Active Players in Bold Player Current MLB Organiza On Coastal Plain League Team MLB Debut Debut Team by the Numbers 1 Micahel Crudale Re Red Florence '98 4/10/02 St
Coastal Plain League Major League Alumni (as of June 29, 2017) Active Players in Bold Player Current MLB Organiza3on Coastal Plain League Team MLB Debut Debut Team By the Numbers 1 Micahel Crudale Re/red Florence '98 4/10/02 St. Louis All-Time Alumni Total 2 Ty Wigginton Re/red Rocky Mount '97 5/16/02 New York (NL) Asheboro 4 3 Kyle Snyder Re/red Raleigh '97 5/1/03 Kansas City Edenton 12 4 Todd Wellemeyer Re/red Thomasville '99 5/15/03 Chicago (NL) Durham 3 5 David Aardsma Free Agent FayeTeville '01 4/6/04 San Francisco FayeTeville 8 6 Kevin Youkilis Re/red Florence '99 5/15/04 Boston Florence/Raleigh 13 7 Jason Dubois Re/red Rocky Mount '98 5/19/04 Chicago (NL) Forest City/Spartanburg 5 8 Sam Narron Re/red Outer Banks '00 7/30/04 Texas Gastonia 1 9 Russ Adams Re/red Durham '00 9/3/04 Toronto High Point-Thomasville 11 10 Dallas McPherson Re/red Asheboro '99 9/10/04 Los Angeles (AL) Holly Springs 0 11 Ryan Speier Re/red Florence '00 4/4/05 Colorado Lexinton County/Columbia 3 12 Jusn Verlander Detroit Tigers Wilson '02 7/4/05 Detroit Mar/nsville 4 13 Adam Greenberg Re/red Wilson '00 7/9/05 Chicago (NL) Morehead City/New Bern 4 14 Brad Eldred Re/red Wilson '01 7/22/05 PiTsburgh Outer Banks 6 15 Ryan Zimmerman Washington Na3onals Peninsula '03 9/1/05 Washington Peninsula 9 16 Josh Rupe Re/red Peninsula '01 9/16/05 Texas Petersburg 5 17 Jordan Tata Re/red Durham '02 5/6/06 Detroit Rocky Mount 2 18 Bill Bray Re/red Asheboro '02 6/3/06 Washington Savannah 0 19 Tom Mastny Re/red Wilson '01 / Wilmington '02 7/30/06 Cleveland Wilmington 9 20 BreT