UnitedU States Patent [19] [11] 4,424,600 Callaway [45] Jan. 10, 1984 [54] ADJUSTABLE FIRMNESS MATTRESS 3,537,568 ' 6/ 1971 ThOmaS . 11121211211211, , , 21114-10 mm . [75] Inventor: Milton A. Callaway, Jackson, Oreg. 3,950,798 4/1976 Borsini . [73] Ass1gnee:. Simmons. U.S.A. Corporatmn,. 4,015,2993,958,286 4/19775/1976 TinnslsfmRodi k .............................. .. 5/451 Atlanta’ Ga‘ 4,213,214 7/1980 Gilmooly . ...... .. s/451 [21] Appl' NO’: 276,155 4,234,983 11/1980 Stumpf . ‘ 4,234,984 11/1980 Stumpf . [22] Flled: Jun. 22, 1981 4,245,363 1/1981 Callaway. [51] Int. Cl.3 ...................... .. A47C 27/18; A476 9/00 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [52] US‘ Cl‘ """""" "5';;1"6’X_"g;;g§_"‘5"/z§é_5%?65%?é 496756 4/1930 Fed. Rep. of Germany ........ 15/474 [58] F_ 1d fs h ’ ’5/482 ’485 47’0 471 1937428 2/1971 Fed. Rep: of Germany .. 5/455 ‘e so/46gatf64qgém?gls7 474’, 506 502' 486’ 262574 12/1926 United Kmgdom .................. .. 5/449 . Primary Examiner—A1exander Grosz [56] References Cited Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—Scully, Scott, Murphy and US. PATENT DOCUMENTS Presser 10,139 10/1853 Scott . 133,093 11/ 1372 Graham . [57] ABSTRACT 1,218,291 3/1917 Meinecke . A mattress construction in which the ?rmness of the top 113561148 10/1920 HPbert - surface is selectively adjustable. A mattress body pro RGgfzn' vides the primary support for a person lying on top 2’651’788 9/1953 Forwoo‘d _ thereof. A removable pillow top covers the mattress 2:779:034 1/1957 Arpin _ body, and is removably fastened thereto along its pe 2,814,053 11/1957 Sevcik . npheral edges. A relatively thin ?uid in?atable cushion 2,823,394 2/1958 Smith . is positioned beneath the removable top such that the 3,110,520 11/ 1963 ?efdlflg - pressure in the cushion can be varied to alter the ?rm fllggglfham ' ness of the mattress top surface. 3:421:163 l/l969 Stoughton. 3,534,417 10/1970 Boyles . 12 Claims, 9 Drawing Figures 0%, mm Jan. 10, 1984 snw 1 of 6 USE Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Shaet 2 of6 4,424,600 26 I | FIG.2 FIGS US. Patent Jan. 10,1984 Sheet 3 of6 4,424,600 4 U351, mm Jan. 10,1984 Sheet4 0f6 4,424,600 US. Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 5 of6 4,424,600 2..11.1., _/,.I‘1. FIG? IIO FIGS Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 6 of 6 4,424,600 4,424,600 1 2 mattress also has further functions such as that of allow ADJUSTABLE FIRMNESS MATTRESS PILLOW ing transpiration of the supported body, and it must also TOP have suitable thermal characteristics. All of these fac tors must be taken into account in the design of a mat BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 tress having an adjustable ?rmness, making the con 1. Field of the Invention A struction of such a mattress a rather complex project. The present invention relates generally to a mattress SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the ?rmness of which is readily adjustable, and more particularly pertains to an adjustable ?rmness mattress Accordingly, it is a primary object of the present pillow top construction in which a selectively in?atable an invention to provide a mattress having a pillow top cushion is removably incorporated within the pillow surface, the ?rmness of which is selectively adjustable. top of the mattress. A further object of the subject invention is the provi 2. Discussion of the Prior Art sion of a mattress of the aforementioned type in which The use of mattresses having in?atable chambers as an in?atable cushion is removably positioned beneath a an integral part of their construction is well known in pillow top for the mattress, which is selectively remov the art. able from the mattress. For instance, Sevcik U.S. Pat. No. 2,814,053 discloses In accordance with the teachings herein, the present a mattress construction having structure for in?ating invention provides a mattress construction in which a the mattress to conform the upper reclining or sleeping mattress body is designed to provide the primary sup surface to a contour desired to give maximum sleeping port for a person lying on top thereof. A removable comfort. The arrangement compensates for any sagging pillow top covers the mattress body, and is removably or uneveness developed in the upper surface which fastened thereto along its peripheral edges. A ?uid in might adversely affect the sleeping comfort of the occu ?atable cushion is positioned beneath the removable pant or occupants. The disclosed embodiments gener pillow top such that in?ation of the cushion can be ally incorporate an in?atable envelope positioned at the varied to alter the ?rmness of the mattress top surface. bottom or middle of the mattress, on top of which are In one embodiment, a layer of high density foam is placed typical coil springs with a top pad of ?brous also positioned beneath the in?atable cushion, and the material, or alternatively a relatively thick layer of foam removable pillow top is a quilted mattress top. The material is positioned on top to support a person lying in?atable cushion may also be divided into two sepa on the mattress. In the disclosed arrangements, the in rately in?atable chambers, one for each half side of the ?atable envelope, which is longitudinally or trans mattress, such that the ?rmness of each half of the mat versely divisible into multiple sections, permits selective tress is separately adjustable. in?ation of the sections to compensate for changes in An important consideration in mattress construction the contour of the mattress caused by wear, etc. The ?rmness of the mattress is not adjustable, it being deter lies in the provision of a mattress which affords a maxi mined primarily by the types of coil springs, top pads, mum degree of comfort to the individual user, in effect, or thick layer of foam material. with respect to the ?rmness obtained through the inter Smith US. Pat. No. 2,823,394 discloses a mattress nal construction thereof, particularly with regard to the having a pneumatic core divided into a plurality of center portion of the mattress which is subjected to independently in?atable cells positioned in an outer 40 extensive usage. Inasmuch as different users often prefer ?exible envelope. In this arrangement, a top padding is mattresses having a wide variety of consistencies and provided on top of the in?atable cells, and although the degrees of ?rmness, it is'readily understandable that, in pneumatic pressures in the cells would undoubtedly order to be able to satisfy a broad range of consumer have some effect on ?rmness, the pneumatic cells are demands, this would necessitate the manufacture of provided primarily for support and not as an adjustment 45 many types of mattresses affording the consumer a wide for the ?rmness of the mattress. choice of selection. Obviously this presents problems in Stoughton US. Pat. No. 3,421,163 illustrates an or the economy of manufacturing and stocking of a large thopedic cushion which serves as a back rest cushion supply of mattresses having different characteristics and and combines an air cushion with a foam backing. The ?rmness in order to be able to meet most consumer cushion has a relatively in?exible back board, in front of needs. ' which is positioned a resilient cushion of a material such In order to ameliorate these problems, there has been as foamed polymer composition. A separate air enve developed the concept of providing a basic mattress lope is positioned in front of the foam cushion, and is frame or perimeter construction which, in combination adapted to be in?ated to provide air cushion support. In with a replaceable and interchangeable core' portion this arrangement, the air envelope is provided as an 55 forming the major supporting area of the mattress, facil integral part of the support structure, and again is not itates a rather inexpensive manufacture of the mattress utilized to adjust ?rmness. while imparting a versatility in construction and adapt The prior art does not provide a mattress having a ability to consumer needs not heretofore encountered in primary support, on top of which an in?atable cushion, the prior art. ' covered by a removable mattress pillow top, provides 60 An important aspect of a particular embodiment of an adjustment for the ?rmness of the mattress. More the present invention resides in the provision of a pillow over, in designing a mattress of this type, it should be top surface, the ?rmness of which is selectively adjust borne in mind that a mattress is a complex supporting able, for a mattress having an insertable core which structure, of elastic and plastic deformability, subject to facilitates an adaptability for showroom demonstration both static and dynamic stresses. It must be elastic in 65 and emphasizes the versatility thereof to potential cus- ' order to allow a determined amount of depression in tomers. In effect, the insertable and interchangeable response to a load, while not substantially altering the core imparts a customized property to the mattress axis of the load, i.e. of the human body lying down. The without the need for expensive modi?cations to the 4,424,600 3 4 basic mattress construction. Thus, a wide range of cus DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE tomer needs and individual tastes can be demonstrated DRAWINGS in a simple and inexpensive manner through a simple interchange of the core portion of the mattress in a Referring to the drawings in detail, FIG.
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