Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at

Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome

Ted M. Burns, M.D.1


Guillain-Barre´ syndrome (GBS) is an acute-onset, monophasic, immune-medi- ated that often follows an antecedent . The diagnosis relies heavily on the clinical impression obtained from the history and examination, although cerebro- spinal fluid analysis and electrodiagnostic testing usually provide evidence supportive of the diagnosis. The clinician must also be familiar with mimics and variants to promptly and efficiently reach an accurate diagnosis. Intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchange are efficacious treatments. Supportive care during and following hospitalization is also crucial.

KEYWORDS: Guillain-Barre´ syndrome, inflammatory neuropathy, demyelinating neuropathy, acquired demyelinating neuropathy, Miller Fisher syndrome, acute inflammatory demyelinating (AIDP), acute motor axonal neuropathy

Guillain-Barre´ syndrome (GBS) is an acute- including inflammatory changes of the peripheral onset, immune-mediated disorder of the peripheral in 50 fatal cases of GBS.4 In the mid-1950s, Waksman nervous system. The term GBS is often considered to and Adams produced experimental allergic in be synonymous with acute inflammatory demyelinating animals by injection of homologous or heterologous polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), but with the increasing peripheral nerve tissue combined with Freund adjuvant. recognition over the past few decades of variants, the Inthe1980s,plasmaexchangewasfoundtobean number of diseases that fall under the rubric GBS has effective treatment,5,6 and in the 1990s, efficacy was grown to include axonal variants and more restricted also demonstrated for intravenous immunoglobulin variants such as Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS).1,2 (IVIg).7,8

HISTORY CLINICAL FEATURES AND DIAGNOSIS The clinical features of GBS were described by Landry The reported incidence rates for GBS are 1 to 2 per in 1859.3 Eichorst in 1877 and Leyden in 1880 de- 100,000 population.9–11 The lifetime likelihood of any scribed the lymphocytic inflammation of nerve in some individual acquiring GBS is 1:1000.12 GBS is equally cases of . In 1916, Guillain, common in men and women and can occur at any Barre´, and Strohl described the characteristic cerebro- age. spinal fluid (CSF) findings of increased protein con- An otherwise unremarkable infection, such as an centration and normal cell count in two French soldiers upper respiratory infection, often predates the onset of (Guillain 1916). In 1949, Haymaker and Kernohan GBS by 10 to 14 days.9,12 Many antecedent described the clinical and histopathological features, have been identified, including Campylobacter jejuni,

1Department of , University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Neuromuscular Disorders; Guest Editor, Ted M. Burns, M.D. Virginia. Semin Neurol 2008;28:152–167. Copyright # 2008 by Thieme Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Ted M. Burns, Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, M.D., Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, PO Box USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 800394, Charlottesville, VA 22908 (e-mail: [email protected]). DOI 10.1055/s-2008-1062261. ISSN 0271-8235. 152 Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at

GUILLAIN-BARRE´ SYNDROME/BURNS 153 cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mycoplasma pneumonia, velocities) are particularly helpful because these findings Epstein-Barr virus, and influenza virus.13,14 Surgery, are characteristic of immune-mediated demyelinating immunization, and parturition have also been associated neuropathies. In early GBS, prolonged distal compound with GBS. GBS usually begins abruptly with distal, muscle action potential (CMAP) latencies and temporal relatively symmetrical onset of . Sensory dispersion are more commonly demonstrated than are disturbances are accompanied by or quickly followed slow motor conduction velocities and conduction by progressive limb weakness. Patients are able to block.38–40 For example, Gordon and Wilbourn reported identify a definite date of onset of sensory and motor that of 31 patients with GBS studied within the first disturbances. Progression is rapid, with 50% of pa- week of symptoms, only 5 had nerve conduction veloc- tients reaching clinical nadir by 2 weeks and more than ities in the demyelinating range in at least one nerve and 90% by 4 weeks.15 Current diagnostic criteria include only 4 of them demonstrated conduction block in at least < 4 weeks of progression to clinical nadir. Approxi- one nerve.40 On the other hand, temporal dispersion was mately 80 to 90% of patients with GBS become non- seen in at least one nerve in more than 50%, and ambulatory during the illness.5,16,17 is prominent in significantly prolonged distal CMAP latencies were 50% of patients.1,4,17–20 Neurological examination will seen in at least one nerve of approximately two thirds demonstrate distal and often proximal, relatively sym- of patients studied within the first week.40 Another metrical, weakness. Sensory examination is often normal electrodiagnostic testing signature of GBS is the ‘‘su- in the early phase of disease.21 Widespread areflexia or ral-sparing’’ pattern; that is, the finding of a normal sural hyporeflexia is the rule.15,22 GBS patients often develop sensory nerve response in the setting of abnormal upper cranial nerve weakness, usually in the form of facial or extremity sensory nerve results (e.g., ulnar or median pharyngeal weakness.4 Diaphragmatic weakness due to antidromic sensory responses).38,40 The sural-sparing phrenic nerve involvement is also common. Approxi- pattern is seen in approximately one half to two thirds mately one third of hospitalized GBS patients require of patients with GBS studied within the first week of mechanical ventilation because of respiratory muscle or symptoms.38,40 This pattern—normal lower extremity oropharyngeal weakness.5,6,8,9,21,23–29 Autonomic dis- but abnormal upper extremity sensory nerve conduction turbance is seen in more than 50%.30–36 The autonomic studies—is very unusual for neuropathies other than disturbance usually manifests as tachycardia but more GBS. Other electrodiagnostic testing abnormalities are serious autonomic nervous system dysfunction may frequently encountered in early GBS but they are less occur, including life-threatening arrhythmias, hypoten- specific to GBS. These include absent H-reflexes, low sion, hypertension, and gastrointestinal dysmotility. motor nerve CMAP amplitudes on distal stimulation, Supportive ancillary testing for GBS includes and prolonged F-wave responses.38–40 It is reported that CSF analysis and electrodiagnostic testing, both of the H-reflex was absent in 97% of GBS patients within which may be normal in the early phase of GBS. The the first week of symptom onset.40 It should also be limitations of ancillary testing in the early phase com- pointed out that motor electrodiagnostic testing findings bined with the importance of prompt treatment of GBS are more often abnormal than sensory nerve results in mandates that the clinician at times make the diagnosis early GBS. In one study, 90% of GBS patients had based solely on history and examination. An elevated motor nerve conduction abnormalities—often low CSF protein concentration (with normal cell count) is CMAP amplitudes—but only 25% had sensory nerve only found on initial CSF analysis in 50% of patients; conduction abnormalities in the first week of GBS.38 elevated CSF protein concentration occurs in more than Blink studies are very often abnormal in GBS patients 90% of patients at clinical nadir.21 There is probably no with facial weakness.39 Prolonged compound muscle reason to repeat the CSF analysis if the initial CSF is action potential duration (> 8.5 msec) on distal stim- normal and there is a reasonable degree of certainty ulation may suggest distal demyelination and can be about the clinical diagnosis. CSF pleocytosis is not seen helpful in some cases.41 Needle examination typically in GBS and raises the question of infectious (HIV, demonstrates the finding of reduced motor unit action CMV, Lyme, sarcoid), carcinomatous, or lymphomatous potential recruitment in clinically weak muscles. With polyradiculoneuropathy. regard to prognosis, very low CMAPs on distal stim- Electrodiagnostic testing is performed to support ulation (i.e., mean distal CMAP [summated from per- the clinical impression that the acute motor is oneal, tibial, median and ulnar motor ] of 0 to 20% caused by a peripheral neuropathy. Electrodiagnostic of the lower limit of normal) on initial electrodiagnostic testing of GBS patients often also demonstrates features testing has been shown to be associated with a markedly of demyelination, such as temporal dispersion, signifi- increased probability of a poor long-term outcome.42,43 cantly slow conduction velocities, and prolonged distal Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine and F-wave latencies.37 Electrodiagnostic testing fea- or brain is commonly performed to rule out a mimic of tures of acquired demyelination (e.g., conduction block, GBS, such as myelopathy or infiltrative or compressive temporal dispersion, nonuniform slowing of conduction causes of polyradiculoneuropathy. Moreover, MRI can Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


support the diagnosis of GBS by revealing enhancement elevated protein concentration without cells. Recovery of involved nerve roots or cranial nerves.44–46 Other than usually begins within 3 weeks and is often complete. for cases of MFS (associated with anti-GQ1b antibod- Mortality rate is roughly 3 to 5%. Sensory nerve con- ies), at the present time there is no diagnostic value in duction studies are normal and motor nerve studies are assaying antiganglioside antibody values in a patient remarkable for low or absent CMAP amplitudes with with GBS. normal conduction velocities. Denervating potentials are seen on needle .59 Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy VARIANTS shares many pathological features with acute motor Commonly recognized variants include those with severe axonal neuropathy but differs clinically from it in axon loss, variants in which one particular fiber type patient age of onset (usually adults rather than children), (sensory or autonomic) is predominantly affected, and geographic distribution (can occur anywhere), time of MFS.2 (See onset (not only summertime), involvement of sensory index.cfm to listen to a podcast interview with Dr. C. nerves, course (protracted), and outcome (usually severe Miller Fisher discussing his 1956 New England Journal residual disability).51–53,55,56,58 Onset is abrupt and pro- of Medicine article that described three cases of what gression rapid with most patients requiring mechanical later became known as MFS.) Variants with regional or a ventilation within a few days of symptom onset. Motor markedly asymmetric distribution also occur.1 There are nerves are electrically inexcitable early in the disorder. also differences in abruptness of onset and time to reach Sensory nerve conduction studies are also abnormal. nadir, which can complicate diagnosis and decisions Widespread denervation is seen on needle examination. about treatment. For example, some patients have The course is protracted and outcome poor, with only clinical features and disease course similar to GBS 20% ambulating at 1 year.52 except for a slower progression (i.e., progression that The most recognizable and distinct regional var- lasts longer than 4 weeks); this disease is sometimes iant of GBS is MFS.1,2,62 Like GBS, onset of MFS referred to as subacute inflammatory demyelinating often follows an infection, for example C. jejuni.63 MFS polyradiculoneuropathy (SIDP)47,48; however, in patients classically present with external ophthalmopa- many respects SIDP is like GBS and often should be resis, areflexia, and ataxia,2 although MFS patients often treated as such. present with fewer components of the classical clinical Axonal occurs to some degree in many cases triad1,62,64–66 or with additional clinical features (facial of GBS,49 usually secondary to the pathological events of weakness, oropharyngeal weakness, internal ophthalmo- demyelination (e.g., ‘‘bystander’’ injury).50 In the early , central nervous system involvement). Bicker- phase of GBS, any axonal degeneration is almost always staff’s brainstem encephalitis (BBE) is a related overshadowed by the manifestations of acquired demye- syndrome in which alteration of consciousness or corti- lination. In many instances of severe GBS, significant cospinal tract signs are seen in addition to ophthalmo- secondary axonal damage will develop and impact the paresis and ataxia. Facial weakness and dysarthria are degree of residual damage, and thus the long-term out- particularly common in BBE and MFS. Many patients come. Cases of GBS with primary demyelination and with MFS or BBE also have ‘‘overlapping GBS’’ with secondary axonal loss should not be confused with the flaccid quadriparesis.62,67 Anti-GQ1b antibodies are acute axonal form of GBS, a distinct entity that present in 95% of patients with acute MFS68,69 and probably represents 5 to 10% of cases of GBS in North in approximately two thirds of patients with BBE. The America51–54 but is more common in Japan and recognition of the various clinical presentations and the China.55–57 Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy high sensitivity and specificity of anti-GQ1b antibody and acute motor axonal neuropathy are two variants testing has prompted the suggestion that these condi- characterized by immune attack directed at axons rather tions fall under the rubric of the ‘‘anti-GQ1b antibody than Schwann cells and myelin.51–53,55,56,58 syndrome.’’ Acute motor axonal neuropathy occurs in large Anti-GT1a antibodies are also commonly abnor- epidemics in the summer in northern China and more mal on serological testing of these patients.70 Rarely, sporadically elsewhere, including North America, Eu- anti-GT1a antibody without anti-GQ1b reactivity is rope, and Asia.56,58 The summer epidemics in northern found in patients presenting with the pharyngeal-cer- China mostly affect children, usually from rural vical-brachial (PCB) variant of GBS.71,72 More than areas. Onset of motor weakness is abrupt and is often half of MFS patients will have cytoalbuminological preceded a few weeks by an upper respiratory or other dissociation on CSF analysis performed within the first infection.59–61 In addition to acute motor paralysis, 3 weeks of disease.73 In MFS, motor nerve conduction many patients have transient neck and back stiffness studies in the limbs are usually normal or only mildly early in the course with resolution within days. There are abnormal with slight reductions in compound muscle no sensory symptoms or signs. CSF studies demonstrate action potential amplitudes.74 Motor conduction Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at

GUILLAIN-BARRE´ SYNDROME/BURNS 155 velocities are usually normal or at most only very mildly mononeuritis multiplex’’) pattern typical of systemic abnormal in patients with MFS. Conduction block and vasculitis or a more symmetric pattern typical of GBS. temporal dispersion are not seen on testing of limb Systemic symptoms (e.g., unexplained weight loss, fe- motor nerves of patients with MFS. Sensory nerve action vers), multiorgan involvement (e.g., joints, skin, kidney, potential amplitudes are usually moderately to severely respiratory tract), serological markers (e.g., elevated reduced, more so in the upper extremity sensory nerves sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor), and absence of (e.g., median) than the sural nerve. Facial CMAP an antecedent illness would be some features that would amplitudes are often reduced without discernible delay point toward systemic vasculitis and away from GBS.78 in conduction in patients with MFS. Blink reflex R1 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy latencies may be delayed, and R2 responses may be (CIDP) may sometimes present with abrupt onset and delayed or absent. Needle electromyelogram (EMG) rapid progression to clinical nadir (e.g., < 4 weeks) and changes are usually normal or only mildly abnormal.74 thus may be indistinguishable from GBS in the early MRI of the brain frequently demonstrates cranial nerve phase of disease.79 Other mimics of GBS are less enhancement (e.g., oculomotor nerves) in MFS75 and common (Table 11,80–93). high-intensity abnormalities in the posterior fossa, white matter, or thalami in patients with BBE.67 MFS is generally a benign, self-limiting condition. Almost all PATHOPHYSIOLOGY treated and untreated patients return to normal activities within 6 months of disease onset, usually with resolution Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating of ophthalmoplegia within 1 to 2 months and ataxia Polyradiculoneuropathy within 3 to 4 months.76 Other regional variants of GBS The most common form of GBS is AIDP, which is are those that affect other specific areas of the body, such characterized pathologically by demyelination, lympho- as only the face or the afferent sensory and autonomic cytic infiltration, and macrophage-mediated clearance of systems.77 myelin.3,4,49 Approximately two thirds of GBS cases occur weeks after an infection such as C. jejuni, CMV, Mycoplasma pneumonia, or influenza virus.13,21 These MIMICS infectious agents have epitopes on their surface that are To achieve a reasonable degree of certainty about a similar to epitopes on the surface of peripheral nerves diagnosis of GBS, the neurologist must consider the (e.g., gangliosides, glycolipids), resulting in the periph- mimics (Table 1), keeping in mind, however, that GBS eral nerve acting as a ‘‘molecular mimic’’ of the infectious will in fact be the diagnosis in the vast majority of acute- agent.14,94–98 For example, carbohydrate moieties of onset . These mimics should be eval- gangliosides (e.g., GM1, GD1a, GQ1b) found on the uated for, when appropriate, but whenever possible surface of the peripheral nerve are structural mimics of diagnosis and treatment of GBS should not be delayed the lipooligosaccharides (LOSs) of C. jejuni.12,77,97,99 because of an inappropriately extensive evaluation for During an otherwise trivial infection (e.g., C. jejuni), less common mimics. Perhaps acute-onset myelopathy is the complement-fixing immunoglobulin (Ig) G anti- the entity that most commonly mimics GBS. Acute bodies that arise to attack the infection also bind to myelopathy resembling GBS may be caused, for exam- peripheral nerve gangliosides, inducing autoimmune ple, by transverse myelitis, acute spinal cord compres- injury.12,94 sion, or spinal cord infarct. Corticospinal tract findings, Paranodal myelin, exposed axolemma at nodes of such as hyperreflexia, may not be evident in the acute Ranvier, and the presynaptic component of the neuro- phase, and thus urgent spinal cord or cauda equina muscular junction are sites of antibody attack of varying imaging is sometimes indicated. The site of imaging degrees for different GBS syndromes and individuals.12 should be based on clinical features. For example, if a Macrophage-mediated stripping of myelin also occurs, patient has motor and sensory features in four extrem- mediated by antibody and complement deposition on ities, imaging of the cervical cord may be appropriate. If Schwann cell and myelin membranes.3,94 Demyelination a patient only has clinical features in the lower extrem- may occur throughout the length of the nerve, especially ities, imaging more caudally may be indicated. and perhaps earliest at proximal nerve roots and distal Vasculitic neuropathy may also resemble GBS, intramuscular nerve twigs where the blood-nerve bar- particularly if the distribution of neuropathy mimics riers are weak.12,100 The nerve terminal axons are also GBS by appearing to be relatively symmetric or only damaged in AIDP. Nerve terminal damage follows slightly asymmetric. For this reason, the neurologist antibody binding and complement fixation. Activation must not only examine the patient but also query the of the complement pathway leads to membrane attack patient about the sequence of neuropathic symptoms to complex (MAC) formation with degradation of the tease out whether the process followed a rapidly pro- terminal axonal cytoskeleton and mitochondrial injury.12 gressive multiple mononeuropathy (e.g., ‘‘overlapping The perisynaptic Schwann cell, like the axonal element Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


Table 1 Mimics of Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome and Some of Their Distinguishing Characteristics Acute myelopathy Hyperreflexia, extensor plantar responses (although corticospinal tract findings may be absent early); (e.g., transverse myelitis, trauma; absence of antecedent illness. Normal electrodiagnostic testing. Imaging of spine or cauda cord compression, infarct) equina is often indicated to exclude spinal cord or cauda equina structural lesion.1 Vasculitic neuropathy Asymmetric polyneuropathy or multifocal mononeuropathies; very painful, systemic symptoms (e.g., unexplained weight loss, fevers, rash); multiorgan involvement (e.g., joints, skin, kidney, respiratory tract); serologic markers (e.g., elevated sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor); absence of an antecedent illness. Normal CSF. Axonal polyneuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1,78 Myasthenia gravis Ocular (e.g., diplopia), bulbar (e.g., dysarthria), and limb weakness without sensory symptoms; fatigable, fluctuating symptoms; absence of an antecedent illness. Pattern of descending weakness. Normal CSF. Abnormal CMAP decrement on slow RNS studies.80 Botulism Infants (most frequent) and at-risk adults (e.g., foodborne, such as exposure to home canned foods; from wound; injecting drug users). Nausea, vomiting, constipation, diplopia, ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, blurring of vision, dysphagia, dysarthria, urinary retention. Pattern of descending weakness. Normal CSF. Abnormal CMAP decrement on slow RNS studies. Abnormal CMAP facilitation on fast RNS.1,81 West Nile Fever, meningoencephalitis (may be mild), rash, abdominal pain, back pain; acute-onset lower motor encephalomyelitis neuronopathy. No sensory disturbance. CSF pleocytosis. Lower motor neuronopathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1,82,83 Lyme neuroborreliosis Endemic area during tick season; , fever, myalgias, arthralgias, facial weakness; tick bite and rash. CSF pleocytosis. Axonal polyradiculoneuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing.84,85 Heavy metals Known exposure; neuropathy is accompanied by systemic symptoms (e.g., abdominal pain, diarrhea, (e.g., arsenic) and constipation, rash, alopecia, central nervous system involvement); absence of an antecedent other toxins illness; prominent small-fiber nerve component (e.g., ‘‘burning’’ ). Unremarkable CSF. Axonal polyneuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1,86 Tick paralysis Children during tick season. Ataxic gait, diplopia, dysarthria, pupillary abnormalities (dilated pupils). No sensory complaints. Normal CSF. Low CMAPs and normal SNAPs on electrodiagnostic testing. Tick on scalp (e.g., behind the ear) or skin (e.g., nape of the neck).87,88 Acute intermittent Accompanying autonomic symptoms (tachycardia, hypertension, constipation, urinary retention), porphyria abdominal pain (usually severe), psychiatric and other CNS manifestations; patient with a history of prior suggestive attacks; axonal polyradiculoneuropathy or neuronopathy, often asymmetric. CSF resembles GBS with cytoalbuminological dissociation.89 Buckthorn toxicity Children living in the southwestern United States and Mexico; little or no sensory symptoms.90 Patient (e.g., from a developing country) with recent sore throat, fever, and multiple cranial neuropathies (e.g., diplopia, ptosis, dysarthria, dysphagia, numb tongue, gingivae and face). CSF resembles GBS with cytoalbuminological dissociation. Axonal polyradiculoneuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1,91 HIV GBS more common in HIV patients; occurs at seroconversion. Demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing. CSF pleocytosis.92 CMV polyradiculopathy AIDS patient, late stages. Rapidly progressive lower extremity weakness and pain (sparing upper extremities). CSF pleocytosis. Axonal polyradiculopathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1,93 Poliomyelitis Endemic area; sore throat, fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, acute-onset lower motor neuronopathy with myalgias and . CSF pleocytosis. Lower motor neuronopathy on electrodiagnostic testing.1 Critical illness myopathy Quadriparesis in critical care patients. Unremarkable CSF. Myopathic and/or axonal neuropathic and polyneuropathy features on electrodiagnostic testing. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; RNS, repetitive nerve stimulation; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential; CNS, central nervous system; GBS, Guillain-Barre´ syndrome; CMV, cytomegalovirus.

of the nerve terminal, also lies outside the blood-nerve sponse, and antiganglioside antibodies exist as low- barrier and is probably damaged by antiganglioside anti- affinity IgM isotypes in normal subjects. The level and bodies. affinity of these antibodies is controlled by tolerance Anti-LOS/ganglioside antibodies exist within in normal subjects, and 99% of humans infected the natural antibody repertoire, acting as innate de- with ganglioside-mimicking strains of C. jejuni do fense against bacteria.12 The carbohydrate moieties of not develop significant anti-LOS/ganglioside antibod- gangliosides elicit a T-cell–independent humoral re- ies or GBS.12 In GBS, the antibody response has Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at

GUILLAIN-BARRE´ SYNDROME/BURNS 157 class-switched from IgM to complement-fixing IgG1 patients with GBS, PE is usually administered as one and IgG3 isotypes. plasma volume, 50 mL/kg, on five separate occasions over 1 to 2 weeks.5,6,8,107,108,113 In a meta-analysis of six class II trials comparing PE to supportive care alone for Acute Axonal Neuropathy adults with GBS, 48 out of 321 in the PE group and 106 Acute motor axonal neuropathy often follows infection out of 325 in the control group were on a ventilator after with C. jejuni, which contain an epitope in their LOSs 4 weeks (relative risk 0.56; 95% confidence interval [CI], that is also present in GM1 gangliosides of nerve.101,102 0.41 to 0.76; p ¼ 0.0003).107,117 In a meta-analysis of Like AIDP, acute motor axonal neuropathy is believed four trials, 135 of 199 PE and 112 of 205 control patients to be an IgG- and complement-mediated disorder.56,58 recovered full muscle strength after 1 year (relative risk The target epitopes are likely the constituents of the 1.24 in favor of PE; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.45; P ¼ 0.005).107 axolemma of motor fibers. Antibody binding may alter The cost of PE has been shown to be offset by the sodium channel function, causing conduction block. The savings of a shorter hospital stay.118,119 The Quality relatively rapid improvement of many acute motor axo- Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of nal neuropathy cases may be explained by reversal of Neurology (AAN) concluded in 2003 that PE hastens IgG-mediated conduction block before development of recovery in nonambulant patients with GBS who seek significant axonal degeneration. Motor nerve terminal treatment within 4 weeks of onset, and that PE hastens and intramuscular axon damage without more proximal recovery of ambulant patients with GBS who are exam- degeneration also occurs in at least some cases of acute ined within 2 weeks.107 The Quality Standard Subcom- motor axonal neuropathy, and this might also explain mittee, therefore, recommends treatment with PE for rapid recovery in many patients.103 However, in many nonambulant patients with GBS within 4 weeks (level A cases, macrophages are attracted early in the process to recommendation) and for ambulant patients within 2 the nodes of Ranvier by complement products. The weeks (level B recommendation) of symptom onset.107 macrophages dissect into the internodal periaxonal The optimum number of plasma exchanges has not been spaces, displacing axons from inner Schwann cell plas- established, but many physicians use the protocol of malemma, and appear to cause axonal degenera- the North America Trial in which a total of 200 to tion.55,56,58 The extent of macrophage-mediated axonal 250 mL/kg were exchanged over 7 to 10 days.6,106 The degeneration likely predicts outcome, with more macro- French Cooperative Group on Plasma Exchange in GBS phage-mediated axonal degeneration leading to higher demonstrated that for adult patients with mild GBS likelihood of mortality and protracted course and in- (able to walk unaided but not run), two exchanges were complete recovery for those who survive.52 better than none; and for patients with moderate (unable to walk) or severe (ventilated) GBS, four exchanges were better than two and six exchanges were no better than Miller Fisher Syndrome four.111 In a small study looking at the effect of the Miller Fisher Syndrome shares many pathophysiological number of exchanges on Ig levels in serum, including events with AIDP and acute motor axonal neuropathy. antiganglioside antibody levels, a significant decrease in Molecular mimicry between infection (e.g., C. jejuni) Ig levels occurred during the first two exchanges but not and surface components of peripheral nerve plays a key with subsequent exchanges.120 role leading to humoral and complement activation with Although IVIg and PE are probably of equal MAC formation and nerve axon terminal dam- efficacy, nonsignificant trends toward faster recovery age.12,63,104 A critical difference between MFS and have been observed with IVIg in trials designed to AIDP or acute motor axonal neuropathy is the activation compare it to PE.7,8,105,107 No compelling evidence of anti-GQ1b and anti-GT1a antibodies in MFS that favors one treatment over the other.106 For adult and target oculomotor and bulbar nerves, which are nerves pediatric patients with GBS, IVIg is usually adminis- thought to have relatively high GQ1b and GT1a tered as 2 g/kg total divided over 2 to 5 days.106,107,112,115 ganglioside densities.12,68,69,104 The presynaptic nerve The Quality Standards Subcommittee of the AAN terminal axons and perisynaptic Schwann cells are concluded in 2003 that IVIg has equal efficacy in damaged in MFS.12,62 hastening recovery for GBS patients who require aid to walk if IVIg is started within 2 weeks of the onset.107 The Quality Standard Subcommittee recommends treat- MANAGEMENT ment with IVIg for patients with GBS who require aid to walk within 2 weeks (level A recommendation) or 4 weeks (level B recommendation) of neuropathic symp- Plasma exchange (PE) and IVIg are effective immuno- tom onset.107 therapies for adult and pediatric patients with GBS if The decision to use PE or IVIg must be based on given during the first few weeks of disease.6–8,105–116 For multiple factors, including availability of treatments and Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


the side effect profiles in the context of the patient’s 500 mg per day for 5 days, administered within 48 hours course and comorbidities. In the major trials comparing of the first dose of IVIg) may hasten recovery but does IVIg to PE, slightly more complications were observed not appear to significantly affect the long-term out- in the PE group than the IVIg group. Significant adverse come.127,128 events associated with PE include hypotension, septice- Immunoabsorption therapy is an alternative tech- mia, pneumonia, abnormal clotting, complications from nique to PE that does not require using a human blood central venous access, and hypocalcemia. Citrate infused product as a replacement fluid, thereby reducing risk of for anticoagulation or as part of fresh-frozen plasma may infection or allergic reaction.129–131 Immunoadsorption lead to hypocalcemia or metabolic acidosis. Symptoms of therapy removes Ig from the circulation without need for hypocalcemia include paresthesias, muscle cramps, and, replacement with albumin or fresh-frozen plasma be- in severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias.121 Major hemostatic cause of the lower loss of albumin. In one study, there disorders, unstable cardiovascular status, active infection, were no differences in outcome between 13 patients with and pregnancy are contraindications to PE.5 Significant GBS treated with immunoadsorption and 11 patients adverse events associated with IVIg include renal failure, treated with PE.131 There was also no difference ob- myocardial infarction, vomiting, and meningismus.7,8,107 served in clinical outcome in a retrospective review of IVIg is not contraindicated in pregnancy. In general, patients with GBS treated with immunoadsorption, PE, adverse reactions to IVIg are usually minor and occur in or double-filtration . Fewer complica- less than 10% of patients. A slow rate of infusion is tions were reported with immunoadsorption.129 PE advised for patients with coronary artery disease or followed by IVIg was shown to provide no statistically congestive heart failure to avoid fluid overload. IVIg significant additional benefit compared with PE alone or increases serum viscosity, and this may increase the risk IVIg alone.8 Immunoadsorption followed by IVIg also of thromboembolic events. IVIg may be relatively con- appears to be no more effective than IVIg alone.131 In traindicated for patients with elevated serum viscosity 2003, the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the AAN (such as that caused by serum cryoglobulins), high did not recommend sequential treatment with PE fol- triglycerides, or hypergammaglobulinemia.122,123 It lowed by IVIg or immunoadsorption followed by should also be used judiciously in patients with recent IVIg.107 deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Acute tubular necrosis Early relapses (‘‘treatment-related fluctuations’’) occurs rarely in patients with preexisting kidney disease, occur in 10% of patients with GBS following PE or especially the elderly and those with diabetes or poor IVIg therapy. Rate of relapse is similar for PE and hydration.122,123 Acute tubular necrosis is most com- IVIg.7,8,14,132 A longer interval between onset and treat- monly associated with IVIg products with high concen- ment132 and longer time to nadir133 may be associated trations of sucrose. Close monitoring of blood urea with a greater chance of relapse, but these associations nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine and proper hydration likely reflect the characteristics of a patient’s immune are essential during IVIg treatment, particularly for activation more than the timing of immunotherapy. For patients at risk for renal tubular necrosis. Diluting the instance, some patients initially diagnosed with GBS— IVIg preparation, slowing the rate of infusion, and with preceding infectious episode, abrupt onset of neu- selecting products with low osmolality lessen the ropathic symptoms, and progression to clinical nadir risk.122,123 The prevalence of selective IgA deficiency is within 4 weeks—are later rediagnosed as having CIDP 1:1000. When these patients receive IVIg, the IgA in the because of the persistence of neuropathy deficits, based IVIg may lead to an anaphylactic reaction. However, this on ongoing demyelination caused by an active auto- is a rare complication occurring most frequently in immune process.134 It is occasionally challenging to patients with common variable immunodeficiency, and determine whether persistent deficits are caused by on- screening for IgA deficiency before treating a GBS going and demyelination or the secon- patient with IVIg is not justified.123,124 dary, residual axonal damage of previously active GBS. treatment is ineffective for treating In such instances, repeat electrodiagnostic testing can be GBS.107,125–127 In a Cochrane systematic review of helpful, and if testing suggests ongoing demyelination, six trials with 587 patients, the overall evidence showed CIDP and treatment for CIDP (e.g., ) no significant difference between the corticosteroid- should be considered.134 and non–corticosteroid-treated patients in disability Untreated patients with MFS generally recover grade.127 In four trials of oral corticosteroids with 120 completely within months.62,74,76,134–136 Patients with patients, there was significantly less clinical improve- MFS or a variant of MFS (e.g., BBE) are frequently ment after 4 weeks with corticosteroids than without treated with immunotherapy (e.g., PE or IVIg), but no corticosteroids, suggesting that oral corticosteroids may randomized trials of immunotherapy for these condi- slow recovery. Intravenous methylprednisolone alone tions have been published,62,136 and it is unknown does not produce significant benefit or harm. In combi- whether immunotherapy hastens recovery or improves nation with IVIg, intravenous methylprednisolone (e.g., outcome in these patients. Clinical recovery was recently Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at

GUILLAIN-BARRE´ SYNDROME/BURNS 159 analyzed retrospectively for 92 patients with MFS.134 timing of tracheostomy should be based on the status of IVIg appeared to slightly hasten the start of amelioration the individual in the context of an understanding that of ophthalmoplegia and ataxia compared with PE or early tracheostomy improves patient comfort and airway conservative therapy, but the times to disappearance of safety and may help weaning, but that tracheostomy can symptoms were similar for all three groups. Further- result in permanent disfigurement and has been associated more, at 1 year, only four (4%) patients with MFS had with life-threatening complications such as hemorrhage, residual symptoms (three with diplopia, one with dip- infection, and inadvertent dislodgement of the tube.23 lopia and ophthalmoplegia). Of the four patients who Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy may be advanta- were not asymptomatic at 1 year, one had received IVIg, geous over traditional tracheostomy by allowing less risk two had been treated with PE, and one had received of accidental extubation and a better cosmetic outcome.146 conservative treatment. Patients with mild or uncompli- The decision to perform tracheostomy may wait 2 weeks cated MFS may perhaps be treated conservatively.134 following intubation, but if at 2 weeks the patient does not Patients with a more severe or complicated anti-GQ1b show significant improvement in pulmonary function antibody syndrome, such as patients with BBE or with tests and strength, then tracheostomy is probably indi- overlapping GBS, should probably be treated with cated. If the pulmonary function tests are improving at immunotherapy.62,134 2 weeks, it may be preferable to wait 1 more week to allow an attempt at weaning from the ventilator. The ratio of an integrated pulmonary function score (VC SUPPORTIVE CARE [mL/kg] þ PImax [cm H2O] þ PEmax [cm H2O]) calcu- Even with immunotherapy, mortality from GBS is 5% lated before intubation and then at day 12 after ventilation and may be as high as 20% for ventilated patients.137 can be used to predict the need for tracheostomy.141 A Diligent supportive care is essential to minimizing risk of summated pulmonary function ratio (day 12 score divided mortality.21,23 Supportive care consensus guidelines have by score day before intubation) greater than 1.0 (i.e., recently been published.23 improving parameters) is predictive of weaning from ventilator before 3 weeks, whereas a score less than 1.0 (i.e., worsening parameters) predicts the need for venti- Monitoring and Management for Respiratory lation beyond 3 weeks. Failure and Airway Compromise Neuromuscular respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation occurs in 20 to 30% of GBS pa- Monitoring and Management for Autonomic tients.5,6,8,9,21,23–29 The neurologist must monitor for Nervous System Dysfunction clinical signs of impending respiratory failure, including Acute autonomic dysfunction develops in the majority of tachypnea, use of accessory muscles of respiration, asyn- patients with GBS and is a significant cause of death in chronous movements of the chest and abdomen, and these patients. Cardiac and hemodynamic disturbances tachycardia.23 A vital capacity below 20 mL/kg, maximal are the most serious and frequent complications, but inspiratory pressure (PImax) less than 30 cm H2O, or GBS patients also frequently experience maximal expiratory pressure (PEmax) less than 40 cm of bowel and bladder function. Sympathetic overactivity 23,138–140 H2O predicts imminent respiratory arrest. with parasympathetic underactivity is the most frequent Time from onset to admission of less than 1 week, facial pattern of autonomic outflow imbalance,30–33 but other weakness, inability to cough, inability to lift head off of patterns are seen, even throughout the disease course of pillow, and atelectasis on chest radiograph are other an individual patient. Severe dysautonomia is most likely factors associated with respiratory failure and need for to occur in severe cases of GBS when patients are at their mechanical ventilation.25,141–143 Patients with demyeli- clinical nadir, such as the ventilated intensive care pa- nating GBS also appear to be more likely to require tient,34,36,147,148 although dysautonomia can occur early mechanical ventilation.142,144 GBS patients who require in the disease and resolve when paralysis is most severe.34 mechanical ventilation are at high risk of developing a Cardiac and hemodynamic disturbance manifesting as significant complication such as pneumonia, tracheo- hypertension, postural hypotension, and tachycardia oc- bronchitis, pulmonary embolus, or bacteremia.145 In cur in the majority of GBS patients.32–35,149,150 Blood some GBS patients, mechanical ventilation is indicated pressure and heart rate monitoring is strongly recom- because of severe bulbar dysfunction causing difficulty mended for at least severely affected cases and should with clearing secretions, increasing the risk of aspiration, be considered for milder cases.23,33 Cardiovascular mon- and impairing gas exchange.23,25,28,29 itoring should continue until the patient has begun to The mean duration of mechanical ventilation for clinically improve or, if the patient required ventilation, GBS is 2 to 6 weeks.5,6,8,110,141 Weaning from the until ventilatory support has been discontinued.23 Dis- ventilator should follow improvement in serial pulmo- turbances of heart rate and blood pressure should nary function tests and strength.23 The necessity and not always be assumed to be secondary to autonomic Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


neuropathy, particularly if sustained or if the patient’s (stomach, small intestine, and much of the colon) and GBS is otherwise not severe or near clinical nadir. sacral parasympathetic nerves (distal colon). In the later Pulmonary embolus, sepsis, dehydration, undertreated phases of GBS, ileus is not associated with other dysau- pain, and electrolyte disturbance need to be considered. tonomias but rather with prolonged immobility and Sinus tachycardia is the most commonly encoun- mechanical ventilation.36 Ileus is transient but may tered manifestation of dysautonomia in GBS.34 Tachy- persist for days to weeks. Routine abdominal examina- cardia is usually in the range of 100 to 120 beats per tion—including auscultation, measurement of abdomi- minute and is of little clinical significance.34,151 How- nal girth, and, sometimes, abdominal radiography— ever, the presence of tachycardia signifies the presence of should be standard for GBS patients, particularly those cardiac dysrhythmia in a GBS patient and may identify with other , and should continue for GBS patients more at risk for severe bradycardia, heart block, patients who require mechanical ventilation.36 Dysmo- and asystole. Severe bradycardia, heart block, and asys- tility can usually be effectively managed by suspension of tole that necessitates resuscitation and placement of a enteral feeds, nasogastric suctioning, and erythromycin cardiac pacemaker occur infrequently.32,34,147,148 Endo- or neostigmine.23,36 Parenteral nutrition may be neces- tracheal suction and pharmacological agents may pro- sary if ileus persists for more than a few days. Rectal voke bradycardia and asystole.34,147 Hyperoxygenation tubes are sometimes employed. When possible, avoid- before endotracheal suction minimizes the effects of ance of narcotics is also helpful in lessening dysmotility. severe bradycardia. Hypertension occurs in approximately one third of GBS patients.34,149 Hypertension is most frequently Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis paroxysmal but may be sustained.34 Systolic blood pres- Immobilization caused by GBS is a risk factor for sure fluctuations may be extreme.32 Episodes of hyper- development of DVT and pulmonary embolus. Subcuta- tension may be followed by hypotension or even sudden neous fractionated or unfractionated heparin and sup- death.32 However, in most cases the hypertension is mild port stockings are recommended for nonambulatory and transient and doesn’t warrant specific therapy, par- GBS patients until they are able to walk independ- ticularly because some GBS patients experience labile ently.23 These recommendations are based on the evi- blood pressures with hypotension following hyperten- dence that subcutaneous heparin (5000 U every 12 sion.34 If the hypertension is severe and sustained, hours) or enoxaparin (40 mg every day) reduces the specific therapy may be necessary. In such cases, anti- incidence of DVT in acutely ill medical patients and in hypertensives with a short half-life that can be titrated orthopedic and urological surgical patients,153,154 and should be considered.34 Postural and episodic hypoten- the evidence that support stockings also reduce the risk sion occurs in up to one third of GBS patients.32,34 of DVT.155 Maintenance of intravascular volume and avoidance of diuretics and other drugs that lower blood pressure, whenever possible, are important measures to minimize Pain Management hypotension. GBS patients at risk for hypotension Pain is reported in the majority of GBS patients4,17,19,20,23 should not be left unattended in a sitting or upright and should be treated aggressively. In one prospective position.34 study of GBS patients,19 47% reported pain that was Urinary retention may occur in up to one third of ‘‘distressing,’’ ‘‘horrible,’’ or ‘‘excruciating.’’ The most patients.32–34 Bladder dysfunction is particularly common common pain types are deep, aching back and lower in GBS patients who are nonambulatory and require extremity pain and dysesthetic extremity pain. Pain in- mechanical ventilation.34 Urinary retention is likely sec- tensity correlated poorly with degree of disability. In this ondary to sacral parasympathetic nerve and pudendal study, 75% of GBS patients required oral or parenteral motor nerve dysfunction,33,34,152 and may be managed analgesics and 30% were treated with intravenous by a sterile, closed urinary drainage system.23,34,36 infusions (range, 1 to 7 mg/h). Narcotics may Gastrointestinal motility disorders occur in 15% exacerbate gastrointestinal dysmotility and bladder dis- of severely affected GBS patients.34,36 Upper gastro- tention so clinicians should carefully monitor for these intestinal ileus may manifest as abdominal distention, side effects.23,36 (e.g., 15 mg/kg/d)156 and pain, and cramping. Lower gastrointestinal ileus may (e.g., 300 mg daily)157 are reported to be manifest as constipation. Ileus may occur during the effective for pain reduction in patients with GBS. Other acute phase of worsening motor strength or later during adjuvant therapy (e.g., , , tricyclic the plateau or recovery phase. When ileus occurs during antidepressant ) may also be helpful in the the acute GBS phase, it is usually accompanied by other short-term and long-term management of neuropathic features of dysautonomia (urinary retention, tachycardia, pain.23 Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- hypertension), and is presumed to occur on the basis of tory agents can also be tried as first-line treatment but are autoimmune damage of the parasympathetic vagal nerve often not very effective.19 Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


ISSUES FOLLOWING ACUTE CARE overly optimistic or pessimistic expectations. Patients HOSPITALIZATION FOR PATIENTS WITH experience most of the recovery during the first year, GUILLAIN-BARRE´ SYNDROME especially the first 6 months, but the majority of patients continue to experience recovery well into the second year Inpatient Rehabilitation and often beyond.162,163 In one study of adult patients Approximately 40% of patients hospitalized with GBS who were queried 1 year after onset, more than half felt will need inpatient rehabilitation.158 Of patients who that they were not yet back to baseline and were still need inpatient rehabilitation, prior requirement for me- improving.163 At 1 year, two thirds still reported some chanical ventilation and other indicators of more severe disturbed sensation and/or loss of power; in many cases, GBS predict a longer rehabilitation stay. Rehabilitation these neuropathic symptoms were considered to be mod- management approaches for patients with GBS have erately or seriously annoying. Of those patients who been borrowed from the experiences of other neuro- reported feeling that they were cured at 1 year post- muscular diseases and also from the experiences of GBS (which was less than half the cohort), the mean time managing GBS patients during the acute care hospital- to the perception of cure was 230 days. At 1 year and even ization. Many of the same issues that arise during the during the 3- to 6-year follow-up period, almost half the hospital stay remain during the inpatient rehabilitation patients from this cohort reported an inability to function stay. For instance, patients with GBS following inpa- at home as well as before GBS and/or an alteration of tient hospitalization are likely to still be at increased risk leisure activity.162,163 One fifth of patients still noticed for complications secondary to weakness and immobili- improvement occurring 2.5 to 6.5 years after GBS.162 zation (e.g., DVT, decubitus ulcer, postural hypoten- Persistent disability is seen in 20 to 30% of adult sion), sensory loss (e.g., compression neuropathy), GBS patients9,142,145,163–168 but is much less common in dysautonomia (e.g., bladder overdistention), restrictive children.169,170 Long-term disability in adults is more pulmonary function (e.g., sleep hypercapnia and hypo- common with axonal GBS and severe GBS, for example, xia, pneumonia), weight loss (e.g., decubitus ulcer, in mechanically ventilated patients.9,23 The majority of compression neuropathy), and psychosocial concerns adult patients resume work but approximately one third (e.g., depression). Muscle weakness may be associated of patients either take a less demanding job or ultimately with muscle shortening and joint contractures, compli- don’t return to work.162,163,166,171 In addition to electro- cations that may be prevented by daily range-of-motion physiological characteristics, age, rapid progression, and exercises.158 Appropriate exercise regimens are used disability at nadir are associated with long-term prog- during rehabilitation to improve strength. Exercise regi- nosis. A clinical prognostic scoring system (the Erasmus mens should avoid overworking muscle groups, which GBS Outcome Score [EGOS]) has recently been pro- has been associated with paradoxical weakness and posed.168 This score takes into account the GBS dis- impedes recovery.159,160 Orthotics should be prescribed ability score (Table 2) at 2 weeks after admission, to maximize motor function. For patients with signifi- absence or presence of antecedent diarrhea, and age at cant proprioceptive loss and ataxia, therapy should in- onset to determine the likelihood of not ambulating clude techniques for sensory reintegration and repetitive unassisted 6 months after GBS. To calculate the EGOS, exercises to improve coordination.158 a point is given for each GBS disability score point (i.e., Five phases of recovery in GBS have been de- 1 to 5) at 2 weeks (Table 2). Points are added to the GBS scribed: experiencing dependency, encountering helpless- disability score as follows: 1 point is added for patients ness, wanting to know more about GBS, discovering older than 60 years, 0.5 points for patients ages 41 to 60, inner strength, and regaining independence.161 GBS and no points for patients 40 years and younger; 1 point support groups often play an important role in the is added if the patient experienced antecedent diarrhea. recovery following hospitalization, both for the patient If the EGOS is 3, the data suggest there is a < 5% and the family of the patient. Patients and others can chance the patient won’t be walking independently at find information online using various search engines. A 6 months; if EGOS is 4, the chance is 7%; if EGOS is few recommended Web sites are http://www.ninds.nih. gov/disorders/gbs/gbs.htm,, and Table 2 Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome Disability Score125 0 ¼ healthy state 1 ¼ minor symptoms and capable of running Persistent Symptoms and Disability 2 ¼ able to walk 10 m or more without assistance but unable Guillain-Barre´ syndrome has a serious long-term impact to run on the patient’s work and private life, even 3 to 6 years 3 ¼ able to walk 10 m across an open space with help after the onset of the illness.162 Recovery is usually slow 4 ¼ bedridden or chairbound and can take years. Patients and families need to be 5 ¼ requiring assisted ventilation for at least part of the day informed about the pace and extent of recovery to limit 6 ¼ dead Reprinted with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers (Semin Neurol 2008 April;28(2):152-167) Homepage at


5, the chance is 25%; if EGOS is 6, the chance is pitalization or treatment. Influenza, tetanus, and typhoid 55%; and if EGOS is 7, the chance of not walking were the most common immunizations associated with independently at 6 months is 85%.168 relapse of GBS symptoms. Severe fatigue is a sequela of GBS in approxi- The current consensus guidelines state that im- mately two thirds of adult patients.166,172,173 It can munizations are not recommended during the acute persist for years and is considered by most patients to phase of GBS and probably ‘‘not during a period, be one of the most disabling residual symptoms.173 possibly of 1 year’’ after onset of GBS.23 Decisions about Fatigue in patients who suffered GBS is significantly future immunizations should be made on a case-by-case associated with reduced quality of life and is independent basis, factoring in the benefits and risks of immunization of muscle strength, sensory impairment, functional abil- and also the possibility that infection, such as influenza, ity, and electrophysiological findings.173,174 Fatigue ap- may itself be associated with an increased risk of recur- pears to not be associated with level of functional rence of GBS.181 If GBS occurred within 6 weeks of a disability at nadir, antecedent infections, and time to particular immunization, more consideration should be follow-up after GBS.172 In a randomized, controlled given to avoid that particular immunization in the trial of amantadine for severe fatigue following GBS, future.23 amantadine was not superior to placebo.175 There are currently no additional published studies for other phar- maceutical agents, such as modafinil, for treatment of REFERENCES post-GBS fatigue. Another study of patients with severe fatigue 6 months to 15 years following GBS found that a 1. Levin KH. Variants and mimics of Guillain Barre´ 12-week bicycle exercise training program had positive syndrome. Neurologist 2004;10:61–74 effects on patient-reported fatigue, anxiety, depression, 2. Fisher M. An unusual variant of acute idiopathic polyneur- functional outcome, and quality of life. These patients itis (syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia). performed three supervised sessions of bicycling per N Engl J Med 1956;255:57–65 3. Prineas JW. Pathology of the Guillain-Barre´ syndrome. week for 12 weeks. Each session consisted of a five- Ann Neurol 1981;9(suppl):6–19 minute warm-up and 30 minutes of cycling followed by 5 4. Haymaker WE, Kernohan JW. The Landry-Guillain-Barre´ 176 to 10 minutes of cool-down cycling. Eighty-percent syndrome: clinicopathologic report of 50 fatal cases and a of patients in this cohort were motivated to continue critique of the literature. 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N Engl J Med 1992;326:1123–1129 greater than 1 or 2 additional GBS cases per million 177–179 8. Randomised trial of plasma exchange, intravenous immu- vaccinations. The potential benefits of influenza noglobulin, and combined treatments in Guillain-Barre´ vaccination outweigh the possible risks for vaccine- syndrome. Plasma Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barre´ associated GBS.180 Syndrome Trial Group. Lancet 1997;349:225–230 Recurrence of GBS following immunization also 9. Chio A, Cocito D, Leone M, et al. Guillain-Barre´ appears to be rare.23 However, only limited data are syndrome: a prospective, population-based incidence and available to guide clinicians and patients about whether outcome survey. Neurology 2003;60:1146–1150 10. Hughes RA, Rees JH. Clinical and epidemiologic features future immunizations, such as annual influenza vacci- of Guillain-Barre´ syndrome. J Infect Dis 1997;176(S2):S92– nation, are prudent for patients who have had GBS. 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