The 60Th C.F.A. Battery Book, 1916-1919

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The 60Th C.F.A. Battery Book, 1916-1919 11 THE 6oth C.F.A. BATTERY BOOK Copy No. ipresenteJ) to No.^.cfAf^A....- Rank -^4^. Name J^OaM ':t: BY THE 60th Battery of Canadian Field Artillery. Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2007 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcli THE 60th C.F.A. BATTERY BOOK 1916 — 1919. t Debicateb TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE MAJOR T. D. J. RINGWOOD, Officer Commanding 6oth Battery, C.F.A., KILLED IN ACTION, icth AUGUST,;[i9i8. He died as he would have wished, but still lives in tht hearts of his men. PREFACE. This Battery Book has been prepared by certain members of the 60th Battery of Canadian Field Artillery, which in France formed part of the 14th Artillery Brigade, 5th Canadian Division. It is printed for private circulation among the oflBcers and men of the Battery, and is intended as a brief record of their history from the time they were formed, in the year 1916, until their return to Canada in 1919. It contains a short description of the actions in which they took part, and also a few comments upon interesting facts and incidents which came under their notice. In addition, a complete list of personnel, casualties, and honours and awards is given. Any opinions expressed, or comments made, must be taken as being solely from the Battery's own point of view—and the point of view of a single battery of artillery is very limited, as every- one knows who was in France during the War. The book is not intended to instruct or elevate, and it makes no claim whatever to literary merit. It was considered, however, that a modest record of this kind would not be without interest to the members of the 60th Battery as a book of refer- ence, and it may possibly save them much thought in future years, when many of them will no doubt be called upon to answer the universal question : " " Daddy, what did you do in the Great War? Jauche, Belgium, April, 1919. CONTENTS. CHAP. PA6B PREFACE 6 1. IN CANADA 9 II. IN ENGLAND 19 III. FIRST EXPERIENCES IN FRANCE 32 IV. POSITION WARFARE (FIRST PERIOD) 38 V. „ „ (SECOND PERIOD) 48 VI. „ „ (THIRD PERIOD) 56 VII. OPEN WARFARE. THE BATTLE OF AMIENS 66 VIII. „ ., ARRAS TO CAMBRAI ... 77 IX. „ „ CAMBRAI TO VALENCIENNES 88 X. ,. ., VALENCIENNES TO MONS 97 XI. THE MARCH TO THE RHINE 104 XII. THE MARCH TO THE RHINE (CONTINUED) 111 XIII. GENERAL CONDITIONS ON THE MARCH, 121 XIV. THE OCCUPATION OF GERMANY 128 XV. GENERAL CONDITIONS IN GERMANY 135 XVI. LAST DAYS 145 XVII. THE FAIRY GODMOTHER 152 XVni. THE LATE O.C. ... IS5 XIX. THE HORSES 159 XX, THE BATTERY FLAG ... 162 XXI. THE OFFICERS' " WHO S WHO " 163 XXII. THE NOMINAL ROLL 171 XXIII. CASUALTIES 180 XXIV. HONOURS AND AWARDS 188 XXV. VALEDICTORY ... 169 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. To fate Paga THE LATE MAJOR T. D. J. RINGWOOD, C.F.A. ... LT.-COL. A. T. OGILVIE, CO., i^th BDE., C.F.A. , WITH ADJUTANT GUN POSITION, LIEVIN THE BATTERY SHELLED AT LIEVIN ... LOOS GRASSIER. FROM BATTERY POSITION VIMY, FROM BATTERY O.P. CAMOUFLAGED GUNPITS, ROCLINCOURT CONTROL PIT, ROCLINCOURT ... AFTER THE BATTLE ... CAGNY COPSE ... AMMUNITION TRACK, CROSSING CACHY ROAD BOURLON VILLAGE OFFICERS' MESS, ORANGE HILL VIS-EN-ARTOIS THE ARRAS-CAMBRAI ROAD ... BOURLON VILLAGE OFFICERS' MESS, BOURLON BATTERY ENTERING VALENCIENNES .. POSITION AT LE SENTINEL CONTROL PIT. ST. SAULVE GERMANS LEAVING SOIGNIES . THE MARCH TO THE RHINE ... THE HANGEBRUCKE. COLOGNE THE BATTERY AT OSTHEIM ... GUN PARK AND STABLES, OSTHEIM .. WATERING HORSES, OSTHEIM PARADE AT JAUCHE ... THE BREAD LINE, JAUCHE " THE FAIRY GODMOTHER " PROTECTION OF HORSES DURING OPEN WARFARE "THE LAST SACRIFICE" CONTRACTIONS USED. B.A.C. Brigade Ammunition Column B.C. Battery Commander B.H.Q. Brigade Headquarters C.A.M.C. Canadian Army Medical Corps C.A.V C. Canadian Army Veterinary Corps C.F.A. Canadian Field Artillery C.-in-C. Commander-in-Chief C.R.A. Commander of Royal Artillery D.A.C. Divisional Ammunition Column f$.D. Excused from Duty G.O.C. General Officer Commanding G.S. General vService il.Q. Headquarters H.V. High Velocity Iv.D. Light Duty M.M.P. Mounted Military Police M.P.I. Mean Point of Impact N.C.O. Non-commissioned Officer O.C. Officer Commanding 0.0. Observing Officer O.P. Observation Post (from which the fire of artillery is directed (pronounced "O-Pip.") O.T.C. Officers* Training Course R A. Royal Artillery R.C.G.A. Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery R.F.A. Royal Field Artillery R.F.C. Royal Flying Corps R.O. Reconnaissance Officer R.S.A. Royal School of Artillery S.O.S. A signal of distress, calling for immediate action On the maps, the following conventional signs are used I Position of Battery "1 Forward Position JL Wagon Lines jQ Observation Post :.-..... Enemy Front Line — •• - Direction of Advance THE LATE MAJOR T. D. J. RINGWOOD, C.F.A. /Vk)(.) KlUott ,1- I'ru- Face tunc '> ;; CHAPTER I. In Canada. I. The 60th Battery of Canadian Field Artillery was formed on the 15th March, 1916. Following upon the official authorisation, which appeared in Con- tingent Orders on the 6th of March, Lieut. F. G. W. B. Miles, who had already raised the 3rd Section of the .3rd D.A.C. in Winnipeg, was sent to Regina to take charge of recruiting for the new unit. After some difficulty, a location for an office was found in the old Post Office Building, and there was an immediate rush to join the Battery. On the 15th March, 1916, which was the first day for swearing in recruits, three men attested two weeks later, nearly two hundred men had been passed for active service, and the Battery was up to full strength. This excellent result was largely due to the personal popularity of Mr. Miles, who was very well known locally many more applications were received than were needed, and he was thus able to use discrimina- tion in selecting men for examination. A point rigidly insisted on, was that all men should join the Battery as either Gunner or Driver, without regard to past military service or civil experience. Further promotion was to depend solely on ability shown after joining the unit, attempts at outside influence being completely disregarded. These rules were made with the sole object of keeping the efficiency of the Battery at a high standard, and for a month after its formation every man was equal in rank to his comrades ; but on the 15th of April provisional promotions were made to non-commissioned rank, these promo- tions being based upon examinations held by the officers. During this time, Capt. Lome C. Walker, a well-known business man of Regina, had been appointed to the command of the Battery; the officers under him were Lieuts. F. G. W. B. Miles, J. B. McCullough, W. E. Longworthy, and A. C. Ballantine; W. H. Ward was the first Sergeant- Major. Physical drill formed a large part of the early work of the Battery, and few units have under- gone a more strenuous training in this respect than the 60th. In addition, lectures on gunnery, horse management, and other details of artillery work, were given daily by the officers in the Alexandra School, dismounted drill being carried out on the grounds adjacent. The Battery at this time was located in the Old Province Building; the accommodation here was found to be insufficient, and a move was made to the Earl Grey School, which had better housing facilities, and adjoined a large expanse of vacant land which made an excellent parade ground. At the Earl Grey School everything was carried on in proper military fashion as far as possible. 10 ; The Batter^', however, had only four horses, and not a single gun; thus there was little oppor- tunity of giving instruction in riding and driving while for Section Gun Drill, crude models, made from orange boxes and waste lumber, did duty for field-pieces. It was not until a few days before the Battery left Regina that twelve-pounders and ammunition waggons were received. It may reasonably be claimed that no unit raised for the War in Canada held a higher place in the affections of Regina than the 60th. The citizens vied with each other in entertaining the Battery, and many bodies of ladies worked hard for the men's welfare in the matter of social affairs and dances, all of which were uniformly successful. When the 68th Infantry Battalion left for over- seas, the 60th Battery formed a guard of honour at the Union Depot, and on Sunday, the 28th May, 1916, the Battery itself entrained for Pete- wawa. The 61st Battery, of Lethbridge, accom- panied them, and on the following morning they were joined at Winnipeg by the 59th Battery. At various points on the journey the Battery detrained for exercise, and route marches, physi- cal drill, and vigorous doubling were indulged in as opportunity offered. Early on the morning of the 2nd of June, the train reached the Camp Sid- ing, at Petewawa, and the men marched to their lines, a distance of some three miles, in the heat of a Canadian summer's day. Kits were dumped, tents were allotted by subsections, and life under canvas started. During the journey to Petewawa, the Battery narrowly missed owning a mascot which would 11 ; have been unique in the whole of the Allied forces. The English bull-bitch Dolly was already theirs, although it could not accompany them overseas.
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