Copper Roofing
Hoffmann Architects Journal of architectural technology published by Hoffmann Architects, specìalists in exterior rehabilitation First lssue 1997 Volume l5 Number I Copper Roofing: An Enduring Linl< Between Past and Future with theìr standard 7}-year warranty, Arthur L. Sanders, AIA Certainly, not all buildings are intended to last more than 30 or 40 years and C rrtor-..ufted copper roofìng, rich may not warrant a copper roof But in detailing, rich in history, speal<s to many are designed for longevity and mer- endurance and long life, its soft blue- it a roof that will endure equally well. green patina a testament to the passage of time, But as a building matedal, Without a doubt, copper was and is a copper shouldn't be relegated to the high initial cost item, typically two or past, despite competition overthe past more times the cost of other roolng few decades from lower-cost, pre-formed types, with the exception of slate and metal roofìng systems and other roofìng tile This high initial cost was a primary types. lf longevity, low maintenance, reason why copper traditionally was and a frong aesthetic statement are a selected only for "important" buildings building owner's goals, copper remains - public facilities, churches, libraries, the hands-down favorite. and other buildings of long-term value to their owners and their communities, When properly designed, detailed, and That cost came from the high level of installed, a copper roof can easily last craftsmansh ip required for instal lation, 50 years or more with relatively little along with the cost of the material itself maintenance or care.
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