Easton Gazette, and Eastern Shore Intelligencer 11-1821
BASTOH, (MARYLAND! 8ATUW*Y AND diik tthrins, eljaal to 91 fondant ,-mvl diraeta bin to take the bourn I ed that she knew riofwett^rhat afoe w^. 5 doUa. David Taft. Bwlfield, beat her procMM** f ^- feavav-L , r ^,*hich . was extremely.1 ^^ ^ fc ^ ^^^ p^ of ^^ quartftr acre «f lax, 1S7 4ha. W ox, 4 GRAHAM, doH*.. ' ' .- - .*-- cretMin yeart eo»frrrcd, «*d ta^a* hy tfcmt time fhe house raigbi voiwnat arvwo sBe gated wildly atouod At Two Dotty*** '** ***** Ca*ra per an* aiot a gi itra *' lam e**ub (X**ght*r.) §be to- ae* the row by which 1 STOCK. Shewasoit'at payable batf ye*** i tifa, a»ia ntadjr . .. , _,- he* return ptM. Tbe nwUitode vn. remittee apeafe from V»fk, tW the oerty a4e*tb *l May, greater tk*» %*aa ever, ewd uitioe letter eomplaiMd of the iaeoa *a*«tea at f ork. ted W a«f former »**# ifrce tb***f« of - gettmf- - her - --'-ejrtaitea - mto'watch* the wore- ION to .._.. _^. e P1L13 getrttu awl a»i^Be*c* if a e«t»hnta wri her eit«ktio*H tS»t ">i. propose,). Fer, wT»» ebarmid hm vtadera wttb\»dea- _ . _ __^._., ___ . eoiy fpeclmeaja of maple lugar, ".tad a mptioaef tonie ot the age of «0- ir that till the month of May -brought air New-YORK, Oct. varietf >of* weetlen, cjolha, pressed h* lei* thettojgtic fire of a writer ef ow tttege about* Oo cooavltiMi Mr. aad Sudl^-Wth* ttraina-id which the Cloths, ci*petbg) Ubl* line* and linec lag*.- (Lord.
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