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July 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978

7-10-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 10, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Daily 'Egyptian I Mo....,. J.', •• ,.,. Vo'" No '" Southern I11inois University . J Dlinois nuclellS of U.S. atomic power 8v Df'h 8rownr highly concentrated and most inten~ly ::aJiMctive staff "·rilPr Th~ are then placed in pools of water until they cool lUinois. the state in which the uranilom atom was dow" pnough to be transferred to a storage site first split. now has the largest number of nuclear fu.oprocessing was banned by President Carter in April reactors in the U.S. of 1m to prevent excessive proliferation of nuclear Seven nuclear reactors are now opE'raling in illinOIS. materials. according 10 It.e :>Ouclear RE'gUlalory Commission More than 300 tons of spE'nt fuel has accumulated at dIiRC,. ranging (rom Dn;s~n 1. a :aJO mejlawatt Int- nuclE'ar fuel recO\'E'ry plant in ;\Iorns. accordlDg to boiling water rec'ctor in !'tlon-i.c. about 60 miles Ihl' pian! managt'r. fo:ugt'nt'Voiland The origmal plan southwest of Chic.lgO. k. the HMO megawatt ZIon 2 \l"as th.,t the rods would Il4.' stored until cool. solidified pressurized reactor about ~ miles north of Clucago and plat·1'd 1D slainles..<; st~1 conlamer.!. and thl'n St'nt AU ~ven,~ralinf reactors 10 II1100Is are ,JWned by.' 10 a jlo\·l'rnment rl'pneral's or. locat.d in Cordova. Morris and Zion. Open eir· Midwest Fuel Recovery Plant m MorrIS from 22 states Offict' hopes will comE' up in hearings. Eggert -..old cles are nuclear reactors under construction at for the put four years. according to the Illinois At­ Thev are also concerned With ~uclear Engn_:-Ing Briadwood. Byron. Clinton and Seneca. From the torney Genera)"! Off1Ce. Company's ··track :-ecord." said Eggert. A Nuclear Regulatory Commission. According to a Prairie Alliance report. each yeat radioactive refust' site In ;\laxenats. Kentucky. also about one-third 01 the fuel rods witlun a reactor core owned hy Nuclear EnglReenng Co .. was closed by the are removed and replaced as the acti\'e fuel is used up. At this point the wastes are said to be the most (Contin~ on Page 2) Radio show features ancient classics By DOllie "'115_ classics like Homer's Odyss~. Athenia'i tragedies Staff "·rlter and comedies and farewells between Jo.... ·prs and '.. ... ·'t'.'~;!J.Id.ilil-·~''t The old world classics 01 ancient Greece and Rome friends in Latin and Greek literature. . are united in a text understandable to the common Situng}nhlS office and struk~ng Ins Vandyke-style mar. of today in the WSIU radio show "Classics at bl.-ard. Wllhams said the show IS mamly for fun .and SIU." not for teaching purposes. tberefore the connections The show which has been on the air for two WeHs. the matenal Jut"e ~ the contemporary world are is produced by Rick Williams. assIstant professor of "implicit rather t! explicit .• , . . classics. who terms it a "potpourri of alllunds of fun "I have tned to ,;o&!!'d. then wnte. matenal from and games with old worfd humor." ancient sources USIlIf "'-:. "w~. translations Into the He said the Greeks and Romans had their own sense modem vernacular at, form. be said. of satire and humor and his show tries to present some Williams said oral literature sen·I'd older cultures of that. An example he cited "a:;. classical mythology. in much the samp way as radio and televISion serve "The biggest course we teach in classics is classical the culture of today. A recent segment demonstrated mythclogy. so it occurred to me to somehow wo~ through the study of Roman oratory that the Romans ('()mparative mythology mto the radio show. had as mlK"b fun with their politiCians as we have With W~~~'::SUuS:~dWilJiams said they tried comparing the ours today. great Oood myths of the Mesopotamians. Greeks and The program originated Uu:ough classical. play Hebrews in a "To Tell The Truth .. type of format to readings sponsored by the classic$ department m the decide whose myth is the correct one and who really lounge of the bome economics building. WSIU taped survived the great Oood. and aired the reading of "The Pumpkinification of Another feature that appeared on the initial show Claudius:' a satire by Seneca. in the spring aDd al>- was a spot called "CGOlung With Xanthippr:' a parentJv some people were impressed. tongue-in-cheek version of recipes from ancient \\"llliamS figures in the c~ of searching for Greece. The delicacy featured was "eye of cyclops program material. someone at W<;IU must have flambe" which. when properly served. should feed 10- suggested. "Hey, what about that IUd ill Faner HaU who does aU those pia ~.' 12 CI:C the other regular featuref' on the show wiD ''Tom Parsoa. Wr.U program direc:tor, al>- bea "Dear Oracle" co1wnn similar to the prest'nt~y proached me and asked if I"d like to do a radiosbow," Dear Abby column and the "Word Watch \\"ith Dr. said Williams. "So DOW I have a half-hour on Sunday <:"-to. .. mom~ for as hlnIas I live or until they get tired 01 ~ ·U d de' r me. whkhever comes lint." . fr~e ':ir~!~ ~m~~~ r:-ts~orteD r:: ::: For tbe last month Wil1wns, along WIth the help 01 Rick Williams. assistant professor of classics. have evolved into modern-day use. Will and Virgilia Major, bas been tryiDI to figure out reock a script durinv one of the classical The show. which premif'f'ed July 2 and wiD continue what todooa a radio show. However. he admits. "11le readings peffonned at the Home Ec-'a to be broadcast weekly at 11 on Sunday mornings. also theater is a meillwn where it is easy to relate the BulletiN!:- includes some dramatized versions 01 more serious ancient world to the modern." State 118S most nllciear pi811ts in U.S. .'",u'I"t' r "islory hl~.h~ 1)~~~ie::a~~~~l'sd~\I~t (Continued 'rom Poge 1) Hanauer. tt'Chmcal ad\'lsor to thE' 19~ and now the nation's top nuclear opmeill was compllE'd form state bl'cause of "massn'e lE'ak.age into AtomiC f:8f'rgy Commlsslon'S director regulator. rejected HanauE'r'~ "Sourcl'S of :'lie\·E'd he' had Higl. costs I,inder El,rOpeall SOltlr projects creatE'd a ne ... I'lement 1942-The Manhattan E~inet'r District rroject was formE'd 10 Bv Ed Blanch,. European officials stressed that a unit land of the Midnight Sun. but solar ASsoci.IN Prf'!l!l Wrtlf'r develop iUI atom bomb l'nder of solar power electricity costs 10 times energy e:l!:periments so far have provE'd fo-ermi's direction the group LONDON AP) - Few European as much as that generated by con­ failures. nations have gone in for solar enefl(Y as achlevE'd .lIe first nuclear c.-ham ventional power plants l l: enthusiastically as the United States - The Soviet t:nion has also nol bt'en too reaction on u..-::. at the niversity However. the world's biggest solar of even though Frenchmen Augusti power station is locatE'd at Odl'iIIo in the active. primarily becau~ authorities Mouchot and Abel Piffre built a sun there do not think solar energy is viable 1945--ln Julv the first atomic.­ French Pyrenees. the most impressive deVIce was tes"ted at Alamogordo. reflector engine in 11166 that made solar energy effort in Europe so far. S1nct' much of their ternlory is too Empt>ror Napolean III light up with joy northerly. :-;ew MexiCO On Aug. 6 an atomic.­ A one-mf'gawatt solar furr Ice is t>omb was dropped on Hif"O!\hima. But European advocates of utilizing powe:'ed by the sun's rays refie.:oted by the sun's rays. mankind's primary However. they ha\'e solar proJects in ~·o da\'S later, a !It'Cond bomb was banic.s of sun-tracktng mirrors onto a dropped on :'Iiagasaki. One hundred source of light and heat. are making huge. highly polished parabolic the southern republics for both heating some advances as the earth·s energy and pumping water Tass. the So"ets' thousand lives were lost renector. One mega.... att is equal to one 1946---Congress passed the resources dwindle. official news allency. reportE'd In March million walts. Atomic Ellt"rgy Act of 1946. wluch Leading the crusade in Europe is This then concenr.·ates the energy onto that the country's first solar power France. which will spend $32 million on station 15 being bwlt near Ashlthabad. made I t illegal 10 share nudear the walls of tiM! furnace. where tem­ information With foreign powers, solar energy research this year. ~d peratures can exceed 3.000 deg."t'eS capital of Turkmenia in central AsIa. only to the United States. which has pr0\1ded for exclusive go\·ern· Celsius, mental control over production. earmarkE'd S250 million, The French are apparently motivated Most of the French solar projects are The European C'JIIlmon Market last for water and house heJlting. The ownersltip. and u~ of all fiSSion· as mIlCh by hopes of becoming provider able materials, and ~tablished a year approved l:i.\nstruction of an of solar energy to Third World countries. government hopes to provide 2 to 3 five·member Atomic Energ~i electricity-generating solar power many of which are rich in sunshine but pt>rcent of its energy needs by the end of station in southern for ex­ Commission ! AEC). poor in fossil fuels. as they are by ~ the century. compared with 78 percent penmental purposes. USing 7.000 square from nuclear plants. 1951-Eleclric power was of rmding a viable source of domestic genl'ratE'd by nuclear fission for meters of mirrors to reflect sunlight that energy. would be converted to drIve the turbines. In Italy. some schools in Rome. Genoa the first time in Idaho. ThE' AtomIC But. amid economic woes. the major Another big drawback to solar energy and Milan have developed solar heating Energy Act of 1946 was amerdE-d to drawback to solar power in Europe has develooment for many Eurooeans is the eqUipment. Buildings under con· permit limited disseminauon of been the high cost of research and lack of regular. year-round sunshine. stnJction near Milan will use solar roof information on nuclear lechn.:.logy Finland. for instance. is known as the panels to trap the sun's rays for hE'ating. to other countries 1954-The first nucll'ar-po'olo'er submarillt". the Sautilus. was c.-ommlssioned 19»-The .\EC began providing fE'dl'ral assistanc.-e to utilities building nuclear plants. 11M> first l'nllS. stands next to some of ~ ;;o.intings he is respon­ yea;s. (S'o~ photobyMikeGlbbons) licensed nuclear facilities to the sible for. Johnson has been collecting and keeptng trock of the public WithlD 15 days. l!rnJ-The NRC reported that 68 Ii(;~nsed reactor units were Museum manager tends to art works operating in the country. By Jam" McCarty McLafferty Warehouse WIder Johnson's "My father was what we cp!led a S&alf Wrilf'r care. ·boomer ... · he said. Vail}' ~yptlan For almost 25 years Bill Johnson has The smaUer items-guns. knives. .. He worked on the raiJro,ads and itad to P~rt.hed do~., In "'- lou' ....",...... Of'd EgypttOn been the business manager of the pottery and jewelry-are stored on a go wherever the work was. As a result. I lobotofOl"y •• (~, Sofl.trdoy and Sunday Un,•• , University Museum and ..... t Galleries. series of shelves carefully coverE'd with never stayed in one p1act' long enough to " • ..., wOnd J.II Po... 11 Spo. •• £<1010' trinkets and knick-knacks from aU over Southern Dlinois, and has never found and sit in it. Then. atter about six G.ot-p C~o-. Ent.,to.nmen' idl'OI" MorctO the world have found a home in the any reason to move elsewhere. months. rUstart ~i~", .. very slow:,." ...,..... PhofO Ed.,,,, ¥,k. Gob ...... Page 2. Doily Egvptian. July 10. 1978 --Gommentary------Rating presidents flattering to Nixon

B~ (;ar..,· Will!! Dick ('aH'tt. nl)thlJl~ If lot Impish. sprang a qUfoslllJn on mt' Ihal deserve;; twttE'r ~ht than I ('nuhl!!I\(' lIon tht' spur of the mom('f)t Hmo' would I ~~t~/~~!;~r prt'Sldt'nts aftt'r wntlOg a good deal 00

~'allt'r!'d comment on thiS man or thaI It'd to an Imphnt rankmg, hut I :tId no! number tht'm out in "'Phi'll order. and I w'ould Itkt' to (rut of tht' Sf'Ven ~"'t.war pl'f"sldents f'nrd O()('S not really ('f"OJllt, and ( ;,rler I~ rather ~klOli! the offiCE'. still. than filhng it That I!'a\e;; five m .. n. ratablE' Ihus I' t:lsf:'nhnwE'r ~. John.~on :1> :\I)(on I> TrulTl.Jn ,i K!'nnt'd, Can't!'!' prlInt lAas It-at Ihls orti!'r. l'Ven Imphcltly j!iH'n. fils no prf'dI('la',le Idrol~y I don'! know if that IS corn,,'!. hul som' of Iny fE'II~'5 on the Sixon !'nemle;; Itst rna:> be su:nr':.ed thaI I pul hIm t'xactJy In !hf:' l't'nlt'r of prt'sidents consldert'd. nollower dlMn on the list And t'Vf:'n less partlsan folk rna" shv off from putting :\I)(on over Kennem- or Truman, - But :\Ixon's SinS wt're IIi many ways IaUlZhable, unhkf:' tho!;t' of Truman or I'pnnt'dv He was not charmmilly ignoranl or charn, iOjlly -lechfo1'ous. like Truman or Kt'nnedy He was J~! unhkely v1Ddictive, In a way that apf)f>alE'(l to a nation overheated WIth ,mdictlv!? impulse But even that worst SIde of his appt'al had Its hmits ,Slxon was repE'atedly saved by hIS limits , In an f:'ra that cIamort'd for AjlDl"W and Wallace. he was brighter and mort' rl''d than eIther. dl5('lphned. If anything. to excess; talung a rather longE'r VIew than he was t'Ver ~ven credit 1«, HIS lack of trust for otht'r!' made hIm Unwilling to use tht' bureaucracy In supprt>S."lve "'·ay!'. as Kennedy and John... on did :\I)(on drd ('hdn!!!' hl"Il)ry . .IS hi' dalms WIth his ChIna "lSI! and ){ll.""lan Ot'!"nte fit' lAa." :ht' first prl'S.dt'nT to m,lltutHJnalizt, th<:' Slno~:;'l\'It'1 spill as a pmn! of len·ra';,·l'p"n nne or Ih(' .. ther :-.;" mat'f'J' that II was •· .• ~I .. r for hml In do !ru.1 than for tus [>tom", rallc rival fiE' did It Admlttt"dly he also w'a~wd an IIIf'II!al war to I!S war­ ('rim Ina I climax. br!'akln'lIntf'rnallonal law b\'1us use of anti-personnf'1 f1~'hi'ttt' bombs in l'ivtlran art" contest Ur Johnson abJurt'd, a O1('t'ty of dlstlOction bE'twt>en lice and fleas. H may nol be mlJ(:h of a compliment to say ~ixon was "normal." or at lealit ct'ntral. on the hst 0( post­ war presIdents But. ;.uch as It IS. he has Iht' rom­ plimE'nt commg to hIm

('opYfl~ht l'ntl:E'rsal Press Syndicate Short shot r.;] ::;'~~~ter fired for her outlook With tht' lary!' number of nucl~ar powE'r plants in IllinOiS. the d:: ... rna\ ,;oon come w!lf'n II IS soclaIlv lJ'.:~'t'p""ble to ~, wi~tt' rt'portt'r whllt' paid for their "news." setr-monitoriott has its limits she workt'd in Washington_ What differe~ did her One of the most noteworthy cast'S of excessive con· past conduct have on her present job, cern is the story of Laura F«eman. If Laura Foreman had been a man, would the Laura Foreman was a reporter for the Washington, Inquirer « Esquire or Newsweek Ila\e eVt'n ""Tilten D.C. bureau of the New York Times until late last the story? That que!Uion is not mt:ant to be flippant. summer. On Aug. Xi. 19i7. tne Ptuladelptua Inquirer, Many persons still believe a man and woman cannot Forerllan's former employer. chronicled the details of wurk together without having a sexual liaison. How her relationship with a powerful politician. Henry J. much is this grotesque double standard !t:iinl to affect Cianfrani. women reporters? Cianfrani was a former Pennsylvania state senator A reporter must bave some rudimentary un­ and close political ally of Philadelptna Mayor Frank derstanding of his or her SUbjects as a person, as weD Rizzo. Foreman had intimate relations with Cianfrani as a news source. That d~ t advocate that reporters during the summer of 1975, while she was a political necessarily be soulmates tIC bedmates with sources, ~er for the Inquirer. At the time. she was but that a .-eporter and source should approach each covering the mayoral race in Philadelphia. other in an elnpathetic and burr.l'.n manner. According to Foreman's account of her story in the There was an article in the June edition of The QuiD May 1978 Washington Monthly. she was accused by about a paper in Lewiston, Idaho, Yihich investigated the Inquirer political editors of being too clOSt' to its own possible conflicts of interest. Rizzo. While Foreman conceded \.hat Rizzo was not • The mast disturbing thing about the article was a good mayor, she said he was good at politics. business reporter's comment that a reporter is She also Solid that had she stayed in the familiar nobody 's friend. Knowing someone as a friud. as weD as a DeWS source, can be valuable. ns&t source can ~~:!~ ::~Ir= =~~tr.J:,a~ give information &0 the repJI'ter that can clarify « person, in additi,on to Rizzo the poIit ciano augment wbat tile reporter a.Iread} kll6W5. ""'ben tt-.e Inqwrer story broke. For!l1lan was fired While reporter'S sbouIdD't be a talisman &0 be used by N" York Times' executive editor. A.M. Rocsen­ by a 1OUI'Ce. neither sbouJd tbe). care to be one's thal. He told Foreman that since the Times was in- frieDII. Daily Egvptian. July 10.1978. Poge3 FreDell televisioll to be sllbject of PBS progranl

Rv 'it'll Sanal minutl's 10 an hour and a half ~a" Writn BecaU5l' .ho... s Nfl r, :an,' dlfft'rt'llt " discussion of tl'It'\'1510n in Im~hs. and commt':'C'uils arm'l f'ranC't' -Ill be fl'aturl'd In "f'rom ust'd to fill gaps, thl j-'rt'nch <1St' Paris With Lovl' An t:vt"run~ of "'spt'akt'Tlnl'!l." 20- 10 Jo'year-old f'Tl'"..h Tl'Il'vtslon," to be sh_n a\ R woml'n ... ho ('aio:;l' Ih .. \ .... ,.t'TS mto p m ~·ndayonWSn··T\'. ChaMl'18 sta\'lng tun~ to th .. 1Jt'· ...ork In Ppaplt' ...·ho hkt' \0 snt'ak away tall,m!! abou. tht' sho ...·s comlnll uP from thl' \t'I(,"15Ioo Sl'I for a snack lat .. r m tht' ''''t'nlng durmg rommf'f'clals woold stan.'t' in Thl' spt"a"t'rIItl'S are st'sll'd 10 f'ranC't"-··lltt'rl' an> only 18 mmutu atlracuvt' ,;Iud,o 5f'ts to IIIY(' thl' of romml'Tl"lals pt'r d3y imP"'''-"I'''' lhat th('~ art' In thftr Thl' ad\"t'nJ~l'nts art' plart'd \I "I ....-~ hYIng room Oflt'n tht' blocks wluch aIr four lI:nl'S dally :lI1 5pt'akl'rlftl'S chat With ProdOCt'r.\, two of Fraft('~'s thrl'l' ~1('(wCJ'ks 'The wrllt'n and stars of upcomIng thlfCl Itl'twork carries no com ~rograms mf'Tctals at all f'rt'nch tl'll'Yision also us.. s "Vil''''t'n in Frolnt"l' an> nl'Vf'f' computer·animated st'gmt'nls subJl'Ctt'd 10 Ihe .!lsanlty of during station break& and sign-offs 'Holocaust' ~ng interru~t'd for a Tht' ~It'n "11'1" 'for Tl'~ISHlll dog·food commercIal." 8CCt'... to Francalse I' movl' in vaTlOUS for· f'rl'd Flaxman. elll'CUtiYl' prodocl'l' matlons, rt'St'mbling thl' oUIl'r of Utl' program on lell'\ i510n In lonosphe~. Anlt'nnt' 2, tht' St'C:Ond France Frt'nch channl'\. USl'S flYIng Ik'cause advems.ors don't hayl' humamids who search 1M universe thftr ads 01\ very oftftt. they havl' 10 till' be mo..... Imaginative. soml'tlml'S fM a hulle 2 to musical ac, companiml'nt of a classical ~. mOl'l' so \I;IU\ the shmrs tltt'mselves uke otlx-r ~urnpt'an comml'l'l"1als. As in the l:mll'd Stales. vlOlHlCt' f'Tl'nch ads oftl'n go mOl'l' than and §I'll on trlpvl5Hl11 aTl' consKll'rt'd halfy.a~ .nrouilh thl'lr spots bl'fon> a prob~ In France, Flaxman saId rt'VNlhng till' products ~ng ad· "Althoullh pl'ople dISCUSS the Ev.lyne Leclercq french I.levis.on vt"rtISftI Speakertne w.J1 h~t 'From POrlS WIth Love ~"t only comml'rclals dlf· ~~:::e:~:h~~':.~~!"hl'~d An Evening of french TeleVISIon The J.hour fl'l'l'nllatl' Fn>neh and AmmcBn For show, COnsIdered too violl'nt or program WIll be broadcost ot 8 p m Froday on te~\'S1on. t'nJlkl' Aml'rican shows, too sexy for children. a small wlutl' which run l'Vl'TV 1O minutes or squa~ 1ft thl' corner of till' pcturt' III WSIU, TV. Channel 8 multlplt' of JIl' minutes, "'rench lran"milled Ihroughout the jJJJlY.BI. ~!] ~~\ shows can run anywht'n> from 13 program

2Show..:". P.M. ,May2:.. f'ull,re cars: Turtl key and read a book Only 7:" 'l.U r ,:.. B~ Mardi RM~a. ""'l'I'l' a~ some seriOUl tran­ JlUtrr installt'd in the automobl" dnver. and thl'f'I'fOl'l' fho. ae­ N- A_iaWd Pn-u Wril .... SJ!C'Ulbon prob"ms faclllll WI." ndl'nts would occur EAST L1BERn', OhIO I AP \ - Thl' Ft'nton said. ,·It is t'SlImatt'd that =~mat~~arri~~sa:: And. says Ft'nlon. such a systl'lll )1l'8I' is. say, 1990 You ~tdl' you Fenton HI' said the compull'l' would would mean hJghl'r traffic flow J:"P.M. Show/n.2J want to drift fTom Dayton 10 ~~i': =:: I~Ulyl'': take over such functions as llleerillll. capklly WIth man traffic on C'levl'hr.d. 2000 nl1s means Wl' need great bralunl and othl'r lonlltudinal l'll!Sling__ roads. would till' 1M' IIl'I'd diminished. for buildi~ hi' You g('( in your car. drivt" to thl' improven enl in our transponalioa controls such as maintaining ne~ l'llpTl'SSway l'ntranC'l' and svstftll." distllllC'l' betWeft! ~Ies sasd. JIl'Iect tltt' ~veland exit polnl - Ft'nton said the t· s. l>l'part1Dl'llt FI'nIOIt says the system lM'illll nearnt your destmation of Transportalion was Iookmg at dl'Yl'lopPd by thl' OhIO Slall' Thl'll you JUS1 lilt back and n>lax d1ffl'rl'nt ways to handle till' traffic {;nivl'fSlty Transportation and An ~ systt'm could utiliZl' Rt'IId a book. watch tt'll'\Iision, chat ~ tomorrow' TbP automatic hlllh- R_rch Center in East Ltberty is l'itber an I'kortric rar M the IUDctard With ft'llow ~n. AU control feuible for wveral rea!lOl\ll. Hl' auIOmobile with all 11ltl'l'na1 ('am· of your automobi" i5 takl'n OVl'l' ~' ;:~i~~is~ ::.:'::1. bri_s that till' safl'ly factor 01 an bustIoft l'llline. With till' I'~ric an automatic ell'Ctroruc sntftll saId Ft'nlon l'il'ctr'UlIIC system would be- mud! car. said Fenton_ ft>l'I"1y saYillllll 'Ii ou "'111 rt'llam control of Your car The key in 1M systl'm is a com- IIlCIft reliabit' than that 01 a bumao woukI be- tnmendous. And, hi' said. Y'ht'n you reach till' t'X1t polnt you WIUt till' intprnal ('0111 bust ion t'nIIlnP. seit'l"lt'd for r1l'Yl'land ~ worJid be- moderate saVIngS 11\ An unhkt'ly happt'l'lIng m JUSI 12 to ps UtrJUp ~ c:ootrol of traffic lnch'hu"-y 20 yt'ars' Maybe not ' flow An OhIO Stalt' l'nlvl'rsil~' profl'S5()f has I>I'I'fI working on (9ampus Briefs dl'Yl'lopllttl an aUlomatt'd ground (]sr IS not a lone In th~ effort to ~~ transportation syslt'm for OVI'I' 10 dl'Yl'lop an automalt'd hIghway 1:15 P.M. Showlll.15 ,May 1:11 7:11 t:U ypars Stl: had the rt'SE'rn' champion barrow and showt'd tht­ systt'm . He saId Calsp-n Cor· . Profe5S0r Robert Fl'IIlOII says hIS champion paIr of barrows WIth cros...t>rt'd t-nlries al tht' Du poratlCln III BufC.lo. !Ii y, III ;101l1li a proJI'Cl. fundt'd by the Feder'al Hlgtl 5OC1O«OmmlC study l1li how such a ------I:.. P.M. Show/'l.U way Admtntstrabon, IS almt'd al Quoin fo'air harrow show last wt't-k, Gffit- McCoy, a.o;sistant systt'm will !!«Ve peopll' and how \ ~ ...... ,~ dl'Yl'loptng a practical typt' of instructor in animal induslnes. won tht- similar trophy thl'y WID react to RICh a radical transportation for 1M future award, ch~g: :.~:= '::bi~. of ifi~CT1~ Sorman Doort'nbos, dt'an of tht- Collt'$lt- of Sciffi("l'. has No ...... , ..... Ju-o;t rt'turnt'd from C'OfIducting fish lOXin rt'Sl'arch studies at ::::.0« a:~th 1~~O:~I'o!: ~tivities promllling." !laid Ft'nton sn"s Bittt'r End fo'Il'ld Station on ..-irgm Gorda in tht' 'May I:" 7:""" Canbbean An assistant profl'SSor ID botany. Don Tindall. Act\\'ltlc.· for !Io'onda\ and NiO graduatl' stulit'nts art' stili working al the fit-Id ~t'OI' studl'nl Orlenlatlon ml't'tml!, -; 3tJ-9:1t1 am. Sludmt \ 'pnl.. r !>tation. Doort'nbos is tht- dirt'<'lor of the station which '10"85 UNIVERSITY 4 lIlmolS RIH'f Room l't'Ct'ntiy ft'alurt'd ID :he Sational Gt'Ographic publication. "Naturt"s Heahng Arts" Doorl'nbos was also the- kt'~notl' SGAC summl'l' r,reVIP"" ml't'lmll. spt'ake-r for the thIrd ye-ar at tht' Southeast Confl'rt'nct' on 2:30-3 30 pm Sl udt'll I l'f'fltl'r Drug Abuse in Atlanta. AudllorlWft sir sUmmt'r gymllO!

St>nlOr high ~chool band camp, ; :II~ 11 pm, Shryock AuditorIum S(;AC \"1Iil'o Lou FIll", "'Richard Pryor," i and 8 p.m, Studt-nt Center \"idftl Lounge OngOIng orlt'ntation. part"nt.. and ... WALT Dnnlr nt'Ol' sludf'flls. 8 a.m, Sludt>nt ~~edl Cl'nlt'T IIltnOlS RIver Room .~ DISNEY IIwl" 8DUUR__ (Jngolllg orll'ntatloo, lour tram, !I'15 ';;S""OI~ am. fronl ~ till' Studt'lll Cmtl'f c 1:15-3:~"5:45-':. r_r, .. s... - ...~' .... ,) J~ 5 cS-S.-)(1 Showing In bightly adnatare! The Video Lounge July 27-29 ~ 4th Floor Stu. Ctr. 8Un:;;>~: qjfl'maFlGha JUL Y ,. Ihru JULY 15 ,/ ., . 7:...... : ...... 'S3u J HARPER rlll\1 p.~:_ (~ 'or 'm--tlon, _11.".".'\ VIDEO Tickds a,ailable NOW 25t admission PO 1:31-.:.... : .... :55 !~.:~";';' !oorio ....

Page. Doily EgypfPon. July 10 1978 Walsh's latest 'diversified, complex ~

a"JM!IolM-nlt In mMt of tilt> album's song~ Walsh qUI("kl~ movl'S Into the a history of Joe Walsh, .., ...U 85 a \\,it~ . starr Wa~.i1 forllO" hL' "8.a1 twang prl'Sf'n1 on thp nrllt t180 cuts .. indian Wiii trW mtl!llC pubhc now takr .1M ' ....·als for morr conn'nhona! and Summrr" and "AI the Stauon" l:d!!ot;~s ~It~an~"~~ Walsh Sl'rlouslv~ HIS nfOW album. IrM stramf'd croonmg Glmn f'rpY Wai5h's guItar has be>t'n )OInt'd all an =rock or Walsh and baIlS .,aayrr Wtlh .. "But Sf'riously Follls:' calls lor a and Don Hrnl.. y of thr f:agll'S hplp Inl.gral part of the orctlt'stration Wr.-ks. movrs to an easygoing vocal frt'Sh conllldf'ration oi Walsh thr out on .. Tomorro ..... and "Tllt>me Inslrad of tht' hub TM rl'Sultu~ 't'CIiOf! and tht'n back to heavy compoM'r. gUllarlllt and vocahst From Boat WPlrttrr part or thf' album m~bolism hk.. an amph~mmr. and Splfll. for k~'hoard work 1.. 11 b·.. tilt> btle that Walsh's is df'Votf'd to mtl!lic that displays Jesp as rarli.. r works do Thr OJM'IImg Walsh p1a~f'd !lUltar on Ft'rgu!lOfl'!I problt'ms are not Insurmountabl.. or thr ajll!re5lvr.dflvlIlg nffs which cut. "UVf'r and Over" IS a ff"lallf'd solo alhum and the maSIt'r of th .. .. \ got me an o(fic... gold rrCt;1'd~ rharactl!l1zt'd hL' f".Irhrr albums. mill of synthe!uzn and spa("~ gIlltar t'IKtroOlC kpyboard paId back IT. an thl! wall. s.:nilar to lilt' "'ork of Ranm' full Th~ ghllSI of SPirit IS frlt Of! th .. JI!-:: I"avp a mpssag" and cr!!: :.r:.i5Jti~II::;~t~.!y~ " California With SPIrII . st'cond Sldt' as wpll with mart.. I'll cai:" c:uMJonist Joe Vitalr's light rhythm l~ntratf'd on composItions in a Evpn "'ht'n Wal!lh Irts Iht' IIslt'nf'r ·Tomo""" .. and "Innn Tube>" It"~ an "ppropnall! l'IId t tbr best and beat \"ita~ ha5 bfof'n With \\ alsh soItf'r and morf' complu vrm It 15 havr a pt't'k at hiS past. as .5 dont' In Thp third CUI on SIdt' two. "TMmt' Walsh aloum 10 dat.. Stner thr gUitarist ~rt thr James more similar to thr stvllstlc m· "~cond Hand Storf"." It 15 morp Fro"" Boal Wt"Irdos:' would not "1 can'l complaIn "OIl Gang OUrMr hr had on the t:aglp,,' melodiC thE' ~Ir.-I gIlllar and plao(' ha,'E' ~n out of pla("l" on "Th.. somt'timf"S I do. But Walsh has gone beyond album:'Hotel CalifornIa." than II IS ar.. rpml· ISCt'IlI of "t'allmg Do"n." Twpl\'p Drpams of Dr Sardonlcu!< " hfr's bf'l'II good to mp J know." relYing primarily on IllS own to hIS F"IOUS r~rds from thp album "So What" Th.. last cut of thr album 15 ~ of ; Thanks to Running Dog Records , Mason's rhythm and acoustics shine

By "-•• eNtail Ma!l(ln hlrnds suprrb harmorul'S in ~bll'S a Spiritual lIU ..nber tn. "Sharl! Your Love:' "Bird on the !!pen. Ed... with the melodJes hkr M has don.. on '!.'fISt' With all tbr "cobs' and WIIII!," "So Good To 8t' Home." WbPn Dave Ma ... cam.. to tht' all or his releases. But mor.. so on "aabs" at thP md of each 'rrM' Sill Arena with Kenny Loggir.last "MarIposa d~ Oro" than any othn "Thl! Words" and "No Doubt About SovrmbEor t. hP R'Pmf'd in a m ..11ow H~5lngs In a guts; raunchy vOlcr on Th# firsl !lldr concludl'S With thP It" are a continuation or Mason's 12· mood and concentrated mainly lID lead. and Jrrry WiUlams and G.. rry fin~' cut. "Will You Sull LoVt' Mp string acoustIC nlaymg and Aplenctd plaYII" acoustic guitar. ~k~y chlmr In to glvr the cut a 101.lOrr_ . thIS oldIe. wntlrn bv vocals ~ lit -mo1llt'S are in full He dldn't play 10111 and hP did vf!ry harmony comperablt' to a com· G.. rry Goffm and Carole KIng, i5 I.".cr on~ agam on th_ liv .. lin~ electnc IJUitar. much to tht' blnatlon of YPS and th .. 8t'atles sl;.wrd down ~ven more than numben to make the album con· dlSCOIIlftlt of thP many hard corr ~ nrld thrr.- cuts. "Sf'archin' prPVtOus rKordings of thf' SOCIg It 15 mtml and w.u·product'd Muon fans Wuon was Into drPsMd up WIth "'ason's superb acoustic music as M p1ayf'd a fex ;!:-et~m~~;~'1::~·a~~r!~· a~~ ''01(''1" and the har.,.,orul'S that havr "Th.. \\'1rds" sounds a lot likp srlrctlons lrom hl5 last album. ··Let f.1It' compositIOns wntten by Mason bt'come hIS bard', tradmark "You Can Lose It" from Ma!lOll', alld Wilhams that one .. agaIn "Split Coccnut" album II Flow." There IS an addt'd attrOtCl1OII lea tun mellow acoushc gUitar He ham't changf'd moch ;;oOUgh. as Mason performs a rare "Mat;pou dr Oro" IS product'd by H. "Mariposa work. Muon's latest rr .... 'ooctnc l

La Leche Lfoague of Carbondale and Murphysboro will hold its Ihird meeting. "TIM> f"amlly and the B~astfed Baby:' al i p.m. on July 13 at 304 Emeralc' l..a~. Car· ALL YOU CAN EAT SPECIALS ~::::(~a':::t~':fII~~l~O alt inlerested women. For 5PM to Midnight Every Wednesday Nile il Every Friday Nile The ShaWIlf'e Solar Project WIll hold a working meeting at i::l) p.m. on Tuesday at the CommuJ1Ity Room of the C.arbondalt> SaVIR~ and Loan. Tht> mft'ling is to develop ~ II public policies on t>~rgy cOOSt>n;ation and solar utilization. For more information call -I5i·81i2 .Ii~~.~ PANCAKES I FISH (Reg. $1.25) 95~ H, .r.,.-,. (,M'K'k"n i;.".. .. r P-H'- 'U,,"­

\t.1:~l • ~...... ')__ •. It ", ••• I'f "; • ; ~.. "

SPECIAL FREE' ....selection of shoes Re9!ster (0; Ity FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Our Baby Conv...... RlclcI.lI· tl~·tt .. ",\p.f\ "P"~ .': .....k' ~.t_u!,JlW\.rU.·!!t>t·I ... ld.·: H- 'r Golden PI-- ' ...... nr ...uf'!" -uod:nlll!'" nvt1~~:· ",... "'. 0(1 '''K"ndh __ n Ol'" .H..c ~" j It ~ An\ rrr..-"'.., ,I~"'~ \"'Oi '.r6t-T..,-t-.! ...... 1 ptt ..... nt 'IoioOf \4•.• ~., ··Tt ·rd Bear' Club Nlk•• Acilcla. - WII.on - Pro K.... ",r ~I ,j. I t.t.. n'-! ~ . '~~r- ...... ~r'. : ... I ... h lr~ "'" H-' ~ ... \' ',II' I ·...,Hf\,:. .. _l .. ~· ...., 11M I("".c:: H)'~Il'" ,.. ,.~ .. t! :~.·"",o·.· .... :: ;;, •. ,~.t.. ~, .~ :" • ~ I(~ ~ .IJo: ...... ".l{.-.ppl\'.' .... w· ...... ,fi>T,rnc.!,--n..d.h.. m .. · i""i~~'.{t'-~"'Y~ll\ ...... ~~;.' SOCKS' SOCKS I SOCKS' !how":" ,.. p">!,~\"· •. jdPr~.,. hio"fW" ~·.Ur .... , ."'~ It ~ "'!"i '!'!tt"i ~I" \ from ankle fo over-fh&-calf 10" Off Any Menu Item 'lo' ,(it .... :-", \ ·,1"t).f:n.rC' ...... ~~ ..... :-"~ ... Prk.. shlrt.t $1.11 ,~'" , .~" ."v· .. SPORTS MART EVfRYTHING FOR THE ATHLETE 71. So••• 1 457."16 Carltonclal•• III.

Daily Egyptian. July 10. 1978. Page 5 A ' ..... n'on of the n\Kleus of lhe legendary Siegel ScI> Guotor'st Slink Rand (left) of the Sl,nk Rand Group III, l,ve Earl Jive (right) WTAO served as g< nlO of wall Bond occurred right here in Southern IIlinoos 0" plo;ed on energetic set, whICh was somewhot long for stagemoster at the event, (Staft photo by Gob, July 2, Corl.y Siegel's harmonoca ond Jom Schwall s some concertgoers' taste at the Shownee Jomboree bof's' Siegel-Schwall rf Bv D .... F.rkk... IMCU,..-d,lht'-y l'amroffas ...... II8§ a " ....:0 .:dl.... l..-d I.t'ppt'hn lIt'rOlI ("lin dunnll IIIP .:arh· that Sunda,' thf'n' wal< a first port of IlIPlr,...1 ThouIlh II squail only a s.oaltioli COIl!J t'r.JOY s.rmed hit.. IlIPy pia,..d 11\4- sam.. But tIM." ram "toppt'd and lalt'!" thaI """Ii! for a rouple of huurs. IIlt'.r srI dav. at 1M Shawnt't' Bluff !'ialUral wa.."i "'-"'P~r.~.Li""'i of tM- h1rf'ly. Theater. tlM."l'e' was a Schwall that ('OI'".merc,a: a('1 tllt'~"v" raltlrd berr f,IUlls III Oars all oVf'I' '1M." M,dwl'S1 ~; ~':: to:fYJ:' m':t!':I~ wlt,,~ jammed to~U- for the fsrst tune In Th.. Rand Group did 10 1i,"('ly four ~an, vt'r5IOft 0( .·I~twood Mac's old AnoIlIPr Shawnt't' Jam has golll" Prier (;I'e't'ft rocll..,., "On III' to!!." thaI down. fftltunlljl the bEosr mU51C and ff'ittured poofy,loolunli! IrwJ sJnj(t'r UK' IN5t crowd hassles rver MIlle- Husler's I"OUSIII«, Ilnp~15<'CI t:vnythlnl( ~ed 10 1(0 perfect. scrNmmg, AI their best, the band but hill' \IIarrro ~on's London pul oul some chaOlie ctty,rock that wt'I'e'Wolf. the JIIm's perfect a~ t'Ofttrasted WIth the nalural JIl'.r.~ C"OIII:_~ an undPrlY'DtI AIn'OUnCImCs bat ... 1IOI>ftIWt­ vloleonce In Itus ca!le, It was livrly and enjoyablr finatlCl8l vlOlrncr and It was per, But ngllt around tht' tIme- of lhelr JIl'trated aplnsl 1M fmannal Ted !\iU((mt medley. " became­ rnources 0( Shawnee ~tJons. obVIOUS thaI they we-re ovt'ntayml( the jambo~'s promOlers thrir wrlcome With many of the 2500 "We look • cha~ on it. At, from left Jim Schwall and Steve Gulbrandsen of stage by Corl.y Sieg4t1 for 0 song ot the end of ~ was far below our n' :::e I:;....~Ia~~~r;'asrs~~,~ the Jim Schwall Bond. The Bond was joined on- their set, (Photo by Shirley Myers) pecbltions:' ~Id Harrison GnndW. 1M appearance 0( 1M more popular \Mit' advertistrlll and proml'hon bands dlrf'<'1Or "Evprybody hold up your berr:' "II was lik.. we l(aVf' a privale Irad singer Mike Husler ye-Ilt"d, party with rurllent mu.~Je." added trY1I1g to wallr up the crowd aft.. r a Shaw/II't' ProductIons Pl'e'5ldent JIm sent'S 0( bonng sola; by 11\4- band Tunru "Why don't yw flO backslaj(r and "Thls .. as a poor <'h<>l('t' of dalt'!<," dl'lnil yours," an Impatiml [ll,,'" f"CoIalnt'd Palrick Hunler, IIIP [)1t'Sels fan in tIw audlt'flCe ~ .. Ilt'd ~nh l'flOrolftalor for IhE' ftrm Bul IIIP band playrd on ""Ith I.. ad "SUmmerfl'Sl ... as ~"'"It on In gUItarIst Slink Rand dl'1t'mltnffl 10 :\hlwaukf."t' so Itw Chll'aj(o pt'Op/ .. dt-afrn the audJ .. nc .. WIth onr of IIIP "'<'fI1 up Ihrrt~ and lilt' SI L(IUIS loudt-sl. m.1!I1 obnOlll0U5 ~u'tar solos pt'llpl...... nt to Ih.. W.IIi.. :-.ods... n thIS Side 01 early Grand .·unlt ,',.-rue tn Kan!'.lli Cil' .. ~Iw .... n han~, n .. n Da~f' :\h it'5 , Ubh,'lous 10 11M." businf'5!l hassi.. ", the Ltfl'!lt~·! .. ['an('on~ coordlllalOr th .. audt.. ncr was Irralt'd to a hOI from sit' -"00 hold hPt'n ",hlrhnll diH' of m""t1~ ·hOl mu"c around I"" ea" .. , ... oodt-n dane.. in.. ~linil Rand (;rllup ~Iartpd orr 1I0llr all aftt'tftol'n. ~IOppPd 10 tak~ a tIw artf'l'tloon ,-\n nb,,1JU!i ",,.,. br.... lllt'r In th.. ~had('rl ...... of IIIP cessIon to the II- and 19-~ar-olds in ", .. manit'"" cave, ~oo

JULY SUPER SPECIAL One month of unlimited visits $12.00 Come in any time in July for our super special. The Diesels played a you '11 '>e glad short, tight set at the Jam­ f3A\l[jIII3""~ bor_, Bond members are .voudid. Ifrom lefl) Mike Potter, Brod Davis, Chfls Klym Charlie Stop In Rice and Rusty "Radar" Hurst Today (PhotC' by Shirley Myersl Bill~ards

Jeri Lynn Figure Salon : ....•...... 1112 W. Main 4,7·211.

Page6 Doily Egyptian July 10,1"'78 guitar combined to make a sound 11'101 proved ,t,e A lighter-rhan-expected crowd assembled at the the DiXIe DI.sels. ,he Slink Rand Group the Jim ~ch­ mag.c is still there. (Photo by Shirley Myers) Shawnee Bluff Natural Theat.r I,"' Sunday tor the wall Band ond (~'aff photo by Miloe G,b· Show_ Jamboree III. Fans were 'rea ted to sets by bons) ~union tops Jam m too mucllif YOU dlllrl"l moyt' , thanks summt'r tcur whK"h win carrv Iht'm boogit' woogie style piano, so hr o a pWa!Liln't brt't'lt' "I~I proplt'ln throod! Colorado and pointS Wl'St mlmt'CI hke M wa5 playing thrm Ih.- audlt'fl("t' Wt'n' a.~ scantily .-lad bPfort' Iht'" mum to tbP ""dwt'St In His scrawny whIM 01 a voiet' !l('fV1'd a~ p"'..,lblt' ht'('aU!lt' of thr ht'al, AUIIU5t 'rhey' ...." officially movl'd to undenco~ tht' humor of !lOngs ,'l"t"8ltnlt plf'a..anl dl':"""lon.~ that out of AU!lhn and mlllht rt'locale hkt' ". I>oo't St'l'd A Room·mate:· madt' tlw !tmt' bPtwf't'n hands pa$!! hadt hPl'(' In illinoIS, DaVIS Qld "Lovt' Song To ""lwau~" snd ql,udtly hackC'a"t' "Half Aslt't'p At The W..... I:· most of 'l"'rll~ltonight .-\5 Ihf' sml'll of ('luckt"ll bring "\"t' nt'Vt'r playl'd in a caw But the impn!SSlvt' part harbf'cul'd waftl'd Ihrood! tht' air, bPIart' .. Ihul5far cut." Jim Schwall Ius !It'! was Ius Plano playing HIS long boogie woogll" soloa. whld! had tht' L'\lUt' lJ_1s toolllhl' stallt' and commt'ntl'd to tht' au~ft('t' aftrr hIS l-ooked up a dt"liclIlliS St"!""lnl! '" bunBlues," a \'ass.u l·lt'mer::ls drivlnl blUt'S Jam on "You 1>00'1 numbf'r that has a m\·'tf'flOU'l LoY(' Mt' Wkt' That" which dn>w tht' 6-MONTH SAVINGS mlnor-<'hord sound 10 II . crowd down cJoser to tht' stagt'o cJclMor to the magic tlw two mt'll The sf'! culmlllated In "Oranltf' cn-att' .... bPn IMy play togetht'f CERYIFICA TE Blns... om SPf'('LaI" tt'act !twlarlst Wllt'a tht' SOI'lI t'ndt"d. tht'y an­ H~ty "Radar" HUl"!lt pla~'1'd a solo noUOCt'd :.hat Corky would do a solo that IOl'Ot from countrv mte, San !It'! and tht'll tht' two would j8m FranclM"o aCid rock t...mturv and agalD Ia:ff hiH·k. ...hllt' f,eldlf'f HIt'\" iaslll" We Offer A New 6-Month Certificate .. or\t.<\ Iht' ,.,U lrom "Hall 01 IIll­ Siegel camt' out and puyl'd With ~l(l1Jnt,.m KIIlf{" into IIlP l·Ia.~~IC wild abandon. At tlml'S. ht' Sf't"IDt"d ~-'I N T E F: ES l' .... ($10000.00 Min.) At The Highest ~O)ntt. 10 wanl 10 Mar othrr instrumf'fllS Rate Allowed Which Will Be ',. ~'o Th,' Iht'.... l~ ar" In 1~1t' ml!isl ,tC a othrr than Ius IncrE'dtblt' harp or Above The Average Auction Rate Paid on Six Month U,S. Government Treasury Bills.


Standard Withdrawal Penalty on Both Accounts Carbondale Savings And Loan Association 500 West Main St. Area 61. Tel. 549-2102

Daily Egyptian. July 10, 1978. Page 7 CAMElOT ESTATES NO .. I(N!lN(. fOIl _AU AU mob·'. "()t'n., ho ... ~ ",n t-t 01 0" IfRCIINCY APAImMNIS and all o' ••~ .,.( FOIl lUMMI. AND .AU 21~rOOf"l~ N'9'" "9"''''' SOPH. JR .. SENIOfI<:' S GRADS Pa.".d .. ,.,. .... " COMPlETEl V FUk:'-I'SHED Jurn"he-d • .-nt lrt


5660Aal7~ ------, CAMBRIA ASO LAKEWOOD ~tfo:R(TRY CfJt:GAR XR·7 1m. Park 1-,,2 ~rooms ."allable bronze, eXl-ellt'nl c-ondiborL S-, ~~. Pets Ph_ 6114-2540 afler II pm ::tis ".y .... 564SAa174 R'>7068c176 TWO AS[) THRJo:E bt-droom (·ARTER\'(U,E·-EFFlClESn' trailers, 1100 and $1:10. pay ga.. and APARTMEST·-fumi5hed. lights. t'lKtnC 50&-4&79 afll!r 2 pm '·A:\I:\II.-\ TRiAl. TY .. 250 1-:". a c .. and ""aler paId, Immt'lhale 85&119Bcl77 5619Aa176 C?1It'nl condition, 1_ m,lt'alle O{·CUINUICY. crossroads-Route 13 ""'" lmal 1214 turnabl.. Shf'I'Wood 5579AhUM 549-J1!jj6 SEW Ih60 TRAILER ayailale 1975 FIAT XI-9. Sport Roaaster, n'Ct"1Vt'r CaU 4.">7·:;'~15 S715Ba174 fall. FUrDishf'd. undt'fplllnt'd. ThIS road machin. IS oranlle III 5'19AclBi ~~'!1t:$~~I6S .:tooth rolor With blac:k att~.a, Currently SIA"ESE KI"Jo:SS. .:X· offered at S650 below !Ii A D,A \ ''':PTIOSALL Y bNUltfullong and Now T.leI... Controct. 56llbd73 book prICe, Our specw price is Real Estate sllort ha Ir ~ an.tift. clOSing out onl" S2650 \' ic KOt'fng 0,nrrolet. For ...... & foil s.m. RELAX THIS SUMMER' Liye ill t:n'lnt:ST, LOW MAl!'> ""It'. 549-6372 Air Condlt1OMd romlort .,thln 104b E, MallI. Carbondal. TE:'IoA.'Ii'.·E home. IIiit' bedroom. , 5&!r.Ahl75 APAlrYMlNlSs.- B5f113Aal76 ,.11 wallnng dl!ltanee from the lake. firt'place. alumllrum sid mil. EFFICIENCY $CJO $120 I Bicycles Only a short drive 10 campus. sandstoo.. patio Lots of ~ and PI. YMOl·TH. 1971. <1.F.AS. good 18EDRooM $12S $165 I'ttoM 4S7 ~14 or 50&-1788 privacy, SIB.SIlO. ~ 1(0 SPEED "DAWES" hghtw.lllhl m,l~agt'. lour door. ~\artl'd all EFF ·um PAID $100 $135 83573 Be 174 5665adlSO' \ btq·c1.. Good conlhbon 1110 01' I ""101 ..'1'. good mechalllcaU~. afl~r 110-;1 alfer Phorle 549-:r.-uI 5:10 . 4.'i7·211!14 - 2.DIIOOM MOINU HOMIS HA.'IillCRAJo'TE[). GJo:Ollio:SlC .• "4..\,174 : CARBONDALE 568i.-\al73 10 II 5C $75 $100 ()()!\U:. two bfodroom. Crab (II" MOBILE HOMES Recreational '... *=1_ 12" 50 S85 $110 chard Eslalt'S. IIf't'ds firushll1g I NOWRENTlNC, 1904 ,'W Sl'Pt:R BEETLE . :.tli hnaoc~ 4.">7·71170. 1971 APACHE :\IE.~A .•1Iummum 12. 52 $~ $115 1150000 Exct'llent condJllOII . F M For Summer & Fall 573IAdl77 and fiber glass camper. Ilk. MW 12.t>a $:10 $140 . Good tires Call Bob. 549-8469 or I 2. & 3 Bedroom SIt'<'p5 511 $1200')0 Call ~llr.6. All~ENTAl~.4IlE A C 54~3433 Mob.le Homes 5668Aa173 MobIle ttotr.. 3727A1174 FURN. WITH TRASH Musical PICK·UP FURN. 'r_ Bus '0 & 'ram SIU 1964 ;W\STIAC LEMA:'Io3. Runs 1958 Ih60 WITH bl0. tipout MONTS \\ lISt sell Bt'S1 offer. 6114-2418 Stratford Ricbardson.. all'. apo Gt:ITAR lNSTRUCTIOS: 'r_ Ou,door Pool Mtel 5 p.m PRIVATE one hour 1HIons. Sf,oo CALL ROYAL RENTALS 'r_ Wa'.r & Se_r 56fi6Aa174 =C;bes~f~~~:~ per hour Call 529-134e 2892. ..57 .... 22 'r.. lown Ma.nt~nc:e 5807AeI76 5608AIII73 'r_ Con-OnaItan lad< MatI ao. TRASS AM. 1975. 4 spPf'd. air. 'r_ Basltelball & Tennos Court slereo. mags. excellent conditJon. Gl'ITAR LESSONS· AiJ §Ivies S42OO. 4S3-:M04 or ~. JoTRNISHED Ih60 MOBILE all 1.~Vt'Is. Call tile MusK BOx at ttou- home. 2 bedroom. central atr. S49-56C! Fint Le5SClII Free. CARBOSDALE HOl'SlNG­ All N_ Paved Str_~ 5663Aa175 storage sht'd. Call 457·2595 after SfiS7Anl73 THREE bI'droom furnIShed houR !'>:JO pm. carport. IIU'. no pets. leew starU ~"MoW""­ July IS. acrou from dri""-III HwyS1North 1978 TOYOTA CORONA. thftItre 011 old Roule 13 west. Cad automatic. Excellenl condition. 12ll5O TWO BEDROOM. aIr.' ApertnwdS fl&Hl45. Mt-'" Only thnofo months old Call 56- carpet. furnished. natural gas. CAMBRIA· ONE ltEDROOM B5692Bbl77 1.'72 or 529-1369. fumisbed apartmmL Quiet female S7fMAal73 uderprinned. dellll. S49-4II06 or 54. 4471. student perlerred Call 98$-2577. Mobile Honwe BS708Ae176 19&& PONTIAC RUSS wt'll. Good Retereotee!l - NO ~ 5640BaI73 : SINGLES. 1 BEDROOM. SI45 tires. S200 01' best offer, CaU Kevm month Gas. beat. water. trash and al684-QS3. maintenance iIIdudfd. Fumiahed 'U.... SHlD l"ICIiNeIiS 5107AaI73 l2ll5O - NEW CARPET. air. PRI'lfATE ROOMS CAR­ overtlang. shee!. pool. underpinned. ~ilfta~~e:m~ c:.:u~: BONDALE • iD aparUDents. for FOR SUMMER & FAll I I!r.~ VoIkswagell Super Beetle. S3.800. 54.16(;6. Orchard ~12 tit ~3002. studenu. IOU blive a ker 10 Good a;ndlUon. Call and see 457- 5671Ae175 2 BEDROOM FOR SUMMER B56$1Bcll3C I. apartment and to your pnyace 2IJ6O. ONLY ! room. You UN apartmenl liitchea. stove. mnaerat«. and SUlk. !nc1 569IAa174 NO PETS OOS'TPAY MORE forJesa. Large 10l1S2 WITH 101112 addition plus modem. wry DICe t_ and three apartment tialhroom with othen oR shed. Excellent condition. Rural. tfie apartment. BaSH: furnl!ltullP 19<2 VOLKSWAGEN Sl'PER GUNN WILLIAMS MNTAU bedroom !'nobile homes. Fur- ..iliues mduded III rent. Very-r BEETLE Good COndlUon Calland dop allowed. $4.000 firm. 457-2571 we. 4572060. afll!r II p.m. HI I. .AWLINGS :=.:.. C~=l~. minutes 10 :f~ O::l~~~titiye. CaD 569IAa174 5729Ael77 417·"'1 8ST.IIBc 171 B5aIIBdJl7c

Page 8. Doily Egyptian. July 10. 197a Sl!llGl.E AND Oot'BI.E room~ GRAUl' ATE ASSISTAST. sn'·c j St:ED A PJ\PER Iypt'd' 18!ot a.r eOlldJ\ furnish.d. uhhu.." I'PI'S5EIB4 milling. sound Ir;,.-II s~n (·hrIllIlZIDI!. a",ho efft'C'u. mw.1C FREE DEPRESSlO~, COl·S· F.X,-ELI.E~T SI"tGLE SEUSG AI!IO Youth-FamIly Sl.t:t:PI:-';G room only Grad trpalml'nl. r ..lal .. d It'Chnical l5J 2-4AA Rl'lalions Faclhlat~d Bpd· sludt'nl pr~lt'rrt'd. rt'lt'r .. nc~lI

ROOM!otATE NEEDI-:O Sl:M· MARRIAGE OR CUl'PI.E iI.Bowi.::":Coot~~-;;-Wal~, counst'llng . Fno.. Center for !otERo lall. larg~ lrallt'r. 900 E :Kr~n pnson t:~ryday 12,7 Human DeveIOPh~!'IIt. Call . 58- Park. Trailer A. Hom.. f'Vt'llmgs. B5,13('17:II.' 44H. no phoM 8544SEI78C 5iOO8~ln (;OG() DA.'Ii('F.Ii.;:'--wiil~,.s: Inn T 'r' PIS Ii S t; R \. 1 (' E I!otMEDlA TEL V- F ALL-SEt:[) ~~;t~ ~81:,IS:~ Ml'RPHVSBoRU E,«hl )"l'ars I~~ rooIl,matr 10 shar~ large' l»394Ct75c "prrimCf' IYJltng dl5llt'f1at,ons mol)1~ hom~. ulillbes paId SI2!>­ 1K!'tI Con'Kting ~IKtnc t'asl and month..... n room and I~ halh. TWO STt:DE~T ~ORKERS efficient, !\II'i·za<.:; I'tIonf' 4S7-l!864 5703 Bl' 174 ~::'t. ':bl:~Z ~~ t::=n::~r) ", .. II. must plan to ~ in srhool for u.s TYPISG A.,';,c;c)CIATES l!otM.:OIATEl.V 01( '''A 1.1.­ at reasl a y~ar Must haY'.' curr.. nt professional typIng on sell' sprtll(l l..aflll' Ih~ bt-droom ;VI FInancIal Stall"llll'Dt on Itlt" torrffting IB!ot. Alfordab~ rates. "'"- Si~ a/'t"a Prt'f"' llradual~ A~~ ailhi' Dally E~puan. sludt'nt ('all 529-1329 aflt'!' ;; pm CaU 4S7-S3S7 aftel'llOOrw or 893-2925 aft~ 56I4B~I75 l'ommUml'8l1ons BUlldlDil coIIel't after 5 p. m. 1100 a m Ask lor Phd Rorhl' SS86E174 ROOMMATE NEl:I)ED f"OR 3 571iCl74 bt'droom hoost' in Murphysboro EXPERlESCED n"PISf FOR m a month all utilil_ paId. AC. A TE!otPORARV lOP prreenl any fasl. acrurale tyPJl1g job St'If· color TV ('all 61M4Il61 COI'ft'C,'hn~ IBM typewriter. 5611118f'174 =~"r:~~'!:~t l:Sa~~:~~ 4: 30. 6114-646S. at SIU-Carbon21-: 1119(" TRAILER SPACE FOR reftl· daM to campus. caU 541-3374 ~li~.on.~JuIyO:~= J~~t; MIlD AIIOIITION 856528LIIIII(" an Equal Opportunity­ 1Nf000MAT1ON' Affirmativl' ArtiOll Employer. B5I\!jf;('174 To he~ you through this ex· lOST perience we give you ~om­ I fiii~Wi~iii1 LIf"E(il'ARUS -·CITY (IF Car· SERVICES plet. ~oun~eling of any STOLES ARMY GAS mao;\l hag 11I.1II..... ~if"'.: hol'dall' Full and part bm~. duration befM. and after the WIth COlTe5pondeOCf'S. Ideas. T~mporary hfetlu.ards .-df'd for OFFERED po4'lry. notl'S. Re ... ard' So l'1tv hMch al (,I'dar l.ake procedure. HOUSECLEANER ' DEPE~ q&ll'StIOllS ;;.I9-7j,8,',. Anthony i of CI'OS1I CAll US ~Ion valid RI'd DABlE ","ID rehablt> Rf'I«encea LIfHavl1I(I Card I't"qUII't"d S2 65 pe!' "-..-w.e-­ ~tor ,;7I):;GI;~ 1I~.~lIJi!II. avaIlable OWl! transportat_. hour 609 Apply Prrsonnt'l Off;c. CaU 187·3870 after 4 pm only Cell Collect 21 __ "1·'H5 E. Colletle Equal OpportulUty 5647E17S OrTolI'ree st:NDA Y ~IG~T. \[I w<'t'k ma~ t EmploYl'r ITt'y tabby klttt'll nf' C .: ColI... p BS722Ct75 HENRY PRINTING, thP problem ...m·_ and S lo!tan ""; 8273 soIvl!l'5 for l'OIII~ offRt pnntlng WA.'lin:o GRADl'ATE and Xerox servlCf'S inl'iudlDg st-: Ut:UGHTJoTLL Y St-:Lf· ASSIST.' NT. 21) hours. som~ theses. diSRrtalions. and resumes. (,E~TERED and trl'aC YOUtwlt to BLACK-WHITt-:. LO:'\i(; hal/'t"d knowlfllg~ biocll"'mlcal U8 S. nhncxs. 457-4411. l'Ight classes as a gII@S1 01 tbt' 'f'Ttlal~ kltlt'll Park St. 1-"""15 lPCMJqUl"l. laboratory exprriftll'f' 5463EI19C Instituc.. of ('06IIIoIo.. eal Lane area Call ~7'Z2IIII aft~ ,; 00 Call Ms. Donnie Bundman. 5031>20117 R~arch W~ ha"f> elass all tbt' 57:J9(;177 for Intervlt'W bme. On WE'dnrsdayS til i:OO p.m SOUTH-taN R.LINOIS you can share in some. For m~ • "ICYCLE Info or rP.Wnations. writ~ 10 The YOl;:\iG BI...... ~·K n::\1ALt-: dott on HI'S8AND A!\"l WIFE t~am II) Insbtut~. P (\ 80ll .>lII2. Car· l'8mpus. .iuly ~ Call :.t9-lI1Rl' manal(t' and mamtalD 12 unll bonda~. Illil10ls 62901 ;'T.l:IH"~ mobl~ hom~ park. Must tvt' own l .. N.III"IoI_ .__ _.____ . __ ._____ .~EI.:J_ transportation, no J.-llI. no tWlCl 10 C doh~ No' 180nlo F.'ST. A('("l!~TK PROFES­ reasonabl~ SIONAL Iyplng rates. "EL\,1~S AS[J WT.-\II "l;~t Your ~I~n. ~::~r===~~ 3-r.t-12H8 betWt'('fl I a m -12 noon right couple'. CaU ;;.I!H7lIII SChWinn OI .4.l'l T8- AetiCIII Empklyer. of DeSoto. 167·2549. workUll 01' im*m.. Ca~~. I.T"~ 't\e r4.'pIUI' jewelry. D.E. CLASSlFlEDS. Slll2Et75 S37'1t.:175 Daily E9YJ>t!on. July 10. 1978. Page 9 Carbondale losing local Ralph Nader

~:f~~r~C:~la" I I"f'ally ..antPd out nI 1I1f'" shf' ~ addPd "Jr~ a umqu.... "pt'ri .... (·,· Shl' ma, ha,'!, bt'ffl l'arbondalf"s and an f"'pn mt.!"!' u",qu.. (',I_ '..-r· an''''''r to Itdlph ~adt'r "'rr,. " Rul aftf'r ,,"n ,' ..ars .. ,til II!<- (,,1\ L,It"'m ""plamE'f'nd a mmt on "'jUII"T,..r.: .... ,d '1'<1 t>t' ..."kl~ .. ,th pt'Opk Th •." can rom .. O\l'r and horr..... IhI' \110 Ith moop~ mana~t'mpnl problt~m~ Ihll~ and do llll-f'm'.. "·", TM~ ('an 01"1 a ('{lUnst"hn~ ha~l.!> I "(ttoi. .... , p mon"~' and : .... 1 a _1'OSf' 01 fa ""rna'''<- puhh"al",n nI ':on lJlocaUSf' sht' was tM onlv pa,d stall SUnlt'-r Cau~f". a Ifhlnthh nfl'\li~lrt:fI'r pt'r.Inn Llt'wln handlf'd all th.. 'A,hJt'h 21'n~ huyt"r~ tt~ 'In ulullM'hng herst'lf. Sf'E'lllJl about 15 "'''r}I~11lI! from USf'd • d~ to lIar· LiU- c11 .... ts on a r~ular baSIS ilI1d man) dtnl:1l1~ mo,... wlwl camf' In .. ,th qtOlck '('onsumf'r ('allS«' hlon·maklng. and quf'Suons !'ach month purp""f' In 1Il\'f' nUl m"'rmallon lO"oh'Pd lO som"lhll'lfl Ilk .. Ihls " t~ It'dera I !!o\lf'rnm .. nt Bul undf'r thf' .... pPCts 01 altlng And, ('I IhE' lasnnallVr "'toalllf'd aoe! ..... Ip puhlKIZp tht' prt.... "fT' . Bul .fIll ,III',... ~hll tot a Housing thecurr~nt dlslnbullon formula. IhO' '·.'act'" It. ip\t'n;t)(w:h u..~.os m'.clf" 1.,11 .. ," 'WIld "Pt'opl .. art' on our and ""."..... Manallemt'l'1 BlJ/'f'3u ('II), stand!< t" IMe mOIl CDB(; "I Ila.~ luck~ 10 !!"I m~' Job anti voo M\'(' '10 ~"I \lUI' a~1 mallmll IIsl IllhI'v', .. ullhzf'd somf' .. hf'n 1.J't~rn It'a"";" fundtn!! by 19IWI lJlocaU5e of ProPOSltJor 13 II I d;dn'l tUlt~thf..r "'ht"n JI C'ome-~ to lnoCt"\ , .. nlCt', hul olh.. ";' l'an call Huoldn "ThIs P!'Ol!ram d""sn', lIP' a lot 01 "But \'ou still ha.·.. 10 malntam SII!" my contract and hand.1 In .. hpn olana/e('mt'nl TIw~ !h,,. ,I " .... It""our....,. al (',h' lIall and 4sk 10 mom') 10 """ralf' on and funo.n!! has !tood home leads to happy pt'OpIt':' I did. a wl'f'k Ialt'!' I wouldn't hav.. don'l kno,. hOI> !O ,~, It prnp.'rl! hi" .. :Mlr namp 'put ,,0 IhE' hSI hl't'Il cut back drasl,call~ fr'm last Lraw," addf'd "E",o'Ironmf".~ .5 had a JOb Vohat', tTaumallc n"", I' \ou'r~ ~mt" kHI(~ of !tumnl\ 'h Sht' adrtE'

B .. p,.n .. R ....ta_ around Ihe pol·b"II!f'd stO\'" north of lown Hp!t'n ,...mmd!; hIm to silldf',.I·WriWr Ollh~t'I"s sull has sa~' thaI IhI'y h" ... a grand"",", 21. E\"'~1hlng from muskral traps ti> "~IDf'ty·runl' p<'rCf'nl of thf' pe iMss. and Southern Hills Dtlltlljler. whose mf'dlum framf' IS store Many pt'OpIt' IIv .. flW II-Iling ,"way onlj sltghtly age-bent. mO\lPS WIth "I ~ot 10." Dlillngl'r jokf'!O H"lf'II, from work and off to \laCalH)r time Lea\'es 8: 15 and returns at I! :45 unhurrtf'd 8S"uranCf' dow!> !tit' :hm Ius ""If 1'. has JU!l1 droppt'd lO to hplp John Dtlhnger could ~"re to his alslps of hIS shop H .. pUSllf'5 a load "'Ith thl' papt'r.... ork !)11I1~M' al~o lann today, H.. prnt'r5 to teql of ha... oul of the back for Jf'fl has a daughtl'r. Do"". ~:!. ano a ,;(}fl. .0rlllllC, t'w-'-lgh. as hf' VISits WIth Janua'ry JanlUll')' dn ... es the wagon H.. nr}. 33. Ilhn r,;as tM ".0 lUalll (".~~~ in bis rustic treasure el..... ators on tho.> rallnJP.d tracks house, His work is play To enroll or for and team '1111 ~ dl~lopPlng 8.TO\ ~d C aM'OIldalf' additional Information "You wor I find astor.. hk.. thIS _1MIIIIIIl!1JI!j1l1lllllllDU!il_lIIItmUIIIIIIII.~ call: 457-0323 IIny ... h .. r .. "~5e." DIllinger says proudly. \ pair of ..Ik antlers. an old wooden yoke and dusty harnesses I MELVIN'S i han!! from the walls and weath«ed Cf'ihng There is a sharp smell of If'f'd and hay, I CA~~~:~S~~:~~~1J I DtIlrngers was e!ltablishf'd 011 Ii! ii5 f~b 7. 1935 Jolul and Ius wif... == features ~ UNIVERSITY BAPTIST Helen. slarted the .tore after I' .j dlsc:ouragiDI yean 01 farm~ in IMONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL ~ CHURCH ct.y City. ~in::;:~-:J=':::;i ~\\. Pick Your Own Team decided to do IIOmethmg differenl" ~( , !o /:',., tfe haOID his whi~haired head, ~(~~ '1 eOc:,C" hot dolts "';I~ l;.f!'f!' DI'. :emberin& the bad dry spellt.dt ..... \\ (i'e" steamed in beer eo~, tillt Vo"hen Carbondale', downtOWll.U ,",0 .. ~'> Oakland at Mill :.....m:~!.cen.~ ~S'U:'re:: try our happy hour 2·6 i Carbondale. III. Itoremen .hilewould their sit wiveain cIwn shopped. and Thetalk ....d••• '.'c. OUS•• IJor•.• 8-.o ••••••••••• • ...... ydollli' ... I Poge 10. [)o;i!. £7YJ)tion, July 10, 1978 I I 'lurrH~ RluH. I I

~I ..' '=' ------STATUTE MILES "lb~'S EQue' A'~e P,on ShOWllee in wilderness study 8. J."'. " ....,. t:rban [)('vf'loprr,!!fIt Inrluded in 10 "p!'CI(lKe an old 1Um.·th fonoslPd si.... 'wrt .. , tne 61 natJonal "l1I acrea!(f' of .,IdP~ Wlldr-mHlI .ttrlbutes are basftl I18ry from each other by dl'tlree. areas, Pft'mlt timht'r. T . inera I and -Evening Hours Available on a scale 01 f).:l4 Olin' roa!lf'ss WIth Allft'nallv. "A" reqwnng a land managemental'd fWIhf'r study areas ..... Ht .siclf' for WI!<1t-MllP5a. "no ac:-bon" pnlIlram No anoes 01 areas 10 be' COl15ltlft'f'd for Uwy a .... no Ionlft' subject 10 l,mbe'r would be set Ulde for wildrl1ll'SI. WIldrl1ll'U. Tlus would postpune the - Prescriptiorts FiTl,?d opft'lliions. mmu-.! or IUUlrt« land!! other than those alrftdy I!lItablillhftl dPsillNltJon of 'lOrn" of !.he eIght fIX' hVf!!ltoclt 'fMoy 1I,1! arfts and dtoi:larftl wlldPrness arep. It Shawnee .rea,. 1r.1r-fr.-ltf'/y or cJuaify them .. _~ _bllSMd for ~bI lNmto{,1 wlurb would nsult in a .. ~ .. an Pf'multed 10 return to Ilk'lr ..ual" program for the for~ ~ l:S Department 01 nalural forHt state. 10 be visited by servIce. AgrirullllN' Forest Service an­ ITUIn only on foot ~ Midland States. at present, IIOIInred on June IS that :l4 "opt'fI Thf' Wilderness Ar! of I J64 has three Wilderness areas. T ..o are houses" would be held in 12 I'Stabhshed theronct"J)1 ,;[. SallOnal In ~l!IIIOUn Thev total 20045 ac."res metropolitan rf'lltt'n in t'OIInertion New Location: WI~~ Prf'Sl'!'lIallOll Snl~m The thIrd WIk!erMss arft 15 Ioratft! WIth the tJurd and final phaSf> of wbere the etlrth and lis ('nfllmur.lty lD the Crab Orchard Sa tiona I RARE U. The study illo be' rom· 01 life are u"trammelft! !lv man. Wlldhfe Refuge and consists 01 4.(lIIO p1etft! and aU plans finali7.ft! by 218 S. III. Ave. oo;here man hllnseif IS a ,"""Itft' and acres ~ Shawnee National January 1979 for implementation. <1..-""5 nol nm"in" ""Orftt ('ontall!! 250.045 acres ..ith,D There 11',11 be' t .... o "opt'fI houses" Phone: 54'-7345 Tnt' eight srod) sitt'S in the illl bound.llnt.'!l nearby. one in IIhno1s and another in ShawJrf' NatIOnal "'omt havr Altt'nllllft ,... an-.;; ding 10 nelghbonnc \\4111OUri. WI~MlI'SS composite attnbult'S the forest servire., is the most , The 1111_ "oPf'n '''lUse'' is rangll1(l from 18-22 on the F'OI'et t'OIItrowrsial 01 the 10 altft'DatiftS srhedulE-d for July 20. 1978, WIth the Servtre ratil1(l srale and the one mOlt hkely favor«! by afternoon session' 1-3 pm. I bfotng "lOur of the Illinois .reas are ill eD\'Ironmental groups. lIPid at the FJeld MUIIO!Um.oI Satural ...... "em Shawnee ip J.rkJcln, Unioll Ai'-rnatlv. "J" '4wft! to return. In ti~, Shawnee in the counties 01 SaIiDe, Gallatin, Hardin, Pope and M_r. They are: BuRe Branrh 1"'.335 • ON SPECIAL a.."n!II); Garden 01 the Gods 1.,7&1 arret); Murray Bluffs 15,.14 arres): TODAY AND aud lSardea Falls 13.151 arres). Arronlilll to the Forest Sft'V~, 50.000 pt'''P'' att.ndftI RARE II ean "",II,, bunt TONIGHT workshops acroes the nation dlllinl po-Wri'lng.upl '''-i- ~ sum~r of 1m. ~ !\hdland SI.;i'1!lI worb~, whirh ~ beld in AuglJSf lr.;, were altmdftl by !i1S Jlft'lIOI\!'. The Johnnie Midland Stalt.'!!, for tt,~ RARE II Maybe tt-IS will cool you :::::. ~~io~~.lihoois. oft··Prmt;ng Plant wiD pro­ Walker The Forest Sen~, which is filtering into the thlrd phase 01 vu:le you with top quality RARE II, is asking for publ~ cOJlleS fOl" you penonally. \OUI & romm~nt and l'f('ummftldatlOlll in ~ommlttee, or the IftpOIlIe to 10 alternative ap­ Graduat~ School W.. ·U also pro.dles for a11oca1lnl the 2.611& collate and box the COPK'S. stud) silft 10 01 thrft 0... ready for submis."IOn. at Water dassifkationl: wilderness. nOD­ all wilderness or arees Ht a~ for no elttra cha~. futu~ p1anruOl. For committee or personal lhe .It~rnatives.. "A" through 1 "J", are desrribea in their Ora" copK'S. we suggest our 7 /: 70e Environmental Stalf'lnenl. ropil!ll 01 cent plaIn paper copy .grad· whirh have ~ forwarded to 29 uate school ';;OP'e5 on 25~ federal ageac:ies and 61 Mtional rag pa",~ are 10 cents each organizatlOnl. THE AMERICAN TAP Some of the fedrral agmries ~IYlIII the draft stalrmen' wen! Printing Plant 51. S.ILLINOIS W Department of Interior, En­ 606 S. Illinois) 457-1732 Vironmental Proc«tion Agenry and the Deperunent 01 H~n. and Daily Egyptian. July 10, 1m, Pug. 'I Salmon put in Lake Kinkaid i!/ Brf'nda Hood stockin~ was highly E'lIpt'riml:'lltal T~ only way staff "'ri"-r 10 delermlfle If the lakE' 110'.11 support trout or f'f'rsor<;l'altv.lfIg one of 1hE' first Ihnoe salmon salmon is 10 pul them in and st'f' If IMy h"·e. ht" out of (akf' K:nkaid WIll rl'O'l\"f' a S25 rf'ward. sa.d accordIng to David Fligor. managf'T of tht' Flsht'rnlt'n must ha\'e a trout slamp 10 catch Kinkai.i-Rt't'd·s ("r .... k COflSt'n'alory and kt't'p tht' salmon. "E\·t'n wht'n Ihey art' The lakt' was rt'Ct'nliv stocked \uth 5(100 tw~ youlllil. you<1I know If you'vt' cau![ht a salmon." inch long ChlrJOOi( salinon ThE'y will wt'll{h Ciarlx-r said. "They are eas~ to r"'.:ot!n!~ T~,. betwt't'n fIve DOOIKI.'; and f'lltht POl!nds by sprIng, haVE' big Jaw's and look a lot Itk!:· a trout if tht'v live. (Jon Garber. maruw scud ThE' salmon Ifl Lake KinkaId were raised t'll' Lake Klflkaid is one of two lakps Ifl thE' area pt.'rlffit'ntally at t~ [)epartmE'nt of Con· that might have COndItionS suitablE' to ~pport SE'rvation's hatc~ry at Little (ira!'sy l.akE'. he trout. hE' saId Salmon are relaled to trout and addt>d. They wert' too '1m all to be- shlppt'd north. IIt't'd about tht' same t'nnronml:'llt te ,"~I\'e so tMY W~E' used to ~t the conditions in Lakf.' Tht' lake is dt't'p en~h t(l ha,'f.' the cold tern· KinkaId. . . peraturps ,around fMldt>grf"('S IS IJeal J n('('PSsary The "almon WIll not reproduce t~m!lt"lvps (or salmon to h\"e It al!'O IS rt'lall\'f'ly inff.'rhle so ThE'Y ",..'f'd a long stretch of cold, rapid stream thE'rt' may Ix- t'flough oll."Ilt'f! ,11 tM depths of the for theIr ~gs to hatch. and. no !ltrt'a~ In illinoIS lake for thf.' fish quahrlf'S. Fhgor sa:d. The fIsh could .IVE' for four Thf.' fi!''l havE' about a ;;(1 pt"n:f.'nt chancE' of or five yc~rs, if th~· E'lIpt""rr.~t is successful, and Ih'JnIil. ht'sald I In I)' 2/flO mllilht hvf.' to rt'ach fwe rt'ach a wt'igt:1 of ¥i pounds pounds; thE' rest WIll IJt" f.'alen by largemouth Garbe-r saId. "T~ ollYIIIE'n ir tht' lakt' is so bass while tht'y are stili small borderhl1l' th",t thE'y mIght live this yE'ar and die "If tht'y arE' sltll ahvE' by St-ptE'mhE'r. chancps I1l'lIt yE'ar. But if tht'ellpt'nme1: works. wt' may are they wlllli,,·e."· he stated The salmon beablt'tohavea.U1iquefishf'1"} here. ,

FlEE L\(ia Wlndall'. form .... loou M'r' 3t tilt' aae' of 85. a::J mond I:. , ~f.,. suppn"lsor al Sfl·. had thf' ("tt.mpa.jtIl lMge 28Gz. BoaIe dlsllnct ...1'1 of hPtnll thp old",,1 ",lIr", In an artICIf' In !h.. Champaljl" on thE" Stall' l·n1\" .. rs't~ Hp'lfpmpnl :-.; .....·s .. ;alf'tlf'. 'In Wlndatf' al< 01 Coc.coa. with S~'stpm roll trlhutrd ht'r lonl!P\"lty 10 :-..,... ~'-' can dam: anolht'r t'-' "ht'· sav.1lIt lhat hf'r thrf'f' ., plZD.uv..... onl" II." .. ar "Id on Iht' ",11 "Istf'rs and hf'r"athf'r all 1t\-eeI InIO s..1lIura Born";" Jul .. S. 18;'11':: ';rdronda. thf'lr lalf' .. '" !\e'M; WInd .. : ..·· ·:;·I.. h,atPd h"r 1' •. Ith "'l.. -n ~he ... as 93. shf' .un·.wd : ... 0 birlhda\ lJt"t Thunda\ In t" (lJM'ral""'-" and A'('0\if' 't'd rompWlly • p"lln. '"h"H' she' In":,. ",.th hf'r from a Iraclurrd h.p ltTf'al rut'C'l.". Stella ~( ..b3. who-r. lLh. "'t'lIr''(1' 00<"t" allalD. 1lt"ly Ie ~'JITl5 walE" The be.' teo '. mode on a brtght. ~Unn! day on direct e4posure to sun ra,,~. (Staff phOIO by arenl Cr Jmer) EXPLORE THE NOW SCENE Eas.. ,".IO."'l",P solar lea The SIU Veterar s Newsletter i.. ~ et-lJIIO",iclII allli IllS'..'" {.t Official'. R"I.natl~ " available at the Student Cen:er Tuesday, J, 'y : 1 ,."d Ih Marl! Ja,...... If you bkf' your rea strnnatT ~ lour, and "uhmf'rl!f' the baf(5 Inlo • Vat Congra.. Loltlty for Thursday. July 13, 9·1j 0 ••11. sian """" T~ da~. solar prM"e'r I'la~... a JIIr of watf" 11 you ~er your tt'll taxcredit hili Free copies may al!=" be ob-­ \'11011 rolE" m l'o.-n·1II1l enerjO' and sw... t yuu can add some' lin,..) 10 the ('ultlna ('0513 Tht' sun can be u.....-d ,.. lfOr. h.a Put the ltd on the JIIr and tained from the Office of f« e~t'n ~mmgly pia~ V A Eclucatlon 100000n now t'-' smallesl It som_hel? In Your Veieran's Affairs, Woody Hall practIcal u~ and few know II ran beek~'ard or fronl p- .o1t- ·vhf'n. It uptoU,HI bt- used for SOmelhllll! a!' 5lmp~ as w.IIR'" plt"nl~ ~ sun t al 1f'3>-' fou: 8·358. during regular working makma )'1JUr 1c:N Ie'a (Ine ran pili a or fi\'l~ hours Thai m _:l5 ~QU 1Ia\'f' bttle sunshine mto hiS 0, her It 'e 10 IIt"t \'our tN out ID tilt' Sun t... al hours during fte w'2ek of July ~itll a;,l.u It'a ~ast noon It '5 besl If lhf' Jar " Flnancf~1 opportunltle. Mlar tea. or sun tea ,the term pIa(,.. d UPSIdf' do"'n so lhf' bags ca II 10. ~ before the solar rrare". IS a fIoal In... ly In th"jlrC'at""t \ sun doesn't shlrw all that blll!el"S III stove-<"OO!led lea brljlhtly f'Io'f'ry day. so "'hen you ThE' method for makl~ solar tea hHvt" a ttnght sumy day it IS a good is simple Just Rf't a hold of a glass tdf'a to makf' as many Jars of tea as quart jar. or any large SIze glass JAr you ~an II ROl'S fast and 0IK"t" you ~ WIth a lid and 1111 It WIth cool .. atf'r get .nto lhf' hab.t you may find ~our l'se aboul t~ tea bailS pt'r ')uart Sl.'lf maklDg ~oaar tea every day JUmm~A Of '18 :I(A)l~ lOa'S and JOO:S 01 NEW SALE ITEMS have jus t arrived II All priced at least 20% OFF and many reduced much more. PLUS A large _Ieetlon of: Shorts Tops Swimsuits Blouses Skirts Jeons Dresses S/ocks .re reduced to SS & $1, (reg toS34) lIN., ...... t:_I:.

PCJge 12. o..;!; EIWPtIan. July lO, 1978