Strategic Planning & Policy
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Time: 9:00am Date: Tuesday, 4 February 2020 Venue: Council Chambers, Waipā District Council, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu INDEX PAGE NO. Agenda – 4 February 2020 1 - 9 3 Minutes of Previous Meeting – 3 December 2019 (10 - 18) 4 Sport Waikato Quarterly Report and Presentation (19 - 30) 5 Quarterly District Growth Report (31 - 56) 5 - 6 Civil Defence Emergency Management Quarterly Report (57 - 64) Elite & Under 23 National Road Cycling Championships 2020 - 6 - 7 Request for Approval of Temporary Road Closure (65 - 70) Rangiaowhia Commemoration Day – 8 Request for Approval of Temporary Road Closure (71 - 74) 9 Resolution to Exclude the Public (No Papers) 2 INDEX PAGE NO. 9 Contract 28-16-03 - Design Services for Cambridge Town Pool Redevelopment – Increase to Contract Sum (Circulated Separately) 4 February 2020 Page 2 of 9 10357139 3 AGENDA ITEMS 1 MEMBERS Chairperson SC O’Regan Members His Worship the Mayor JB Mylchreest, EM Andree-Wiltens, EH Barnes, AW Brown, LE Brown, PTJ Coles, RDB Gordon, ML Gower, MJ Pettit, EM Stolwyk, CS St Pierre, BS Thomas, GRP Webber, P Davies (Iwi Representative) 2 APOLOGIES 3 DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Members are reminded to declare and stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected member and any private or other external interest they may have. 4 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING ECM: 10223518/ Page: 10 - 18 Recommendation That the open minutes of the Strategic Planning & Policy Committee meeting held on 3 December 2019, having been circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. 5 LATE ITEMS Items not on the agenda for the meeting require a resolution under section 46A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 stating the reasons why the item was not on the agenda and why it cannot be dealt with at a subsequent 4 February 2020 Page 3 of 9 10357139 4 meeting on the basis of a full agenda item. It is important to note that late items can only be dealt with when special circumstances exist and not as a means of avoiding or frustrating the requirements in the Act relating to notice, agendas, agenda format and content. 6 CONFIRMATION OF ORDER OF MEETING Recommendation That the order of the meeting be confirmed. 7 SPORT WAIKATO QUARTERLY REPORT AND PRESENTATION Page: 19 – 30 Matthew Cooper – CEO, Sport Waikato, Amy Marfell – GM Regional Leadership, Sport Waikato and Rebecca Foy – Waipā District Co-ordinator, Sport Waikato, will present the Sport Waikato - Waipa District Quarterly report which covers the period 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2019. They will also present “Moving Waikato” a unified strategy for sport, recreation and physical activity for the Waikato region which seeks to enable organisations across the Waikato (and New Zealand) to work in partnership to a achieve healthy, vibrant, physically active and success sporting region. Recommendation That the report titled “Waipa District Report 1/10/2019 - 31/12/2019’’ and the information from Matthew Cooper – CEO, Sport Waikato, Amy Marfell – GM Regional Leadership, Sport Waikato and Rebecca Foy – Waipā District Co-ordinator, Sport Waikato be received. 4 February 2020 Page 4 of 9 10357139 5 8 QUARTERLY DISTRICT GROWTH REPORT ECM: 10350426/ Page: 31 - 56 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with a quarterly update on matters relating to growth in the Waipā District. This includes matters arising at national, sub-regional, regional and district levels. This report is provided for information purposes and does not require any decision- making on the part of Elected Members. Please note that matters pertaining to capital projects and their associated risks will be separately reported to Council’s Service Delivery and Audit & Risk committees respectively. The following appendices accompany the staff report: . Appendix 1 – Quarterly statistics . Appendix 2 – Yearly statistics . Appendix 3 – Applications determined by the District Licensing Committee . Appendix 4 – Building consents issued . Appendix 5 – Major resource consent applications. Recommendation That the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee receive the report titled ‘Quarterly District Growth Report’ (document number 10350426) of Wayne Allan, Group Manager District Growth and Regulatory Services. 9 CIVIL DEFENCE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT ECM: 10352466/ Page: 57 - 64 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with a quarterly update on matters relating to civil defence emergency management (CDEM) in the Waipā District. This includes matters arising at national, regional and district levels including emergency management activities under the shared service arrangement between Waipā, Ōtorohanga and Waitomo District Councils. 4 February 2020 Page 5 of 9 10357139 6 This report is provided for information purposes and does not require any decision- making on the part of Elected Members. Recommendation That the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee RECEIVE the report titled ‘Civil Defence Emergency Management Quarterly Report’ (document number 10352466) of Wayne Allan, Local Controller and David Simes, Emergency Management Operations Manager. 10 ELITE & UNDER 23 NATIONAL ROAD CYCLING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2020 – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ECM: 10129404/ Page: 65- 70 Cycling New Zealand has applied to Council for permission to temporarily close the roads as detailed below under the Local Government Act 1974 to enable them to hold the Elite & U23 National Road Cycling Championships from Friday, 14 February to Sunday, 16 February 2020. The temporary road closure would be for: Friday, 14 February 2020 – 8.00am to 2.00pm Peake Road – between Cambridge Road and Racecourse Road Saturday, 15 February 2020 – 5.00am to 5.00pm Alpha Street – between Bryce Street and Victoria Street Sunday, 16 February 2020 – 5.00am to 5.00pm Victoria Street - between Queen Street and Alpha Street Victoria Street (northbound only) – between Alpha Street and Duke Street Bryce Street - between Alpha Street and Duke Street Dick Street - between Alpha Street and Duke Street Duke Street - between Bryce Street and Wilson Street Duke Street (eastbound only) - between Wilson Street and Victoria Street 4 February 2020 Page 6 of 9 10357139 7 No parking will be permitted on Alpha Street (between Bryce Street and Victoria Street) and Victoria Street (between Alpha Street and Queen Street) between 5.00am on Saturday, 15 February 2020, and 5.00pm on Sunday, 16 February 2020. Recommendation That a) The report ‘Elite and under 23 national road cycling championships 2020 – request for approval of temporary road closure’ (document number 10129404) of Julie Taylor, Transportation Safety Officer, be received; b) The Strategic Planning and Policy Committee approves, in accordance with sections 319(h) and 342, and section 11 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974: the following temporary road closures: Friday, 14 February 2020 – 8.00am to 2.00pm Peake Road – between Cambridge Road and Racecourse Road Saturday, 15 February 2020 – 5.00am to 5.00pm Alpha Street – between Bryce Street and Victoria Street Sunday, 16 February 2020 – 5.00am to 5.00pm Victoria Street - between Queen Street and Alpha Street Victoria Street (northbound only) – between Alpha Street and Duke Street Bryce Street - between Alpha Street and Duke Street Dick Street - between Alpha Street and Duke Street Duke Street - between Bryce Street and Wilson Street Duke Street (eastbound only) - between Wilson Street and Victoria Street c) The Strategic Planning and Policy Committee authorises public notification of the approved road closure in accordance with the Local Government Act 1974. 4 February 2020 Page 7 of 9 10357139 8 11 RANGIAOWHIA COMMEMORATION DAY – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ECM: 10129861/ Page: 71 - 74 Ngāti Apakura Runanga Trust has applied to Council for permission to temporarily close the following road as required under the Local Government Act 1974 to enable the Rangiaowhia Commemorations to take place on Friday, 21 February 2020. The temporary road closure is for part of Rangiaowhia Road between Cambridge Road and Puahue Road from 5.00am to 5.00pm on the above day. This section of Rangiaowhia Road will be closed to traffic during the above time. Recommendation That a) The report ‘Rangiaowhia Commemoration Day – request for approval of temporary road closure’ (document number 10219861) of Julie Taylor, Transportation Safety Officer be received, b) The Strategic Planning and Policy Committee approve the temporary road closure of part of: Rangiaowhia Road – from Cambridge Road to Puahue Road from 5.00am to 5.00pm on Friday, 21 February 2020. in accordance with sections 319(h) and 342 and section 11 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974. c) The Strategic Planning and Policy Committee authorise public notification of the approved road closure in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1974. 4 February 2020 Page 8 of 9 10357139 9 12 RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC No papers (Section 48, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987) Recommendation That the public be excluded from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of the matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: Item Minutes/ Report