Lolubardy Second
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UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION ( ( ::1 1 USCF • 11,' ,-"-J _...1-____~_ ::;q America's Chess Periodical Volume XVI. Number I JANUARY 20, 196 1 40 Cents FISCHER WINS U.S. TITLE FOURTH STRAIGHT YEAR LOlubardy Second - Weinstein Third By Frank Brody 13 )' w inning the United States Ch.unpionship for the cquaJleJ exa<.:t ly his seore of last year. However, he m.Hl fou rth time in succession, Hobby Fischer, 17 year old aged to out-d istance his closest ri val, William Lomhardy, Intern ational Grandmaster from Brookl yn, has carved an by a full two points. ind elible impression in the historic cycle of Ameri can Lombarciy, recently named Internation al Gn\lldmas c h cs~ <lud has proven without a douht that he is hoth the ter, who pe!'fonned brilliantly both in Lcningrad and in grciltest player that this country has ever produced nnd Leipzig las t year, lived up to ex pectations hy taking the one of the strongest players in the world. Fischer has seeond pl'lee award. His score eonsisted of five wins, not l(lst a game in an American tournnment since 1957. fo ur draws .md two losses-to Fischer and Weinstein. He In this tournament, conducted in New York City's Empi re took se<:ond place in a hair-raising game with C harles Hotel IInder the joint auspices of the United States Chess Kalme in the final round. Lombardy made 15 moves in FL'{\cration and the American Chcss Foundation, his less than onc minute, in a complicated position and man sc()!'c was 7 wins and 4 draws for 11 total of 9-2 which aged to... come out a piece ahead. (Continued on n u t pflge) ,.- ............ .. "' - 'I'"' •.• ~ ...... ~ .. Fischer Playing Reshcvsky in Fourth Round Harknus - Fischer Wins U. S. Title Fourth Straight Year Championship Games SICILIAN DEFENSE LOMBARDY F ISCHER While Bleck 1. P· K4 P.QB4 21. N·N4 B-R4 2. N·KB] ,.. , 24. P-QR3 3. P-Q4 ... 25. pxB ....". 4. Nx P N·KBl 26. K·K2 K ·B2 S. P ·KBJ N_Bl 21. P-R" K·K3 6. P·QB4 P·K3 28. K-K3 R·BI 1. N·Bl B·K2 29. R·KNI R·B5 8. B·K3 0 ·0 30 . R· KI RxB + 9. N·Bl P·Q4 31. PxR RxP + I ~ . BPx :> ... 32. K.Q2 ... I I . NxP 33 . KxR K·Q4 12. QxN Q".·B2 34. K .Q2 K-BS 13. Q·QNS B·Q2 35. P·RS P·QN3 14. R·BI N·NS 3&. K ·B2 P·KN 4 15. NxN QxR - 37. P·R6 P·BS '6. BxQ 31. P-N" P ·R4 11. N·QS B-RS".+ 19. !>xP .. , 11. P-N3 ... 40. K ·N2 " ·RS If. Rx B B.QI 4 1. K-R3 ~ . 20. B·Q2 R·B' 42. KxP ... , 21. B·B;) P·B4 43. K·N4 K-K6 22. P·KS R·a4 ...... R. slgn$ " KING'S INDIAN DEFENSE BI SGUI ER WEINSTEIN While Black . I . P·Q4 N·K8] 22. R·KS QR.KI 1 . P·QII" P· KN3 23. R(I ).KI P· KR 3 3. N·QB3 8 ·N2 24. K·81 K·NI 4. N·B3 0 ·0 25. N·K2 P·KN4 S. B·B4 P·Q3 26. N· BI 8 ·84 6. P· KR3 QN·Q2 27. P· NS .. , 1. P· K;) p·ln 28. RIIR R·KI 8. B·K2 Q·KI 2f. RxR + ." - .• -r f . 0 ·0 P·K4 30. K·K2 N·B2 " ~ - 10. B·R2 Q.K1 31 . PxP ... 11. P.QM4 N·KI 32. N·N3 N·K3 12. Q.Q2 P·KB4 33. K .Q2 K·BI (Continued from cover) However, an unexpected loss 10 Wein U . QR·QI K·RI 34. K·B3 K ·K2 The surprise of the tournament was stein lessened his chanccs to move into 14. P-BS ,... 35. 8 ·N4 N·N2 Raymond Weinstein, 19 year old student thc "top three circle." Paired in the last 15. Nx KP .,. 36. N·Q2 B·K5 16. 8xN .d 37. NxB ... at Brooklyn College. He defeated three round with Fischcr, hc necded only a 17. PxB 31. P'Q5 ... Grandmasters-Disguicr, Lombardy and draw to be assured a lie for third place I'. Q·Q4 .,.." 39. K·Q4 P ·R4 Reshevsky and an International Master, and though Fischer had clinched the 'f. J'xQ P·85 40. 8 .B, N-K3 1 20. K R·Kl N·N2 41. Rnigns Robert Byrne. His wi n against Reshevsky first place spot, he played for a win and 21. B·B] ' ·K3 was in the all·deciding fi nal round. He emerged with two rooks and a knight lost only two games out of eleven-to for Bisguier's Queen. Bisguicr resigned F RENCH DEFENSE Fischer and Anthony Saidy, the current on the 43rd movc. FISC HER WEINSTEIN Canad ian Open Champion. ~.. I.teher ,:atned :a great d e:al by " 'I nnlng this While 81Kk All three players qualify to represent l our namenl-offie\:ally n:amed t he LcSlilng J . I . P·K 4 P ·K3 II. B-Q6 QR .• ' Rosenw:ald T ournament fo r t he United Staleti 2. P·Q4 P·Q4 19. QR·NI R·B2 the United States in the next lntel"lO nal Championship and Frank J. i\larsh:an Trop h ~·. 3. M·Q83 B·NS 20. PxP Tournament in the Cycle Cor the World's A 81000.00 t lrst prbe ,,'u awarded 10 him In " . P·K S N·K2 21. B.N3 N".·N3 Championship. The surpr ising upsets of :addition t o Ihe mueh-<:o>,eted right to com· 5. P·QR3 8xN + 22. R·NS Q·Rl pet e In t he World Intenonal Cham pionship. • • PxB P·QB4 23. KR·Nl " ·N] the tournament were Reshevsky, who His name was inSCribed rOI" the fOlll·t h lime 7. P·QR4 QN·B3 24. Q.BI ended in a three-way tie fo r 4th to 6th o n Ihe famou s F rank J. Marshall tro p h y. 8. N·B3 Q.R4 25. R(S)·N2 Q."·R6 place; Benko, who managed only to a lo ng side o r all t he previOus wlnnl'"l"S datln" f . Q.Q2 ' 26. Q·K3 K·N2 back to t he first Amel'1clln clUllnplon- Pliul 10. B.Q3 ...P·BS 27. N·R4 .,. score 41fz points-though he was fourth Morp hy. 11 . B·K2 0 ·0·0 28. BIIN P-K4 place last year; Byrne, who also scored " he tour nament had many exciting a nd 12. B·R3 P·B3 2f. PxP ... only 41f.! points though he had been a h.rd fought b attles tnOJIt o r which you wilt 13. 0-0 N·a4 30. RxP + K·Rl II!(! published tn CHESS LI ~' E In this IS$ ue 14. KR·KI • • KI 31 . R(6)·NS B-K3 close second to F ischer in 1959. Byrne's and the next. Frank Budy and lIan. Kmcu:h 15. " ·N4 N(4).K2 ] 2. 8 -N3 P·KS trouble seemed to be lack of concentra· co·refereed t he tou r nam e n~ a nd over 1,000 16. B·K81 8 -Q2 33. QxKRP Rulgns tion whereas Benko's loss to Sherwin on fpeetato rs wa tched the games .. they were 11. B· R] P.KR3 In p rogress, d uring t he two and :a half week a blunder in time pressure in the second span It took to play eleven r ounds. Youth round "ruffled" him so much that he dominated this t ournam"nt more than .ny " S ICILIAN DEFENSE o ther Amerlclln Cham pionship $Inee itl begin. SEIDMAN LOMBARDY played a dis·interested type of game for Wh il e BI:ack the rest of the tournament. nln, In 18S7. With Fischer . t 17 , Weinstein .t 1'. Lombar dy at :!3 we hive the makings 1. P· 1( 4 P·Q84 22. P·B5 N_R! In the early rounds, International Of the super ehess t eam of the futuI"C. We 2. N·K8] P ·Q3 23 . Q-Q2 .d may now, optimistically ror the flnlt time In 3. P-Q4 24. PIIN N·B3 Grandmaster, Arthur Bisguier was in ." 25. BliP close contention with Fischer and lor years, en ter tain g reat hopes for t he dom l. 4. NxP N .KB' ... nation ot chess throug ho ut t he " 'o r ld by o ur S. N·QB3 P.QR] 26. P.86 two rounds they were tied for first place. Amerlean players . 6. B·KN5 QN·Q2 21. PxB .".'P 1. 8 ·K2 P·K] 28. P-R3 QR·Kl 8. B·RS N·N] 2'. N.B4 N·BS , , , , , , Score f . 0 ·0 B·K2 30. Q.B2 Q· B4 . FiKher, _... _._ ...... _............. ... __ .. x , , ,• ,• , , , , •• , , • ", " ", ., 10. P·QR4 0 ·0 31. P· B] ... , Lomba rdy, W . •••••••••.••••.••• _ •............. 0 , , , , , , , , ,• 11 . 8·K2 ' ·Q2 32 . N·R5 N·KS •,.ln, ._... _...... _. __ ............. 0 , ,• , , , • ,. •• • • I , 6 a -4 ~ 12. P·R5 N·BI 33 . Q·B4 QxNP •• BI$O Ol ll r , A. .................... _..• _... _...... 0 , •I •, , , •, •, ., 13. B·K3 N·R2 34. QR. KI P·R3 ,. Rashl vl k y, _.······ .. ··_·····_·_·········1 I• • ,• I I ,• , , • ., H . P·84 N·B3 35. K·RI Sh.r.... ln, •••..•.•.••.•.••.• _........ _.......... 0 , , •• ,. I •, • ,• • , • , •. , 15. N·N] N-QNS 36 .