Easton Gazette, and Eastern Shore Intelligencer 11-1821
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BASTOH, (MARYLAND! 8ATUW*Y AND diik tthrins, eljaal to 91 fondant ,-mvl diraeta bin to take the bourn I ed that she knew riofwett^rhat afoe w^. 5 doUa. David Taft. Bwlfield, beat her procMM** f ^- feavav-L , r ^,*hich . was extremely.1 ^^ ^ fc ^ ^^^ p^ of ^^ quartftr acre «f lax, 1S7 4ha. W ox, 4 GRAHAM, doH*.. ' ' .- - .*-- cretMin yeart eo»frrrcd, «*d ta^a* hy tfcmt time fhe house raigbi voiwnat arvwo sBe gated wildly atouod At Two Dotty*** '** ***** Ca*ra per an* aiot a gi itra *' lam e**ub (X**ght*r.) §be to- ae* the row by which 1 STOCK. Shewasoit'at payable batf ye*** i tifa, a»ia ntadjr . .. , _,- he* return ptM. Tbe nwUitode vn. remittee apeafe from V»fk, tW the oerty a4e*tb *l May, greater tk*» %*aa ever, ewd uitioe letter eomplaiMd of the iaeoa *a*«tea at f ork. ted W a«f former »**# ifrce tb***f« of - gettmf- - her - --'-ejrtaitea - mto'watch* the wore- ION to .._.. _^. e P1L13 getrttu awl a»i^Be*c* if a e«t»hnta wri her eit«ktio*H tS»t ">i. propose,). Fer, wT»» ebarmid hm vtadera wttb\»dea- _ . _ __^._., ___ . eoiy fpeclmeaja of maple lugar, ".tad a mptioaef tonie ot the age of «0- ir that till the month of May -brought air New-YORK, Oct. varietf >of* weetlen, cjolha, pressed h* lei* thettojgtic fire of a writer ef ow tttege about* Oo cooavltiMi Mr. aad Sudl^-Wth* ttraina-id which the Cloths, ci*petbg) Ubl* line* and linec lag*.- (Lord. Byron) who had Mra. Dodd a ehaajp * a>>oaftoek During th» month. neiMy »H the Jutting.' :., ', ' .'V^' -- - Mr. hta*ftt,tetn>4uc«a himamf ta the. huralaod Mat»a<«atttrilifc Societies hold <» an old man of «0, the wtbjetrtiof a >«a4 abe wrote a cold and doubtful fetter. Rira*nlr*rM^TC4 -... - M . l»a!&*tt>MS ON FARMS, tragedy ', t h* love he had to »UW to\ the fte asked an expwnatiotf. and she aaawer* ~*J»im*atic Manu 'SioiuelMuitory, Ha/twjck, 20 dollar*. jury waa one of the aobavwt views wH«b ed With the time coolneat and reservr. jMurSL Hi* l,f»d Ama»a W*rt, Hfrtwick. 18 dolls, Henry the passion presebted, But there -tas j^WaaB»'th»)I)odd« for the adviee fteaten will Scbtt, Milford*?l« d..lh Olcot C.t!hanv gmat advaatage, after all, i« aged love i h hW gi»en; evert persol hid hia Itulgrittle of the country;. ^ te-hri*, fcrthfif W, 1« dull*. Luther Smith, (Hwwwed thecomfert* and advantage! 'ef ofhfc] SprinrfielJ, $ I i Caret Vtyeeft Otseg H a aieady and matured U&«NI ttf eenteM |nl its !*v*llaitwho would attaint him- JO doll*: / v r.,.. Mr J * tbe ehar»cter fc habit* of the hardy If 'here waa no real frieijdsMp-bft in a ta prevent them fpem doling'' _ _ ._^, B*Ktm.1<| JEFWR80N COUKTY, perfect ConmiuMty o< int«re««a.. a' true Mr. SearJett Anethiar.letter wa*writ« . Th* fourth *hbiven»ry of the t)oct*.t» friend was uc4 to.Oe ^"X* °t these par- ten, to aav the bboa* would noMke eWiged to retiiewrttuiaii. in this ^wunly has taken place. Tl»* col ne* in any state. The plaintiff, a hta far. -twecribed, 'Your obedieat paoa^li «ith« the h«feri«f lection of 'people was greater thaa It any ing man, hy ga^lautry oai board hto veaael, Wil.in,' instead of M fortNHy,'Yo*r'» were told that he waa cohstanUy ib the eoaatiea. of the former celebration*, and .*> iit> n»J distinguubed «ati advanced himself sincerely * from these c)rVa'm«tanee* thrv i?««; the farmer* «r*ased spirit and interest vas manifest He had been nur.iedi and had a faiptl*, would nee tt\e grnand of ciiraplftiof; aitd if th* Mldiafi b*e*a*a ihii pl«*st*** '> ^Th*> first dar was devoted to the and hia *ife d«d in 1806. Sjoce, Ibat *h< had thoa^J*op4ttft*>brtak her Mltitode fb/ many hoW* 4a«iof* vh* - - of animal* and domestic ma* AytetBi where the de- )triet,ao faetviewi,rendered *«cMJnlo the Mi i*c**4 to the phraghing- ..^... __, . ,,^ her father, mother, tarthe plainrit; After' -" ' wa«th*rr?3» / i<h no Itttts) (ion of household nwHufactare' the do match, publicexercise*, awarding 1,'ivini and younger ' nister, Theet becamt^*^- with herfifte«o Tears, he w w« rorwed sketch <.f hi*. reioufacturer with the choicest uros, public dinner, and 'the day closed <ju«inted, and were ipsptred with inmost o. -Jl the **#£*]***, aW depri trait* of hi»own.akni;iitaeirb> tk« peirer t>f with a upleodid acrfeuttwal fcaU, at which <tkteem. Her broiafcr.bta particuar frieod, ved of hia prospectK Hi ahonld phkve Jh« fanner'* »ona with the ro- ards of 400 md^iea, the be^t hope ot was now dead, and her father, mithei and the promiee firuin the lettera from which be Wfe h>|to» to give ow rea/t«raa brief ! sebTr. d»«|hter«of the land the clfr Jeffetwn, grated the floor.' The proce*- sister, followed, leaving her alone- Be had read extract*. coant of ira cOnteW*. r ^ lawyera-wid of farmera, with their hats graced fore that period, there nod been great in Mr. fatice Bailey-.A«d the hrvach too, 4ow» N. M*mtt traa hj«ni m DuMaJK ib beadi :»f wjbrat, were accompaoied by titnacv and con^tuot intercoursr i f 0««emher *\ tljM, H% father wasT fa\| to the Fair- At theoe eihibiMooa ifi fine band of music and appropriate Mi« partiea; tod lU tortUtfp reeommended arrange- member <rf ts» fce&tifot fcfcitty , w ihwt «ftt eHeV *»y »iew, eflcjonpd iq ; the hno rhe church, whKre the usual to lore > Ltft4l m^nt, bill the attempt failed.) however »|ito*r*w4i^ hiaaatlf from the )iy tolo.- d>ed pana: the ffloet valise diinestic ani obMrted, and two original afrieultu- lune> for'ahfe'S^YentlhfaiajiJ po»M>ds, the Mr. George Diidd waa examined, ttr Cb«r«h efilntlaad^ tut wa«apH«»s «n4 d.*..|n» al^ aheWea (fUtd with the product* of M! odea anna by the choir. plaintitf continued W l*r»v* thatt lartara had ptrased b*lweeh the good must Wiiile hetwads he,inot^iiMed Mffi*-*- ALII ANT COUNTY adviser. Filvdiag the. p^rtiea^ and (hat .* number produced were j^ >m io |he principle '-tf Wligjrn .' trr t» syraptomi i tb* loom, aAd ih« wort beautiful ipeci- Mcn« of femitte art, and induatrj he mat The ofiowl account of the Cattle Show family had reaided too large it. Mia» WiJson4-haod wri'iog. vie the lalBJpnge «fthe»o« wlu'eh in i^-eJax - H> nv.K After Another attempt at arnmgeiaent," Fbrought «» fcearof ato^aingLp«odu$utw» «f ti* soil, and annual fair which took place in thin oient, she quitted it, and. |<vpk laoiigings of Kaa)t lobe omitted, ' iWO enernMfu* ctoj»» m rtwtrd »f the butbaod- County oo Tuesday and Wtdneiday lam a Mr. Williama. e.f Guisb>ough,.^aving tbe^ MTV fie«rhttt laid, at the recommendation dew of mild ioMmctia* feuM| flm [teen ii|tk?» flan's labour. He .will Upbold" thouwnd* baa not yet been publinhed. We learn that plaintiff .to arrange tef .aJ*$l ,ai Ayttta of hi* lordabip'; he acceded to the prtpxtai. But Jtfhfe, <ho«gb an inch row! tbe collection of *aim%la and domestic ma At this period, he aboukk lay Wore them tioo, to take a verdict for a small som, aid; \ itt hi* ah(Wbo«l,-at the «g**t Wneea) another ' f our fannara iBterchattjing oplnioai and iwteoiug to each btlje»V MggjfcXioos; he nufacture* exhibited H decided improve- evidence of that ooatraefc tht breach, of proteeri no further Ooaaideriog the age a became a reader of novels, anjl «rfc»)»e4 kipfietor ut not I nay oote tbe Agrkulttlritt, IQ hia pab- mimt b thia e»!cMU«nt tarmiag district which laid the groohtt of tb»t»re«ea4 ac and situation*,' of the. partita be «oii|d not to become a here of T««O¥A, by Mhwv'(lB| Ne> ««Ui<eaa, ditUsjn^ knowledge rela aince the last year. Thirteen teams *Urt- tion, ibougb he felt avlfte to «tpoa* the expect such, damage* aa it they t,*ere MSTC greet Mti«a ^ nnd^oa«w»nipiy» Mi ufied by c*)li*x| ting' to the bu«a«a of life, in astrtifl of ed for the premium io the plooghing- enlightened cuumunie^tiubi whvdi passed younger* and there waa more love *ad«en* pcrilOM/he says M attended every ball y eipqueu^, witUU.MfjH cooTfnce him match, and performed their aperations with between„,„ _ the.„ twe.... partiea.rT._.-_. .^ .___ timcnt mth* ctnnexiov. • <• # • within the circle of my connect 1011^ aaid wonderful celerity and eiactneM, iurning him ta engage a h^uae, in wbfck they might M^. Rain*. I am glad if j» pAt'^» *f d «y sdJreaaea iu the i*rjoe ef every Cataioa- work tbe'cdltHatoftof a t IIKR aoiL do not ' e will an.der almost erary tpear of grass The live tog» l>er-as mao apd wi'* " How was to. 4Mf tamufy, and d throat* «itt if. .fcadM WMMiw>Uir«k *nd Uunhxndr* imola- it tb*n tU unioabadnol taken pJar^^.Ha awl ittacked wjlbi ia the name ef a» assembled people. «»« enUfnada.*' fine show in the Lancabta- would show them. Hir: «l|i*ht had not ugh and piliil tip the vow« of gratitude to heave* for. the rian eehool room.