Items used at & Objects + +Books + Vessels Objects within the Ambo The altar is the Know as the “Table of the table used for the Word” for the proclamation of Holy Sacrifice of Sacred Scripture during the the Mass. It is of the Word. where the From the ambo the Readings,

consecrates the Responsorial Psalm, and bread and wine into the substance of the Body are proclaimed. and of Christ. Also used for the and the intentions of the It is referred to as the “Table of the Lord” and Prayer of the Faithful. The dignity of the ambo at the beginning of the Mass the Book of the requires that only a of the word should go up Gospels is placed on the Altar. to it. Presider’s Chair. Cross The Chair for Priest There should be a Cross, with the Celebrant, which represents figure of Christ crucified upon it, the role of the priest as the which calls to mind for the faithful leader of the of the the saving Passion of the Lord, be community, and his pastoral either on the altar or near it, where care and responsibility for it is clearly visible to the the people. The would sit to the right congregation. of the Celebrant. Lamp The shrine where the There is always a single light burning by is kept as a place the Tabernacle to show the Real of exclusive reservation of Presence of Jesus (body, soul, blood, & the Blessed . divinity) in the Eucharist. As a sign of reverence and This light also represents our adoration one genuflects watchfulness before Christ, the Light of whenever passing in front the World. of the Tabernacle. Is blessed at the Vigil. It A large ornate pool or majestic displays the Greek letters alpha and bowl used for . is omega (the beginning and the end), the way we enter into the Church the year, and five grains of by being made children of God. to represent the wounds of Jesus Entering into a spiritual relationship Christ (from the nails in each hand with our Heavenly Father, receiving and foot and the spear in the side). the , becoming a disciple The Paschal Candle is lit of Christ and a member of God’s throughout the Easter Season, at family, the Mystical baptisms and at . - the Church and being called to eternal life.

Page 1 of 5 Complied by Deacon Michael DeVivo Lectern The Ambry holds the Holy Oils Is a stand or podium and and the Oil of which are when there is an ambo, the used in the of Lectern is not used to Baptism, Confirmation, and proclaim Sacred Scripture. of the Sick. The Announcements, Prayer The Sacred Oils may be visible of the Faithful, and special to remind the community that God chooses to use the letters can be read from the Lectern. things of this earth to impart His grace. Sacred Vestments Symbolizes: Purity. Symbolizes: Chastity A long white robe worn at A long cord used for fastening at liturgical celebrations by the the waist. It holds the loose-fitting Celebrant, Deacon, and Altar type of alb in place and is used to Servers. adjust it to length. It is a reminder of the baptismal It is usually white, although the garment worn when the new liturgical color of the day may be used. Christian "Put on Christ."

Priest Deacon Stole Symbolizes: the clerical Symbolizes: the clerical office, office, immortality, and the immortality, and the Yoke of Christ Yoke of Christ The stole, matching the liturgical color, is The stole, matching the a long, -like worn over the liturgical color, is a long, alb and under the . scarf-like vestment worn over It is the mark of the Office of the Deacon. the alb and under the A Deacon wears it over his left shoulder, . It is the mark of the Office of the fastening it at his right side. Priest. A priest wears it around the neck, hanging down in front.

Chasuble Dalmatic Symbolizes: Charity and the Symbolizes: Charity, Justice, Yoke of Christ. and the sufferings of Christ The sleeveless outer garment, A loose-fitting robe with open slipped over the head, hanging sides and wide sleeves worn down from the shoulders by a deacon on more solemn

covering the alb and stole of feasts. Its color varies the priest. according to the feast. It is the proper Mass vestment for the main celebrant and its color varies according to the feast.

Page 2 of 5 Complied by Deacon Michael DeVivo Humeral The cope is a large cape A long cloth, usually white, which worn by celebrant in goes over the celebrant's shoulders and other and covers his arms. This is attached sacred actions, in keeping by a clasp in the front. with the rubrics proper to The veil is used to hold the in the each rite. during . For example, Baptisms, and during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Liturgical Books Roman Book of the Gospels Contains all the prayers and The Book of the Gospels is a visible rituals said by the sign of Jesus Christ the Word of Celebrant and Deacon God. during Mass. It is to be carried in at the Included are The of the Mass by the Deacon Introductory Rites, The and then enthroned at the center of Liturgy of the Word, the altar. without Scriptures, The Liturgy of the A may process with the book when a Deacon is

Eucharist, and The Concluding Rites. not present.

Lectionary Hymnal/Missalette Contains the Scripture Provides the congregation the parts Readings for Mass, of the mass for a specific season in Responsorial Psalm, and the including Gospel. instructions on when to stand, sit, or It should not be carried in kneel. procession by the Lector, but should be placed on the ambo before Mass.

Sacred Vessels/Objects The large cup used by the A round metal plate used by the celebrant at Mass when he celebrant at Mass when he consecrates the wine into the consecrates the host (bread) into . the Body of Christ.

Ciborium Flagon A vessel used to hold the The bottle or pitcher like vessel used to hold Hosts which will be used the wine which will be consecrated at Mass for . They are for the communion of the people. It is also used to reserve the brought forth with the . Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. Page 3 of 5 Complied by Deacon Michael DeVivo Sacred Vessels/Objects - continued

Communion Cups Used at communion for the A white linen cloth on which are placed people to receive the precious the vessels containing the bread and Blood of Jesus. They are kept wine during Mass which will become

on the and the Body and Blood of Christ. brought to the Altar at the Preparation of the Gifts.

Purificator Pall A small rectangular white cloth The stiff, square, white cover that is used to clean the chalice and placed over the paten when it is on the paten after Communion. It is chalice. different in appearance from the corporal, because it is not square.

Cruets and Tray Bowl & Towel contain the A dish called a 'Lavabo bowl' wine and the water and the small linen cloth used during the called a 'Finger Towel', used Mass. The Tray is by the priest to symbolically used when water is poured over the wash his hands before beginning the . hands. Monstrance & Boat A sacred vessel designed to The Thurible (Censor) is used at expose the consecrated Host to solemn occasions to incense the altar, the congregation either for Gospel, bread and wine after the adoration in church or carrying , the priest, and congregation in procession, particularly on and Eucharist.

the Solemnity of the Body and The Boat holds the incense until it is place in the Blood of Christ. Thurible by the celebrant. Both are used during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The fragrant smoke of incense symbolizes our prayers rising to Heaven and purifying what it touches.

Aspergillum Aspersorium Bucket that holds . An is a liturgical implement used to sprinkle Holy Water.

Page 4 of 5 Complied by Deacon Michael DeVivo & Candles Candle Lighter and Snuffer on pole which is carried by the Cross Bearer and Server’s long or short handled object with the Candles carried by the extendable wax taper for lighting candles on Candle Bearers in the opening one side and inverted cup for extinguishing procession, placed in the stand candles on the opposite side. in the Sanctuary during Mass and carried out by the serves in the recessional at end of Mass.

Offertory Table Credence Table Small table or surface area in Table where servers place the back of Church (Vestibule). vessels to be used in the Mass, Wine and hosts are placed which include, the Chalice, Patten, here before Mass to be Communion Cups, Cruets, and carried to the Sanctuary Lavabo Dish. during the Presentation of the Gifts.

Ablutions Bowl Holy Water Font A bowl on the Credence A vessel containing Holy Water. Table used by the Ministers Upon entering the Church Catholics of Holy Communion to wash will dip their fingers in this blessed their fingers after distributing water and mark themselves with the Holy Communion during the Mass. , which is both a reminder of our faith in the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the promises of our Baptism into the Body of Christ – The Church..

Special Places In Church : (Sometimes called the vestibule). Nave – A central part of the church, where the faithful The area located just inside the main entrance gather to worship together and the pews are located. of the church and the entrance to the body of the Church. It also provides room for book or pamphlet racks, bulletin boards, and the Holy Water Fonts.

Sacristy: Room where the sacred vessels and Sanctuary – A Sacred, consecrated area around the vestments are kept and where Priest/Deacon Altar of a church where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is and Servers Vest and Prepare for Mass. celebrated; and the Altar, Ambo, Tabernacle, Credence Table , Priest, Deacon, and Server chairs are located.

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