cbe.ab.ca partners you make a difference 2012/2013 The Calgary Board of Education is proud to be associated with numerous organizations that support and enhance student learning. In order to meet student needs, our partnerships are highly dynamic, and evolve over time. Following is a list of many of the organizations that work with Calgary Board of Education schools and students, and who contribute to the strength and viability of public education. If your organization supports student learning at the school level, and would like to be included in the list below please contact
[email protected] to add your name. Thank you to all the organizations that support Calgary Board of Education students and staff in providing Calgary with a world-class public education system. collaboration agreements other sponsors, donors and partners Calgary Emergency Medical Services Calgary Emergency Women’s Centre Organizations with collaboration agreements 3M Canada Calgary Fire Department provide programs and/or services with CBE schools AADAC Calgary Flames Hockey Club within the required guidelines and regulations. Alberta - Apprenticeship and Training Calgary Foundation Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre Calgary Herald AWO TAAN Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission Calgary Hitmen Hockey Club Big Brothers Big Sisters Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation Calgary Immigrant Aid Society Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary Alberta Bottle Depot Association Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association Breakfast Club Alberta Children’s Hospital Calgary