DEPARTIII!ENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR COMBAT COMMAND LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, VIRGINIA HQACC/A6 DEC 1"6 2009 180 Benedict Ave, Ste 210 Langley AFB VA 23665-1993 Dear Mr. Greenewald This is in response to your 29 July 2009 Freedom of Information Act request for a copy of the 92d Bombardment Wing and 92d Combat Support Group History, Chapters I and 3, July - September 1976. Portions of the requested document are releasable and attached. The redacted portions arc exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, Title 5, United States Code, Section 552(b)(I) and Executive Order 12958, as amended. Classified information is currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 12958, as amended, Sections 1.4(a) and (g) and is also exempt from declassification in accordance with Sections 1.5(c) and (d). Disclosure of this information would result in serious damage to national security. In accordance with your 22 October 2009 email authorization, information falling under the purview of the Department of Energy has been redacted without appeal rights. You may appeal our partial denial determination by writing to the Secretary of the Air Force within 60 days from the date of this letter. If no appeal is received, or if the appeal is postmarked after the conclusion of this 60-day period, the appeal may be considered closed. Include your reasons for reconsideration along with a copy of this letter Secretary of the Air Force Thru: HQ ACC/A6CK (FOIA) 180 Benedict Avenue, Suite 210 Langley AFB VA 23665-1993
[email protected] Department of Defense Regulation 5400.7 indicates fees be assessed for processing this request; however, there were no fees assessed for this case.