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American Mineralogist, Volume 78, pages 845-849, 1993 NEW MINERAL NAMESX JorrN L. Jmrnon CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0Gl, Canada EnNsr A. J. Bunxr Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen,Vrije Universiteite, De Boelelaan 1085, l08l HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cannonite* The mineral occurs as white powdery massesand thin crusts with stibnite, as spheroidal knobs of feathery ag- C.J.Stanley, A.C. Roberts,D.C. Harris, A.J. Criddle,J.T. Szymariski(1992) Cannonite, BirO(OH),SO+,& rgw gegates of silky fibers, as flexible lamellar crystals at the mineral from Marysvale, Utah, USA. Mineral. Mag., former Perata stibnite mine, Tuscany, Italy, as minute 56,605-609. tabular crystals associatedwith stibnite ore at Cetine, Tuscany,Italy, and as silky fibers and plateletson stibnite The average and (range) of ten electron microprobe and stibiconite in a specimenfrom the Lucky Knock mine, analysesgave Bi 74.03(72.87-75.01), S 5.68(5.55-5.81), Tonasket, Okanogan County, Washington. The average HrO (by difference)3.32,O.,.(for sevenO atoms)16.97, of electron microprobe (all three localities) and CHN sum 100 wto/0,corresponding to BirO(OH)rSOo by anal- analyses(Lucky Knock only) gaveSbrO3 88.91, SO3 8.35, ogy with the structurally defined synthetic analogue.Oc- CaO 0.04, NarO 0.03, H,O 1.43,sum 98.76 wto/0,cor- curs as crystal aggregates(< I mm) of subhedral to eu- respondingto Sb,nrO, (SOo), orCao o,Nao o,H, ,uOoro, ide- hedral, equant to prismatic crystals (<200 prm) or as ally SbuOr(SOo).HrO.Occurs (Pereta)as transparentto irregular intergrown aggregates.Colorless, transparent, translucentcolorless crystals elongate [001], flattened(010) white streak, adamantine luster, brittle, uneven to con- to a maximum thicknessof 0.01 mm, showing{010} and choidal fracture,no cleavage,nonfluorescent, VHN,oo: minor {001}, {2T0},and (1,T2,0);white streak,adaman- 229 (183-280),H : 4, D"nr": 6.515, with Z: 4.
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