UnitedU States Patent [19] [11] 4,424,600 Callaway [45] Jan. 10, 1984

[54] ADJUSTABLE FIRMNESS 3,537,568 ' 6/ 1971 ThOmaS .

11121211211211, , , 21114-10 mm . [75] Inventor: Milton A. Callaway, Jackson, Oreg. 3,950,798 4/1976 Borsini . [73] Ass1gnee:. Simmons. U.S.A. Corporatmn,. 4,015,2993,958,286 4/19775/1976 TinnslsfmRodi k ...... 5/451 Atlanta’ Ga‘ 4,213,214 7/1980 Gilmooly ...... s/451 [21] Appl' NO’: 276,155 4,234,983 11/1980 Stumpf . ‘ 4,234,984 11/1980 Stumpf . [22] Flled: Jun. 22, 1981 4,245,363 1/1981 Callaway. [51] Int. Cl.3 ...... A47C 27/18; A476 9/00 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [52] US‘ Cl‘ """""" "5';;1"6’X_"g;;g§_"‘5"/z§é_5%?65%?é 496756 4/1930 Fed. Rep. of Germany ...... 15/474 [58] F_ 1d fs h ’ ’5/482 ’485 47’0 471 1937428 2/1971 Fed. Rep: of Germany .. 5/455 ‘e so/46gatf64qgém?gls7 474’, 506 502' 486’ 262574 12/1926 United Kmgdom ...... 5/449 . Primary Examiner—A1exander Grosz [56] References Cited Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—Scully, Scott, Murphy and US. PATENT DOCUMENTS Presser 10,139 10/1853 Scott . 133,093 11/ 1372 Graham . [57] ABSTRACT 1,218,291 3/1917 Meinecke . A mattress construction in which the ?rmness of the top 113561148 10/1920 HPbert - surface is selectively adjustable. A mattress body pro RGgfzn' vides the primary support for a person lying on top 2’651’788 9/1953 Forwoo‘d _ thereof. A removable top covers the mattress 2:779:034 1/1957 Arpin _ body, and is removably fastened thereto along its pe 2,814,053 11/1957 Sevcik . npheral edges. A relatively thin ?uid in?atable 2,823,394 2/1958 Smith . is positioned beneath the removable top such that the 3,110,520 11/ 1963 ?efdlflg - pressure in the cushion can be varied to alter the ?rm fllggglfham ' ness of the mattress top surface. 3:421:163 l/l969 Stoughton. 3,534,417 10/1970 Boyles . 12 Claims, 9 Drawing Figures 0%, mm Jan. 10, 1984 snw 1 of 6 USE Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Shaet 2 of6 4,424,600


I | FIG.2 FIGS US. Patent Jan. 10,1984 Sheet 3 of6 4,424,600 4 U351, mm Jan. 10,1984 Sheet4 0f6 4,424,600 US. Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 5 of6 4,424,600

2..11.1., _/,.I‘1.



FIGS Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 6 of 6 4,424,600 4,424,600 1 2 mattress also has further functions such as that of allow ADJUSTABLE FIRMNESS MATTRESS PILLOW ing transpiration of the supported body, and it must also TOP have suitable thermal characteristics. All of these fac tors must be taken into account in the design of a mat BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 tress having an adjustable ?rmness, making the con 1. Field of the Invention A struction of such a mattress a rather complex project. The present invention relates generally to a mattress SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the ?rmness of which is readily adjustable, and more particularly pertains to an adjustable ?rmness mattress Accordingly, it is a primary object of the present pillow top construction in which a selectively in?atable an invention to provide a mattress having a pillow top cushion is removably incorporated within the pillow surface, the ?rmness of which is selectively adjustable. top of the mattress. A further object of the subject invention is the provi 2. Discussion of the Prior Art sion of a mattress of the aforementioned type in which The use of having in?atable chambers as an in?atable cushion is removably positioned beneath a an integral part of their construction is well known in pillow top for the mattress, which is selectively remov the art. able from the mattress. . For instance, Sevcik U.S. Pat. No. 2,814,053 discloses In accordance with the teachings herein, the present a mattress construction having structure for in?ating invention provides a mattress construction in which a the mattress to conform the upper reclining or sleeping mattress body is designed to provide the primary sup surface to a contour desired to give maximum sleeping port for a person lying on top thereof. A removable comfort. The arrangement compensates for any sagging pillow top covers the mattress body, and is removably or uneveness developed in the upper surface which fastened thereto along its peripheral edges. A ?uid in might adversely affect the sleeping comfort of the occu ?atable cushion is positioned beneath the removable pant or occupants. The disclosed embodiments gener pillow top such that in?ation of the cushion can be ally incorporate an in?atable envelope positioned at the varied to alter the ?rmness of the mattress top surface. bottom or middle of the mattress, on top of which are In one embodiment, a layer of high density foam is placed typical coil springs with a top pad of ?brous also positioned beneath the in?atable cushion, and the material, or alternatively a relatively thick layer of foam removable pillow top is a quilted mattress top. The material is positioned on top to support a person lying in?atable cushion may also be divided into two sepa on the mattress. In the disclosed arrangements, the in rately in?atable chambers, one for each half side of the ?atable envelope, which is longitudinally or trans mattress, such that the ?rmness of each half of the mat versely divisible into multiple sections, permits selective tress is separately adjustable. in?ation of the sections to compensate for changes in An important consideration in mattress construction the contour of the mattress caused by wear, etc. The ?rmness of the mattress is not adjustable, it being deter lies in the provision of a mattress which affords a maxi mined primarily by the types of coil springs, top pads, mum degree of comfort to the individual user, in effect, or thick layer of foam material. with respect to the ?rmness obtained through the inter Smith US. Pat. No. 2,823,394 discloses a mattress nal construction thereof, particularly with regard to the having a pneumatic core divided into a plurality of center portion of the mattress which is subjected to independently in?atable cells positioned in an outer 40 extensive usage. Inasmuch as different users often prefer ?exible envelope. In this arrangement, a top padding is mattresses having a wide variety of consistencies and provided on top of the in?atable cells, and although the degrees of ?rmness, it is'readily understandable that, in pneumatic pressures in the cells would undoubtedly order to be able to satisfy a broad range of consumer have some effect on ?rmness, the pneumatic cells are demands, this would necessitate the manufacture of provided primarily for support and not as an adjustment 45 many types of mattresses affording the consumer a wide for the ?rmness of the mattress. choice of selection. Obviously this presents problems in Stoughton US. Pat. No. 3,421,163 illustrates an or the economy of manufacturing and stocking of a large thopedic cushion which serves as a back rest cushion supply of mattresses having different characteristics and and combines an air cushion with a foam backing. The ?rmness in order to be able to meet most consumer cushion has a relatively in?exible back board, in front of needs. ' which is positioned a resilient cushion of a material such In order to ameliorate these problems, there has been as foamed polymer composition. A separate air enve developed the concept of providing a basic mattress lope is positioned in front of the foam cushion, and is frame or perimeter construction which, in combination adapted to be in?ated to provide air cushion support. In with a replaceable and interchangeable core' portion this arrangement, the air envelope is provided as an 55 forming the major supporting area of the mattress, facil integral part of the support structure, and again is not itates a rather inexpensive manufacture of the mattress utilized to adjust ?rmness. while imparting a versatility in construction and adapt The prior art does not provide a mattress having a ability to consumer needs not heretofore encountered in primary support, on top of which an in?atable cushion, the prior art. ' covered by a removable mattress pillow top, provides 60 An important aspect of a particular embodiment of an adjustment for the ?rmness of the mattress. More the present invention resides in the provision of a pillow over, in designing a mattress of this type, it should be top surface, the ?rmness of which is selectively adjust borne in mind that a mattress is a complex supporting able, for a mattress having an insertable core which structure, of elastic and plastic deformability, subject to facilitates an adaptability for showroom demonstration both static and dynamic stresses. It must be elastic in 65 and emphasizes the versatility thereof to potential cus- ' order to allow a determined amount of depression in tomers. In effect, the insertable and interchangeable response to a load, while not substantially altering the core imparts a customized property to the mattress axis of the load, i.e. of the human body lying down. The without the need for expensive modi?cations to the 4,424,600 3 4 basic mattress construction. Thus, a wide range of cus DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE tomer needs and individual tastes can be demonstrated DRAWINGS in a simple and inexpensive manner through a simple interchange of the core portion of the mattress in a Referring to the drawings in detail, FIG. 1 is a per standardized outer perimeter frame structure. spective view of an exemplary embodiment of a mat Another feature of the inventive mattress arrange tress 10 constructed with a removable pillow top cover ment consists of its ready adaptability to ?eld servicing 12. Pillow top 12 may have a suitably quilted cloth top and replacement of worn or damaged mattress compo 13, and has a fastener track 14 provided around its rect nents without the need to return the mattress to a fac angular peripheral edge. A corresponding fastener tory or the requirement for skilled servicing personnel. track 16 is provided around the rectangular peripheral In addition to the foregoing, the insertable core al edge of a mattress body 18, such that the pillow top 12 lows for the insertion therebeneath of an orthopedic and mattress body 18 may be fastened together or sepa board into the perimeter support structure by either the rated from each other. user or by personnel in the retail outlet selling or servic Mattress body 18 may be a traditional type of mat ing the mattress arrangement. This, of course, again tressthaving one unitary body as illustrated in FIG. 4, enlarges the scope of application of the mattress ar but is preferably constructed of two separable compo rangement to a wider public and enhances the saleabil nents, an outer peripheral frame section 20 and a remov ity of the product. able core unit 22, illustrated in a partially inserted posi Yet another feature of a particular disclosed embodi tion in FIG. 1 for clarity of detail. With this type of ment of the present invention comprises the provision construction, the core unit 22 is replaceable, and may be of a mattress arrangement as described herein which is selected at the time of purchase to be soft, ?rm, extra adapted for showroom demonstrations of numerous ?rm, etc. Alternatively, the core unit may take different variations thereof so as to apprise potential customers of types of construction such as for instance a foam rubber construction or a traditional coil spring construction or the versatility of the arrangement. 25 a ?uid ?lled construction, or variations and combina BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS tions on these different types of construction. A pillow The foregoing objects and advantages of the present top 12 may also be removably fastened to the bottom of invention for a pneumatically adjustable mattress may mattress body 18, such that a very ?exible, interchange be readily understood by one skilled in the art with able arrangement of components is presented thereby. reference being had to the following detailed descrip A sheet liner 24 is optionally positioned on top of the tion of several preferred embodiments thereof, taken in core unit, and includes a fastener track 26 provided conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein around its rectangular peripheral edge. A correspond like elements are designated by identical reference nu ing fastener track 28 is provided in a rectangular pattern merals throughout the several drawings and in which: on the top surface of peripheral mattress component 20, FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exemplary embodi such that the liner may be fastened to peripheral compo ment of a mattress having a removable pillow top with nent 20. The fasteners are preferably zippers of the type a removable pneumatically adjustable cushion thereun that they are concealed, as by a flap, after closure der which is constructed pursuant to the teachings of thereof. In other embodiments the fasteners can be Vel cro® type fasteners. The aforementioned ?exible type the present invention; of mattress construction is disclosed in copending pa FIG. 2 illustrates an elevational sectional view of a tent application Ser. No. 275,956 entitled Bed Mattress, ?rst embodiment of a mattress construction having a commonly assigned herewith. The mattress rests upon a pneumatically adjustable cushion positioned therein; box spring 25 which may have a traditional type of FIG. 3 is an elevational sectional view of a second 45 construction. embodiment of a mattress construction having a pneu The outer frame structure 20 may include encompass matically adjustable cushion and an additional layer of ing upper and lower border wires consisting of inner high density foamed plastic beneath the cushion therein; and outer wires of round, rectangular or any suitable FIG. 4 illustrates a further exemplary embodiment of cross-section which are interconnected to a plurality of the present invention similar in concept to that shown in 50 coil springs extending about the perimeter of the frame FIG. 1, but wherein the removable pillow top is utilized structure. The wires and the coil springs form a gener in combination with a conventional mattress; ally rigid but resiliently yieldable rectangular mattress FIG. 5 is an enlarged plan view of a corner face of a frame adapted to comfortably support the weight of a rectangular pocketed spring assembly, with the springs person sitting on the edge of the mattress while concur disposed in non-nested square array, which may also be rently maintaining the shape of the mattress. The wires used in the mattress construction herein; and coil springs may be formed of metal or of a suitable FIG. 6 is a fragmentary elevational view of the as plastic material such as vinyl. The outer frame structure sembly of FIG. 5; 20 may be covered on all exposed sides thereof with a FIG. 7 is an enlarged plan view of a series of pock suitable covering material such as mattress ticking, or a eted springs of the so-called Marshall construction 60 tufted or quilted mattress pillow material which imparts which may be utilized, in the mattress construction a soft and luxurient look and feel to the mattress. The herein; mattress covering material may, if desired, consist of an FIG. 8 is a fragmentary elevational view of the either woven or non-woven breathable fabric, such as springs of FIG. 7; and synthetic ?ber material, cotton or combinations of ma FIG. 9 is an elevational sectional view of a pillow top 65 terials which afford the necessary comfort to a user construction similar to that shown in FIG. 2, but resting or sleeping on the mattress. Moreover, the mat wherein the pneumatic cushion is incorporated within tress arrangement may incorporate a mattress pillow the pillow top. top ?lled with down or other soft foam-like material 4,424,600 5 6 which-will impart a particularly full and luxurient look site non-seamed end of the spring pocket as well, as the and texture to the mattress. ' separation of the plies by the expanded spring foreshort In lieu of the inner and outer border wires and the ens the cloth strip. This results in a slack reach of fabric coil springs, the peripheral frame structure 20 may be along the interpocket seam 92 at each end thereof, an constructed of pocketed springs, or may be constituted effect accentuated somewhat by the barrel shape of the of a plastic or foamed material. Thus, for instance, the coil 84 with which the invention is speci?cally illus peripheral frame structure 12 may consist of a rectangu trated. lar or so-called “square” array or arrangements of non The divergence of adjacent spring coils 84 at their nested coil springs 21 in the individual pockets 23 in‘ ends resulting from the barrel shape provides conve which adjacent pocketed strips of springs are intercon l0 nient access to the strip material which, in the illustrated nected at 25 by connecting the fabric strips together instance is welded to the material of the adjacent strip in between springs, for example, by stitching, seaming or the corresponding reaches of fabric betweenv two suc ultrasonic welding of the seams of the material or of the cessive coils of each strip, so that in the presently pre fabric strips, the material preferably being non-woven ferred and illustrated form, the adjacent strips are con thermoplastic ?ber material, rather than by connecting 15 nected together, as at 90 near the tops and bottoms of of the springs so that the interconnection of any spring the coils, but preferably interiorly of the end convolu with its adjacent springs is accomplished. in the same tions thereof. . manner, in essence, through the material in which the The assembly of springs by connecting the strips spring is housed. This type of pocketed coil spring together rather than by connecting the springs, as such, structure eliminates the tendency exhibited by nested 20 to one another, permits each springto maintain a con assemblies of pocketed coil springs to trap an individual siderable degree of individual action before requiring coil or coils in a partially compressed condition. A the depression of its neighbors in the clover leaf array, structure of the nature is disclosed in Stumpf US. Pat. and yet, beyond that point, as in areas of concentrated No. 4,234,984 assigned to the Simmons Company, the load under the proportionally heavier parts of the body, disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. 25 or when the spring assembly is highly loaded as by In greater detail, in the Stumpf construction which is bearing the weight of the occupant in sitting position, illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6, a pocketed spring assembly the clover leaf connection of four springs together in a has a given strip 82 of pocketed springs 84 connected to closely knit group associates them cooperatively so that each adjacent strip 86 and 88 by connecting the two each can assist the other to regain the full unloaded fabric strips together. Although the overall pattern of 30 height permitted by the con?ning pocket when the the assembly may tend to confuse the eye, reference concentrated load is subsequently removed. » should be made initially tov the fragmentary enlarge The pocket material of the preferred assembly is a ments of FIGS. 5 and 6, from which it is more readily thermoplastic sheeting, preferably of ?brous material apparent that the connections 90 of a given strip of whether or not of continuous ?lament or staple ?ber springs to its neighboring strip are made between a pair 35 length, and whetherspun and woven, or laid as a non of successive springs 84 of each strip, and are alternated woven fabric. When the constituent material is thermo along any given strip, e.g., strip 82, so that the given plastic, as indicated, the joining technique employed in strip is connected ?rst to the neighboring strip on one making the assembly, as well as makingthe pocketed side, e.g., strip 86, and then to the neighboring strip on spring strip itself, may be thermal welding, a localized the opposite side, e.g., strip 88, and so forth, along the 40 or spot attachment of adjacent strips being made at or entire given strip from one end or side of the assembly near the end convolutions of the springs alongthe seam to the other. between adjacent pockets in that relatively slack reach The interstrip connections 90 are conveniently, al of the pocket material provided by the diverging out-p though not necessarily, made near the opposite faces of lines of the barrel-shaped spring coils resulting from the the spring assembly, where, because of the preferred 45 smaller diameter of their respective end convolutions. barrel shape of the coil, the slack of the fabric between These connections can readily be made with available successive pockets nearthe ends of the coils facilitates welding equipment, and do notappear to interfere ma the insertion of a tool appropriate to make the connec terially with compression of the springs individually tion. throughout a substantial portion of their respective As a result of the connection, the pair of coils of each heights. 7 strip immediately adjacent to the interstrip connection Based upon the considerable history, of manufacture 90 are joined with an opposing pair in a con?guration of pocketed spring coil assemblies wherein the pocket which, in plan, resembles a four-leaf clover, each spring materials were of spun and woven staple ?bers of natu-v pocket being rotated approximately one-eight turn ral origin, the speci?c mode of attachment of adjacent away from the longitudinal axis of its own strip. 55 strips to one another in accordance with the construc The strips of pocketed coils 88 chosen to illustrate the tion may be something speci?cally different from ther-, invention are produced commercially, and comprise a mal welding, the ultimate objective being the secure, folded two-ply strip of non-woven fabric of thermoplas reliable, and non-destructive attachment of the adjacent tic ?bers in which the spring pockets are de?ned be strips to one another. This may, for example, take the tween the plies by transverse lines 92 of discrete thermal form of stitching, or twine ties, or metal fasteners such welds of the plies to one another, and in which the as hogrings, staples, or the like, or an adhesive capable pockets formed in the two-ply stripsare closed by a of adequately penetrating the four. plies of a textile fab longitudinal seam 94 of similar thermal welds to con?ne ric with or without heat and pressure. the springs in the pockets. When the springs are permit The peripheral frame structure may consist of non ted to expand after being con?ned within the pockets, 65 nested pocketed upholstery springs assembled into the they impose their shapes upon the con?ning pocket so-called Marshall construction as described in Stumpf walls in the mid-height of the pockets and produce a US Pat. No. 4,234,983, assigned to the Simmons Com ruffle in the flaps of the closing seam, and at the oppo pany, the disclosure of which is also incorporated 4,424,600 7 8 herein by reference. In this instance the pockets with material may be inserted in the cavity beneath the mat the individual coil springs are formed between overlaid tress core. This will cause the center position of the plies of a two-ply strip of material by lines of separate mattress to are upwardly into a dome shape, generally individual welds which interconnect the plies. These referred to as a “loft” appearance, thereby creating an welds between the material plies may be effected in an especially attractive and expensive appearing mattress. ultrasonic method and arrangement. Pursuant to the teachings of the present invention, a In greater detail and as illustrated in FIG. 7 and 8, the pneumatically adjustable cushion 30 in the form of a transverse lines of attachment 110 of the overlaid plies rectangular in?atable pad or panel is placed on top of an 112 and 114 of the strip 116 to each other to de?ne the optional liner 24 after Zippering of the liner in place on spring pockets, as well as the line 118 of the attachment top of core unit 22 and peripheral unit 20. The liner 24 which closes the pockets along the side edges of the is an optional component of this arrangement and can be plies between which the spring was inserted, are formed omitted in some embodiments. The pneumatic pad 30 is of discrete individual welds 120 rather than as a contin laid ?at on top of the remaining mattress structure, and uous weld. It will also be observed that, as illustrated, pillow top 12 is then fastened in place over the cushion the individual welds 120 are spaced apart within the line pad 30, thereby securing the latter component in posi by a distance approximately equal to the length of the tion. In one preferred embodiment, the adjustable cush individual welds along the line, and, further, that the ion 30 is preferably fairly thin, approximately one and welds at each end of the transverse lines 110 of welds one half inches thick after in?ation, and is constructed between the pockets do not intercept either the folded with left and right independently in?atable chambers edge 122 of the fabric strip 16 or its overlaid edges 124 20 separated by a common central wall 32 between the between which the spring was inserted. chambers and extending longitudinally along the length With an interrupted line of thermal welds and using of the mattress. Each chamber is provided with a sepa non-woven polypropylene fabric earlier referred to, a rate air valve 34, only one of which is illustrated, such line of interrupted welds each a quarter-inch long and that the ?rmness of each half of the mattress is indepen approximately one-eight inch wide and separated from 25 dently adjustable. In alternative embodiments, the each other by approximately one-quarter inch in the valves 34 could be located at any convenient location line, exhibits over forty percent (40%) greater resis on the cushion such that they are readily accessible for tance to separation of the pocket-forming plies than the adjustment of the pneumatic pressure therein. identical material sewed on production equipment for FIGS. 2 and 3 illustrate elevational sectional views the manufacture of pocketed springs by the conven through two different embodiments of the present in tional stitching method, using thread which is conven vention wherein the pillow top 12 includes a quilted tional for the single-thread interpocket stitching, viz. cloth top 13, quilted with respect to a layer of super soft Number 30-3 soft cotton. foam 36 therebeneath. In the illustrated embodiments, While thermal welding in the prescribed pattern may the in?atable cushion is provided with a plurality of be achieved in a variety of ways, including contact 35 longitudinally extending internal ribs 38 to ensure that heating and high frequency welding, the ultrasonic the cushion retains a relatively flat upper surface in an welding technique appears to be especially suitable in in?ated condition. The ribs do not de?ne separate com that the internal induction of heat by its mechanical partments in the cushion, such that air is free to circu working of the material is faster than contact heating, late through the ribs 38 during in?ation. and more controllable as well as less dangerous than 40 In the embodiment of FIG. 3, a high density foam pad high-frequency electrostatic methods. Moreover, 40 is placed beneath the pneumatic cushion 30 to en within limits, any desired pattern of welding can be hance the ?rmness of the mattress top. In one embodi achieved ultrasonically in this context by suitable modi ment, the thickness of the high density foam pad was ?cation of the anvil against which the material to be chosen to be approximately three quarters of an inch. welded is pressed by the welding horn. 45 FIG. 9 is an elevational sectional view of an embodi The outer peripheral frame structure 20 may also be ment of a pillow top construction wherein the pillow constructed of rigid plastic material components and of top 12 incorporates therein the pneumatically adjust foamed plastic cushioning material in lieu of the springs able cushion 30. The pillow top 12 includes a bottom or in combination therewith. liner 130 having a fastener track 132 attached to its The inner mattress core may be covered with a suit 50 peripheral edges. The pillow top 12 includes a corre able covering material on all sides thereof such as mat sponding fastener track 134 around its bottom periph tress ticking. When the core is constituted of pocketed eral edges such that the liner 130 is removably fastened coil springs, they may be covered by a muslin forming to the underside of pillow top 12, such that pneumatic the pocket fabric which, in turn, may comprise the cushion 30 may be removably positioned within the covering material of the mattress core. The inner mat 55 pillow top. Pillow top 12 is in turn removably fastenable tress core may also have a structure or physical charac to the mattress body by zipper 14. teristic in conformance with the needs of the user or While several embodiments and variations have been purchaser of the mattress. For example, the core 22 may described in detail herein, it should be apparent that the be formed of a coil spring arrangement including border teachings and disclosure of the present invention will wires; or may be constructed of non-nested pocketed 60 suggest many other embodiments and variations to coil springs pursuant to either Stumpf US. Pat. Nos. those skilled in the art. For instance, the‘fasteners could 4,234,983 or 4,234,984; or may incorporate a ?otation or be any suitable fastener such as snap fasteners, and the waterbed mattress center as shown in Callaway US. quilted top surface 13 could also be replaced by‘any Pat. No. 4,245,363; or may have a pneumatic or foam suitable mattress surface. The adjustable cushion might ?lled core construction. 65 also be divided longitudinally or transversely into multi In certain instances, so as to impart to the mattress ple sections to provide more selective control over the arrangement a still fuller and more luxurient look, a ?rmness of the various sections of the mattress. ‘ unitary piece of foamed material or sponge-like rubber What is claimed is: ‘ 4,424,600 9 10 1. An adjustable mattress construction, comprising: the mattress, such that the ?rmness of each half of the a. a mattress body designed to provide the primary mattress is separately adjustable. support for a person lying on top thereof; 6. An adjustable mattress construction as claimed in b. a pillow top removably fastened to said mattress claim 1 or 2 or 3, said mattress body including two body; said pillow top having a bottom liner detach separable components, an outer peripheral section, and ably fastened thereto and at least one central core unit, whereby different core . a relatively thin, ?uid in?atable cushion pressurizable units can be placed in said outer peripheral section to to a variable ?rmness removably positioned within provide a desired type of mattress construction. ' said pillow top to permit adjustment of the ?rmness 7. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 6, said of said pillow top said in?atable cushion being ar 10 mattress peripheral section comprising pocketed coil ranged between the lower surface of said pillow top springs. and said bottom liner, said pillow top and inflatable 8. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 7, said cushion substantially covering the top of the mattress pocketed coil springs comprising non-nested coil body. springs. - 2. An adjustable mattress construction as claimed in 15 9. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 7, said claim 1, said pillow top being removably fastened to pocketed coil springs being interconnected through said mattress body by a fastener extending around the ultrasonic welding of the material housing said coil peripheral edge of said mattress body. springs. ' 3. An adjustable mattress construction as claimed in 10. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 7, said claim 1, further including a layer of high density foam 20 coil springs being formed of a metallic material. positioned beneath said in?atable cushion. 11. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 7, said 4. An adjustable mattress construction as claimed in coil springs being formed of a plastic material. claim 1 or 2 or 3, said pillow top comprising a quilted 12. A mattress construction as claimed in claim 1, mattress top. wherein said in?atable cushion comprises a pneumati 5. An adjustable mattress construction as claimed in 25 cally-in?atable pad having a thickness of about one and claim 1 or 2 or 3, said in?atable cushion comprising two one-half inches after in?ation. separately in?atable chambers, one for each half side of * ‘i It it It