The Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society are North America’s foremost conservation organizations dedicated to preserving our hunting traditions by creating healthy forest habitat for ruffed grouse, American woodcock and other wildlife. RGS and AWS work with landowners and government agencies to develop critical habitat utilizing scientific management practices.

2 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Taking Stock: 2018 in Review


ast April, the Ruffed Grouse Soci- servation nonprofit. Fiscal sustainability in the mix, in addition to new ways we ety and American Woodcock So- is vital. To date, we have allocated over can gather as upland enthusiasts. Keep Lciety Executive Board and I had $18M to habitat projects—a testament an eye out for exciting things to come. our first conversation—the first of many. to the incredible mission support of our So, what about the main reason Initially, the CEO interview brought us members and donors! With more conser- many of you support RGS/AWS? Our together. By the end of that discussion, it vation work to do, we are finding new mission’s soul: Habitat! Over 700,000 was clear we were converging on much ways to strengthen mission capacity. acres have been enhanced through RGS/ more in our conservation pathways. Increasing grant funding and growing AWS programs—nearly three-quarters of The RGS is a pioneering group. With corporate partnerships are two exam- a million acres are proof of what can hap- a 60th anniversary approaching, our ples of our focus in 2019 and beyond. pen when we join as members, volunteers reputation and RGS/ is built on AWS staff. unwavering Personally, support for it makes me fact-based, want more— pragmatic more hab- approaches itat where to forest and wildlife can wildlife man- thrive, and agement. new con- The need servation- for such an ists can be organization recruited. has never As lead- been greater! ers in forest Indeed, there conserva- are hurdles, tion, we of- but there are PHOTOGRAPH BY A.J. DEROSA ten engage opportuni- in manage- ties in lock ment plan- step with today’s challenges. That tenet Events, particularly banquets, have ning. The first step, whether for a mil- was the core of our discussion a year been a centerpiece for RGS/AWS fund- lion-acre national forest or a 50-acre ago—seize today’s opportunities and raising. The passionate work of our woodlot, is what foresters call the “in- realize our full conservation potential. volunteer banquet committees is abso- ventory.” The inventory reveals where Therein lies the road ahead. lutely incredible. To maximize their ef- you are at and where you should go. In review, 2018 was a year of taking forts, we must ensure all the best tools Such was the case for RGS/AWS in 2018. stock. It was a time to review our culture, are in place and at their fingertips. A Taking stock of 2018 shows notable strengths, weaknesses, and our finances. survey was issued last summer asking success and vast potential for the future. I heard it said during my first few our members, and potential members, Most importantly, I believe it is a testa- months, “No margin, no mission.” Tru- how to improve event offerings. The re- ment to what is possible when we join er words were never spoken for a con- sults were enlightening. Banquets were and turn our passion into action.

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 1 HEALTHY FORESTS


The RGS & AWS habitat program works with landowners and government agencies to create healthy forest habitat for ruffed grouse, American woodcock, and other forest wildlife utilizing scientific management practices. 2018 $1,702,622 Total habitat project funding from all sources

$248,456 Dedicated for habitat projects from regional Drummer Funds

85 Drummer Fund projects for forest wildlife

>84,926 Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/AWS programs

HISTORICAL TOTAL $17,690,484 Total habitat funding for forest wildlife through all sources (including match- ing funds since 2013)

$5,171,582 Dedicated Drummer Funds for healthy forest projects

955 Overall forest wildlife Drummer Fund projects

>728,660 Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ AWS programs


MID-ATLANTIC MINNESOTA & SOUTHERN MN DNR Forest Game Bird Coordinator Ted Dick APPALACHIA Regional Biologist Dr. Linda Ordiway $169,729 Dedicated habitat funds from $398,207 all sources Dedicated habitat funds from all sources 13 Drummer Fund projects 6 Drummer Fund projects 5,488 Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ 5,475 AWS programs Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ AWS programs MICHIGAN, INDIANA, NEW YORK & NEW & OHIO ENGLAND WISCONSIN Regional Biologist Heather Shaw Regional Biologist Andrew Weik Regional Biologist Jon Steigerwaldt $303,911 $504,258 $326,517 Dedicated habitat funds from Dedicated habitat funds from Dedicated habitat funds from all sources all sources all sources

20 14 32 Drummer Fund projects Drummer Fund projects Drummer Fund projects

28,727 7,260 37,976 Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ Habitat acres enhanced by RGS/ AWS programs AWS programs AWS programs

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 3 PHOTOGRAPH BY TIM BJERK A NEW LOOK AT AN OLD MODEL The Dynamic Forest Blocks Project


hat ruffed grouse, and most Working with an array of partners, the American Bird Conservancy, are forest-dependent wildlife, re- the Ruffed Grouse Society and American among the rewarding aspects of the Wally need is habitat diversity. Woodcock Society are returning the focus Dynamic Forest Block Project. Grant They need young, old, and middle-aged to overall landscapes and moving away funding partners are excited too, with forest mixed together across the land- from smaller “one-off” projects. A cur- the National Fish and Wildlife Foun- scape. Why? Because each of these for- rent example brings the approach to light: dation, R. K. Mellon Foundation, est stages meets a different part of their RGS/AWS recently applied for fund- American Forest Foundation, and S. life needs. Young forests provide escape ing to work on multiple 5,000-acre pub- Kent Rockwell Foundation funding cover and berry producing plants for lic land blocks in Pennsylvania. Young our efforts. As an example, a recent food. Middle-aged forests are great hab- forest (less than 20 years old) and old project in Southwestern Pennsylva- itats for hens with chicks. The autumn forest (more than 125 years old) are nia garnered $249,000 of support Ruffed grouse need young forest– there is no doubt about it, but there is more to the story. groceries dropping from the oak, beech, both lacking, and the goal is to increase for work over the next two years. and cherry trees in an older forest are es- habitat diversity. Prescribed fire, timber Perhaps most importantly to sential to sustain life through winter and harvests, invasive plant control, and nat- you, our members, is that for every ensure physical stamina into the spring ural succession are all within the man- $5 of RGS/AWS funding, we lever- nesting season. It is all about the mix! agement toolkit. To date, over a dozen aged an additional $100 from outside This concept was on the front of of these 5,000-acre “dynamic forest sources for habitat work—talk about renowned wildlife biologist Gordon blocks” are in the hopper across of the maximizing conservation dollars! Gullion’s mind decades ago when he state. Each large block is becoming ide- This is only the beginning. We are recommended sustainable timber har- al habitat for ruffed grouse and the en- expanding the model nationally to im- vesting to maintain a young and old tire suite of forest wildlife—white-tailed prove more habitat on more public forest patchwork. No single forest deer, wood thrush, black bears, and lands—what a great demonstration of succession phase was more import- blackburnian warblers, for examples. what we accomplish by joining ranks ant than another. Habitat diversity— Close relationships that are be- as hunter-conservationists, and there is the mix—was the ultimate objective. ing forged with new partners, like much more to come . . . ~Ben Jones

4 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 5 PHOTOGRAPH BY MATT SOBERG RESEARCH PROJECT PROFILE Eastern Woodcock Migration Study


PROJECT Flyway to better understand the condi- searchers also captured and tagged birds tions and stressors that might be causing this winter to track their migration routes BACKGROUND that decline. Thus, the Eastern Wood- back north to breeding areas this spring. cock Migration Research Cooperative Essentially, a tiny (4 to 7 gram) GPS While it’s not news to many of you, was started. It is an international col- tag is attached to a captured woodcock, American woodcock populations have laborative effort with the goal of learn- which then tracks their position remotely steadily declined over the last few de- ing more about the migratory ecology without having to recapture the birds to cades across both the central flyway and of these birds through the use of satel- recover the data. These tags can track the throughout the eastern half of the coun- lite-enabled GPS transmitters. The pilot bird locations down to a 5-meter accura- try. Researchers were keen to study the project started in Fall 2017, but most of cy level, which is a very fine level of de- migration habits of birds in the Eastern the work occurred in Fall 2018. The re- tail that allows the researchers to know Some potential questions researchers would like to answer include when woodcock start migrating in different regions, how long it takes them to get to winter areas, how often they die along their routes, and which habitats are most important to them.

6 PHOTOGRAPH BY MATT SOBERG RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report The discoveries made can help inform future habitat management efforts or assist agency staff with planning hunting season dates. specific habitats was one of the used by them. first groups to The research help purchase team is hoping the radio GPS to use the new tags for this data to support project and the decades of attract other banding work partners. The already conduct- discoveries ed to help fill in made can help the gaps and inform future paint a clearer habitat man- picture of their agement ef- patterns. Some forts or assist potential ques- agency staff tions they would with planning like to answer hunting sea- include when son dates. For woodcock start example, if migrating in dif- certain habi- ferent regions, tats are used how long it as stopover takes them to get to winter areas, how of- tailwinds to aid migration, presum- sites by a significant number of migrat- ten they die along their routes, and which ably because the food resources and ing woodcock, resource managers and habitats are most important to them. cover are too important to pass up. AWS/RGS staff could focus their efforts • Furthermore, two birds captured on improving or expanding these habitats and tagged at the same site may take throughout eastern North America. Pro- INTERESTING completely different migratory routes viding additional optimal habitats could FINDINGS to separate wintering areas. The remove some of the stresses of migration. GPS locations revealed some strange So far, researchers have tagged stopover sites as well, including golf 82 birds across seven states and courses, suburban neighborhoods, CONSERVATION two Canadian provinces in East- urban cities and industrial areas. PLANNING ern North America. This has led to • Historically, some woodcock some interesting discoveries already. have migrated from New England AWS/RGS previously helped fund a to the central Gulf Coast states, but migration study of woodcock in the central • For example, different birds there hasn’t been much banding his- flyway. Using information from that re- travel at very different rates. One tory to support Midwest birds mi- search, our staff are developing a conserva- might complete its full migration in grating to the southeast states. tion plan to assist with migration and hab- a week or less (traveling 400 miles itat practices in the Eastern Flyway as well. in a night), while others take up to a Some facts for this article were ob- month to fly similar distances. AWS/RGS MISSION tained from the Spring 2019 Covers mag- • Generally, these latter birds stay azine article by Dr. Erik Blomberg and at stopover sites for longer time peri- Obviously, there’s a lot of crossover Alex Fish from the University of Maine ods to rest and forage. Birds that find interest in this project and the mission of about this project. For more information, optimal habitat for stopovers tend to both the American Woodcock Society and you can visit their website (www.wood- stay longer and wait for the perfect Ruffed Grouse Society. In fact, AWS/RGS ~Ryan Lisson

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 7 STAFF PROFILE Heather Shaw: Regional Biologist for MI, OH & IN


hen your office is the grouse try,’ I get to engage in and play in the ing with her young Llewellin setter, woods of northern Mich- habitat I work on every day through Chip. She is also very passionate about Wigan, it’s hard not to have a maintaining and creating habitat for encouraging women to get involved in passion for the landscape and the habi- many species, including our very own both wingshooting and upland hunting. tat in which they live. Heather Shaw, the grouse and woodcock,” she explained. Heather believes that working for regional biologist for the Ruffed Grouse Heather works day in and day out the RGS/AWS is not only a job, but that Society and American Woodcock Society to ensure that healthy forests, diverse in it’s also a large part of her identity. She in the Eastern Great Lakes Region (Mich- age and biodiversity, remain intact on firmly believes that the mission of RGS/ igan, Ohio, and Indiana) is just that. the landscape. Focusing on enhancing AWS is her personal ethos, and she is Heather holds a Master of Science and restoring habitat for young forest dedicated, both personally and profes- degree in conservation biology—study- wildlife, she partners with many pri- sionally, to upholding and maintaining ing avian migration ecology and coastal vate, state, and federal agencies to man- mission-based projects. forest structure. She is a Michigan native age forestlands for health and diversity The RGS/AWS counts itself fortu- who likes to challenge herself to “think utilizing specific management practices. nate to have a wildlife biologist with outside the box” to find new ways to An avid grouse hunter herself, Heather’s passion and dedication on improve public lands and hunter access. Heather spends most of her free time staff. Like her, we are all counting the “Living in the heart of ‘grouse coun- in the northwoods of Michigan, work- days until fall. ~ Kellen Crow

8 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report STAFF PROFILE David “Swede” Johnson: Lead Regional Director for WI, Western UP of MI, IA & IL


n paper, the regional director members would be weaker, and the action and the ability to offer encour- role reads a little something mission would be less resilient. Like agement and advice to our members,” Olike this: “. . . to enhance the forests we all strive to diversify explained Dave when asked what he chapter engagement and fundrais- and grow, the regional directors work loved about working for RGS/AWS. ing efforts, to work with local A lifelong grouse hunter, chapter volunteers to create Dave has a deep passion for chas- and host chapter events includ- ing his pair of Gordon setters ing fundraising, sportsman’s through the northwoods of Mich- banquets, shoots, education- igan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. al activities, habitat days and An expert fly fisherman, he en- recruitment/youth events.” joys trout fishing his home waters While all of that is absolute- of the Great Lakes region as well ly true for a Ruffed Grouse So- as other destinations near and far. ciety and American Woodcock Dave’s passion for natural Society regional director, there resources naturally led him to a is so much more to it than that. role in conservation. “I joined Dave “Swede” Johnson RGS at the age of 32 and start- has worked for RGS/AWS for ed a chapter with some friends 10 years, and before that he to enable us to give back to the was a member and volunteer resource and our community,” for 23. For over 30 years he he said. “What really ignited has built a reputation as being our passion was getting involved one of the organization’s most with the Ottawa National For- passionate and dedicated mem- est and Gogebic County For- bers, volunteers, and employees. est and working on grouse and Ultimately, a region- woodcock habitat. Two of our al director for RGS/AWS is original projects have now be- a member first, a volunteer, come GEMS sites in Michigan.” and yes, they are an employee “If we as members and staff of the organization. But only don’t fight for our mission, that those who truly identify as a mission will go to the wayside, and card-carrying member can tru- our way of the upland hunting life ly breathe the necessary life will disappear,” Dave continued. into the regional director role. It is safe to say that as long We encourage you to think of hard every day to diversify and grow as individuals like Dave Johnson con- your regional director as one of the both the membership and the mission. tinue dedicating their time, energy and hardest working and dedicated mem- “When I started as a regional direc- resources to the RGS/AWS mission, the bers within the entire organization— tor in the Western Great Lakes, I found membership will remain strong, vibrant, because they are. Without them, your that I shared my passion and vision and effective in our fight for forest wild- connection to the organization as with many more folks. I love that inter- life conservation. ~Nick Larson

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 9 2018 S. APPALACHIAN MOORE NESHANNOCK CREEK IOWA CHAPTER/EVENT RANKINGS North Carolina: $14,072 Michigan: $11,316 Pennsylvania: $8,465 Iowa: $5,891 BY FUNDS RAISED DEEP PORTAGE SKYLANDS BRIAN HAYS CHAIN O' LAKES NATIONAL GROUSE & MID UP Minnesota: $13,961 New Jersey: $10,966 Massachusetts: $8,253 Wisconsin: $5,739 WOODCOCK HUNT Michigan: $18,463 Minnesota: $152,003 DELAWARE VALLEY MARINETTE UPPER OHIO VALLEY NORTH CENTAL FLAMBEAU RIVER Pennsylvania: $13,956 COUNTY Ohio: $8,238 MICHIGAN GREATER Wisconsin: $18,380 Wisconsin: $10,770 Michigan: $5,731 PITTSBURGH AREA SOUTHWESTERN MI NORTH WOODS Pennsylvania: $93,389 EASTERN UP Michigan: $13,852 RAPPAHANNOCK Michigan: $8,157 FRENCH CREEK Michigan: $18,356 Virginia: $10,763 VALLEY GRAND RAPIDS MN CENTRAL CHIPPEWA VALLEY Pennsylvania: $5,383 Minnesota: $41,824 RUM RIVER PENNSYLVANIA LOWER CENTRAL Wisconsin: $7,923 Minnesota: $18,225 Pennsylvania: $13,849 MITTEN BACKBONE T. STANTON ARMOUR Michigan: $10,655 WILDERNESS MOUNTAIN Illinois: $40,472 COVERED BRIDGE WESTERN WINGS Maryland: $5,287 Pennsylvania: $17,434 MASSACHUSETTS COPPER COUNTRY Wisconsin: $7,861 DULUTH/SUPERIOR Massachusetts: $13,368 Michigan: $10,507 WEST CENTRAL WI Minnesota/Wisconsin: POTOMAC VALLEY NORTHEASTERN PA Wisconsin: $5,220 $34,073 Maryland: $17,201 H.C. EDWARDS GREATER SOUTHEAST Pennsylvania: $7,816 Virginia: $13,036 MICHIGAN JOHN M. KEENER GREEN MOUNTAIN NORTHERN OHIO Michigan: $10,465 THUNDERBIRD Wisconsin: $5,048 Vermont: $28,262 Ohio: $17,122 SOUTHWEST WI Pennsylvania: $7,741 Wisconsin: $12,942 BLACKDUCK RIVERS EDGE TRIPLE FLUSH LAKE OF THE Minnesota: $10,095 LAKESIDE New Hampshire: $4,923 New York: $27,404 WOODS JAMES RIVER Michigan: $7,738 Minnesota: $16,981 Virginia: $12,768 HIGHLANDS TRI-STATE DRUMMING LAKE SHORE Michigan: $10,031 NORTHEASTERN WI FEATHERS Wisconsin: $25,680 JIM FOOTE SAGINAW VALLEY Wisconsin: $7,598 West Virginia: $4,717 Michigan: $16,426 Michigan: $12,719 WASHINGTON WEST CENTRAL MN Washington: $9,978 ALLEGHENY SOUTH SHORE/ Minnesota: $24,999 CENTRAL NEW GEORGIA NORTHWOODS BOSTON YORK Georgia: $12,710 VOYAGEUR Pennsylvania: $6,886 Massachusetts: $4,285 MID-HUDSON VALLEY New York: $16,342 Minnesota: $9,888 New York: $24,536 RUSS & CAROLE NORTHCENTRAL MN NUTMEG NICOLET WILD DYER WISCONSIN RIVER Minnesota: $6,847 Connecticut: $4,058 GRAND RAPIDS MI RIVER Maine: $12,484 Wisconsin: $9,635 Michigan: $23,793 Wisconsin: $15,858 NORTH CENTRAL THUNDER BAY GOLDEN SANDS ANDY AMMANN WV Michigan: $3,977 WESTERN ALLEGHENY SOUTH MOUNTAIN Wisconsin: $12,340 Michigan: $9,551 West Virginia: $6,780 Pennsylvania: $22,732 Pennsylvania: $15,766 THE BECASSE AL LITZENBURGER GILBERT R. SYMONS EASTERN WV Louisiana: $3,390 DAVID V. UIHLEIN SUPERIOR Michigan: $12,210 Ohio: $9,246 West Virginia: $6,373 Wisconsin: $21,748 Michigan: $15,086 SOUTHERN CHARLES E. APPALACHIAN NORTH COUNTRY VERMONT MISSI-CROIX ALPENA BECHTEL HIGHLANDS New York: $6,228 Vermont: $2,659 Wisconsin: $21,669 Michigan: $15,040 Pennsylvania: $12,207 Virginia: $9,240 RIB MOUNTAIN ASH RIVER ROBERT J LYTLE ALLEGHENY AITKIN AREA ALLEGHENY Wisconsin: $6,101 Minnesota: $864 Michigan: $21,244 Pennsylvania: $14,857 Minnesota: $12,190 Pennsylvania: $9,053 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER LEGRAND TRAVERSE HIGHLAND DRUMMER CRAZY FLIGHT DRUMMING LOG VALLEY Michigan: $21,030 West Virginia: $14,236 Minnesota: $12,174 Minnesota: $9,022 Pennsylvania: $5,953

LAKESHORE LEHIGH VALLEY DAVID V. UIHLEIN TWIN CITIES MN CENTRAL MAINE TOTAL Michigan: $20,043 Pennsylvania: $14,096 Wisconsin: $11,740 Minnesota: $8,535 Maine: $5,921 $1,535,116

10 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report CHAPTER PROFILE Gilbert R. Symons Chapter: Cincinnati, Ohio


hen you think of ruffed grouse, has been a close relationship built be- some key points: It is an absolute ne- the state of Ohio is probably tween this local chapter of RGS and the cessity that the chapter have at least Wnot one of the places that first Ohio Department of Natural Resources. one event a month, whether it’s social, pops up in your mind. And if it does ring The State does not have the staffing to conservation work, hunts, or meetings. some bells, with the recent developments get all the habitat work done, and this This keeps the conversation going and of the listing of the ruffed grouse as an en- chapter has their volunteer base ready helps build a sense of community. dangered species in neighboring Indiana, to go. As a result, woodcock are getting Past that, it’s vital that the chapter then this story is even more important. a bit of special treatment in some areas. proactively reaches out to new mem- Keep in bers, from both mind, the name younger demo- “Ruffed Grouse graphics and Society” can older. From there sometimes be mis- as a community, leading. Healthy they came up forests are the with well-de- core mission—an fined goals and umbrella which got to work. also encompasses This includes things like Amer- such key steps ican woodcock as applying for and forest diver- grants to help sity. And when achieve their vi- we get to chap- sion for a better ter-level conversa- future of local tion, community healthy forests. is the foundation There are on which every- many places we thing is built. can advance as On a re- an organization cent trip to ground zero of Ohio habitat But having a chapter that really -- and more importantly, as a com- management (a habitat event hosted by has something to offer is not as simple munity. After all, without that com- the Gilbert R. Symons Chapter of RGS as just having a good relationship with munity, what are we? The even larger based in Cincinnati), the habitat mission the State. Active volunteers are needed, picture here is that no matter who we of RGS was alive and well. In fact, it was and that is no small task. Gretchen Fin- are or where we come from—grouse maybe even more alive than chapters in niff is the committee chair and master- and woodcock hunters, dog owners, other states with healthier populations mind behind such an active chapter in and those passionate about the envi- of ruffed grouse. And the burning ques- a very surprising state. By day, she is a ronment—our organic community is tion we all have is: Why is this true? non-profit consultant, and when she first larger than only the local level. The This volunteer habitat project oc- started hanging around the chapter meet- RGS community of Cincinnati is part curred on newly-purchased proper- ings, she saw the opportunity to grow. of all of us. We should reach out to ty for the State of Ohio. Surprisingly, It’s tough to sum up all it takes to other chapters, learn from each other, woodcock was the first priority of the get a chapter so active without miss- and grow together in our pursuit of initial habitat work done there. There ing key details, but Gretchen provided healthier forests. ~ A.J. DeRosa


DECEMBER 31, 2018 AND 2017


ASSETS 2018 2017

Cash and cash equivalents $ 746,673 $ 1,160,969 Accounts receivable - trade 140,467 182,087 Pledges receivable - net 796,671 1,001,999 Grants receivable 172,974 172,862 Inventory 291,484 299,212 Prepaid expenses 71,781 34,570 Marketable securities 4,806,335 4,995,697 Land held for investment 492,000 492,000 Property and equipment - net 412,334 419,732

TOTAL ASSETS $ 7,930,719 $ 8,759,128



Line of credit $ 919,488 $ 1,133,687 Note payable 23,256 - Accounts payable 234,318 161,773 Accrued retirement 38,574 45,839 Accrued expenses 53,480 81,329 Checks issued but not yet pre- - 21,562 sented Deferred grant income 34,044 12,184 Other deferred revenue 9,956 2,725

TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,313,116 $ 1,459,099


Without donor restrictions (228,149) 262,519 Undesignated 5,364,579 5,974,135 Designated by the Board for 5,136,430 6,236,654 quasi-endowment

With donor restrictions Perpetual in nature 124,840 124,590 Purpose restrictions 1,321,776 920,004 Time-restricted for future 34,557 18,781 periods 1,481,173 1,063,375

TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 6,617,603 $ 7,300,029

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET $ 7,930,719 $ 8,759,128 ASSETS




Contributions $ 343,630 $ 670,408 $ 1,014,038 Grant income 305,624 457,151 762,775 Membership dues 574,204 - 574,204 Corporate sponsors 17,700 - 17,700 Banquet and event revenue 2,231,114 - 2,231,114 Sales of merchandise 75,577 - 75,577 Advertising income 57,816 - 57,816 Fundraising 42,828 - 42,828 Timber sales 70,504 - 70,504 Forestry clearing and consulting 145,972 - 145,972 Miscellaneous income 20,220 - 20,220 3,885,189 1,127,559 5,012,748

Net assets released from restrictions: 695,804 (695,804) - Restrictions satisfied

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $ 4,580,993 $ 431,755 $ 5,012,748


Program services: Membership services 723,346 - 723,346 Chapter operations 1,861,779 - 1,861,779 General education and outreach 501,023 - 501,023 Habitat projects 1,272,112 - 1,272,112 Research 199,489 - 199,489 Advocacy 52,184 - 52,184 Supporting services: Administration 416,301 - 416,301 Fundraising 189,668 - 189,668

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 5,215,902 - $ 5,215,902

Change in net assets from operations (634,909) 431,755 (203,154)


Net investment return (389,485) (13,957) (403,442) Gain on disposal of property and 10,634 - 10,634 equipment Gain from uncollectible pledges 100,000 - 100,000 receivable Depreciation expense (186,464) - (186,464) Total non-operating income (expenses) (465,315) (13,957) (479,272) Change in net assets (1,100,224) 417,798 (682,426) Net assets at beginning of year 6,236,654 1,063,375 7,300,029

NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 5,136,430 $ 1,481,173 $ 6,617,603


THANK YOU . . . Gold Aspen Ring Bronze Maple Ring

The RGS and AWS sincerely thank the $100,000 $25,000 following supporters for their generous Johnson Timber Corp. Ralph W. Arthur, Jr. contributions to habitat creation for for- James L. Jurries Richard W. Barch est wildlife and dedication to the mission. Gunnar, Louise & Rebeka Klarr Robert J. Bates, M.D. The Lynde & Harry Bradley Robert W. & Susan T. Brown Foundation Rick III & Trish Bryan W. Stephen Maritz David A. Buechel GULLION MeadWestvaco Corp. Joe (Jamie) Byers David L. Moore CN Construction, Inc. CIRCLE Bruce Ogle Seth Dizard John C. Oliver Thomas W. Dew, III The late Gordon W. Gullion, known Orvis-Perkins Foundation Marshall Field, VI as “Mr. Grouse”, was universally ac- David Perkins - Orvis Peter M. Flanigan knowledged as the world’s leading expert George S. Rich Stephen H. Fletcher on ruffed grouse ecology. David D. Sandstrom Isaac Freeman William B. Sordoni Don E. Funk Fritz Heller Tim Hill Silver Birch Ring Richard & Judi Huempfner D. Wayne Jacobson, Sr. Gullion Circle $50,000 Kuritzky Glass Co. Inc./David Kuritzky $250,000 or more Hobson Brown, Jr. Tracy T. Larsen Larry & Cindy Brutger Terry L. Lydell Gaylen Byker Leon (Joe) Chandler, M.D. Robert "Mac" W. Macdonald, Jr. David V. Uihlein Foundation Lawrence M. Clark Mars Foundation Suzanne Dixon James Hayett Menasha Corporation Foundation Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden John & Carolynn Loacker Shane Thomas Mengel Foundation Morton Family Foundation Brent R. Nicklas Edwin Gott, Jr. John Mullin, III Olin - Winchester Corp. Joe Irwin John C. Oliver, III Leigh Perkins Denis Karnosky Alan Rheinschmidt M. Richard Phillips Gary Martin S Kent Rockwell Foundation Adrian B. Ryan, M.D. Nestle Purina Petcare Betsy Searle, Duane Sather James H. Oliver William W. Shelden, Jr. Harold J. Schneider, Sr. Perkins Charitable Trust The Sordoni Foundation, Inc. S. Bruce Smart, Jr. Stephen Quill Jason R. Spaeth William R. Spence R.K. Mellon Family Foundation Stevens Engineers and Constructors, Joseph F. Toot, Jr. Richard King Mellon Foundation Inc. Jeff Towner Mrs. William L. Searle William A. Yacktman The White Pine Fund Scotty Searle D. Zagata Thomas S. Word, Jr. The Searle Family Trust Ziegler Construction George J. Wordingham David C. Wahl Martie & Wayne Jacobson, Jr. Wright Automotive Group Terry Wilson, Ugly Dog Hunting Alfred S. Warren, Jr. Paul Zelisko

14 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report LIFE SPONSORS RGS & AWS 2018 ANNUAL REPORT RGS FLORIDA Coby Shaw LIFE SPONSORS James A. Cornetet Brian Simmons Randy Hicks Daniel J. Sopocy $10,000 Lifetime Lawrence S. Katz Brett Evan Sopocy Gary T. Martin J. Gregory & Molly South Membership Todd M. Ryan William R. Stevens Jade Vickers Stanford K. Williams David C Wahl William A. Yacktman UNITED STATES AND CANADA The Yacktman Foundation Listed by place of residence GEORGIA Paul Zelisko Michael E. Dickens Robert Ziegler ALASKA M. Richard Phillips Leon (Joe) Chandler Curtis G. Werner INDIANA Trigg Davis Luke Funk Richard Hemmen ILLINOIS Jim & Heidi Straka Steve Hyams Jean Armour Bryan Knight Timothy Ian Bates IOWA Robb Milne Joe (Jamie) Byers Jeff Doll William Pease Buckley Byers Adrian B. Ryan Caterpillar Inc. KANSAS Specialty Supply Inc. John A. Clemetsen Ghassan (Gus) Bader Janice Strong Suzanne Dixon Len & Marty Yuknis James W. Dominik KENTUCKY Russell & Christina Fisher Tom & Susan Burtoft ARIZONA David Keller John B. Eichinger Chapin Lee LOUISIANA Tracy Lee Thomas Noell CALIFORNIA John & Suzanne Leonard Jacques L. Wiener, Jr. Johanson Ventures, Inc. Barry MacLean Keith A. Johnson Family Damon Marano MAINE Foundation David L. Moore The Brook Family Foundation Shane Thomas Mengel Conor Mullady Leon Gorman James H. Oliver William P O'Keefe, Jr. Olin - Winchester Corp. MARYLAND COLORADO Greg Oyer James F. Farmer David M. Fuller Alan Rheinschmidt John W. Greene, Jr. Edwin H. Gott, III Andrew M. Rosenfield Ben Griswold Steve R. Higgins Damon Sather Robert Mac W. Macdonald, Jr. James E. Kurtzman Keith Schopp Tyler Mills Jim E. Peterson John (Jake) S. Searle William Mills Betsy Searle William Kent Searle George S. Rich Timothy J. Travis Scotty Searle David Barrett Rich Mrs. William L. Searle William Sunderland Rich CONNECTICUT The Searle Family Trust George Sunderland Rich Jr. Steven K. Wilson Thomas Sennstrom Stursa Equipment Co. Ltd Tom Shaughnessy Kenneth M. Stuzin

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 15 MARYLAND (CONT.) MINNESOTA Dennis Tollefson David R. Wilmerding, III Greg Aplin Total Control Solutions Kevin Aplin UPM/Blandin Paper Company MASSACHUSETTS APR Captal Investments, L.L.C. Wells Fargo Bank Of Grand Rapids William G. Curtis, V Allen R. Arvig Steve M. Wilcox Jonathan Ennis Bill Hicks & Company Noah Wilcox Robert J. Hare Black Bear Log Homes Leonard Wohlman Anthony R. Mastromarino, Jr. Armand Brachman Ziegler Construction Stephen B. Quill Larry Brutger Stephen F. Quill Matthew Brutger MISSOURI Charles Burns Anheuser-Busch Foundation MICHIGAN David Colemer Nestle Purina Petcare Co. Richard W. Barch CN Construction Inc. Ted S. Cooper Edward A. Beekman Clint Corrow Stephen C. Jones William Bolyard Country Inn of Grand Rapids W. Stephen Maritz Gaylen J. Byker Cub Foods Tom Schlafly Gayle L. Byker Kent Cummings Steve Chaffee Steve Fleming MONTANA Charles Chandler Fremont Industries, Inc. Andy Duffy Scott E. Christopher, Sr. Steve Gilbertson Rob DeVilbiss Gary Goltz NEBRASKA Stephen H. Fletcher Grand Rapids Amateur Hockey Clarence L. Werner Frey Foundation Grand Rapids Development Corp. Eric R. Fritz Grand Rapids State Bank NEW HAMPSHIRE Don E. Funk Mike Griffin Robert & Patricia Leipold David Geenen Dean Groebner David E. Michno Richard J. Geenen John Haesler Matthew Grgurich Robert Hamilton NEW JERSEY Fritz Heller Steve Hanson Stephen H. Browne Richard Heller Richard & Judi Huempfner Griffin And Howe Hen-Mar LLC D. Wayne Jacobson, Jr. Bob Mallory Tim L. Hill D. Wayne Jacobson, Sr. Keano David Munoz James L. Jurries Martie Jacobson Hunter King Charles Johnson NEW YORK Gunnar & Louise Klarr Mark Kiecker Eric Paul Affuso Rebekah Klarr Sven Lindquist Hobson Brown, Jr. Blake Krueger Terry L. Lydell Lawrence M. Clark, Jr. Frederic W. Kruer Curtis Marks Marshall Field, VI Tracy T. Larsen Jake Marvin The Funnyfolk Farm Dave M. Lillie Don E. Matta The George F. Baker Trust Joseph L. Maggini Kristi Matteson Benjamin H. Griswold David B. Medema MN Deer Hunters Association William V Krazinski, Jr. M. J. Moroun Jerry Moehnke Kuritzky Glass Co., Inc. John Myaard Casey Newman Brent R. Nicklas David O. Higley Bruce A. Ogle Bill Nicklin Todd G. Oosting Dennis O'Toole Todd Solomon David & Mary Slikkers Steven W. Rice Michael D. Zagata Mike Snapper Safari Club International Richard R. Taylor David D. Sandstrom NORTH CAROLINA Jeff Towner Dean Sandstrom Chris Davis Michael G. VanLokeren Julie Sandstrom Nelson D. Freeman Venture Industries Sawmill Inn Glenn Harvey Joel F Visser Dennis Scherer Bryan & Debbie Stutzman Johannes Byker Visser Robert L. Seibert Bob Wendling Wessel Gun Shop, Inc. Snet's Welding & Fabrication Ken Wrangell Jason R. Spaeth Kurt G. Sundquist

16 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report NORTH DAKOTA Mark L. Rutledge Jacob 'Jay' E. Frith, II Robert J. Bates, M.D. James Sadler , Jr., M.D. Karl K. Kindig Sam W. McQuade, Jr. Harold J. Schneider, Sr. Robin Leonard Leslie M. Rainwater Seneca Printing And Label, Inc. David D. MacDonald Kenneth L. Simon Mars Foundation OHIO Brian W. Smith Michael D. Milligan Rick & Faith Bryan, IV Jim & Clara Sue Smith John H. Mullin, III Rick & Trish Bryan, III William B. Sordoni Mark J. Ohrstrom Byers Charitable Trust The Sordoni Foundation, Inc. Gustav Ohrstrom John F. Cassidy Larry & Dee Souleret William L. Pannill Fifth Third Bank Walter Stoecklein William A. Royall, Jr. Bill Goudy Memorial/Rick & Trish Peter Strope S. Bruce Smart, Jr. Bryan, III Kenneth H. Taylor, Jr. D. Middleton Smith, III Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. Robin F. Taylor Tony Makris Michael Mullady Robert Woodings William W. & Virginia B. Sale Orvis-Perkins Foundation Wright Automotive Group Foundation Perkins Charitable Foundation Thomas S. Word, Jr. Perkins Trust SOUTH CAROLINA David M. Word Rob & Bonny Vadas Foundation Edwin L. Devilbiss Thomas S. Word, III T & D Thompson Chuck A. Gomulka Mrs. Ray 'Paco' Young Joe F. Toot, Jr. MeadWestvaco Corp. Gary G. Youngblood John C. Oliver OKLAHOMA WASHINGTON Gregory & Linda Meyer SOUTH DAKOTA James H. Grimes Larry Pillard Daniel Sather OREGON Duane Sather Fred Stark John & Carolynn Loacker TENNESSEE WEST VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA Craig J. Balzer Audubon Animal Clinic Ralph W. Arthur, Jr. William B. Benton, Jr. Brad Hall, M.D. Morris C. Baker W. Gregory Cook, M.D. Arthur R. Borrell Phillip Crowe WISCONSIN A. H. Burchfield, III Shannon R. Curtis, M.D. American Garage Door Co. Classic Shotshell Inc. Jeff King Geoff G. Bergauer Craig Fiedler Martin Rash Steve Bodenschatz Fish Real Estate The Tucker Foundation Robert W. & Susan T. Brown Nicholas Hays Gott Matthew Christy Edwin H. Gott, Jr. TEXAS David V. Uihlein Foundation Habitat For Wildlife Randolph R. Birkman Thomas W. Dew, III Hirtle, Callaghan & Company Jeff H. Hood Seth Dizard J. Upton Hudson Jordan Matthew Jayson Doug P. Baumann Charles (Mickey) M. Hutchko Norman E. Nabhan Colin Fouts Joe R. Irwin Stephen Howard Mark Fouts Robert Kappe George W. Passela Christopher Dennis Galle Ron Kistler Donald Patteson Great Northern Corp Lee Industries, Inc. Jerry Theodorson James Hayett inn Memory Of Mark Lindstrom Arthur J. Hayett S. Prosser Mellon VERMONT James Hayett Samuel & Beatrice Moore David Perkins W. B. Sonny Johnson Michael K. Moss,V.M.D Leigh H. Perkins, Sr. Gillian Johnson John J. Murray, Jr. Frank Simms Phillip Johnson James D. Nyce Ron Wright Derrick Johnson John C. Oliver, III Ugly Dog Hunting Johnson Timber Corp. Samuel R. Pursglove, Jr. Denis Karnosky R. K. Mellon Family Foundation VIRGINIA Eric & Gretchan Karnosky Richard King Mellon Foundation Jim Brabston Joe Klein Rockwell Foundation Isaac Freeman Gregg Kuehn

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 17 WISCONSIN (CONT.) James Hoddinott Bruce A. Bennett Bradley Lengeling Michael Phippen Massachusetts Dave Mathews Stephen H. Fletcher Menasha Corporation Foundation Michigan Mertens Erectors, Inc. David O. Higley Michael F. Hupy & Assoc. AWS Michigan Brigid O'Donoghue Bruce Wojcik John (Jack) M. Olson LIFE SPONSORS Michigan Dan Ongna Sawmill Inn Steven & Lois Raether $10,000 Lifetime Minnesota Lynde B. Uihlein Don Matta Ryan Woody Membership Minnesota George J. Wordingham Julie Sandstrom Brittany Zebrasky Minnesota Robert Zimmerman Brian W. Smith Pennsylvania WYOMING James H. Oliver Nancy Anisfield Robert Model California Vermont David Wahl Ugly Dog Hunting ONTARIO, CANADA Florida Vermont James Abbey George S. Rich G. Wayne Connor Maryland

18 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report CENTURIONS

RGS & AWS 2018 ANNUAL REPORT RGS DELAWARE Mateo Surma CENTURIONS William K. Dupont KANSAS $1,000 Lifetime FLORIDA William Bradley Alexander Chester John Glassman Membership David R. Ellis Dana Towle Victor S. Falk, III Bruce Fenn, III KENTUCKY UNITED STATES AND CANADA George E. Ford Frank Allen Listed by place of residence Mike Gebhard Richard D. Oliver Jeffrey J. Koss David E. Trauth ALASKA Thomas Laituri Richard Todd Brown John Socol LOUISIANA Conoco Phillips John H. Sullivan Glenn Begnaud Thomas J. Eley, Jr. James W. Townsend Mark & Diane Larson Daniel Hall Robert Uihlein Harold A. Loyacano, Jr. Kevin J. Kehoe Dr. Philip Winslow Edward A. Neupert Spencer K. Wilson John Wunsch GEORGIA MAINE Myron W. Gallogly John R. Richards Benjamin E. Jeffries Travis Wallick Daniel Nein ARIZONA A. E. Schickle Raymond J. Clodi, Sr. ILLINOIS Charles Tappan Willard L. Smith Russell H . Buechs Bradley C. Varney Andrew Graser Richard Walthers CALIFORNIA John E. Hunt David B. Lefevre George D. Ihrke, Jr. MARYLAND Sean & Melissa McAvoy Walter Kasten Amir Alikhani Stephen P. Renock, IV Stephen Lynch Aspen Hill John R. Rodelli Sidney W. Beddow, II COLORADO Joel Ross Scalzo Marshall H. Durston Charles F. Garcia Lewis J. Scheer Thomas A. Edwards Lee W. Mather, Jr. Eric Torstenson Jonathon Farber Thomas Moebius Ronald J. Vecchie Harry S . Gruner Edward G. Schrandt Steven Worth Stuart F. Hall Jack Shaw CONNECTICUT INDIANA Richard Lee Simis Timothy Foster Larry W. Dunn Calbraith Rodgers Wheaton Jeffrey Gardner Christopher Miller Arthur Jay Kover Brad Quinn MASSACHUSETTS David Mele Bruce A. Bennett Thomas N. Patch IOWA Paul Bruk, III Daniel Bartlett Gregory T. Garland Jonathan Rotolo Morris A. Knutsen Charles W. Hulbert Steven K. Wilson Marco Surma Frederick Moseley, III Richard W. Witmer, Jr. Emilia Surma Patrick S. Wilmerding

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 19 MICHIGAN David H. Blattner Jr. George Barney Michael R. Allett Tim Bymark Frederick W. Beinecke, II Robert Bartels, Jr. Timothy Carlson Albert E. Brunelli Craig S. Boyles Gregory Daigle, Sr. Russell Byers, Jr. Doug Callander Don and Nancy Doll William V. Clark Brent L. Canup Jason Dufresne Sal DeBella Martin Carpenter Curt Engels Louis DiGiovanni James Chase Craig Foss George T. Driscoll, Jr. Frank J. Corral Tim Foster Jeff Fishak Martin B. Cotanche Game Research Center Richard E. Garman William A. Crane Mark Haslup Roger Glenn William A. Demmer Randy L. Havel Christofer Guarino Brian & Dayna Drettmann Craig J. Heusinkveld Harris Hill Nursing Facility Dean Farrier Zenas Hutcheson Susan Jones Graff Robert H. Flint George O. Jacobson Paul Harvey Harry J. Fuller Mike Kettenacker Ross B. Kenzie Ray Jaime Gonzalez Tom & Jane Kingston David S. Kern, Sr. Brian Granger Timothy D. Larson Donald A. Lancaster Guns-N-Gear David M. Lilly Christopher G. Lanning W. Lee Hammond Ryan P. Mallery James W. Leana Randall R. Hansen Don E. Matta Joseph C. Littleton John Hart Austin David Matta Waylon Lunn David L. Herrmann Northprint International Walter McLallen Donald E. Johnson, Jr. Peter Rainey Ralph Morgan Jonathan Kovalcik Earl Roed Christopher Joseph Nastke Michael J. Levndoski, Jr. G. Richard Slade Paul H. Oleary Dave Listello Tad D. Sonneman John Partenza Michael Magnuson Paul F. Stoll Mike Pascarella Tony Mazurek Aaron C. Tank George L. Scherrer, Jr. David McIntyre Matt Tuma Frank R. Shumway, Jr. Bruce Otto William B. Webster Richard T. Williams John H. Paige Dale E. Weick Beth J. Zagata Michael Schafer Michael and Cami Whitt Lawrence Zirkel Pat Schultz Joe Witt James (Jake) Shinners NORTH CAROLINA Bruce Simon MISSOURI Jeff Akin Andrew Siudara Garry L. Gordon Charles C. Bassett David Duane Smith Joe Sivewright Pete R. Bromley Archie H. Stevens, Sr. James Fred Clodfelter Ted Szydlowski MONTANA Charles H. Duckett, M.D. Norman Torre Dr. John K. Pike, Jr. Stephen L. Faust Chris Tracy Art Wheaton Peter Treboldi NEW HAMPSHIRE Joel W. King Max Trembour Pierre G. Brazeau Jack Pittard Tom Van De Griend Patrick O'Donnell Arnold C. Sheldon Larry VerHage Paul V. Repasy, Sr. Dewey W. Wells Don Vlcek Shirley Rice Douglas Forgit Frank C. Wheatlake Douglas L. Whitley NEW JERSEY OHIO Adam Whitney C. Austin Buck Lynn T. Aduddell Richard G. Wimmer, Sr. Ralph J. Campoli Clarence J. Bittner Peter R. Kellogg Chad J . Bowman MINNESOTA Steven J. Renehan Bob Epling William Allen Tyrell K. Rydgren James Hatfield Andy Michalek Logging Mark K. Jones Brady Blattner NEW YORK James McKee David H. Blattner IV Erica Affuso Ray Mileski

20 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report OHIO (CONT.) Tripp Way WASHINGTON Mueller Roofing Distributors Donald J. Williams Rod & Val Olson Robert Mullins A.E. Wright, M.D. W.P. Wilkinson Dr. Mitchell Nahra Jake Yanosky Ryan Wynn J. S. Renkert Hewitt Shaw RHODE ISLAND WEST VIRGINIA Robert Thompson Webster Goodwin, Jr. Robert Cochrane William F. White Michael Harmon, M.D. OREGON James Lemons Stephen Poss SOUTH CAROLINA John M. Tess D.O. Davies WISCONSIN Gregg King Charles R. Alden PENNSYLVANIA Aleksander Krazinski David Anderson Jeff Ankney Alex Papp David R. Bertler Otto Beck Joshua M. Brettingen Stephen P. Biello TENNESSEE Jim Brockman Sam M. Black Paul R. Benny, Jr. Richard Chronquist Edwin J. Brooks Paul R. Benny, Sr. Terrence Clark Todd Burns John H. Beveridge, M.D. Patrick Delaney James (Jay) D. Carmichael Sonny Hitchcox Dan & Hali Dessecker Bess E. Criswell Les Nation Stephen Joseph Ebert James Depolo Dustin Robert Elsbury Robert A. Digel, Jr. TEXAS Patrick Fee Bob R. Glaser Robert Blakely John Fritzke Nicholas R. Hilton Lane Fowler Michael Jay Gildemeister Harry C. Hiney Jay Herbert Stephan D. Grams Angelo & Cynthia Hionis Robert Skinner Brett Grams Tom F. Hoffman John Surma Ronald K. Haug Thomas D. Kirkwood The Highlands Sportsmen's Club Kodlick Farms UTAH Thomas B. Hurd Richard Lewis Heggie R. Wilson Matthew Kangas David Macaleer Gordon C. Karpinske Fred Martin VERMONT Gary J. Krukar Armour Mellon John Mc Cormick, Jr. John & Clara Kubisiak George Metroka John O'Hara Wayne L. Lacosse Daniel Miller Henry Slauson, III Tony J. Laszewski Jack W. Montgomery Ron Wright Malmquist Law Firm Eric Noll Tom Mohrhauser Eugene M. Oakill VIRGINIA Bryan H. Mullett Laren Pitcairn Chuck Akre Francis W. Murphy Scott Quillman John D. Bassett, III Rice Family Foundation Almore G. Robb Jim Blakeney John Taylor Brandon C. Roof P. Steve Bollinger, II Russell C. Wood Cyrus D. Roof Michael Casey Carpenter Leonard H.Wurman James B. Ryan Robert Haessner Thomas P. Zapatka George (Jane) F. Sabo William R. Hubble Gregg Scott Peter Keefe WYOMING Harris D. Sisley Bryan Koontz Timothy Althauser Earl R. Slusser Bob Martin Mary Anna G. Clay Frank Smith Kirk William McCullough II Jonathan T. Dawson Richard Snebold John H . Monger Randy Smith John J. Somonick Arthur H. Nash David Walsh Joe Sulikoski William W. Nease Thomas E. Territ David L. Shackelford CANADA Bernard Utnik Michael Wilkerson Cody Wollen Matthew E. Utnik Alberta Mr. & Mrs. Utnik & Sons

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 21 CANADA (CONT.) Emilia Surma NORTH CAROLINA W. K. MacLeod Stephen L. Faust Quebec LOUISIANA Joel W. King David Kains Jens Aubin Rummler Ontario NEW HAMPSHIRE Thomas L. Stephens MASSACHUSETTS Robert & Patricia Leipold British Columbia Charles W. Hulbert Charles Kane OHIO Mark K. Jones AWS MICHIGAN Craig S. Boyles PENNSYLVANIA CENTURIONS Steve Chaffee Jeff Ankney Earl Hess Edwin H.. Gott, Jr. $1,000 Lifetime Tracy T. Larsen Joseph V. Piccolo Michael J. Levandoski Jake Yanosky Membership Steve Poulios Jeff Towner TENNESSEE Listed by place of residence Paul R. Benny, Jr. MINNESOTA Paul R. Benny, Sr. CN Construction Inc. Terry L. Lydell TEXAS ARIZONA Bruce A. Ogle John Surma John B. Eichinger David D. Sandstrom Noah Wilcox VERMONT COLORADO Nicholas Wilcox John O'Hara Lee W. Mather, Jr. Steve M. Wilcox WISCONSIN ILLINOIS NEW JERSEY Mark Fouts Craig Purse C. Austin Buck Alex Gemrich Eric Torstenson James Hayett William A. Yacktman NEW YORK David Johnson Louis DiGiovanni Gary J. Krukar IOWA William V. Krazinski, Jr. Dan Ongna Mateo Surma Kuritzky Glass Co., Inc. Bob Ross Marco Surma Linc Lyman

22 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report BANQUET SPONSORS


FLORIDA Joe Saddler RGS & AWS Larry Bostick Eric Van Hook William Hagedorn BANQUET John Henderson ILLINOIS David Wahl Tony Armour SPONSORS David Wahl Peter Barrett David Wahl Michael Bazarek Listed by place of residence Rod Weirauch Bob Belter Todd Birkholz GEORGIA Lance Buhrman Paul Babaz Craig Burman Mitchel Barrett Beth Burnson Ken Buck Joe Byers Rodney Childers Joe Byers ALASKA Bill Cunningham Jim Calaway Dave Campbell Alan Densmore John Clemetsen Richard Ray Stephen Glenn Joe Cuturilo George Herspiegel James Dominik ARIZONA Stan Howe Will Howard John & Lynette Eichinger Jeff Lyall John Humm Joe Lahlum Robert Lytle Gregg Kuetemeyer Randy Wallake Clarence McKemie Tracy Lee Travis Riggs Damon Marano CALIFORNIA Freeman Robbins Kenneth McKean Shane Mengel David Strickland David Moore Stephen Renock James Waite Patrick Murphy Win Wolcott Ben Walker Tom Nelson Jack Williams William O'Keefe COLORADO Barry Zuckerman Paul Olin Edwin Gott Philip & Lise' Puckorius Steve Higgins HAWAII Keith Schopp James Kurtzman Ted Bennett Scotty Searle Chris Sennott CONNECTICUT IOWA Thomas Sennstrom Frank Baratta Daryl Biechler Coby Shaw Judith Collins Jim Bouslog Frank Sibr O. Boyd Cooke Robert & Kathy Camarata Daniel Sih O. Boyd Cooke Tom Clark Carol Svoboda Jon Eisenhandler Jon Farrell Chris Tabacca James Fedorich Rick & Kathy Frees Tobermorry Farms Jason Marshall David Kalkwarf Ronald Vecchie Phil & Elise Mauriello Daniel Kaufmann William Yacktman Joseph Petruzzi Shane Leahy Paul Zelisko Albert Watson Tom & Sonja Leahy John & Jeanie Ziegler Gene Neighbor DELAWARE Harley Pothoff INDIANA Alan Roth Bill Saddler Thomas Beauchamp

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 23 INDIANA (CONT.) Chris Fredlock Bill Arndt Beeb Graham Mike Galayda Marc Austhof Steve Peck Robert Gramzinski Stephen Bailey Dave Hansroth Vince Balog KENTUCKY Harold Harsh Michael Barnes Hoyt Rorrer Donald Helbig, Jr. Joel Bauer Rick Jenkins Roger Bauer LOUISIANA Bill Kelley Frederick Bechtold Ricky Guilbeaux Chuck Mills Jon Bednarick Frederick Kimmel Brad Minnick Edward Beekman Stephen Pellessier Jim O'Connell Sargent Begeman Reilly Trahan Kenneth O'Connell Larry Belonga Mario Tribuzio Terry Oland Ken Bennett Ed Rattie Bing Bennett MASSACHUSETTS David Reichenbaugh Ed Berry Walter Allen John Rose Hilarion Bibicoff John Allen Michael Ryan Vernon Bird Brian Beaton Jack Shaw Glen Blackwood Michael Beaudry Paul Shields Marty Blashfield Bruce Bennett Roy Smith Ron Boehme Bruce Bennett John Thereault William Bolyard Bruce Bennett Robert Wolfes Rob Bondy Bruce Bennett Jeff Borst Peter Bonneau MAINE Margaret Bovee Kyle Brenner Bob Brey Jim Bradbury Lawrence Bruffee Paul & Liz Brook Ron Britton John Conkey Blaine Carter Jeff Bundy Gary Conrad Jason Carter Don Bundy George Darey Christopher Dorr Dan Canedo Jan Dizard Carole Dyer William Carey John Falcone Russell Estes Preston Carli Ernie Foster David Fitzpatrick Chris Carlson Ernest Foster Carl Freeman Jeff Carpenter Eric Foster Stevan Huff Steve Chaffee Dennis Fusini Aaron Knutson Bill Chase Peter Fusini Wyatt Knutson George Clayton Dennis Fusini Derek Legasse Pat Cole Jeffrey Hayer Matt Lorrello Pat Cole Charles Hulbert John & Judith Marsh Ron Colegrove Richard Pantermehl William Martens Chuck Connell Jon Petros Kevin McCarthy Ted Connelly Stephen Quill Gregory Millert James Cooke Ross Rackliff Owen Gray & Son Inc Will Corcoran Michael Roche Jim Peva Jim Craig Michael Roche Jim Rocha Mason Crandall John Rockwell Bob Sanderson Kevin Crowley Paul Trojano David Trahan Kenneth Davenport Edward Davison MARYLAND MICHIGAN Jim DeLange Chip Akridge A. Jacobson Landscaping Jason Delich Sally Akridge Blaine Ackerman Rob DeVilbiss Bill Barnes Bradley Adamson Daniel & Kristin Devito Sidney Beddow II Troy Allen Jeffrey Ebert Brian Boal Michael Allett Greg Eckert Jana Brown Randy Almirall Christopher Edgar Bryan Daughtry Mark Altemann Benjamin Edinger Michael Dreisbach Bob Andre Jason Edler

24 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report MICHIGAN (CONT.) David Jerovsek Jim Nienhouse Kreis Enderle Keith Johnson Theodore Nittis Esper Electric Steve Jolman Robert & Linda Noll Michael Estes Dennis Jolman Dennis Norman Tom Evashevski Tom Jolman Barry O'Brien Tom Fairbairn Michael Jolman J Michael Oostmeyer Mark Falkenberg Monica Joseph John Paige Robert Fasel Gaylord Jowett Ken Parsons Fred Feleppa James Jurries John Paul Pete Fenton David Kaczmarek Don Peitz Ken Fickle Paul Keiswetter Adam Peterson Lou Fierens Ray Kendra Robert Petrick James Fish Scott Kennard Brent Pike Alice Fish John Kenzie Tony Pollack Ray Fisher Gunnar & Louise Klarr Beau Poquette Stephen Fletcher Charles Klyzek Ryan Potter Stephen Fletcher Skip Knapp Steve Poulios Robert Foote K. Peter Knudsen Preston Feather Tom Fruchey Jim Kochevar Ryan Prough David Fuger Dave Kring Mike Quesnell Don Funk Blake Krueger Adam Rajala Kevin Gardenier Capt. James LaBeske Brian Rathke Jerry Gertiser Greg LaFreniere Tony Ratti Trevis Gillow Carlo Lahti Thomas Reimer James Gilsdorf Rich Laksonen Warren Richter Charles Glass Tracy Larsen Chuck Robertson John Gleason Rick Leow Steve Rodock Kevin Gleesing Carl Leow Paul & Carol Rose Frederick Goetz Dave Lillie Daniel Ross Dave Goldthorpe Wade Liston Peter Roth Nicole Griewahn Jeffrey Littmann Dave Rothwell Gabe Grubaugh Jeff Lorentzen Greg Ryskey Jim Grundstrom Lou Loseth Nate Sailor Scott Grush Lutke Forest Products Marty Sarrault Mike Gustafson Andrew Lytle William Schaufler Ronald Hable Brian Macfalda Brad Schuknecht Donald Hanson Hugh & Michele MacMaster Kris Schulz Michael Harrington Nathan March Chris Schumacher Larry Heathman Daniel Markham Charles Scott Eric Heitman Edward Martin William & Robin Seniura Richard Heller Roy Martin Timothy Settles Fritz Heller Jason Marvin Justin Sharp Fritz Heller Jim Masters Kevin Shinaberry Jennie Hellman Andy McBride Todd Siegert Mike Helms Justin McGrail Kevin Smith Brian Helmus David Medema Gene Smith Lonnie Herrington Rodrigo Meirelles Jeff Smith David Higley Thomas Mellentine Marc Somers Tim Hill Paul Mesack Andrew Spence Scott Hill Dave Meyering Mark Spencer Les Housler Bob Michalski Ralph Stein John B Hubard David Miller Robert Steiner Jeff & Luke Humphrey Joe Miller Mark Stephens Randy Iles Charles Mohlman John Stephens Todd Ireland Meagan Morrison Kevin Steve Nicholas Jacobs Patrick Murphy Kevin Stewart David Jarvis Ryan Niemi Phil Stott

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 25 MICHIGAN (CONT.) Michael Zacharias Heathyr Dahline Erik Strazzinski Tim Zelenka Heathyr Dahline Fred Strich Scott Zeuske Ashton Dave Ed Swisher Steve Zutter Joe Demo Jerry Synkelma Ted Dick Joseph Szydlowski MINNESOTA John Dick Steven Tacey Chris Whelan Shelley Diercks Richard Taylor J. J. Hites Nathan Dietz Jeffrey Taylor Deanne Adams Clay Diggins Mike Taylor Advanced Telemetry Systems Kevin Domogalla Larry Taylor Alan Afton Kraig Domogalla Bob Taylor Agassiz Insurance James & Joann Dornhecker Scott Teske Bill Aldinger Dr. Hans Kaldahl The Ina Store Neil Anderson Dale Dragovich Matt Therrien Brian Anderson Mike Dvorak Herm Thomas Keith Austin Joel Elftmann Richard Thomason Floyd Ayers Jeff Elich Richard Thompson Rick Bancroft Larry & Marcia Erickson Jeffrey Tibbits Jay Barnett Craig Erpelding Greg Tilot Steve Battalion Terrence Ethen Greg Tilot Tom Bausch Tom Etienne Chris Tindle Dennis Bealka Evergreen Implement Steve Tiziani Bryan Beckedahl Kevin Fideldy Douglas Toppin Martha Benoit Harlan Fierstine Jeff Towner Mike Benoit Doug Fischer John Towsley Kurt Benson Alan Fish Robert Vala Brian Bissonette Jef Fisher Matthew Vallee Craig Bjorklund Richard & Marianne Foldesi Tom Van De Griend Robert Bjornoos Harold Forpahl Troy Van Geison David Blattner Jr. Gary Fox Les VanDrie John Bollins Bob Friedheim David Veldman Border State Bank Barry Frieler Gino Venditti Chuck Brandes Jay Frischman Eric Vincent Douglas Brown Anthony Gabrio Bruce Visniski Michael & Sharon Brown Steve Gilbertson Larry Visser Sarah Burger Kirk Gilbertson Ian Volchoff Craig & Steve Burggraf Todd Goenner Fritz Wahlfield Dave & Carrie Burgstaler James Govednik Thomas Waligorski Thomas Burlingame Jamie Gowdy David Walker Michael & Kathleen Burton Mike Grabow Steve Walters Dana Byfuglien Andy Gross Matthew Ward Ms. Jennifer Bymark Robert Grussendorf Thomas Watson James Call John Haesler Kris Richard Welty David Cameron Mark Haglin Todd Wenzel Cenex Farmers Union Tony Halek Richard West Jeff Chatelle Mike Hammerstrom Sally Westmass John Chejne Joseph Harren Kayla Whasworth Brian Chilson Shawn Hasskamp Nicholas White Guy Clairmont Jr. Matthew Head Douglas Whitley Steve Cluff Bill & Gail Heig Delbert Whitman Jon Cole Hugh Heinecke Jim Wichert Donald Collins Roderick Heneman Debbie Widrig William Cook John Heneman Tom Winters Rick and Zoe Corneliusen Dave Hernesman Robert Witting Clint Corrow Robert Hildebrandt Larry Wolthuis Kent Cummings Terry Hirschi Yellow Dog Guide Service Richard Dahl Mike Holmstrom

26 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report MINNESOTA (CONT.) Barb Lyall Doug Pixley Russ Hoppe George Lyall Bart Porter Loren Horner Steve MacDonald Greg Proper Hosted Hunts Outdoor Connection Jim MacDonald Michele Putnam Mike Houser Joe Maher Jaime Quello Mike Houser Dan Mahle Chris Quisberg Howards Oil Mark Harren Construction Douglas Ralston Mark Hraban Ed Martel Red Men Club, Inc. Richard & Judi Huempfner John Marvin Aaron Regier Chad Hughes Robert Marvin Richard Reichle Dennis Hummitzsch Conway Marvin Mitch Rengel Joel Hyytinen Todd Matelski Steven Rice Intercept Industries Mike Mathews Jerry Rikala Dana Isaacson Del Matteson Mark Ritter Isanti Sportsman's Club Jan Mattson John Roessler Corrine Jacobson Stuart McFarlane Al & Linnea Roos David Janiga Stuart McIntosh Roseau County Ford Mark Januschka Deb Mensing Roseau Liquor Jerry's Restaurant and Lounge Mike Motors Mike Rouse Lee Jess Matt & Angie Mikulich Jeff Running Joel Zimmer Jim Shaw Jim Miner, Jr. Jerry Ruuhela Alan Woods Jim Wynn Gabe Miskovich Michael Ryan Julie Johnson Norm Moody Greg Sande Gary Johnson Chan Moon Julie Sandstrom Daniel Johnson Patrick Moore David Sandstrom Bruce Johnson Toni Morrison Sauk Rapids Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Earl Johnson Jack Muhar Kurt Sawyer Jeffrey Jones John Mundy Jim Schlotterback Matt Jugovich Roger Murawski Jon Schmoeckel Donald Kaddatz Jeff Naglosky Randy Schoer Greggory Kaiser Bob Naylor Joe Schornack Hans & Kristen Kaldahl James Ness Bill Schroeder Tom Kallio Scott Nestberg Mark Schull Trevor Kampen Brian Nicklason Daniel J Schutt Karl Manufacturing Solutions Randy Niewind Robert Seibert Jay Knaak Marty Niewind Duane Sellen Gerald Kolter North Country Convenience David Sheley, Jr. Mark Krebsbach Northeast Title Rich Siegert Kevin Kriesel Northern Toboggan and Sled Stan Sjoberg Ted Krueger Bruce Ogle Roger Skraba Mike Kruze Keith & Missy Okeson Kevin Smith David Kufahl Larry Olson Jerry Snetsinger Carl Kurtz Dan Opheim Matt Soberg Matt LaBine Ron Overson Dennis Solberg Andy LaBine Darrel Palmer Kirk Sorensen Lake Country Chevrolet Kelli Palmquist Springsteel Resort Lakeland Veterinary Hospital Craig Paskvan Joe Stauffer Jerry Lamon Michael Patnode Ben Stein Bill Lannon Dave Paulson Steve Meek Construction K Scott Laplante Mark Pearl Andrew Stoskopf Jim Leinum Colin Pearson Jeff & Angel Stradtmann Chuck Lindner Mike Pederson Sunset Bay Resort Doug & Ileen Lindner Gavin Peterson Dale Sutherland Kristopher Lohman Tony Peterson Pete Swenson Gary & Betsy Loop Bill Peterson James Tehennepe Northwood Lumber Brian Pierce Dean Thompson Ted Lundrigan Ward Pierson Jeanne Thompson

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 27 MINNESOTA (CONT.) Peggy Barberi Richard Rose Richard Thompson David Beisler John Sabach Ken Thompson Jeff Bielata Donald Schelling Adam Thoreson Gerald Brown Joseph Scuderi Seth Thorson Francis Buckley Shawn Smith Dale Thortsen Richard Capozza Kathleen Starrs Neil Travis Scott Casey Don Strodel Dean Tveit Peter Catalano Marty Talcik Kade Vershey Charles Coakley Robert Vitkus Kade Vershey Ira Conklin Norman Webber Eldon Voigt Scott Cook Tom Wanner Russell Cuatt NORTH CAROLINA Warroad Ready Mix Richard Cunningham Robert Bell Cory Weisinger J.D. Delmonico Clark Bowman Tom Welle Todd Diorio Jerry Cody Andrew Wheeler Mark Dodge Shannon Cooper Steve Wilcox Bryan Eastman John & Susan Fletcher Noah Wilcox Brian Enders Nathan Griffith Wild 102 Steve Fazekas Don Mallicoat Steve Wilds Jeff Foley Dale Pennell Steve Wruck Caryn Foote Jason & Leah Roberts Young's Bay Resort Brian Foster Tarn Rosenbaum Jim Zupanich Albert Gehm Arnold (Skip) Sheldon Lawrence Giordano Edwin Shuford MONTANA Jeff Gronauer Keith Smith Doug Hill John Haesler Jr. John Teeter Stephen Jones Leon Hairie W. Stephen Maritz Paul Harvey NORTH DAKOTA Paul Martin Thomas Haskell Jeff & Susan Trnka Scot Mikols James Hicks Daniel Holliman OHIO NEW HAMPSHIRE Michael Horodyski James Bolon William Collins Scott Jorgensen John Bowles Richard Jung Ben Burke NEW JERSEY David Keller Phillip Ciano John Boyce David Kuritzky Terry Ciechomski Leonard Cautela David Kuritzky Eric Costine Leonard Cautela David Kuritzky Mark Elick Andrew Chirip David Kuritzky Randal Gallagher John Cotte David Kuritzky Warren Gase John Danko Edward Laury Gregory Goebel John Funghini John Laury Josh Goodridge Grant Specialty Coatings Ted McEachron Howard Guerin Gary Kapitko Brian Mihans William Hannig Doug Keim Ian Morrell Robert Hickle Jorge Matos John Mroczka James Inbody Howard Ryan Peter Paine James Inbody Ralph Shotwell Anthony Pascale David Izor Chris Shotwell John Patane Andrew Jolman Dr. Victoria Skoog Bill Perks Pete Kepich Ted Sobotka Paul Phillips Rich Kolehmainen Brian Tanis Edward Pugliese Louis Kutys James Racquet Patrick Lamantia NEW YORK R. Randolph Rall Peter Lytle Eric Affuso Terence Ramsey David Miller Robert Andrews Nicholas Ribaudo Herbert Mueller John Riccio Kelly Nelson

28 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report OHIO (CONT.) Byron Custer Steve Jones Robert Newman James Davidson Robert Jones Greg Owens Rich DeFelice Juniata Trading Co. Ralph Piteo Mike Doerfler Robert Kappe Dean Pond Dan Domsic Steve Kern Ronald Preston Scott Duffin Bobbi Kilmer John Rardin Daniel Dunlap III Christian Klanica James Ritchie Craig Eccher Paul Klemash Jeff Saltzman Geordie Edmiston Steve Knezovich Timothy Scites Dale Emerick Mike Koneski St. Clairsville Eagles #2541 Sarah Estep John Kosky Wilson Toothman John Estep Christina Kramer David Traut F&M Hat Co., Inc. James Kukurin True Sportsman's Club Joseph Fisher Scott Ladner Robert Vadas Joe & Lisa Frederick Roy Leister, Jr. Rob & Bonny Vadas Wayne Freed Scott Loop Alan Zang William Freeman Russell Lucas Roy Fritz Zac Lytle PENNSYLVANIA Joseph Frydrych Sandee Male Victor Alfieri Mark Fuessinger Mark Malicki Victor Alfieri Dave Galbreath Raymond Malicki Alpine Hunting & Fishing Club David Gehman David Manslow Don Applegarth Marc Gignac Samuel Marino Gary Arblaster Erick Gilliland Richard McDowell Jeff Arthur Joseph Giovannitti Roy McMahan C. Thomas Baldrige Raymond Giuliani Charles Minehart Tom Beatty Anthony Giura Paul Mirone Tom Belsterling Edwin Gott Pete Molinaro Edwin Bernik Tracy Greene Scott Moody William Biddle Tracy Greenholt Morphy Auctions Brent Birth Randy Grossman David Moser Joseph Blackburn Emerson Gundy Michael Mulvihill Matthew D. Blanski David Haines John Murray Kenneth Boben Jeffrey Hammer Eugene Oakill Steve Botella Bill Hasely Paul Ober Martin Brown Paul Heil Vernon Ordiway Larry Brush Ken Helfer Eugene Orlando J. Conrad Bures David Henry John Orr Ron & Amy Burkert Rick Herd William Patsy Nathan Burns Dan Herring James Patsy John Paul Busse Andrea Hetrick James Patsy David Campsey John Heverly Gary Patterson James (Jay) Carmichael Dr. Steven Homyack, Jr. DMD Randy & Terri Patterson Ernest & Linda Castello Stanley Hoover Adam Peffer Lester Cavanaugh John Hopkins Ben Peppernick John Cave John Hopkins Kenneth Popko CED Mosebach Electric Supply Mike Hosmer Mark Prevost James Celebrezze Dan Hudec Kent Quinter Daniel Cerven J. Upton Hudson Tom Rall Cocalico Builder Wesley Humphries Robert Rambler Robert Coleman Darryl Husenits Ralph L. Readel Jeff Coppes Charles (Mickey) Hutchko Justin Reed Bill Cornell Patrick Imbrogno Jeff & Julie Reed Cove Creek Outfitters David Imgrund Adam Reese John Culkin Eric Jennings Paul Rockar Jr Marty & Dale Culp Mary Anna Johnson Brian Romankow Francis Curran James Jones Brian Romankow

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 29 PENNSYLVANIA (CONT.) Joseph Zovko Thomas Haynes Tim Romig William Heatwole Cyrus Roof SOUTH CAROLINA G.L. Herndon II Lisa & Sergio Rossi John Oliver Clint Holloway Sergio Rossi Simon Vadas Colby Hopwood Terry Rothermel Charles Horne Theodore Rung SOUTH DAKOTA Marc Illman Robb Rusiewicz Larry Pillard Jim Snead Ford Michael Sauers Duane Sather Wallace Johnson Walter Scanlon Rich Johnson Doug Schmidt TENNESSEE Corey Johnson Gregg Scott Rick Brantley Miles Johnston Richard Shuman O.J. Chartrand, Jr. Vance Joyner George Sidney John Jones Ron Kokel Kenneth Simon John Paul Jones Kenneth Lamb Mark Skrobacz Dwight King Rich LeHew Brad Smith M & M Farm Supply Ralph Main Thomas Sniscak Mat Miller Richard Mansfield Larry & Dee Souleret Ashley Clint Moore Neil Mayhew George Spellman C. Grant Murray Jim McCoy Steven Stiner Steven Stafford C. Grice McMullan Peter Strope Parker Street James Miller Richard Stroup John Monger Richard Stuebner TEXAS Charles Moorman Richard Stuebner Clay Bebee Robert Moreland Scott Sunderland William Butler Harold Nash Sunoco Pipeline L.P. Daria Fish Nibco John Surma Chase Florio Mike Null Brendan Surma Richard Howard Larry Oder Paul Sutter Stephen Howard Outdoor Access, Inc. Kim Swisher Jordan Jayson Piedmont Concrete Contractors Joseph Switala William Martindale Plecker Construction Regis Synan Earl Moses Lester Powlen Ernest Szabo Lester Powlen Robert Turzillo VIRGINIA Garry Pruitt Kurt Ulrich Stephen & Julia Abel Clifton Rexrode United Rental John Ackerly Barney Rhodenizer Alex Vargo Ben Adamson James Rhodenizer Daniel Wagner Steve Allen Edward Robbins Boyd Wagner Joseph Amberger Mark Roberts Todd Wagner Brian Blue Ridge Bank Chuck Rodamer Judd Wagner Kenneth Bowman Freda Rosso Ted Walzl Scott Brannan Anthony Sakowski Weaver Industries, Inc. C.W. Burns, Jr. Tom Sheets Steve Weigel John Cabell Adrian Shifflett Ronald Weigel Barry Carpenter John Simpson Ryan Welsch Michael Colangelo D. Middleton Smith Richard Welsh David Coleman Ken Staples Tim Wentz John Coleman Bill Stratton Dan Williams David Coleman Richard Sturtevant Dan Wingerter Matthew Deitz Barry Sullivan Dean Wolz Dominion Energy Keith Thompson Jeffrey Woods Dan Doody Chip Ware Ben Yarian Virginia Eagle Greg Weaver Paul Yatron Darrel Feasel Richard Wilson Allen & Lori Yerger John Gammill Thomas Word Brad & Christine Yoder Randy Gibbs Harold Young

30 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report VERMONT Dan & Diane Anderson Kevin Ermis Travis Barber Joe Aumann Lauren Evans Dan Boucher Donald Bachleitner Cole Fouts Joe Bourgeois Randy Baker Colin Fouts Warren Coleman Robert Baker Gary & Joyce Frank Jim Dattilio Richard Balge Jeff Franzmeier Dennis Fournier Patrick Balisteri Jacob Franzmeier Todd Frieze Doug Ballweg Dewane Frase Jeff Glosser David & Rachel Bartz Dean Fries Gary Goulette Steve Bartz Gregory Fritsch Jamie Grey Keith Bassage Burke Gahagan George Gross Matt Bauer Tim Galarnyk Mandy Hotchkiss Doug Baumann Tim Galarnyk Christina Incerpi & Randy Bean Jim Baus Mark Gatton Eric Jacobsen Jim Baus Alex Gemrich Ron & Barb Klein Robert Bealka Brett & Steve Grams Bruce Leavitt Randall Behnke Brett & Steve Grams Stephen Leffler Bill Bennett Jerry Gross Laurie & Joe Malenfant John Bennett Tim Grzesiak Paul Murphy James Benninger Paul Hagemann Kip Myrick Darryl Bergmann Cathy Haines Stephen Oster Donald Betthauser Peter Hansen Jeff Parker Jake Beyer Gary Hartson Jay & Crystal Pierce Blaine Biedermann John Hasler Roger Pinan Tony & Judy Blattler Dennis Haugland Noah Place Randy Bohon James Hayett Henry Rackliff Jesse Bolder Robert Hellyer Charles Scott Teri Braun Scott Henrich Frank Simms Paul Breitenbach Perry Hinrichsen Pat Thompson Michael Brennenstuhl Dan Holl Bruce & Charlotte Tuck Dan Brown Jay Holm Edward Verosko David A. Buechel Henry Horneck Dave Wark Tom Buening Gerard Hruska Jim Wells Doug Burrows Jeff Hughes Hal Wilson Timothy Callahan Lyle Huhn Terry Wilson & Nancy Anisfield Todd Carlson Terry & JoAnn Ides John Carlson Industrial Fluid Solutions WASHINGTON Brent Catura Jeff Jackson John Blatchford Ryan Cody Gerard Jackson Aaron Clements Robert Connor Ted Jacobsen Kevin Clements Richard Connor, Jr. Lori Jaeger Larry Clements Andrew Cook Jack Jarvis Doug Forsythe Randall Crocker Perry Jensen Robert Lyon Tom Dailing David Johnson William Neal Jerry Dassler Greg Johnson Carl Nott Larry Dassler Nanette Johnson Rod & Val Olson David De Rosier Phillip Johnson Joe Papenleur Richard & Carol Degroot Butch Johnson Joe Pauletto Owen Demo Phil Johnson John Sprada Thomas Dew Bill & Mike Kamke Leonard Tierney Jere Dhein Mitch Kane Seth Dizard Scott Katzenberger WISCONSIN Seth Dizard Jan Kimball William Abrahamson Bruce Drew Tim Kinateder D J Aderman Mark Dworak Lynn Kirsteatter Thomas & Nicole Aidich Richard Eisenmann Joe Klein Matt Albright Matt Erickson Joe Klein

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 31 WISCONSIN (CONT.) Mark Prochazka Daniel Wicklund Robert Klein Matthew Quasius Wild Woods Taxidermy Studio LLC Mark Kraemer Dave Reardon Pete Wilke Robert Krause Mike & Joan Reed Jeffrey Williams David Krommenacker Matthew Rehmann Paul & Michelle Williams Mike Kruncos Ronald Rellatz Daniel Williams Jamie Kuhn Brian Ruechel Daniel Williams Patricia Kukall Milt Rusch Robert Wood William Kunde Jim Sarkauskas Tayt Wuethrich Steve & Jodi Labs Steve Sash David Wunrow Landmark Landscapes Inc Darrell Scherwinski Greg Young Christopher Larson Dave Schlitz Jess Zink Gary Larson Ronald Schmidt Karl Zore Jason Lechleitner Scott Schoenherr Lee Ayers Jewelers John Schroeder WEST VIRGINIA Christopher Leffler James Schuettpelz Allegheny Veterinary Services Rick Lehman Bobby Schutz Mervyn Allen Joseph Lehmann Tony Schutz James Bailey Jon Long Michael Schwabe Aaron Brown Bernie Luedtke David Schwabe Sandi Davison Dave Lukaszewski Michael Schwabe Thomas Ditty David Maerker Girard Senn Bruce & Dixie Edmond David Maerker Sentry Insurance Robert Farance Robin Marohn Jeff Serchen Stanley Grimmett James Marr Paul Seul Ryan Holcomb Chad Matushak Jim & Kathy Shurts Jeff Kittle Jerome McAllister Jeff Sievert Philip Knierim Dr. Mark McCann Dave Smith Herb Kwasniewski Dr. Bob McClellan Jay Smith James Lemons Pat McLaughlin Ted Sommer Walt Lesser Russ McMinn Jim & Jeanne Soukup Jerrad Luthy Meatski's Meat James Sparks Clifton Neal Robert Meddaugh Michael Specht Chris Neal Bradley Meer Jill Spenningsby Ronald Phillips Phil Menzner Bob Spoerl Harold Pickens Roger Meyers Mike Streveler Paul Ridgely Mike Miller Stan Strub Arch Riley Philip Miller Larry Stutzriem Bill Seaman Tim Miller James & Rose Teal Fred & Polly Taylor Roger Mixter Faith Technologies Don Teska Michael Mohr Henry Tennissen Pete Thomas William Moir Gerald Thiede Richard Topping Brian Mueller Jake Tilton Mike Waryck Haskell Noyes John Trzesniewski James Weeks Craig Oehmichen Ken & Mary Jo Tuckwell Trevor Oleson Bob Van Ert Peggy Ongna Tim Voigt Mike Opelt Tim Voigt Mike O'Reilly Brad Wagner Michael Palmisano Bill Wanie THANK YOU! Lynn Parsons Gary Warmington Robert Parsons Michael Waugus Don Patzfahl Steve Weekly William Peter Timothy Wendt Kenneth Petersen Karl Wesener Robert Peterson William (Chip) Whitsitt


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kim Swisher Jared Elm Manager, Accounting Forest Wildlife Specialist, David Moore Alison Kelley WI – RGS position supported Chair Banquet Communications & in partnership with USDA- George Rich Graphic Design NRCS and WI DNR Vice Chair Dave Wilhelm Brian Smith Shipping & Receiving Dan Hoff Treasurer Seth Heasley Forest Wildlife Specialist, Tracy T. Larsen Digital Media WI – RGS position supported Secretary Nicole Parkhurst in partnership with USDA- Terry Wilson Member Services & Project NRCS and WI DNR Regional Immediate Past Chair Manager Directors Bruce Bennett Brenda Donegan Joe Byers Accountant, Payables/Receivables REGIONAL DIRECTORS Seth Dizard William Krazinski, Jr. CONSERVATION POLICY & Dave “Swede” Johnson David Kuritzky PROGRAMS Lead RD, WI, Western UP of Shane T. Mengel MI, IA & IL Julie Sandstrom Brent A. Rudolph, Ph.D. Roy Smith Betsy Dullum BIOLOGISTS MN, WA & LA DIRECTORS EMERITI Linda D. Ordiway, Ph.D. Scott Grush S. Prosser Mellon Mid-Atlantic & Southern Eastern UP of MI, Lower Sally B. Searle Appalachia Peninsula of MI

HEADQUARTERS STAFF Heather Shaw Dave Hansroth MI, OH & IN Central, Southcentral and Benjamin C. Jones Southeast PA, Southeast WV, President & CEO Jon Steigerwaldt MD, NC, SC, VA, TN & KY Mark D. Fouts MN, WI, IA & IL Vice President of Member Joe Levesque Relations Andrew P. Weik Northeast PA, New England Sean Curran NY, New England, Eastern Vice President of Mission Canada & LA Lisa M. Rossi Sustainability IN, OH, Western PA, WV & GA Tracy M. Greene Ted Dick Director of Headquarters MN – MNDNR position For updated staff listings and Operations partially funded by RGS contact information, go to www.

... dedicated to preserving our hunting traditions by creating healthy forest habitat for ruffed grouse, American woodcock and other wildlife.

RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report 33 Ruffed Grouse Society American Woodcock Society (412) 262-4044 451 McCormick Road Coraopolis, PA 15108 [email protected]

34 RGS & AWS 2018 Annual Report