Jvaytide Fnnaltnre I G. E. WILLIS & SON, Inc. Omit

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Jvaytide Fnnaltnre I G. E. WILLIS & SON, Inc. Omit fladtoto T tor wig travsl soulb July M to Mr. snd Mrs. B d w M Gladiolus Show natad by Dr. M. W, To Make Trip — at VorOaad, ta. A bou t Tow n DTIaa of Olakboro, N. J. Mrs. sfbury. Conn..'is a OaUtotnla g o ^ aa tar aoutb S D*Han 1* the daughter of Mr. and wliiMr and stands wMl up tti tbs Honyiwood. Thar udU tbs* rpttn HALE'S Mrs. John Anderson of 48 High list of tovorltas. 'It is s lata Moom- east with stops at TMtowatoasr Fbrti Here Next Week liiff vartsty sad for this rsaaoa is To West G>ast and are not axpaetad to br;baek la Mar. WOBu b T. Wallac* o f tb* street. somstims* not ssoa on tb# abow ta- Maaebsster uaW Labor Day. SELF SERVE irottt MaOiodlBt churdt, Mn. W«l- bias during a backward ssaaoa. A Up to thU morning, the Tax Col­ iw S4sa Mtmeheeter A City of VtUato Charm ^ 't- lu a M d ttataT' chUdrMt wlU Imtb brand nsw Connecticut origination, Than o n ssvan dslagatas flroai TO 5:S0 FRIDAY withfei • d iy or two tor a month'* lector reported that over 1808,000 of Details are Given for Ex* not yet named or Introduced for State Deputf Shea of K. Connecticut who wHI attend tb* i oMOtIo*. H mv will wpmi a work at the total 8891,700 due this year from eonveatioa. Tflstaad o f BMUng tho , \ SPECIALS hibition Held for First sal* will ba ahown In th* Msdliy of C to Attend the \ ee^wriiaaa *a rug* m ). MANCHESTER. CONN,, FRIDAT, AUGUST 4, 1»89 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THBEE CENTS W M M bor. vonneot. Mr. WaUaee'a taxation has been collected. This isa This nsw flower la an off­ trip la a body tbay bav* decided to YOL. LYIIL. NO. 360 bImml altar w^ch they will occupy brings Income to' slightly over 90 Time in Town. spring o f the famous "Picardy” and Parley in Seattle. tak* such routes as thqr dasin. ----------------------------- ---------------- a oottaga naar Nlantle on the Con- per cent of the total due. the flgure is an origination of William Schsnat- Some of the delegates who wig not N. a. o. on which the town's operations are be abls to give much time to .the aaetleut abore. On Sunday, August Georg* J. Siemaen o f 877 Keeney sky of RockvlUe. Stats Deputy William J. Shea of IS, Raw. Wallac# will occupy th* based. From tha gardens of Arthur Ars- conyeatlon are planning to fly out Probe Strike Gilorado Gnardsmen Called Out in Strike Battle polptt o f Trinity union Methodist street, who is s member o f tha « • nlus. In n s s r^ lEast Longmeadow, Uanebeater, head of tha Knights of aa an ssveraJ otbsr dflegates from Ritz Crackers r ehnreb, ProrWepce. He waa former­ Louli ArcAii. 10-month«'Old ton btbttlon committe* In ehsrg* of tb* Mass., com* such famous origins- Columbus in Connecticut, with Mrs. Nsw England stataa. F. E. BRAY of Mr. and Mrs.' Arcarl. of 94 Chamberlain Warns ly atatlaiiod In that neighborhood 14tb annual Gladiolus ExhIUt of tlona as King Arthur, Lavender Shea, will leave her* Sunday on a Side trips hav* bsan plaaasd to JEWELER and win take the opportunity of re- North atreft, waa admlltad to the Queen, Scarlet Glow, Mauve Msglo, trip to Seattle, Wash., where the vlstt the Puget Sound oountiy by 2 pkgs. 35c At Dam Site; newlnc frieodahips. Manchester Memorial hoapital laat the Coonectlcdt Gladiolus Socisty, Coral Cluster, Radiance,' Red Ruffles, supreme convention of the order delegates snd plana under way in State Theater Huilding pveninff after the child had suffered Friday of next week at th* Masonic and Mias. Elegance. AH of these are will be open on August 19, It is Seattle aasun tii* delegates a pleas­ ^-737 Main Street Temple, has furnished The Herald Ught Hahreo Mr. and Mra. Frederick Dlckaon fibraiiiont when stnick by an auto standard . varieties and consistent the intention of Mr. snd Mrs. Shea ant visit sa it Is th* 100th anniver­ Under Patrol of Owter street are taking In the mobile backlnf into him wblla bs Information regarding tha show, winners. — • to start early in order to take a sary of th* toundlag of ths dty sad Fleet May Be Sent New Tork World'a Fair this -week. waa playing in hla yard. Tha car held for the flrat time In Manches­ Many other vaiiatisa from Amer­ trip through Canada before arriving tha flftlsth snnhrsiw y of tha ad- was driven 1^ John Obremsky, who ter, and also left a number of sched­ ican horticulturists as well, as for­ at Seattle. mlttaaee of the state of Washlagtoe Watch and Jewelry ; Walnut ules for the benefit of growers here­ Military Occupation Ex' Mrs. Charles 8. Burr'and children lives neat dfwr. The boy’s condition eign Introductions, mainly from After the elode of tb* convention. to th* Union. of Sesirhorough Road are occupying was today reported as not seiinua. abouts who would like to enter. Australis, New is la n d , Holland ' Repairing At Meats tended to Town of tb* Woodworth cottage at Clinton It la desired that all those Intend­ and Germany will be on display. The Beach during August. ing to exhibit In Classes 1. 2, 3, 4 namas o f thass varietlaa are too Kremmling aa Officials To Far East Scenei notify tb* chairman of tha txhlbl numaroua to Hat her* as th* Con­ Reasonable Prices Firemen Planning tlon commlttea, R. H. House, 86 necticut Gladiolus Society Classlflea- ilb . 25c Begin Investigation. Mr. and Mra Thomas Matchett of tlon comprise* over 600 names, all 4S Winter street are vacationing at Pin* street. East Hartford, prior to Step to aad See One of Man- Struiga Animal Identiflad Parliament Adjourns Aft* World’s Fair Trip August 8. Judging will commence worthy of jMplscs on ths show ta­ PhllaSelphls B oD ctinl Old Orchard Beach, Maine. ble. t eheatcr*a Largeat Scicetiona Asserts Japs By Director of Museum promptly at 10 Am. on the day of Oroea Motmteki Dam, Oolo., er Hearing Prime Mlita ^i th* show, August 11. It will b* open of Greeting Cards for All Grant T. Sloan of Park street la Cream Aog. 4—0P>—Ualoo aad aoo- Bloomiburg, P a, Aug. 4.—(P) ister Mojte Blunt Dee- ' at Point O' Wooda, South Lyme. to th* public from 12 to 10 p.m. O ecasioas. onloa mea, who eyed each Being Forced Members of Orford Hos* Oora- without admission charge. —A coeloetoj-a paca—toat'a psny No. 8 of the South Mtnehsa- Flan Get-Together oOter aloag rUte barrels two what the tailleas, rat-faced, loration on Briltidte The exhibition will be In three flays ago, worked aide by aMe General Welfare Center No. 41 trr Are department are doing tbs parts, namely; 1. for novices or Cheese ^ ^ white-ipotted “ whatalt” la that unusual In the way of an outing am tte 84.000,000 Federal recla- Into Alliance Japanese DUBcnttieii will hold Its regular meeting Friday those who have never exhibited Of Black Preceptory kept BkMmsburg gueoatag all evening at 8 o'clock at the East this year. Instead of taking a day aamofi project today. Tm week. Indicates S n ^ Aethni or two off from their regular dutlea gladiolus before: 2. for amateurs or patUng UMB back to aerh aa Side Recreation Center. those who raise end cultivate their 3 pkgs. 23<^ A farmer aald 'Tuesday h# and going to tome lake or aeashora rapidly aa poealble," aatd Supt: caught and cagad tha animal Deferred by Critiaili pwn Sowers but Issue no advertlilng On Saturday, Aug. 12, at T p. m., A. K. Aaderaoo. He added that High Official Declares Rav. David Kelly of Londonderry, retort, they will make a notable Coatoctteaeiy when he found It killing hla Iralaad, who was to have preached change. or price Hats; 3. th* open section atrikeie are being rehlred, Situation in .Europi^ ^ where anyone may enter. tha Royal Black Precaptory No. IS It Is A Good Time Action Necessary Be­ chicken*.. A flremen'a caniivsl last Sunday at St. Mary's Episcopal At their meeting laat held the will hold a aoclal time In Orange without dlecrimlnatlon and put It on dlaplay—at a nickal a church, but was unable to do' so as membera, who have had under con­ In Open Seettoo while, “ there la eonalderable III cause of British and Loodoa, Aug. 4—<ff)—ParitaiMsi^^ hall for th* membera In memory of look—and o ffe r ^ It fro* to .'the the steamer on which he arrived sideration the plan for aeveral In the open section there are four To Take\ Sugar feeling between member* of the aiUoumad today tor " a two-BHaHj|^ii classes for large rommerclal grow­ United Slates Stand. first person to name It. was delayed by fog. Is confldentally weeka, voted to go to th* World'a "The Slegs of Derry." Refresh­ two group*, etrikere and non- Bhirle L. Poole, director of to* vacatlOB after hasriag Priam MIs- t; Fair In New York. They have aet ers' displays; alx classes for baskets, Advantage Of anpeeted tb* ooming Sunday, ac- ments will be served and a good atrikera are working side by Reading Museum, Idantlflad tt tetar Chamtwrtata warn Japan tbal.^'' eordlng to assurances received from Reptember 23 and 24 as the, datea bowles and vases, artistically ar­ 2 pkgs. 15c side. Tokyo, Aug. 4—(4^—Japan Is ba- ranged: six classes for Individual time Is assured for the evening.
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