Manuscript received 10 August 2019 Revised manuscript received 17 October 2019 Manuscript accepted 29 October 2019

© 2019 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 9 December 2019

Sea level, carbonate mineralogy, and early diagenesis controlled δ13C records in Upper carbonates David S. Jones1, R. William Brothers1, Anne-Sofe Crüger Ahm2, Nicholas Slater2, John A. Higgins2 and David A. Fike3 1Geology Department, Amherst College, 11 Barrett Hill Road, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002, USA 2Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Guyot Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA 3Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, USA

ABSTRACT (Melchin and Holmden, 2006). However, these Stratigraphic variability in the geochemistry of sedimentary rocks provides critical data models can require unrealistic changes to carbon for interpreting paleoenvironmental change throughout Earth history. However, the vast burial and/or weathering fuxes, or they predict majority of pre- geochemical records derive from shallow-water carbonate platforms cross-platform δ13C gradients (δ13C increasing that may not refect global . Here, we used calcium isotope ratios (δ44Ca) in with greater proximity to the coast) that con- conjunction with minor-element geochemistry (Sr/Ca) and feld observations to explore the tradict the variability observed in some basins. links among sea-level change, carbonate mineralogy, and marine diagenesis and the expres- Here, we developed a new hypothesis that sion of a globally documented interval of elevated carbon isotope ratios (δ13C; Hirnantian explains the HICE as a record of shallow-water isotopic carbon excursion [HICE]) associated with glaciation in Upper Ordovician shallow- aragonite δ13C that evolved during sea-level water carbonate strata from Anticosti Island, Canada, and the Great Basin, Nevada and change and was variably altered during early Utah, USA. The HICE on Anticosti is preserved in limestones with low δ44Ca and high Sr/Ca, marine diagenesis. We used measurements of consistent with aragonite as a major component of primary mineralogy. Great Basin strata δ44Ca, δ13C, and Sr/Ca to identify the primary are characterized by lateral gradients in δ44Ca and δ13C that refect variations in the extent mineralogy and early diagenetic history of car- of early marine diagenesis across the platform. In deep-ramp settings, deposition during bonates deposited across the Hirnantian interval. synglacial sea-level lowstand and subsequent postglacial fooding increased the preservation We propose a mechanism that links the observed of an aragonitic signature with elevated δ13C produced in shallow-water environments. In magnitude of the HICE to glacioeustasy, depo- contrast, on the mid- and inner ramp, extensive early marine diagenesis under seawater- sitional environment, and early diagenesis, and buffered conditions muted the magnitude of the shift in δ13C. The processes documented here we discuss the implications for understanding provide an alternative explanation for variability in a range of geochemical proxies preserved the links between elevated δ13C and global envi- in shallow-water carbonates at other times in Earth history, and challenge the notion that ronmental change in the geologic record. these proxies necessarily record changes in the global ocean. Diagenetic Framework for Shallow-Water INTRODUCTION Hirnantian δ13C and Sea Level Marine Carbonate Ancient shallow-water carbonate strata pro- Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) strata around The pairing of calcium isotopes (δ44Ca) and vide important archives of the evolution of Earth’s the globe contain an interval of elevated δ13C, trace-element ratios (Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) has climate and environments. In particular, the carbon referred to as the Hirnantian isotopic carbon ex- emerged as a promising tool to identify both isotopic composition (13C/12C) of ancient shallow- cursion (HICE). The HICE is associated with primary mineralogy and the style of early dia- water carbonate sediments has been widely ap- sea-level fall during the Hirnantian glaciation, genetic alteration of marine carbonate sediments plied as both a chronostratigraphic tool (Saltzman which lasted less than 1.3 m.y. and has a geo- (Fantle and DePaolo, 2007; Fantle and Higgins, and Thomas, 2012) and an indicator of the parti- graphically variable magnitude, ranging from 2014; Higgins et al., 2018). In particular, cross- tioning of global carbon fuxes between carbon- ∼+2‰ to ∼+7‰ (Melchin et al., 2013, and refer- plots of δ44Ca and Sr/Ca in carbonates of all ate and organic reservoirs, linking the global geo- ences therein). Geochemical anomalies in δ15N, geologic ages exhibit covariation that can be chemical cycles of carbon and oxygen (Kump and δ34S, 87Sr/86Sr, δ26Mg, and δ7Li (LaPorte et al., quantitatively related to the style of early marine Arthur, 1999; Saltzman et al., 2011). However, this 2009; Zhang et al., 2009; Hu et al., 2017; Kim- diagenesis. The covariation arises for three rea- interpretation of the carbon isotopic composition mig and Holmden, 2017; Pogge von Strand- sons. First, early diagenetic carbonate of shallow-water carbonates has been questioned mann et al., 2017) are also found in Hirnantian are characterized by low Sr/Ca partition coeff- by studies of modern analogues (Swart and Eberli, strata. The origin of the HICE has been attrib- cients (Brand and Veizer, 1980) and small Ca iso- 2005; Swart, 2008; Higgins et al., 2018), where uted to increased global organic carbon burial tope fractionation factors (Fantle and DePaolo, local processes, early diagenetic alteration, and (Brenchley et al., 1994); synglacial changes in 2007; Jacobson and Holmden, 2008; Tang et al., changes in δ13C of carbonate minerals conspire to δ13C of the riverine weathering fux (Kump et al., 2008) compared to primary marine carbonate decouple the chemistry of shallow-water carbon- 1999); and/or local carbon cycling in shallow minerals (although Baker et al. [1982] showed ate sediments from the global ocean. basins partially isolated from the global ocean that deep-sea pelagic can maintain­ high

CITATION: Jones, D.S., et al., 2020, Sea level, carbonate mineralogy, and early diagenesis controlled δ13C records in Upper Ordovician carbonates: Geology, v. 48, p. 194–199,

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Downloaded from by Princeton University user on 22 July 2020 . A B C EH 63° W D

25 m ecsci e Fm

Rhuddanian LFB . 49.5° Fm tian NACP

N N Hirnan Ellis Bay LC 10km

.B LEGEND Fm tian Ka

NACP Silurian Vaureal Vaureal Laframboise Point Ellis

vician Bay do Vauréal Or -1 031 2 4 5 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2-1.0 -0.8 010.52.0 1.5 .0 2.5 3.0 δ C (‰-VPDB) δ44Ca (‰-SW) Sr/Ca (mmol/mol)

Figure 1. Stratigraphic plots of geochemical data from Anticosti Island, Canada: New Associated Consolidated Paper (NACP) drill core and Laframboise Point outcrop limestones. (A) δ13C. (B) δ44Ca. (C) Sr/Ca. Laframboise Point carbon isotope data are from Jones et al. (2011). Hori- zontal gray bands indicate lower and upper Hirnantian isotopic carbon excursion (HICE) carbon isotope anomalies. (D) Simplifed geologic map of Anticosti Island, after Desrochers et al. (2010). EH—English Head, LFB—Laframboise Point, LC—Lousy Cove, Fm.—Formation, SW— seawater, VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite.

Sr/Ca during marine diagenesis). Second, δ44Ca University (New Jersey, USA) following the HICE, were characterized by δ44Ca < −1.0‰ and Sr/Ca depend on primary mineralogy, with methods of Higgins et al. (2018). Ca isotope and elevated Sr/Ca. aragonite precipitation fractionating Ca isotopes measurements are reported as the relative abun- to a greater extent (Gussone et al., 2005) and in- dance of 44Ca to 40Ca using standard delta no- DISCUSSION corporating more Sr (Veizer, 1983) than calcite. tation, normalized to the isotopic composition Measured δ44Ca and Sr/Ca values of lime- Third, early marine diagenesis in shallow-water of modern seawater. The external reproducibil- stones and dolostones from Anticosti Island carbonate sediments can occur under both fuid- ity for SRM915b standard and the Great Basin spanning the HICE carry and -buffered conditions, depending on was −1.16‰ ± 0.19‰ (2σ, N = 38), and re- a geochemical fngerprint of mineralogy, early the extent to which pore-fuid exchange with producibility for an internal aragonite standard marine diagenesis, and dolomitization that is seawater occurs through advection or diffusion was −1.47‰ ± 0.15‰ (2σ, N = 12). New δ13C indistinguishable from Neogene platform top (Banner and Hanson, 1990; Fantle and DePaolo, data were generated for the NACP core follow- and margin strata from the Bahamas. 2007; Fantle and Higgins, 2014; Higgins et al., ing the methods of Jones et al. (2011); all other First, the range in δ44Ca and Sr/Ca values in 2018). Together, these properties of primary and δ13C data came from Jones et al. (2011, 2016). the Ordovician data set spans the range of val- diagenetic carbonate minerals and shallow-wa- ues observed for the Neogene Bahamas (Fig. 3; ter sedimentary systems lead to a characteristic RESULTS Fig. DR2), indicating that these sediments ex- relationship between bulk δ44Ca and Sr/Ca and The Anticosti Island and Great Basin data perienced a scope of early diagenetic conditions provide a means with which to characterize the varied stratigraphically and geographically from sediment-buffered (geochemical records effects of mineralogy and early marine diagen- in δ13C, δ44Ca, and Sr/Ca (Figs. 1 and 2; Fig. set by the chemistry of the primary sediment: esis on the geochemistry of shallow-water car- DR1 in the GSA Data Repository1). Ca isotope low δ44Ca; high Sr/Ca) to fuid-buffered (geo- bonate sediments (Ahm et al., 2018; Higgins values for limestones were between −0.9‰ chemical records modifed by the seawater-like et al., 2018). and −1.7‰; dolostone values were between chemistry of fuid fushed through pore space: −0.5‰ and −1.5‰. Great Basin dolostones high δ44Ca; low Sr/Ca; Higgins et al., 2018; Ahm METHODS showed low Sr/Ca (0.06–0.23 mmol/mol), et al., 2018). We generated δ44Ca (δ44/40Ca) and Sr/Ca data whereas Anticosti limestones had higher Sr/Ca Second, strata containing the HICE in from 328 samples from two Upper Ordovician that spanned a wider range (0.22–2.69 mmol/ Monitor Range, Nevada, and in the NACP core carbonate ramps. Limestone samples from the mol). Cross-plots of δ44Ca and Sr/Ca revealed (Figs. 1 and 2) are distinguished by δ44Ca and Vaureal and Ellis Bay Formations (Anticosti Is- covariation similar to that observed for Neo- Sr/Ca values characteristic of a primary min- land, Canada; Fig. 1D) were selected from those gene carbonates from the Bahamas (Figs. 3A eralogy dominated by aragonite, indicating reported by Jones et al. (2011). Additional An- and 3C). Cross-plots of δ44Ca and δ13C showed that the HICE records a change in the δ13C of ticosti material was sampled from the New As- a slight negative correlation for Ordovician and shallow-water aragonite and the dissolved in- sociated Consolidated Paper (NACP) drill core Neogene samples (Figs. 3B and 3D); Ordovi- organic carbon (DIC) in these environments. (49°37.337′N, 63°26.292′W; Desrochers et al., cian samples with elevated δ13C, including the The δ13C of shallow-water DIC likely evolved 2010; McLaughlin et al., 2016). Samples of the during Hirnantian sea-level change, as Anticosti Ely Springs Dolostone (Great Basin, Nevada samples with high Sr/Ca and low δ44Ca span a 1 and Utah, USA; Fig. 2D) were selected from GSA Data Repository item 2020055, detailed range of δ13C from ∼1‰ to ∼4‰. This change geologic setting, supplemental discussion of calcium 13 those reported by Jones et al. (2016) along a isotope data, location coordinates, Figure DR1 (addi- is similar to the ∼2‰ increase in the δ C of depth transect from shallow- to mid-ramp set- tional geochemical data), Figure DR2 (histogram of shallow-water aragonite in the Bahamas toward tings (Carpenter et al., 1986). Data from a deep- Ordovician and Neogene calcium isotope data), and the Holocene (Swart and Eberli, 2005; Swart, ramp section (Holmden et al., 2012) completed Table DR1 (geochemical data), is available online at 2008), albeit on a different time scale. As this, or the Great Basin transect. on request from [email protected]. The Data Neogene increase is demonstrably decoupled 13 Samples were analyzed for cation ratios and are archived at EarthChem, at from the δ C of the global ocean, we suspect the calcium stable isotopic composition at Princeton­ IEDA/111428. same is true for the HICE—it refects a change

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Figure 2. (A) Stratigraphic plots of geochemical data from Great Basin (Nevada and Utah, USA) outcrops: δ13C and δ44Ca. Datum (horizontal dashed line) is top of Katian-aged strata at each section. Carbon isotope data are from Jones et al. (2016); Monitor Range (Nevada) calcium isotope data are from Holmden et al. (2012). O1–O5 and S1 refer to stratigraphic sequences identifed by Harris and Sheehan (1997), with O1– O4 in the Katian and O5 representing the Hirnantian. L.D—Laketown Dolomite, EQ—Eureka Quartzite; SW—seawater, VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite. (B) Ordovician and (C) Neogene calcium isotope gradients across carbonate platforms (not to scale). Both settings demonstrate pattern of increasing δ44Ca toward basin margin, interpreted to represent increasing magnitude of seawater fuid-buffered diagenesis. Bahamas data are from Higgins et al. (2018). (D) Simplifed paleogeographic map of Great Basin carbonate ramp showing locations of shallow shelf and deep ramp, after Harris and Sheehan (1997).

in the δ13C of shallow-water DIC and associated Glacial-interglacial sea-level changes may have and would have readily precipitated aragonite aragonite but not a change in the δ13C of DIC in enhanced fuid fow and promoted dolomitiza- (Balthasar and Cusack, 2015; see also the Data the global ocean. tion in both the Bahamas (Swart and Melim, Repository). Schematically, we envision the fol- Finally, the Great Basin exhibits a distinct 2000) and the Ordovician strata considered here. lowing scenario (Fig. 4): Before glaciation, ara- geographic pattern in δ44Ca across the ramp that While cross-platform variations in submarine gonite δ13C hovered around 0‰, with increases bears a strong resemblance to observations in groundwater discharge and carbonate satura- in shallower environments. Rapid fushing of the Bahamas (Figs. 2B and 2C). The inner-ramp tion state can produce geographically variable seawater shifted the δ13C signal toward seawa- section is characterized by the highest δ44Ca; δ44Ca (Holmden et al., 2012; Shao et al., 2018), ter values (Fig. 4A). Sea-level fall associated here, the HICE is missing due to nondeposition our geochemical and geological observations with the Hirnantian glaciation moved shallow- or erosion. Three mid-ramp sections preserve a suggest that these factors were negligible in the water environments to more distal settings that modest HICE and intermediate δ44Ca, whereas Great Basin (see the Data Repository). had previously existed as deeper-ramp environ- deep-ramp limestones at Monitor Range have Taken together, the Ca and C isotope records ments (Fig. 4B). Changes in the carbon cycle the lowest δ44Ca and the largest-magnitude from Anticosti Island and the Great Basin pro- on the platform during the sea-level lowstand HICE (Holmden et al., 2012). We interpret vide a new framework with which to interpret resulted in elevated aragonite δ13C on the ramp this cross-platform geochemical gradient to be the origin, preservation, and diagenetic altera- (Fig. 4B). The mechanism for increased δ13C in a consequence of spatially variable pore-fuid tion of positive δ13C values associated with ice- platform waters remains enigmatic (as it is for fushing by seawater. The interpretation that house climates. In this model, platform carbon- the ∼2‰ increase in the Bahamas over the Neo- fushing was highest in the landward direction ate sediments are dominated by aragonite. While gene), but an increase in platform productivity is consistent with models of fuid convection on the Ordovician ocean is commonly considered linked to a decline in water depth and reduced the Great Bahama Bank, in which pore-fuid ve- to have been a “calcite sea” (Hardie, 1996), exchange with the open ocean is one possibility locity is typically greatest on the shallow bank- low-latitude shallow platforms were warm even (Panchuk et al., 2006). After rapid ice melting top relative to the slope (Caspard et al., 2004). during the Hirnantian (Finnegan et al., 2011) and re-fooding, ramp δ13C declined, and distal

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Figure 3. Cross-plots of geochemical data from the Late Ordovician interval of the Great Basin (Nevada and Utah, USA) and Anticosti Island (Canada), and comparison with a Neogene section from the Bahamas. (A) Sr/Ca versus δ44Ca and (B) δ13C versus. δ44Ca for Ordovician samples. Great Basin samples are dolomitized at all locations except Monitor Range. SW—seawater, VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite; HICE—Hirnantian isotopic carbon excursion; NACP—New Associated Consolidated Paper drill core. (C) Sr/Ca versus δ44Ca and (D) δ13C versus δ44Ca for Neo- gene Bahamas samples. Samples interpreted as “sediment buffered” largely retain a geochemistry of primary sediment and have low δ44Ca, high Sr/Ca, and high δ13C. Samples interpreted as “seawater buffered” record geochemistry of pore fuids buffered by seawater chemistry and have high δ44Ca, low Sr/Ca, and low δ13C. Note the change in vertical scale between Ordovician and Neogene Sr/Ca plots. Bahamas data are from Higgins et al. (2018) and Ahm et al. (2018). shallow-water deposits were buried by offshore highstand deposits (Fig. 4C). Because pore-fuid circulation on carbon- ate platforms is most intense toward the basin C margin (i.e., landward) and most sluggish in the basin center (i.e., offshore), the effects of early marine diagenesis were most pronounced in updip settings, where intense fuid fow caused fuid-buffered alteration (Fig. 4C) and, in the Great Basin, regional dolomitization. Those up- dip deposits acquired geochemical signatures B refecting the chemistry of seawater-like pore fuid (δ13C and δ44Ca both close to 0‰). In con- trast, the synglacial aragonitic lowstand deposits were subjected to less advective fux and were more protected from this seawater-buffered al- teration (at Monitor Range), generally retaining A their primary geochemical signatures represent- ing shallow-ramp environments, even after neo- morphism to calcite (Fig. 4C). Our analysis does not constrain the magni- Figure 4. Conceptual model of geochemical development during Hirnantian sea-level fall and tude of the HICE for the global ocean and does rise on a shallow-water carbonate platform. Aragonite is the primary carbonate precipi- tate throughout. (A) Late Katian highstand scenario. (B) Hirnantian sea-level fall accompanied not require that any component of the HICE by a secular increase in platform (not necessarily open ocean) δ13C result in deposition of represents changes in the partitioning of global shallow-water sediment with elevated δ13C in distal settings. DIC—dissolved inorganic carbon; carbon fuxes between carbonate and organic carb—carbonate. (C) During and following deglacial marine transgression, pore fuid is exten- carbon (Kump and Arthur, 1999). Nevertheless, sively fushed by seawater in nearshore settings, leading to seawater-buffered geochemistry. Low-magnitude fuid-fow rates in offshore settings allow sediment-buffered diagenesis, which many deep basin sections record a small-mag- largely retains the geochemistry of primary sediment. Note: δ13C scale is based on the preserved nitude HICE in organic carbon isotope ratios record at Monitor Range, Nevada, USA. See Figure 2 for section abbreviations. (Gorjan et al., 2012). Whereas these records

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