November 2014, 1 Hour

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), also called Martin Bell It is estimated to affect 1:5000 males and 1:8000 Syndrome, is the most common heritable cause of females and found in all races and socioeconomic cognitive . It is the second known chromoso- groups. Sixty percent of males with FXS exhibit hand mal cause of cognitive disability ( is flapping or biting; 90% exhibit poor eye contact and first). It is the most common known cause of Autism 60% have autism. Females with FXS generally have or “Autistic-like behaviors”, and is characterized by higher IQ’s than males and most exhibit shyness and distinct physical and behavioral characteristics. social .

History In the late 1800’s there was an In 1969 Lehrke’s PHD Thesis chromosome. excess of males with Intellectual argued for the presence of an x- In 1991, the mutation causing the Disability noticed based on the US linked gene. FX syndrome was identified and census data. In the 1970’s, Sutherland showed the gene isolated. In 1943 a pedigree was published culture medium lacking folic acid by Martin and Bell describing the appearing to have a gap or break syndrome. in the end of the long arm of the x

Genetics The Fragile X name comes from the broken appear- females will have symptoms; however, the severity is ance in the X chromosome where the FMR1 gene is decreased. found. It causes a mutation in the FMR1 gene. The The more repeats, the more unstable the FMR1 gene mutation shuts off the production of the FMR1 pro- is. Once the FMR1 gene changes to unstable tein, which is necessary in the development of neuron (permutation) there is a high probability of mutating connections between nerve cells or synapses in the from generation to generation. In other words a family brain, therefore disrupting the relaying of nerve with no history of FXS, begins to have it appear in impulses. The CGG (cytosine, guanine and guanine) several offspring. Trineuceotide repeat, a section of the DNA in the FMR1 gene, normally repeats in that order about 30 Females that carry the gene have a 50% chance of times. passing it to sons & daughters (she has 2 X chromo- somes) . Males with the gene pass it to all daughters, In the Gray zone it repeats 45-55 times. These who are now carriers & none of his sons because individuals do not have FXS; however, are somewhat males pass the X chromo to daughters & Y to sons. more likely to have children with an increased number of CGG repeats. Approx. 1/250 females & 1/800 males carry the gene mutation. In the Permutation the repeat is 55-200 times. These individuals have few to no symptoms of FXS. They Scientists have found that during early development may have subtle intellectual, behavioral or physical of the fetus (before the end of the first trimester), RNA symptoms and are carriers but usually unaware. attaches itself to the FXS gene and appears to gum up the gene (only one needed), inactivating it and In the full mutation the repeat is 200-800 times. All males will have significant symptoms. Fifty percent of (Continued on page 2)

Since 1969, Milestone Centers, Inc. has provided programs and services to people with developmental and behavior- Fragile X Syndrome | Page 2 HCQU Northwest

Genetics (continued from Page 1) thus rendering it unable to produce a protein neces- They suspect it may also be used for other nervous sary for the transmission of signal between brain system genetic disorders (Huntingdon’s disease, cells. [ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), etc.) scientists-uncover-trigger-for-most-common-form-of- intellectual-disability-and-autism-finding-may-ex.html] Researchers are using embryonic stem cells (that tested positive for FXS) to test an experimental drug that may be able to prevent this shut off.

Diagnosis DIAGNOSIS of Fragile X is by DNA and karyotype testing. Testing for Fragile X is recommended for:  Any person who has mental retardation of unknown cause, developmental delay, or learning disability  Any person with autism or showing autism-like behaviors  Any person with a relative who has Fragile X or mental retardation of unknown cause  Anyone who was previously assessed for Fragile X using the chromosome test (see description on the next page)  Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) or with a family history of POF

Phenotype Physical Phenotype well as refractive errors such as nearsighted and farsighted. Females either do not have the Nystagmus (constant involuntary characteristics seen in males or movement of the eyeball) is also they are milder. The is seen. females have two X chromo- somes (males have only one) Chronic otitis media (ear infection) and are able to produce enough affects mostly males prior to of the FMR1 protein to fill most of puberty due to a floppy eustachian the body’s needs, but not all. tube that does not drain the middle ear properly. Pressure Characteristics that are often not Equalization Tube placement is present prior to puberty are a needed in some instances. large head disproportional to the body size, and a long, narrow Macroorchidism (abnormally large face with prominent ears as testes) is present in over 80% of described in the picture at right: males with FXS, but is also common in males with intellectual Other facial features include a impairment without FXS. Some broad forehead, puffiness around the eyes, narrow males with FXS will have macroorchidism prior to palpebral fissures (slit between the eyes), epicanthal puberty; however, after puberty nearly all males will folds (covering over the inner corner of the eye). have testicles that are at least twice the volume of Dental anomalies are a high arched palate or cleft typical males. Adult males are often fertile and rare palate. incidences of testicular tumors have been reported. Strabismus (lazy or crossed eye) is often present as Orthopedic anomalies include pes planus (flat foot), pectus excavatum (funnel chest or sunken breast HCQU Northwest Fragile X Syndrome | Page 3

Phenotype (continued from page 2) bone), excessive joint laxity disorder that affects FX permuta- Sleep Apnea due to facial structure (double-jointedness), club foot and tion carriers. It affects approxi- and hypotonia of the mouth is scoliosis. Skin Manifestations mately 40% of males over 50 and likely. include soft smooth skin, wrinkled 8% of females over the age of 40. People with FXS tend to have palms, single palmar crease, Symptoms can include: action shorter sleep duration and longer abnormal elastin and cutis verticis tremor (usually starts first), pro- night waking episodes. gyrate (thickening of the scalp with gressive cerebellar ataxia (balance wrinkled appearance). impairment in sitting, standing and There is an increased incidence of walking; also lack of coordination SIDS (Sudden Infant Death with hands and slurred ), Syndrome) in infants with FXS, so parkinsonism, cognitive decline, episodes of apnea, obstructed psychiatric disturbances and breathing or possible seizures autonomic (involuntary body require a detailed workup and functions) and peripheral neuropa- close monitoring. thies. Behavioral Phenotype includes: The goal is to reduce symptoms • Intellectual disability and slow progression. Referrals • Learning are needed to , urology, • impairment Excessive joint laxity rehabilitation, genetic counseling • Neuropsychiatric disturbances and social services. Intellectual Disabilities Fragile X-Associated Primary Intellect ranges from mild to Ovarian Insufficiency (FXPOI): profound with majority testing in FXPOI refers to impaired ovarian the moderate range from 35 to 40. function, sometimes referred to as Their verbal IQ’s are often higher premature menopause (cessation than their performance would of menses before age 40). Approx- indicate. Single palmar crease imately 20% of women that carry the FMR1 permutation will develop Learning Disabilities FXPOI. Approximately 5% of Learning disabilities are common, Cardiac Manifestations typically females can resume ovulation, especially in Mathematics; occur after adolescence and menstrual cycles and achieve strengths include single-word include: Mitral Valve prolapse, pregnancy without fertility treat- vocabulary visual matching task, Mitral Valve Regurgitation, and ments, however infertile women and skills. mild dilation of the base of the should be tested for FXS. Language impairment aorta. Neurologic Findings Speech and language are general- Hypertension and kidney dysfunc- ly delayed, even with normal Hypotonia (low muscle tone) is tion also can occur. intellect. Receptive language is caused by disruption of the signals poor. They have difficulty with In 1984 FXS meant only one between nerves and muscles condition - FXS. Today it includes: causing decreased muscle comprehension of language, both listening and understanding. strength.  Fragile X–associated trem- Expressive language also lacks in Seizures are common in approxi- or/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) communication of thoughts using mately 20% of those with FXS. spoken and written language  FragileX–associated primary Seizures usually start after age (dysfluency). ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI). three and rarely after age nine. They tend to talk in incomplete Fragile X-associated tremor / Seizures are more common in males and most frequently are the sentences, repeat words said by ataxia syndrome (FXTAS): Simple or Complex Partial type of others (echolalia), involuntarily FXTAS is a neurodegenerative seizure. repeat rapidly their own words Page 3 Fragile X Syndrome | Page 4 HCQU Northwest (palilalia) and uncontrollabley repeat a particular aversion associated with people with autism. This is word or phrase despite absence of stimulus a higher frequency of gaze aversion compared to (perseveration). They also exhibit poor in people with Intellectual Disability without FXS. conversation and poor topic maintenance, shifts in Gaze aversion causes disruption in social interaction speech pitch, and memory deficits. and interpersonal relations. Males with FXS generally Neuropsychiatric Issues are socially responsive as compared to females with ADHD – 80-90% of boys and up to 50% of females FXS. with FXS may be extra sensitive to sensory stimuli. Stereotypy – hand flapping, however, is less Hyperactivity and inattention are seen, with inatten- common in females with FXS. tion being more common. Disruptiveness and hyper- Self-Injurious Behavior – exhibited as hand biting activity tend to decrease with age, but attention and and scratching and may be elicited by excitement or concentration persist. ADHD is managed with frustration. medication and behavior intervention, including Shyness or Social Anxiety – Commonly seen in management of the learning environment. females with both the full mutation and permutation. Autism – In 2-6% of all children diagnosed with It affects males as well, but is often overshadowed by Autism, the cause is the FX gene mutation. Thirty- ADHD symptoms or level of intellectual disability. three percent of all children diagnosed with FXS also – as high as 50% of adolescents and have some form of Autism. men with FXS have been reported to have problems Gaze aversion is very common in males over the with aggressive outbursts; however, this seems to age of nine years when greeting another person. diminish in middle to late life. Head and gaze aversion is common with recognition Psychosis is seen. of someone. This is different however from gaze

Treatments Speech, language, physical and occupational thera- to each individual’s needs (Wilbarger & Wilbarger, pies need to be started early to be effective. 2002) and each family’s schedule and resources. A sensory diet can help maintain an age appropriate Medications may be used to treat: level of attention for optimal function to reduce  Seizures and mood instability sensory defensiveness. Like a diet designed to meet  Attention deficit an individual’s nutritional needs, a sensory diet  Hyper arousal sensory overstimulation consists of specific elements designed to meet the  Aggression and Intermittent Explosive Disorder individual’s sensory integration needs. The sensory  OCD, Anxiety and Depression diet is based on the notion that controlled sensory  Sleep disturbances input can affect one’s functional abilities. Martin (1991) states in Principles of Neuroscience: SENSORY DIET Sensory systems are not only our means for A sensory diet is an intervention perceiving the external world, but are also essen- strategy devised to attain and maintain appropriate tial to maintaining arousal, forming our body arousal states throughout each day. A sensory diet image and regulating movement. consists of a carefully planned program of specific sensory-motor activities that is scheduled according therapy/sensory-diet HCQU Northwest

Fragile X Syndrome Test

Name: ______Role/Title: ______Agency: ______Date: ______

Please provide contact (email address, fax number, or mailing address) where you would like your certificate to be sent: ______You must submit your completed test, with at least a score of 80%, to receive 1 hour of training credit for this course.

 To submit via fax, please fax the test and evaluation to 814-728-8887. Please fax only the test and evalu- ation, not the entire training packet.

 To submit via email, please send an email to [email protected]. Please put “Fragile X Syn- dome” on the subject line, and the numbers 1—10, along with your answers, in the body of the email, OR scan the test and evaluations pages and email as attachments.

 To submit via mail, send the test and evaluation pages to Milestone HCQU NW, 247 Hospital Drive, Warren PA 16365.

Knowledge Assessment: 1. Men who carry the gene that causes Fragile X pass it on to all their sons. True False 2. Sixty percent of males with FXS also have Autism. True False 3. Females generally do not have the physical characteristics commonly seen in males, or they are milder, because they have two X chromosomes. True False 4. The majority of people with FXS have IQs ranging from 50-75. True False 5. A sensory diet consists mainly of vegetables and protein True False

HCQU Northwest


Training Title: Fragile X Syndrome Date:

 Direct Support Professional  Provider Administrator/Supervisor

 Program Specialist  Provider Clinical Staff

 Consumer/Self-Advocate  Family Member

 Support Coordinator  Support Coordinator Supervisor

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