WF.Indb 1 17/02/10 17:38
WWF.indbF.indb 1 117/02/107/02/10 117:387:38 EDITORIAL “IT IS TIME FOR ACTION, CHANGE AND HOPE; LET US ALL DREAM AND SHAPE TOMORROW” Aude Zieseniss de Thuin Founder and President The Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society, France 002_WOMEN’S FORUM_2009 WHITEBOOK WWF.indbF.indb 2 117/02/107/02/10 117:387:38 WELCOME Thursday 15 October 2009 “What a year!” Expectations from the Forum More than a 1,000 delegates from over 70 countries gathered in The Forum’s ambition is to pave the way for all the outstanding Deauville, France, on the 15th of October 2009 for the fi fth annual women around the world in part by celebrating individual talent Women’s Forum Global Meeting. and commitment. Attending the forum was Zoya Phan, the noble The three day event was a unique opportunity for participants to successor of Aung San Suu Kyi, both examples of remarkable women discuss the world’s most current concerns, the global recession, fi ghting for a better world, with greater justice and equality. They hold the environment, as well as to draw attention to the fact that, these values high and embody others such as audacity, hope and unfortunately, women are the fi rst victims of confl icts such as natural courage. These incredible women are role models for all of us. disasters, terrorism, social unrest, pandemics, poverty and famine. The Forum is a venue for participants to come together to share The connecting thread of the forum’s sessions was to “think again and experiences, debate, disagree and learn from one another.
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