AN INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE TODAY IN CENTRAL ASIA AND AFGHANISTAN An IETM Publication By Simon Tordjman January 2006 IETM (International network for contemporary performing arts is a membership organisation which exists to stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment, by initiating and facilitating professional networking and communication, the dynamic exchange of information, know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice. In collaboration with web: Project coordinator: Florent Le Duc With the support of the Arts & Culture Network Programme (Open Society Institute Budapest) web: You may use and quote this document as long as the source and author are credited. IETM international network for contemporary performing arts réseau international pour le spectacle vivant Central Asian project coordinator: Michel Quéré IETM - 19 Square Sainctelette, B 1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 2 201 0915 Fax: +32 2 203 0226 - Email:
[email protected] Websites: and *Informal European Theatre Meeting aisbl Summary Summary of discussions Regional Theatre Meeting Dushanbe, September 2005 p.5 Mobility and Networking p.5 Education for Artists and Cultural Operators p.6 The Power of Tradition & New Tendencies p.7 Independence of Theatre and Liberty of Expression p.8 Country profiles Afghanistan p.10 General Overview of the Political and Cultural Situation p.11 An Introduction to Theatre in Afghanistan p.14 Theatre