|||||||||||||||III USOO5289600A M United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,289,600 Schermel 45) Date of Patent: Mar
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|||||||||||||||III USOO5289600A m United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,289,600 Schermel 45) Date of Patent: Mar. 1, 1994 (54) MATTRESS BASE ASSEMBLY KIT 4,160,296 7/1979 Fogel ...................................... 5/400 4,186,452 2/1980 Underwood ... ... S/400 (75) Inventor: William Schermel, Mississauga, 4,391,008 7/1983 Yamaoka et al. 5/200.1 Canada 4,507,815 4/1985 Danko ... S/400 4,675,929 6/1987 Santo ....................................... 5/400 73) Assignee: Halcyon Waterbed Inc., Downsview, 4,788,727 12/1988 Liu ......... ... S/74 Canada 5,44,706 9/1992 Walker .................................... 5/400 (21) Appl. No.: 22,921 Prinary Examiner-Alexander Grosz 22 Filed: Feb. 26, 1993 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Riches, McKenzie & Herbert 30 Foreign Application Priority Data (57) ABSTRACT A kit is provided for assembly of a mattress supporting Jan. 11, 1993 (CA) Canada ................................. 2087071 base comprising: a frame having a top mattress support 51) int. C. ............................................ A47C 19/00 ing platform, the platform being supported by a plural 52 U.S. C. ......................................... 5/400; 5/201; ity of spaced apart longitudinal stringers, each stringer 5/285; 5/907 having a series of longitudinally spaced apart openings, 58) Field of Search ................ 5/400, 201, 200. 1, 174, the openings being transversely aligned thus defining a 5/202, 451, 285,907 series of continuous passageways through said stringers across the assembled width of the frame; a plurality of 56 References Cited transverse beams each engagable in an associated one of U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS said passageways; and a plurality of leg means, down 3,100,304 8/1968 Brandlin et al. ........................ 5/174 wardly protruding from each of said beams. 3,736,605 6/1973 Klein, Jr. ................................ 5/401 3,761,970 iO/1973 Fredman ................................. 5/201 10 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 2 of 5 5,289,600 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 . Sheet 3 of 5 5,289,600 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 4 of 5 5,289,600 U.S. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 5 of 5 5,289,600 5,289,600 2 conventional bed frames. Waterbed frames appear MATTRESS BASE ASSEMBLY KIT bulky and are different in appearance from conentional bed frames which impedes their marketplace accep FIELD OF THE INVENTION tance. The invention relates to a mattress supporting base Due to their weight, hybrid waterbeds commonly use assembled for use from a kit of components and which the nine-leg metal platform described above. The metal components may be nested together in a compact pack platform and legs provide the required support in con age for ease of storage and transport. parison to the inadequate screw-in legs of a wooden frame box spring. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 Conventional beds generally include a mattress sup SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ported upon a box spring, a wooden bed frame or both. The invention overcomes the above disadvantages of Box springs are generally designed to have the outward conventional mattress supporting bases and box springs appearance of a mattress, being covered in quilted fab in the provision of a kit which may be easily assembled ric and cushioning for example. Generally, box springs 15 and disassembled to contruct a mattress supporting have a wooden rectangular frame supporting an array base. Since the base is constructed of components, it is of springs to provide firm support for the mattress. more easily transported and stored than conventional Bed frames may simply support a mattress on boards bases. spanning between side rails of the frame, or may ac The kit in the preferred embodiment includes two comodate a box spring. Bed frames conventionally have 20 frames which are assembled together side to side to a head board, a foot board and two side rails, and are form a mattress supporting platform. The frames are constructed to be easily assembled and disassembled. designed as mirror images and are given an exterior A box spring is typically constructed in one piece of the same dimensions as the mattress it supports. Legs fabric treatment to emulate a conventional box spring. are provided with embedded threaded metal rods to be 25 The base may be disassembled into two equal halves screwed into threaded inserts in the bottom of the box which are easier to transport and store than a one-piece spring frame, when the box spring is used without a bed base. frame. In use, the legs often work loose destabilizing the The invention is especially advantageous when used box spring, or damaging the wooden box spring frame. to support a hybrid waterbed mattress. The base may be As a result such screw-in box spring legs are totally 30 of heavy construction having adequate strength to sup unsuitable for use with heavy hybrid waterbed mattres port the water-filled hybrid mattress, but is easily han SeS. dled when disassembled into smaller components. The Alternatively, if the box spring does not have its own invention provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance legs, a relatively expensive nine-leg metal platform is similar to a box spring with wooden legs, in contrast to used under the box spring. The metal frame represents 35 the unsightly metal frames and metal legs convention an additional expense, however the increased strength ally used. The added expense and safety concerns asso and stability of a metal frame, especially when casters ciated with the use of a nine-leg metal frame are also are used, are necessary and justifiable in many cases. avoided by use of the invention. The metal platform results in an inferior unsightly ap The components of the kit are designed such that pearance. The platform's metal rails may protrude be they may be nested together in a compact package of yond the bed creating a safety hazard and exposing bed approximately one half the size of a conventional base. linens to possible damage. However due to the in Therefore storage space requirements and shipping bulk creased load bearing capacity of metal frames, they are are reduced. used extensively to support waterbeds and a high per As described in detail below the invention provides a centage of conventional spring beds. 45 kit for assembly of a mattress supporting base compris A conventional box spring, due to its stiff wooden ing: a frame having a top mattress supporting platform, frame, is often heavy and awkward to handle, especially the platform being supported by a plurality of spaced the larger "king size' or "queen size' variety. Moving apart longitudinal stringers, each stringer having a se such box springs, in apartment elevators and around ries of longitudinally spaced apart openings, the open corners into bedrooms for example, is often difficult and 50 ings being transversely aligned thus defining a series of exposes the box spring and doorways to potential dam continuous passageways through said stringers across age. the assembled width of the frame; a plurality of trans The use of waterbed mattresses dictate that bed verse beams each engagable in an associated one of said frames and box springs have greatly enhanced load passageways; and a plurality of leg means, downwardly bearing capacity due to the weight of the water envel 55 protruding from each of said beams. oped in the waterbed bladders. Hybrid waterbed mat tresses are increasingly used in which water filled blad BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ders are embedded in foam cushioning encased in an In order that the invention may be readily under external quilted fabric. The hybrid waterbed mattress stood, a preferred embodiment of the invention will be therefore has the outward appearance and many func described, by way of example, with reference to the tional characteristics of a conventional spring or foam accompanying drawings in which: mattress, but is of much greater weight. Hybrid wa FIG. 1 is an exploded isometric view of a base con terbed mattresses are constructed with outer dimensions structed of two frames (with quilting removed) showing identical to conventional spring mattresses, which con the placement of three transverse beams into slotted tributes much to their marketplace acceptance. 65 openings in the longitudinal stringers. Waterbeds, including hybrid types, suffer from the FIGS. 2 to 5 are perspective views illustrating the disadvantage that, due to increase strength require sequence of assembly of a mattress supporting base from ments, the waterbed frames are necessarily heavier than a compact nested package as follows: 5,289,600 3 4. FIG. 2 shows the kit in a compact package for ship In accordance with the invention, the kit for assen ping and storage; bly of a mattress supporting base may include a single FIG.3 shows the package opened with the first frame frame (1 as shown in FIG. 7) or two frames (1 and 2 as disengaged from the second frame, and three beams shown in FIG. 1). The choice of design depends on a nested in the interior cavity of the second frame; variety of factors such as the size, weight and load FIG. 4 shows the three transverse beams assembled capacity required or the need to reduce the bulk of units to the first frame with the second frame positioned for shipped or stored. It will be understood that although assembly upon the beams; and the description below and FIGS. 1-6 relate to a double FIG. 5 shows the base completely assembled with the frame design, the invention also includes the single first and second frames side by side. O frame embodiment as shown in FIG. 7. FIG. 6 is a bottom plan view of a frame showing the Each frame (1, 2) has a top mattress supporting plat details of a preferred construction.