on the inr.v funeral hy the army authorities yes "Memories." ihe second number repellant to the Irish character than to "The Double cross," a special release program The bachelor's monologue, as he t.r.lny arprnoon. procession i be an Informer. Nora Flynn la only a poor, sat before the fire m the darkness and re simple little servant, she has this of KM teg uncut but trait haml and his eoinradri viewed his various affairs of the heart, was lo a remarkable degree. marched to HI. ill with the re Ihe station given by A. Iiltss Albro, by whom It hsd Driven to bay, deser- TODAY ONLY Which placed on a t. disheartened with ALHAMBRA ASSAYER and CHEMIST main wire train been wrltb-n- As he told of each former tion by the man she Greenville, s. :.. for interment. lores, her reputation CEO. W. CAMERON. sweetheart, the sweetheart appeared as a good woman trembling In the balance, panel opening In the back drop. Those who NoVa to mispress. True, Special return showing of the Exceptional star Hepreseoiatlve tor Shtppera lo UM III li AT Mi. II refuse! betray her El I'aao .smelter. depleted Hi. various sweethearts were her mistress has done nothing for her, Is, ,, ralnful. annoying bladder weaknesses Rlrkman, Helen: Betty Whip; MS gas Fran. St, KI I'aao. Tataa usually kidney kid- katherlne even plots against her, but she Is staunch P. U. tndlratea trouble and Welch, Kate; Beulah Wright boi 4. ney trouble never should be neglected. June: Louise In her loyalty, and out of her aacrlflce Hark rheumatism, aore, nwollen or H e F.ngllsh girl Fama Hickman. France. Is horn happiness to others. iiiiisrlc or Joints, nil these have been hessney played the part of Thomas, Surely there never was a finer theme relieved hy Foley Kidney Pills. They art the butler. ror a strong, clean film play. In Hector Turnbull's Romance roinpuy no n i. nun neip v ncann Pave Hughes and Frerr Priest drew nu- Henry liudolph, Carmi, ill., writes ) "l was merous nnrores In their syncopated argu WIGWAMC "rOUR atOYTHH." bothered with hurting in bark ami tral ment. "Happenings III Coonlown." Wlgwan Is showing troubled nt night and hail to up Their The today "Foui ret several dialogue and solos were, well executed, and "THE HEART OF NORA FLYNN" INTERNATIONAL CAFE nines. BUMM taking- i ..ley kidney ills I deep nil night without retting up." Owl their Jokes were enjoyed hy the audience. American and Chlneaa Barrica Drug Store Adv. "The slim Princesa In Song Land" was This delightful Lasky Play charmed everyone when Booths tVt Ladles or Partlaa the title .,r the number by Virginia Rnrk. option Taken for isou.MW. Fl Paso's songbird. "Your Heart," was the it was here before. If you missed it then, 8. El Paso su next tr By Times sperlal Ciirreiipondent. opening solo. "Sweetheart Sigh No More," Bijou Theater. Courtland, ah May .v. --Option In pur- anil the "Kvenlng Song" were the re- Unique be sure to see it now. sponses to encores. Miss Burk's voice has TOM MOORE t chase the l.eailvllle mine here for Stíou.onn has been taken by the i 'tilted states Btnelt- - volume, sweetness and power, and her so and iiib. II. flnliir and Mining cumttany, which los were enjoyable. ANNA NILSSON will at on.-- tnke OVer the devel.ipineiii up Kddie Hlrch got off some good local hu orations on in property. Tit ci.t n s.e mor, "nellsrhland was the title of his IN no ore may monolgue. which was followed by a butch .01 RUM J0U? Cine that be.ahlpped until the mine II purchased. Fred A. dialect song. Pi-imaHu- re our estimator. It will be Karla. engineer giorhi f..r the I tilled Neubin Rassett was at his best last night finished un lime. states smelting. "The Tangled Web" nuil Mining company, has been placed In The Sonr of Songs" carried his audience away with the singer. "An A Suprema Drama and an In far off Alaska had THE TUTTLE PAINT & charge of the property. The Lca.lvllle W. mine adjoins the ('.rent Western, nn.l Is buggy Utile" was his opener. A local paro Interesting subject a Hart's Account Book, and GLASS COMPANY yielding high grade copper ore, averaging dy on the "Rosary" cauaed many laughs, as when the girl who loved him 2IS-- IDS N. Klanlon. Phone 2M 0 per rent. did his recitation, "In 14M," given by re- MUTT AND JEFF IN tried to slip in and present him quest. I TIHi: MESS KITCHEN with a gift he mistook her for the nanrlng was the theme of "The House thief, and threw her into prison. Party." Those who took part were: h nearly ni i in M MluY FRIDAY It ruined their happi- TONIGHT Hughes, Fama Hickman. Paul Welch, Louis ness and made them lose their H.irsfnrri's Acid Phosphate. Welch. Dave Hughes. Betty White, Hobby MME. PETROVA lives, but in the end love won. es, refreahes, strengthens, iieiievea Roberts, Katherlne Hickman. Taul Rroyles. in "The Primal Lure" has many The loll, restores the lorcc. buy Reulsh Wright llarrlaon White and F.llza- - thrilling Rogers. "PLAYING WITH FIRE" scenes as you watch the belh terrible fight In the water for life, SHRINE demonstration of the manner In which the attempted burning Want tare setting if "atruck" was given In the St the "Try hands removed the set- stake and the assault by the Out." Sure Indians. bANKING BY HAIL ting of the previous art In view of tho Ad audience, leaving the bare stage, with a bark drop, as the selling for Ihe action In GRECIAN VAUDEVILLE -- AT THE Compound the Try Out" J. H. Segall, as Oscar TODAY jM stein, took, the principal part. A. E. Phone Rowlands wai substituted for Bobby Rob- WIGWAM Interest erts as Harrison J. Wolrr, the Shakesperlan EL PASO THEATER heavy. Kddls Blch took the part or Lew TRIANGLE KAY is REQUEST tor our now Flelda. Comedy free booklet, by W. H. Holmes dlrecled the music. The romantic thriller "Banklns Spangled Banner" was sung A Mall," carries with it no "The Star Classique Dancing In the final number by the members of the 5050 open obligation to an account KI Malda Bhrine patrol, led by Mlas Vlr "Four Months" and all ws ask is an opportunity. g inla Murk and Newton Bassett. The audi Clever Impersonations to ezpluln clearly why your sav-ni- ence, standing. Joined In the Bulging. Regular Prices R. B. BIAS FUEL CO. should earn 4 per cent, and The vaudeville program will be repeated tonight Come and Enjoy Yourself I&I0 I iih' Mlasoiarl. Phone S4B. why your money will bo abso- FRIDAY ONLY lutely All Kinds of Poultry Suppllaa safs if sent by mail to Slek Headache. FIGHTING GERMANS COAL. W001 AND I this institution. lou may have This disease la nearly always caused by The only moving picture in ex- Ws our own occasion to thank us for this a disordered stomach Corred that and TICKETS $1.00 manufacturs Poultry the attacks of sick headache may be avoid- istence which shows the entire food. tucsestlon. ed. Mrs. A. L. Lurkle, Fast Hoihester. N. progress of a big battle from Write today, and ask for our Y.. writes: "I was a victim or sick start to finish. This shows the On Sale at Ryan's Drug Store ew hook caused by a badlv dlaordered stom- let ach when I began taking chamberlain's fall of lvangorod, one of the Tablets three years ago. in a rew weeks fiercest battles of the world's time 1 was restored to my lormer good EL PASO BANK bralin. tJOMinsoio everywnere. auv. greatest war. Or. Carl Umitn Old Copper Mine Sold. i.LPTlKK. BLOOU. sKIS. UV AND TRUST CO. Hy Times Sperlal Correspondent. Kit, KJltNKY Itl.AD-1)- -- AND A Guaranty Phoenix, Aril., May W Controlling in It lll-- l W h. Find Bank teres! In the San Juan mine, ihe larrent Kooow known deposit or copper In liraliam coun Firt HatJoasI llank Bld. El Pato, Texas ty, has been sold ty local mining men to v. Kstabrook or Miami. A new com pany will be lonni'.i by Kstabruuk, who la one of the or Hie Miami Oppor dlrerbirs .assa tin- All Records SHsr company, and development of properly Attendance Smashed on an excessive scale will begin at once Fldrldre Walker, who represented Ksta brook in the transa. Hon, will ! pi. siii. nl New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, of the new company. J. c Adams, Dr. W cfralg, ua Hlrsclifeld, T i. Sparks and other At the Initial Showing Phoenix mining nun, win. bought the prop of New Universities erety last February, received net retam Dictionary or over $1,400 a car on tin nine cars COUPON or ore ablpped rrom the mine Proaantod by J i EL PASO MORNING TIMES uJ Billie urke Three Coupons Sacar the Dsctsoawry TONIGHT "KING BAGGOT" In Her Million Dollar Motion Picture Novel SbbbbbbsW In the reel Universal Draxua "JIM SLOCUM ' GARDEN THEATER How Y to Get It Present or mail to Cor. Boulevard auU St. ruin. Gloria's Romance Fur (As Mars Nominal Lyons and i., In Cost of Tunes Branch 9, 10S Eddie atoran afaaaafaiifa i sshI Duhikmtimm a delightful comedy Texas three St, cou- NURSE" 10,000 EL pons like the above with GOOD NIGHT PASOANS ulnety-eaaT- oruta to cov-- it and two other good comedies. coot of handling, pack, Will Want to See it 3T98c log, oterk hire, etc. secure thii NEV authentic Paatag: f ' Dlrtifsnsnr, bouad in real MAIL A" a w 5 flexible leather, iUiHtrated 8 St. with fuD pages in cokx AT THE RECIA i N 1 and duotood 1300 pages. hiled riark "FJz Q A St'KClALTODAYPROGRAM 25 DICTIONARIES IN ONE fruta and (Saturday WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AHDictionaries published previ- Chaplin's THOSE WHO CAN WILL PLEASE Vow Co tidy ous to this year are out of Jote ARRANGE TO COME TO THE MATINEE r "Police" .. 1 ' J I fl SSSkiigsallliii É SSsaaaaasIl iS"i gtll nS Ésa ai jai. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916.

$ For the Weary FLOWERS WILL BE Charge Parchases Mother Mude Tajeada and Made Tuesday and Wife and Wednesday Enterad on Wednesday Entered on after the Winter struggle Jasa Accounts with poor food and poor STREWN ON GRAVES THE POPULAR" service there is no boon like Thuiinil Wheat Biscuit. Sand Ua Year Center ea Ave. sad Saa Antéela St. Private Breach Exrhaaa tSSS. It is ready - cooked and OF WAR VETERANS ready-to-serv- e. The food that supplies all the strength-givin- g Announcing the Wedding nutriment needed for Banlca and Schools Will Be Cloed a half day's work. For Throughout Day; Parade i mm breakfast with milk or to Form on Meat, cream; for luncheon with of the Grandson & Granddaughter A parade and services at Evergreen reme i berries or other fresh fruits. tery will mark the observance of Memorial nay today. The banks and schools will be of Major H. and Colonel M. closed all day and the pontorNce and rail road offices will be closed In the after fall,. noon. Ali ANY years Today VTEVER be- - Postofflce windows will be open from o Ml yn to 11 o'clock In the morning. One delivery will be made throughout the city by car of peace and 4 fore, either BEGINS rlrr. Collections will be made in the bust ness district at 11:30, t:SD and 8:40 o'clock. or else-wher- e, THUflSPAr The parade to be held In the morning prosperity Mf mortal here will Include the members of Emmet Craw- Asrf ford Post. o. A. H. John C. Brown camp. has United confederate Veterans; Hamilton Fish have smiled camp, United Spanish War Veterans; Made Niagara Falla, N. Y. Y. Grubb camp and eneral William upon the month Removal at Mrciaskcy camp, U. 8. W. V.j members or the .7 sale the High School cadet corps, and members 1 LV v w rat. or Eighth cavalry Eighth AAláD of May pre- the and cavalry IV ARMY ORDERS band. Uni'ted Forming on Mesa, at Wyomlnr. Missouri such Special to the Times. and Franklin streets, the parade will of sented , Morolnr States Washing-ton- tfay . Captain William K. Mesa to Mills street. Mills to the Pio- Wallace, Twentieth Inran try, duty Utah neer plata, south, on El Paso to San Antonio a golden op- militia to duty Nebraska mllltla. street to toe city hall, where It will dis- America, First Lieutenant John S. Gaul medtral band. The parade will sur promptly at OF reserve corps, army medical school to 0:30 O'clock. and today is portunity to POOR Walter Reed, general hospital, D. C. Following the parade the Spanish War Following board, officers medical corps Veterans, the members or the o. A. ft. ana Me- to consist or Colonel William H. Arthur, U. C. V. will go by trolley to Evergreen not only quickly OPPORTUNITY, Lieutenant Colonel James D. Olennan, cemetery, where services will be held. The I Champe C. MrCullough, Jr., appointed meet Rev. W. F. Packard, pastor of Trinity -- to Washington. D. ror or morial Day, the i C, examination such Methodist church, will deliver the prin solve appllcanta for appointment in the medical cipal oration. Post Commander F. E. Tusten corps as may be Invited to appear. First will read the o. A. R. ritual. The ritual is a problem of Lieutenant Hewitt C. T. Orubbs, Sixth in- for the dead will be conducted by the but it fantry, relieved Georgia Military college. Spanish Veterana, taps will be sounded Major War Alston Hamilton, coast artillery, and a volley fired over the gravea or the day in which what to give Fort Hamilton, to Sandy Hook proving veterans. The Twentieth Infantry band will grounds. Captain Percy L. Jones, medical play during the aervlcea at the cemetery. N. M., to Investigate thou- corps to Columbus, Members of the Rebecca Stoddert chap- many the June motor ambulances. ter of the Daughters or the American Revo- Kenyon A. first Lieutenant Joyce, Slxtn lution, and the Robert E. Lee chapter or bride-to-b- e placed on detached list; The Door Opportunity cavalry, First the U. D. C, will decorate the graves sands will of Lieutenant Charles S. Hoyt, cavalry, plac- with flowers and flags. to the beauty of as well as that of selecting appro- ed on detached list; First Lieutenant General George Bell. Jr., the mayor and turn théir thoughts S. there- charles Hoyt, cavalry, removed county and city ofTlclala will attend the the wed- Opens Wide to You from. the idea that over a hundred millions priate remembrances for Leaves. Second Lieutenant Edward H. services. The Eighth cavalry will conduct memorial world's melt- ding anniversary. When you come Ricks, Sixth field artillery extended two at the post cemetery at Fort Bliss. of people, in the great months; Captain Lefia S. Ryan, coast ar- services Thursday, The services will be led by Chaplain W. W. of observe the wide range for choice June tillery, one month; Second Lieutenant Basil graves of the will ing pot a country where people ist Brander. The soldiers D. Edwards infantry to June SO; First be decorated with nags and flowers. t George V. Strong, Sixth cavalry,' na- and the broad scope of the price When We Lieutenant review of the El Paso High all types, and all races, and all Launch Our Wallace, Six- The annual 15 days; Captain George W. corps be held at 1:30 sec- Inrantry, Major Robert School cadet will fused into range. Note that almost every teenth three months; In the or the new Hign tionalities are being a new Brooke, corps, IS days; Captain o'clock stadium medical Oencral Oeorge Bell, Jr., will re- Campbell E. Babcock, seventh Inrantry, six School. partake of the good tion present a hundred and one Great Removal Sale The Rebecca Stoddert nation and will Major William T. Johnston, Eighth view the cadets. months; or D. A. R. and the Texas 14 days; captain William chapter the nations, all happy suggestions, each in its place cavalry, extended Sons or the Revolution will qualities of all where Mitchell, signal corps, 14 days. society of the our new, six story, present the rejrlmental nag to the cadet these different ideas and different ideal in the sentiment expressive of WITH Carroll Returns to Springfield. corps. near-in- g stage a competitive concrete Annex or The cadets will drill the event. C. Carroll, the First or escorting the nag. An types of people are being held under 111., for the ho air National bank or SprlngHeld, who has General draw- del individual impetltlve drill ror the Where we found stocks lacking in completion and the time been spending the winter at the Paso will be held. one flag, and are working together on Robert ffiro Hall medal Norte, returns home today the Oolden president or the El Paso miss- Carroll Is largely In- Mrs. 8. J. ennell, variety we have supplied the ing near, (July 1st), when we Stato Limited. Mr. league will present the in harmony for the development and must terested In mining properties In the Equal Franchise medal awarded by that league for the best ing links in the chain to make the list mountains, near Orogrande, and was infantry band advancement of the ideals of the all stocks to this new buildi- extensively Interested In cattle marksman. The Twentieth transfer rormerly during the presentation cere- and ranches in this vicinity. will play more generously satisfying. No in monies, judges or the drills will be Cap- human race. ng order to enable the contractors to raze the tain B. P. Nlcklln. Lieut. Walter Oullllon good supply has been neg- Home Burglarized While at "Movies." is North and South just source of building complete the beautiful and Lieutenant Henry B. Lewis. There a a we now occupy and VEujle Mrs. Hennessey, whose home is it lected. And only the best of the 71 North El Paio street, wss watching Ufe as there is an East and West, but new home of "The Popular," we find ourselves plejute "The nude Thler' at a local mo- most appropriate remembrances for tion picture house, thieves entered her EXERCISES HELD they are directions geographical keenly sensible of the prime importance and sterling home Sunday night and stole a pocket book the desired occasion was selected. containing 13.60, an engraved bar pin, and sections not divisions of ideals and value of the first and central principle around which a ring set with three opals and three prospective seekers ideas. For present and this business ; pearls. The thieves entered the liomc GRADE PUPILS was builded a principle on which we a transom. FOR through During this month of June on whose of wedding gifts and anniversary re- have concentrated our energies and abilities per- threshold we stand will occur many membrances "The Popular" is un- sistently, namely, "Fair Profits and No Misrepre- surpassed. Why Suffer Sixty-nin- e Pupila Complete Work a wedding, the principals of which sentation." In the past these words have meant in Primary Schools and Re- will be representatives of the old Grouped in the various departments everything to us and to you. And they shall mean ceive Certificates. will find From Migraine or North and the old South families. throughout the store you much to both of Us in the future, also. "Fair" or gifts for each Promotional exercises ror rour the "The Popular" is glad to note that large assortments of just in our dealings and with equitable pricing. "No Headache? grade schools or El Paso were held yealer-da- Sick stu- from first to the 75th. afternoon and last night. Thirty this is so in a number of cases here year, the up Misrepresentation" the plain, unvarnished facts dents were graduated yesterday afternoon with a pro- in preparedness as- from the San Jacinto school, in El Paso and desires to offer at this If doubt let our about goods ; simply the truth about them. gram in the assembly room of the build- or ing. Thirty-seve- students were given time its heartiest congratulations sist you without waste of energy Moving mammoth stocks is great undertaking, diplomas rrom the eighth grade at the La- and our a mar school, with appropriate exercises. wishes for long and happy lives time. Read the list of Anniversaries and to lighten the task, forced to sacrifice Joint exercises were held last night In to we are a thirty-eigh- the lower the nigh school, when t students who and what they mean, at vast of seasonable depndanble merchandise. were graduated rrom the Bailey school and these young people so securely amount thirty one rrom the Vilas school. The fol- old right hand side of this page. the time lowing program was given: are binding the North and the When arrives to move we want to have as chorus, "Happy Day" (rrom "Robin with bands Do not forget that in our efforts to light stocks on hand possible, and to accomplish Hood"), Vilas and Bailey eighth. old South stronger than as ' zz Í. ,.hi.u mar urn obtained at Dance, Sylvia ballet. Vilas girls. please we have considered "Price . . ñr Tab; . steel, and are so effectually effacing this purpose, we are going to offer the biggest and ITw a .tc "Hark! Hark! the Lark!" (Schubert-Liszt)- the Eva Crosby, Bailey. all traces of anything but the most a prime feature and therefore best values yet Boys' chorus, "Tinkers' Chorus" (from various all "Robin Hood"), Vilas boys. cordial feeling between all sections remembrances will meet "They Were Muety and Nine" (Davis), ideas of cost. Even the most inex- Orare Priest, Bailey. of the country. Going to Make This Sale Chorus, "The Lark," Vilas and Bailey pensive remembrance is the best of ForReasonableSaleprice. eighth. Mrs. Jarley's Wax Flggers, Vilas school. One of alfalfa. carload Toy symphony, Bailey school orchestra. its kind as befits the intended pur- The Greatest Ever Held Phoue I860 The following are the students given di- Children's Week plomas entitling them to enter the blgb pose of the purchaser, namely, to school: Values Thai Are Matchless . In the Southwest Bailey Graduates Roys: A. J. Brown, present an expressive token whose YOUTH'S STRAW HEADWEAR In In every department there will be specially d Re- Frank' Brown. Tbaddeus Coykendali, John in the THE BEST DRUG STORE Ditu, Joe Duggan, Claude Ellott, Hubert braid or imitation Panama. Sizes by quality would ring true years moval Sale offerings. Not a few but many to give wide r.lmore, Charles Gilbert, Richard Greene, 7. Regular $1.25 values. for selection for mother, father, sister, Mayo ttajulllon, Vernon Love, Charlea to While they to come. latitude brother and STAR DRUG GO. Hubert Mackey, Van Oliver Patten, last in the Children s the tot. And the merchandise is timely, to fit the season's KNOBLAUCH 4 WOLF. Fras. Dan Peery, Fred Schneider, Edward Short, Week, take your WHAT EACH WEDDING immediate needs for all the family. There will be a broad Wlnana, 222 Mm AMM fiwa IZS1 Trevette Stearns, Maurice Edward Wood yard and Arthur w right. Girls: Maria choice, at each, ANNIVERSARY MEANS scope both in variety and pricing a surprisingly broad Alvares, Lucila Ayers, Annie Belle Baker, BOYS' WASH TIES In stripes or From the Isi to 75th range of surpassingly interesting offerings worthy of the Eva Crosby, Dorothy Daugberty, Alma word "appreciation," which we send to you herewith. Urennen. Edythe Ford, Norma Herakowlts, white. You cannot expect Twenty-on- e Wedding Anniversaries MINING MACHINERY Marguerite Hughes, Grace Mcviegh, Alice to duplicate them, at the Welcome to the Removal Sale. Wire us at our eineaac regardlag Maboney, Aillene Morrlss, Mabel Pearson, are embraced in the list, which from Our yuaraa-le- e special price of Our appreciation of the public's generous patronage during that nr Insinuation. Saille Phlpps, Grace Priest, Myrle Tatum 9f time immemorial has been accepted Is Ironclad. msm the past thirteen years does not stop with this bare an- and Mary Dard CHILDREN'S Southwestern HATS White as covering the most eventful years The Vilas Graduates Boys Otto Bartholomae, hemps and Milans, in vel róócxxxa nouncement of the big values we are going to offer dur- Wrecking Co. William Capíes. Eugene Dooobue, Willis trimmed of wedded life. Read the meaning vet bands and ribbon ing our process of expansion, for that is not enough. And Hi Dureafo St. El Pa. Ellis, James Earle, Justine Foster, Frank of each below. Gillette, David Goodman, Harold i.aa rosettes; others very plain therefore, for an entire month, we propose to give sub- Leslie Lynch, Hubert Mleller, Cbaaacey and tailored. Values to First Cotton. stantial evidences in the shape of matchless values which Pond. Debuar Huberts, Thomas Hyan. Tim Second Paper. Sehgman shall bear within themselves the recognition that Umbrellas Covered and Sullivan. Albin Slelikel. Ouslav $2.00. Spe our and Ferdinand Welch. Girls: Ruth burns. cial, each, Third Leather. patrons well deserve to have. At no period in our whole Repaired Helen Blake, Nina Cos, bernlie Harria 0 0 Fourth have we gathered so many convincing evidences of Lack aa Key Werk. DoroUiy Hummel, Jane March. Mary Merrtl, Fruit and career Safes Opcaed a Viñeta Llndauer, Zalema Newton, Elisabeth GIRLS' LINEN AND Flowers. true offerings. CAN FIX Roberta. Mc tolas Terry, Hasel Venn and Fifth Wooden. will be trimmed and ready for WE IT SHOP Miry Wilson. FRENCH GINGHAM Windows your inspection I7 My rue. Pawn MS. Graduation exercises for the high school DRESSES Broken loU. Sixth Sugar. Wednesday night. Price tickets will reveal figures so low seniors will be held In the high school as- Various colors. Seventh Woolen. that all El Pnsoans will be dumbfounded. Watch the ads, sembly ball tomorrow evening. The pro- Some gram will be given out today. trimmed with pique Eighth India watch the windows, wait for this greatest of all sales. Tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock Super-In- s collars and cuffs; Rubber. and, a. Tlgae and Principal Wednesday's Herald Thursday s Times Will THE MAIL ORDER anneal j. a. h. others braided and Ninth Willow. Hugbey will meet the graduates of lava Contain Full Particulars of Our Mammoth Re- HOUSE OF EL PASO grade schools of the city in Use high school with hand trimmed Tenth Tin. to discuss with abasa Us work which will effects. Values to Kievenlh Steal. moval Sale. Let us have your wants be taken up when they enter high school la Twelfth Silk and fine the fall. $8.50. 1.1 nun at $3-9- Is 5 Thirteenth Lacs. This The Warner Drag each. - Ivors'. "I take uleuur lu r CReni- Fourteenth Children's bet lain Colic. C hulera and Diarrhoea - SUITS I'ryeUU. having used it In my family ror the BOYS' PLAT Ifieenlh Week-O- utfit od. - fte(&bfiuáA Company past thirteen years. I have tried other reaav liada of Cheviot. In Twentieth hum. edles, but UluaabrruUii'a la the only on colora. Twenty-fift- Silver. the gave medium dark Omdorff Hotel Block mat ever UK peruse of- Ones are never without It men Tbia la a aplendld Thirtieth ivrl. Little - I'earl. El Paso, Texas sosar astease-- aad I cannot saw toe fering, at fortieth- ai a Saving tb. iw C fiftieth tinlden." everywhere. At price of 2 O Ssweasy-ncih- - EL PASO MORNING TIMES. TUESDAY, MAY 30. 1916.

count lee In the slate, a docen or more of which receive bach snore money than they par fhe ticacury at Songs of Snnshine AUCtla. Story county paid to the date My Skrt BOiUK In the pact ota years this has BY T8BT. BtN I'll OWN Cat Tear W It received therefrom, end 88. ocupan. come Mee.OOe more than has (I olger Mrkinaey.) n. rase tiste county commlselonera. Is an effort to (Cisman, Matean w num rownt ntCtsai now comes the isit. kr mi Hill escape the stigma of a further ralee Iw the tax rete, mmswm son ivi: l.intl HAMftB. with the proposition that the valuations he still further Where Old Glory Leads. When school It out for Saturday I teas Increased and that the people of this community be re- By IXOtA ronnF.sTF.p, And children have their fun a c Dina, o i lastsa a ntn. comrade groups at play n. quired for all time to give away thousands upon thou- "Whet we realty need Is some war reltm. Ainld their unnececcarlly. Kit. don't yoo ksow." In the tweet summer sun. sands of dollars to the state to come bsck boms st night II. year, doubt- Orris sat down on the lop of the atsp-- I They're hound SaVa ag Cssesaaefcaateai i. jlOKlgOjtt. 7J? If the Increase In valuation Is msde this With soiled hands, dnsty feet, hoped will be com- adder and urveyad Me town bal ft Memo f: less the next board, which It Is to be rial day They were meager In or muddy clothes and tootled heir A trtmminr WON vare- c n ssssaai con- ta -e 22T,Ü2Í?' posed of efficient and honest bueineee men, will be spite of all good intentions. Some of Isst But aren't their bright eres sweet! assseaa It be decreased to a fair sutins mm asas. " '"Tmmimm fronted with the demand that yeari Fourth of July bunting and flag, MM There's tend and mud that seem to cuSg MiHit It cay Impos- noma old of Oram In STiUm. a c ihrgfc figure, but they will find difficult, not to portraits and MeClellan. Tire president A bill amending law To children st their plsy, CUCC SATS.Mwrm explanation will satisfy the Lincoln and Stanton, and two old artsy H i senate aa long ago as the summer of school out SI I sible, to furnish sn that F.tpeclally when It 1ST MaU AS lea miiiketa crossed over (he front door. "As been ees It would aleo be a trifle embarrassing (SB, and since that Ume bid lelce For the whole long Saturdiy; DeSr Saaeai. ,!! state authorities king we any n l " to prospective In- at haven't veteran left" Reforms. adopted by the tenate; bol the bouse nan And when you atari to fuss and scold. Pao al ! to explain a decreased valuation She topped abort. BueJl Center was reato mi M.BsaaSu Oam asestto - " failed to concur. As the law stood the tnc- Why. so silly, dear aesso In on any in Palto md Bail i sae vestors the future. fearfully short apartarlas of kind. It was Mr. Cleveland's conduct of admin cettlon fell to the president pro tempore Their locks hsve caught the sunlight's goka, mm rea Taxpayer. Unfortunately you are TW Tlmm. Think It over. Mr. Out of ths company of boy who had Miration congress of the senate or. If he could not act, to Their its golden cheer! lam (Br owtk i mercy political machina sway asd hit attitude towards hearts ..... Just for the preeent at the of a marched from the little trian rular rather than large questions of policy or of the apachar of the house of representa OsU? bM Osa Isa, ...Vj green an many year ago, the had raping be just soiling little hand! with mud i muí .. never shown the least conslderstlon for ths remnant management held lives. But there were timet, saman .. which has party that the attention Think or men iiii public, but you still have It within gradually fallan asleep In life's last bivouac of the country throughout the four years of tween the seatlont of a congress whose Don't worry! real Interests of the In Soiling hmda with blood m. ia Basan to ansa wfr, Srtfl men who brought the over the little churchyard behind the hit term. term bad expired and the tesslons or trie their brutal vour power to see that the have were the cons and In or hate again! Phase MM Mesen church still there left congress chosen to succeed It, when there the win kIM verge of bankruptcy shall never again gain Ths house kept Its Democratic, the sen- these they how aasassents egelalei alees eesvlara eaewraassM county to the daughter! or vieran lo carry on the dsy'a was a preildent pro tempore or the And pray dear ood hands TU saltear mM" county governmentc. ate Its Republican majority, and party leg neither sdntoasaea Afiat It .St. ese m Ceses sriemeee sed the ascendancy In the city or observances, and the daughters were at- senate nor a speaker of the house. To ut it evenllght. .. I wtU lalatlon waa still out or the question. All May be with sinfulness .n.. Mi tending to most of the work. aeason while Mr. ne'er tolled boasts he Is the daddy There's, old Mr. Millard" energy and Initiative teemed for the time There had been tuch or raised in hate tnd iptte! Commissioner Beth Orndorff summed up In the president Hit wss president There had been an ' - Kit "topped, loo, and frankly giggled. quility Arthur SMI X sed ClrUU" of the poor farm. Would the honorable commissioner waa as unmistakable summer when, had death or se- When school It out ror Stturdiy, MAOMi -- H gg- - ... he'd be wining to let you take any at oeneral Jackson's, anxious i object giving nemes of the owners of the poor "If and yet he bad none or Oeneral disability overtaken him, (here would Don't care how much they run; M I rscalse asear rarrmsriT ees áj7rña-- to the of hla Jackson's rious tMIU Mt r years to Its being wished relict." Been no one to take up the duties or Their are like the blooms of Msy. farm property for the two prior "But they'd be blind Impetuosity or mere wilfulness. Hit have heirts . ef n southern." of the nation. Another lives hive the tun; .cuntías off on the county? virginls. Everybody Virginia individnaiity was the more marked be- the chief office Their mutt Vint lovet of tort came dining the And though they come with rieei smeared. Anyhow, who'd know which aids their cause he stood ipart from the houses is a season the time I bright tu tb. sttsashw slUvsM "L to year of Mr. Cleveland's And clothing muated and torn. S"iüai seas estas laugh nt snipers If he puts through came Canteens and things like power tet check and criticise them. very first ctsI THg PUBLIC. "Mayor Iea can fnun? that who had been cho eyea are not with sorrow bleared HOTIOf TO m- He hid never been member of a Mr. Hndrlckt, Their Ti- drive," the organ of the City and are all the same. And he's got some old i l Ad arder. sretsvivdssv ot .arele. lr ta the scenic ventures body. From first to last hit experi- ten vice preildent with Mr. Cleveland And aren't their llpt like morn I" vasas aworda, too, and an old army blanket and h. roseras er m " , " r.m County machine. While we are waiting for the scenic service or November, and there was a rniw hit saddle, and lou of oddt and ends of ence In public had been that an died in 18. ti um.i " oSSp'SS. drive, could the mayor Inform us as to Just who la the executive officer. He held very literally, brier Interval during which there was no The happiest knowledge It to know iiim ihingi. one and a legal lapse We never need to know, but trust. owner of he property on which the new "redllght" Kit, get them therefore, to the theory thtat congregt and between the president n "If you'd stk Wtlt, he'd or ever unto us thall flow Oar Coemtry! In her ltecouree with district Is located. you." the president were not so much aisoriavri the presidential funcuont. That tmt for govern- con A measure of Hit love ao Just. luttlooa, may he Iwmjr b rlht, Kit meditated. Her reddish brown hair st offset in the structure of the At the rirat aeaalon. therefore, the phon ment, and waa inclined to be a strict great which had been cho ten it the time of our country. or wrong" Iecnur. A daddy of a poor farm really ought to be able to wat rumpled curly, her arms tmudged with Bird on yonder bough, rlht grime, on Up of In the exercise of a complete in- Mr. cieveiand'i election passed an art tell us something of the antecedents of the cnild. dutt and and even the ner You ting untaught, so tweet note there wat a dab, but her eyes com- dependence of congressional suggestion. which placed the beads of the executive the the or in the The blossom decks the barren branch pletely contended all Impression of friv- What molt attracted attention of departmenle In the line succession, feVt, English View of Peace Talk. Noisy of reform and eleventh-hou- r crusades aside hla action In mat- or And happen it our talks olity conveyed by bar appearance. They country, from the order of the erection their several wage to may from the Increase of to office, was ex- the qualifications You have no like. London preM doi not lake kindly to the acalnst vice distract attention were large and very eetiout eyes, brown as ter appointment! the should they potaeu low, The It. traordinary number of his vetoes. Most of or and within the United States No high reward or pence, from United Htnte and in the tax rate, but there nre those who doubt a ninth's wing, and just now uncompro- m birth of singing's tike of comlnf the were uttered against pension bills, the In respect of But still for love In hla addreHB to the mising. Item prescribed by constitution songs flow. uanated by Trenldent Wllm.n CTeat and small Both Democratic house uie arc Your great The City and County mnchlne is perhaps entitled to "I won't ask nun. He told me the whole the president ind vice prcttoeni: Lna;ue at Waahlnton. Bntland feela that the and Republican tenate were Inclined to state, the secretary of the treat Peace Its moderation, alnce no effort, so thing was an Idlctlr mliup that should retary of spirit does not bend, wae-no- t of making, and, therefore, no a vote of thanks for grant any man or class of men who had aaeratarv or war. the attorney gen The stalwart preaent war her empower have been avoided by cool heads and he lev ths or or can peace except the recalcitrant nation far as known, has been made to the executive aerved In the federal irmlet during the aral'. the secretary of the navy, and the No ttorm strire one can propose ttld the north should hare paid for every make It feel there Is no friend Kuropoan coiin-fcta- committee' of nine to do the voting at the July pri evil war the right to be lupportud out of of Interior, the secretary of Can which Inflicted the cataatrophe on the alave and not Impoverished the south, and secretary the help It grin and bear. the national treasury, and Mr. Cleveland 18, ; ano a To Germany foele herself sufficiently chas- mar! ea he cotton and politics lay at the agriculture (January 18) mat When tald that set himself very resolutely to cbecc their or anxiety waa happily eetUed. down on back of ter much DAY. tised when Hhe admit her failure and fete It." He deemed It enough (hit two at LOVELY -- Anyway, new tax rate does not have to be made "Oh, well, do yon expect? He't just exirivigance. The leaden of the parties wen lovely Sier metaphorical kiiccn and eays Enough," then the the what who been actually disabled agree upon s set- "Isn't this s dayl" v.1 ,,.,. nlbrllnn nnd soma noor or college, and he could take those hid last ready also to nnil sing say. the come to con- nrlmaru out thinks pensions rrom govern- elec- So you beer them ind Entente Powers will believe time has It and remold It should receive the tlement of the mode of counting the may be fish may be Induced to vote for the candidates of the the world Just at stands ment, girts, Imperative Something genUe and serene sider on what terms the ceasaslon of hostilities to own and regarded additional lor toral votes. It waa manifestly present City County macnine wimoui Knowing wnai tney perfectly hit heart's desire." mere service, both an unjustifiable use of a situation as In the calm and quiet scene. arranged. Hecause for many years prior to the and "He's quarreled with hit grandfather that Uie recurrence of tuch holy, and public money and a gross of 1878 by Something true wise endeavored by diplomatic and even are up against. anyhow, Mr. Millard him In. the abuse had been brought about In the skleg, war England and won't let rrom In the messtge from the an open break house, he says." chsrlty. double electoral returns souin cir friendly overtures to the kaiser to avert tide the be pre were one and We should certainly hate to believe that the recent "Then we mutt get them." In all emer When the senile sought to revivé against oline. Floridt and Louisiana tbould lovely diy!" and the WMWtUcMrf Nnody results, which of ofrice by provision of law which "Iin't this i and pious activity of the police In persecuting the fallen gencles Orrle rote supreme to trifling ob Mm the principles of the tenure vented tome a to patt away. all Indignantly cast aside for the shining armour to Mr. once for whence the What gift women was merely to a desire to drive the unfor sísele. "We've got to have them, and I'd eel, which hid been patted thwart should determine ill But In some length plnce in the sun, as the Imperial Emperor due Ho so and final em forever ficrmany's a sup love to get the old man to make a speech. Johnson but luffered to forgottei lutboritatlve decltlon tnouio give tpltit ttrength now must tunates to seek refuge on property owned by presiden- to or disputed votes Live to the declared, she Ir of the opinion that the r,d the of the war even If !ot,r at Republicans ware In the mate as the validity Through of ill cheer porter of the City and County machine. He't tole survivor not until now the of that con remembrance not he tbftt the punishment must fit the prime. ho was on tins wrong tide, and I'd love to cy, and Inquired Into nil reasons for hut hsd best skies clear. It with sufficiently dispelled to enable At It rell from to Time- - Mr. Wllsons electioneering him get up and talk. going to removals from office, be met test been The ears that hive I'm as come to an agreement in me grounds, seo him." in arserUon or hit constitutional rights politicians to one will do; peeches are bringing him on dangerous and Bathing and Efficiency. Jack- Lovely day! Oh. 11 as old Mr. Millard ttecuUve Imperative as General matter. us two, continuing, says: "We should be sorry to emulate the (From Pittsburgh Garette-Tlmes- Thin morning about it mat Yet He orten sends the along old et's would have uttered, and put that An act became law on the Sd or February, through life, suggestion of the Zeltung that President Is responsible came tlowly and painfully the Three and four and to Frankfurter Now the bathtub held for the terrible stone flagged walk well to the tsr once for all at rest. 1887, which provided that the decltlon healing prospects would from the Tils In Sortenlng sorrow, ttrlfe. Wilson probably considers his political German efficiency that has made the war what it la Kit very Both houses learned to respect the state themselves rrom light bam. he faced two visitors In her unhesitating should rest with With their bestity ind their be helped by a conclusion of peace, but we think It H came out at the first annual meeting of the Ameri gown of with green nmgecre, hit conscience. Ml the votes came, and congress should we right! prettiest white, little they l ad which wonder ir know them right to state quite clearly that the allies are not and can Association for the Promotion of Hygiene and and pink sprigs, and a big white hat drop will with i touch of fear tuch at undertake to Judge of matter In dispute rett no other preildent thy could any a will not be disposed to allow American Internal poli- I'libllc Baths at Baltimore the other day. Dr. Simon ping around her face, and behind her towards only when there wis In sute tuch Wonder If we ever feel personal quarrel. They plump and potlUve. remember. conflict between two tribunals of appeal as graterul at we ought tics to be Introduced Into their Raruch, the president, told the tale. The people of and nt Individ- au- just "Let me carry the bucket for you, please 'Ibe new tenor of reform as made It necessary that some ouulde girts rine and real will listen to proposals of peace only when they come Germany more than any other of the western had brought Into ? For these to bathe Mr. Millard," "HOW lovely your ual responsibility he thority should Intervene. In tuch a case the blgh and splendid thought, foe." efficiency la logical the tald. soma to touch Ot Hit from the beaten countries, he said, and their the lilacs look. Those tall white ones are beau seemed In measure decision of the houtet should be niched along our way Is premature. . . dispose It to apply Keeping us The Express thinks "peace talk result of the great number of public baths In the llful. We aome to mix with the pink congress also and to by concurrent resolution. rrey! want of business which Steeled and steady for the There can he no satisfactory end until Germany has fatherland. Rome, Greece and Japan, he said, were fcwamp apple and dogwood branches, you to important mitten and many confer- too long waited to be dealt with, wd It took much debite suffered a decnlvo defeat." examples of bathing nations which had achieved marked know, to decorate the hall." ltd ences to the liw to the satisfaction we failed to meet vl!ch could be bandied without partlian frame If yesterday Those who have been sufficiently Interested In the efficiency. In 1010 there were 205 German towns with Only a grunt Issued from Mr. Millard's or both houtet; but It wis felt it lit! thit The measure we had tet for mirk . list. war to seek out Its causes. In the light of such editorial public pools and 210 with public showers, and In 1911 Hps. but he relinquished the bucket Ibe agreement was necessary, and all sentible or our unfailing virtue tweet. Hla eyebrows grew In regular pent- - 'in most Important of these wis gritlflciUon. may be quite ao dark. comments as noted above, will hark back to ihkk and no town In France had either public pools or showers. s fixed order of s iccesslon men lulled the reiult with Today not nouse lids over bit keen, susplclout old of And here the eternal hope of life proposal of the of Russia for an Inter- soap polished, overran Uie In of the or the UOperor In 1014 Germana and water a eyes, tnd hit long white rsuitaclM and im- to presidency. cue dth The Situation. the itruggle here of arma- apy disability till president and the Tomorrow: Labor Miket beiutirul national conference to consider the reduction large eectlon of France, driving back with hardly perial gave him stttl s military sir. When of both That, though today may cloud with ttrlfV. re- ments. In this proposition England was greatly Inter- resistance the presumably begrimed armies of the they reached the side porch of the old Tomorrow may be bright snd clear. ested, although calling attention to the fact that her public. Then, parity with their foes having been estab- bouse in which he had lived alone for was vetrs, Kit their errand. Could the main protection was her navy, as the army that lished by inability to bathe dally, they were brought up stated Not much room In the heart for belt of Germany. Great Britain might speedily starve if she round have accomplished Daughter! of the Veterana borrow his war blooming betide the gate; with a turn at the Mame and relics? When locusts ire Una MiaintUld of the seas, being. In the words of one little since. In 1008, Berlin, population 2,000,000, had Not much room In the toul for gloom "I ain't got any folks burled up this tide to In bloom; of her statesmen, a "world-wid- e Venice with the world 1V5 warm bath Institutions, while London, with a popu- "I reckon I When laurel It ready burst of the line," be slid shortly. room for trouble and care for Htreets." In the matter of food supply. Germany Is lation of 7,000,000, had 60. In 1914 sweet and to anything." mir Not much the don't want ahow pinte .ev mocklngbtrdi melody all the air. In a large measure and her ships, there- plied full vim and patriotism, "Oh,; we haven't hardly any- When the sleek Berllners out of but And the Bob White calls, and the robins fore, were not so Imperative. However, when the prepared to clean up on the gory field anything that thing." Orrle broke In, and for fifteen one on aide i ting, czar's proposal for a reduction of armament was re- them. Englishmen preferred, and London- minutes Uie two argued, etch daisies nod and the dandelion! confronted Legging and explaining. J And the ceived In Herlln. the reply was a new navy law, which ers responded not at all to cry of their government of the old chap. swing, the When they flnlahed, there wat a subdued aea force, on up Germany, 51.000,-00- And the f murmur or cities of men would almost double the German the to take arms. In 1800 population In eynt, and he looked at Kit. twinkle lilt in the ripple of streams again. ground that Gormany must be so strong at sea that even had 2.800 bath Institutions, while In 1804 the "Ain't you the girl my Walt's being go It ttllled the "strongest naval power" should not be able to chal- United States, population 82.000,000, had . In 1818, ing with?" he atked cheerfully. Up to de- her Oh, privilege of eternal love. lenge her with any confidence. Further, the kaiser practically the whole male population of Germany Is In her forehead, Kit blushed, but stood race ground To rite each day and clared on several occasions that if the conferences of the the field fighting for dear life, while the United States rvasa AtsottaUos.) plied the farmer. and I am go- of lire "Then you get htm on your CearTttM. Istl. to Osatral "It's twill The struggle and the toll states were to Include the consideration of reducing the can't raise a few thousand men to fill the ranks of Its why don't ing to take It out to the hogs-- lovely title, loo? He wouldn't thoot a gun tr all In such a placel armament, his country would not be represented thereat. numerically puny standing army half nation A certain very lick chauffeur staggered of this, and ths was climbing over his bark rence YOU IT. To feel ourselves I pirt creation AND KNOW back to the car. The two meetings at The Hague were without results, Is sobbing against militarism. Dr. Baruch said further: go and read s book at them and Its beauty and lit tpcll He'd out as be helps her on given an far as Germany was concerned. While England "If I were In control of the public schools of this offer to take down the fence to save them He tips bit hat politely The world our Ood has ut proposed. In 190S, which was prior to the second peace country I would Insist that the pupils receive, frequent- the trouble of climbing over It." the car. THE MODEBN M IUIM.KI In which to dream ind dwell! a seat tor her, It msttert not how conference, to reduce her building program by 26 per ly, a warm shower with strong pressure, then cold "Mr. Millard," Kit leaned forward now And rinds She does not look it once the did, change scarce they ire; we cannot rail to note; ent for battleships, 60 per cent for ocean-goin- g de- water. I believe that the loca of time would be amply in dead earnest "you're the only man left through every ahow Some take up lire and look at It In Buell who knows really what war He iltt tight alretght The bloom or youth has come upon the an riirraistnt rrom the wiv you do; stroyers and SI per cent for submarines, Germany con- compensated by the Increased mental activity of the here to tilde la. Won't you get up and make a speech and never tries woman who demands the vole. You bow they can arrive tinued to strengthen water defenses In every line. pupils elevation physical capacity for or the acts to buy s wonder her and the of their tomorrow?" Out hit seal between Remember what the used to be? An an- At tuch a cuiiout point or view. And this program was continued without Intermission meeting the future exigencies of life." "Me? Never made a tpeech In my life, clove outside. cient damsel with a face all. It'l 111 In that If would object If be enjoyed And. after until in the memorable year of 1114 the kaiser struck Bo there seems nothing for It but our pacifists must, bul believe' In being ready!" He (humped He asks the That would upset the old town clock when The point of view. It means co much flat, con-fli- pre- heavily. "And what hap smoke. the tpoke In I public place. and out at Kuasla with his mulled and the terrible as soon as they have accomplished their mission of the porch rail i approaerea with "toudh he Or If It be both stale nit. was on. venting any sort of present preparedness for defense, pened back In '61 ain't neither here nor When the An old poke bonnet, grim black dress and Or filled with ginger through and through to to never says he't broke. aide curlt that defiance screamed; With this succinct review of the attitude of England to the menace of future generations there when it conies what's best for evenings, lie doesn t The blessed girt It all the time turn their attention my things ir you'll He never goes out for Of straight-fron- t corsets, Marcel wavet and a glow, and allies toward war, together with Germany's by Too long has day. You can have all To tee It it I light, her the campaigning against the bathtub. the get to say he'd right if the rest hid can to roam; . i'h ture hats the never dreamed. laughter and the ebims proud proposals Walt imoktng Jacket all the time FlUed with the defiance and utter disregard for the of evil of the propaganda of health and cleanliness been to. all that he'd fight If the rest He wean hla She used to shout a wild harangue and That heln as we go. That's home. ut whittle world tranquility, one may poaslbly understand why, unexpoeed. if the ohildren of today are encouraged had to. Maybe aome day hit peace of the that be't at pound the table with her rut, up as politely as he'd treat a And tighten our clutch! now, the entente allies insist that Germany must be to bathe, as they are being encouruged. we muy have a world Idea't going to happen, nut mean He treats her As the demanded women't rights and way, provided they a very while hell you nelghbor'a wife; pliced 111 men on Satan's lilt. shown the error of her are able to nation efficient and willing to fight In few years time, there's Jutt a ewear word out, not e'en All the week together much-soug- him to he'd ftgbt If the rest had He wouldn't let Of course the did her best, but somehow accomplish this consummation, and why Let's get right after the plumbers and their abettors, gel lay life. Ut and Just the weather; to. That's all." to aive nil men reruied to rail All the week to try, any veiled proposal from an outsider looking to a cessa- the hygiene and bathing cranks, and save the nation hangs up carefully and lim- gasped Orrle aa they went bark He bit clotnei For bar Insurgent trgumenta delivered In AH to tion of hostilities at time Is looked upon with dis- deadly effiolenoy. "Well," on style; the week strive. this from to the village, "If that wasn't delicious ply dotes the old town hill. more nigh. favor. no tloucby minnen and be always Heaven t bit Now. we'll have to see Walt." He bit Love much alive wean a smlls. , to Puerile "Proa," "I'll aee Walt," Kit answered firmly, and timet, or How different I creature It the dainty they came the main street up abe He doesn't growl about hard modem tuffrsget. i when k Take off your hate and pride, Boosting the Valuation. (From the Baa Antonio Elgin. Hule law office qusrrel with bit food. With pleasant smile and piles or - went all alone to the tint at everything that hair tur- Take orf your doubt and acorn El Paso county taxpayers will learn with aome little Boys will be boys, and so the attempt of the Texas Millard had opened up over the He's limply shocked mo tinted with trim ilgret Waller the rude. The willows bend above the tide. Interest, not to say amaxement, of the proposition of prohibitionists to Involve Precldent Wilson In the poli- He sal at hla desk by the south tsvort of Experience hat made her wise ; the't not morn. drug alore. borne rrom bit office on the min- The lark It In the City and County machine, as represented In tice of was a betrayal of puerility cre- window, a big bunch of purple lilacs in a He gets defiant any more; day with fear, the the this cute that ute every day, Oh, clothed each court, to value of ated no Of course, the "pro" politicians tried white pitcher near oy, ana me rragrence And, planning her franchise campaign, the Like we go about, commlasluners' lncreaae the taxable surprise. And there no trintactlon that can make goes thlevet Sg.OOO.OOO of III bloom wafted In from many or- it first to the dry goods store. bending neir county property all the way from to to mske it appear that their purpose was to put an- trees him atay away. While ill the tales in chards. From where be alt be could look Her arguments an of the kind the knows And the vales of beiuty shout fit, 000,000. Protests with which the commissioners, other feather In the president's cap. Only the moot Hit bouse bold eUquet la limply great and men along. dlrecUy down on the green and the little song. will jolly Hope, ttrength snd trust put on, sitting as a board of equalisation, have been deluged, childish could have made auch a representation, as it eteeple pointing heav- lire it one iweet She fives It to they can't fall to listen to while church with ita reader, a clncb they've not And armor thee In right, ire likely to prevent the raise reaching the f 11.000.000 was obvious that they were willing to gain a political Ilka a finger and behind it the lluie Yet, gentle tt't her tiren song. or enward been married long. snd face like soldiers the daws mark, but there Is every reason, at this time, to fear it advantage for themselves at the president's ultimate burial ground. The color left hit face it She doesn't hire the old town hall and vain Tin bipUmt or the light. will go well over ft, 000, 000. expanse. s of hit visitor, but he was grave and abuse and estire reel. our peuy care, now ttrin and Kor the year 1015 El Paso county was called upon Though boye will be boys, the normal boy. If he courteous and listened to ill the bad to My MAT MORE MB) Bat 8AI0? But at ths quiet fireside aha makes our how they flee her eloquent appeal. worrlet. an to contribute to the state treasury magnificent sum Uvea grows into a man. But the prohibitionists are say. were returning When tprlng hat Hated the sparkling the You how I feel. Kit," he tald fin A party of automobllltta She doean't call unpleasant names and of 1170.(78. 26, the lurgeat In history of not normal; Is tenure of life certain. know evening sod the chauffeur And set the blossoms free! amount the neither their ally. "1 cant go back on my principles home the other doeao't fret or fume or fuaa. t to ask the wiy. the county, but this figure will seem reasonable by com- Therefore, it la not surprising that they learn it's Memorial day. If the men alighted at a farm bouse She'i going to win out some day, for the good jual because to the bsck porch, where There it s mighty balance of the parison with that of next year, provided the commis- from a similar experience which they had a little over of that uroe nao ep wir wau mare He went around certainly lookt good to ui. ,i,. .ii i in that wa must face. gravea to us lie observed a pall or milk. Seeing a dip- sus. sioners persist in carrying out their at present inten- a year ago. If their Intellect had developed any alnce u.iuldu't be these wain today We hsve our raiment, snd our dally food. shooting your per bandy, he took a long drtuk. THE WINK IS ON THE BLINK. tion of raising the aaaeeaed valuation in to pro- the lime tbry aought President Wilson's endorsement of the folly of fellowuun And somewhere sama green epat. order the and the farmer At Adrian, Mich, the following sign ap- cure the money necessary Governor political opponent Thomaa down over soase pouucei issue. Hs knocked at door We so much of those to meet the of for Ferguson's H. come to ma again," gave lbs necessary directions pears over soda fountain in a think own extravagance. they "Then you needn't set came out and the drug Who have so much tbat'a more. their Ball might have had more discretion than to call him. "1 mar proper road. At the chauffeur store: I vii rtaahed back at wouldn't at to the overlook ths rose It should remembered the deficit in the county upon the president of the United States to endorse their fight tr he eyed the pall again DON'T WINK. We often rv say man who wouldn't the rest waa about to leave blooms our own door. revenue this year la merely a temporary for says you let ma have a drink This not office, That it condition caused candidate national committeeman. Whether the Aa luat as your gisndfathar and aaked: "Will it sn ooullil'i but s drug Our mass self ao ltd. largely by of of eslabrajsoa pitying aelvei the misfortune politics which placed m set precldent really Intended to use his Influence lu favor Yel all the success las of Ibe milk" tore. When Uet away the and want any of that." re NOTION' DOINO. ill around ui of small caliber men in position to dispose of the county of Mr. Ball, only Mr. Wilson could say. However, the euld not take blltemeas "Aw, you don't So He to make ui glad They were both college bred much tends money, a set of men who believed public office was a prohibitionists claimed ha did, and their claims ware huii i 111 til" delicate, dear surprise. later-da- bringing up lu With lu private snap and thut the funds collected aa taxes from accepted by many Texas voters and that tact made children of the ask liMie Mew gsjgtir' tows, and proud nelgbbon," began the old cbsp "what I've Kdy started up "Amenes." and he roumi over- the community should be disbursed in such manner as Governor Kerguaon'a victory doubly significant. on say Is I any speech huuaeir beside Kit, holding Breakfast's Kit. S laCulAg beeses ths outer gins uie coma hen to this: ain't ter hands fast come along! to beet help the political fortunes of the No doubt Governor Ferguson received many votes while the two and I sorry that I In Mr. one the dlsbursers. Utos green, Usteoed select Ifysr nor orator, ain't of testctsars ipoki io him ror clover And. seemingly not satisfied I believed was right, half In Now with the proof they have as s direct result of such outside Interference, real Or ,,, and the tews doctor mads their fought for the side Jckinrly. earnest. "That long tpeech song! Incompetence by preacher the I say this today 'United of youre, Walt, will land you lu the And tor given at thalr or worse in getting the ostensible. In Tsxas politics. But the prohibitionists losechM followed the and nuthar, but do legis- Toll, the mighty. in we fall.' Left stand to- next winter county Into a condition of financial chaos, the commis- to havs forgotten that experience when they luoertnleudenl of schools this dletrtci we stood, divided lature Love, the blest; upon Mini unt Nelly slrkman. who gether, back to back, and follow where the sioners seam bent providing further proof assembled lu Ban Antonio convention. Pretty soon did me neaven Ah. what of their for the state standing tip on the wooden old nag calli. ThaT I my message Wall, "II kndi in tooner Uiau that," utter lack of capacity by the maimer In They renewed was at. waa sato oh, what rest! which they their old tacUoa As s matter of great how she'd gone aa a nurse gel up here and echo it " Walt , "Ell's Just plum a m to marry WSet situation by I isiibur propasa to the created ihelr own probability, if 'resident Wilson had been so unwise as war aad what a horror it all Hs stumbled down, and Kit witched In increasing through tut So much of good, so much of sweet, Instead of the lax rate, which might to Interfere In Texas politics this time the opponents the concluded thut: bieiUvett auigtoaar as Wall steppe J lot when heavy now. o world, to rull of ail that's faUI easily be lowered again Ibe ueceasliy i, ,,,, 1M. of Thomaa B. Eove. prohibition candidate tor national -- lad now est can say Ood blest Utets alt ward. There was a hush i.iouihe or propose young Millard's sentiments bo much or beauty at our feet. crease has passed, they io lucrraee the assessed ooencsUteemsn, would have had greater ctrengthPln the every one of that. gtMS test gray, every Everybody knew or gentttcil everywhere oavoe knew, too, ha wat toe most promising kuaebuat cloud? So much of valuation, which, increased can never com down, atawVgatrlon; delegates and Bo or gladness and of glee. who had supported Mr. Lore's , gad young mac In Buell. He coalt make a del out aad ihinuner. much placa a burden forever upon the candidacy would orrts taca labor So or light end cheer snd song i and thus shoulders uf have resented the attempt to dictate Mr. Millard anybody as the aim, but now night Ike much chape of a permanent ly oiislv bul look spins wits la crowd! of things that to be, the taxpayers In the Increased to them, aad gone over to the other' sida up by stood tato toeltid ever their lavada, over So much an ka ni ana. A cheer Ml iron, ita Teinpeil or gktdneaa So utile, after alt. or wrong! contribution u the cíate treasury. From first to v toil white grave atones snow- last the maneuvers of the prohibí and he tattled. Matt la frost if t, uere toa to ua feel eoutout. HI contrtbuiioii to the atete tieaaury. In were like crowd, vUlags burial round What say your eyes? bo much hslp Pacos ion,, Uonlsts child's play, and aa hoys will be boya, Kit, 1 teas and wide eyed, sad ed lu the quiet And glad and grateful that we're here paxlaou SVCPCUC' people receive of tall stood --I w.iuid ngtt If the real bad to," waa with the therefrom u a repetition ths same tactics may be expect ad at ,r and sUctt. Walt With nod's blue sky above us beat i mmr very essarlf, very airaady tar and awajr out piuperUou to that of other the swsxt convention tea easae to tay. frienoi gad aM at seat, final. Sota. When you ariaaf Through sil Uto street son chtsaytag rear: EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916.

GRIEF IN STORE I4M Get II at McMickle's at arm or na. FOR TAXPAYERS What ara wa all but a blade of grass TALKS0N BREAD In the ana world 3c harvest of And yet above us the heavens pass LOAF With a tory or light tmpearled. TOPICS And the Muter who garners lb r (petted Commissioners grain Considering Tomatoes, fresh, lb. ,10c Counts us as or the Twaeive Million Dollar Increase part whole: TSMiaat, till, fas MeClar old beads? Upon this montad question some warn we and Strawberries, 2 bzs. .25c And wtn) ara weeds in the sun rain one old. In Assessor! VaJ nations. been visiting In Thompson. hsa somewhere said. "In growing with relatives Ara Bttll of the Common Root OLD HEADS AND VOX IN HEARTS. soma man become mora foolish -- yet more sixty progreas-- I Oa., are now to An guau with relatives. Pineapples, each 10c About luaata enjoyed the wise," to which Byron has sddad. ... dinner given lut evening In the K we are doomed to the humble lot "AIM! by some degree or trot, County or the Methodist ehurrh. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hiñas, rómpanle! by Tax Rate for State and Toilet Paper, 8 rolls. 25c LNfM Unit Or sent tor the loftiest Wa every bliss must gain. who changes all. had .1 Mw The Jolly mat tlw and Or. and Mra. w. n Jamleaon and Miss Mar- dd. got "lime, altera prty at church To do our pan with the best we've The heart ran ne'er transport know soul and aspect as In age, years steal Purpose May Go to $1.3) to on to Mm bora of MIm Spenco, garet nines, spent tn week-en- at Ele- I' Corn Flakes, 4 pkgs.25c Hinl la an undenisble creed. That never reels a pato." TIM from the mind u vigjr Irom lliV Meet Machine Needs. on Dallas street, whore the nret course wu phant dam. They lfft Kl Paan Saturday, And to know that the lowliest task on MIm Rio Monday morning. The trip limb; 2 10c servad. Klranor Pries of But returning wi earth there ever a spruce man Jello. pkgs...l5c o second courg. Wu old who And life's enchanted rtip but sparkle near onde (treat served the made tn Mr. Hlnes' car. Is still a part or the run. did not firmly believe fooling ir the county commissioners turn a deaf The course enjoyed at the that he wu the brim " New Potatoes. 8 lbs. 25c third wu bone Is to reel that Inner and stainless worth the world at large and especially soma Mr in the pleas or taxpayers a Itf.oOO.ono or MIm Marian rtullman or Lturel ttreetj Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ely are leaving this Which helps to make the man. women In regard to bis age? he on should at- Increase may be shown In the county's MIm MMellne Blmey of East BoulevirjlV an extended to Chicago, If hu In thooalng companions, Lava Soap, 2 10c morning for trip reached the mark, a parson a In regard valuation l atest reports are to the Niagara Falls, New York and Washington. tempt to strike lappy medium Blade or grass, when the harvest's ripe could not pet his vanity better than by to years. hopes, ambitions street that tola figure will stand unless bars 15c The to the et the Tooth hu its meat returned church And the world Is reaping dreams! telling- him that he does mil took to tw and yet lo he sianips aggrieved property owner are able to per conclusión or the pleeaant Mrs. N. Ford will leave I for Cloud-ero- dreams realised. Kft dinner, where inn Bttt over us sweetly the robins pipe. forty. Talk about the vanity or women! It the lid on hopea and amhltlon. auade the commissioner that the assess enjoyed. MIM Ruth Hrten wu to spend the summer months. dun Ae octal wu And the sunshine spreads It beams. does not compare with that of man if be Is banks upon its experiences. ment placed on their holding Is beyond chairman of the social committee. Va- And maybe ir it wua't that we actually vain. reason. While the Increase may not reach rious carnea and music wore enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. c. N. Basse tt expect to leave Are rilling the place we are. the mark, report It that the What would people think the world wu Answer la hu Miu Matilda Moses, member or the next week ror California. Some might not look from the. grass to see Corrrawondeat. valuation prndalum la swinging betWMn a t coming to ir rashlnnable restaurants were .correct name and must be given Neat leejruc and vie; president, who sun address aj ,000,000 and a increase. the former The glory of and star. filled night arter night by women who were Um ink. soon Indi Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Freudenthal and chil- tn insure attention, not to print what going- - leaves tor North West u aged enough to In the chimney or Juat the toul tax rate is lo with a handsome dren will leave next week lor Ctoudrrort. change. sit corner Write short letters, only on one side be cannot be time, missionary, wu presented I would not chango or want to at home nursing rheumatic ascertained at this in or rrom the Mr. Freudenthal will be gone a snort time, their twinges paper. Address Miss l.lbbey, 918 President addition to the county Set silverware the lescue, If I could feel In my heart, and hardening In being Hooded with Home Missionary society, and her Sunday and Mrs. Freudenthal and children expect rang arteries who strolled Street, Brooklyn, N. county are many That or all the purposes In our leaning upon the arm or Inexperienced srrlp there and various Specials school to through the summer months. III have to be taken rlsss. remain My life were at least a part youths In early wined and other matters that God their twenties, "Hearsays" Often Ureal Engages.sals care or when the tax nxed. Includ And being the good green grass of dined tliem, hopping up and taking to the rate It Missionary Society Mrs. H. W. Broaddus and children will L. P. Z. complains: "l am eighteen, go- ed among these are the golden herd those Entertained It may as fine and sweet waxed dancing floor every time the band H. M. Sausages, lb 10c leave next week ror Clondcrort, where they ing with a ysung man or twenty-one- . Mra. H. L. Oreham, Mrs. Hubert Smith and As anything else that springs from the up a new fox rad of about relglirated rows that the rommiasloners expect to spend summer vacation. struck trot or dance Wo are engaged to marry. He 'siles' ofr presented to the taxpayers and Daddy Mrs. Frank Middle ton were the pleasant the clod the The elderly Beau Brummela con- Weiners. lb 15c hour girls. Takes them to shows. Fits to poor No one has hostesses ror the Intermedíete Missionary Life presses with flying feet' sider that they aro quite within lights with rami thus lar Mrs. James Is In the city from her Bard. their me. I find. Do von think proper that I been able lo figure bow much society of Trinity Methodist church on Sat- Prude The Bentxtown In escorting the youngest and girl oat Just Bologna, lb 12V2c In Roswell. N. M., and Is spending a prettiest break the engagement?" money will to run the poor urday afternoon, at the home or Mrs. ranch they know. They do not look to her tor b required week here as a guest at rae Hotel Paso del MANU- be sure "hearsays" about rarm. Provision will nave to be made tor In Manhattan Heights. The program ''ATTENTION !" FIRST IN wit, vivacity or conversation. cannot whether Hamburger Steak... 15c Norte. Interesting him are made up. Jealousy often as wholly the Inmates thereon and the things ror the afternoon wu a discussion on the AL OF ARMS. All that Is required or her Is to and look that sit If Kept up. love coils. grow, as well the things were ex- . . . study book, "Jack and Janet." and proved Mythology Hercules with some you thru and listen unwarranted. u that Loin Steak, lb Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, or Alamogordo. accredits then have lo be broken. pected to grow. The latter will have to be .222 very lnterestlnr. Samuel Ml (idle ton. the exploits In the matter or achiev- N. M., who spent a rew days with her sis- remarkable Tbey eecort the girl home, satisfied with purchased. president, presided over the tneetlnr. Bunco ing seemingly Impossible, but the writ- Round Steak, lb 20c ter, at the Hotel Sheldon, win return to the themselves, believing beyond all shadow of Choosing One Older rar HI Bride, Enrly With Poor Farm. wu played during the social hours, and sometimes thought the Oreek sthlete Etserlsaeal home er hu a doubt that they hare given the maiden a A. "I am a young man or twenty-one- . This Is the poor rarm the the score cards were cards bearing the pic- their today. met his had he ever writes not first that would have Waterloo delightful evening amid music, fine din- Would It he tight tor me to msrry a county has owned. Years ago the county tures or Jack and Janet, and the prises were to do some shopping. or Mrs. John S. Aldernoss, of Dallas. Texas, tried ner, lights, riowers snd dancing. Nine out woman five years older than am? Hope owned one at Belen, which was admittedly pictures the scenes mentioned in the or purchasing a pair or ten very young girls might accept book. or a ta spending a few days in the city u the Take the little mailer the I'll make no mistake In choosing a partner a failure and was Mid finally, report has At the close the sames delicious or overshoes or sandals. They would elderly beau's hospitality charming luncheon served at Mrs. guest of Mrs. W. H. Austin. rubber with for lire. Kindly send opinion." It, for Just wht the county rnuld get wu the tables. seem to need and buy. grace. She has enjoyed everything to the McMickle's most trivial articles much to consider in matrimony It. The logic which prompted the com- Oreham was assisted by Mrs. William supplying mere's tor Mls's Blanche who been at- yet a woman spent a whole hour toll. There wss but one thing larking to each choice. Love, good disposition, to try a second Is Vaughn and Mrs. I. J. Ayers. White, hu de- vllh missioners experiment college- with sandals the other day and make her evening an ideal one and that wu opinions to other, possibly the same them tn 600-2-4-- 6 San St. tending the Kldd Keye In Eut hcrseir one worthy traits, suited esch that influence! Antonio Texas, to EI Paso. She clared she thought It ridiculous thst youthful companlnnahlp. All the weaUh or all who wed should have. UtfMtllMI or make a Sii,.ion auto through the of rjirls Fox Dinner Heat to Albert Tatúas has returned and she tour state East of Courthouse her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. White could travel 50 miles In less time than the Indies cannot turn' hark the wheel or rew years, with ynod qualities. ortn t California at the expenso or the taxpay Fox, son C. A. Chris of Mr. and Mra. and son, Raymond White, will leave made this very unimportant purchaee. tima, changing an old beau Into a young lera. ers. Tou can slwayR dci beat st Fox, or gave a very next North Campbell street, Monday California to spend the summer home to 8 o'clock one, or cauM the heart of youth to beat In The commissioner are scheduled lo com McMickle's. evening the for She wu hurrying delightful stag dinner last at months. They will travel In their automo- paaslng a department store, when the breast where an old head sits on the Drink Severs Dearest Tie. plete their duties as a board of equalisa- home or his parents In honor or Albert lunch and bile to the coast It struck her that this "ofr hour would be shoulders. Mrs. W. writes: "I am a younj woman. tion on the last day or this month. In their his chum and and a graduate or the or trought-les- Tatum. an excellent time to be fitted for a pair The old beau msy have swallowed the Married three years. My husband, task they aro using the tax rolls of tbe May clue or the El raso High school. Im- Miu Marlon HutcblnB and Miss Dicta rubber shoes or rubber ssndals. It wss whole encyclopedia oT knowledge u rar as or my reelings, Indulges In drlna. Ooes city. The table wu made attractive with qtian Hutchlns. or San Antonio, Texu, who have material to her which she bought, ss her books go, but he has never been able to to town; comes back surly. Then he com- The present county valuation Is approxi I Man and on tltes or pink sweet peas. Pink rose baskets been the house guests of Miss Irene Laugh- - root Is average sire and normal In every rigure out the correctness or other people's pels me to go out in the open an, do his mately 148.740,000. Just the year's natural Wife Held rilled with nuts and candles were at the lln, on Montana street, have gone to Cloud particular. 80 quickly entering the store, notion shout youth snd age being Incom- work. When returning to the house, he tnrreue would. It Is stated, bring the val- more, m Charge Selling Liquor plates. croft ror the summer. she was waneo uy patible In the love schema. Of course there thruhes me ror not having dono uation to 000,000. How much more the i"s" I At the close of the dinner, Lou Evans tuary or shoes, it wu a calmly rcstrui are cues where middle aged, aye, even never allowed money to huv rlothes rommluloners' IncrcaMs have added is not Mayo IiIb gave a short talk, presenting Albert Tstum Miss Vonla Bray, who has been attending place, nothing doing, nothing In sight But elderly, men have wedded youthful loves wotld like. IX) you think It uottl.l be best known at this time. Tbe commissioners Victor and wire yesterday were In the name of the host and guests and Mrs. school at Denlson, Texas, hss returned after a few excursions to right and left in and lived happily ever after, but these tor me to get a divorce?" state that they will not be able to M4I un transferred to the county Jail to await trial Fox, a very handsome sliver cigarette case. home. Mr. Bray and Miss Bray will lesve of a clerk an indifferent lady, old cases, liarte angels' visits, are Pew and rar VMs in your married life is certain- III all the tax sheets have been gone over or on Sunday. search making rue on a charge aelllng liquor Covers were laid for Albert Tatum, Lou next Saturday In their ear ror California. enough to know the importance or between. It would be difficult to Imagine most discouraging. I sinrt,--: t that you and the results tabulated. and ly The two were arrested Sunday In Mayo's Evans, A. J. McQuatters, Jr., Robert Bryant, and will be Joined later by Mrs. Bray, who sales, emerged rrofh a shadowy comer a youth enthusing overmuch over the ca- have some earnest heartrelt tslks with him Nrrlp Issues Mean Heavy Burden. middle-age- or A. Simp- Harry MrKemy. Stanley Shea and Chris Fox win make the trip by rail. asked what wu desired. ressing handclasp of the spins- btrcre a rupture romes. Influence htm The Issuance or scrip. It Is believed, will sal. Km by Sergeant Tollce W. son have an important or Mrs. Fox charmingly assisted her In was modestly set torth. ter or even the alluring widow of torly, IIU the old power of love that drnw you bearing on the raise son. A similar charge wm made against The need upon. tbe tax rate. The being entertaining his mends. C. B. Kanouse hu gone on a short trip would-b- plump and sttu good to look together In your rourunt day- B Unn, scrip Issued It tor ago. wu required? The or o Mayo two weeks through Arizona. What number always young nuking him choose if he will abstain from a period five years. It bears per cent did not know the changeful Old heads win appreciate Haxel White, the negreas ror whom asS Miss Krupp to Entertain purchaser young always rind on or, ir not, hint drlhk will break up interest. Unlike bonds, which run for 40 hieroglyphics Indicated her shoe slM. herns, but will hearts iow police had been Besrrhlng tur the two MIM Birdie Krupp Mrs. A. J. McQuatters and family expect that or home and dearest of ties. years and only the Interest and last will entertain her eyed the t. eir chler delight in the companionship the weeks, and who gave up at the school a bridge party Thurs- to leave June ror Denver, Colo., where The prtesteu of the shoe temple of too principal hu to be mi ulde each herseir mends with and wu station night, yesterday wm morning the home or her parents, will spend the summer months. applicant's feet critically, departed year, one fifth tho amount of the principal Saturday day at the; she came to the county Jail. She, with Mr. and Mrs. Haymon a long, long tltoe. When and Interest on the scrip will have to be ar- transrerred krupp, In Sunset tons upon a ror her Mary White, are charged with Heights. J. J. Orrhsbee Is In the city from Hayden back, instesd or seating herseir ranged every year. In esse or a 1900,000 sister, comrortably to 6 to in connection with the Arts., to spend a week with his family at ahoe stool or even kneeling srrlp Issue bearing per rent Interest, the Msault murder ungracefully (JIH.OOO) subbing or Annie Chiistopherson, an aged Píenle Party. the Smelter, and to attend the graduating try the. ssndals on, she leaned interest and the principal with sudden and (140,000) will have to supplied negreas, twn weeks ago. A Jolly young exercises of the El Psso School for Olrls over as though stricken b' Ihe first crowd will motor this foot to the year, making some up valley, and a his daughter. Miss Dorothy Ormsbee, being violent cramp and raised the a total of SUMO. These morning miles the In this or Truck Driver Rernmes III, lunch will enjoyed. In the party one of the graduates. angle of a pirouetting ballet dancer. Items will have to be taken care in the picnic be persons con- tax levy. Tho total will be Miss Velma Carter, Miss Fay Carter, ridiculous aultude for both state and county tax B. P. Wagner, wlin mases Ms home In the de- now la II.IS. ir It can '.in-.- , Miss Irene Messrs. rttcbard Ding cerned, she essayed to rit article rats be kept under Denver hotel, smith uregon, became Carter; dis- St.SS, some Dan or sired. Needless to ssy, the result wu taxpayers stale, this would be suddenly last evening at his home with wall. Fruler, Jr., Rufus Roberts, by this HEALTH TALKS than they expect. Reports Loa Angeles, and Mrs. Dan Frasler. couraging failure. The purchaser PRACTICAL better have ptomaine pulsonlng. Wagner came to El .. ,1 -m sturivlnir- the fixed all tbe way rrom lie UIIIU Wa lllul o iun.iv,u the rata It .St to I'sso recently from Xolumbus, where or salesmanship 11.50. Mrs. Krupp to Entertain. ritter's inefficient methods had been driving government motor trucks. remained Arter the adjourn a III pto- Mrs. Ell O. Krupp will than In getting the shoes and By LILLIAN WHITNEY, M. D. rommluloners a While at Columbus he became with entertain at bridge one board or equalliaton notices will oe Saturday at her home' tn Kern Place, In passive. Dangling the sandals from aenl maine, and It Is believed he had not fully (Cwnckt 111! fa, Um slccturt aruuotu.) she seemed to out to all property owners who have been honor or her cousins. Miss Birdie Krupp Nswwsr hand the ritter remarked that t recovered from that illness. proper sise, but could t uu McCUux Bmdioai) accredit their greatness. They are alara of raised, and they will be given an opportu- and Miss Paula Krupp. The guests will In- have no sandals the tccnrdfbt till Ifmpso FROZEN DESSERTS. them. Told that overshoes would do, the first magnitude and do not shine by any nity to appear and protest. clude the school mends of the bonorees. order an- she depsrted In March or them, while transmitted or inherited light. beholding customer, INBORN QUALITIK8. A Charming I.ammert-Brye- Wedding. Summer Is at hand, and with It always other saleswoman the lonely, toward her Anawers to Uueiiea. Silver City Sends Another Complexion Rev. Ira M. Bryce will In marriage comes a desire for cooling This sitting sad and drifted unite desserts. listlessly, ir person was What are Inborn qualities and whence do Anxious: Any operation necessitating the daughter, Miss Mary Bryce, to C. H. and inquired, the his desire is not hard to satisfy if the cook or upon. Finding that she was. they come? inhalation of ether la attended with more Installment of Recruits I. an inert next Saturday evening, June 3, at being waited Den- housewife hu on hand good recipes for Individual also rtlswpeared One of the most successful men In or less danger to the patient. 7 30 o'clock, at bis home, Sill Sacramento this sprightly to ices and Ice creams and one or two good and another mark's capital Is a wealthy contractor and Front for Border Duty The ceremony will be a very quiet into dim distance Iwijrlea in- street freezers. Two are suggested, one a very Eventually, builder 'whose history Is or particular Mra. D.: It Is advisable to keep a little one, and young couple will make Kl or waiting ensued. the small one, ihst freezes perhaps only s pint. and, again leaning terest and value In this connection. Hla girl's balr trimmed short until her ninth Special to tbe Morning Times. Paso home. the rubber, reappeared sprang their A pint or Ice cream can be frozen from a pair or rubber abosa origin wu or the lowest, as he year, becauae long hair I quite a lax upon Sliver city, N. M., May av. Though Silver heavily over, tried SliandssrseslUnsnrvmihswa ixrij.n InvS.tlM. the time or mixing the Ingredients to the and sUll soother pair with from that class or peuantry that live In a toe vitality or a child. It requires a good City originally sent to Columbus tbe largest Mentzer-Astde- Wedding, that did not fit, Just a moment to look your bsst. Jt Ukss but a time or finishing the final packltjg or exhausted by bar aback and does uot possess enough land to deal or nourishment. company or any city represented In the taw second, to tppir May Rev. In mar- the equal unsuccess. Then On tt. Packard united freezer In sbout fifteen minutas, and It said she iniessed feed a cow. They make their living by New Mexico national guard, over 100 men Cortil Ashley, daughter or Mrs. strenuous exertions, the Gouraud's riage Miss makes simple dessert of sliced peaches, would do. and the cus- working on the nearest estate, and what Is Health: I firmly believe that any one responding when the state troops were C. 8. Hooper, and Archibald Mentxer, at the she had nothing that lao of berries or or baked apples a real treat. snd pursued her quest at a usually regarded aa an attractive quality develop a ralr measure or health .ind called out by toe president, it sent Methodist Mrs. Hooper Is tomer depsrted stu- hu Trinity church. The larger freezer, which la naturally their slmpllcrty-- ia really a wooden strength, no matter how long ho lias henn since that time almost fifty recruits, and Oriental Cream making the marriage known to tne friends manage, aimllar wh,n They msy live near a great city today And obtain a prfret complexion - a aoft, clear, more difficult to can be reserved pidity. "chronically III," If the Illness la not due lo sent eleven mora men lo the border paarly whll ripea ranee that Is rr- or the young couple. Here A : do not always finad aad for dsys when ire cream Is used u the . . iu"" ose advanced to and never enter II. They frequently soma organic disease, simply by living In to join toe regiment. Though this rily and IM m good irsaijv In ujm u year. main dessert instjad or u a garnish. work to nod know tlielr own age. Their clothe aro accordance with natures dictates, live out ilrant county has done mora than its share, Wedding. Zc'Zr7y handed down rrom generation to genera- of sleep compared with An Ice Is a good Implement ror M" door constantly; out of door; other towns and cities In the Mus Beulah Bryce will wed Clarence Nix shsver u, or moldy, reuk-In- g which r0w4,.r, tion along with a lot other eat simple, nourishing roods, and while slate, It will doubtless furnish a score or Saturday evening at 7:10 o.'clock, June 10. preparing the lee with tlte freezer .givlngplete u...en,.o,, Is A can a Inheritances. tola for the body, interest your mind more recruits to tbe next few days, In The ceremony will be performed at the rilled. pick be used ir shaver Is hand, can Hit regeneration began when he became In some good work outside of yuurMlf. to the appeal of Adjutant General home of the bride on Sacramento street, by not at or the ice be broken a pick Into large pieces Is so irritating to have a when he was wuhed and Itugbl Herring and Oovarnor McDonald. father, Rev. Ira M. Bryce. with and put In a Ktff r soldier, her burlap sack and then pounded to with .Hp'pin, orr at to wear boot instead of wooden shoes, Smoker: Charcoal tooth powder Is maju bits Tdil. wm a hammer. ' nwked. to both case, un uto made to stand erect and the first princi- In the following way: orria root, WHY NOT? Mm. 9V charcoal, 0Vi Be shopping-filter- Gruen SOCIETY PERSONALS of courtesy were hauunered into ounces; Tnyrrh, ounces: comfortable when ed L'se three times aa muen ire salt, al- ples u continued ouocea. All be a very pow- SO ways um the coarse Ice cream sail, tor Ice Being poor, he sold himseir for should In riue air to to degrees cooler. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ely leave today for creams. Ices, when the grain tdn,.Ukes servios at the drawing of lots, and during der and the whole ahould be well mixed Beach a Art Shag. For need a corporal school, finally a sieve. Chicago, where they will spend severs! not be so fine, use twice as much Ice as that period wu put Into and passed through balr City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Adv. Watches Ely's and principles of days before going on to Mr. home In When parking the rrcezer alter the or length where ho learned the rirst salt slioema ke . um to He had Ethyl: I will gladly give you an ab- New York City. loe or cream la frozen use rour parts of lee Xtng t rule such u reading, writing and arithmetic. here Beloaa or Mexican Families Released. while In sen ire enough time to acquire the solutely sura deodoriser for perspiration or Tho young to one of salt. -- but to. four sons of prominent Mexi Mrs. J. J Snyder leaves the lut or the M desired rudiments or carpentering, and after hit the arm pita, feet, etc. There is no reason cana now residing In El Paso, who were ar For desserts thst are frozen In moulds, Z2Sw?& you W. T. Bixson Co. week for California besen resorts to spend discharge engaged with a carpenter and why aoed suffer humiliation with a Sundsy re- - putting them to a freezer, use 2,.ZZZ wss ken in sup or rested night in Juarex. were the summer. without rirst - - . ror rive years, at the expiration remedy at band. Daub the following lotion parts or Ire to one or sail, and let wliere intelligent " . builder loaaed from custody yesterday morning. tour cuatomer need. which lime be wu thirty ycara old. when on the parts morning and night, bathing They were once Cor. Mills & them stand tor tour before serving. plying the at returned lo their home U Mesa Mr. and Mra. J. H. and son, Edwin, hours suddenly he "set up Bhop" lor himseir, a rirat with warm water and pure soap or in Ki Short aUnd tor two or Paso. They were Juan Creel. Jr., leave In few Los Angalea and Let Icea and rreama three of wealthy patron advancing him the capital, maidehyde, IW ounces; tincture of nut gslf, Enrique a days for tr posalble. When Ice Is Leggelt. Francisco Larrlda and coast the summer. hours, cream made y.S," not with philanthropic intent but with the a drams; cologne water, I ounce; diluted another who resorts to spend a gar- wu not Identified. Tbe rea In the little freezer and Just used u - view or using lb silent toiler for his own alcohol, H ounces. son lor toa nish, It can be made It If. want- rJKniion '"ies? arresta wm not made clear hut Morías will leave just before , or ship of no rormai Mra. Jerry and children expense, only ,he null the ends. complaint wm mule agalnal them. In a ror California to spend a ed. This reduces lu u Is like He, by economy and clever cal- Society Joe: A liquid powder that ad- abort time the rreezlug process age or patronage however, enough Ice tor need ?WZ independent, in a warm room or xiuc ox- Looking I month on the coast at points. culation, gradually became heres consists Police tor PIANOS various used. aiformed Carraarlata. Bold on aaay terma be holding his own and gaining his point over ida, ounce; tincture or benzoin, to drops; A report that from fifteen u m,.,.i. rmr. rroxen una ns, Mandolins, Guitars. Mrs. H. A. Lay, who spent the week Remember that the mixture to be the other In esch deal they made. In rose water, 4 ounces. ranxa soldier In uniform had crossed into Moll lut to ac- York City attending the biennial of muat be a little sweeter than a dessert not made accessible to way, he up whole districts and r.i raso rrom tne MUSIC STORE In New u at toa Through on built garrison at Juarex last DUNN'S the Women's clubs, is now in Toledo, Ohio, lo be r rosen, u the sweetness la not so purchaser intelligent sltenllon quired s bualneMs worth millions. The Miss E. R. N.: I think this powder ror ex- night caused orders In ha issniui t, 404 Han Antonio St. uniting with her mother. apparent after freezing. Other risvors, toe part or clerks. gradual transformation of tola man after cessive perspiration will help you: uleate and provost guards lo arrest all such nu n are toi, must be stronger, u they too not his transplantation to another environment of Une; drain; English bismuth. I drams; immigration orncers last night ssld no uni- Mra. W. V. Carre and children, who have so strong after freezing. WHY NOT? hu nuzzled navalognomlsUJ. at there re beta naplhol, to grains. formed Mexicans hail crossed nvr Miner day. silk nags all no trace of Be patriotic on Flag mains lu hla form. and feallirra of the International bridges. It was Young In prlCM- his earlier self nor of his lieredity. Olrl: Are you sincere the thought the men forded the Rio (Jrande eut an un- or Seaesr. Art The Is a splendid eiampi' of the questions you put or actuated by the city. None had beeu arrested up CANDY Adv. cue SPECIAL City MalM Bank Bldg. ot along lines seemly curloalty? Your letter dors not to an early avour this morning. contention reformers ring on our delicious I. a., thst we can evoluia Into whatever true. Ask Began. IW Ttni it, we dealre and aliad our áucesiry mom aa Berger 01 vea M Day a. Chocolate and Usjon. Itol-- Vanilla June Brides neai Establlihed a snake shads Its skin y concentration WHY NOT? Sol Berger, who waa alleged to have or mind and consequent jlll. Leaaer caaes An Indian ault for lie: aumuiei wear-bo- y's been taking orders tor music for a house FUDGE just received a new yes CREAM Wt HAVE or ktod are irouimon enough, sixes 4 to 14. It.TS and li.ou lie did not. represent, waa Injured When Struck by this parlisps rouuty line of the most beautiful ami really should not lurérlM us wlieu we Brack,. Art Shop. teniay to Mrva S3 days in the Jail 20c the Lab. Sterling Stiver ever ahown in Ei Car Driven by W. Knight stop to think that rhlhlfen born of toe Ity Nat'l Bank Hhig Id) The cms cam up in county court. Wednesday only same parents and brouglil up in ilia same Pauso rmre designa perfect Burrouudlngs differ froni each other In a WldsaHsg Case Dlawliiaed. Mats! curst Meld for Nluwllag. a Mr i wboM home The Hals (i. C. tecle, a gueat at toe anania hotel, The Co. workmanship the Master Crafts- xuulu or thouasnd ways. It I tbsi vartau nt from kidnaping cue again! Maria Elite Confectionery in Liberty slley, in toe southern pert as and LuIm waa 401 Han Francisco held by line. Is the parent stain that atatnp us .n.tlnct Hernandez or Castillo i .tree! man, exquisite touch in every toe riiy, wu sugnuy axgana J paraoasUtlaa; a dlsinguisie d aitMf by Justice Jainea M. heaver yes- the police last nlghl on a charge of aasaull uy u e to alleged to have fired Try Prices are lower than any store when ne was swura upoo tola subject uys: fit is by out terday. The woman are alleged through murder. Sitíele is Knlgbt. he wu crossing - pros ill a or Six In hotel o oua driven by Will u combination of varlaul.n tlicr.- in' pro- tlte Ha clothes, to have lured shut at two men the ORANGE SHERBET in El Paso. front or to court- " Monje WM A a r.jin rent Hsu Antonio street in duced hare a genius andiji ei. a fool biu VUlagu. joMOna Veto, fcsiher Injured dlspul man able to walk to and All com- bill thooiing June brides will appreciate any house. The wu account tor Fauatlna Silva to Juarez the preceded tbe his home. Knlgbt wu booked oa a charge Mow otuerwlM could Or plainants to Aoy school Accord, pieces tSJio 1UH allana of the numerous sets and or driving and released on bis those marvelous be Lugs Huh tog to the testtmuuy or the Vlllegs. girl, Hair. reck! over rsrto and Pisad lar rulliail recognizance blinding rays of light llie who said ah 14 years old, In Angela A by llm we offer. own In a cen- wu Juat tay sister la. stortls toe world osea or twice did not resnato to but four hours siasertolsw, Angria lube, by to Glassware, China and Art - to Juarez Our tury with their aeoius? What there and In soundly. seat Taut ana nkmouor. to relumed straight lu their .mea The hair and gtSp;iad her Justice Goods offers many "I told s uaighbor whou very young child lbs anccatry of Napoleon, for intUisc. length or Urns ttisjfflelenl to make Jame M. yesteni.j iin-- d to woaasa Department Tar, y udent and wu Dexter The Paso del Norte had croup about Foley'a Honey aiuf account tor his gigantic milito out a charge of kidnapping snd to lb v costs on an assault iltaige. Tlw new novelties aa well as the Hehkajiir. USUI Her man member of sad tarllea Mr. St. toweling ambition, and what raM WM However, the two total lo IIK ky. "Ilw thought that the child resemblance dismissed charge sine staples we have always carried. otiugtou. lut family bora the aiiglileal tart bald for the federal aulhorl- - surely would dta It wm so bad When aha Sf of Hooey lo hunt We could multiply Instant window gave it a ooupl doMs Fosss that gen' us ROOF GARDEN See the "June Brido" and Tar aba wu so phased wlih m g reatar or leu iisjii sbowtof adlviduaJ, Aiol lunarltos, THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS she did not know whM WM'Tbli dd Is laaarsat In lbs Mezlcsa otatsat as Saaglctoua ( aaraaler. I, lito at, I Vincent Zualge, a while hat and two tasabas aWt SM rssibaa far CatMase. a croup end whooping cough - aw pJs "usts. unique ( iMVeoter istiis, tia- Ik, tiles of wine wars In charge by nsytsat tvast Haass ..iil etnulnu Jus? good tor old II Is for youug taken aa Um tog u u ImdalaM Bower, tsixloiii oinionopny. two i aaaaaak. Tssnmi bu laxuiiu folks Drug store. -- Adr. aui pollcsaass lata last nlghi seventh ". owl that wars ap atiikiugiy typono m rraaaim and U a4 Saab Osas RefVisbajinU Palace Psso streets Four Mouaus wera as la uw testa 8 U IV O ana to Lincoln liiconlea'-abi- 'S c I M hsa TSs sn staM Mhina rtaast tor Platal Tatiag. pión acting saavtotoUBly and fled as the ajr vlr "MM i ska usas ! ItBlaaiadili BSSt m., Wadnriirliy Sartas Quietas K sparas, an alleged pistol tottor. can liae superior to circuma Was man opproscaad one of Uw offneis fired "'. rear tan oM kg 112 Sam Anlirin for eum Dailh la " is. a wu assessed a fuu ruse yeaterday by Judge toe of asbors qualities, and oa of toe rireiag Mexican- - loal ks lusseia mmlttt SS MatJan days. we i til LOusaStea, Bfc be Adrian Past. tr poasssssd S heredity to ach can list III Baga Wu held tor UcsUs aUuU. inW wast. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. TUESDAY, MAY 30. 191 6. Commercial League Teams Play Doubleheader at Rio Grande Park This Afternoon at 2:30 For Suits Clothes, Four Shoes Pairs Old Trousers O'DONNELL MEETS Three of Pairs of and Fifie of LOCAL BOXER AFTER the Second Hand Dealer Offered the Terrible Tempered Mr. Bang 20 Cenb PORT SPEED CONDITIONS FIGHT WITH TORRES

"w1i Kane Seeks 1 1 Charles (Kid) Fourth a uivji Mulford Also Qualifies for 300-Mil- of July Date Torrence Would Suit Sweepstake; O'Don-nel- l Granüand Rico Mar Not Start. jqy III (Kid) Kase I ra I aessUslhss arlUi BONO Allniaiirrqur proaantera lor a Sastefc WAR OF THE GIANTS. Bv Associated Pif with Jack Tarrea sa' July Feortk, but ladlanapalK Ind.. Msy flalsfc Mill notiM oonrr fill a Sate aa ladepes-ese- UE are on our way back home ford and KMk n'linnnrll giiallfled late Say Hk BstUlsf Torreare far ala TV Horns where the high flag ill; lodet far the rare na lac opponrnt. provided asas ssataweet Hub Ws are on our way from the rut motor speed a lomorroa. Mould reste acres with a suitable With the flag lust in our eyas; Bol tnnlnrit R WW anenttnrrri that aa proposition So you arrises! la tar marklnrrt af O'Dessrirs Should a match he arranged between Kane those of in the van. par weald prnmt aha atartiag. Jack and Torrence, the former would Insist on Hark to our warning song l reals' rar alao was la suck poor the aoldler making 15 pounds ringside. "Glvs us the open road that ba l not expected la rata, Kane saya the reason be offered to make Till we land where we belong." pelr, making lar prnhahle Mat o I start uelahl concessions to Kid Oeorre was De am for Ike llh annual sweepstake, rail ae he entertains the notion along with We way . are on our back home turnty-nsc- several other well posted men. that as a By the trail we have come before; Oesplta the heavy ralna today thr rare flghv.T Kid neorss U a bloomer of thr By will i run If It la not rainlwr at thr lime most pronounced type. the trail that leads from the depths or Martina- thr) corneal at I W tomorrow When neorge refused to battle Torrance In the swlrl of the Winning Score; sftrrtioon. It was announced. Thr rain winner , at Silver City last week. So those of you in the lead did not dampen thr spirit or tlic he Is reported lo nave hSri, only a few Hark to the chant we'e spun thousands of apead enthusiasts who arr minutes previously, made the aanounre "Give us the open road thronging thr downtown hotria nd rafa. ment Hint he feared no fighter In the world Till we meet our place In the sun." Automobile partirá were annum hourly with the one exception of Jess willant. and many others rame by steam and but then It was a windy tray In Sliver City railway. when made the declaration and the THE NEXT UPSET. or thr twrnty-on- r prrhablr starters, John balloon burated quickly when Torrence Altken, Joseph Christians. Eddie r put his foot on it. IN THIS mysterious season of swat no one can tell what the next upset wlli and Fiarlo Rest are the ravorllra on Kane la going through light but steady be. Here we have at the pink edge of June the Washington Nationals the betting board, according to thr rant. training here and promises to be ready ror and Cleveland Indians setting the pace in a league where Tigers and The tram or fill Anderson. Howard Wllrm any man In country can the this who make White Sox are down In mire. We have also astounding case of and Tom Rooney is plrked as a "dark ton pounds ringside on three weeks' no the had the horae" ainrreiratlon on arroiini r their tice. the Giants who dropped to the bottom with the speed ot a steel girder ihowlng In thr rumination trials. Since the Torrence Oeorgr affair at Sli- dropped from a sky scraper and then bounded up again after the manner Almost as murh talk was brard tonight er City, Ihe New Mexico blond Idol haa of a rubber ball. It has been a queer, quaint campaign. And now It Is or the probable speed or the winner aa of become the butt of Jokes of fisellc fans about time to look for another upset either for the Browns to bound on tor winner himself Thr record was rush both great and small. to top or Mackmen to arrive In vicinity. most In- listad by Ralph Tie Palma when hr won the for the that But the Jlmmle Dunn, of Pueblo, Il also here and is set. If any, when Tigers, Red Sox last year at an average of MM miles to up teresting point ahead the date and White preparing take vigorous training to Or do they to hour. be ready for s scrap In three weeks' time Sox do their parading. Intend parade this season? Three la murh speculation aa to whrihrr or leu. thlt record will be broken. THE GREATEST COLLEGE PLAYER, t roMoiiii i mm s says Fielding Yost, "Is the best college ball player I ever saw and non I nit SISLER," hot SUN. watching 20 years." Slslcr Is one of best we By International News Serviré. American League been them for the Indianapolis. Ind., May to. ir It Is not ever saw.. But other college players not to be overlooked are Christy raining tomorrow afternoon twenty three Mathewson, Dave Robertson, Eddie Plank, Fred Tenney, Eddie Collins and and poaalhly twrnty-four- , ears will hr srnl BROWNS AND TIGCS8 BREAK EVEN. a dozen or so more. Yost says that Slsler would have made a wonderful away In the slith annual rare on the In- By Axaottatatl lraaa. ML end for the Wolverine eleven, but when the crack ball player reported to the dianapolis speedway Detroit. Miv I. SL Louli and Detroit lo battle ror 0,000. old. lad a iti.ulileheailtT hora today, thr vlaltora tak- squad Yost advised him to give up football. "He was the only good man I The 8 little if" sprlnrs In aa a tactor ing tlie f.rst rama to 1. while Uia Tlgera poundl to pass up football," says Michigan Instructor. "1 to 11 rained all this morning, almost a to 0 tlctory In the aerad corneal ever advised the hated Tha aeore: It, I needed him badly, but it seemed a shame for a man with such a preventing the ftnlihlng or the qualifying FIRST tíAMEl do for trials. About noon, however, the loud baseball future to take any such chance with his arm." parted and the hot sunshine dried orr the All ll II I'd A brlrk oval qulrkly. 0 BaasVas. 3 l112a s l VIO 31. I THE WINNING STREAK. Ralph Matford had worked like j Trojan Tohln.rf Cobe.or 4 10 ret bis Peugeot together so he might (Copyright, (sit, by the wheeler Syndicate, inc.) Sillar. lb. .1114 0 S . If 4 Iflllci.tT ... 4 0 4 psychology of the exact science of a long winning streak anything qualify, and, nltliougli ha Itaul no rhanre to, 11 4 1 6 I 10 12 games Is to explain. As great as the old Cub ork on the new cylinders, he went out Aiu.tln.3b. rE or hard and made Um lap or ?V; mllra In 1:38.80, or Herereln.c. Still Stanaga.c. 4 machine was able to win 116 games one season, and as powerful and as I'uniurliin n 111.00 Wrlluiaii.e. at the rale of miles an hour. 0 0 0 0 0 Mackmen were ever threatened the winning HARDY WOULD TEACH BALL FANS TO FEAST ON DOUBLEHEADER Holanil.I) .. all prevalent as the neither O'Donnell was In r. sUullar fix, bis Toula. ..17 I 14 17 aaaanatn. streak record. They won all the games they needed but rarely exceeded car having only reached hern tDtiuuc. today I Fuller, or five In row. In 1806 the White Sox started a run of 19 iilv.nnell got Inio the or four a But starters by place; in 1812 Washington started a run of 17 straight covering a lap In I 43.1. a rate or 80.71 Totali .35 I 0 17 11 straight from seventh second division; spring we have the Qiunts wiles an hour. POLICEMEN TO SHOOT AT RIO GRANDE PARK THIS AFTERNOON t'unnlriatSHr In 7 th. from well down in the and this Friday. Saturday and Sunday lias arrn launching an extended spurt from the lowly beginning of a .146 ranking. niy onr cars make more 80 miles SCORE BY INNINGS And in all three oases mentioned most ot the winning was done on the road. I hour. There will probably be one si Ixwla 0 1 0 0 0 0 a I 0 0 1 I more, fiaiton ii Chrrvold's Crawford, wim hita Saiaratd. Wattman. Young. SAM CRAWFORD'S REBUTTAL. ill make the qualifying effort early to Denver Expert Tells How Colo l.oini baxaeball fans came near bdns; loft In the lurch today for a lili AuaUn. Ftra baao on otrora SL Loul 1. i 101 row. Iletm.t 1. Baaaa on ball Wrlhnali 1. Culmina ptaara to spend their half holiday, bat the officials of the (lorruiHTciul ham 3. lllta Off Cunningham. IS In 7 tnnlnga; Chrlxiaens hlr, Sunt-'a- rado Departments Bettered that I'm all In forever and stand as the Itsuirtic came to their reascTio lawt nlarht In an eleventh-hou- r announce- off Roland. In 1 lnatnga. Struck out By SAY 'avorltcs. with Aitkin . Peugeot and Hick With Pistol. 2; bv Cunnlngfa'-un- 1: by Boland, 1. Error that I'm skidding and through; Work would be two games put on at Rio Grande park with Aunlln. llellatan. Burna, Young. ITniplrnDlneon nliacher's Maxwell close up with Uie Bel ment that there Say that I'm no longer clever, (seventh play Due Kverybsadya anil Chill. rln, bring to I and the oilier two f to the Infantry the liraeatajacha and the Wall Out where the hog train is dus; In the betting. and Merz are not l lie proposition of expert revolver team. (RECOMO OAME) Show them where Time is beguiling being overlookrd. Some brllrve narney m loioiiiio for the Kl Paxo poller, by Tlic Harvey band (seventh will be there to aaatet the noldier DETROIT of the AB B TO A A wing is to Ylnch, lildrield may sweep In with his lielage. Cáptalo A. H. Hardy, of sousds H that all the tinner boy rooters boost their fatvotites to victory as was the caae Sunday when Shot leu. ir 2 Buah.aa.... 4 smiling ableh has shown a speed of more 01 wbea It - 3 13 111101 1 Then show 'em a pitcher that's than ood. II sound all the better Hit- - Holdlers downed the leairue leaden. JolUlsl. Vltt.3b ... I t .ules an hour. It understood that the crack man of Tolrln.rf 1110 0 1 Cobb.rf. ... 4 4 S When I slip to bat in a pinch. Ooaa-flr- e Fisher will work for the Clerks; Bure-sb- Vallareal will Staler. arma has veliinteered to lend hie ..411004 II I Hrllmao.rf. grove over for tlie Danceni; Duncan, cUasy, sin ilk Duncan, will 1 to the rlty, for the beltermrnl of them 4 13 4 1 Harparyrf . are they grodmlng for the next Wlllard ogerlng?" queries L. L. H. Baseball Statistics the marksmanship, of be on the firma; line for the Infantry and Old Man iucaa Is Manager llum.lli I I I 1 sollrrmen'a free Youoa.tb.. I WHO It be Carl Morris or Fred Fulton? I would like to be out next so all rharur. Dick chotee of fUnicera the Hardware crew. . 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS. Smith's for Plank.p. ... BtaaasiLO. my nose to Why not play It safe and I'ran.lall.p Dubuc.p. 1101 7 that I will know which side of hold." 1. w Hon Manager gave the league officials eve- M.I chief Johnson has the matter under smith a "Ixiftus" ride all last Flnchar.p. 2 0 11 hold both sides? Hiuirn .is .ats rtnataaatl u advisement and since Mr. Hardy has up games. 17 1 14 14 .1 riven ning to round them to bill the 14 Totla...U Tom urgt, 2 IJ .17 .111 iwo In ToUl. ..10 14 10 Hilda. IS la .'i!?. Chicago .1 tt .IIT rlrvrr exhibitions In pistol shooting Dickey la right; ball games are the proper thing on holidays. B' IS 17 ml ML Lo.ila IS 13 .411 the past two weeks on the Pasa City (inn SCOBS BY INNINGS CITIZEN on the inside haa tipped us off that Carl Morris is to ba K oil! 1KHTKIIBAV. grounds, people are show- Rt Louli I 1 1 A big We know how Ve York J. Ikiatco o rinclluiaU e. Pittsburgh dub other local Detroit I 1 1 I 060 17 groomed by the syndicate for a Willard Jubilee. far llruuklro l'hllail.l !. U'oelpoiieil same) ing marked Interest In tun possibilities of hita Miller, rxnobw. Cobb. a the syndicate will go and it's quite a distance but we don't believe it will St. Loul. Clilr.,,. HI. In good scores with the small arms. hit Cobb. Double play Via to, Young to will III. TIIKV PLAY TODAY. lluro. Baaaa en baila I'lank 1. Craadall 1. Plnrh-a- r try and go quite that far. Not quite. New York al Phlladrlphlal Cincinnati al IHUhurih Roth the cities of Denver and Pueblo 1. Dtlbue I. Flank. 1 In 3 Inning. IDoublaoeadrr) '( Doubleheader availed themselves or the services of the National League Western League num. out in third); off Craadall. I la Bob al 10.. ki. i. ni Louis al Chicago PLANK pitched la a world series in 1906 and 1914 nine years Il'nublaliaailm lllouhlahaetlar) noted shot In schooling their police de- 10 Iniiuuja. EDDIE unless Christy Mathewson gets a WHKHK TIIKT H.AY TO MO ROW partments In higher skill pistol and MgSSAW ANOTHER NAIL HOME jaaaph Klnchar 2: bv 3. Errara Johnaton This will stand as a record shot thr of DSIVtS William. Stars fw St. Cobb, Hall Hnatnn at Brooklyn Cincinnati al PtUabargk shooting. It haa been less Utah Br AaaootaUd fraaa. Tnbln, Pratt. AuaUn. Sorerald. ltnohar. the world series of 1916. Eleven years between world series pitching York al Philadelphia revolver M. The Saw York NattnoaU Itv AMttHuuo Praaa. man. Bun... UmpLraa Chill and Dlnaon. at Boatsn. klaaa.. Mar Mo. May 91. SL Jaa won a snappy of fleeting decades. two years since the Colorado policemen on UiaLr victorious way lotlar. sliutun out SL Joaaph. will be a to blase away at for a number otsitlaasd frurn Topaka lousy. 1 lo I. Up to tha alghtk mark AMERICAN LIAOUE STANDINGS. to pistol school" and now on Boston. 3 to I. lama CHAMPIONS REVIVE. "went the Now York. Mar After losing all atralght to - or Tha aooro: tl. n sar M .ailment- each city are found many "b"ltto Wllllaoia .nil. noma after Cocbran'a amar Na York, tha Beatona defeated tha Yankee, in Uia RECORD FURY. Wutiliift-- Chicago is is NSW YORK BOSTON THE 10 31 ur the revolver of cloalhf gama of tfeatr aarlw today. 5 to rierrland. .433 llrtmlt best shots the country. A It II Ptl Na Turk kin, i,ii.,i. AB B II lo All Tb. arora i.i "It is all wrong." said captain Hardy to a 3 a S 4 Boaun 5 hi i. mii, .sal Mrnrtl!.ta. NEW YORK that ever encroach, ti is Rol tao.rr SI Baana.ia TuavsSA 3 I Hell hath its furies r.HTKHiiA Y The Times sports man last evening, "for an I All II CO works I Darla. Ik Battarlaa Wllllama and Block: Waat. baahnar and golfer who tops his approach. HI I.oula a 6 Detroit 3 17 Philadelphia 5, Wash I officer lo carry a revolver or pistol and . kaiaasBjl Olllioolay.rf 4 But none like a o Kaurr.rf... 4114 i 'ni Hi ñauan I. New York (Callad Sth to allow plar- 10 M Nally.Sb or not be thoroughly posted on its manipula riaUliar.aa. 4 ...Hi sail Maga, 110 ara to natch I i 11i 4 train. 3 3 Baker Brffloi Paekan. WIIFKK THEY I'LAY TODAY tion. Any time a novice starts shooting Markla,lt.. Itl 4 3 agree with Shakespeare. John J. not only M'GRAW doesn't 4 Smltti.ll I i it i 133 J. Iwalund rhllxlelphU at N. Tsrk with a l gun all people Hi Aaaorlatad Praaa. Walker.of.. iii JOHN use within . 4 strength, but he also deems It proper to iDoatiMiaa.larl (Doublatiaadar) Urldan.a. Tnikai.rr Daa afoloaa. May Bakar hold Omaha lo two ii Boon.aa. a 111i In having a Giant's a Mathwaon.p 1 hlracn al Detroit Waalilnatoo at radius of three blorka are In danger. The .10 today and Dea Motnea abut out too tialttara, I i notion 3 0 ill. Janrrui.aa.. 310 it like a Giant. policeman Is not to ror 11 g. aouroa ware tha nil of arrora by (IouklabsaJarl iDi'illilahaadrtl blame, the Tba local ra. 3 reason Totola ..14 111 Compton.. 0 lu 1114 Waltara.c U'llKKE. I I It 11 foUowlna baaaa tax baila 12 112 THEY I'tAY TOMOHROW. thai his salary does not warrant the ex- Kreusar and kttra, CaldwwU.p. Tha aoure; B. X. 14ii12 141 double-head- in or Total. 0 4 IT a a popular song: "When It's time penditure rash ror purchase or ammuni- n 4 1 IT 11 !! for Omaha t Ti.labj .11 I 1 Totola IS I I IT 11 In 0 0 0 0 0 double-head- blossoms bloom." tion ror practice. The proper way would Bauad for Bottolph Ilk. lltw Motilo I I t BJT LNNINUS Or, "When the start to SCOftS BY 1NN1NUH Uara Kreusar: Baker and Spahr. Sottas ba the city to llallwlaa and 3 w. L. for rurnlsh the ammunition. 0 0 0 0 -- rat. Now York I J 0 0 I.lnnobl II .S4l Topka .It 14 .444 My services would coal Kl Paso nothing. Bosaoa 0 0 -- LeaAera Take SkMU City Oaanat. 111 you account for the Giants' sudden rise?" asks a reader. In tha .41 to do Daa Uolaaa..ll II Hi) .11 U Revolver practice Is a part or the Pueblo XlnkU By AaaacLatad HOW s 10 600 l. Idla 11 U to atórala: Pro. way we accounted for Bethlehem Steel Jump from to and Denver polic emen'a routine duly. Ev- Sluua City. May 1. Sioux City loat Uie oprnlng Dmaha 14 II WlllitiU to Konati hr alallmaoo ktarkla: Kgao lAoooln by a aoore or 11 to II In thlrtoou ery man so many Konaony. Baaaa l.alls Hutlolpfa. 1. lama to by wondering what it's all about. shooti anota per month to Kvata lo rti Iniilnsa. atataataun. tha Unouln ahorutup. bruka hta YIXAS LIACUf STANDINGS. In I do nut Hit. OCT Budolph. i lo I lonlnas so a out B .UdUuj Into third baaa drill. inran to Impress the 4. Doyle. rlahl las w. i r4. w. u.iliMan. 1: BO SudollKi. Krrur eoure: R II. K wank, 14 .171 people of your city thai your policemen . . Tha .ii mimaol ...n Saaana, OWUJ iiiinrra dm Ut.uili 14 1 Sixth rate, one ulle Snduraaoa ansa; Ban Lery, II .141 Sao Antanlo M ror I Sehaog. Double pUye Melon la lo Witt: Lakda II are amateurs with the piatoi, have Sluua City. ., u II 11 1 Uia saaao baaaa aaltad k la atalk to lot tba baaaa aacuud: Two Oaks. Udyd. Cob SMI Haaumom .11 44lllllll ...14 II, reason to believe olherwlae. Bailarle- - Baal ilragory aad Bohrar: Clark. a trata far Bastón. ' laa ,,.. II 111! Dallaa 17 h,,,.,,.,, the TMCSI WHIN NOT NHOtO mm Hrlianá Baaaa an halla Ayra. 1. Slowhan I, Bias Soretchae- - KtUy StanMald. Si. Mai lory, fordora. SiOS SIT Baarinr" Orom and Croaby. Tin. 3 best may Improve their marksmanship and By Aaaoolatad l'raaa ...T. C Nabor. 3. Myara Hlta-- Off Ayr. tae Deborah. I'rlnceaa Janice. Old Coin. Custom Howe, ltll A VajVRIIlNtlTON I J -- YIXAS LIAOUE SCO S II. Iba novices may become experts, would inuturli I'a slay 'l. iis o won f I' It IT., hgijri li id iinu; uff moa. a iu by a aouroa of to I beta today, AB B H PO A AH R II PO A they only take up Hie work." lltlaburah a Morgan. 2b. fw an Bjurstedt Shares Wlll.aa.... By Molla 1114 Miara In aSHVtkirJ Inning Btrwak out i i by Johnaou. 4. Xtiunk.i-- I t .4111 : I by ktyara. 1: Eddie Coulon Outpoints All B H I'O A Saaas. Anti-Publici- Bostonian 111I and ty Honors With l?Vr-at-o Agitate tlrob.aii i : juila.. ib i i i tl ITaeo Naala,ol... U lb 4 I II Skaoki.g. Jimmie Murphy at Home rort Wank Cliaaa.lf. 4 1111 Move ... By Associated Press. - TIA JUANA HACE HESULTS ll.iurlo and llplllj; Race on Tia Juana winao.e. Wuneu Ol.lruis.u- UrUflth.rf if I I May Miss By Associated UoUwIULlk ns'l.uiu.ab M Philadelphia. I. Molls Preai. y AaaaeraUd Presa. llalollf too Mtlonal singles tbanipion. and t w urleani, May 88 Eddie Coulon or 1 KuaM.lf Naa lilepo. Cel.. Hay 2. A rrayicsl Uaidau.tb. I I Mlas Eleiieora Hears, of Hoi ton, one of the I I 1 New Wllaon.r lulUUMO.P Orleans wit awarded a decision over nattartaa Bttmn and BwIki. upas the Naa city La millers of Hi national doublet champion- IMe rouaell pass Jaoutia.p UtUlar lliamy Mucpby or St. at end of s aa ordinance M 1 13 ship, were aaaiuv the winners in tlie Second rae, me furlurup Poneerara wou: Lady Louli toe whlrh would prohibit aa) Totals... It tint iklrd. publicity being gives lo thr ToUb .3 I I tt 11 and second rotoids or the Pennsylvania and Loona. aaaoad; Pick Asala, fifteen-roun- bantam-weig- routed tiers rarra al the W 111 Tama... IT TUtrd and one half furkaiga Recreation k women' lawn cham- Talaje,.. I I I f II rao nr. TU Juana. Melles, Ira. iut armas eastern aisle tennis O . aaooud: Tested Blghle. tonight. Murphy ws credited with bul one far hatlh Saooud was: EalUarui. lbs bardar, la rostalurd tu a rrsolullou pionship tournantuit, which ijptaisd today 'llalloo lailHIl third. round. adopted ky Uae directors i u,r 100 on uie courts Of uie Merlon Liicket club at DBS BY INNINGS paluuni. Baaaa baila California IsterssUoeal exposition. bit Naala. tai XIIicImII. Haver ford a 1 THE TIMES HAH 8POHT PA.0K Tae I; Jaoaaa. I. Hita on klu. lu a u.uluaa: leeeeaena a a a a i a a THE BEST rsaslutlsa was made public toda). ..ff JaoaU, ta Inalua. Strto-- out By lilteh-al- l V T.'i.'b. IK THE SOIITHWEST I; kg laiads. kruf Balrd l.'uaplra a3 Bapw. TIA SU 1MA ENTRIES BOWLING SCORES BLUI MSNBAY SOR ISS0RI. I'lUUitolphla. I'a Stay la Knur. a has rirM laoa n Land too half CACTUS SUM LtASUI la Iks aaaaa with Bcwauvu uoaIIlu today ISaffiff" la IN: iriuA. LSSSk rl i aVmüw kXarlaxma. t 17 II t , t viro, ill: Ms I: 14 AJNBaiaas 11 71 al IMI. B llano 74 w 31J tin r Tl ai "Witr, Batía. Ujorarf I I I I Haoomft.a.. in4 iroiI Wl Bauiuma 14 : New Rule Will Orksj M as u-- tS DauaorLle. II Motion lb.. Hh. Will. Ilk Break lukuauai.t. 101 11111 loria M.ilot 11 Vaáaa. aaai 4ts tin 37a Slo..ll. aVwsST o liar Whaat.V.r. 44114! I loa. Cloulau IN: Saa S 111 H li. II: Practice Loaning Men 14 . i.i Tí. ata uunaw.tb tanxaar.of .. 111 15 , J J4 o 4114 liakarUr .. 4llt4 f araraa 411 Mlaeo Jkaaau. ua JT IJ I- S- I4 4114 11 let rac-- By Associated press. Uaiata.o... 111I UusW.e ... I I I i aW; fcxrrkw I (CONNOISSEURS SM Talks. Ill; out i)t fflOsPAlVl f . i ia- - t I s II p MaUeSelpfcla. May K ruur seateal-la- u Jasa m" 14 .!.. ma IN, Safiaiur. 101. Uuaut. V I omrnend to n 14 j id. ar. laa. m I Cascade I I I f,ratilaa lias w. PSayrr traes releíala, a rluk roan Tuuds t 1 Hi Burn. SIIL Tétala kit tal t t I I one as any- - I ara Ukty aave aaea rataaaaS II -- til rai. Adalid. II another just II uatn Patau assail rtasL Swift a I li t. '", Tuaaia M I if 14 MBlor KU. Karly Mas II ffifiHI Lkarty Sai a have slspsaS a adoptra Big. raaaaa, let. 10 Raah irf Sloaao 14. gsHkasa fi9S I on who knows an I Bouod for KUtaTar u. Mk alia gNwVvVyl aaatea raaauuui saw, u aalka by the tisnaa iH.iird fur BUea lu an. law Hill IN. Krror. Ill; I axallarnt thing likes to talk I I IAIwIBbIB kr aatkaaal sevaratei bad) o( StONJC BY IN.NLMOS tJCÜ rrtuwa i ra.i 111; uuka al atad k3fjl444 L j .7. i tin. Taro aDOUt W WOO CSU1 aa kSCAjka IB at Ha aaaual aeeUat krrr to P. aaswaar . . . .77?. . at 14 , lltouklyn I -S waVaaawS I t0 009 I I SotoUu.- Br a Wait. at 11 y. 11 Ti. Caaoaas Iruat. Ill: Cualat. Ill: 17 Say, TWtaw alia Wuaal. faaA-- n tnra baaa htv aaladaVBiawV I mppndte " I II rae new rula Is In leudad to break up Uie k laaoaa I aa H m il.,..,.., lko.ii. paaa- KUUfa to Saiutnaft Naoaa Dwak 7 I Hila Origine glhfajl A practice af cities tossing their pis" a to II tl 344 xi cuaiar. iTauar. OS ckonav. I aaaaaWPw gSBS u. I kaaliusi. ufi Blaas, 1 ha S aaittass SSrtwk I GO TO ke. Oiaf Ooaof I, aknl ' I which wish to pad their other organisation Tota MÍ j7 us 1T0 B Ckaiuo. 4. ky talaaa. I Imn tekshow jgtBM sCpl"sjl attSkUUTN WakaTf. toils for liuporieat cossaats I.. N MOAN S BYANS' HI. o'Mara III. Basel aft, WtusW QBO - "-- f- - YQUNG'a CAFE - DlCKEL Co- The ssssllnr STI aVatred ror two UMeriia ' 7- i- rs atlaai aad r ffffK I r g M II asara uraaal saalcirra lase of thear ni be pUycu l For tm í3l lad Ms BvsB HASOTIUJ, TMSIkl. a Jkasaaa tl II II i in. i ala tal Dém. He tn ate ska ClnilaNafl Beer on draft xjÉir I awaawSSii aad ia June niraas sad A Sitiulay ulgtU Uried aerean over pro. ua artfl L " boarfci SI II a. .. tblaf a aU kladS of Mesloaa IMigsliJI. Has UaaaSaSB trania. Tssf tht: window In room occtiplod by Mrs. - Tlie le lb k Jja Sad Cum- oibar will rotoJa MI IM lis IMI Millar la lb Hola loa aoapllal. where aha sinplayed aear REM lo ta lia asaw ""! Tii t'aiL l.alleiii .mi irachlug Into Uie rooak KvWEENIl'Y. Prxap. PALMER, SUte Agent, Waco, T msm. and S K. luaaiicaa saaui Ulsk latal Buau aói valuabas aaswl frvuti a laaw IT EL FABO KT. W do not atUcU nor ssxip stslats tvosa dry territories in violation of Texas taws. EL PA3Q MORNING TIMES. TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916. Will Arrange Dates Summer. for THE WHITE HOUSE Schools to Runyon Pays Tribute to Dedication of Elephant Begin Work Monday Auto Drivers of Army r Jilw PILES Butte Dam This Evening superintendent B J Tlgtea, ot the public Damon Runynn. well known sport Writer SALE schools, announces that toe board of trus- mho ha been In Mexico with the the of the Klephan ANNIVERSARY I'nlted nates for dedication tees have decided lo contra vacation States troop since they In Curad Buna and tbe convening of the started pursuit dam. for schools for pupils who to advance or illa, aa In Irrigation congress. congrega, and wish l rield correspondent for the Farm half a grade and for those who failed in News Service, El Without Soli exposition In the ternational reached Paso International Products their work this term. The will be yesterday on his way to cover tne Chicago Kl Paso rail be decided upon at daws Knife neat will Beginning; gin work on Monday. June I, and the term political conventions I. N. 8. Ita the a of the board or Next Monday to Show fnr the Joint meeting advisory will end August n. The dally session will mill In Fl Paao at tbe Paso Norte the and Irrigation congresses at tbe Appreciation Patron- remain del Wnjr to farm for Past negin at a a. m. and close at nan n. hotel ror aeiersl days hefoce leaving Wh urtr longer' ribmlt Chamber of Commerce building at 4 o'clock en MMrmUon with It age of The teaching force will be picked Chicago, seems goon- - to this TBS dedication of the dam tbe PdbHc from "ft art back to ser and hospital rwi, or aftaraooa. the present corps of teachers, and on a real city like F.I yas eír place in each Paso." said Runyon furttMt time In uele s treatment. tragan will take early oetotter selected will be an expert in her work. The ternay. convention or the irrigation con I HUI ii YOU TO ANT daruur tas Commercial agencies claim that an l worx win cover all grades and there will Runyoa brought m1th him a heavy ni gross In El Paso. The farm congress and per or bark rATKvr num. cent all bualness enterprises result bs classes held at the High school ror high coat or sunburn and a profound admira treat Rupture, Vari- soil products exposition win follow during Then-- or alio stricture. in raiiure. to ron the gauntlet scnoot students. The terms are aa follows: lion ror Use truck drivers m Mexico. "The cocele. Hydrocele, without perform- the ten days after lbs close of the irriga rate against heavy end í auceess- - such odd! win railes i. and S. It a month (four weeks) work these tallows, driving ma cantar operation, and Ban congress SUCCESS a mighty thank ag trucks from Debility store should be grades t. t and a. sn a grades 7 la full) treat Nervous and The state or Arlaona announced IU In fuL The White month: colmnhus, doing is wonderful." said chronic dlaeaaea. House la extremely thank ana s. m a mouin. iitgii school Runyon. "The way trntlnn of carrying off tbe gM trophy ful! It baa never the students the civilian drivers have ngateea years' exaerteare taartlee been unmindful of should make arrangementa accepted discipline or army for the beat state exhibit at the farm con part the public has played In sue wh teachers tbe the la aur practice, iTa largest ad beat this prising. The stop on com gross. In a letter received at the Cham oass. no on more roe truck trains start and equipped efflees ta Ike airy. realises rular oeei Pupils desiring to attend a of Commerce yesterday. Exhlbtw for owea and no one more should enroll at tne instant at tne sound or whistle blown CONSULTATION THEE. bar n Is Insistent that Alta uta. Bailey or San practically every western state now are "interest" on this debt to the people should Jacinto schools be by the truck train captain. Hours: f a. a. 7 p. a. tween to and it n'click. Thursday morning, "Remember, when you a kid. the I only. In process or preparation for the congress be paid now. Row to pay it was long Sunday. ta ego June I. or Friday morning. Juna admiration you used to nave for the engl and exposition. A .000 exhibit will De a prooiem hut after much discussion summer by government despite happy thought to the management me session m lie divided Into neer of the t'annonbsii express'? Well DR. KETCHERSID sent the Canadian orcured two terms or six conditions by the war In Kurope - anniversary weeks each. Pupila who that's they may me rerard the captains of INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST. reused "wen celebrate eacb with taiieci in An of an gigantic sale in all profits for tneir work thla term should en- tne irurs. trains. The truck trains ere run Tea Yeara. appropriation for exhibit wblcb on 17. EstaelHast or Agri- naya roll July Those who wish to do like railroad trains, and the captains, who ma t, J. Í, eta., Buckler Block. by the United States department six win be given to tbe public half l1 Senate agricul- return for fifty one or patronage year's work should enter June I and are from the qiiartermaater'a department (Orar QaastaSa Shoe Mare.) culture Included In tbe weeks continue ror sea and has re- that carried a profit The White House will twelve weeks. are tne engineers. aaaa avsane. tural appropriation bill, bean The enrollment PACO, TEXAS. ported out or committee. An extensive ex- gire one week that carries "No prortt.' last year was 100 pupila. "The .climate In thr country we've passed THE BETTER THE HOPS hibit or Irrigated farming methods haa been And so this great Store or Service said through Is Ideal. The troop are In the THE BETTER THE BEER FLAVOR assured W. 1. Drummond, chairman of the Let our patrons have whatsoever they BREVITIES nest of Shape. The experience has Im advisory board, by tbe department of the want and pay approximately wholesale (Advertisements.) proved my physical condition. feel belter Interior. cost." And so with tins idea cryHtallssd than I ever have Perore." NHEUSER-BUSC- H have by thou-- y plans were made to make the SIXTEENTH "On, tar a Cool Breath ef Air." Runyon doesn't know whether he mill re many na a.nmvkhswiy SALE beginning Monday Sec special air cooler and electric rana at turn to Mexico after the national conven sands of pounds more Saazer Hops in By Timet 'Special Correspondent. June 6th. the greatest merchandising event LARBABKE ELECTRIC CO., Hons. "I suppose, ir conditions are atlll In El Paso's history. The Times each day t their giant storage houses than has any Phoenix, Aria., May . For the Texas unsettled at that lime, that I'll go back to X will sale state or Arlaona baa aold 8, too aerea or land print Important news shout this Mexico. They may send me out with the other rjrevway in Europe or America. Before the In Maricopa county at public auction. Most and The White House advertisements will Entertalnmeat for Texaa Press. ball teams again, though." or the land was bought In by school land give full particulars. Adv. Final plans for the entertainment of the Although Runyon's war correspondence war our President, while abroad on his annual leaaeea, who had been living on the tract. Texas Press association will be made at a has been done ror the International Newa hepbuying pilgrimage, bought 775,000 pounds O550 one of the largest galea made since meeting of the committee on public enter Service, he claims the .New York American This la El Paso Boy to Graduate or the state land code became operative. talnment, the chamber of Commerce, at at his "borne paper." tales) of Bohemia s very finest Saazer Hops. To Morgan Prep. School o clock nils afternoon In the directora add at Park room or the chamber or Commerce. this the 500,000 pounds we had on hand, and Beet Sugar Company Will you will see that ws cao guarantee pur millions Among the graduates this year or the Or. Ebert, Dentist, Mills Building. Morgan Park Preparatory school at Mor- Establish Factory Here gf patrons that BVPWEFSEft WÜA continue, as gan at Holloa s, 810 Park, III., Is John Edward Rcttenbury. Est North Stanton. always. have exclusive Hop re's or El Paso. In the current Issue of file F. L. Jones, or Q the same Saaier the agricultural depart- Academy re- - To Establish Y. M. C. A. Branches. News the rollowing article ment or the American Beet Bann- flayjer aWW B Funds ror establishing Y. M. C. Sugar which has helped its sale? to exceed ajjy abv gurdlng Mr. nattenhurg appears: A ing company, or Rocky Ford, Colo., was E. branches at different points along "John nattenburg was born In El Paso, tbe Mex In El Paso yesterday gathering statistics other freer cy millions ot bottle Powder Texas, on July l, ISV7. He entered M. P. A. ican noraer, and ror enlarging tbe present building, completed, regarding this city. The company prob- In September, 1012, coming from Bryant Just at Cotumbua rf. ably will ANHEUSER-BUSC- ST LOUIS. USA will be raised by W. II. Day. establish a rerinery In the Mesilla DIDN'T nuitT A BIT. Harmless. meJant sail - Ma- Technical school at Buffalo, N. Y. John baa Inter park district the next year. Thn Mason as gt Lewis art eouiwouaV fcvdnd inspect our plant le nWllM Mill, tilt, VBlu.hl. state secretary of the Y. M. C. A., a 10- - nllhln covers made his reputation aa an excellent athlete on which are isa arras. ai uauuns U10. IT DSOV'S Mod day trip through Arltona and Mew Mexico. exnerlmanta being conducted U undlcsstad. If Its bovsts ara and he has been active In the various other in sugar berta In the Mcatlla and F.I Paso bad. or It Is Dauaaatad, thu lines of loir, Mr. Day left LI l'an last night. Dourlas remedy school activities. On the foot valleys promise to prove gtirressrul, said We will pre. Its merit In Blsboe and Phoenu will be Included hla are the originators VEKY FKW HOUBg Mo and ball team he was rollback and one or our In Mr. Jonoa yesterday. In caae thn tonnage 11 paosaga at dmnl.u. Manu- strongest supports. The year bla trip. facturad by before and the percentage of aarcarhlne provea football career was Interrupted by parental satisfactory, aoveral large augar plants of Modern Painless WAR! BLACK POWDER "Eat at the SAVOY," fio S. Stanton. beet 00. objection, but everybody rejoiced to see win be established In the valley. A rep DALLAS, TEXAS. Means Moderation the ban lifted In the fall of 1015. John reaentatlve or the Holly Beet com- Sals by All s Try the new Bar. Yon get the Sugar udweiser Par man B El also a rast track and has held tbe pany, of Holly, Colo., was In El re Dentistry in Paso DruasUta. usa i. r. acisn, proprietor. Paso medal for best athlete for the cently Investigating the possibilities or tbe Southwestern Liquor Co. He member, are don't claim to have any last three years. To Produce Guaranteed Egsj. territory, and announced that ir testa prov patented do not or 1 "Among his are Distributors El Paso, method! that otbera varied interests the rol An egg circle, to produce guaranteed eggs ed satisfactory a plant would be establish Texaa cannot uae Tbeee belong to the quack lowing: He has been upon or s member of the in tne vicinity of El Paso, will be formed ed in the. .Mesilla valley. who playa the Ignorance their pi .1 13 CO., Plillomathean Literary society. Camera club uemiBiiy. our, BROS. PRINTING by the members of the E. Paao Poultry aa fBucnii rviuuuif iohoor Hiking club and iilee club, and was a ao sorlatlnn at a meeting so held Dreadful Couah turril of orricea iaat a certain length time, be at the Following an then depart for new rielda or elj out. PRINTERS lolst In the iOIS minstrel show. He baa Chamber or commerce at 8 o'clock attack of pnetiuionla I had Satur our years ago, i nao a cnugn We do not solicit nor ship orders from dry territories In violation Texas We bare been In El Peso three yeara been president of tbe Y. M. C. A. and was day night, w. A. dread! ul of law. Graham, cdtjnty aarlcul mat nung on-- lor tnonins, writes Mrs and are building our husmeas on aare chairman of tbe religious work committee trulat, will preside. Owen Wabash, our wbole soul en- Caruthers,. Ind. "I lost In grounl; putting and In the same organisation In his sophomore weight and became alarmed about my con- deavor into eacb undertaking. We want Paving Alanisda Avenue. hair the length of rails In place. All brand-ne- year. In bla senior year be was president Dr. Anna ileum, Buckler blag., or. Elite Cy. dition. I doctored with a number or rem tbe good will and beat word or bur fel Thn work or palmr Alameda avenue equipment, low beinga, and mean to have or the senior class and of tbe orricers' club edies Without benefit until taking chamber in this respect, ts being it laln'a Cough Remedy. It holped me almost tarted In The price tun or dental work published the latter office which he later resigned. DR. BAUCHFRT. Dentist. Wills nidg. Ph. 1857 earnest yesiernay morning. W. used by the company. There will be double immediately anil taking one bottle or it Rand, or the company, herewith can be absolutely relied upon. Ilia military career he has been color ser cured." Obtainable everywhere. Iillullthlc which tiarks. The poles supporting the electrl aa testified to by (be very beat clientele ge ant, captain of A company and drum Auditor Inspecting Books. haa the contract ror paving tne thorough-rare- , In El raso. Tbe prlcea are the lowest major. He was a member or the The auditors checking up the city's fi had his crews on the ground esrlv. wires will be placed between the tracks, passible tor rine, work. Custom Office track accurate ASSAY teams or 'II, '14 and '15, and president or nances are now working on the city water Tbe street car rnmpsny, which have moved iron arms on the polea will support tht Gold Crowns, XI 4 A karat. lo $5.00 CMTCHETT IXRGUSON tne Athletic association In 'Rat work's books. With the exception of the Ua tracks to the center or the avenue, has wire on either side. Bridge Work 4 to $5.uo Assayers. Chemists, Metallurgists, expectea to enter the University of Wlsron city tax collector's office and the police sta ore Shippers. iiu- Bnbber Platea $6 and op aepreaaotatlvea for sin or california next fall." Hon, auiiiior imr just about finished MO Ban Francisco 8L with the city proper. They expect to en Gold Fillings $1 and np El Paso, Texas. be Silver Fillings SO up tirely through within the next tan days. and VITAL ' Masqiieletto tí company are I'm inicua RECORD nuking the Extractions Ho audit. No dentist with lesa than IS years' ex Births. perlence In our orflces. All work abso- LAVA To Mr. and Mrs. Luis Lara, Ms- - lutely guaranteed. Lady attendant. Moat gnmn Is effective la treatise aa. and Walnut, May 11, a girl. aanliary orricea In El Paso. Call and In- T. A. O. Glider CABE ttanataral discharge! spect litem. To Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Cabe ess, non poisoaoaa eta south Oregon, May So, a boy. ass. will' net stricture. ACCOUNTANTS KigG 1 CERTIFIED PUBLIC 8AL0ADO To Mr. and Mrs. Luis Sal Believe:, la to 6 days. gado, Fifth, 86, OLD lis May a girl. BY DBDfiOIITt. II Meals: Takta THot. a I. Carta I .'flCXP New York Painless City National Bank Building Parcel Post If desired-F-ríe II, or 3 bottles 12 75. a.d .ffln lilmflnTOrffi Deaths. JIB EVANS CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI, Phone tiff El Paso. Texas H1LLEY Lonnle Hilley, SI, base hospital a May X7. nuriai at ureenwood, s. c. Dentists CORDEBA Christopher Cordera. 88, llift ninth, May w. Buried in Concordia. BUCKLER BLDO Independent Assay Offlos CORDOVA Robert Cordova, Í. 1000 OVER ELITE Wyoming, May 88. Buried In Concordia You CONFECTIONERY. MOROAN Mac 010 Are Ida Morgan. East Third Preparing? NEW LOCATION. May SB. Buried in Concordia. A soot for Ore Maawnt Assag asa We Want Your Are you looking ahead and preparing for the time Chtmlea'. AmaJutlt. fase fHI lasa BARRA0AM Manuela Barragan, 63, 6IC Account asKf aWrf eg (asa, Awtfe Wort a Orhoa, May S7. Burled in Concordia. when cash may be needed quickly the Lime when BaaefaVta. p 0 aa OPPENHE1MER Arthur Oppenhelmer, gf sickness, accident or old age may call for ready 87. We want business of the right sort, but this does not Office and Laboratory: local hospital, May Burled In Concor funds? Cat, las Bui aliiTtaaaaaSa. dla. refer to size. All depositors large or small are READ fHE WANT ADS- - . pabo Texaa- - PHILLIPS - Joseph Phillips. II, local bos Now is just the time to prepare for such times. pltal, May 87. Burled In Concordia. equally welcomed here and receive the same attention Now is the time to start an account with us. Marriage Licenses. hands. Facilities here keep pace with the The at our 4 Per Cent Interest Savings R A Victor Rublo and Regina the times, and we respectfully solicit your Paid on Accounts House of osrcls. ' demands of Taylor HOTEL MARTINIQUE Charlea Levy and Es account, which need not be a large one to be welcome. telle Ooodman. The Broadway, St., New Max Teppcr and Mary First National Bank 32d York, Here. We Pay 4 Percent Interest on Savings 1SS pleasant Rooms, with private bath, Almeida and One Dollar Opens an Account EL PASO, TEXAS facing large open court, Ross uarcia. . ROSEBERRY HAMLINO- -J. D. Roseberry $2.50 PER DAY and Marlon Handing. Peter J. Meyers Ej smiss Ethel Button. American Trust and Savings Bank gaSaBtMgaeg"""BBiBHBH,,Jgal 167 excellent Rooms, with private oath Bias Qulros Z. facing street, southern exposure, Maria Salatar. $3.00 PER DAY REALTY TRANSFERS Also Attractive Rooms from 11.60. The restaurant prices are moat moderate. C. W. Breti et ui. to chai Sherrlll, lot S Equally convenient for amusements, and part-- of 7. block 1M, Highland Parg; shopping or business. One Block from consideration, II Art. Be No E. C. Parker et ux. to Pablo Lara et si., There Will Hot Weather Penn's Station. lots ts. m, rr and part of as. block 1, East . a i KTI A 800 ROOMS gv your ,r irrtn El Paso; consideration, l,00. trip to f wrvin 400 BATHS I Melchor Calderón et ux. lo E. H. Rojea, thu year if you take the lots and part or o. block w,. Highland Park from 1 Paao at consideration, 100 and other. 6:45 a. ra., in An- LEE TIRES yIo0 C. E. Welnrelch lo l.orelta W. Goran, lota arriving Lot PLAIN, AJHT1 blUU and 1'I NITHIi: PBOOP. it to H, block as; lots ts to s, block (It, geles 7:15 a. m., making the trip 'IIONB & 10. COILMCK MVlilLL and KANSAS. East El Paso: consideration. Ilu and other. through the LOWER ALTITUDE night when is pleasant and uitatag PeruillA at it THE EL PASO AUTO gUPPLV COMPANY (e.) Bank changes. A. National Beaudett to make State and Cropper, cool. DINING CAR. W. BlUlck. Pres. w. get, Carries TIRES, C Slefeka, ivrAiujBHCD ABBiJU iaat. Chihuahua and Ninth i coat. 14. Wast Tesas Puel company, to build PULLMAN and TOURIST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONGRESS, PULLMAN ANO IMPERIAL capital mmrum and rmornm siss.ss4.ti warehouse on Basset! avenue; cost, gtjM. SLEEPERS and OBSERVA- TUBES Lira sui.oric and tun Ilea, v ulcaclxutg, üeaoliue sad oils. Joe Dunns, to build an adobe, san Ala TION CAR 112 til Trsas SL moa. 81 Paid c meda; cost. 11 ,ouo. N. Cadena, lo build an adobe. VID Taya; Close connections at Lo An C. WL MOBgHIAD, President- JOrJJEPH MAQUFFIN. Ylee-Pra-a coat, aaun geleg Auguslln Rublo, to build an adobe, for the beaches and you Watch the 5000 Mile RED TOP FISK TIRE C N. BAJMaTTT. tit OBOROE D. FLOHI, Caahlas Ban Jacinto; coat, tiuo. can have your baggage checked K. MOTOR CO. la. J. OIICHRIST. Aa- - Cashier. i. Btaeoff. lo build s store room. East through to the beaches WESTERN SUPPLY Missouri and htanton. del. 11,000. Ü. Blscooff, to build a bungalow. While OTHER TRAINS Oak and Cebada, coal. ,oou. Blacborr, bungalow. El Paao Ar. Io Angeles I. a. to build a 111 :VOp.sB. CADILLAC SALES CO. Noble; COtt, tl.iOO. S:S0p.m. 10:16 p.m. S :4ft p.m. E. P. É&. W. BUILPINB 5113 $66.25 Louis Loa Angeles StO.OO TELEPfltNE St and Return. AiitaaneMIe Licensee. and retara San Diego $40. oo Memphis Zork A atoye, 117 Baa and retara $48.10 and Return. han gfto.oo Hand-Mad- e Irsnrlaco, Dort rive psasengcr Franclao and retara 5.000 Miles On SOUi. REPUBLIC Guarantee. $86.10 New York and Return. WD It. C. Slwrrer, WOV Ban Antonio, sale dally to Sept. Maxwell i'latrr. Oct-- gist. ELK AUTO SUPPLY CO.. 071 A. M. Ilwue, silver street. Dodge Ixw Angelan gags retara gssoo TIRES Xr rain IMego and return SJta.OO eirrs- - ptLiugMi 110, we Bourn Oregon Man Prautrtaeo and return I4&.00 Ford rive passenger On sale Tnne Stb to lStu. eon-- Manuel Baucaiaxi iin soutn sania July SSrd to SOUi. Oakland Auto Sales "SUNSHINE SPECIAL" LIMIT, two Co. re. lord anon ilia. rACTSaU utsiaiacioaa (Faateai train to tbe East.) M74 Kaasas city Bineltiug A fteflaiag Liberal gsorowerg Allowed Ce., usru inelter, wicblle truck A aXMOag. tus nag. agrá I mm Aurora, Dodge When you are in California be Oakland a Ma. Tat P. Bchnabel. sure nod visit TAHOE tOft-- L. Braerteld. 0 Montana, ford LAKE L. and tbe SAN EXPOSI- WINTON SIX El Paso Auto Sales Co. five pass agar DIEGO S uta restara Uaragt. Texas eon 7 South Blanton. TION. Pacific Pedro tuchanu, X ti. St, Saasa Pord delivery. Mitchell "ir Sea ral Aula Heiialrtaf Aalt as about Prag t Kail. It. Y.. says Southern Pacific b and City Ticket Office 206 No. Oregon. Auto Trimming & Supply Co. liver for they proved to l to hast aaad- - msfgf Vacation Trips MIUS, CORNER KANSAS PM0NE dv. 4H 1835 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30. 1 9 16. ISNT THE CENSOR PROVOKING? By MUTT and JEFF CopyrlrM, im. brae fasher. Trad Mark Resj. TJ. a Fat BUD FISHER

X IF A THAI f JUST THOUGHT Of A tUtU MAN 0T ON A I I i SCHCme Tt eer to chcago ANDJAip MC LOST HIS rtbNÉV II' . He vjooco everv if we arc BRorre. ct thc Bums Rush TWlSiSNtTr Jvic'UE SoT TO j ( t H6PC NO WOMAN VoU KNOW A But a woman, au. I WOMAN CAN T shc's 6ot A VRV PfflOATC I PO T J IS ReAOtNfc THIS AWAY WITH A COT 0F STUFF" TO 00 IS SMILC AT Thc a man Conductor simp PlACe To UNDR6S5 V PlCTOatC I That cant. and thc V ) CAVCJ IN. dO Tt THAT FAffH But ; I Í3r HOUSC AND dWlPe A W0NAN5 DRCSJ OFF THC UNC AND St)u DVC55 UP CIM A WOMAN AMD "


AUW.IU.mM. HAla. CAIOJ Situations Wan l ni Malo Wantod to Buy Miscellaneous Auto and Aeeessories for Sale a Furnished Houses for Rent HniKpkppiiinn Rooms 34 Room and Board Offered FOR REST. mi Mr nM oauf WILL o enywhere slid work reaaonahle; mam Kb To huy aecondhand tool and FINE PASSENCF.R AUTO, CHEAP Cost IF TOD WAKT TO SAVB SUNNY CHEST H A N A TORU 'M For ie r r Ü" caoii aar wurd . Russia. ediiraled. rlnrle, experienced bookkeep auna. H. Mohr. Wt 8. Kl Paao SL Phone owner, 3 months ago, Woo. On account money wt.en you move, phone 688. Trunks LARGE," iilcefy riirnlshecl hoiisekeenim losls. Located above city's heal and dust; U cats Mr irsra smm Junii leaving etty, ror 400 anywhere In city. All hauling In room, 8879. Hotel cool aleeplng par lina par aaasiia,t Intr. ateiiorrphlr. rwrteaT lltnekeeplnt. m. will sell rash. Sec hauled ttc reasonable. Phone porches; excellent meals; Is M- - goods. Km rstsa to Mk tO Ml MSl ta Npe panisii, no liiuerruioani. n. iwii, can owner, sir, Campbell St, proportion. We pack and atore Western, 316 8. Stanton. trained nurse. Rales 810 to 815 per week. Tlmea. Houston co., Highland Park car to Portland and Dakota. ae Kris Overland, transfer and btoraub Flu i.NT room, kitchenette, sleeping porch UNrtwn hartas muui HiiM, Furniture For Sale roll sale eler 881 8. Stanton. on and phone Phone 4A07. sdrarllalus uut aracmsMarart ST MM. "J": trie starter, elrrtrtc llghff, tires nearly rirsl rioor; water," lights al MT rdTTRENT. 804 N. k) Iba lln SUM new. car is in condition. A bar .in. ii f IBM. Situations Wanted c 400 Texas arariu U female Don't Throw gain for Phone 453A. room furnished house, block 1 H R EE housekeeping rooms, gas range EL PASO SANATORIUM , "a rash. agents. ror ÑI Id UM cil.KMAN Aoman wanl poaliion li"ii'- discarded or rurnlture away. It SL See my and sink 190 month. Call 309 W. Boule- - tuberculosis. Under new management ml" u BdU.MljJ (LI), sals Xdi1re thai plere B R i at IM Uroar u Jieeper. A. rare Tlmea. muy be or use to ome one. We will pay a im SALE Good as new White automobile PARK Moderate ratea. 1109 N. Cotton Ave. Phone nr iMaltal ii, SL A0 t764. Mrs, p. t. nail m ica4 la annaa- WILL care for Some miinmer;" refer fair prloa for It or exrbante It ror some- In pi feet coakllUon and lust from paint 115 Main Phone z. L Mil lor cIsrstflM M are lor goon IICUSEKEEPINO aulle, with sleeping porch, II IBM CM eneea t3?i. rare rimea. thing useful to you. shop; lern.; no agents; ramlly lea FOR RENT room house, furnished, 8810 WILL rent to couple or gentlemen, naartlo,, Not HIIIll l M Jt Kl blocks rrom library. 991 N. El Pay), select t t j r,o., Ing Pato. Phone An. SL; nice, large t elegantly room, mod- rrr.-- liHLSHMAklNn. so per (lav. Phon Ml. rana flbniture Rivera rront yard; garden rooms", rurnlshed bath, all dalr. nl ala oooom nm :nf Pbona KM. Foil SAI L TWO Ford roadsters and three and plenty or shade trees; 88 per month, or rwo nicely furnished housekeeping ern conveniences, with board. In prívalo Mitad MM oakw Mío L woman, days Phone 400S. Triii sl running 1011 N. El Paao. Willi At completely fur- - lords, several other good will rent It for less unfurnished. B. Tom water. ramlly. Everythlnr strictly hla-- clas and Mjraltud. inn SAIL narrlflr 9378, UKOAL AlJVXRnSIWO. nlahed 3 room apartment, aleeplng porch, usen rara, su s. sania re. Smith Phone TWO housekeeping rooms, private ramlly, perfect comfort. Phone 194. Agon Is hot water, ateam heat, cool; rent reasonable; H1CH ROLLS ANNOUNCEMENT. 84 per week. 1915 N. campbrIL BARGAIN for S convalescents. Each room, WIM. In. Phone 6M4. For Rent Hotel and cottages, mostly fur- FIVE rooms, with "sleeping porcii; lowest with large porch and li u. mm oars, ppr am MM. Ctoae board. Hleh. cool Om YOU ire iiaym for an ieecthlnmeltc(i Bicycles and Motorcycles cheap. Consumptives need 8980-- and not very . IMIillM, IM. POR Furniture or house, nished; not summer rate. Phone far ouL Phone MM teMTtlM. Ire every In diy. Why not end Tor the salí 4 SI Kotosky. High Rolls. H. M. PUM, Sn1.r. ... very reasonable, with privilege or renting HENDERSON cylinder motorcycle, fully BAHGÁIN Two large housekeeping rooms; FOR RENT .Nice, Urge room, with board-l- ust '"in Cover 60 pounds Mir, too pound Phone equipped. - y TT.r, pnatpild. Stiinpa tiken. 'Veil Iro the house ii7 v. .MHourl. JHM. PhoneTOM; BUTtOALOW. furnished or unrurnlshed; water; porrh. Phone 6515. the thlna- for convalescent Saver ompany, Soiithweatern BulMInf, oo.l furniture, practieally Urge cool room. Sunset Heights; terms ONE furnished room, with sleeping porch; bath. Pltone 5550. imsiaiin 25 very low. Phone . . MT I'M. IK Imitas, leí,, i, i, oil money for aaenta. new, for living, dining and bedrooms. Special Notices no children. Phone FRONT room, with sleeping porch; also Mr. i. 5781 1. foom with Tin. rh InaWllM." IM . Pargaln for Phone FOHNISHED house piano; THRF:E large, cool sleeping small, cool room, with good board. Hot EJKlli SPECIAL! neighborhood. Manhattan rooms; screened E. Nevada. 7 IOM i. of 4 room apartment. cool and good porch. 808 N. Oregon St. RiisinosM Opportunities uriilture Mee. cool rooms In suburban villa. 21elght Phone 7946. Leaving city, will sacrifice tr taken at to board and sleeping orc!i, 8 Lunches and chicken dinners order for "oñ per week, - TIMES BRANCH OWIUSS onee Phone 7M. a specialty. Phone F0H RENT Desirable home Montana St., for convalescents. Mrs. Jack- private parties w3. nicely furnished; reasonable to responsible son. Phone 6488. il'iVl Hiil.Ii (nrnllure" íor saie at 413 Tays room gas 810; rooms, IIAVK A DOWNTOWN CAFE, parties. Phone 8010. ONE with plate, two WI gt. Also good piano. s 818. Phone 810. WILEY SANJTORHM For tuberculosis over 1930. Leaa thin 1 1,uno Lumber! Lumber! ONE 6 room 4 rooms Summer rlearlnr 1'tiiMTl HK .r mrec room apartmeut for cottage; also and rates. Near Fort Bliss. Ph. 1874. will buy. ow rent. Tarmi u you on lines. Apply 191 I fsUowlne alafia 800 Mesa. bath; close in, ear NICE, cool room ror I or 2, with board, if JIm.lír branca aff-n- "V wish, owner Li not restaurant mm. aale. to 1300 E. Mtssn Magoffin -- IMM neaireq; waiaing uisiance. I'none 1337. Braoek St tXR SALE Oas stove, practically new. iiVF. ROOMS and light housekeeping; reasonable ltUlMlM)-Cn- MJ WE do carpenuTtng, painting and piper rooms and sleeping porch, completely Las cruces Convalescent BruM i MM Phone 53. nr-- done, pnoni 9308 Myrtle. nelson's Home. hanging; t class work furnished. 8810 Memphis. Apply 809 Myr J8 per week. Write Bo x 277. TwSAáp-a- V&mmi 3708. call after 6. asi t Mountain Ave. tle. vate L PM. Phone 4.16U. 3u San Antonio St. ROOMMATE wanted, with board,-pri- rw... a.... Mil " JEANETTE POOLE WHITE, dramatic art, NICELY furnished 4 rooms, bath, large family. Phone 9848. oratory, lawn, trees. Gmernment mil. Phone in U SEKÉEPIÑÜ l ooms. 196 Leon SL Phone wunout bor.rd. 385 troapccL Auto and Aoi i vsones Phon I7S1-- cLoÜDCHOFT cottage ror rent, nicely fur- f,S70 V. or t nished, lights, water. Phone 8418 ROOM and board. J9J3 N. t:ampbell. one or the iiivxi baririina the aeison. rosilsPT; It.illan car; electric LoctMa In Die heart I the bitalness dli Baggage "NEATLY rurnlshed three rooms and bam. ii li t, icon, leaae: owner retlrlnr from buaL Government Hill, 818. Phone 8384. 608 Upson. Phone Lrvcslock For Sale Political Announcement. neaa; thla place la worth :i,(i; your fur FURNISHED bungaloow for summer FINE Jersey cow. Phone 6813. ll.wai; hall eaah, batanea lo arrange. ThN Phono 4708. SGdJÉCT volñdorriñent l Hie bemocr.tlc In edge. monin. isie Anson. I ilace tilt - In July nel. pi. coot room, walking distance, rent reason- Poultry anil Euy pnmry elertlon County "? i" a n h n n u did.w lor the otTlce of nr. Main AKent. Phone m. IBM P hone 8888-- TWi housekeeping rooms. 3tl N. El Paao. 1,300 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. School! Tor El I ao countjr. oa sl rndiiit of liltOCKHY SI DUE FOR HALE. 677 eggs one day from 950 hens. Chicks r. tlully tollttt to tupvort oj to 31 s 114 per 100. Illustrated catalogue ,ic. primary. Mlii MyrWlnklr.jour Small ttroecry atore, on a (tood corner; Wanted Rent Furnished Rooms I or Rem free. t miu 4 v A ror Gentry's Ranch. Albuquerque. Ii. M. nlee in in monis dmdy nlace a Booster. Try a Classified Ad and HOTEL. WIÍÍ71""' WATWiÑ, ctiidldtle lor small nn of uoo, 1500 caah, balanri; FAIRMONT SITTINGS Ring Neck pheasant, black M- iUBJecl to suiient watch your business grow. 919 San tlon for county lax collector, izL pel uionlli. Antonio SL inorca. Prizes won prove quality. Row- - arllnn of Imni'iiTJitir prlmary. TWO or three housekeeping or small apart- Permanent and transient rooms. Summer land Gilchrist. Phone 8418. pnone 4763. Mrs. M. Allen. t'.oa Do You Own Your ratea. Phone 1 lir Main St. Crawford Theater. Phone SELECT Barred Rock eggs ror ROOMS. setting; Malo Help Wanted to II to some i. FURNISHED heavy laying stock; 75c for 15. Phone 73'.iii. WA.NThli Would like - re Running Hot liable party, without serviré.. Sv.000 b Apartments for Rent and Cold Water. S3,oou or slock In a well Home? Very Nicely Furnished. worth established, UNFIIRNISHED. 917 MAGOFFIN AVE. PHONE S877. Financial and Investments EMPLOYERS1 CLEABI?!0 HOUSt money. making business, doing S40.U00 BY HAWKINS BROS. may not. You never rOR RENT WESTERN. JEROME VERDE COPPER, Arkansas-Arizon- IM.nuo annually. Wrllo C. J., care Tlmea, You may or you apt. 706 Arizona ..ajr, HOTEL Mcilro; and porch, ... 815 Stanton. Phone 6879. Copper, Hull Copper, Green Monster, Mar- :mi Montlirrn giving .nuuresa or uorne. .1411 Manzana S. the pile of rent adobe. AU rooms, with or coni Wireless, American Telegraphone. irtmrt salary. Blort W II RENT A swell location, hear anyone boast about 9190 Texas outside without private right by the brick. balh. Rates 83 a week up. Washuugai Gold, Afterthought Copper and 110; Spanlah rrqillrrd. WfJtrWi Anion. -- a 3H05 Douglas (new) .. M moii latum, tor rumutuaiion pool receipt that he has accumulated in yearn brick, many others bought, sold and quoted. A. L. KO, room nd board. eurlo, cigars, barber and periodicals; ele om brtik. CT04 Bliss :c FOR RENT Newly rurnlshed room In a Delbel, Little Rock, Ark. gant corner BOO once, building has been remodeled. .'"I store at San Francisco SL but he will generally remark: We want inore nouses at bee our that Just SIS MILLS BUILDinOL H'iM. impure Hotel Bristol. of renting, Mat of houses end apartments. 13.50 to 85 week; but running water all toe time. 800 N. Oregon. Money to Loan ROOT in It barrels equipped complete. if I had or 4 room bungalow apartments "I could own my own home now THREE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN nargmg ouiiiis. Hirvióte soaa tanas, car- - TWO neal, clean housekeeping rooms, light, BniDOE rarpcntcrn. W; ir ioiimim " bouatioii. rountaln supplies. Empire Hot small payment down and paid gas and running water; gl a month. Also on dairy stock, horses, mules, rooming aa. i. u, nuiiH alore. Arl"na made a 3 room cottage. 404 W. bouse furnishings, automobiles or any ap- an thin- Works. Milis and Kansas. THE BREWSTER, 1019 Mundy Apartment, rurnlshed overland. UollermaK-- r. Sonora. t old 5780-- proved security at current interest rates. g0; il' waul a good saloon that is a mon the balance like rent." all modern not water; Phone coa minera, .lew MellOO, C Urn; with conveniencia; Notes bought and gold. Quick action and Mex maker, hurry ami gel this one. Ben's laundry. Phone 8988. cooL bedrooms with sleeping porch, confidential dealings. At 816 Bldg. railroad ramp. 11.75 0 . New """; are, camp balh, private entrance, or house- Trust 1175 old. dry itai soil comer rrauktin and will you one room apartment and private bath. LOAN Tere; cnntra. Sonora, ueu. none ;isv. If you are paying rent it pay keeping rooms. 1088 Wyoming. Phone 815,88 TO 880.000 TO on good real ooda man. minina mrr, apeak JWWM kitchenette, in toe Flak Apartment. Flak . estate security, 7 per cent per annum. New ItWi COM rcounUnt MEAT MARKET for rent In good grocery lenst investigate some of the places Ramsey Co. 408. G. KLAPPKR. Mro, So une to at KATHRYNE HOTEL Furn. rooms, not eaat BOQOra, maclmilst. store, location, very good neighbor- 8887-- and gci Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 1848. ameller. H! .7. N FURNISHED apartment, phone 50c a 19.50 First 71. gold; Uollermaker Sonor. It hood Phone 3359 in Real columns cold baths rree; night and week nora. advertised the Estate 5434. over 81.500 TO LOAN on close-l- real eslate. W. kOlrt; hotel porter (C0l0Pd), 19 week, New ALEXANDER APARTMENTS. Phone up. liOVj S. Stanton, Savoy Restaurant Si. hLMIHUlo.N lypewnter, visible, M0. c. porter. 105 Texas Bt, i'none gg. Mejiro. rail 4 MU II. ai? Sin t riiirlaro Typewriter Co.. 400 Mesa Phone 7747. today. NOHtMNDY hoi KL All outsldu rooms, water, baths, permanent and Leonard, El Andreas Apartments for Rent free FURN Ih'H ED . transient, summer raae. wt nan Antonio FOR RENT. RAMONA HOTEL, 610 li. Stanton Centrally M located; cool rooms, with bath, Auctioneer and Sale l BOY. WITH t, 3 and 4 room apartments; modern. MAN OR Alii. Room in y Houses for Sale rooms. day, special rates py wax, or nao, en. ssta W. A. WILLIAMS. KAHI.Y MOHMM. Light housekeeping Broker, I.EIIVEH Houses, and Í7AÍ4I1E. airy room and sleeping porches Auction Sales and commission ME TO tlllCLLATION DEPT., SEE His BARCAIN. rurnlshed unrurnlshed. cigar Stand. HOI IE APPLY 13 9 squares from postorrtre, opposite park orrice orndorrr rnomi on Myrtle Ave.; rent 5C per PARK BROS, I sell everything at auction or private sale, Ml s OKFICE. 115 Main St. Phone cog. ami library. 419 N. El neto. Pnone gstw. month, owner alia and forced to glasé up orrice Phone 681 ; Residence . easy price goes); ou and" Very close-i- Slace; term; down, THE SAN ANTONIO abajimeuls rooms FOH GENTLEMAN desirable, & guA per month. " room, room, connecting bath, In WHITESIDE I.ICATA, Auctioneers. W Accessories for Sale Personals 910 W. San Antonio; large living with private produce result.;. Temporary orrice 114 P A B B R O H. Auto and family. Apt. 3, Braso pnone . k BARBERS, very bath and kitchenette, rurnlshed or partly Texas St. Phone 6900. lio ROOMINO HOI HE III l Hi- EVERY ONE IS BLYIN'li ONE. KIHIIKH HOTEL COLORED new, building. no STUDENTS; no extra rurnlshed; comfortable THREE nice, well furnished housekeeping ll' Main 11. one AIM. WHY NOT YOU? beat service: porcn, sum 47 chara-es- : experienced lady chiropodist. FOR RENT 3 room apartment. rooms; sleeping private bath; Houses for Sole We can give you tin- best used-ca- bar rurnlshed 015 SNAP. iruuii- with aleeplng porch, new furnishings ami mer rates. n. bi raso. route, Itooii.lns- and boarding house, gains In the city. Note our partial list: s CRAWFORD Massage and BARGAIN. WANTED Large boy to rarry consisting 8880 8, E. building Just remodeled; homelike place. A BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for a gen office. or 14 rooms and rent haa one I8IA Dodge louring curlng. Room 81IH Overland. I will sell ror 88.48 cash, red ply circulation Dept., lime tl boarders: 350 pnoa 800 N. Oregon. 3 blocks from Sheldon Hotel. tleman in private resiaence; reterence. cottage, modern, at 3316 good leaae and only 2 blocks or Ibe''plaxa. One 1WA Ford roadster eigne, ism pressed brick pnone 4B3U 40 tins an iiuusiini to get a one ttilA Maxwell touring 50 HIVERVIEW APARTMENTS. 705 W. Main Frultas street; will consider yearling opportunity 471 "'HEIGHTS, w as payment W. J. Collins. good iroosltlon. Price l,0s"si. Une tvtA Chevrolet touring Store and Offices Furnished and unrurnlshed apartments; 8CNSET here It's cooler, one heirers part IW15 350 room sleeping N. M. une Ford roadster good summer rate. Also light housekeeping modern and porch. Phone Turumcarl, Logging superintendent for M 850 FOR SALE Cash grocery; location. . R BARGAIN. wwiTti or Nex Creel Co. One II5 Fori touting Bargain. Address E. 8. A7A. care Tunes. rooms and aleeplng roomi i'none 808 iHigariy'riperatlon. Ule Catnperhe, Realty 1915 cheap, new rrom One Ford touring It FOR RENT For the summer mouths. LARGE, cool rooms, suitable for 8 or 8 gen For aale, brick house; Po This soctlon ha been free liioiie Mn 304 Maaa. Ford touring 975 816 never 4een occupied; hair block Musi siianlsli and One IStt Houses for Rent swell rurnlshed 5 room apartment, close tlemcn; all modern conveniences modern: trouble. Nil man, cxiiencin ed m cost .mil lime One 1814 Ford touring 883 K. care Meaa. rrom car line; block rrom paved street; in had experience Medran conditions. "l sou In; 840 per month. Address 187, have keeping svglemi or 1815 Chandler touring. 5 bungalow, near VlsU Government HHL Eaay terms. I'boue owner, HI. CORPOBATIOS, manuracturlng planta One ROOM new Alu Tlmea. DELMAR ROOMS, rilE CAMli-- ' Ai.t 350 SL A 6188 Philadelphia, Pi. 00 comí acini secas opening as coal ac one American tmdrrsluug roadster school on Clifton beauurul place; bachelor water; rree pa nay: as up wee Nortli Amerloan Bids with one IM Jeffrey i.l.osE IN, clean. iforlable ins; ror a day or couiiunt such ion, ecu or with mining t0 or y Turn "Merchant" two and W AN K M'ii to learn barber trade lew company; many late models to REALTY CO.. apartments: private balh; rurnlshed TWo rurnlshed rooms. 810 N. nclio. through mceiianicat and Iraughllng ei We hare other CREEL .mo--. SELL that used article. Sell It the weeka completes. Wages Ssturdsys. oerlem hesi or reference, anywhere u choose from, price ranging irom 1900 to Phone 507V 804 Meaa. paruy rurnuuen. iiiooe Community bath. No sick. I'tione 8686. TIMES advertising just a other merchant walling. Can run your 4 room Tools given. Juba Pjllted States H tl Box HA, it 800. AU bargains and in the best or couui cottage, 3 porches, Highland FoR rurnlshed NICELY rurnlshed rront room; reasonable sell things. Branch office at 105 Texas SL own shop. Write for Information. Moler NEW. modern bath and aleeplng pnone awpsav A MONEY MAKER- - HEAL IIAH(;XIV lion. Park. Phone apartment; private close in. 606 W. Mlssoun. llailHi college loll Worth, texaa. FBED O. HO ALL AMI A CO., porch; close In. Pnone win Real Kstalc tir--t DIRECT FROM Ot M il lilts WEEK ONLY FOR IlKfIT cottage. 8517 Blabee SL ONE large rront bedroom. Willi porch; also and fur vVYNTÍ'.fi A class paer banger and 9A W. Ssn Antonio. APARTMNTB-Nic- elv paao. riri rooms. 4 blocks osUiftice. close In. 1858. AtriNMIIA rurnlshed small bedroom. 808 ft. El man only pay full Phone 4085. Phone ó rooms, v canvasser, union will 01 rui iraca new immune, mw rent, large wiin private uatu, DESIRABLE room, close In, private ramlly; scale. 5oc hour, big Srings, Texaa. year owner, ,,ihe.- month. 7M N. Florence. lease account interests Mouses for Rent gentleman only. Pimne oes. R. BILLARD. Phone 888- Phone 916 itI. iiHiihant. onirartor. sou Having 10 leaic cuy. w at a ,,w furnlahod apartment, built v. boy io retalT delivery figure, gor water rurnlshed, BROADDUS LE BAHONjt drive price, etc owner at Kin rent: In reaturea. linen and ll wagon Apply Belgian Bakery, tto L. ma caiupneii WE HAVE TOR SALE New bungalow (just completed) In gq- - Phone 778. u ai'-- l Large 110 per month. overland BOOM the rollowlng used cars, and Manhattan Height. sleeping porch, apartment, llghta, wa NICE front room. N. 0, BUCHOI A CO. t ROOMIM. HOI SE porch and basement. Hardwood NiCELV furnished pnone gar. WANTED Ui experiéñaul autotnoblie 41 St.. large ass. consider each and every one screened ne, reasonable. ajama, Sheldon Lobby, Phone 777. m Teiaa ard. rem Fur Uw errecta: per ter and Lordaburg Co., I a bargain at price we are floors, all biUUin IJi month. In- rbaalc Auto ordsburg, nlturr at a bargain. Sow if you want REALTY' CO., FOR r; cheap apartment. Willi A. P. COLES A BROS., real estate and m. oían ace asking; PHILLIPS surance Block Plume 85. a MiT, ui.v aKui., 01 First Nat. HanjL Bldg. private bath tttpMyrlle. Phone Mil Morehouse boy to get their hair cut BM al T A R K B R Og. ROOM a"for 9 yonng men, cióse In; summer UEOROE A BON, áos and 7 passenger A rooms and sleeping porch at flie W. CRUTCHER te San Al tlf. Molo SI. Block North port On 181! Chalmers FOR HEM room s tory red pressed thrTe ratea SIS llnaon. Iranrlsro St nrfire. 191 5 Montana and Stanton. Room 4. Morehouse Block Phone 99. A One passenger Oakland brick, 140 Rio Orande St 850 per month. Wright, corner A NICE PLACE TA VERM Rooms Willi bath, 84 week WANTETD barber at once j ileady Job log demonstrator, RIO GRANDE REALTY CO., rooms. klMbenette and nam. ueor TEXAS HILL, HUFFMAN A H1ÑTLEMAN. Real te It and norch. good 8471) San Francisco looms location one Hup. 80 roadster, 811 WaL Bank Bldg. twoi c siaiimiL UP Phone and Insurance, Mills Rid, i'h ail. or tracks. Price only gum, tMl down KaT tit Flrt Auaruueuit, n til EliXII I Ml ..1 Ml At Ph one Chalmers truck. u NICE, loom, reasonable rent Apply in 10 4" ur g5 prr molllll B Foil RE.N1 3808 Alameda Ave, rooms. 8 the' lély rurnlshed col Tor 9 M87. Jt. 4 806 M4S. P A B- -K B B O- -s baths, large lot, suitable unties menu. MM M jnoue It will pay you to investí- 9K. J 785A Wl E. tl& Main i W c Porter Phone or I lu aliou. Nevada. 1. MARR CO., Female Help Wanted " St. hone M. gale these cars before buying sl HÍM L. STRICT I. Y Phone 4560 a Bldg. TaMphesxe modern rooming hoii,, beau elsewhere. cllri Rooma 88 week and up; uiuiiy rooms uumo OAKLAND AI TO SALES Furnished Houses For Rent Kl Apply DfX RMMl HORACE STEVElTa, furnished mh free a aay and will eacririre. part cash ant COMPANY. Ramsey A bth Real EaUte and Inauranr. term, ur will PRIVATE family, dose I11, balli aeljoimiig arrepl rlear city lota in part 407 Myrtle. room NICE aparuiieut payment Adi'ress IS74. care Tun. , lit. 0I7 tf City Property WABIED llioioughly salea l Ipauii. ran. ... ,, Real Estate nd liiMixilNc, 7 ratea. Alt ladles In ready to wear tie pa unent of Osa house for aale. rooms all fur" and 4 room ruruiantd apart- Nlcf cool front room; summer nlsned. giMJd FOR BENT I White House. Call Muuday uiorutug on Mr. tocatluii. long lej- - tii,, For Rent ment Pbons 100. Afwon. , Unproved btislnea property on S. Stanton Hejrer. I5U down, balibre 011 time Address' ear. LARGE summer 7 N. St KVUIfO feet. early income - tax. tits Ford tourkig 4 room, 800 Missouri apaiuueute. sleeping porche bedroom; rale. corner Lot eaie runes. torn lug 9.y it RNlSHhli Stanton. M.750. Will bring gt.Ouo per year. luis Ford csi 5 looms, lio N. Florence 480 Stewart, eally SALE- - room 101 39 or terms anu a nsrgatn loR tt tiling house; good twi Hupmoblle touring car. 5 1108 N. Florence iu 4oo with sleeping porch. Ml Title errect. Best location; I, mini. STlMWiintrABTMENlb. E, Missouri UbUWirtom good o. long lease; 18U Hupinoblle touring car. 5 rooms. 0 N Virginia st.uu for a quick sale. S rent aea- - month Ainu El P iso Phone AÍ79. 1814 overland touring car. 5 rooms. Arlaotv . Fnoc I aee rran cmc aim 100 aam rtlMJS Baths hone 8377. L. MARR A CO., Scie girl for d.,h..hcr. 31 r We have tltese and other good used car. r. 10..10- - All N. Virsinls . KM u"l JAMES 35 00 M rooms. M 8lt aswntk. 887 lTeeecL Phone 4S5U. 8M San Antonio St Lost and Found 10 LONE STAR MoTOII Co. i. 810 N. Oregon ... Housekeeping Rooms a4 80 ou tXiK RKNT. 1 KtlVgvMzfasVllaWa 84" Mesa "M ( diamond ring and screws pur- EL PASO AUTO WRECKING CO. fiirntsiud. I8Í4 N su.uu 10 ó riaani 4 "nicely rurnlshed rooms. Ilg ple ring box. Maio If turneo I We buy. sell and exchange cara oí ail Large sou asase FDR RENT - -- nioicioom a m with baby greud plan Umi.i mo, t iain makes, also parta Best pines paid fur block Texa Bt louaekreptng. LnfuilllKiJ Booms for Rent and metal. See us before you semi 75.00 wklklag 5 mouui 1818 N. Lost English bulldog rubber ou San Jacmto St BARGAIN- -I rooms not far Sale ' snawrr. iianio ror uew eixillip l ollakorr, Sloreroom m large southeast For i'an Reward. Phone 3717 xt part. am Paso lighl. water, pbotas and gas stove, as. Virginia and Magorrin Are. a fin Manager. ac len, s, k. ep ruoina out; soil Lost Lnglish bulldog, j. ti. son ,...1 rurnlshed t tiiiiusbed lit-f- t Wsty 848tW. apartment alte. brinoie, male mj tnitn close raw ai d Ptionr 66SA WANTED. habí. N ioTjPLK. 8 light, Texas St. in. 800 TEXAS STREET. Bionlh ei3 st 'ran. TO trniilnHl rtsuui. Wile. Wanted Halo hand automobiles, any make. Ford rj water, phone, N. Kaaaaa, ref Aparusent bouse, M room. 58x880 feet situations PHONE ML WIsU and sleeping pull lies riiltiaspi; Work l or ÍT pieferred. Call 15 H. CampbeU ttt Pboste erances; BOStesy 0 with solo- peo Sale Miscellaneous iS'iin housekeeping squares frou 40x10. lean at ctoaa in. pk, gnywl-r- r. Wlf COOK, UUTsr El I'aso I hone wor, 1.1 t. modern unturnnhed rooms, gTOjakl drawer, operate O W M A P4I1TKR iiaWo4Tirr iiv m utility. Jeuitui lrtrieaiis rf'1 'J1' mili NMlnKNTCoii-ta"i- r liousekerplftg rooms, floor, rront and naca porciH. close B. F. & handle u"'u oar. rear FoR'SALK IWU il ratal I Hammett Son hand; boalolfiir "ua loin nig car. lu House, E. SI. UaVljr deslnS. a. difieran keetins lion, eleeliii starter and Ugliu. leaving ou Rio Uraude 88 Vbedl if pnvate balU. a tutti Texas 81. 111 H. UrajjOB. rtJavaa tint plMti, M Hav. mar. cily .1, cker baby earrlagei lurarty town; uiusi sell quick; Mg bargatu. Stew and Board Offered tMVERNMENT" MILL COME BACK. IIUCS. 4Tli. art. lit W ovni laud Ptsosx 8 THREE neatiy fiinitslied rooms. 3 uufui " Two south front lots, srood netahhortsood FOE tki- - aaejrtM runs aod teartL IM8 Rk and street; MO down, tin per mouth; no lá- G ' uU iron poriabU (era 4t Ford tar beiL a WAUT ADS BRlN RESULTS 88, Motel Setuwa. 6 fc. Miaaourt.' Riug tun teles ur taxes fur is usuuuu Phone MKE EL FASO MOKNiNtj nivit2, lUtaUAí, MAY 0. I V I b. . II POLLY AND HER PALS- - Of Course There's a Place for Everything and Ashur Knew It :Bv CLIFF STERRET

1 UM A 1 - I " s t L ? 7 AM 'Bmoeo SHOES irVtrMT L4iiT)

Of TILK í jO l IS UtfMRMl . IS Í A f A-- n I II Mr I ' - S6Í4T? TRÍAS t- ' i -- Mt fet 3 ti c Ti JUL. e s y 7


M50- -

Real and City Property Exchange HpI Estate Legal Notices ft2 toe CASH printed In DULL MARKET FOR 4 room bungalow, with t sleeping notice to one For Trade final aetU JEROME VICTOR porches; partition between li 5 N. glassed In; wa tbli ACRE ORCHARD At Artesla, last the ssms If they see house built clear, to trade for Texas nroncrtr. July tenn. 1818, of ssid County Court, iiawaaaanrOng year; no Incumbrance; is In food at court County CLASSIFIED EXTENSION bis 120 ACRE IRRIGATED FARM Near Lake be holdan the house of said or city, on 1V4 lots, In the City of El Paso, on the day of July. A. D section south Arthur, N. 4 room Ird commanding view or city; car M.; artesian wells; 1811. when ssid account and application will hi Bought, Sold and Quoted. THE RED METALS front, house; clear. Paso or val by Busme8s, line t Mock: K.MO. 30 per month. Want El income acted on said Court. Professional and ley land. Ólrej under my hand and seel of aaid Oowrt. at Report on Request. Including; Interest. BUSINESS HOUSE and my office la the City of El Paso, this ltth days of ANTONIO, TEXAS. , SAN In Artesla, N. M. encum stay. u. tot. g house, on rotm residence (Seal.) B, MaCXtXTOCK. Manning Co. room modern H.soo. El raso Income B. Curtis & King William St., In san Antonio; hai brance Want Clark. County Court, Paso County. Tesas. Telephone Directory will double sleeping porch, car line t consider land. By C. A reads. Deputy. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fractional Declines in Practically school, paved street, II ACRES All in cultivation: Issued this 10th day of May, A. D. 191$. block, close to bouse; trees; E. B McCUNTOCK. El Paso, Texas. All Isiues, Although Close 1 been t wells; fruit renred; HANG THIS UP IN YOUR HOME OR OFFICE FOR QUICK on lota. This has reduced ditch. Want apartment house In El Paso Clerk. County Court. El Pase County. Tea as. from 17,500 to for quick sale. By c. Araada. Deputy. Phones Was More Active. 160 ACRES Near Demlng, N. M. ; house REFERENCE IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME 376 and 1822 Will trade ror Rl Paso property. nam gasoline A true copy. I certify MONTANA ST. and sheds. Well, with en PETTON. J. EDWARDS. part In cultivation. Want valley land Sheriff of El Paao County. 10 rooma, red pressed brick; make (Furnlshe.i naily by or Houston in lexee. Bf K. 8. Ooad, Deputy- fine residence; other side CHARLES W. BARLOW, with IF YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS LISTED HERE CALL 5050 Sloegs and Bontls, First National square; location speaks ror ltseir. Hank building. El Paso. Texas.) There are 5 bedrooms; everything up Anderson-Fille- AND ASK FOR THE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT CObpari rrenerslly were very dull plant, car line, r AUTO STAGE LINES and to now; heating SSÍSi J1"'!, mi declines In school, paved streets, sidewalks 107 Teiti Thone 4081. llcally all St ACCOUNTANTS. STAGNANT SESSION latuesy!-during the dav. though goes to make a fine grew S. for everything that TIMES than the most part were The ag.SOO; as, wo cash, bal- MORNING Of- rruruonal. home. Price Leaves Pioneer Pleas, front of Hotel H. H. HüNPMCfc. W yea-- nicrlcnce. li.sitmA'H k.L ThANjIKKH CO., m market rallied shortly nerón- the close and ance to suit purchaser. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TO TRADE. and Sunday at 5 s m. fice 0S First Mai. aiik Bldg. Pnone 48. no s Oregon, storage, baggage and nroverles were made or earlier Irjgtti and -- to amoony. t'losetl .,...... ,. large rooms, basement and e El Paao canutillo, 7fte: ireiisiPr ''none 1444. ttrona anil nun. n,, Berlno, It. 25; Mosquita, $1.80; Meatlla lark, 1.TB; msde a gain In the o'r Newman Investment heat; hardwood Noors: beauti- 81.00. last hour point lo built-i- Las Cruces. TTAXTbafiulsts. ON STOCK nd ful rraturca and nxtures; Returning, auto laavea E T. Jonna: news MARKET na.1B'm galneti u. lo ataña. ACÜOl : NT i N "Phone TIXU Sup Company extra large bath and dressing; Las Cruces. p. m. Phone loa. Mrl Fl nildS. FlTsrn' M. i.loslnir quotations: St. Small ram peefcages at '. A. TriURSTUN-C- . M. UltlbBH, Wluno " ni;lte and Superior Phone 550. too San Antonio mirror In closet door. This sct earned UJPIIOL8TKR Iflti. "" bit, place was built by the owner ror a Make reservations the night, before at Tta City Nallonal nan! Bldg; calumet and Arliona '.. ... 73s. teiephona 00ao. P'jrnliui e upholsteied, repaired and packed? Copper Raiige ' home, and Is In prettiest location in AlllllMi MACIIINEST Collliigsworth. i.' town convenient to EX PASO-F- II ENS AUTO LIKB. F1C. 110 fl. SUnton. Ph. 74P. 4? everything. Will maciiluesT" KS MIUl SHE Wall Street Bears Familiar Ante-- tireen Monster IV. F. Payne sell or trade at leal than coil Oood BUPHuUOHS adding VitKRINABV 8UBBEÓÑÍ7 Jerome Verde I IS lots or smaller place, or will accept and Sunday at a. m arriving Fabvna 8:80 a. m.. r.l VIT. BNUlNKKBkv DR. IUQU1NS. Holiday Aspect; as R. Pnone RSI. S017 Texas. Gain Kenuerolt Ji ESTATE AND INSURANCE. anything part payment roe 10 REAL that is norm a xsiota, tumos soutn rwM te W. i.. wo iifraitTBTdg. PSoaa isbT nospitai ror norses and dogs New worth the money, if you want a Faiiena. FareaEl Paao to Tsleta, Mo; Clint. 08e; miieu, and Loe? Mix. coniella itu real home make me a Fabena. 00c; San Ellaarto, 78c Light ezpreae busl WAX MASKR, D. V. 8. Pilona 1117. North Hutte proposition aliaga cdiBorouv. Hay Phone 1S50 on this one. nsss uransscted at oomina ratea. Make rmsrv Hercules 4Vi tot Mesa Ave. night before at Times Circulation Dspextment Fhaae MARE Y 1'imHY. lu Itucller Bldg. Ph. 1L WAGON Shannon See HUI, with 8450. Uv Atsnrltlril lrea 8Vs BILL, HUFFMAN A CHIN HORSES, mules and catlie bought, sold or shattuck ..'.'!;:;' PERSONAL ATTENTION R1NTLEMAN, MALL UHISO Wagons New York, May 5. Today's aireaslvely I'r.lted UNE. traded. and barness. Registered uom Verde F.xtrniilon ttWi Insurance and Bonds, iger servios leaving Hosweil. T S. pa., and CHIMA FlRl.Mi. liossonable. PbSna M. Jersey bull ror uiilttiimi session or llir slock exctiange 311 MIUs Bldg. Phone 251. p. daily Sunday, service. with an ll 9. 1:18 m.. and for Picacho. COURT HOUSE WAGON YARD, the ramlltar esperta, LIVLSTOCK Tlnnie. Rondo. Fort Stanton, Capitán and CLEAMCHn AM) I'ltkbSKHS. losses, the MARKETS. lineóla. Cor. Campbell and Overland. Pb. Pft4. iriegular misture of gains and COLLECTION OP RENTS, REAL ESTATE Nogal. The above schedule gives a thorough dally TAlLUftlNÓ cleaned former nndbBunktlBg at the rlose. Deal eacn way mnwoen noawau ano raso, al union hat i KANSAS añil Al LOANS AND SALES. FOR EXCHANGE. and blorknd. 9. Manten, pnone saau. WA0ON fOl sale lugs were the lightest and moll contracted sy lowing 80 minutas for lunch In Cerrtaoao, E, P. Jk n hire; horses boarded, tú and Kan. P. 4140. or Associated Press. 10 acres vallcv land thlrrl In B. 8 loaves El Paao T:10 a. ar- NT 4BSI. of any day for many weeks, the output unner vrar W. train te. Auto Jai"(.I.Miiuig k.i. 516 'atanuin. Ph. 4Í.O00. ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE. alfaira, city rives Boa wall 8:80 p. m. E. P. B. W. train 7 ' the noon hour barely aggregating iit,t) u8S2&!iuU3. for or suburban bouse and lot WELDING. venernlly IOC under Saturday's or automobile, 471. arrives El Paao T:M p. m. Only a trip UKNTISTS. shares,' only tnUl ror me nay average. Light, by rare way. Cor- machine and automobile weld--,; heavy, TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITHOUT daylight Through one BeewoU to heavy parta sub- lu.iniii WILL a rooming be Interiiirdlatc points Sc pgr mile. DR. BAUCIIEIIT. VU8 Mills Uidg. promptly. Brown Welding Co. Reading and l.ehigli Valley, both al pics, I7.!ilt.l0. LOWS IV trade lor nouse, must rí soso. $8.40. .ti THE Or DULLM wen carried up to ITS pounds 50 potando free; tírowñ, Mills Bldg. stantial advances over week's rinal quo- CatUe Heceipts, w.ikkj. A CLIENT. near in, several located ion. Address deuiiit.4tu floor Market weak. a ism, care ceas at ic per pouuu. tations, festiired the rails. Native beef wesp-rt- i Times. Dr. Stevens 19 uidg. 1'h. 1180. steer, g.iiti.65; ROSWKiX AUTO COMPANY. Great Northern preferred and Northern oi'aati, Í?80?'401 ockBr. cows, Owners and Opop W.sofjt.rlS' calves, I0.00; A NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW In Alta Vista; isa uarreen vie agencies. PRODUCE MARKET Parirle were only allrrlillv md teinpiiisrlly 8ii. on Legal Notices GLOBE TO PHOENIX, arrerlcd by lbe death of guiding Sheep -- Receipts, 3.000. Market weak. basement, souin front "H Via auto. ivwn passenger car leaves Olabo dally. Williams lietecllvu Agency their 12,650. Why pay rent whentiu""you can So. 11.300. criminal cases. with representative (shorn). g748.3; lambs (rkteiB), Price Time 8 hours. Make rase rations at Dominion lotal made of civil and aplrlt, recovering other W0riS91o.fti; buy this house on sioo down, u mum... m THE STATE OF TEXAS. QBsOjg, Olla Valley Auto Serrtoa Stage LAwa. First Bank Bldg. Puone 44o. stocks In the general course of the sesshtn springs. lvtii. Never OCCUDled. COUNTY OF EL PAHO. Na and siatular.l ..luillnr una ENOLE. ELEPHANT BUTTE AND HUT SPRXNUS United SUtes Steel other on Boulevard; District Court, El Plato County. Tuu, UlbLNIKCTTNU. or the tune, but Al A DANDY HOUSE, Forty first DUtrioU Mile Hajiaon, AUTO LINK. shares were listless most Kansas City. mourn, m Judicial a. CHKM1CAL a: 40(180. Terms, 1100 down, 30 Plaintiff. J. w. Kark at a!., dofantttuito. Connection With All Traína at Er VA.MIS CO. rote briskly with various specialties toward By Asiorlated Press WHEREAS, by W. Hefffsgman. Prop. dlalnfectlng Jltnea. FKKD. Um Movements other quarters or kansai, Jv. eluding Interest. Price tt.500. virtue of an tuaruttrni Utiied out Special conuact rates for Alfalfa, fancy, par end. in city, May Hogs Hecelpu, 1B.- - . m Rich oc akclaaala. ton.. vi. ii unnii ui M.ilun or uio xmLru txruxi JU Jfaao Cuiity. T.ebs, for FA1XS AUTO ÜNB no n oi. rwmw ww.. Alfalfa, fancy, par the list were seemingly spetulatlve. The luwer. Heavy, Forty JuillcUl Ulatiiut on a judf:iient ren aiiun ratall. Inn D.e0B.7U; large garage, south rrorft. rim Alfalfa, No. 1, per ton. motors attracted son;e itleiitlnn. light. 'I ii 111KS. mond Terrace; dered In said court on the 6th day May, trip daily SY0BE8 wnoLtatla. i.,. s.fojrrasga. 14.500; $100 down, ISO month, uf A. Round uauc Alfalft. No. 1, par ton C.1I1K I4.ISSI. Trice terms, fsrur of the said Mllas Uauismi aud retail, Amona- the more prominent Issues. Ihe lo llecelnts. l.,,l.,i ..i,, Now occupied SUN fjRIia CO Com. wholaaala. pay cat I so Prime red an- ineiurilnrr Interest. aalnst tile said J. W. Saris. .No. 18,10 on Ui it um lives and allied equipments were firm iiimdiii estar t... .' VACANT LOTS as part pay- 81 Teiaa, Cur. Stanton. Phones corn, rotan par aat t n WILL TAKE docket of said eourt, did, mi ths 21th ttey of NorUMrn oast, to strong. S.toii'iatj; Blockers. 7.tMj.SS; calve.' bungalow m May, A. RAILROAD TIME TABLE .hit bolaaal i I.M ment on this beautirul IX, loir, at 1:1 o clock A. M.. levy upon rtüHALFi druaglaL Estab. mi yis. wrut aceitón. Uia utto eh, sortnam 0.1. ratal s Mexicans and the metals were backward . Alta Vista. Breakfast room, j,wu. foliowlni doKTlbsd tracts and Dcriwls of laud Prescrlpiluus specialty. ai6 fL8iajMgn. Toaoo red ciiyawd wholaaala l.ll Sllll-- onftl. Market at.ab situated In U) County our oala. i l.n with selling or leading coppers. HAWKINS BROW Phone 2800. of El Paso. SUU of Texas, taaaa ran cuppcu oau. ratal t further Lambs, to.buftvi: vesrllnea. Mraiolii- am,.. and beionalny; to toe said J. W. Earl, H I ) LN G. HA I EMi Chop, bwolaatlt. par cat Western railway renters reported heavy ers, is.i'rrut.rxi; ewes, I7.B0&V. Lract of land lyinx on tbe east side of Chopa, pw i Ml El A ItaUiwal manicuring and Marlnello ttUU. cat I l.M gains In rrelght available, with higher OWN A HOME CLOSE IN. the Hueco Tanks Rood, aoaaetlmaa called the Ca- Put HAli'DHESüinu. Bran, wholaaala. pay cat 4 l.M it rsnatt no more. Let us build you a mod mino del Bosque, and very near to too depot and grain lb North arid b Am ra. P"l'- Hud.lguei. Bran, retail, per set i l.ll prices for various commodities. At M mils dining tbo depot reservation In toe town of Yaieta. beaui- - 1 CUfurulau .. 4:3 am MejMI par By em bungalow, with living room and nlng on tor- Uui.iui Limlud .. 1:40 p.m. raid, eholetalt. net i l.ll Tbe strength and activity of Associated Press. the south bank of the Acequia do I suu CbiektB faed. ratall. par oet I by room Having narawooa noors; nillo at a stake which ta 4Vs deareea east. 1.5 7 Xucunicarl-E- l 1'iw LocmJ .. 1 .14 l.M end Canadian bond Issues was regarded St. Louis, May it. lif.000. glassed uamkltclieu rrom Um Wwt M0O00 TO LOAN ou watches, diamond at I as having some to Market lower. bedrooms, one In; bath; varaa from an ash tree 13 Inches lit diameter, the Arrlr. tPoultry whohraala prlca.. fumlalMd by Natl Wall street relations Pigs and light, g7..'iOt5.7U: and buffet! point batug the northwest corner 4 (Joldw Wat Limitad .. Watches cleaned, 6oc. Casn for peace good heavy, ; .m,ííj".70. ...hlnal. hlr ,lnel hontuUl brtcintf of a I:N. per cent. Company. ) resident Wilson's recent address. bulk. ,imni front cement and tract formerly owned by Mrs. B. Chrlstoulier. now I CottMC ClOf blXKlal .. f:4 gold allver. 1,00U Villa money for II Turkaya. or par value amounted to Utile s. ,..A1J. norch. with rioor NtKUl and gaat L.parL and lira. lSj: chlckana. 15c: duck. 14c: Totsl sales bonda .Market lntt'ar N. owned by Ueorgo. thence with the west line For to. Co., 106 San Antonio. 13,340,000. hrlek balustrade: 10 minutes' walk from CalUornUa U. S. Denver Jewelry Oraatad turkaya, Uo; atUckana, If to lio; ducka. tivc beer llaeri. h.iOeBtO.lfl: voarlm kieen easy UM eaid CltrUtop'isr tract, south I degrees, wast I :: lc , postorrice. Price low- terms 241. ft SO Ooldw BXAU Limitad BTAPLaB. on and heircrs. rows, IS.fyOU'g.?; slock-ers- varas, thence north M defrees minutes. I (pt fPttrnlahad he Kaall'a Urocan t'nlicd States bonds weie. unchanged Mi0: HOWELL REALTY CO., 101 varaa to on Tuculutarl-t- l Paao Local .. junk Rim l.J0tii,.M; southern g7.30f(ji oí; anoint the east boundary BuUar, beat no tore of cUI. steers, tog Herald mag af said street or road, thence with the For UM Vfaat Donan. IMOil AiNU ME1AL CO.. tbofi San Ut Prime yearling steers and 18.754 001 Lliolual .. 141 pra. tL PASO Taaaa aaa. pay ota it ot Moslag quotations were as follow heifers. of said north, north 40 degrees, salt ITt I Ooldcu Stat in scrap Iron, rubber, ; cows anil heirers, l.'.tag; prime soutli--1- RANCH AT STATE COLLEGE. to a point on Cll Spadal .. Antonio, dealers Aiiierickn Hect Sugar al- the south hank of ssid t Caw 7:.m. b'ylit'b, etc. 486U. steer,; native calves, 51 acres; young orchard; hay barn; Aoequla de Tornillo ihmoe following said A ceo gasta Fa Syat. cnppei. biaa, . HQii.M. ule groan American Can Sheeii I.ouo. Market Tower. well; adobe Route; machinery, as follows South TP d agraes, east varas, south tk. Nurth aaxl baat Ant CALL ua up for your old magailnei and falfa; rood It Ciyraaa .10 40 American Ctr and Foundry ml Wethers, lambs. team mares; S modern brick bunga- M d agrees , east 80.1 vans to the place US ilaalrai. a.m. books llllools hullle and Junk Co., 1011 WHEAT MARKET IS of beginning gl 1'aao Paaaaosv Mneriran Locomotivo lipped ewes. I7.& weUier lows, always rented, electric lights, water, Ill overland SL 1'lione imi. American Smelling and Heflnlng rllnned chicken houses, garage, i tract lying a little further north on said It.bu0iu.7r.; npilng lambs. Hum 13. sleeping porch, o of road and across the Socorro Acequie Ill Eanaaa O.J aaxl OUC4S0 .. M a m American Sugar Helming city limits. . MESSEMaKSS. etc., on macadam road, hair.iallc said umn of Y i lets.. Tesas, beginning a tlO Culoaat Faat Mall ...... I Wnu lei. arid Tel at wwmwx iVEST Mullican 81. Joeanh. Box 837, Las Cruce. N. M. oottonwood stump on the bank of the aWorro autñcrn ráeme wiuii QO L DEN Afín-- Iran Lead and 8 HPS grotn Uta gaaa MtittelMTyKtm. in. By Associated Press. ll.MO. Aoequla, the southwest cofuer of the Old Burhauan LOAN Anaconda Copper HancJ). row caned the countnaaue Hsjirrt. and the I atinaM laynat MONEY TO LOW, UNSETTLED m Joseph. ,;o.. May 0 - Hoes ItacelnU. 4 of Manhattan A P hi sou lo.'.H, room house, just outside southeast corner of this survey: thenoe with the a ,! ten r,,ri.lah,l HlaVle.l ueuule. UUletly 0,000. Market lower. Top, gft.70; bulk. Heights, built of red pressed brick; has Lerly line of said Buchanan Bench, and omtar FTtmi lb ri'aat Arrl.a baldwln Locomotive BTfi IM0SH go, I 0 a.m. quickiy, cneafriy. mi large rooms, bath and porch. Terms. small Acequia north 48 I degress, east M4 to: I i,ls Pal ll more and Oblo cattl. RenelpU, t.soo. Market lower. is to a stake the northwest corner of said t caiuorutau UOVLNU litooklyn Hapld Trtiiall HS IHOiu.a:,; Buchanan Kanch and the northeast comer ct this 11 Sunaat LapteB cilsa Steers, rows anil heifers, littlu; Company a Co. Hutte and Superior Copper Ml Creel Realty aurvey; usance along the northwest bank of old got tee kaa MOV1N0I Moving Call oduui lisnofer calves, latiii. Breaking Drought in Kansas i. Petroleum ml . Phone 5075. KM Mesa. long the line of said Budianan 101 Sunaat Llmlterl of Momia Sheep 1.000. Market sloe.-- you Ranch, north IS degrees, watt M varas to a II Sunaat y.iaraaa MUblCAL. Canadian Parirle Lambs, tt.fiO0lo.bO; ewei, tt.MH7B. Are a citizen? take on east aide of asid road; from said stake a SWiwe. garduate of and Oklahoma Sends Prices Central Leather MU . HiJBiCAL Mrs. Walter agu Prove 'your good Intentions and buy a cottonwood tree marked "X," vrs, uorth 111-- de- s.tla.ra. or Mush, maclier Chesapeake ,ind Ohio At Haled, grees 10 varaa; thence along the no p.m. Cincinnati conservatory to Bear's Column. Dear. home, we have several hundred rust east able of uuiinai Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul !rU road, 4ft degrees, 818 varaa To Sunaat l J4 tarn. voice, piano and aigbi singing, Denver. Colo.. Mav Cattle lie, elo u n nrlres and terms. Have several said south west the Ml Luultnl fcrui now Chicago and Northwestern no B00. nui Of UM onoge oa for teachers: summer Market ateady to weak. Beer new homes. Now the tie.oeorro Aoequla. rmirui H. L P. steers, bargains In nearly is an easterly direction along the said ogl. c. and Hy COWI and heifers. .7r.OH.I0; - mil beginning. Phone By Associated Press. Ha.Hj stock- Ume tO get your pira, unnrr ino iuiu. Socorro Aoequla 2M varas to the placa of he Chino Copper an. i leetn-is- I. o. UARC1A Violin, mandollu. guitar Chicago, or it .,.isivj 8.50 calves, llOfilli. I.AShllll BUL, I uannvu EaU 430. May tt. Breaking the droutb Colorado Fuel and Iron all Ilotrs -- Ite. 3.SI. Mtrkat Ji.-... Mills St. Lb - got Um solfeggio aud jilano Icsmoiií. Phone 0. ill Tba flllt tract coil taina 1.44 attraa and aac- leal In Kansas and Oklahoma unlay In corn Producta Heflnlng lower. Top, 10.34; oed (not oonUtlaa l acraa, and on Um 4Ü) day S Cannon EaU resulted bulk. t.l0t.3. A SNAP IN ALAMO HEIOHTK, It Ciuclble Steel .('ii of July. A. D. 1I1S. bains Um flnt Tuaadaj of aald I Sun.UUM HpedaJ NEW AND SECOND HAND COODM. lower price, for wheal. The market closed sheep Market steady. Two full lota on orant Ave., aaonafa. maimers' Securities Lambs, beauurul t baawaan Um bou. of II o'clock A. II. and old lot Wo unsettled, llltl.W; ewes, 8.&8.75; clipped In anil ililpualks nald: south front. I o'clock r. II.. on asid dau, at Um Court EXCHA.NUE your lurnituie uu. but lo t'i&H's. down, with Erie , ewe, tt.ftftT.7o. value. A splendid door of aaid Uountr. I will orrar for sal a V. B. DAILY WEATHEB BULLETIN. nay more for you 11.07 Oenersi Electric sell for less than market au Z biantuii. vteatero July at and September at ll buy. at public aucUan for cash all Um rlgnt, Ut prevailed at toe vartoui Hi it in toe city. til m0 i, n it Northern pfd Al Worth. or UM aald 4. w. carte in and to aald Conditions that go Phoue 14U3. iW. Corn gained H lo nata finished Fori N. 0. BUCHOZ k CO., UHrat weathor iiailona tbrougbout tbe lurnituie lr, tireat Northern Ore ctr (By Zelger Hotel.) 777 bureau Vi to Ic off and provisions losses rang Central Lobby Sheldon Hotel. Phone a, Utla at S p, m., seveniy-flft- mo al Illinois Hogs Receipts, 3.SO0. Market "ftS B Paao, Tax a. Ika dar of Mar, United Stales Corp tOlOO A. D. 1111. lidian Urna, yeatt ruay Ing from 1 to Sic. Intel borough Consul. tower. Top. tt.61; bulk, tv.3nwi.:,t. J. City I'luiubliig CO. Better piumuiiia Inspiration Copper la, PEYTON KDWAHDg, Wind Temp. THY the Freeh rainfalls that gave moisture where Í.0UÓ. Including tr For Rent Buartff. SI Paao OounU. Tasa for lest, Pilone Iiin i national Harvester of N. J calves. Beer steer active, logjlv- SUITABLE FOR GASOLINE . g. Daawtr. si. moisture was needed In the southwest left Int. M. Marine prtL lower: a ejrgi A. cToAhNES A CO., saUsfactoiy piuuiuing. ctf lop, g.7r, bulk. cows steady; STATION. S0TICC OF SALg. tbe wheat any k city top, 7.5tf8. Two lota, and Noble aukiin. i iiuue otaee. bulls without Immediate ar nuts Southern IT; bulk, l4.50fJ8.6o. Heifers steady corner of Texas Br rtrtu of an or oar of aal lasiaad out of in kenneeolt Copper Hi lop, I8.K5; Will month lease. Paao (ruínenla to uphold belief In higher values bulk, tt.(O07.5o. Bulls steady; meets. rent by or Dwtrtft Court of El Couou. Toil, foro flrat CLOT lll.Mi. Lculsvllle and Nashville top. bulk, Judicial Dlatna. M oaua Ho. ISSlt. fUrlnd STATION AND STATE a consequence lets; 1506. Calves strong; top. til1- At commission bousri were Mi lean Thoaua u. W. TbSSO and I Tlkomaaaun, P l old cioa Petroleum bulk, 743.7o. stoekers specs slow, Jas. J. Watts ti OK WEATHER. - 5 illoilts HI It paid lor supplied sell ou Miami copper did on Um S4tb daj of Mar. till Ml aU t I'llolK liberally with orders lo lotl5c lower, top 1731. bulk ttt.r; cow Phone 414. KM San Francisco SL UU and of O. W. ToMi and J. Missouri, Kansas and Texas prd 11 IT. rlabl. Inuraat i holdings, and It was apparent that epecu iieady. too to. bulk ir,iAVi heirar BARGAIN'. Ti ..i i i.m La and lo the aaaUi SSS a : wAJULHUCsES. Missouri Taclflc 114 titady al asOS.; calves steady Una M In Bleak TArenseln I, CarUfoala i t STORAOE had no Intention to delay put 7tl at ll.5ot 4 lota, Altura 1750 ft. ll, laltre bears Montana Power s 50. torta Park. I No. Orant Tarua A Pa, ltc Balltaai "i T.4ii TiiTTk lAClullY Sew ttarr ling out good il led linea before prices National Lead Sheep Receipts. 10.500. Market stow I' aasaai la 9 Paao County, Taaaa. and will on bouae; safeat locailvu; poallivoly lowssA Nevada :::::: and KLOSS. to rim Tuaaday re Aojuu. 111. MOM batas tk. Abilene, clear .... showed loo much decline. Buyers, bow Copper Jj lower. Very few sold. Bldg. 1444. day 4 usual. au um auna i Amarillo, hi as 60 ... New York Central 411 Roberta Sanar Phone flnt-- f clear ... ever, until the had to Um Mail M4dr for ase. at Um U H W .OS were scarce market N. V.. N. H. aad H MONEY M. By tr'r Atlaula, clear 1Vy' ASSETS. POR SALE ownei. nrs! class bungalow, Court Boms. Sear of UM Court yJoua In tl Paao rX 4 44 ... broken about a bushel. After that tb and .... on SL near PI Vary easy County, baawaao um nourv or A. Boise, rain It taking holiday Wetrn M Bliss adras. Taaaa. it M. Boston, .. 70 74 M AMI auUiiiiilit atulca. Ii4. C. aiillig Blunts, into view the tomor Norlbern Parlfic I Illy Al New Turk. terms. Apply 110 8. Oregon SL and I P. 14. cloudy eg i.i.iii.ii pnone row. evinced a disposition to even ui PETTON EDWASUra, Cbicsayo. cloudy 14 M .44 er, Wl N. neiiauA. 1400. Pacific Tel. and Tel J New York, May paper, JVi BharuT. El Paao t'ounly. Taaaa. Cliicinnall. clcudy 6 70 eg LSI trade. Pennsylvania M p.: .em. By K Uaod. Daputy .. 74 7 46 ... bEUINC MACHINES Assertions much replanting would be nay conaolldateti coimh-- liar TOHc. Real Estate, Parma and S Denver, clear PArálT that tm allrar, ojr TExaa Detroit, ral .. m 7i eg .14 EI. TIIAD1NU COMPANY. necessary III Illinois. Iowa and Nebraska Heading lu Menean dollars. .'.44. Ranches inr PASO. IMIIUtn, A0 64 10 M We sell. buy. and rent all makes lirted Hie He nub c and B4ael 7 i une loans steady, or el pt. Cl,y... We rent torn maikel. iron sixty and ninety day. Meáte M herauy atw Uial C K EaUy and 1 a Kl PASO, g M M 60 of aevtins iiiatOilUct. Easy teni.a shattuck Am 'na Conner 4au;i cenl VALLEY I AND BCAINg haratofor Man tondunlna a attoM elesr per iimnm, Ageiu lur lata weakened lu nrlrr on account of lil PalUnl. wh. ka, S aew ntaclilues tt soiiiticru Pacific 100, all mo in ) li in. r 1 ACRES, AIM PER ACRE 7 creí cao be aal and mall dma bualnva at El Paa. El Paa Oalveston. rlear aeulug generally favorable et nu l ona tot srowui Itulini rale, per um Havre, HE wnile. New lluine and biliidaid of Hie new crop. southern Hallway MI CHI. cultivated now; fina alfalfa land, and splen- Cneu . Tea, sea .. una, rain gu gg all makes. 17 S. M.I.V POLLAIUJ. atUlns drusa.mI Jacksonville, pL tidy h 70 supplies for aiudebaker Co IKHa did location for turkey or coleara ranch. A MB - gg. What abueared to be a uackeit' camoalan cla and aunpUaa and anoto thins aa Little Rock, pt. cldy. g W 76 te Fe it F!one , for on hog severely Tonne Copper 44'k Mcxiraa Meaey. Located near isieta. ao lower quotations m arara, ACRE la a enmata and iu Loa Angele, iiear...SW to at M eiakened prcvliloiit, especially pork. tta t.ol JtHk Fui'iiUbed by tdgar W. kayoer, Cashier of lisa wtu. 7 bPANIEH LEIU40NS. en on IWM morchard; moat all of Naa brills, pL cldy... s ii st at i toting quotations wert as lollowa Psclflc Flrsl National bank adobe bouse: home .. s4 W 76 Luiiveraatioital college "1 pre uf Londres in rrnns this rear. Terms. aald auataaai of Um aal of oruay by wkaltaaU as a New Orleans, cloudy. SW milUud Wheat July, ll.osiij, September, tt furred "s .tarionai bill i.ooia to nt ceraersUea Um nam of EELLY A POLL4JU). New York, cloudy sE 14 60 7 64 trttayc. S. Ii. ,h sti Alloliol ii.iw5u.fai M ACRES, BM PER ACRE Small 4 room undo ttEi'Aiiti', Jul). MVac; September, and UU notara el Uaatr MUesnee ao 10 a at Omaha, rlear N .. 71 Tt 10 jrejs 4uyc; September. t'niled butet Steel "S callanta, old legue MOO S.SU nouse: all land In pear trees; tiumpiug toy UM V alnai. aa rarorldad Is Anna US4. of Fboeuu W M 60 STOVE MSPAlliIKu New pal la mode and k -- lio preferred anta, ugs plant; main lateral ditch In landi parad aubiuue of Baal of Taaaa. clear July. HI 76, September. Ml. 17.. iniaitiiiciuiea am tea iill. Rapid MS .. 74 7S tarried ror all makes of sluves. L. i Copper :m.ou half mile to Yaieta lnterur-ba- WUaoso our banda, M Paao. Totea. City, clear of f. July. II 4ill,. rlepleuilirr. i ál rtali roe4 mintage; at I Roswell, I W M M Peeler, with D. H. lion Works, corner E. Ii. ufd. 11 A map ror you. Terma. lOtb Bay af May. A. D. 111 clear W Hlbs July, III.MVy; Sepiember. IllDtV,. Wtbeah "i' station cldy NW 10 76 SO 64 Fifth and Florence sit I'lmuo Western TRADERS We have several fine farms to SI. Louis. PL i. talon Salt Lake, clear ... SW M 71 SO 14 B4llR W'etUnehoute Electro Arltoa. Baukb show Blg 6 lüt IAI METAi. MABHETS. laereea. San Antonio, clear BW .. t4 Tt lotal salea ror the day. iti.i"i tnarea. W.-- w&wnve'stment hool bl.tit BAltHtl.S and uuipnieut, PlHxiiilx. Aria May Ali locreaae ot San Franclaco. clear. W II H H B - Al New Verk. ttM- COWAN! 'uí an 7'.' charging outfits, portable oda tank!, car- PMUÜI I MAIUtErS. u retourcea of dale aud na 4U0 ADtOatlO tats, Tat Santa Fe. clear By A dated press. Phone San SL T Any C of El 46 acta and colors i sot t MAkt of tbe year OnJuaT" tt Pa. Caay. Seattle, clear ,, w IS U Ixnatoit, Hi May copper Amona for ondina SUI iiiiilhairhiiB DauVaMTMaJIT al Iba 71 14 64 EMPIRE boilii.Vj wintas, .vt tora. n iirut r.irc. At Lbleaae. I shown In kflllotyl M ll af Um gasmtBapgi, rain ... truly Ui Nearby nominal; Aug. and 1st 11. tna coniiaiiaed bank Water Usara aaaodgMoB. Ft nos, sastra hi rttnt atlaSe SO 60 luu Willi Street, coruer kaaaea. in By w ti ijrptttli i Butts af Char Mi B. Pallawaon. dacaaaau. uarto. filad la wicBiia. clear 71 Astoclaud Preaa. Bit in. has jual been laaued bv Las CruoM. Saw Maxiui. Uivllaa tba M gtJty. nay at sr CoaaHy Oten hoy SaaaJ aoaaani af ale ttaiflili sw PEW III ii.. Iron steady. No I nortberu, i:mcago, nrni. irainrry, siats Bank comptroller cajlaana). ür attention to irrigated farm af UM of aald Cbtnaa B. Pi liara ue. av.7MltJt. ibis homaaeeksri tautu lateaei Wind veloclllot or lets Iban 10 norlbern, No. I sou In amount elalc honks gained gyM lands under tba protect. Tba aaaoclattoa etui aa tagala. lina le be dUnktrsorl boat aald tyV ftuu 11 tWltíll IIS Aaolu ly 'testS by fa I. t ttO.mLttB-- sale, provide miles sa Lour and amount ul prtcipltauoa lory macbanlca. Scppuet for all inakes em, lo.fj04ll ; No.Isur.,g aoulbn n, agu gu.n. Egg gtaady iieoipi. ii,471 cats. MMUal Banks 11 vuu.ara.44. uapoatu tu will abow all lands listed (or .01 an inch not pubilabad sVaVltU. .... hi. ai y HUat .tato apd value Ton ara T araki area of leas that of aie ul Uiat'Ullurt HeOulll lyueeiitoi ua., aur Tbl quiet pol. FlrtU. fílala. sanan tun.aist'ii Uva yoyir. ksforsaaUoa aa to tbelr quality to tula Lead, aaked soc, al litaik caai , iiiciuueu, ityaic. w.w.tUJB la Will suparrlsa your purt base, protest row table. Met. I'bone g)47 while deposits of not on 4a carg banks aaow an Mid belp you to succeed. Wrtt " TAItjaS. of TBI tnlrrigll. Half) o, inareaae lisHJU tt. la Ike laraeat er cali. COrioio sJABaJaTB Bank le Basraero. W Ileon si Miuneaoia s or TANkl. asMavgia, urrigsiioii Pipo, allóg. By Associated Prest New: aacaluii. l increasi in tba nllory Aiiioua banking Save" a room yoi: want Maw" Yara. By Tlmrs Bpepclsi corretpondoiit tf ibii that by At ttc Ask for taiaioguo. ruuaw Louisiana and a lobuna lackad trim Kent cas bs ouickly Py Ataorlsled Proas Cbandlei Aril May IS A herd of tW ix, ,v wig, tey. ; I kUalaa Caaagaay to it bested - muí aitón a wnitc rtfcryW'po, Nlnnetula and 1140 ttastaB. an col- New May be cotton IDs la. flaqno ad in the classified York. market lua-- to Be placad Lead, nt --Alive steady. Fowli. t&V' Oalm s.ty rv. taya ON FACIE. grade Holatala hetlors. flUNEs Wllr? Mia, on giasad L'MNS TRIS rkad tuady dm uficbauged to i pumtt npeltor, 110. Uval reporta oa Cbattdler roaacset baa been purchased by 410 X ti given out era need 10 e higher. ktru. Al kaasaa Cag, UBduly fochwae Heel Esiate Bank cbawdier. Hair tbe stuck was El rase Beat Iter QytsrUtlu ey siso, laten rrea. of CU0W, coiiuai .metala 01 inr tug iian 104 aantas cuy, May Ppurcnaaed in (oMIBIBSl and tba rest win f WU: in. company bat. fi,r . small JK' uiit .1 by Ataociated Press. bar wt, iiti. leaoa outad thai na fus. Uverpocl. Bal gS ttool coma Msady come rrom Idabo. The anímala will be sold oiuioii ieg4Vli it. tst Kíratt. liWc. I thar iiUiorasMW "ttrdUif tkytt -- iBBJlWi Oood galaVgaWTMMi aatoVSIaaag. Eaaai aSW to dairymen at tbe actual coll to tbe bank, LhSim ra, o" Oityfpar Ira bars. e. Pouluy Hans, tlta; rutyeiei. iryajac I afftn s will Ba aivrn ut prior to tba gnaal ojiddliug, EBkft. Salga, taaaa gtuu neao. itivuv balsa. Wattes is teas a Pig lead, gMjL 04n.i1, Skc. lug 01 ins BtjKa'ioiaera mm JtAUéXttátTaKI 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916 Lodge Will Be Opened Hoube 16th at Cloudcrofl June 1 The WIite By Tlmei Special Correspondent. Cloudcrort, 71. 6L, May Oe. une i $500 he Lodg. Cloiidrrnrt'i lummer resort hotel, will be open to the public M. n Tutchtns, who will msnsge the Lodg this ummer, li here now arranging for the SALE opening. Mr Hutrhlns with htm snn ANNIVERSARY It Shoes and hid daughters. Mltset Marlon sad Diets. will arrive Friday. Mr. Hutrhlns has se- cured practically all hi old help and It Begins Monday, 5th rushing his preparatory work for the Oxfords June care opentnir. The and bowling alley at the partition hare been leased for the mirnmer and the light plant la now be- i "BE IN LINE ing overhauled to that the current can be Men, it will really be worth your while to come raTT turned on by the end or the month. WHEN OUR Mr. Hutrhlns brought a new u. 8. flag here and see our line of Shoes and Oxfords at this for the no on the lawn la front or the to all. Tan, DOORS Lodge and alto one which he present- popular price. A style please Vici, ed to the Baby sanitarium. He baa se stymie vn for sea- - Gunmetal, Blucher or straight lace, and we 4i nirj isai OPEN AT NINE" fn cured an excellent orchestra the a dance every night at the Lodge with a have your size and width loo. bis dance on Saturday night There will be s dance every Tuesday and Thursday night at the pavilllon, while will be pain ror the tJloudcrort airectory. ana mi Hutchlnt will rumleh the music ror a Sun dar afternoon dance when the crowd I large enough to Justify one. The regular Sunday evening concerts which were so Star popular at the Lodge last summer will be jti'r MnrifmiJ given this yesr. r. Barrett, manager ror the Cleudcrort Commercial company, made a business trip Alainogordn In hit Overland Tuesday SAN accompanied by his ramlly. 204 ANTONIO ST. Blance Franklin and Nellie Scot Williams, give "S. A H." Green Trading Stamps. or Alamogordo, are visiting Mrs. Scott B. We Williams. Chandler and wire are guests at the Texas. The ftntlev brothers, or Weed, were In fury Returns Verdict Mexican Found Not Guilty Cloiideroft en route to Alamogordo In their of Chevrolet. Not Guilty in Basin Case on Assull to Murder Charge Lou Painter, who has been spend ing In Chsdron, Nebraska, re peg-le- the winter An Instructed verdict of not guilty wss Jose Bustamente, a Mexican, wss turned Wednesday. in the act or displaying s pistol he wanted returned In the esse of James N. Bsskln, The Cloudcrolt postofflce will observe to sell when the gun accidentally dis- on of Memorial day, Tuesday the 30th, by clos who wss on trial yesterday s chsrge charged snd the bullet struck a horse that ing all day except between the hours or murder. On April 16 last, Mr. Bsskln dis- T. Juarez was riding. Bustamente was tried by a ). and 9:30 in. and 2 p. m. ana some the yard or a jury of the district a covered Mexlcsns In court yesterday on a chsrge or 3 p. m. assault with warehouse belonging to his brother. Prior Intent to He was guilty. - murder. found not Frank Hitchcock has moved to Cloud- to that time s. qusntlty or copper wire hsd Juarez and Bustamente are residents of crort and occupied s cottage ror the sum been missed. Mr. Bsskln shot low, st the Fsbens, where the accident occurred on Ships mer months. time not Intending to hit the man. The 19 OfOur Forefathers April The last hip. He died Mrs. A. P. Coles srrived Monday rrom ball lodged In the Mexican's of the wound. The man Fl Paso and opened her summer home for later as the result PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPMENT OF AN was not Identified. the summer. She wss sccompsnled by ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PUMPINO Curiosity PLANT, Depot nly Now Qusrtermaster, El A M. orrice her mother. Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. Frank in comparison with ocean linen TELLS WU.1 SHE THINKS Texas, old sailing ships of a century ago would be a "joke" modern Murchlson and Mrs. Dudley. Paso, sealed proposals will be re THE simply ar Anna Htwn, Cedar arove. Mo., writes: ceived here until II a. m., June 3, IMS, and a fifth of a mile long and carrying over six thousand people. The drawing above Mrs. John Goebel and children have "We think Foley Cathartic Tablets arc the then opened, ror Installing an electrically of ved here ror the summer months and best liver pill we ever got hold or. at tbey operated equipment In pumping plant at emphasizes the mighty progress that is going on all over the world. Those who witnessed the opening opened tuc Goebel summer cettage do not nsuseate or gripe, but act rrecly or Fort Bliss, Texas. Further information on Miss A. Louise Dtetncn, wno wun miss on the liver. Any one in need a liver The White House sixteen years ago would never have dreamed that The White "House of today would be once them, would not be application. Adv. Orcen, Is In chsrge or the Baby sanitarium pill, ir he tries windows without them." Recommended ror Indiges- a mammoth concrete and steel skyscraper with the finest and most unique show in America. this summer, is in Cloudcrort. tion, constipation, bloating, sour stomach, Those who have watched the growth of The White H ouse have been impressed by its ideals of SQUARE E. W. Parker snd wife srrived Wednes gas on the stomach, bad brcsth or other day and opened their summer home on condition csused by clogged or Irregular light, easy, give FULL we will SIXTEENTH ANNI- Chipmunk avenue. bowels. Stout persons like the The shield ol DEALING. And to JUSTICE to our patrons celebrate our buoyant reeling they give. Owl Drug Store. Mueller made a business trip quality In cutlery VERSARY with a gigantic Sale in which everything will be sold at practically WHOLESALE COST. This Adv. ieln to Alamogordo Wednesday night In is The White House way of showing its appreciation to a loyal public. Sale begins Monday Morning at 9 Maxwell. He wss accompanied by J. Ingrowing Toenail Causes Loss or Leg. them were Mrs. or daily. "Be line when our open nine." Bailey. Returning with As the result an ingrowing toenail. Jordan's o'clock. Watch our Ads and Windows in doors at Mueller and Oliver, who have been visit TWAOt les-- . was! ii In Tulaross. ' Alriernte Ins! his The les above knee. The Miss Meds who taught the Log- - amputated the toenail wAaA1w Lucss, Later gangrene nod school Cloudcrofl. has was first pulled ofr. de near return nec- 99 cd to her home In Ashland, Kansas. veloped snd the amputation was round The best for essary. Mr. Alderete is a at Hotel Mrs. W. H. Anderson, or Psso, hss pstlent 45 years where was performed. taken part or Sharp cottage ror the nieu, the operation the Yesterday It was reported that he wss -- summer. Mr. Anderson visited his wife Day resting well and was expected to recover. ASK YOUR DEALER "Inspection between trains Monday Mr. Alderete Is s resident or Yslets. l D. E. Chalk hss completed a large livery am on the site where his old barn was Sale $12.50 To $17.50 timed. $f.Q5 Mrs. C. T. Sharp wat a recent visitor from El Paso, arranging her cottage ror the in iiner. Lamar navls and ramlly returned to El New Spring' Coats Paso Sunday In their National car after HAVE selected a large number of smart new coats in favoredJ Spring spending; a short time here arranging their cottages ror the summer months. WEModels for special selling today. Sport and outing models in plain colors, Dr. V. F. Mueller drove s parly or mends In his Maxwell car to the White Sands stripes, checks and novelties. Materials include velours, poplins, serges gf Sunday. Those in the party were: Dr. and corduroys. Regular $ 2.50, $ 4.50 and $17.50 values V-- V Mueller. Miss Lottie Murff. Rudolph Brctsrhnelder and Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Williams. From the White Sands s trip was made to Las Cruces snd rrom there $6-5- 0 on to El Psso on socount or bsvlng to Up To 89 have some repair work done on the car. Mr. Williams returned to Cloudcrort on $n Monday and the rest or the psrty the train returned In the csr Tuesdsy morning. O- Lee Jones snd ramlly drove to Alamo- - gordo Saturday In their Maxwell Blousesy one-da- saje of novelty silk Blouses in regular-$4.95, Dr. Branch Cralge snd family arrived In occupy $5.95 values. Mostly crepe de chine and Cloudcrort Monday, snd will the A and $6.50 kohlberg cottage this summer. Dr. Cralge Wanted Copper Ores Low was phylslclan In chsrge or the Baby sani- sport silks in solid colors and stripes. neck and long I cent over, both small 1011, when the institution was per or large and lots solicited. Bend approxl tarium in analysis, sleeve styles. Plain tailored collars (-- rirst opened. mate quantity and rate of delivery. and cuffs. Choice today vlohn Snyder snd ramlly were here from 5J)O0t Alamogordo Tuesdsy, In their Stewart csr arranging ror a cottage for the summer tea- - Metals Buying and Refining Co. son. , C. F. knight and family left Friday morning ror t short trip to El Psso. Lsmsr Dsvls snd rsmlly came, up rrom "Economy" El Paso Thursdsy arte moon In their car and occupied their summer cottage, Up To $12 5o Mrs. Katy Bmlth and daughters, Florence Basement and Lucy, returned home Mondsy rrom El Paso, whsre they hsve been speudlng the winter. They will visit Mrs. Smith's A. sum- WEMOVEDARK NOW IN OUR NEW HOME AT sister, Mrs. 0. Breckhelmer, this Specials mer. 317 TEXAS STREET HATS Born to Mr. snd Mrs. D. E. Chalk, Sal unlay. Msy the 13th, s baby girl. Mr. And will be pleased to have our customers and friends call and see us. WOOL SKIRTS AT $1.98 A Chslk Is proprietor of the new Lone Stsr WE CARRY A FILL, LINK OF pedal collection of regular livery barn which has Just been complet- ed snd he snd rsmlly hsve lived here sev- Sporting Goods, Saddles, Fire Arms and Ammunition $3.98 I2.S6 and 11.86 Wool Skirts for years. Mrs. Chslk is the daughter or Georgette eral Don't Forget the Number 817 Texas St. Watch for our Electric Sign. quick dlspoaal today. Abso- J C. Campbell, or sixteen springs canyon lutely the biggest showing of m b. Hutrhlns returned from s business P On Sale trlD to El Psso Frldsy. Mrs. Hutchlns re 8HELTON-- AYNE ARMS CO. tmart wool skirts In El Paso. turned with him and will remain here PUMPS All new models, solid made of this summer. Today Only color materials and novelties. Mrs. T. J. Pierce, of EI Psso. hss cupled a summer cottage for the season. All attractively trimmed. Extra NEW HAT sensation :.oo Mrs. M. Flanagan, oi ei rmmi. usa oc THE the hour has arrived. pedal cupled the Brown cottage for the sum a - "Art Spurt Hutu" are the today atar. $1.98 W. B. I.stta, of El Psso, hat rented the FIREPROOFGunterBAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.HotelEUROPEAN latest rafe of the moment latest arrival in the New Breckhelmer "Lone Star" cottage for the family wlU occupy A Hotel Built for the Climate Every woman II want one at THE Section is summer and he snd the "Georgette" DRKSS FORMS oOo $1.00 mouth PERCY TYRRELL. Manager. Official Headquarters T. P. A A. A. A the price named above. Art and same this Pumps, made of fine black glace kid or Two big lots of drees forms Mra O. Wl B. Smith and children re Sport Huta me ahown In tinted from Alamogordo Monday, where patent colt. Smart new street pumps in full length styles, turned Leghorn. Peanut and Madagas- short and they hsve been (pending the winter months with flexible welt soles. Fit snugly ideal for the home dressmaker. on account of the high school there. car strawa un.l portray every visited In Alamogordo at the heel and ankle. The very latest Sizes 16. 16 and 18. Covered Miss Ruby Brown new Idea. In trimming! of velvet model with laat weak inch Leather Louis with Jersey. L- rrom s visit eyelet embroidery, w orated black Tour Mrs. E. - Futcb returned XV heels. One Monday. embroidery, of the smartest pumps choice at to Alamogordo hand fringe, Sherry, s young attorney or Ala Specials received this Dean Liquor season. g-- wing, etc. Thla la a mogordo, spent a night here lsst week. Mr. ( popular young SOUTHERN SELECT BEER --NONE BETTER aample lullnilon of a great Moderately priced, at Sherry Is one or the most $1.00&50c Democrats In the county snd at the county 3 Pint Bottles for 25c NW York Maker and was se- last week made one of the best convention 1 cured far under actual whole-aai- e See Window Display speeches beard in lbs convention. Dozen Pint Bottles for. $1.00 Is lair snd cool. value. Not a hut worth Cloudcrort weather leae than flo.OOu and many cut vm OUT --JT la WORTH MONKV. Clearbrook Whiskey, 6 years old, aged in would sell, readily at I,. hint mas THIS. Cut out this slip. $1.00 enclose with 6c snd mall it to Foley ft Co.. wood. Full quart C. V. I) none on Nona approval Chicago. W-- wrtttn your name and ad- California Table Wines, pure and old. Full back for clearly. You will receive to return or taken nredll dress gallon Full one-ha- lf gallon 50c Little . .n.i neckase containing Foley's linas $1.00. Phone tag Tar compound, for bronchial coughs. Port, Angelica, Muscatel, Clare and Sherry Piece Croup rvraj '."...$3.98 XT 4Jao week kidneys, rheumatism. bladder troubles, end Foley Cathartic Tab "Uta Store of Service a wlwHinsss end thoroughly cleans iu cathartic, law censtlpsllon, hllioiiinaii, PHONESLion2424-240-5 109-1- 1 S. STANTON ST. Day besdacbe sod sluggish bowels. Owl Drug Memorial Visitors Welcome To This Store elote. 4r. i