Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR Articles and Chapters ILR Collection 2006 Relational Cohesion Model of Organizational Commitment Jeongkoo Yoon Ewha Womans University Edward J. Lawler Cornell University,
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[email protected] for assistance. Relational Cohesion Model of Organizational Commitment Abstract [Excerpt] This chapter reviews the research program of relational cohesion theory (RCT) (Lawler & Yoon, 1993, 1996, 1998; Lawler et al., 2000; Thye et al., 2002) and uses it to develop a model of organizational commitment. Broadly, relational cohesion theory (RCT) has attempted to understand conditions and processes that promote an expressive relation in social exchange; an expressive relation is indicated by relational cohesion, that is, the degree to which exchange partners perceive their relationship as a unifying object having its own value. The research program argues that such relational cohesion is a proximal cause of various forms of behavioral commitment in a group setting, for example stay behavior, gift-giving and investment.