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February 17, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E187 TRIBUTE TO DR. TOM BLACKWELL Phenix City, Alabama. He taught himself to HONORING STEVE MESLER, U.S. play the guitar at the age of five and only fin- BOBSLED OLYMPIAN FROM BUF- HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK ished school past the second grade. He later FALO, NY OF NORTH CAROLINA pursued his musical interests by getting in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volved in bands, and landed his first recording HON. BRIAN HIGGINS contract with Capitol Records. In 1959, his first OF NEW YORK Thursday, February 16, 2006 hit recording was ‘‘The Wall.’’ In 1971, his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. MYRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to song ‘‘Easy Lovin’’ went to number one on the acknowledge the great work of one of my con- charts, won two Grammys, and was named Thursday, February 16, 2006 stituents, Dr. Tom Blackwell. Dr. Blackwell is a ‘‘Song of the Year’’ for 1971 and 1972 by The Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to credit to the medical community in Charlotte, Country Music Association. In 1991, he was recognize 2006 Winter Olympian Steve North Carolina, where he serves as an emer- awarded the Governor’s Achievement Award, Mesler. Steve, originally from the West Side of gency room physician and EMS specialist at and in 2001 was inducted in the Alabama Buffalo, is to compete in the four man bobsled Carolinas Medical Center. Music Hall of Fame. race Friday, February 25. This will be his first In early September, Dr. Blackwell and his I am delighted Mr. Hart will soon be hon- time competing in the Winter Olympics, as he team took their hospital on wheels—Carolinas ored with this important recognition, and con- served as an alternate in the 2002 games. MED–1—to Waveland, Mississippi to care for gratulate him for his many accomplishments. It Steve Mesler is truly a scholar-athlete. Born sick and injured Hurricane Katrina victims. is my honor to pay tribute to Mr. Hart today in and raised in Buffalo, he graduated from City This mobile medical unit is a one-of-a-kind the House, and wish him many more years of Honors High School in 1996 after participating creation, originally devised by Dr. Blackwell to success. in four consecutive city track and field cham- respond to terror attacks and other national pionships. He also received the Buffalo Bills disasters. Its two tractor trailers transform into f Academic/Community Service/Athletic Scholar- a 14-bed hospital with operating facilities, radi- ship. Steve attended the University of Florida ology, and pharmacy support. HONORING THE UTAHNS COM- with a track and field scholarship. He grad- More than 350 doctors, nurses, and other PETING IN THE 2006 WINTER uated from the University of Florida, where he North Carolina medical professionals spent OLYMPIC GAMES is still ranked six all-time among University of about 2 months in Mississippi—caring for Florida decathletes with 6,817 points, with nearly 5,000 patients in a debris-strewn K- honors for a degree in Exercise and Sports mart parking lot. They bravely dealt with life- HON. JIM MATHESON Science. threatening injuries and other medical needs— OF UTAH After ending his track and field career in from attending to heart attack patients to deliv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2001, Steve traveled to San Diego for bobsled ering babies. training camp. Although he was new to the Our mobile hospital workers were praised Thursday, February 16, 2006 sport he learned quickly. Four months after for their effectiveness in the Final Report of Mr. MATHESON. Mr. Speaker, all Utahns beginning the sport he was selected to travel the Committee to Investigate the Response to have watched with pride and anticipation as with the 2002 men’s Olympic Bobsled team to Hurricane Katrina, released on February 15, the U.S. Olympic team began competing at Salt Lake City, Utah as an alternate. Steve 2006. Charlotteans and Carolinians alike can the Torino Winter Olympic Games this month. won his first World Cup medal in 2002–2003 be very proud of their neighbors who partici- I am especially proud of the Utah athletes on season. pated in MED–1’s mission to the Gulf Coast, the team. The men’s bobsled competition consists of and I thank them for their outstanding service four runs, two runs per day for two days timed They are Alpine skiers Steve Nyman, Ted to fellow Americans in need. to hundredth of a second. The final standings Ligety, and Erik Schlopy; Nordic skiers Brett f are determined by the total time over the four and Eric Camerota, Carl Swenson and Wendy runs; the winner is the sled with the lowest PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wagner; Ski jumper Anders Johnson; time. As a part of the nine man Olympic bob- Freestyler Joe Pack; Bobsled members sled team, Steve Mesler is expected to push Shauna Rohbock, Steve Holcomb and Bill HON. MAJOR R. OWENS for Todd Hays, the 2002 Olympic silver med- Schuffenhauer; and Luge team member Pres- OF NEW YORK alist. Steve has much courage and determina- ton Griffall. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion—he and his team have come back from Utah is home to a long and distinguished Thursday, February 16, 2006 their four man sled crash at the November tradition of winter sports. Names like Alf 2005 World Cup in Lake Placid, NY. Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I was absent on Engen and Stein Erikson are two of the winter Steve is truly a member of the City of Good Tuesday, February 14, 2006, due to unavoid- sports icons that have helped make Utah syn- Neighbors. He describes himself as a kid from able circumstances in my Congressional Dis- onymous with skiing. Buffalo having grown up playing street hockey trict. Had I been present, I would have voted: When Utah welcomed the world to the 2002 and soccer. He is a die-hard Buffalo Bills fan; Yea to H. Con. Res. 322—Expressing the Winter Olympic Games, we showcased the his favorite bill was Thurman Thomas, and his Sense of Congress regarding the contribution greatest snow on earth and the finest hospi- family partakes in Buffalo traditions such as of the USO to the morale and welfare of our tality. By building world-class winter sports tailgating—even when temperatures reach as servicemen and women of our armed forces venues, such as the Kearns Skating Oval and low as 30 degrees. and their families; and Yea to S. 1989—the the Bear Hollow Bobsled and Luge track and The 2006 men’s Olympic bobsled team is Holly A. Charette Post Office Designation Act. Nordic ski jumps, Utah also became a vital expected to bring home a medal, and I am f link in our country’s support and training sys- proud to have Steve Mesler represent my dis- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. FREDDIE tem for young athletes. trict, my state, and our country at the 20th HART It has been said—and rightly so—that the Olympic Winter Games in Torino, Italy. Olympic Games are all about the athletes— f HON. MIKE ROGERS about the gifted and dedicated men and women who display the drive, the courage and PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF ALABAMA the integrity to represent America on the world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES athletic stage. With so much tension and trou- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY Thursday, February 16, 2006 ble around the world today, it is heartening to OF CALIFORNIA see the best and the brightest from 80 nations Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today to pay tribute to Mr. Freddie Hart, coming together in peaceful competition, cele- a well known Alabamian who will soon have a brating each other’s culture and contribution to Thursday, February 16, 2006 street dedicated to him in his honor on Friday, their sport. Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I was un- February 17, 2006. I would like to salute all the athletes, espe- avoidably detained yesterday and missed Roll- Mr. Hart was born Fred Segrest on Decem- cially my fellow Utahns, who bring us this in- call votes #10 and #11. Had I been present, ber 21, 1926 to sharecropper parents in spiring and heart-warming interval from the I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on Rollcall vote #10 Lochapoka, Alabama. He was later raised in beauty of winter. and ‘‘yea’’ on Rollcall vote #11. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Feb 17, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16FE8.040 E17FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS.