New England Fishery Management Council 50 WATER STREET | NEWBURYPORT, MASSACHUSETTS 01950 | PHONE 978 465 0492 | FAX 978 465 3116 C. M. “Rip” Cunningham, Jr., Chairman | Paul J. Howard, Executive Director ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT (EFH) OMNIBUS AMENDMENT “DEEP‐SEA CORALS OF THE NORTHEAST REGION: SPECIES, HABITATS AND PROPOSED CORAL ZONES, AND VULNERABILITY TO FISHING IMPACTS” Draft: 02/14/12 Includes input from the following meetings: 10/17‐18/11, 12/7/11, 1/12/12 (PDT); 1/24/12 (Advisory Panel/Committee) For review during 2/23/12 Committee meeting Deep‐sea coral Background Information – Coral Species, Coral Zones Evaluation, and Fishing Impacts This document was prepared by the following members of the NEFMC Habitat Plan Development team: Michelle Bachman, NEFMC staff* Nick Clifford, NEFMC staff David Packer, NOAA NEFSC David Stevenson, NOAA NERO Peter Auster, UConn Page Valentine, USGS Kathryn Ford, MADMF *Please forward any comments, questions, or suggestions to
[email protected] Page 2 of 97 Deep‐sea coral Background Information – Coral Species, Coral Zones Evaluation, and Fishing Impacts Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 8 2.0 DEEP‐SEA CORALS OF THE NORTHEAST REGION ........................................... 8 2.1 Taxonomy ..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Hard (stony) corals (Order Scleractinia) .................................................................................