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7-25-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-25-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY --SIXTH YKAK FOURTEEN PAGES NEW M Dotty l (uri-h- r or Mall, Oo i A WW II. ,. iT. ALBUQUERQUE, SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 8. h Month, siitglr icm, he

An v u BIS SI! MM a


ON EFFICIENCY DISCUSSED BY OR ANSWER BY RESISTANCE IN feJmnniiniq THFATPR m r i i i BASIS AT ONCE BERLIN EDITORS TEUTON EMPIRE muyuuiu n Ln lm mil IS SURPASSED Snificaiit Orclc "President Wlls many, but AuinoriuUive ai. is nouaructi taries Garrisoi str acts Are Printed Aloiii Luon BY APPALLING DISASTER Starts Wasliii Newspapers of Capital, Renorts lm


Sc rl R Local Anzeiger Believes Sub- marine Warfare Can Bel CROWDING OF PASSENGERS TO tive; to Conducted Without Infring- gress a on, ing on U, S, Rights. ipoli Peninsula, the w est front. ONE SIDE OF VESSEL IS SAID TO Apparent!) the Russian si in holding south "f Uubl Ithe A ttstro-- i Jertna ns are una Hi MOMNINO "iU"Nt srd ill IIAKIP WIN!, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT Washington, 24, 1 ( possession of the ralli oad July Announce-- ll rlin. .Inly 21 la on Ion. .lulv Washfngl .Inly lit-.- - London. The Austro- i i ia ii nt from the Whltt House tmiav Ha, n lie ie campaign 2::to a. m.) Tin Imen armies aeem unable to fore, war office announces thai thai President Wilson had directed American note has not Russians from lie important posi Secretaries Garrison and Daniels to W Ushed i jto the lllllll' tliate west of .lI. iV. report to a of in Berlin but he him program national from the line along the Lublin-C- ! Explanation by in Charge uf Ship. Nol iii fens caused widespread comment. pers prim a fairly exha gluing and ii Given Those Satislao railway, hut the tier man victories deleat and ,1 it becoms known that several week Itattve summitry, for i a mi t northi ii Poland, not th of hi Willi 111 torv to Authorities and Arrest of Captain and First Mate ago , forces ih' prealdenl dlacuaaed the ques- the paiiers res. rve omi llsh apital, have tightened tht Ir tion length vvitn on ami great ai his cabinet with full text of i 'on the city military Women Caught Below Decks and Hi, the note and critic Follows: and Children Immediate resuli thai imih the that tin- abandonment of Wuraat wa r and navy departments began se- - j the Russian again becomes i Scratched. Bruised Faces of Victims Bear Mute Evidence pp pu ral of plans to n ' nnv crd inns wa r f i on probable, emergency a per- and also to establish Hie sinking f Hie After weeks of battering the of Desperate Struggle for Life: Ship Sinks With Incredible manent policy to he presented to on- - laisltanta i submitting greas tor adequate national defense. ntage tor ion. Rapidity, Less Than Five Minutes Being Consumed From detrl-t- a asauranc Reports have M I lan thai Defense Plan outlined. reached a ml express her nav have aptured the city, but these in The White House nave so reason First to Last; Entire City Mourning Over Disaster. for the announcement, atatlni merely that the president would confer on his ish governments on the gen II la iiiiisi R., I'lif-iimi- . se return from Cornish, x with eta Would oid loot of warfare on the a. official statement describes as having ' pulsed at in Lake Kne. alter an Unsattstae-- 111 , J frreslstlbJy, returns Dan tela ami Harrison "to After pointing out the frl The us" Hie note of til been stormed The com l.; mellt. I.ond. areer, was the rfrst m be loaded, formulate a sane, reasonable and form Hie Hie An, munlcation, however, does nol stati began to u- - of not,. Lokal ' Mi lan govt ri tain full ax the wharf practical program of national de- nays : whether the fortress capitulated, COnflsi at I" llllelnli lit' lifted tile tf.l 11 ' p lit II k ( fense." it was Indicated dearly, how- 'After the previous negotlg (the i'nit',1 states government regi Crnshtnaj Victor) in oiii land. (. excursion sieamer nasuann wnueirromI i Hie I'.asnatul, ileelanns that tile ever, in official quarters that the de- in nfldence is ling Germany's subraarlni warfare. The tight in southern I loui lund, as (warping from Its wharf with i elgovernmeat limit of L'.r.iin passe agsri Justified thai ' Of ' re-- mi- termination to expedite such plans as many will continue to employ The note is now Jn the hands cording to ierissa, la h i c ' o.i, prii en. Whet m I, than M 'tio'tov "i o. a, hern reaehttrt Tfesisi iihoun re in Home'ihutti ern'shlng Kll'Ctl'le nil,! Koodhv,, being made resulted Ham a eon valuable submarine awapoh over Germs n gavemmenl and n res) j stilted iiKln ion if :il I crop will I"' si Isud H iilllli.llh their lelallvcs, w'nverl In friends on shore Mdi'fatlon of the many possibilities t winch tlic present differences of ipin- - lexpected for several weeks, victory such as waa familiar In warwi t. I. The seized sup plies w ill bound for a j waiting to board th other vessels the present International silunlion. lain -- I or II On Vacation. e H ip at Michigan. Then the passengers swarmed to Want- - ItOUSC in Onler. Count von Bernatorff, the German w "i it Ing lj all daj ami, the lilt side "f the ship ns th other t m ll,'- - o nlghl ,.!' S49 ut,.,.. Tf Ik.. IAUrA4li The president in letters to Secre Ve had and have, naturally, no in- ambassador, left Washington today - " ,lri,' oi. ,,.C .,.. taries Harrison and Daniels early last tent in arraying neutrals against us. remain tway from the capital mini stated that thr h, mi. in c the atat ii iphs most .a ih in the wharf, A n- was hit, lied to tint week calling for reports made no ret-b-ut iin the contrary it must he our inten- instructions from his government or children, wer Heeled Eustlsnd, ropes ver- ordered east off erenee to any particular situation tion to avoid everything unnecessarily tiew developments make it necessary those which were not killed UMMER WHIT in p. a in morgues the engines begun to hum. The emphasised the Importance of tin en-H- e endangering the for him to onler again with officials uf captured. cond regiment arm tstland had nnt budged, however. nil had n ta Hi,, tienvllv tire subjscl of national defense, rights of state-.- " here. That Hie Russians are Ii llol,ad laden shlo will. neutral king Into consldertttlon shlewlse, wishes to make the nav as efflcll nt, The xei-tun- g it was learned in Herman Circle Immediate Warsaw from erd lennltiK first inwards Gennanla ami the Boersen :li and .serviceable as any in the world: briefly discuss the note m terms here tonight thai the Herman Inter evident by a 1, rman offl the river Hank. rile lureli was so ii nun many Joined to see the regular army adequately de- veiv similar to (host of Hie Lnkal An- - pretation of men! which n fers to only n startling thai paasangeri - HOUSE REFUGE larg am veloped and equipped and the ettlaen- - seiger. The Germanla assures its American note non- all His in litis a rea and tails the 001 ura already the ieop--eek- s aid he hopes Hie lit,, ry trained to arms In B way Consistent thai the inactivity at" ombatanti m HOI lie pill paratlvely Inslgnlflcanl n had thai other side of decks. readers ntceni not exceed 1,090 TrafjfMj) wiiii American traditions ami which Was due to pad srdj unless a ssel resists or prtsonera taken, Hllttarj would wflll thcllis. submarines weather Tragiily in i n, Hlautcs, The ship then back, it turn- will commend Itself to practical and ami not to a of sum&lin to escape, was xpected to sal laly the this Indicates ihart have b heeled cessation r Hand, said bj slowly hut steadily towards Its left patriotic nu n warfar, German military authorities the riotlS attacks at In r u FOR HARD marine ed Hint Hie to have been top-he- at am side. Children oliKahad th skirts of Iran and uv t Work. Home Hostile salons, fact United Slates h probably means that the Gt IRK insisted on a complete ahandi iii mother and ilstira to keep from fall- For weeks Secretary Harri- Tin- Tagea Zeltung points out thai Mug waiting retnforcen several of Submarine warfare as such. some taVombie otrcumstam Inside of five minute after ing, The whole cargo wa impelled son has been In conference with mem- the American note flatly rejects the I, Hie falling of ship ths l1 in) would be R t t Maids side tile I Qermdn believed the liealti ns rom si bers oi the son era staff shaping plans proposals and adds: heir Water begun to enter lower port holes, "Tlic adoption of Wilson's) considered a: concession and oiini Lara i Isking oi hlng in counti for presentation to the president, The President and the ropes Snapped OH the piles lo standpoint would be equivalent to u add weight Huii element of official Ivangorisl Not InvcHi general hoard of the navy abandoned public opinion Which thC essel was t Lad, death sentence tor Herman sub- ami in lortnany which Tn report of ihe Inves Its usual trip to Newport tins summer the la a ie at il mlc For Rest Bui o Be reams from pasaengern attracted campaign, it is utterlj impos- urKini; more lliaton Cornish Have and is preparing its recommendations marine toward the United Stat the attention of fellow excursionist oj for Seereiaiv Daniels. The prealdenl sible for submarines to establish Conflicting reports children, but hit the wharf awaltlnil the next steamer. whethti Americans w V.lasli wishes to have this information ready are aboard German embassy tods illilli of Wharfmen ami ptcnlclar soon lined which an attacked, ami a,' i when he returns from Coml3h Mid occurred In i he rduns ease, Serious Problems. tin 'Ikc of ih" embankment, reaohij the Indications are that Hie entire a consequence all ships could proceed Vistula to tin norl hwi si "ai helplessly towards the wavering freely. lag to statemenu mad hv Influence of the administration w in be The American altitude is the passengers of the exerted when congress meets to secure neither friendly nor necessurj to the by Hi mved I'm nearl) live minutti th ship neutrgl do was tired the appropriations adequate to establish American interests nor in he lilt slowly turned before u finally dived the policy of defense that will he ink Hi, shell lire at tht under tie swift current of the river, formula!' d. whn h. owing to tn. druineg canal ship. Lacking mil, i.i During special Session Possible. proposals are rejected m order to from BerHn, system, flow from Ihe lake leva 'in the SltUJt t loll ill lei down RSft loda iin- might) ship Mr. not our enemies from the effect of not discuss th turning of ihe with its vviison has indicated policy Increasingly Injurious to th, Tin- Turks ns haul work on a csrgo of humanity, lifeboats, 'hairs whether or net he will call congress Ii ami corresponding!) advantageous British fi on ii if VI,. i net loose appurtenances on the into special session This depends other the Hermans." The attacking i deck slipped dew n Hie eloplpg floors, largely dsvelopmi ill - on nts the inler- K a say British em In s sklng th paasengen toward the national The dlspateh to The reuse Zed in, 1 situation "The note nol tin siik'i Ml they have hotel in imii limii riling waters rally renard-ye- t manifest up Uern.1 Turks w ii hei d ut W'lh Pitiful seem s Witnessed. written est desire to appreciate Ihe ly chine I'it'i a Then there wa plunge with a sish belligerents standpoint bul clings Kin the alleged right of American cltis fof an escaping frogs the hold, min ha poaslbillty ,f ll accentuated the to trgvel safely on Hlitish ships, e Miiuu wiib crying or children and special ill event 10 session the that Whan loaded with bombs and shell; Inn kit of Women and Ihe ship was on American rights an n viol iti l by ilie bottom of Hie river casting Us Herman submarine commander. Si hundri d of passengers Into the watei AMERICAN KHAKI OR The rblan army ha ant Permanent Policy. tie ,,r for i vera! tnontl Wsny slink entangled with clothing President Wilson himself already cause no sill pl ise If so and bundles and did mil rise, hut mtb-Jec- t. BELGIAN DIERS CONVICT'S STORY has collected much data on the SO oped soon along this ire i line to the surface giving th" lie hopes to lay foundations for hei the appearance of a crowded s permanent particu- speaking ( I" m; national policy, t.'tiHirliiir,l PftM CefesspeaaaSfc) hatliini; oh. .Main seized float larly a re- Object for the army. Details of London, July The Belgian I IN hairs and other Those on serve system are with- I I I I hon out rope dragged in being planned army is going to ,ion khaki uniform I 'li threw and held, but it is said U iiuof th gen- of few weeks. Inmate of Sing I bos, who could bold these lit lines. in the course the nct Employes of commission firms with eral staff is to create a reserve army is shade and The khaki of greenish h crates, of at least 50a. nun men and possibly s 'in- pealed to Sc might inS along the river threw more, n from the United States. chicken floatable, increases ahe planned in th forms; and caps for the men are now lis and other regular of j things mio the current, hut most of army posts at l!n.,ii, the being dispatched to the front, and the half Becke "There i nothing t" report except Philippine and the Panama canal lid nol rep re these were swept awaj by th stream officers are being measured for their n A. Moil, h'railtlo I floi I,, Rest lie. 'one, with a material increase of the uniforms by the refuges stall of a the throwing of some shells on 8ol ii. is rm 'H lot s, vv: handed ,,V Boat Were Pllt out. tlllts fllslled lo force in continental United States hig Antwerp tailoring shop, sons and Rheims and n violent bom-- 1 , panv 's an media th scene with shrieking whistles and In the navy work Is proceeding Another American product in the bardmenl on the forest of La prctre "in e md broughl i many no li snatched off their coats stesdfly on the perfection of the Belgian fighting line is th automo Hei man was brought 'A ill Wl Ntandard .imi prang Into the rlvi i to aid the and the aeroplane de-i- n. to i h lunch bile truck, of which considerable Albany, Berth near Bstnancourt, two drowning, with thousands "f ipse- - Although the navy general st iff has s a "ia nave recently been mad, tonal appeal f Joseph Mm phy, aviators being taken prisoner.'1 r under-leas- it"i- "I to gid anil Ihe wharf not completed lis plan, it is t corOTtng - , to a correspondent. The Sini( KiiiK con nun Whn- will, a, ll n hundred-- went lo death stoo, authoritatively thai al to t I I NS I trucks are of th" heaviest and most man save IM, ut ri. hiu u thirty submarines and possibly fifty, durable type, with the feature, some- cutlon o ffoi ITTACM o ismn.ii will he asked congress wh of what novel on this side of the water, Cnarle lecker, sentenced to elec-- i H lie " Sllppl d from report nee Work o i Italy, lugano . , submitted. of steering and driving "it all four rocuted nt xt week for Instigating the Udine, July ih tvla I" ihe .it. i One hlltl now building is rushed. 1 3d p, , to be murder of Herman Rosenthal, failed and Part. m.) for the flrl i her imi she ami the In its purpose today, fathers wered rown GHTNING STRIKES IN The povernot said he had Caught Raster Previous Sf en in shin Disaster a Ho Ir w iv es ami hll- - purchases in the United States Murphy in a lie today, and branded ral Couni 'adorns a' U, S, CAMP AT DOUGLASS in, I Japan. Mote than 13&.000 respir-- i as untrue Murphy's entire story that th Italian aimy, h tersonally Each of a simple type have h, n he had ov erhead Jack Hose. "Bridste" and Number of hires hast In kly settled pari of the lerved out M "he Belgian soldiers. W'ebber and Harry Vallon, thr. c of surrounded early this HV MnilNINa JOURNAL L LIAIIO WIWI1 One of the principal features of the mOSl important witnesses against treat thriiiiu of people. Dottgla. Ariz.. July 24. Ughtnln pro l, for Hie years ago i.W I the food supplies led Becker, conspire three in II M I I IMI ri. stcuck the projecting room ol a mc Belgian is the vast quantities of ihe Tomb prison, to place the blgm 1.1 "on in. tare show m the brigade camp I sardine whlcl pi III Sim k. of the murder og tn condemned rain bound for the residence por--i oi tne sixth united states infantrj man. oi thai section its group t carried during a violent electrical storm last Two ' - An i n i a docd. Murphy, shackled to g warden of He, pin,- m, a a ml women. 'Mini, lil m,mm ti,l,,i TELLS Wl Ci: lull AaAuIaH London, July Th, SltiK Wngi w is hurried to the man- MJ sral Sio Is forme, I iu line hours liefnrc the the officers' section, throwlnir several Russian ship Rt tot - sion and back to Ihe railroad station HE STABBED it dixn were opened, sagerly of them down. Musician Greenspan peloi d and sun! Hel in one of the slate automobiles. The I lling a chance to seek the bodlea was hit while in the act "f blowing crew of thirty was landed on the ink-ne- irons wire loosened during the nfr Gibraltar in and friends they believed lost. I IDS He was thrown several feet, his islands. The traWleT Star of , n t i oast Japan Han V'l.. of KefoesBBi I (head flnatt) of, Mllledgev . II I. -- w lb ( of as resting in a bucket Peace also wa.-- torpedoed and sunk off nuiinK the meeting th, governor ill' (iu., Jul) Man I rr 'nasi hi tall inn' heroism were almost tar. I Ih otmvkM stabbed . ' inlghl I he of The bugle was destroyed. the Orkney Her cr u was landed at discovered that on July 20, Murphy liam Creen, who S Lake Mi, i, hi .a", as number linil talked witli Hecker in the death Leo M. i'laiil, in the prison hele last mis on ih scene immediately at-ti- n eil. The following day w. Bourk Saturday Bight, tstd Oovernoi Karri disaster, Boats ns soon as it becnojse m or ( in Cockran, attorney for Becker, was todai h it"' h feared the took rescued ths wharf to WEATHJ it PORBCA8T, boleia a Paris, 3:1-- Informed n.v Murphy or the alleged prison would n attacked b mob ( steamer Theodora Roosevelt. ashinstton, July 24. New .Madrid, July 24 Ivla Off 'anadl received conspiracy three years before. benl on lyn, hing F'ratik. Tin governor (iff Marseill h bad drawn up as near the If i itlco Sunday p. m.) An official dispatch as possible, today by Wlrsles telsgraphy The governor said he believed that came here with a committee Of thi rally cloudy w here legislature investigate a hour Ihe was cleared says June 2H to diirlnif the death 011 c,,nr;ieni to prison late water showers. from Vienna from get ('n en - v uislonlsts Thus,, who had not IhundJ Julv ua there war 40S cases of chol- Bsckei and Murphy arranged the and utatemelit. monarchy. story of the allege a I'lou era in the dual I TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 25, 1915.


FUNSTON FULL! cameo ( the BOD i Tli whu It I W I Ink. AUTHORIZED BY r H I .1 lOW III!' is h I H hilt.. aha, hi. h was la tin i lest Jammed

fill thai ,. i ml the 3PT ordi i it dis. oven .1 PRESIDENT thai i be in..- - ..I i.i. ii, the d IRE had ii'H i" i it cast aft HI I UK was pulling hand all the then FTunnlganl v mllle ill Hi. vii mil I flltn" hurrl steward ha. rush. lata .1 in. ks I' I i.i.l. ii I room to warn him that the lines '"I- - . blanket hore had not been eaat ..rr. and that Is Notified 1 lit' M he ,. UllTaila ii. ..mi ih.. Howard M. iii int. 111 Why not have a library in your home? Iwetei together iriannixan'i testi ted S .in., m was contradicted bj Arthur Mc I . .if tUK. uu A few book- i- which 'rnont every home li iv ami a few fltolsiVirnleks Donald. OKlncer thi who I a . "Klastn" BiHiki jr Sri turns are all thalis neceMarjr to Mail. i ..i i.. i patients i the number of your books increase, aa.iiun,tl units in ! ir. in. ii Willi. mi Doaerleia, floor manage' Th.- steam t rio for h firm with u pit of basin era inl.i-.l- i tu earn and facing tin- river, loll u. a papet men filolcv2Ci)ck "Elastic" Bookcases other rivet craft that in- had seen the Kjaatland was In MEXICO CITY HELD i' in in. n . Ilntbi .1 ,, damage, ua rendition ten ninwtes be. in any ityle or finish ran nlwsvi la hrrt it pri. r Cune lor openings in Hi. it f.irc thi- - accident occurred and that BY BAND OF INDIANS I III SI- - XI ll. .1 Ml' gffttuM. Our aalmroom atr n wit ItOSM f iiriiiiliui(i MlgwCStiOtB .It had n u urn Captain Vli I line. mi. every kind and ptuc titat iiui Seventeen M r. Bottles. Has Heatd Nothiiii' Fiom Late tonight, diver working in the ill .if the Bast land discovered si vt Near-Wee- k; Fljfing Column for HAD HE LIVED IN r 11 more, bodies, which wefe taken SAM WHITE DARK SKIN. GEORGIA. STRONG BROS. !mIi). shortly boforo s o'rlo. k, th. hour the morgue n the s. ond rei Gonzalez Is Near HE COULDN'T WRITE. HE SAW IN THE PAPER A PICTURE 11 slowly j arm v. in W A Rvans, fo OF A BURGLAR. HE GOT SCARED. HE ASKED WHICH i It wiie ii. leave when the beat "AD" hi lll.l sldltl II of heal cotrtmleelener of Ch lose BANK HAD ITS NAME UNDER THE PICTURE. HE PUT HIS Sliong Block Second and Copptf ted toward the mhidls the llvei 11 in said there were 1,609 people j fun man ..f the eoroiter's Jury "FO" DOLLARS IN THAT BANK. A I n HI U I V K I. it I l l It p G STAMPS on thi steamer, When the boat start-- 1 itiKuie the dleesler. tonltrht, HE "TOOK A NOTION" TO MAKE IT A HUNDRED led io up in oi n, h shouted f tout if tin' morgue and w THREE, FOUR, FIVE HUNDRED-TH- warntnfs MODNINa IIHUNIL MPt( 11 It.lllD WIRtl DOLLARS, THEN TWO, EN inn 11 wiih too late, Th. heavily load-- 1 etea ir, Mil id in beUeved ihu A .. aBhtngtoni 24, wore THOUSAND. to rould total iilioui 1,008, July Ordcn ed steamet llnued roll until Ibelee' d toda) with the approval of SAM BANKED MONEY EVERY WEEK UNTIL HE GOT Hi1 Hi Inwards the I mill lit 11. 1. In hi il lu the dor k twlrliiiii river hawser whl.h Idi nt Wilson to Major i lenentl THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS1 WHENEVER HE WENT dgainsgs eaaal Ntcfcg I.,.. t ... it ill k. iuipilry nit" ihr Mini, ii in, mnent Ister, imiii! ai in sic, n to tepel w ith force if INTO THE BANK HE WOULD ASK: "AIN'T AH' GOT MO' mllsi s BJM Th. I.., k- - , if ih. ittaaater end precautions jaereams of pasaentters the steamer inn nag) List f i i i ti k into American terri-durtn- g ANY CULLUD MAN IN DIS TOWN?' HE WAS 1.1 atop current, nnd dleeaat From sunken bodies j over on side and floated out of Identified MONEY'N raised the hi turned hh fighting between the im NOW CAN'T YOU SAVE? were . cArrylM .,1 corpses up the J ..r PROUD. SAM OWNSA FARM. rangrmenta tnadt into the middle the river m border towns and note wan the ii i wards the canal lochs boats, police launcher nnd lh ud is Published i ii .i cits fire itched t" General CatTanaa, adi- through the hw cat m m I ten m nvratine lifeboat from irbj steamera In the t lum of that fact, BANK WITH US. HI". mi Judge 1. in, iit, ordered aiver sped to the rescue or iiui, Jr., on afterward, advices from Vers rr t h. watai Is ' I. Ill ' him impanelled to invi tl ito Htorj of CnnUln. yt to headquai h ra Peterson, t the Carrants ters anil lielpns th. tropne; Btati 1 Attorney "I won on the brMge and about the general had specifically WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST. In K Pet t Kptnme said thi istland'a hull, u,, p 1. p. 1. .1 iniililv KIIH'l jury reiliiy in pun mil wneii l imii.-.- inr steal pliilea with inquirj oronet Hofimuu selected alooat bejfln to list, I ehouteu ardent to g..e ri'iinea ware harried mi..; jur. ,, look inio th. cause or theintpen the Inside doors nearest tin lul. in n, and h W nig, ..t u .... I H uaderwatar a uouti deut ha; ih police arrested the offi- il... ;ivi th. people u chance to Caroline Mars indi. el that thi Carransa force, nun formed ptei he I Mti ih. and :ala of Hie KiMiland, mul oi be Inlfel 0 Tin iiimt ontlnued to mil Mrs. Carrie Detamble, haa occupied N.ii'ii, would es patted ship. 1, .1 n v' 11 in Tt portatlon eempanj and that and Mimrt iv tftet ds he nae set B, w tw, leaving i v i i admlnlstra-charge- . INST Mhaier, b SAVINGS 1 u- -r 1 It. SiSE Dead .ii in. kauri I Urn. riillli comHiutaloui'i iirrunKiil i" pint broke 11111 in., steamer turned over M. O. Rlleck. The garrison mgrched Aa the gjglr il 1 r to aler Hi.- vi tor fear dleeaee nilttht he Ion it n Hid 1111. WS ilririimr Inwitu Mary C. Mc lilynn. Iha hull. ih. soane dlstresa moved b) presence many t TRUST sreed Ih of middli of he iv.. when she 4 AND COMRANY the Charles Erkman I - for the time being from the ml 1,1 nil nmplli ai ion. river bdli in the stream. turned ovt lumped mul In mi to Mrs. Mary Kommer the morgue Wars j 11 t i h a n w oompllca- - Albuquci'que.N.M. sitenporlied ArratMt enrtsnl wert also made to the upper ih, nil happened in Mish CI reatened BUS SB of olong Anderson, l", (he appa- wholesale ipuniea i"t at i m-- In I. inini' w'o The cause in ii myatery linn in Mi'n an situation I tbeennken riiinul Mrs, Joseph Bchults, the river were thrown open and bodler 111 ,,l 1. Iimvi- I rently passed over with officials here drrlylui tin. ni ii() ,,. mil.. Hi.. Ink. A I mid, S. were luld In rows floors S. ores F. ei man, to if mi the wricks on ecowi srere taken to the (went ftvi yt pr viona t tbut H, determined take drastic action persons n in and lid ward Qarner. of taki from ihs satei weei d of the Kastland and marlns engl eali watet twelve years and ih.. Mi Ni' hum forced the fighting, a 'salted oi Anna Rudolph. an said thai ho had worked severely injured and thess weft tel ,111 I The situation throughout Mexico Ih were ensuxi'll to make Ih Hi., first US aeeldent SVer 10, years ago. Barly In Roman BlowinsJlti i h to- ipey five to the hospital, bull) in mem pi 1. t reported from various lectlone lum uf th, treaohe ship had how hap ii r Ruti . kn..v Jo idi ii. Jones, to. MEANT imi r P. was in Colorado, thru ol the woin. ii hililien uuM 1 -- da) was dlseouraglng to officials, astlMMl rank of ttnfct William siegmann, iiPER few men. who im i. burned nnd Mexico Clt) is completely cul ofl .in in., crank of Vrreaten Oeorge B, ul to d.Htb In the IroqUuli theatei 'Th., Kastland u.ih Bchmldt. und presumaol) In the hands of u I Captain i' n and k'lrnt Mate New tear's see several years .... the Inkea anil an far iik know the Chester 0. (Tostle, 14. of under the control ol eniy w. J Wood, Dell m hi he Hastland wen band Indians Kfforta to those laker crank on the lakes," franh Schrleiyn, tt Qeneral Zapata, General Pablo Clon- tint l'inall. u ho h bin,.. nin I, et by yirsl leput) Mrs. TO HIS 1 naval .m was called Clara Miller, v from the rivet were unstieosesfttl s, huettler, es les, the Carransa commander, Is in cept In Hi in. :l. in, ll was the owners In Itoi to correct faults iunnrlntendi roiiei- Michael Howells, H. endeavtng to .1 Hie ylcinlty of Pachuca Rl urn declared in In 11 I'll.' h ppi and forced IB, If RHtil hi, t many of those Injured in boat, toda ItNi Emll Jenks, the' tOWP ZOpatS also 'ap retake from the would die. Wend made t" sentatloiui to Edward Arho, forces. The whole city war n m ronstrr lain Ira Mansfield, local steamboat in Jethron Reel, Jr. ti porn Button over th. i ntitati ophe Wm l rpei lot in. in mi ordei Bchroth, CHANCE II LIFE of ths accident spread rspldly, and to I'" lUl top deck of III, hhi'I man) buai if met chandlss Thi v BP Carrie Affeld. II , lli,,iiu.n.L. ..!,.., I. .1 tl.. Hill 1, ki, III' Uil'el 1, ,ii.i Ink ism .mi and pi" tins them Emll I'Teieek. Cicero, in. upon .iiinm of Villa troops has wharf, othet thousands them iwrtments filled ueretaro and is operating In Th,- Thi . ut In pursuance longs eehiK. ciark airei-- inidft near deck "it nit s ,,l tin capital. order,' Mi pis en Mute .lenan the wharf, was crowded until It threat "I Capi Manalleld Sal. inn hull' cn- - Meager, Man u today, "I, 11 J i Wh ened to collapse Htreets hud to be declared m would ashore ,luhn Ibton, With the main foresee away frt bv be Impoaalbli t" pass on the cause ol fact 'anl rienr.'d the pniire tu allow the their Imibc Bid moving gWay In Demanded S6, ()()() nioveinent ..f smmilsnces the acehienl until i im known wheth h destroyed railroads, news of the m Empi mda y RsjsjKtiees -- the condltlom wen fulfilled at life. Men M. " t :i r situation Is meagre. The city v ,1 I, Kanso n Wanted Ihiilueas men sent thelt mi.. mo- - the tin f the n r thelclawei I',, In Guanajuato, however, Is reported Mte hoal Thi tail mil h bet n in opt tthi It Hi Johpi "H I snd motot Ifurka t, help aid thi if. In " Condition a ml nil ajipeal Better ODDQrtaniti Injured and erry awst thi dead tne iitlon on laikc HSrli and hu nol null "or Mabel Sheerer ft Pern aenl through Hit stanj depa had ' fi I With Iml III every person .1. al-e- Warehouse soon trm filled unh bodies till aeeldent, .iidenth Iheinei Wsssenrosxl. itmiit in have ihe vTIls trhtips retti s captivity, t t k n Hi Its ik i Slid nth' dead W.I. to III. did wlih Tin Walter Prasnh'k. to -- im .. order. In Uts Mod little real, n accordingly, then mi regltm in armors nib ws state of Hlnaloa, i.rui" Mayo India ened In n (tee KlaKu it, I. Hi,, hull id on pill, hulldlni wi si are causing nun h appronension n p, i V placed at hall masl snd man) plai old not mil nun d to i hi depth k Qeneral Carransa who has forces III- lit I. ac are op Were draped whh moui nun; iia opel ill Vessels in. hoal Equipped v,iih ropes, they Pauline Ktttenska, locality has lieeti asked to asi games fi at mi bl that ball Were postponed and nnd had I" taken rrrtned their way int. the Innermost William "legman, in protecting fort ignore. liUITht him ii i : tUltlea large U I'eei if Hie hull ei other min j Bchinla General Villa himself Is reported' possibli t v. as more upldll ) Ml i' 11. , While those on land were dlepi fauM'ii id th signalled to Mary hi. UunderlogH, at Torreon with no omnmnieatinn present was ex- - lug of the . Injured eSSCUi N e h w Ti and William .in added EdWard nier. smith of SSacntei at Hi has noi heard ssslgnt o f dnappl yesterday the dl van in t he hi at ,.1 hi reporl Hint the wast I he l e- - Plllnore Oriki hot flying column of several Empey ut mind tiles down easel aeiit up mped the frmn an almost from thai caused Thomas Robinson, thousand men for nearly a week, bul ransom, b of corpses to H itid Hie pilMMI'll- h( stream from the in. Sl Hi, nmier no. pol Im, tea to John Ballwasser. tiun Mere given specific Instructions statement mersed ite.-k- Kit Hi 11 .ih i r ao Dial lie boa I would Doll 111 ililiil above l.onn. Robert t.. proie, i foreigners and their prop- "The ill any eonrie, 11..11 witt dreased girl in In i P . n - is I In Ncnrch for Hodh Miss Margaret christlanson erty he has told American consular oetsitlea u Vellowstorp park holdup of Jul) iiiuKiit between h pile .n ohali be y Judge, year old. .en n Ms agents compelled ' With the r ported plot p. kidnap end a cabin wall Nel ll s boy, "T is reports a Cntharine Bherldan, 11, gathered from the nreieaa arms ..i bis Ihi it the it llSt i "pile," Miss ll Oreskowlah, II, father, Then followed an old woman, ii ( Mlsa l i. s. n ml I In Kasper Who had gone si id tin ship il canal tnwdees wen asked tO tin Mm pin RATON MERCHANT watrn her grand chlldret little xeaiii Miss one Thomas, It, roe girl with bare legi and ' In e mi Mrs. Obllnske, .1 clam accomplish my ob, What Cause5 Tuberculosis? rtlil...ii sodden amim! the In. ol Krah k. alter h .1 holiday gown. .,1 O'Reilly, it BtttBJ tsedlcul null). ni ipl end 1,'lp- - j Patrick tdri !ab rtrerneit, c. s. Pierce. aided, if n,.t seteallj , IN tine thrill p;,"-- .I till n (; Ii Hp mwd was reaM FIGURES FATAL n,,,i piicd high Mrs. Ida .InliliM.ii t lime frimi the Byslem. aa word oame from ihe steamei thai Manager m ,1, . Ktatonu , Margaret Bwanson, in. drill, uli, n. Ilir lime (1 ,i through 'I " rn girl baby hud been allvt w . i i le.ik ''I found lit ettpbaum, main Miss Ann. Ilia, i'n, Ilcere ,1 runes mill I nsdlcgwlly," r itr. uniniiK the hundreds ol dead In hi t ndk Peterson, Jr., y as tlumnlil Charles in tnl , nil, In Ihe tlin. abii The child was discovered In a ,,,,,, 1, Mrs. Minnie Hose, in years, . CI aim hoal d alute m M tt. ihi hd 1,, Mini Oaterhott, TO - ti lu 1,1 from Hi, .ti by n '1 ilr thai Jammed against the berth Th ti. do t thought P The ,n,i hahv only hall ie ikened n n wa in fed Ida olik.e carried to land Hh mother cnld not .in irppht The Eastland n: bull l IlleH W ere I'M llei creii John Bhrhatt, tl id in .i ' i h ii nnnuni ed lha Ml Anna Brennan, II il Hai Ai o'clock tonight Ml bodtt . i i m. hi Ms rtln i ;i en, i. bsen removed to thi Hex md r iim'tit I,mils Johnson. Dealt tuns () armory id ii waic Tins wert I. m rows of Thomas Rose, elghly-flv- e ncroM Ihe whole length ol armory Julia Si'hnoii. Night Watcl the m .lit. Hchnoll, Revised figures show 7 bodies Ii Sindeliif. Killing Him antly, and nu. so l ad id 11 n il 111 been nt pnrttall Ml Jevorskg, Contin uln I'hlludatphla. idenilfp d 'r en wen Julia it Im set Hand Was li'n Martin tjuwae. ) men, forty-eig- ht seven w II women plain and ere he da) an hoot ler iiiin Mares, c Waii. r, Pari It,. ill, - I Raws, li oak In nllf. Oeorge ftorowske (nol B. IntlK town of tie III i Ighl d row, h- - Instantly b) in, mudi the tceiie st and an Martha Posehy, :n, Cli killed this morning at nr III' Hi it t appa lilt pei aons mil Hilled atttdmoblle owned and driven bj A. L Miss Carrie Hanson, -- those ii intoned lo sut h e em i Itobbs, .1 hardware ami promt. ml of he morgues, mihh will Netiman, 11 dealer .In to. if line offered Rose Culleh, years i: sl snl) befoi , in o'clock t I It Perry, a nitrht Watchman, was dlfflt ulties, pructt' Miss Annn Pesch, '.'I from work to his home, Hi mi- Harry Mitt, was riding his Wheel south nnd mih.s Mar) Itledl, . i clest to the ,11 trot ks a. U Robbs, driv Mary MrlAren, 3 Miss Ing a few feel in hind Perry, tr and tin Carrie B Dafblo. tried UoflmSkn, run his nittomoblti Into the tmrblni Mrs Martha when Perr) wheel in III! Ill ljill R, turned ins front I n I ha Hi, in ll .loliiis.m. 1,1 llobb's machine Accotllnji to t I nd, i ihIi, - M h. .Mli.'l the accidenl was uuavoidutite. ill aken and tin it Mr. John Schwartg. imped nt nnd raised II A Snhe 10 vent's. Poll ileal ho Inspet ted Maty Coup, f, Inli sfternoon, m-It- i thaelss Bloi k, S1 as BRITISH STEAMER there were Jaenes N'ovotny, . i ye Km II Hleek. Mrs Ida Jenson, ehallnrt ' working HA EXPLOSION

CL0VIS BOOSTERS ARE AND FIRE ABOARD The it n, H hi. r englni escaped drowning b Kapple mint of tt ELATED AT SUCCESS IN wading i N, ,1 IiIiIP tu a tin, w it, m the hatcl LANDING CONVENTION (Sv MonNiaa louea, p Ne '.. 11. 1st h r,i MoaNiNU journal) Vmk, ,lnh n explosion Furniture Company taei. .L o,,, IM CI. .via. N M July U The bM of unknown Origin ttrred In Ihe forward tin- d. legal ion which attended the Pan-Th- at hold of tin tntagstde .,1 (handle Bankeri latlon at Re re-I-s steamer ( ford ,1 ii. and Thursds) - Hudson iv tr todaj 1" FIRST STORE ON EAST CENTRAL AVENUE ed b) a wlm-h- , .1. ks at un tied home this tm.rning at o'clock fire hi, He el tta. ditv , net w Kant- - 111 hliili Spirits, much ,, h ked The 'rassldi hi. h , to leav here tOnlSht sri .md Mot gee ,. lean I. Be- - gucegsai In seeurlng ihe ass for an Where Quality, in .. with ,f Service and Price (jo hand hand to you. Wtun the largs min,, iv a 111 Clnv io neWl ) nt I 'argo 00,000 bags mm of be, otnlng ovel tump Much of the n dli la glvi n in It. I'loViS Cilrla hand Who ma I a big hit Our prices are as low as anywhere in the city, and our ami Willi then on n - ml uiaie. The ! to the n we pumped water into lie other'a Chiintl,, of Cnmnielie steame limited $iti 000. ill a) ml sseleted While of sut titled at terms to installment buyers are very Our I mi reasonable. Iment ' 'ln iate I. the h lib "Bank loss. strin tu the et ow d era' Conveni ,;. ' in mted stock of House Furnishing Goods is complete. Call in iifflclal ati aide to I soross Ihe I Want hia-- grain mpi ye II one Side Sin e, he prominent twtlr mrte vt Bmaatgt Make want column of th rtpll. II i . 111 1) proved tog nun men of 1 'I. .via. Attorney Sam and see us. a ml 1. keti had 1 lias land began to list bad! Alex ghiplei X A. Jones. J.Miraat rani nil I.i IMS gtlendt tieentnir t AgaiaaaAgA AAAAA tttetttftttteettetett F V fff?fTffTffTT4 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915. THREE

'd six ililTi EASTERN NEW "Seated b MEXICO What's New in New Mexico Superlnten HOG RAISERS ORGANIZE

value i f i hp 'i'.'.l mih'H of main lino San Miguel ITS. 790 isl normal tram.; in county, and soon BIG GAIN SHOWN the value of IT. I mill's at on ABBOTT DECLARES nouneed truck seven achoo the Vecaa-ti- ol Barings spur. The months sr.ii per m terminal facilities m Kasl I jig Vegas to turn nth. art an worth 1375,0041 in tho opinion ofl mt; items for , hou iliv assessor's office about Tortatn r . a MIGUEL NEW MEXICO WELL t f (f.iftii iii val MINNESOTA GOVERNOR at has bet n thi' kinder- - and form a at 1 carton course gl m hv Mrs Veal, all at this I oil SEES STATE BUILDING Miniature architect ure, bridge liulltl-- iriK. anil niodt ling i la mis, a pe si ones growth of the COUNTY WEALTH SURELY GO DR! in cull was one of Ihe ssmi Raines. IS.ICIAL LOMiro.OIMCI TO HOHNINB JOUKNILI stockholder- -' m, Ming Santa Fe, July :!4. Governor Ham At the anna uaineaa meeting or niond ..f Minnesota was a dislin the ftockholdi annotation th s if" organ i y. ' lona - W guished visitor at the New M tarnnon, the m t optimism relgn- Members in The Test of Mvn ed. el plans out- greater Tax Rolls Sli of building at San Diego on Tuesdav his Santa Fc Jud White and sei definitely reaul BBBBBB uses lined for aniari ing the of the farming a in stnff be IlliT th him other notable Work, maka pr ispecta brighter for n The quest) More Than flMHO IK tars guests I n re Kils.-- l B. Foul, son of Ribboners gh Pitch ot bigger, batter hautauqua seal year Rl El I'aso Hi in y ' ord, the DttTOM automobile and for all tin years. Prtu pacta in Valuatii Dertv T. of Eirthusiasn Address at aft maker: John Gillespie, director that Severn ehi b koines will ba built ono of the largest tianks in Kansas during the yea as headquarters for Over Last City, by Mrs Muntaina nitauqua. he being accompanied various organ il it ions that may Bind accounts, VVtVre your Banl. VccountJ Qillespti J. 1. Miller, of Chicago, r. I delegations to i articipaie hi chautau-inne- southwest must at: I presiden t of tho American Extract qua every so The Sunday raw befoi - material nip and .!. Horodeaki, of Gal- PICIAL DISPATCH Si (Tool Teachen Kuty. a Kast I'.ilish agricultural expert, who Mount. ina ii . these. The Ton Is looking Up land for Polish colonies feature of 'he ing day ot the cluh is anothel new i ias driven out of by the war. k Poland chautauqua was enthusiastic rat- - Institute win another. To place lion Hi Thore wire fou r transcontinental oil the ty of prohibitionists ) cisterns tourist parties i niung the visitors, ait Ion endorsed one beittg a Heek man tour of eighty-,n- ; ivsry lent In the apac getnbly. The Veg is has m seven from llosti tho seeonii was was tilled for progral rectors to till hi I the, tho town of Las Vegaa has not the ir. .1. Green party of sixty-thre- e score of people spuki three outgoing fficers whose terms well. Tin Santa Fo ralli i, ail from 'in, tana i. a Radner tour of expiie this yeat resulted in till elec I4 from NanhVille, Tcnti., and a Har- lion of Mrs. Diliam McCoy of Santa than 86 cents, as romp den va. at ion tour of sixty from Ohio. tV: Judge Vbbotl I Santa Fe i m ra cents to Fort Worth M j gSH Last year tho assessor's office lu re R. E. Hideliottoin of the surveyor Oeorge Hanlon, n) Uountainair, county val-tio- n ale its estimate of tho general's offiee, who hesides visit inn IVe.l The peraonm Ot the chautauqua Santa Fo. anil sent the rolls to his son, Attorney Earl F. Sidehottom executive hoard is John W. Corbett, the evening or the ,tli ot VUgUSt, al- , old board of equalization, bow- at l.os Angeles, spent his vaeation at quails and Whits RlbbonsfS. Judge i.r klountalnaii Dr B v. Haddlng, ter which the formal meeting of the er, raised the vuluation of the C0UU- - -- San Diego, declares that the Panama Abbott declared that the slate is nun of Santa Fe; Mrs, Florence Oarnetti swine breeders will be held, ami the three quartan of a million : ainiost California exposition and especially to go dry. "The handwriting is on the of Ksian-ia- Hon, Ralph t. Ely, of brgdnMuitlon enlarged ami broadened The original of tho k liars. valuation the part New Mexico has taken in its wall." he said, "and all may read Demlng; Rer. R R. (Parley, of kfoup out. Sci oral prominent in stoi unty last year was $ 1 4. rial ,1 fia. This The Citizens UCCess, BUperb, no man nrme, of rowers he present deliver Bank i' and that Of na- tainair: Marshall Mountain will and by equaliaa-.i- i that tho future the state and I is raised tho board of OT woman, girl or hoy in New Mexico, is an. Judge B. C. Abbott, of Santa t"0; address s. ll5.SI7.t4i, Tlie I91G vulua- - tion assured for prohibition. This I in who can possibly afford to visit It, tight, that is one of Spiritual as well Mis. M.i'ov. of Santa Fe. and Mt :is physical forces is of far greater Hanlon. f Mountalnatr. Y. M. C A. AT MADRID aggggU moment than tin- - conflict in Europe, The lOdUS of visitors East Lag Vegas this your is valued tin- - HsmpngT en a d, lei:, it ion i GIVES ENTERTAINMENT1 at $7,10.1,(17, as against an original y 24. Tho rains in over the Helen valuation of I,S,012, and a raised! oasteri 'ico have beet) so possible way. hi elimination of the I' I vallcv and nth valuation of I,T1,I91 tor 1H14.I heavy that tin i'ecos river Is on n saloon." In closing. Judge Abbott Tins afternoon the trai ItftriAt COSIIIPDNDINl I 1 Mi IHII9N4I These figures Include tho valuation rampage .nnl i sun i ising. The Iter-- paid a tribute lo the heroism of tho noith took scores of L'hauta of tho Santa Pe railroad. rend. i river la out of its banks in little town with the in,' brain" that tors to Albuquerque and Town shows increase, 'haves county annl the water in Salt so ably supports while others remain over I old 'his state institution ot The two districts of tho Did Town creek is washing v the steep hanks. for the uplift of tin cittsenship of Mounts Inalr. The weather hall lied night, and proved the I g t tw, show a slight advance over last year'si he roads throughout eastern IS civ the state. In i ll on his i.i iiavn for most enjoyable occasions ever known original valuation, atl a falling off Mexico are reported out of commis- loin hem' Institute, dayi since the heavy nuns, and loads here The meeting was well gttendi d from the raised estimate, The two dis- sion, Because Of the had roads, tin With high Spirits an, much en- are nassable to tanners who ate Com and Ureal praise is In Ing given See THE WM. FARR COMPANY tricts are valued this year at 11,085,-- 1 numbers of automobiles which has thusiasm, the teachers' Institute held iug into town fords nnl retarj Lookwood 'or the good work DUKE CITY 181, as against an original valuation been passing through Santa Fe dally the final sessions of the Normal lo- - jubilate over tl Wholesale ami Retail Denlen in ,,i $l,oTt,581 ami a raised valuation has lion cut mole than two-third- s day, By unanimous vote, resolutions fanning crops. lltlsll M HALT Ml Ms of 11,109,915 last year. One of the were passed reqiiostinc the officer! Hnuaage a spei laity Cleaners-Hatter- s SMI ,1111111 - I'oor. districts. No. I, fell off more than! Lincoln Count) sued. o the county la appoint the same l I . or Cattle ami Hogs tile HI":;, 14,000 Hie original valuation Santa Pe. July 24. Suit w faculty for ncM year, The Santa Fe. July San Juan mi from of trainers Market ire 380 West (.old IMionej I HI last while neither of Hie two today against the board of county teachers have been assured thai rrn- - ty has grown almost a million do files precincts was valued as high as the commissloneri ,f Lincoln county by fessor Wagner and Mrs Bariette of poorer since last assessment, for CO Reading, Miss N Hie HUddleston, t alaed vgluattong for 1 4. Moore for August Santa Fe, and Professor Joins of A- total on tin tax toll from that to only Address, "Life's Host Time," Lev Santa I'Y railroad contributes er J.'.IIUI for surveys. lbuquerque, will he the directors of received loil, iv amounts The 4SU 15,321,444 li. z. McCollough. county $3,775,-- 1 which Doenita allegi the institute next summer A note- 37s as against Try Wanl for Results toward the valuation i Lev. Dorsey klewborn.1 Journal Ads. 10. Of this amount, li. 420,950 is thai Lincoln county. worthy fact is, that thirty-fou- r stales Benediction,

aa aa aa,aa B I GGEST MONEY SAVING EVENT OF TH E YEAR JULY CLtAKAINtt SALJb. y ii i See Windows for These Started Saturday Morn- i. . mm Clearance Prices SHOES ing, July 24th Our entire slock of Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes musl go REGARDLESS OF COST. NOW is the time to lay in a supply of High Grade Footwear al . 11 1 iOl a! L ' an exceptionally low Clearance pnee 101 eacn pair

s imj orl nn'iii it No. A n.iMi Roys' and l.lltle 1- Lot No. 5 Lot No. 12 18 X Lot No. - ;" ,;;l;;:u 7;: and hfoton. nitn al: Inn olale laeiv dealred leather and weight lor Z lasts, dressy ir including the new colore Our Sacrificing Shoe Clearance Sale I 'rice ularly priced al $ and $'i.ot Per Pair, $1.75 ing Our Si learaucc Sale Sale f Choke Dttrfag Our Shoe Qcarmce 1 1 'air, !f .311 1.86 ? Per Pair, $3.-1- Lot No. 6 A Ml "r k M "" 1 calf F.vening Slippers. Sold regularly at 82. li 1 MM) and 11,90 a pair. Ihvlded into two lots lot' quick Lot No. 13 desired Lot No 2 v" Ble,tan, "' toncy n""vr quartered Hoots and I'unips the rage Choke While They last, l't -- ot No. 19- - the season, positively the latest productions of the shoe 81.45 81.95 II grav, fashions. All the new and wanted colorings, sm as i r..OII sand, DUtty, and blacks and whites. I'oirnorlv sold at 1 Lot No. 7 Suh 75 i Choke Outing Our Shot Clearance 14- - Lot No. i hiring Our Shoe Clearance Sale ap Pump tents, Hun Mi 851 Per rir, $3.65 hie a nil 'hi I'cr I 'air, 81.45 .!K t ( lid ng Our en nli Hi w""" " Kmpreas si, Lot NO. 3- pVin Pump.! Lot NO. 8 s"ni id, pair t - L m't La cotora pink, 163 fttid lAvciidtsf, ornani 81.00 X It fabric Lot No. and mmm OXfotdl. BVery imaginable leather and with fluff) pom point Etefularl) o6 kt 12.60 a ,1.15 20 I Metal. Patent . presented. Such as 'nil Kid. Vici. Oun teg- - Sal, .$1.35 Vuhiieli Suede Satin, elvot ami Craveliette Sold Per I 'air, $1.05 Lot No. 15 it ion

Lot No. 9- - A small lot of i plain and 1 $12.J5 both 1 mv. coinforlaldi 1 Lot No. .oh . also Paten ID ."al Pumps) Choice Pining Our Shoe Clearance Sale , T ' all our Kangaroo fail Lot No. 4 Oxfords, in Pat-- ( 'ob. Ilia Is, utton Per 'air, 95 v ?e Italian out, Metal and Tan a sniiill line of Sun No. 16 & Lot Lot No. 10 ' ' uUo! Ckoki During Our Shoe Clearance Sale Hoots,'"' nieiliuin leather military heels most enjoyable cool summer alloc and appropriately won $2.;5 ? Per roii, $2.45 for general street wear. Regular 4.0fl and M.r.O viiluos. Choice During Our Shoe Clearance Sale ?Ie Per Pair, $2.95 Lot No. 17- - Is 111 Now the Time i I 1 ent Pump billion. Now Is the Time Cleopatra H.i Lot No. 11 ill "III hio h rgulurh it t W lllte ie, el ?v f Cho Sale $1.95 i Rosenwald's $12.15 Rosenwald's

..lAiBBSgssssssssssskTAisasssMs ntrArttsllltsWi Mu-rMjt- 1t!1T4inWGmmwimimHMtmtttiitt ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 25. 1915



R HIGHER PEACE TO BORDER 1,500 STRIKERS PHILS WIN TWO DOUBLE-HEADE- PRICES fill'iitfflh 1 anza s tmpioye V.ifp to Return to Work Rest Other Laborers Ai Out of Employmei

MMMMf JOURNAL IPIflAt LtABKO MINI MORNINC JOURNAL CRkCIAL LCASCD as... Tt x , .lull J4. Carrsnt rt York, .lull :'4 Kf forts in liu- iititi are to ba lavBt h,- Btrittn oi 1 "0111 Havon

f the plan Mi- - uerloUi riots ami the kill inn of tin, H.I I. 'a minlateM strikers, failed ionii;iit when ihi- Rtai a 'Ilia in TOUghl from I da nl H company of New Jersey ni .1 Washington today. Its axpecta to got lien thai it Would a into Ma " nasi week to confer with it modified demand

I iffilh, il Henry; liuhui and oardo uh accompai impany'a plan ii Double -- ingtoa ti Manual Bon Mull tviMMf) Two be la play iiniaer of t'tMiiumiii. aln d ) Bsser Dubl Vouni ml Bride Fu nei ol l''mm is, o M it lu ler in tti t i, 'iff ii'n i assed balls ' iff JuhnSOn, lipe ABgl les, ilia's ccepi ton 1. Hit I in 7 per i use Wil h off I ii- H man, i. li expected lo nl inrr in Haw k Hi k "il Jith tings; all th nton Sinn rom Waahtngton srlthti i a tj l"iii hour wi H) A k cam Iptl api i l.i ,. Mr, Uombardo Miu no) i irk on Mom t fill Hllil t i r recall ad promises lllll I" ints in esl Auatralia ordered I he Am an governmsm would (in t I'm innati ils while mil. i, 'hlna POli an Bpeclflc pUlll. hill Ilia rd with any v favor i k. mil nfi K"l Dauaa, uiiiii ' a aatisfactory solution ihi Hot r, items, Btanag

inih cterkt, . It Hum mm ' II..I ts ii. .w mailt- "' ghanki landil, v. the wai will he ) ner vi'M hiiM vm ii,,, iitioii, according t (Irtih: NlehefT in Bancroft Kolnitt in Born i louiili play Mi 0. R. E. TEAM TO PLAY thai it Is Useless to Latent. Hum oa balls nn Lesi rosin- i" 0ndll; Comtoll 6 k iut ii LM1 i bj Klxay i Btrw I,, l.i mill. II, in' mi ball ' Ml I v. Byres ALLISON CLUB THIS boxed empires and kuhhh. hum. I off It " hllim. I, Ihi 'I AFTERNOON AT GALLUP; ItnH.Mtii It si 4, ill- - .V.Y J HmnliPh. Jul) ii To III It o said tll.'ll he reeeiv tvuii io 't on m i inn iiKiii' Iheli hold Ii,,. hi t hat t he inoi'e Import - 1XIO fiATB '1H CLASSIFY. Mat late) it 'Winning two gam Mil from i he Hi mile i 'in iIiiih I. Tli re tits railroader will play then nviv furntshed tiift Mi ni n n Innings, Brooklyn over U . si TIJeraa. uk Allison tents tins afternoon. i l' I Coming ii inn ii,i nli Ih ;t- I tlui' lioatim 7'i; Si. I011N Ml "im Han, was witllll-- at lie l Ip isIiik attitude, ami that miiih. i In- i i ilMiiils i in at Gallup has agent w til Id lie s in to in in hut si Uouta. .iui 1 hi. Loul tournamenl and tilt Hum ul. l mill two ih li ii- - season. I Ihein lo HSBd represent. In a - Boston aftlll .i doubh in'. r ied this lives Well- Ulitlldl I" N "l- Mil ih I i h at liu- ol Wlnslow, Arts. com arem e In hi- held turn ami no North Wal mii'I Hard hitting on both side eh ni hand al a III the NlBth, Wheal Hind hil f t R. I i i n SI K hi. in lias an undefeated Dlace to he determined, thi run on ' 'iilshitw tsed ha firs! gurai lh ,'otlll cored umiiiiiik No i any Wood II h il Ihi tiii M military ngagements of triple Brook lyti aaad i"ui pitch i tain, fur lima I i E, nine Willi Importance Were Vit t in ilir ii lei i w in for I! in ih reported tatey, Thi- wen iio eeeiiml gam if In K',1 III Santa falls was said to be Torreon, but tt son i Wi Central bum hum Bits, w Mi inli or three ks from nasi li probable ha will ko to chihuahua Hi on Kirsl game I! II It, I POR SALE Pari f Black M ihi- lid hers for earl) nasi week, although leaving the Si .,,n In 000 0 6 13 1 ninth, ( ..HDt 020 greater pan of ins array in us pros- - norca i. Bxoalli ni toi k. 'all Brooklyn OH 100 i I I alth ihi 18 phone l u i nt positions, North or M8. R. ft Batteries; Rohinou, Hallee hum icore Kirct itami ft, FOR SALE -- Underwood typewrit, sn i Bougies, Ipplelon, I Qfl t i ii 1 Bucket Boston .... it.'ti MODERN ARTILLERY tightly used, for sale uuiekl Smith and Miller. Hi. I.oiiU linn inn 0(i hi tl Sun ii Two-baS- S bill BOtMli Csdj 4 ' idF Battartaa Postsr and Hanv. l'. BREAKS ALL RECORD Cutahuw, Btengel, smith 'I'll ban Mi, ,ii Kooh and Amu a ls arold SaLaagaaaaH w t r IiHh Ih her. alalia" limas wi Mummsr Two basa hit Btslai FOOD - I real bargain. Phone 17112. ' l Jfj- I CtirreNpiintlt' i.rwh. Laai haa Btts S r. a I're.N 6 'nn r.rriW dhaTr- w uki'i in in innings; "ft Hooprr, Howard, jr Berlin, July ct Ft R SALR Automoblli Studebak' Bpaakar, Beverald The asi 1t III IIMMIIK 2S; newly painted Applet on "II SIHllh Dnubli ulavi i" Prail " power f modern ai i 2 mi I I in inning, Douglas in I with new seat covers, practically B Howard Itl loopar i" Cndy ; rtrott tillers is discussed by Ian. i. am InnlniiH oit Koblnaon H In i, .' 3 in DAYS. splendid buy. Albuquerque M in i lalnar Hoopn II M i Holme in an Interview lire; "IT ., a n t" tlalni We gtJII u, CkaiUs Co. iiiriKu in 'iini.iai. rtii"' on ball iff IfiHrti "fi m lltim, Iff rutin ai the Vossiche Zeltung, lor PhOWe 77. nil Hi I BJ i fssalhty Hil .el' - i - aaaars la Clavalaad, I hiT I Hlta- iff ,i m ii hi in- "I n he war of 870,' s.i's General Knit SALE At a bargain, hnu' h I. h) Kooti-s- , Iteltiaot iiinkH. 'ff K",ih, :i in i InnlnKi snuck SOU t.t Ills Iriemla irettrllt Rohne, "no Qarman battery tired dining lahie. princess (Iresst Unplrra 11 lei nud Ih inn in Postsr i ; h Koob, i m with n bnii tana. more than tiii round in one battle llbrar) table, chatra, all golden oa i St ml KHt'u iMii-- w i.ii.i, i 'onnolt) from each of its gum, bal - wieker chair, large rugs, tan, electr Hi l.otllM 101 pi and Ruslan Beora id Raw n H. ft. i hen rksra psaMM Charley tell fired ,',L'J rounds I tier, mattreataa, refrigerator, kltchi . . . i eua i i lot in ii Boaton 010 ! i' 2 MarsAi klrsgSi ae ns at the i Mtak, ii Inat mui Bitydar, te " 8i lattuia 000 mi" I m. ng mm ha, Mlllli r in Weald in- in gawasnl Dui Pfaffar and Bsttetiaa Vood and Cady; war, ihe li Two-baa- a t Mllli r, Ihori Ourplli ii .,iai si. in. 1, hiu Vallman hum nilli ;i.'.. 000 rounds, part ii i Wit Ainan tenth sin (irinar, Btn(al haat ( Kiliiiniiii ' Two-Ih- i "i' hil l.i vvln used in tti battle of si i Daubati run Haachar, Ham I i ( Ruaso-Japune- iionii' run stii, Bassa on u.iiIh lu re also Ik psaslWMty a Ih" si w Whaal Hanaa on bulla tl Cwnibi ' , ' mi Bhrtr, i "fr v i i "if Wi ii I ii r Mi I an lint, hen l.nri'.v'n ii total of 054.000 s I; Qrinat I. Hit! mi i m ii in Hie Anaiti tiiin i f r :i in t lie mis aoStd iiuike ii Ini euoquar-i- y 3 Inninaj i,n (,ltini i" m 4 rthof, Hudson for Signs !! lJ Innings; off Wood( I In I I I 11111111". reaiptest t uu Ivaai tein. during Innings; "D fostnba i" m I I Ml Btrosk B Bhora, ii. hi Wall im nu ,MT i oil i'fi Don in I i .1 In trie ph eiiuiK inimit tired O0 it'T mail, I, Umpires r'onnoll) and WaJ- - LINES BY JIM FLY N N. an immense amount ilea llll,);'' liMlihh- play Hull, I u Hun of artiller) lirhii.ii the bwiiiij gtme and me nt Its own and of America nanufac t WaJaper , ii IHI. Dim BMW tula often using more g-- An ihaitu no :rt lever, I I, ii hinil .g l'lilhiih'lilihi 4. shell- - iii twenty-fou- r houi Thla is for ii Inli: hones lumc and unite '(aval mi .inn i triple pl V, Hit, , time as 111 UCh as xt I ,, HUDSON 1 I'iiiimuik Hit .', ml i'liin,- to 1111 ' in for Picture s. mi. rm-hi- ii t. the battle of SI. PTlVal "ii Nas fork, .i"i 't u..i faaturad C'tavvland'i doufala victory I most twice as long, The avtngrd tnt lost "i pvM fhihi.ifiphi. todn) with Ma shots thai ware fired nt yard Frames d( rs'i Inm ,,11 ni ni ami liang "n first, I, Taaayaaa t.,. uia lenaue imrt.' Was i larg Ihi 1" "'I' ' b) .: :ll.h 1,11 front times as Bi nn a inn- itit. lor 11 Be eoald rhyme iMIll twii 13 in k u.wtiaJol tin the hull toward "rlrr" "Itir .if 1070 in the hotte ol I in ttii hal as tt tn. II. II lie iar tMlMli S. ippar A vi Vori. profttsd in Hltub till'' uml net mini with the war. 4 ,1 I hand, ant tto' t'ompiatlnn of tin' irlplal' Ware nine IS'daj lie enuhl ael ai miaplat " tin- w mid ' i1( "Nearlj oo,(ion sheila were flfi d at in mka iinifoi m, n mM plsi Wambgni to Klrka hum aoa) laaal iter dleai fro sertala the north AlTaU tni June 7. Thi ; tllant 'lino 'nopai in UettsMi HUeh, arftlli Pt hald ttta vlsi llrai Wits almost as ninth as th- wholt fire 'nn tiMIK 1, ISgdl nt' German in l k to. I Hi ni run gOStf "n- - heen thu artillery I at V.. ' 'I'lie raparl llmt llm - 11 "it n gum It. II i Qerman vw- our ammu-n.Mo- n s Drai Mi'"" r ased BSftfSOS BM mil be Irur, Out ho tide ueei ' niiaoaipn '"' more um I'lMuhui'itli 11" 010 tu" I' ii Jim lint ani gratltada in imm - sparingly, beco thJ S ' lksd Ni h ni k Jim Bg j It ni he "III ul hunt , "I hunk Ainorifan factories canttol add to our u. hu. i BiHtarlai HUppllei. cost y t Bsttarir liu Knnlh uml 9 uu.' Ilw ho bombard- S'hiuiH. Blroud, Marqtiard ami Dooln. ln M,,l ' ment of Ar'as was for Urn Knih.slv a in. hn- - .inhii Bummar MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS: may ho from mini DEPUTY SHERIFF BOWS EVA TANGUAY GETS $1,000 PER Fathered the fact that the very smallest un BhOfOtfl a pro-jevti- SECOND. COttlDgf at least Excellent povernmcnt positions await BEFORE AUTHORITY OF N I I $." A Mi I. 'l I'. ,'riran men and wroaaea IM. Thou-Had- on huiif mi Manj am tWfHty thousand out i "i suvil for nl appointments are tnado yearlv in .11 on in. I; kiinth A BASEBALL UMPIRI bourn," tin Oii&iOall lihiyt r auk; JAPAN REFUSES TO the internal Revenue, poat Office, Fttotiag, "And it mukd ur fetl likt andci Customs, Immigration, and other Depart- GRANT ments. If you t an rcatl and write, we tan BRITISH DEMAND train you in your own home to pass any I tun gOi0 "uir sti'k '"'I humUlfi examination and nnahfy for a tiuiuti M position. Write lor our Free n, I'utmlinij houst dud Ovd." ( rrt-rt- fiirreniiontlfnt-,,.- hi. AMUtiiilt'tl LO linnk. ( 'an yOU lull me on my joui lU'Y ToktO, July S, Japan has In- mm Corrrspondrnrr Schools n Mi I s ; fill me. i (treat Britain that sip. is una-iii- o nn Oil BOS i 1: l WaJal to accede to Qreat Brltalo'p re-- Boi 888, Scrantan, Pa. M. OftVWttMM POlHMBl rtnnliielor lu- iopi Qutllan and 1,1 quest in nnmiuiife a prohiliitinn of MI V M.I I: fNIMM llM4MMirnt;fl. i. i ' ' u Hint I loom. tun till In east with ' m trading Ihe far Cttiten "f rwu btee iiii Olhaon off rl irf riitc lit'ii In unn QOlf The British govern- II III II h StUlll'M IllHHII tMi.t l,t. hostile nations. I'. mi, t Sarai Km-- 1 ,"v'' Jlllul gasatted regotatton Niiio tiuufiiMi tin plaiytmil ment recently a prohibiting trading with national "f DRUMMER ALLEYS ijiut n twnHM Qermany ami Auatrla in china, Blam omtkt- miiiiun l I oll EXRRCIHH ni ii lh . a r nn (tiHt ' uuule ami 1'ersi.i. Mink i imliil, "und ullYrrU 11 tor Qreat Hrilaiu has been iiaitiiii; for link i r I n ii ii Id liu ii I W uy assurance that Japan woul i' lo Nil v i Bin nn Ti a Gamn Tm uml Ivaw tl llnrr." niiiilr luuku llktr asures However, I 90S Weal OtM Ill Ull IMIilif lllkl-r- , IfUf In- Hill tin.' hi anaaa Bovsrnment, after c Juke. i - I I HI It l, I.I M.I K lllllr leading business men, de 'CHICK' EVANS PLAYS could nut Join the movement, ehie fly j SENTIMENT. for Ihe HUSMM that Hit laws of Ja mM permit GREAT GOLF. SETTING (A Novelette.) did the enforcement .' ... measure. The government in ll MM r i'iil aach a liu to have pointed RECORD FOR C0URS ( luirli'i . nnd (.arry understood out that iltrrr is l,, I Ittiwi'linll iiifiunnli'sj, had im offset there no trading batwasn Jiimi l.lNh-r- i dinlniK. tho Japanese and hostile countries in 1 Ralai Him stain I li f r iib tin iiM'laii look on the far east, .lapamsi- merchants Ina ale lla) I hi' Ini-i- ' nl I mi'Ii r v Ihi hi limed to have opfHtBStf 111. British tAaVf tit pn thr 'iiT. The WAtlM rojecl un the ground that u would k Rva will BE mi v PLAY TODAY, ilul n (i I WHaT nn rn (nn I look, 11 c harm the business int. r. sis of the em- had mi imI on tfcM tirfora. pire. National Ii ngini rri'nrutli. ha. in. ifawVVaMNl nil th PhlUnltlphi ni Ctnclnnatli IimiiI In iuhl, lhr ii to ihinias llllHlfirMM. DUKE CITY RIFLE CLUB Mr. rngtiT wn Ihe IItmi i,. Mprnk. Ann rlcmi I SJgg WILL SHOOT AT Hoti n ai st LtAuia, llodutiiK ihe witihr'a ihk le 01 e, hr RANGE Nil Id : " hn i I le, I liinr more mil (leld-rr- a Ihnii I need, hut ili.n'l tnU nket In raoh moiie.i, for lllll lloonllf" Tin- Duks City mile club will 9iat i Immi am nd dolhirti," replied, shoot al ihe national guard target TAYLOR OUTCLASSED BY lr. rlter iroiuplt. fange today. Mem ban will have the I'l.ttlal fltmillO Mr. 1. niter it'tuieed n round, -- i ill ofl a of I 1. i. Burtner, Mcrelary of ' "KID" 1, JOHNNY WILLIAMS im" at chi. aao eiiidliiu Ihe milliter's rnitlr eje, and the club, on Sin ll Se. ond streei, al maid: NU. I h sir lie, liinlir, uiK! s o'clock Ml s morning, Those wiuii I tar re uiit't n hn Me hall rlier in ihe expe l lo sh""l all day will lake their liliin'. hMt ll ou tnke foi hlmf" lunches. I , , 1 " tin ilillar." replied Mr. u , it Han Wostcm League. more prompt!). vim in Mi., bod th n; Hu till WE'RE ON THE MAP- "1op oui klilitiuu. hnrllr! r Southern Association. a k ami t lS re n I il f r t e u ilai and e are here to firit-.-ii- nikli lu 0 .1 In .1; K I u Ik htintlH'in. lnke 1 1 a Uullnr and Ml mphiH 4 : r.. right before you at H ittii. I,'i mill ll..' H. al In ihi." Atlanta nil the time Mi. I.aurr," reMlril Be Hail. "Hill UtUe Rock .Mobile -: the samo old stand, making th na plaiid iillh aa rhaitanoogfi New OrU I irin fur best bread from the best Amer- bout all that Tayloi bad lo ahuw. At had pla: evea raeara auu tin ,, are ..n.u Kirmingham V: Nuliville 7. a of 0 (taur did he dlnpln an HKKrfH 'Hill b m. American Association. aiallmsail basweea ua ,i. ,.i. ,i,,J ican flour, it's the same kind Hie SUM flv I I kerti vi new "ni In round lir hmkra for I.2A. Inn mat hoc NOW i bread that our forefathers made ttf hia SBra) In Irjlng sentl-mrt- ,ieiii inot liallSS " b"' laerr alill la il From and after tuis date a charge to feed the army of Independ- , cover iind hold I""1 In Iva.eluill. Hake II 'J ur rop Will m Ith of ten cent per line will be made for ence. Kvt ry morsel has the nec-eaaa- In the cloning ml '' halt la nil - j publication of cards thanks, reo- Yoi kt r (till the latter ugaln the l - and n m, i l- of rnhed the NW rrei. dollar nunrter nr ii mm- - of respect, sustenance. ino." replied Mr. I.aaer rtrtuly. obttttsrtee, etc. Thig does not apply to notice of death, Mr. rlt,rr alulWrd limn fhr roiitn. lea lag Mr. Lagaaj in aetiie niih time of funeral and similar noticea, . v .. Bakery .nl. The i,ik run oil facinc iuast Leatjue. Mailer. a ,'t.w. II, . Pioneer 111 of llt'WS. to publish! -- Hi rswa enter' it Hani ei " piinr nld lllll lliMialf rnr ll.xr.f Peraona deairing 207 - nn First in t ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915. FIVE


I TO DMLL HERE NEW ELKS' CLUB G 5 CONCERN OF PEACE GIVEN TOWNS UNDERGO Courteous Service to Ail THIS AFTERNOON IS NOT PAR OFF TO GOVERNMENT AROUND SENLIS GREAT CHANGES It is always the aim of every person connected with this bank to render service which will meet aarab Temple of Mystic iglish Statesmen Won i Conditions at Little Towm Nieup ii the individual needs of patrons and which will Shrine to Spend Three Hours ot; Over Pioblem of increasi Neat Pans Show What May: Loaf( tlive them the highest dcqree of satisfaction. in City; Will Be Entertained Will Be F Manufacture; Wat Has S( Be Expected When Present Bank

I Bodies, Pi Skv-hk- h. World Wai Is Ended, Idea by Local n West. ices Your account, whether large or small, will be I handled in the most efficient and courteous Probably ever; (AsMssieteg Ii Wondering in a 1. on, Ion, .lulv manner. Checking accounts are invited in any All members of Ilalhit Abyad w problem ! in. tempi Of the Mystic Shrine me jiht' Klks' opera house. tare of spi Iter i ,1 Klngdi amour eign exchange and letters of uraed tn lie at the ion this af-- e i.. ,,.,uc lunhl is engaging tin . k to wel- - itiuj !. l, union at 2.4 !. K daily, ami from outside appear-- 1 credit red. gome in- merawn oi 1 anrao w ances W..11M hardlv know antli clared

rial train ttml who I We atronage. i hree hours in the it f. ui li In h Istorj W'a i Ottd ; tn, lie pi aplta rooms and halls is established 11 plastering is practically finished, am irst hand the hen st, .rv oi the ,, ., ,i habitants. an army of nun are at work tlflttM utile of the Mat tn . ik. Strang, II a Shriner or not, is asked to lend walls selling up the as the and iaterioi urgent !', nil ear this afternoon for the woodw the demand FIRST NATIONAL BANK of taking visitors for wk, pnrpOM the In save your sta- - I Nobody Albuquerque, th Ill they em n, d a ride. Have ear at the oi itish ellheless U building committee, oftlcefi Hon not later than o'clock. the ii it: ALBUQUERQUE. NEW the lodge and a few of tile member! MEXICO who have taken some interest in thi wank, has any conception of the elab- new club. Ther, still t, Capital Million l.uiies at the temp bouse orates M of Ihis Klks' and Surplus Half a Dollars is nothing in New Mexico or Arizona At tin 4 for the nun will It the nor In El Paso, that will anywheri commercial club. I he war. The p to ,i. Alhiniueniuc w il w i a ,is the lid a t t i . . . . . have a real club clnh I ...... ashu eallstment. i the sam rcr need be milled that the British wealthi- - st and m - special train bearlni i, fashioned, lack ami western in. i ill of 111, Mill, ol labor-savin- g ( V is with every mod ,,. d in lost and I,- Ancient Arabic ' adopted In tier

Atlanta bunch, Will arrive ill the city Estimates have now I,, , n in no, was the p Miller Ill e.iplllled i w this afternoon at i 4 o o'clock and will The rooms ale commodious and wel: ir the governmi ni for the church al La in pi it ii !', j,i .a,i con- ' Mill, remain in our midst until 6 o'clock ventilated, and atl but three have new smelting works t i novel h a sh, Slurs' ih.ii Thomas necting hat brooms. The system o( While here they will he taken for an in, I tin over city will In- ventilation Insure fresh, cool air in into ride the and room at informal receptions at the ell r s at all limes. Kaeh iof concentrate i ver. and It was later found among land will now serve nut his term for MaaonlC temple and at the Commer- has a Johnson ln .it regulator, and the 40,099 t Ihe objects saved at Wnlv erltiKhain. Wlfe-bentl- and shooting up the pleas- - about - cial iuii. Tin- delegation numbers occupant can set this to suit his The 'value of the w.aks i art saved town ot Ro w hile drunk When re- 1. Including ladies. from ruin along the 's,r runs high arrested he was lying at the bottom The Yaarab temple patrol and drum corps accompanies the special, and I oi. a telegram received yesterday hy It. cleaning an rooms, C Mass, ngale from Adair, arranged for 'lie with lb 4p Belgium lo ,tuv M r'urrest is Ii, Igium; the ..,i sitis m:,i,v ngportuairku and last, hut by no means hast, the ! Bpc ail, by ti utatunding I SCI v cry aw a 4 nw4 lowraM who is in charge of the stated now heink installed entered isian Out lar Renin from lonnwl U nut Ads. a and would electric elevator, Into by the Austn s with pot to thai short parade drill will automatically a man another matter, l,e is recog- which take let h tuses, At by Mr go s, e il given if desired As this rapidly safely to any floor in the man hut lo to see ihe burned nil. cupation organism and Law: ca In .Ii al m nised as one of the finest building, This elevator is being fur- Bonnr buildings, the battered and Flandi re in ' "i aware is any HO I OS to i I lions of its kind in the country there by com pans am not the looted houses Parti sieur unsietiii nished the mis Elevator German-owne- ii i ah, to sec d spel ustralla. 1st in genera Hi lind the il i ml is doubl mi the desire the is one ,d the finest machines they The toii gene Funics and however, s large in and drill, and therefore no doubt about nut out. ii is op. rated solely b push Australia. gi, atesl interest the recked given. Quantities of .ill. II roncen- - ' to be no at evert the drill being ' burned houses gjuahlc Something tbout Atlanta. hese were facl ured turn. Like I Jilt and Lou tin, and so a neutrality. t In fore many hundreds of tow n and Cities through i :, In the Interest of strici t in tin- - main floor the r rtnana AlbUtiUerQUeanl arc advised tmi to In France and II, Igium the great,'! a VHlnal le was hay anything about M, Krunk pari mi part of he destrilet I,.,, ,,f Sctibs the Two while the visitors are in the city, un- December ii thi st ra Han dm not so mUCq l.omhai dm, 'III as ft, pupil of menl drew the uia- - to the Incendiary, bombs with which less they ascertain In advance what final appearance. Hereafter, w in n Hid. .a lesser va lin jestv 's govt mm, Vadlng troops were supplied. i i views are held on the subject ty the distinguished person comes lo Al- - were hut n w irdt sav.,1 hy any fi they is a muss of t wist particular Atlanta man to whom they is onlj one ad with German irhlch House after house Monsi in Domm the .ml of buquerque, there , wreck- a t Hon of these d iron and heaped debris, the are talking. There is (harp diver- i ,. t, him. and the cur of the entertain age, not hut ol lire. The gence of opinion about Frank among doubt the Elks' club, nslderedu of artillerv. about t V, without h, Britain was calhedial. an cdlfl' , dating Irmn tin the Atlanta contingent. Some of them Hone by Digging. . ... nil1, h.uiiK ti fi procure of h cent ury, of Hi .,.,. I would like to elect him president. content ta most her zinc wdl IWniCSl IWBW I, k mass k Of BO W And how has all this he n i from smelting companies in Germany beauty of lino and t iii, laais ,tne ,,, ,),,. ,,,,,,,, Vftpjad relics or Ftc what the othei would like to do lo d , pllshed? Just by hard work ggmg. ctaily o nit tit i v lire. ., , , .. ,, had he untold. Any-th- e 'Keigiiiiii ami France, which extr ted lis espi him better left dinging, digging. The whole affair lis emble how, ii town the tin tal from ihe Australian which has iiiade Balthusai Morcgus, son-l- n law Atlanta that Frank carried through h.v - made famous. has beon A bill is being- put through the handful of the faithful win Italian parliament dealing wltl Other things besides the Frank ll dge as a Whole sanctioned i case, however, have made Atlanta fa- ore Supply and releasing Ihe in Iling of the building, and v.bile a from their German agreements, hut The mous. For example, there is a cer- oi mem! crs in ' goodly proportion the some of the mines are owned by com- rel "delicious and refreshing bever- FoWn p tain have ndered financial panies In England legislation by 'ss age oil of the ii pot oil- - of v hiCh a Impossibli t, and tance, it has bean the English government will probably nsjsnsg nineteen-stor- y granite office building any dc corps. ' liSh esprit be also necessary. This main problem, I he cent ury will remain to recul in was en deal. F.very man in iiiL-- O Atlanta committee has raised however, is Unit of ohluinin1 adequati tragic Hays of 81 I. Her, there built Ml legal i Atlanta claims lo have among members. thi mounl lung row Pudding, hill dial is Smelting capacity. Large increases in of griises. each marki one floor af that 19,012.50 was contributed a sum re the available smelting resources of the wooden erosi the whole ' an exaggeration, because tin are not Albuquerque members, ami hbick-painte- while Ihe Gef United an expected to relieve hy a il wooden n states id ow n It RECEIVED It ng he JUST many Hours to the Structure, twenty mem be! that the situation partially within a short as il lo sel lie apait us upnu is union thing for an Atlanta man ov ,1 .09 at live ttiembi -- es by fragments! are 'Hue. It is thai any new incit- a little iiioi , e d t ban he A of Latest a emporium, pull brothel - said mil im- - largt shipment of FALL WOOLENS all the to go into soft drink lodge, and the - C&ch of remains ing works whn h may be luiill in Kng- grave ha its crown' i - up coat sh eve and say "Gimme a forward ami pit 'dgell lli l am, A lure i, p- his stepped land will be In conjunc- work Immortelles; each us vai Patterns and Weaves. SOda-Squlrt- et ex- men" to th, ommli to constructed th, "Sicg, of Nil uport shut." The knows quota of iron - ,1, tion wiiii Belgian ami French Inter- flesh Bowers, renewed from ,, he-- ; A is needed wondering il th, other fellow, ar. I 1 800 was ul lacerated by shells COME IN AND SEE THEM AND LET US MAKE YOU actly the prescription that arc day, though f, vv of those burli ,n Hi bat k Id less than , along vajua-- and the result is that the patron golni to and this strange aarth are of Benlls, fore being rescued with l re- 111, bulge carry the load, ,,i blc portraits ,r Phillips II, Mav Tu SUIT FOR leaves the plaCS delicious and third of deed, there are Qtilte ll numbs unmethlns like 19,900 o RYING TO RECONCILE Isiibclla. A mton- -' freshed. ses upon appears Ihe " dor, Alberl and vet to he raised among tin clo which ,,f was dlgCOVgl cd Some More ltoH'. f nit sir im ureal value s. ami if ev, ry brother will di FRANCE AND GERMAN c ) n de Oru .1 re walled up Additional dope on Atlanla Is de- "Here lies a m, Idler of the lh ie"i can i aglly be se rived from a publication thai ap- a littl this amount Riflemen, Unidentlftod." No .,r,. In a cellar, cur- - (1. The pride of Fumas vva lis famous peared some years ago but which did f town, (Assaehttad Press Cuiisipusisaos.) these graves the least well kep aeh lit-tl- Every Elk, both In and mil tpieces Here is a e ha:; mve of Cordovan leather and sped not appear in Atlanta. who are interei ,l. arc Zurich, BwMtserland, July 12. An its vase of flesh cut lilies: ages, of it: and all others organisation hring the breast of each u nknow n, imej niens of art of the middle when! inv look over the bulldll ,'. Take which hopes to very Is from the F.s- - ited lo gentle ha" planted a til bay 1" Flanders man condemned "The word 'Atlanta' the Immense aboul a reconciliation between France hand a a walk through is ovv ii lilv. was required In egeCUtO In bronze quomaux, 'Atl,' hot, and 'ania.' 'come - and Germany lias tree, all, ol' gi in dime look- over lllc shower and just opened offices reproduction of his crime In ihe form Up.' The FJnglish of Atlanta is hot finished in vvhii here It bears Ihe imposing title of locker room, all Back In Capita of Hie pari of the body on Which he air, or balloon Juice. , perfect appointmci nts of "Slim men in Kturm aus der Peut' Governor MRllne the 2 1. th part of the body "Atlanta to have supplied i hen Bchwels" 'oi es in the atorm Santa Fe, Julv Govern. claims the rooms: note the comfort am on Itted ll Aiimng the escort welcomed Columbus Hi from German Swltserland, Donald returned toda from that venlence of everything; ami if taken to a place when Unit old Spaniard came over in ul dv The organii Itinn. aeeordli th Which im lulled a visit to his you are an Elk, and have not s ii bi the .Maine. will also tell you Zurich Post, ti Were oii.,' Atlanta subscribed, hunl up Becrotars with lips sealed hv a ring- - the her mayor was the first to ri commend ,i ,1,, I. in a fin pamphlets and personal propaganda voiir little in Ii of a man ( oiidernned for Idas- - g. Washington as the head of the finished, lo esiai.iish a iiiendiy understanding IN EVERY WAY-PR- ICE, way hen tin w " OUR ENDEAVOR IS TO PLEASE YOU n-ion her, "' Ail Atlanta archi- of through Switzerland between ;;' , Continental army. which will 1'e al' nit the middle France a "T" as- - Tem- of ami Germany. The tirsi of slil id, ppoignurd. ol an tect designed Noah's ark. John teraber, a re i pt to Ihe citizen the associ- QUALITY, FIT. ple Atlanta, but At- Rlghl ftf" ation's publications is entitled "Hwit-serlan- d Craves lives ill Albuquerque Ii plnnnert ll ll t ll ll lanla cunnol help herself John Tem- terwards, probal h during the week of as Reconciler and Mediator Inipoiiiiui in Travelers, ple would because he is s, (rolii Between Franc,, ami Germany'" a ir leave limiiv on a Journey I" live anvwhere. October i to a Brand Elks' :h and quartered for the The long review of the present pea, , pros- without a Puttie of chambi niehl National Woolen Mills house warn ine will he held. 1st and doings pects i,y church saved he "i 'In on the u ei iii larmany t he shout 'Hoch com n, lit 111 Cl larire of these Pastor Eduard Blocher, " " ' ei' chaplin duration of ihe sin pherds" MAKERS OF THE CLOTHES WE SELL" ihe Kaiser refrigerator!' In Atlanta ar(. darkly mysterious iluit as the of tne cantonal hespltal in urn h . hey will not he outdone bj all effete, F:iks are behind It, you T. G. Winfrey, Mananer 120 West Central monarchy. and they will sourkrauted bottom dollar then ... .. I. n it Wllllt II.In ni.- .j..'. l . shout. Hoke the Smith!' Win i lous Inn rah. rains in Birmingham, Atlanta follows with a Cloudburst. Up ill New Yolk, Chauncey DepeW will tell a chestnut villi the goodie all old-age- along e. mies Rob l.ovvry, the Talk Main of Atlanta, and springs a chest miter with

"Atlanta is in Georgia, or Georgia is i" Atlanta blamed it wa. know winch. mid Atlanta doesn't care." RELICS UNCOVERED IN r ' 3 ""V DIGGING TRENCHES

v.-- , o,,i la, .v rttrreNpundrnre.) OWEST PRKEV London, July 16. Bhgltsh soldiers in th, Dardanelles have uncovered some ancient tin ek relics of great interest ot tiench CHARGED FOR in the course their EVER digging, a soldier, who was connect- ed with the Hi Itish museum before - FURNITURE I the war, describes his excavation in 'IImP'- a letter just received here e me fighting above a Greek Cemetery of great antiquity, and In FURNITURE&.RUGS iixgiiig our latest line of trenches we found stone sarcophagi which at cer- tainly more than 2,000 years old probably nearer 2.r00 years. The NOW AT walls an- thick and the coffins very big, They were tilled Willi fine earth which bus slowly Intruded through the lacks of the lid. With gn at care w, Sift out from this the skeletons, none or less preserved, and in the bottom we Hnd vases, howls, lamps, THE GREAT BANKRUPT SALE and Sometimes statues. The potteries, decorated with the faces of men and women, are of exuuisite form. have before me now a deli1 ate WEST GOLD 'titi which the sliKhtest shock would 213 and 215 break. It syrabothMS that particular flhd characterlatli beatify of forrri which Greece revealed tu us. Its long & MAHARAM handles, ethereal In their deli, a f, YANOW give I,, ibis little thins, the palpita- tions lif WillRS. Mud me a copy of the Iliad Purchasers of the Faber Stock " W ..MSJBSBBBBeBBB - - Homer by the next mail. It will be gf intcriwtjng to read the Iliad with the Inquiries. country of tbp poem before me." s Mail Orders Are Filled the Same Day They Are Received. Call Up 188 and We Will Gladly Answer ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 1915. SIX . 25.

Che Hlbuquerque AN BXPfiST IN FUNDAMENTALS ADDRESSKS THE BOARD lining the Jit ie f nta affected adve In the spriny an agent trayeraetl th morning Journal rountry .wllinR patent inedlrlnm, It ta eipiHlli oM salves, Uaimenta, etc. He inld kja I'untnnif rs li'- - would notity them af JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. post what day to meet him in town .", an- - . on DaoamWr the following Nnvember for their ir liFauri which A. mulling is fmtnl. t dune, ifit-i- i tn aopwaaa W. M ADVISORY thf tn say that, although f s. Btratta our with law, that wl AMERICAN L'ntted Stnt. uml the i - little town an boast of only ::oo It nl. il it. Tin- - pri-si- amnio) nl Of fH.iou .set yu Vout rba an. I the surrounding cnun-H- mi ci fAaa n nf uinnt'My fait ' is settled up by one-hors- funn- 'ou Maf dii Hit- - bat Hr-lrf- n HrpiMMwalalha male tm,t lias ttrvafal in d rid rewards. 1m els, that patent medicine man stn..d I I AMU jt il iiw.iy. uml the J MIKIV kih tau .mudi uf 16 it mntler ii the siatinn platform Novem- t Ill 1m that Marqarltr llu.l.llna. hirst". oi- - Mica rut3 taUJ aaor acaosr ber day and roltectad $1,000 ' at a Kli-r-a "xa Waal fu Simais mim ajui vo a7tcHvD Maa5 Mini moderate estimate, He stopped in Niralalliiv t Cffl-T- ."WAT every little iwn nn the M.H 6t la V.M48 IX mi railroad for tou lit HUM. nl. ciions. must have .11 the a covfia or hqmli iTn-r.ii- and relieved. ! fftllH as nn county almie nf I Hit p Gt-f- Sln.uilil. Th.s aver fou.frut ou 1 Mil nrround ii I A I aa are only w.i instances, but If ma a .tig h force there aie b ill llm vu cottta Kim .lit i tut 11 h St! iitheis. xomb. a At amq I Ml" whi ir. iitm camo t r- - .Mr rf Vm) i ih" spm whert llm :.t v ebaim you amo n st). ctiMl-'.- III Nr I'KI PAW I'M at aaTW wuM of luntleaa ten-.-iltii- h octi 1'ii ( ' :: x T Mii ah i M. ton ca-- m fca avflMM.M1 if r t iit ii". lies pf iv. M9a r or nn the Uppar Ami Im shall Jodie iniumi; many The arm lea M Vrvtit k MM im iu mom. MOtMat'l tWl'lll people, iuMtava i im crater nf ami rebuke strong Batlenl Df gttttarot, "f Turinim, iiuukI.'. The afar off; and they shall beat their gWOf-d- a nf Wall, ostein, nf (iuslm anoiA. Yao how i iml BVa re- int.. plowshares. and their swai.i batO win ,,,n,p..sf, "( pm). ir of in, witzi rs mi l priinini: hunks, natlmi ml in shall tint lift up a sword against n linn, pelthor shall tiny barn war any

icing .,1m.. eomlf mul difficult in re il u was . j .l w.n With tin in gg M inslru-in- fishi i nil-- beeome more mid mure a country ntliare4 their FORT WORTH WOMAN I The hills uriiunil Nazaielh game. Tin- Object nf their li itili m wim Irvelihood. irtlfled h the Tuiks. and TELLS ABOUT HEALTH jln win In MSnsuvSrS liiilni iIiiiii by Jill HN VI - mil print, j might Till I Ihlrlf atla- - Intril lighting. Hurh iiimii' h he lisrt Mi- -. Until, IjOBK ii ttlrt ! rkiluoltr Aatm lalrtf I'trat I merciless I.. ihe countries through where Moacn nKelved the Sufferer Prom St,,, ' -, wlr iMTIl.e ' stir-- u ratch III- Kat Kaaj Iriitett " will Ii t v nandmi nt mul all the tan and ,. ptil.lllo-i- IH nlu. In imaged, lull Hi. were taker Mt'l,r ni ih" latmeltte wanderlnga Slit-p- s Like a Hnhy. BtsSata BSSSS llinlt iiiiHiili i one aiii.tlii-- Nrlt lakra ilr ot derncaa irred have seen limr lentra ! .,.elalr4 I IkihIi A.hiiini thi. inuHHi'M i.f 1'iiU.r (lihl-- l I.. - trttlce H" ra of war. The Turka .'" il li erg, resolvd In Will lIlilHUi' VI. InlV their campaUtn with utter . in ancred hi .1... which Itif Ki fin It rev nliitliiii the clatma of ami terrlton in i.e apared hruiiiihl In!" helng, Min h li rill could llilB f Sh, HI 'N HAY 'I --''. mil k ii i nl ThJM in I explains thi' ill' tried awaj ui"Ktn .iini lite was I. .His nf N ' 'llii' ravotutioB In illlat i ami the town IT A ahar s Inir ) r I Wonderful l!eni-lert- I I M I Ml ituiliiii' produced b) IHti I'm m il M Ml II II lin in the p. results iii liffci Ii il nil ' mill-- itartted lime thf kli ii rmy, en da. She wrote: ilt. I'iiihsiii adopted I In- new prln-- i h if pi nple coine to nn' I I" While Hi'' American note Ml li- . i to find nut to get fj .'im. i Iplli.ii mul il III Mil t. MI .ill. I. i si n Where your remedy, I was a im - as in such terrible condition, Ua? (oftP "f '"I uli'maium. linn- lulu "I In- null. mi In mum." and il helped me so much. 1 can tlnslitv of purpose expressed which Today, In nil the indiums nf men most anything my ppetite i popuu cravat un.i Aghting In SSt'Spl III. meager oral I sleep like a babv, admits of isinidcisi ling In ui"p lanvaased by Ii attiyr! Wonderful Kemedy given forces Willi win. lii' .il Hritels M" i i.e noted Merlin Ttmt tin- relations Let ween - permanent results for stomach, liver ll whli li tMVf IMMR pffffM nr mora j Uftt4 War, ie ills and LntOBtlnal ailments. Kat as much nut Ion mill tit rinaiiy arc rllleiil kl liouse where one thin tlt'Hll winil mil, liMN m ''I'll all, WhntfVef you like. No more a be IH eating, pressure gun It strained, it it ti1 mul should mil tliltiK H i I'l'.li mint Tin' Wolll gill after of in the atomaOh and around thH QWTIWMI KuhhIhiih, lln' Kh iii Ii. Hit' H.illitiiH. fill heart. dlagiili. il Am .,V"ii o'i I'V Hi t une buttle of ymir druggist now il.. .ml i Tiirki., Ilk Iha ir iini. anylhina Ih battory hh Ii tha ImM mini mul llir via eounael filed an affidavit and try mi an absolute guarantee ighnrtns ipprotlmtttini i - I. II i i linninriii, um i- wmilit Pall ml pt.ii llle frUitl "f plnl the fin thai .ie rr s..ii tiavl it nut satuifactory money win be I Hill lit .III. nl I.' . H I .. III 1, ItllllU ill' .'I. litiniiifii, only min h mora rLKorouaiy oaopb :n, i il.'l Ion ol its ,'Xcf - the ear pttVIOUH In I'll leme ami nf lis truth, this w.iiiian has luatlfled Im herself, nt leiiNt, theprea- -

nr III, ill, Ie i lilt- (MM Kl' it I'nWfl' lifHitl Ilia ellce ii the BorM, nl It'll tn l.i' HHHIM i'ii rt rinpltiyi nn i. ii. . SIhIi h Hull Iiiih iti pi iiili il ttfaOD ihe Mumbling block ..r thf learned. nf I III' vi.fl llllfUKi'l iiiiliiiiiin " ii our MMiipnihii'H ii pi i. li nriiiv Ih di' nl lii 'i" iiihips ihould n.'t en mu i" thou i Till Ill ill "l HI'lllll'l llllH III II Il KU i iver blve had the . as It Iium KniilHon-- . louded skits, but In thuHC wim have IQI6 iiIIph from iitrlin ii I WitahliiKlnii Im nlwun Thi' if Hupmobile ,i iini Rfl) pi. tha failed i" sin throufh the filmy miHti lllil plnl Writ' III India lotifhl m lOBiaJ wntH. mul, mini Hi" Boar win. in the brtthl ah lee gbova ihem. The trlMliiK iiiinWi'I ill Kniiluiid'a piuimKia haRil i Inuds are ephemeral ami passing and il I.IWIllllK In llllllll f"'7U h lun for lliiin lit' lliltlsli I he aif fur a pu punt i he firmament ( 111. is from i i Hint ahnnlil lllllll' ii corrt--r raiutftr him auper! Iff to any soldier everlasting tn Hasting i Ih $115 army, Netttt The in Idual lept a in hlH n'.Vn Iii nili iiri' l.iiwinii IW'n Kii'ltl BatlOtlti tuiar i Lower in- Price lew " i in IIH II pi olcsslollill, espti expertnice of hi hiia Intti nilalt'il ty Hi" A 'l.iiiiiuiy bexlde whom icsi iiihi iii was i. lie. Kieniii wilier, de VlHIiV, ill r,uii. 1. 1" i.r ih dorvnan-Amorlci- n tile a Me nf Wi nl i Wrote a bunk Balled "Munch i piixn mill I'V at it t iiiinla BfnMMtt! Hut nn- gffeet in the proftatlohal deliberate taprea1 i si. hi ..i dlaiUt nmeni ileMpnlr. from fofnmt Ha rata rj nf Hlata V ti iahter beina shown mm There is ami Hill in, i enough nf mini. I: in m has mil b" lied find the inner and llitm J fun iiiatH HiMtn. It wp Iiiivp wtir $100 higher Greater RXperlenCt of life inValue llolia nf men nit lie huhling lim. a den prnliulily l will with HiTiimnv Iffam him minimis mni lei many ins early denials, his later viev I at art Im- - iliii. lly tlua to the fit mul A la inch UV il.illlmis. Hut, oiie nf hope anil grave deep Jin The clouds are fur a purpose. 1916 iiri'Rimi Mr. MrVfta riftstti tn tii'i- - an fur. He il BrltAin has been able These two facts about the Hupmobile make thi5 the gl mu ) I In- - In pin, nn the UhtltUJ line niain n AiihIMii It Ik (u1 Hi'hk i it in quits I'V j i ime mil i h n in "c quwieri of Idem General ' il. most important announcement this company has ever made tel. thejM j Hallo, did iml a hit with i million men ami theri are make the In high placiN in llin lluiisli lovefHa iwnr department whes ha violated hia It ii I win ' cured inul ne mint wim dec Ian there ima nevw agreement with General icotl to keep on iinhiiiit' awa) from the. bordi t ml nn il , pnlnlR nllt, III" Inn nt mi" lime a Hrltlsh force nt total ummanui Of Hi" aubmarlnN nave h atlnettl nori than hw Ared thmisaiid IBM, tlreut HHIaln can rills, InlUmiH nf Thf 1910 Hupmoliik' is priced at $l()X.i $115 less than our latest and best speedometer, an exclusive design rain vision ib nn ioilriili d sin. e Hie l.uallniilii ,1 lit i m Al the mitm t nf the present war tl fin war. luit nh ifl there la ll)l.r model. and ventilating windshield, Hupmobile patented tail light, gen- ,.i. r. llml Hi, t i an . an v on then the tleaplHi d Hie llrlHsh Sob lamina in India, relief ii sent ('mm uine crown fenders, non-ski- d tires on the rear wheels, are regu- in- -i . ,. i a the t I'' i' i' ii "iiiini .'. ill, i inn ii a, lull Hit I" United States "i ie Hindus Yet we have to greater lengths th-'.- ever lieforc to nttrve ione lar equipment on the 1910 cars. jun ua effectively without rtcouree to nl e tiulh is that Im sol maintain the Hupmobilg reputation for quality, Ihe new ,i,, lin- k)tina of WonteH ami children ri You get these many improvements at $H)S.r for the 1. di tiling Hupmobilfl h is twenty per cent more power, giving a Quicker i i, an W( touring car or roadster. Compared with our pre- mid min in. eoiitUaUtuU, thi im shoots pickup, an even stronger pull on hills and in sanil, and slower 1910 model is bigger it is running on high speed. Note these mechanical features: vious cars the not only a value but Untied Htuiea goes I array ti lllllll of $115. Tungsten steel valves, disc clutch with 17 hardened steel offered to you at a reduction nt "k Hint ih. sui'inmiiif id... sage beat StfO) ''il pigten, bronze shell motor hearings, bevel gears in rear These two results have been accomplished first, by a fifty i i dlseontlnued II 111! mils, haw. j With Scissor and The tmertcsn regular, man tof Paste axle, nickel steel axle shafts, vanadium steel inainleaf in per cent increase in production for 1910, which means better man, has in. superior "ii serth Hi M I I'll l li' Ml N I springs, tuhular propeller shaft. I oiiip.ue these features materials at lower co.t and greatly reduced overhead cost tinkn ni" ii it d property nf praveA n m thi dvll war, In Bw ( Magnolia. e I Minn V.U.m. per second, by H i i with any car on the market. car; an increase A met n la wiui pin Spanish war, in arlnua wars wnh man landlord al lint n w k kostlls Indian;. But iii the present sin. wed ins neutral spun an Jul t b) of factory facilities and im serving Japaneae The 1910 Hupntobile main- S -- it rice rakes, Itallun PaaatSJ Kurcipean wgi hi wouM he snnffi spaghetti, atungartnn Car provement of factory methods A word imiv be In StnSSj Inn n soulash, btesl I of Tourinf i wmild tains he reputation earlier S1085 0Mt iii all eiigat incut which can chile eon carne, Ohhteae chop new machinery and new i .i i .inn the pgSMM lattOg of in ma nml rSeslgnatad as a lucre skiiinish. nn v. gpanlab umi l iii".. tCngtiah plum Hupmobileg for economy, It pudding, Irish stew, Qermnn r tn munition from the United gtatei there are so few of htm. hasseu processes enable the company because peffer, French fried potatoes, Kollantl will probably reduce the Hup- 11 lull Ihe Stntea must have I build better lower factory i.. iii'iiu'fi, nt h Thm sin h eavports Pltd links and S. .1. h hlghlmlls. mobile repair cost record of less to at la a Idggri army Ol reguluis and be tloai gn In thf enemies nf Hi i mam cost; third, we are confident liuid litem a t mined niilitia St rvn I OKI Ml' 'M I'll I than '4 cent per mile. Though ix ho nation, but that no on the market is sold Shins fault of this whi. h. in thg net) df.'.idf. win mens twenty percent more powerful, it car Is lim tn tin i n i Hi it ihe entente al- physically ntul on a narrower margin of profit practli tin ever! lug ii'lonmi. and one '.aid lhal I1 I' is a tit companion for our earlier ius cuinitiiind the win with their au meiil. v III in. ill III the II. lllnll. pi IV i d lllllll lie W nl e hull's III Ihe models in gasoline mileage, tire than the 1910 Hupmobile. I knees ,.f ins trousers; ami thi Other perior Heats ' service, oil consumption. remarked that her pa had wnrti Ills and this car, please The Kngllsli Muniagett'S have mad '(pants "in entirely backsliding." In considering im Herns mis that the gawsrwmenl si We have been told countless times that the 1915 Hupmo- remember that the Hupp Motor Car Company i3 one of i ,s. low tin in I" ahuuldnf aims and go ti ill n i:im. hi i Mi'iil 1 'ollier's i bile is the easiest riding car ever built. The 1910 Hupmobile the few manfachirers in the United States that have never iii. itl BSno li lll.piH.ta tiitilllinuH ,,,,, inn an- dolus t, thei Rev 10 m Kvsns nt the Trinity 1, is more comfortable. The upholstery is deeper, (ienuine high built a poor car or hail an off year. Wherever you go you rhtrgens anon the huslnssn of thasl warfc whlb Itf mi ii si for hi I Met hod hit rhurch, Des Mnines, Iowa, Ssmntry and has pn llv p.,i.,lytnl "ages. !snt une of those circular tetters hi grade half and improved cushion Construction give the com- will hear the Hupmobile spoken of as a car of most unusual ling a iid Hun tdsmi whlssey, Hr price. rtiain lines of Imlusliv. in. Iinling that printed a real) Hi" Des Mnincv fort of an oltl shoe. Springs are even more flexible and easy value at its That is why "we believe the Hupmobile t 1 1 i I it'll til 'I us IHegtatef Leo hIuuiIiI - 19-in- i cotton growing snd manufafiturhai till snd del thai mier- riding. Tires are large in proportion to weight. The 1 to be the best car of its class in the world." That creed of csi everj intelligent man whose tai - I. I -- Oth lb.- ilium H ami 111. n l enls me In lug misused 111 bOOM wheelbase cradles you over bumps and smooths rough roads. ours is fact to Hupmobile owners. i in.- of vtrj m odei n phiium. the ii. buslnses the nalnm me entitled In get ami now so oosnmoa pints they me "I rule v.iii bay Ihe freight on re- The reputation of quality in our cars is the biggest asset of i The upholstery is genuine high grade leather. The open reeninp, nae froii thf II lib nl Un in unions ua that Hoy aoineHiios Wrtte turned empties w.mld like t" semi our business. And we guard it most jealously. hut in you a full of empties if you Hons at war ua RUM I.e SSCgred b their phiinauphj nowhere else carload bodies arc lined, with no highly polished surface exposed to newapnpers will boll (II your ag . in, 1,1 I sup the columns of ephemeral Floor-board- s So when we tell you 1910 lei pose nn freight will i.e much cheapgr scratches or mars. s and clear ruiming-board- the Hupmobiles are the best cars hjUl -- Hi.l WS Should keep lull' on full car load bus' To he hmieat are best linoleum. The tonneau is richly carpeted. this company has ever built, and when its best cars are offered tender! ampsthasa for Ikon unfor- wuh you, Un- esnpt lei are mil in first' I a reduction in price, Well di iiiilli. thai wi i, its.' .i tunates Who I"m r had anv trouble. class condition, Tin ' .insist of emp- at you may well take our word for it that ty men empty of manhood, energy. The 1910 Hupmobile has the famous Bijur system for electric of fondst uffa, bei The iiiKiitin nl. .if . nurae, la clear you will make no mistake in selecting a Hupmobile. liona ante mil. li ii, pi .spe. la, si Ifteapi I and i luiugii gtmoat hsstteWTgd. hat in starting and lighting. This equipment is used on some of the Hrllaln soon would he atunn necessities ot iif empty heed, empt) Rut we don't ask linns pf Hniil. Ie wc mc Inclined to loan empt soul, empty stomnch highest priced cars. Latest improved battery ignition surest you to accept our word alone. submission thereby as demand .vis., empt) women, empt) nf woman. forget it, to aee the tlnudS mily ami -- is ii 1 refinement, modesty, mul hope and Minj-lcs- built used. In our own shops we build the Please let us show you in an actual merit lest that the 1910 we Stop xpni tat ions "f amniu e i lasting blue above nrsel Ihe it win beworth while msklng ra 1 one-ma- n Colling quick-actin- g curt&ing, I of events ihi genuine lolde top ami Hupmobile is just what we say truly "the best car of its class on Ho gt' und thai the war would ihetn gnnveHmes the logic nun nt tin carload ..f rmptles? w i thereby be ended aiMiner. Im. i a us. If i,. on the ConeclOUS (hut carload "t 11111111'-- Im1 Virt)l tllt Five demountable rims, complete electric lighting equipment, in the world." "'"" ,,n' 'nini'de than of Ihe prmid ii. Ighi i.. v.m if tins netien stioatd at. all eioir- - DO vnu ha il hack your empties, Mr an. I in I. ., i , il 'I In i w i il. I .ni" 'ii 11 you tfftions by wi the war nunlil If eapec labia tMntlttsr, or arc forces Ihe point "f Ihe pbillHJnphy I'V lumping lin milk nf Hu m on the lull 1916 HUPMOBILE PRICES g n. a i f WOuId prolonged of lulx'ii ihe StOn "' w. .man wim washes uml th P chouse ger Touring Car, $1085 Roadster, $1085 Sedan, $1365 All-Ye- mi of emptoymsgl ami cleihSS f"i a living Her nianiiereare Limousine, $2365 ar Touring Car, $1185 All-Ye- ar $1165 1 - .11 I Coupe, fill IMIV HW 1. Seven-passeng- of nl li er Car, Industrial ilpmeter WOUld rtalk gentle and Shi knowa aomelhlns tColumbus Dtspsti h Touring $1225 the pre. ions fruit ot life It was aubl Do v gnaw w through our tniiiitry frisn Maine t. in Jafterson Darks in-- was neVet tried ami cosviotsd. In the HUPP MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHICAN California. The nrest sallong .,f the sin has sttiltred umi forgives sin-- civil ...nils ,.f treastib against Ihe) Unlti ,1 States ' roar thought in th,- olid ' given .111 kip! HCOonnl She it am hi, Inclu dinar Austria mill m yog Inter-site- '' a been robbed, bUl has tofgottl u I Matter riot clear, will he many, have solemnly Ipbacrlhed to ve loved her for a long lime mul I in .1 reatrlbuUon bj Ron D. K. Wats, .ti, .,f City tn Ihe current - mk she knows that nnd likf to this goat i nt Inns win. h fnrtii the nit- of Qst BUTLER number Tela latw AUTO Ve It so. BuJ reality she Is not th. Journal COMPANY in - Vl.t v i.:i Mi nut it Work of Internatlonnl law to be upon anv one special itf- Ihtvis w.i" by the grand lory of the fedi ral ilia- - Phone 62 V(.KNTS i e neotfmlg during war. The court .f Virginia in May of tha Fifth and Copper iiii...... Htatea la t.ltaervins; those 1. Ua rioted of naefiil. Constructive living thai -- ha .mi t by he sQsnmai rigidly. They form the rub a Mniiioc and sill lend s 111 SEVEN ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915.

th,- student are mo. It I" not season to I Li'iciac. The lessons , n i Ki mi. i the records, the student IS CALLED en I., the of the word?. -- STOCK EXCHANGE US. syllahle ofmiwhich is clearly enun-te- and the -- .imr lesson by a ciin- - iv ,n ih- machine, cm be re-P- .l a thousand !m. if needed. ui t in i - - SCHOOLMASTER OF Jni?. Poimare, wife of the prgst-i- t PRICES ADVANCE of France, in like manner lank IlKS US A - FOSS SALE BMUh com; and Ban Vkto h t. in- , no Hiieiia. at McSICO, the French IT, enrolling tit the ane of it- - THE WHOLE WORLD i rapre at... hen lie was In Ik ON LARGE SALES d, study and nig his lessons in the tiytS t!t i N 'riimf bungalow, ! Out of thoiis.m Is of tribute from ,. gain was ici cent, ping porches. SO I noted men. a few name?, sueh as railroad eat Inga do not m line. 1th ward H .fb&W AT, Till, S j it; iThwnae a la' son. John Mitchell, Col mo favorable comparison, l a these I". r.OO File loom frame, bntn, bam,I uowwn Millioi Men VV Bald- t. Two nnO Olnen jfhni les V. Lamed, of th West Potnl gti Recoids Are Made, e gradually Inert asin had and fruit A RANCH BAKOAIN d. II, 4th ward. I n I Military academy, ma b mention n nty-fon- r aeies. acres onder by Mi l i M H f kind, Vnttt ro an house lam lot' Educated neinarKaOIC; And countless win Locomotive, American MMUt fine nearly , i the rnii.iniK. from th lw cultivation, nawnve in h.n o.m j porches tor I,W a ull Cultivated, -'' miles from town, screened letters or file in the record of the io foot shinnie io.o you i a - . bouse Why pa' rent when ll Institution Since Its Foun- schools, is a fair sample. It is from Can and Bethlehem Steel New rk. Ji good bouse, or. hard, outbuilding half nor in garden ." p. .a hp nnei l,000- - i room, dwelling mod- tu tills on terms'.' II. S. tiardner. .xtipci intcnilont of 'e. I rely U frame well, on ditch .' 1100 .1. rs. I aS main 1" for Tttompweyn Btaresd le I lined ern, fine shade, good outhuildingal J horses, nen wagon, I the .ows. line t company, which built th.' Kuuitaid a Srd Ward, close In. no. wet, rake ,harnes household bulldtn in Ne York, lie says: m an vorh mom m vithirr. Il.tiOO Iroom brick, bath, wash good, etc .mi tor IS, a I Pay i "ll" by thin, 1 ran on- - house. chickcD yard. North Fourth (Or I (By Jota llirl. wntitiK letter. JSOINO iOUI.ll SPICIAL tlSEO WINK! tTAi cMk itnl aamimo niorlKaK' York, July ;M records New York, street (venal I'nivcrsi dish Vj modern, com- per, 3 0 3 i II.HOO frnme, r of the World." Dsta made on the stock market pletely furnished: Isrge chicken mlnent title have f instruction m your schools. with today Perierfield Ca Mew ..f betti ring tin ir yard, good outbuildings. 8. dth IVI iternational C bti future Baldwin Locoi ttlUUUfllU V1H WVa I pleased th. street, close In. ' h to tin ir ditions am to state Bethlehem Btei i ami miier iteam' Hold Avenu. RIAL KUTATK-FI- ItANt'B-- and low ing: I IM sum K M VUK1 l v til Wt der. Thomas J. Koatt r. reaping a hari e t of w ar orders. etc A. FL1EHSC1ER lOAl wen organised, near their be: it Bethlehem Bteel OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI oo Sine the school 1 I ' i 000 I. C, S. Bine time, 7 L'l KlIIMI. Hi s(.k k. -- year ago, in that galSV d points for day and Lean Hre .' . i. twenty four two million l5. the i t .1 . bMIM o many K, i . f, Cattll I have enrolled, larger num have Studied of your hooks and points for the leek American Can ins M 111 South Fourth Stnvl. o f ii :i i i i p student con-- j :PMi. Mat i steady lessons on subject, and K . i eipts. an col- various i BOd at a new hi ;h figure of I The l ber than tnc atxenaance at tne having of great sheep-- - Receipts, J.ihhi. J Three rooms with ath, com- lege and th.' Untied sider them as con demand for all classes of war issues universities In fit As of Hill UK.NI Itooom. plete. Neatly furnished; rImp Acme 'I1-- hem to me. superintendent trailing. stead) Dry Clean at the State ' last 188 year. ovcishailoweil all oilier 90, I, porches, double plumbing, new Biquitable Broadway, fea-lu- Hogs Receipts, M.i' Inn Remarkable as record is, it th building, Bethlehem Bteel was again a i .irlh. wagsn ha s pli.ilie Sl j New perfectly sanitary, not Kast lie-fo- Cellar. Nassau and l'ino streets. of strengrth and sold at 20 M.I I INI siii l.iles into only relative importance t'liicago I Illli HEM Mi'drm r.'Olua. Il.i lid. avenue Phone 3sl. Iwtb lntl-tutlo- York City, l noticed who Centrul other facts concerning the n, that foremen Which is the highisl price at winch WW I'rnirsl. it , of your were Chicago, .inly It Catle Receipts ' Dry for, admittedly, the greatest students school, Baying stock has evf IIKN'T Cteaning more In nd 200. Market stew Nat le beef kOH in i....m f.T llglit oooooooooooooooooooooooooo jewel in .Mr. Foster's crown, s that alert reading drawing, sold on the New York stock e.change. understood better than Stl crs, Is to o ne.; Co, ;h.-- , two million students could us- their duties In the "outside' market another ihi rooms, 'resslng not by your ', tin 8. SOI eah i B, IXIIt SMI Mlsccllnnmas. ually get in no was thee trained methods." non dividend mercurial specialty building !' education other following faculty of the ' Sheep It' CelPtl ft: Tin are the Boat, ll? points to Ml i ., i U( ll ,.. it friiiri a correspondence school. Electric soared I nubs. in Wm i.iiti'l SALE j Institution ni Bcranton: iO strong, sheep. s. S'l .inne how many hoys ami nil Is while the preferred lumped to Full KBNT Tw milt Ml .ii President. Thomas J. M Be. 300,-- I ll.OOfl 1.10, in the United with Foster. Total sales of stocks today were fM lie lit ItUUM . o: s M.i: V arc Stat, .less,. M. B. (1 - Receipts, 7,000. M.irkit PKOFKSSJOliRD9 Dean. John Clarke. Hog ph. i ii.i-ru- i ll btcisls of golden opportunities, 000 shares ' utrcei. Phoa the high I. StnnK. .r'c above sterdaj ll vera no aibaaasrauv U. ool M.a. lmnt' Aia.'Clsttoa. get beyond lower universiti Change In the hank statement were ii i who never the 11 fi SOf.i 7 ltd; b sim isr c ii Aoksnaaa, isststaty. j Director of instruction. Mount the Hulk, (until u I nl grade of the public schools. close to the estimate mole from T Ull iQravatt, M. Sc. (Rutger pins. 'a H." Phoa mi. " Bstmii niiti of tin- - l ntrained. colleg) known movements in mone 'I''1'' riui j 11. H. Sc. At from A.nrii ultiire, 0; Sampson. only feature was an increase of r III" VrlMTH. what become"! the reft? i 11 fun has B B A Iow a college I. Dcuicr K.OI a e Slate 470.1(0 surplus agd ftktwd fur nr.. k. .uii; l ok I M II to II years of age, they qui! 13 in the reserve hOll MAi.h. 11.1. lp,Mlil r. I K KKArT hit. I UK Willi Shephard Denver, July i He ' W. lH. t. school. It is for this iasi army of IIP lease in loam ,0 11.000. lyy lsnd order, lii tu ho i... I'h' Prnlnl Hlirgmsi. 100, Market I, l.. thi untrained minds Mr. Poster has lit Trading in bonds moderate steers, IT nil Ptin SAI.K l'i tlrud idioms i i, Barastl nios rhnss Tl i moatls southern Beef 00f l learning. lume without an hie change tine SB A tj p. ii t men Mh.Io ly Mill th torch of K 1,00; cows and h;. schools now have 2so courses of ueonar pries. Total sa 'HI Well li'M The ( Penney college l"-- igel Ins i and ft I IIIMI I NH AMI hi HI.KO.NS. stiiil to select from, out of Which any Ivunia and gregated J .imiii. stoi kers Pllll SAI.K TS Automobile riinnmi;. John A til' I) calve, IT.IOfj 1.00 person can choose a career. The study-in- n United states I' advan soi HMDS I III BTAN M. II. injr (Btaedtlsch Korthildungs-Ans-tul- l. Sheep Receipt Market Is done at home and the student call for the week. Yuiiiings. with and MorgiMin. in-h- Merlin, (icrmany). steady tin. ni ver loses nay from work tor Closing prices: . mi Chemistry, C. w. U l'iikins, M. ,.,-s- V". .MIDI 6.00; s h struction. All he to sacrifice is Alaska Hold IIH I I I s . C. K. (Cornell university). i I :'i ewes. M.BOH 6. 2.". ., M Nnl.l'l Sin nnl WM time, might other-i,- Amalgamated Copper r PurnislM Bas, Num mm th eisure which Civil O. Kveritt, A. Hogs. Receipt, kn Bgsalallai in lie, TSrsal. service. Flunk B t Sugar man prsfi ." sai.i: 5ft BXCII Hants N. M glvan to wasteful amusements American csr-- i, Pa hol-p- . Ii. (Qeorge Washington university). an. Hie pistol, I H U Ussnlichsr deasures, and the cost of a American Can r i trout room. Heal Closed. u.vlslil.u Au.iBllitlimt il or piinip I I IIAHKH nty-flv- e I'oninierce and hnnking, Nelson Important Wain IRS Tl ft averages Amer Smelt. ii Refng ' which sevi V July 24. An Impdl Ill mi Wlull Inn.' you M. B II inn P I ,1 In ,. Ear, Nsm Rlndley Prouty. A pti 101 Santa e. ma. sb rs. and which .an he paid for ut Aiher. Smelt. Refng, W Ottttl il Tli rust. fiv DrawinA lire Harold KlellaMdt, Sugar Kcfiuing I us ' real estate deal was closed earh ate of five dollars down and ho American Hgnil Wok At ti 11111I11 " Rtstn Nations) Puns Bid r. l. (Qovernment Tecl aV Tel day by Which Thomas s.m.k i"'' rs a month. American Tel. ih-th- c nun, until sty ttrrre. cm Sweden). acquire tlie rel,denc of hamuli" sii sat si I H very Invest-- 1 Bar, Tobacco Lamy Csotral, u lie for IIH t'. NH t. for that moderate (Clectrlcal American mayor of 01 es y.ii.rt in new run bouslit engineering mael sparks, former - 11, PICIAUBT, Aopt from which Mining t fur- 1 nun cash. Ratal prl.e nf tmt (tie. he unlocks the A. H. college). Anaconda run krepins roolllli so AND Donne, It, (Tufts 100 Vi City, and. the adjoining retd rint porchss. Mi.inr Caa in, eoraer l"..uttii an.) THROAT i.ttNOB. oppi u'tiinitx emerges; ror the nwiory Atchison S nlshcit c. llesplo ill' Ph .ns 1071 l ?( - Ifilaetrotherapeutlc, William P a modern home ill Usrnm I nt is a record of suc- ohb. 7S4 property, Writ (' .Hi. hi al iln nui' ot stinb M .1. col- Baltimore t u Medical le re. T.K lilnliu; i - BrooklJ ii Rapid Tranalt r st of archltc RUNT HI s Punii d nak taeM sad J sin, i, i r.. M. II.- cesf . T la Petroleum tluht Ii lIMsltf Ii sthtl null hall buBvt, Vl.tmla. eh Prseii.a. ml ted to Tuhttreuloils. M if E. Cnllforn pm, Kmm Pacific Muscular KlicnniaiKin 114 W ut 11.. Id. imiii Odd In. 10 ii.t (iitini; oan Hours I" i" Ph. .us HIT Canadian suddenly maciilns, dlshvs and Writ Osstral ,. This sometimes comes on WOK RENT Thri . Isrsa rooms sImb-- aimwi. No! Matter ol Luck. Central Leather W ol,l . ..nsi.b r in. 11 for a oomph 1. iy IN Aibaojasraai laaltsfiuai Ph.. m a be She. saful. I Chesapeake Ohio and often mistaken sprain la pun ii iin.i bath, turnUhtd in Ml Siaiiii i i n, N. Y , 111 Michtnfa .1 if to term. Western Mis Conrgd Oliver, Little Fall. for kf plnj w.ut i'ni Ml III III hlmsi seize Chicago Cil'cat ago my l .liter nlll'i l nil: BANATOMOM u - Heidelberg Chieago, Mil. SI. Paul Write, "About three years Knit RKNT III Mil llt.'.'ll f'H 1'iil.ereiilosls of the nml I iisss. ley presi them- VOW ' of fin room house. Thieal 1.1 .11 SM.K urnltui Italian. . sprained his neck We had nlshtd Ogles, II 1 14 Altaii , ., ., . Chicago A Northwestern husband ri.nioj.1 lim of PI. p!no trH raaa cut Wil i'rnirsl Ave. In i. Oftlcs Hoatsl P It s m I I.. I p. m. a Copper a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment S L.n.k Mblsa hi" i l mi tnattei 'hino r 'HI rtrrtd Haniil..rlum Ph.. lis 491. r v house and applied It, Atlir using ids, ttdsbosrd, inn. dresMr, Phnas llll are kno Coloiailo pel ion the Bsvints tr w. Murphsr, m D., Madloal lursstor Locomotive running, Jan Fran Hi and Stiff . r, ,!... k. OllVst t coin-cdc- It a times ull lameness llghl hatnlrlli r body eil'.lcal ion is a w Colorado Southern ... few " 'osgrove i University of USUI disap- Hlabteads, t t Her lllnl M. tools, wheel th la. k of i , u r A Rio Grande nesn of his neck ami shoulders pss priceless possession, an. i nil M. M. D. and met hai Wii: I ( everywhere. hala.ov. shovrls. hilars W. SHL'RIDAN, it bui the Mai hematic A Rle Q rande, pfd, peared." ihliilnalile RUN I. Hilt hounikeppla an even greater misfortune, G, b y. K. Denver Pint of tsld BisCSS. ami bsnd-mtd- s No Me rail wir Haw K. (Pi 111 Rnulh Walpr. PbnM Jui. I'm. question is: Can educa- Dlatfllef' Hecurlties 1 1 lies Uailtad university!, 2o W Smith Wslb be from a correspon- stale Brie pun .hi it.' furnTshud room with tion obtained Mi engineering, rknt Benito Urinary Diseases and .school.' Th.. answer is: Yes; chanlcal General Wectrtc WOJP WANTED. hi.nii sleepln poreh, 111 gouth Atau, IXIIt SAlaB I'onltrj and l'gs. dence man Clemens, M. K. (Ccrji H is being done and the per Northern, pfd ;;!; Full Moiirrn ruriimhi'il rooms. Uh because Oreat U iikx'I .i ....I mill Ihrss-u- u tsrs Diseases of the Skin. 11,, es sityi. I ' i tfs. CsDtrsl. nil m.i: centaue o, ..ii..n.h. Nofttn rn Ire tftplna p..r.'h. dins gssl . MiUhi I failures . M iieai I., .i. nglen ..f I, ,a . ... .nines, e 60 V""k"T le'. K"...'l Hi.'h - is. Ineuirs tral. in ii n soil l'i; Ash Stl Guggenheim Baploratlon furnlshsd h(ius- . ii lbs Win. .'ir that mean Unit Mi ! FOR RKNT Two modern ii i st "I t oiiIiikb ut ::i s. aiili high university). 2 V. 11: 1' A v. ik. Appb it He.. Shin ''Hha" to in- nd N n mi; .lis i m HI frsas Administer, signed some new muni, scheme Illinois Central . noons. Ill Kib Hi atrei Pedagogy. William B. Rtdenour, A. ., 7:1 nick's .liOry, li'll- - Nhj th north sl Rsnu Bid. id with- Interborough-Met- pfd, tin,. Kioopins porah; n Baath Area i nuasai fuse learning into a man's he. ll.ia l'i ill i t: R Sob ' ai nsaus Ahouiusripis. Nsw BtBI Bueknell unl erity). SO WAN K troll m nil. I. a .i,. Hllip Phone l.'ilsW ;.. out study? tnaplratlon lopper siroi't. plprrnin In i a io i ...!.. .. Plumbing, heating and ventilation, 9.114 111. HI. A ll.uiuel lll' I' illifV .V Ma. nine Not at all, Mr. Foster lays no claim itlonpl Harvt iter ll Wslll Illil AlhuipK'I'UUe IIIN l(l ( III l.f.l.KN N. Thoompson (Herlot-'Wat- t intern 2 t to tli. discovery of a shortcut to learn- Thmnas KansiiH CHy .Southern . 27ApV"l'kH . I'll an- HOI llll 'College, Hdlnbtlfgh 1. ' II w 111 1:11.1 uiui a! 11. is., oar-06- 4 H. F. Logins Hspt. ing, he. anse-W- Is'nn shiirlciil. Hut l a hu'li Valley xt North. THKV I.W Ilia py, ttiat's VBTBRlNAftT OOI.I.DOB Kmploymsnr 110 South otiportu-nlt- v Poultry, Thomas F. lioGreW. & pentsrs Aueiilv. T- it I. RsdHl sim u i.i N.. prufsssloa otfsrs in claim to have a system where Louisville Nashville :; I ..I enniiHh I" eiy. Navsh i". does umaiumtp. 71L, Third mri'ri. Phono Hilt RKN- i "roTiiii in. OMsIa frss. (' Prtildsnl, HIS eas- - Bah anil i lilts I. K, Thomas Poultry rards, 717 the around may be covered more Mexican Pelroleiim - p Wsit nd, euiiKi is Sheet metal work and boilermaklhg. 211 p. js ins soured Btonocrsphlc, ae- rei sit Kalst hTBtsldUl tlbu(UorqHi N U Maikst Strssti Hnn Frsnrtseo Miami Copper ni X. M.. .P.uinal foundry A. Bow- - r, i , mtTsgDtll, sdaestl ii New shop and practice, Missouri, n s A oouallnt, Fi hai.K -- fum y bfsd Plymouth Rnea uni- Kn nd AllMHiH. ulTho Bur vie iiCN T Hinders hrich with ir I man Clemens, II. B. (Cornell .,i Msatcn nut I'o.. 71 esnls pur MttlB Fancy hrsd III! ssM IKIMi it has been pa. ml. M Issourl Pacific Went FAttSfl i sorrsstsr svciuis, eS, alter llPj Csntml. an. thftdsi riulT II per Blast versity). . ,j "- orpliislon si.tthis. WAN I'KIl eastllll klllK at feSSosSals Two hundred and eighteen of the National BlSCUtl Apply Furrnter. . Show waiting. Charles .lames; 62 Fsmsls. Mhc.ri-ss- II pit HttlB Call sl 401 North prlnss Isquire 11114 W foremQSt schools, academies, colleges card Lend . . r n ll'.' enlrst avi'liua. National FOR RHNI rhrac-- cnttss. ThlrlssatS or phnns tils . and of the United States Allen. Nevada I 'upper . . . WA N"i i:l H,iM.l.ulii.. Aphly St onus at Nortb tsqalr phi North UltlVrittea (InititUtO Plrat V among Spanish, Luis Cal'eaga Jdi Ni'V. Shop 77 FieiS INK PKRNONAL. are using Ins loxt hooks them, - New York Central lie ioiiu'I' Ail First ar -- it Wi'Btll..until. Le- Genera I y Tecnlco, Unlvarslty 0( Bar- fr..m fi0 hi.ns. is i h.- rsssrd of college, V N. 11. A van'1i-:i- hniwawork. Dr. K ' Ihe Pennsylvania State Ibirl aihi sensual Fiut RUNT "in- r " fishy ein, ks. II'.'0atrlmi per I'Kltl K.M'FI detlStlVIISt all busllleaa university, III! hlsstoi'dsy, 810 MoiUl l''.V.Ui)Qw hi i eet. Call Whltt Ucaurns. high university, Princeton ,l ." "" ...... ,..w Norfolk H Western In. uii at Plti Not'ih I'hlnl ul In.nklei nwr pises and tricily coBfidsnilsl BBathwstsra - ' a 110 loo. Fins Columbia and Syracuse iini- online PftClII Hirl io ivtmn il Is h - Bervlce, AlbiarejMe', Cornell, IA Grenlhg (Staedtoche,....."Forthlidung-- I Northern WANTED imk. tlintrys poultry Rsnuh, Alhuuuar- New Naval Bcao-e- Mail . with house I'll Soul tl In n verslties, York; the ) Pacific milk ipn N. M. LAIilBH itoluyini or IrrenulHr. iiea Bcad- - Ansiait, Berlin, Gertsany "it.-lief- at Annapolis, the Mllttao engineering, Constantino Pacific Tel. & T foronooati Triumph puis: always Isfmndaals most of the Structural nnsylvanla . WAN1 SB i inlet f"i' BSBBrsI n Mveatoofc. ami psrlleillara free, Write National einy at West Point, and B. Imrtt- -' Pi p nut sm.i: K. smiley, C (Polytechnic e i, in Must b K.....I tvpit llll water pain, llsdloal Inalltuta, HllwsuBee, wis. late universities, Pullman Palai bulns t :. - Bwltserland), i Qraplts avsnus. Two hundred and forty radio. ol- in lute, Eurtch, Uav 'oiisolldal 10I IPP CStl Realty & I... an ;,., tli Bnutb now Teleiihone and telegraph engineer- t RbbI bungslnw 13 r two, n.vv M(INI'!V 111 IsMK the Fnitcd Slates and Canada Heading - ing. 16 K "ThTn jTii pi ,:.o" in, csblntl kllohw i; Sleeping pint l. ItAMBOUllil'BT HAMS l.nrgo, it! L'ti h for ... HepubllC Iron A Sl el WIU "ir. ns. il In Ii, t utnl Ii ai In s; fine shads! th hssvy-W-ols- d, rung" rnlscil. tl'in.h.u.' Irlmmina and met cailti ,1 Skpnrl-no- S pftslll i" pnfi fin so H: San Fn pfd. unniiissui. I iei EdW, n) St. Louis . laoiHue. Pa nlhed Inqulrs Pi:. Rmns venae. SmplnMhl at All. .lis Htat" Fair BnS .cut; l L ih eolation, lieoige Mel''adib . tu brslnnsrs. Prmbi. is Pacific i ,i Ii ii bli Informs Hon t.. AUBKBf hau'ii'il. Chief Illustrator, Charles JaCOP Southern 127, wrtlit, st, ii is I''1 - shvs ii runt, for further W the Boston v Maine, Ih south' ni Rallwaj CO., Prisenlt. Aril. Iian. h ail MllNKY Til I.DAN 01 BBlarMis, boiisoiiopi Union, Academy ot Fi i : bright, etpabli rn of A OhlO. Pacific, Haye (Cooper copper 11 l4lg draas, N,is.m, goi.ils nml llveetook, wit rriiioval. ak. tile Southern Tennessee onstrsta an. I sill ahs Design. New York ). 131 dt'ir, I n H.n i Ihicugu A A Hon, the A. T. 9 S. F . Company Pnh.n " llll uh Third Phono From a department In a wei klj Mil ItHllrnnil tun nalil. d the Canadian Pacific. Union Pacific I'n. In, l 'iii.i'i.i, Ni fOV HALiK MoiiisoB CI newspaper ill a small town, which was i In books. M r i Union Pacific, pfd Nft'i preparing the text eon- - w 1 - witii the humanitarian ' ii I M m I) Money. Bter employed Ihe best tah nl . vall- Instituted United Slates Steel guarding hie ami urn11 1KM Europe a,nd ception of sal' 1 IMIII A I le in this country and mines, grown United Slates Steel. WANTED SBtaSMIM at WANTKtl ro BSIStB ol the men in the' has s.o tri ll y. w, cure a i' average expens,. of willing and Utah Coppet Bnutb Bseoad H I Bm Sl foo n shlern n, a oral a Institution. modsrs 181 Brit journal isinjr Study is placed mammoth Wabash, pfd. " (I una nun one course of claim credit f a I'll bp lull llolisi., viator style Mr. Foster does not Unto Marble, phono mlJ, It could not be the originating correspondence system Western por RBNT t'.'.ins, furnished, nlsn I plant list Wsel TVI'IAtllirCltS. used in the ordinary for Electric li strictly the text hook it was in prac SiiliKmen. rooms unfurnlshod Hmh nes CUP HAI.K Hrlctly idem f"iu i uf instruction, because :ioo ooo WANTKK; II provided mlal- - !uol. becauaa it must be Itten and it t Total sales. .Inn TholTUS Bealty r... Pimm, bansaiow, on ill IIM " Abb KIND, both lirw lllnl s. ml haml. before he applied He. not the centuries H i; MK.N Kxpi h n. III nil) till" 111 .01 Ii ly p.iymi fit .f J'I ts ma hough I gold 1.1 anil repaired Albu ustrated for men who could u Itai ' ttlshiuaas, muni ..I his ideas. No one euiiung TBADG ll In New RP iC . Vneflti Whnns ISIIW, qui 'l ei" 0 in I'bime leavi their work; wh" must study h won- CHICAGO ItoAKH nt si Bsssrsl trsds , iue pichango j?. the tirtsxesllBB pi"P"-jtliiB- 0- s nBd with him cati fail to observe ey Augtisi 1st spinnd'y nu: 1:1. Hnaae l -- North ildlth. BALM Mo.t n 1 room friiiim h"uee, U Houth street, their spare timed who were unused I" .00 Flllt derful genlUV of bis mind and the 21. - Wet wcalhet am! Coin iii tssiiin aitiset 13. wsskn pimiiR 4H4 or 017. In lllslilnli'ls u strent ear SB SUSS t" lil from hooks, and of whom all will- ChicaK'J, July ' H equally wonderful force of his today fur .vpnhse. I'ontlhsnt! Iswolr RJti HUNT Ii Ii I BBd '' room hmiaes. Br- - -- in.' V shops; tilial loeatl mi. Niwlj ii could b required was that theyj black rust had bullish effect r.n Phtvclsiid, n II Ml I(IN - Con tints tal bajliliii, li.ipi-rs- ttiroiiKli nl two sore porrnea, uld power. The outcome wa s nr- liinilsnn, l.ul Hi. nth ICIIth, read and write. every week- on wheat. BATbhMAN Cut u. m nil ni es tit I Is trad letgo snoiigh Tor in as Terms At 7:1, ho is ot his desk 1 i:, to iiboie last Kt ut RbJNT Four room house, p ntiy fm It has cost two million five hundred VOUK close at e. new proposition b 4 Hoiilh 10.11. h sUreel !fvaawl-Carrcso- o day morning to night, wot king ie to in New Mexn n. ."ll Qlshed 101 tenth linn Phnne ll'l.l Iniinlrs Ulml Line jusand to write the text from nlKht Corn flnlsbcil off V of vaono August Mtt vtiractivs a' dollnrs V. in 'c merit, . pMNM ler any one else the insti c 'ot ni-- ah plug pon h. Pully Mrviot luavlitf idiiiftll olts and lesson pamphlets without than up; mils at O :)c to - navance, commtaa ohtrsflt tar. weekly tor no; in;.nt with I Rff is WhltJ, Bdlth, I'lIK Stl, Itlllllheo ami I'arr lrii11 at It nf) a. m. publishing tution. Although his hair provisions with loiies of to F HIM' 1. no. Who h sale in, pain s..ulh Phone 1I0IJ. hiding one cent for 01 . Uld panSei Mil'" tin h. l lu U fit ..lie wii v tiff Rt could easily puss for a man Jswelere, cm M l.ulhllng. Clsv' )! it: re itocs i.nn Pai' he :I7 c.c rartln sin mid pollltl, p$t nilli places his appsaisefiiuni. con- - la ml, l) mllei from Wlnelow, Arln. All fenced titftrffl4Jta It iki When lime Wheal tended upward almost water 0 ihN. im'i;: fnc BtfiMM oarrlfirl. 1., 11,.. i'.,eril will is one of; cross fenced! h'Ulefl, esuluslve he rank session. The HA .KSMKN Ptwksl Due. N"W - i RUMWKUi masters of their local ions. The Stantlj thiouRhout the lids right ami . 1. in" c"h baUnoe Alio CO., greatest the world has felt propoeltkio sii mereliaate in lowii riin ' sli'i'iilng nuil OparMntl 111 k on Mechanical I h alving, fur In- the tightening "f prii es made Ittelf rutin. In threo years. Aililnss Dm nil, Wlnslow, Ownr I'lmn Philadelphia - nun undor waul It. Pavs P. yard, fm nlsht il , stance, by John w. ever known. From the httrdesl in the July options. Moro- inn. sad A rig. was prepared mission "ll ofleh Mile, N.i coflectlfu 141 Phono ' Press mars was v in pp. engineer In charge of the drafti- over Ihe outlook lor the to We lakfl A l.l P ins farm landa eithne for Snlkft'ir City"l)lll(!i)iDi ot rtek insfchan Meih-o- ng Bloc-tri- e worse by reason tllsap .it;.-- .1 p, k mil. in in M'he.uiii. New departmi nt of the General of- rendered go. ols Kiishsl lying slib eti (iootl KTOtU-- floor p liy ox V, ,., Ti Mo thing from IP ' to company, Who has I00 draftsmen I'or Roil d pointliik' thicshii via off.aiol. I'll field Mfg. Co.. mis office. Ap- I100.000 I..." pi ' f"t tin!, k dssli Mubmii under one using fice room- Mai Io .loiirnal Kansas. su n t hh ago. gfransed St Hi" his direction, each irom Brtiniiettiohl in Mi'itlug ..rty to geajgmle I' appjl-;- ply ilonriial. bli I on Ihe mol modern methods and i Allliouob riall urshsm III i"i iBeiueaase i.u.hUng. t."i almost wli WANTICII I'nslllons. .111 '" e of his profession. Or the wheat remnlned si I Wsnt a high grsfls mpl"y, continued mpernr I. '. s. Stndept, IMctlVe decided uneasln I". onng man, Hie of Jnpan an grade of aorvants? Mik uss of IBs elcsn. mstried butter the safety 1. Winn the present mikado of Jnpan of tha p t'CRai'tl IO IIH 'lurmi.JII elBsdy, saiiin Byaitl Bmalflyed want clnmne Journal I i n An was crop. Abeolutely lien ti Prefers otttfloor l)l mofli ink. crown prtnoe, h nrollod i" the id the kprlnl hnlhllhu 1 surroundnd hy languag Knglish, Export demand was It wh.i. ospoio blltl y ami rsllat.illly Ph llilttoii, sol: t ir ron hai I'W" essber l"te course, to study shade tri'i 1, (wo blookl from ear line, not supply statement was preiiicielj 1., sgsd p' t' reni ei A'lilless !V, With which, at that time, he was LEGAL NOTICES l.'h Kilt 1 1 K N T-- Hi Minis Willi Honnl Heo 11 N in ki.rl loornal flfflSS II nvejMnt. Monday. journal In one year, he was able for e.r-11- of iiooK-iwnr- t and ji H s 1 Ill) lit .1. to talk It undei'slandingly. H Studied In the 'urn market an Increase ai nut ItKNT Itootns ml boar. i: BAfJC ri'sp-ni'le- la m u Ii for- notu of offet'lllKs see al p. offset the sstei eat 4 a) ..ll sout nml Tokio, and the lesions wen the un- rural ounli iialnhiK beet 0 i.l On many Notice is hereby given that vt whe.i nirth and of the Soli DHN roouiM viiUi sleeping P'T Ins. warded to him from Icraaton, influence ' - mediately "r dersigned receiver of the Williams WSM ghlp- M Do t) tnoira Si.ulll IEJ thousands away. w eat bet, as as of an active It pled for i... Ill 'nl M OMANOIV 11 s l ll A s I I II, It At I of miles Healed bUls "k TT" is lol company will receive ' Pi Ut TTT'- - r sleeping ESrehee The to assist Drus Ding call. it non AdSreee 1. 1 ins end IV III phonograph is used pruperty and effects M moet Kull HAI.K Ot for the gale of the t IStA like w neai, n veloped notable rises Lable board, 131. bl II IO.HIIIIIIIII In stMli (store u! No. .10 of general WA HTKD Mlsii 'llanooaa. 1:10.1 fn 01 iic o ape us contained the Strength on account the Iddress w in avenue, aim also m w chiefly In the its airy looms wuh 1 top West Central rains. The sipieee as IN H and helonRinK to ihe said CARPBT CUBAN fuinitiiis l rsusooahls noes ph na l,iW, book accounts July deliv ry. w a 0 ar 11. la, .irn j to bo - raaslrtn Hon most brilliant writers Williams Drug qompany, Uda provision received n unta siip- Edith. THE on Wednesday, the Mh day of irk hole WAN'THD. PC. e ll FOR III'.') Nicely furnished, well rep III' opened port. Mipv offerings I. age America the artists .1 kill. and pi I Be int., ot of o'clock In the despite ,1 nans, good b0rd l'i wok; th. hour , st of llu list 1111 111 Pi ill ImbfUt to ilnwri the ft Joura!. rooms. IS.M er week. Mis. Chess, 0 'aim suit whose "comics" afternoon of said day. The ho) lit hloek. cartoons and any higher prices early for WANTBII To bu: ti nael Iggafl llarthi Hum the right to reject ad TiloTais "fr.Tn fSserrs CloslllR prices;' wooil lypftvrlti I in pi Mloely well eenntBt- - KOI! llteNT- - I 4 P. 0.. brink make the nation laugh are 1 4 Kim kkvT furnished all bids. Clty k- ktllldinC, 2. floor, Sllltalile Wheat July. Itos 1. SO room with board, smilh-n- t In. 10 Wall roneretl. HOV M'lX'NAI.n, r Weal 11 u Aiioihi r dlsiilhutlnn or dining room Mis 0 - for sra See nwni-- 4I Silver working exclusively for Drug com .oil. HUM i...' (ng, vsry pleasant Bssti l a in ei up I pip Receiver of the Williams S'pt.. of fl. ao listrulinll si It.'DW. W' iiTTiT irTin owner of g Corn July. NHci etmlee land. pall mi. ::'l North Kighth .t. Phone AN Till nhf iin i.'ii , i"'i r. man f the Outs J11I1 I". Hept :!' Plstitailon, tlir BoXltU ' n for )..,iitii nieken buelnill fol sell BlBle pine and 7 it Impreved itAM'ti gl lip t . 8 free ng ,t, Ii Push .Vlhinwaliolls Minn. t AM. inns. Poik Hept., tl4.Hi; in Its. south, rooin with sleeping f.or. h or collage, two ptlon Wedm idays I op roit UT live oil Ih" I Lard-Sep- iU. i Oel IK. 22. within fo. yea' uliy. fn-si- i frail, mhk end WOH HAI.E tloardlng with mitlre rum Nmttb. nl the ' H, 1.. tnllea from ..g. geahti bids will be received It.'hnes , . III 0.!Hi; , $!I.S2. land. Adilnus n, .111. I'fnfl's Han h. Ph. 6 W, i". no nts. rooms furnished sleeping . Hernallllo Rib Sep 'let Ii ' f..i iSirttculara. In '. null the lerk of III.., pi CStVI par-hi'- eeoi.-rl- l P office of count.! l.ucKHAirT ip The moet sttrtcttve even hioir s cotintv. New Mexico, up to 2 o'clock iiam ing In Pihsma Aiu.iv Houtli Arns or MIX'S WI I M V REVQCw. Apartni s lie n Ii reaorl. Cine mile of town. ill In the afternoon of Thursday, AuKtist rfllt HKM and eggs produced ua place build-lin- r All milk, criem America's Cleverest Weekly 12, 1U1.'., for the erection Of a - -- rn furnished flat. Free carriage for Blectrll llghle, l: ' l.hf p.s iTppiiltTt'MTV f. t enter New Y Ji !4 -- Dun's tomoT,- fQR ItKNT Thrio runaii In county iall y.'trd at Old sleeping porches modern, till South cltr mall eirvlre. RoeM or cottagie Phone TO lllBSfRtaBM tho with you full get your to be built in sccoroano r,,w Will" aiTth tnoo'T- - Barns a isei Mre W H Heed If P. MorDln Puck-J- ust developments of 1, 101 JourssI, call Everybody Luces in Apt rt from llu' V, ';" i iiltl't fnimerl of rlshlM of yin.aoao mot. Iiioiillnn of plans and specifications the 11 Thl.'f 1001 Uiu iTitiliv sell . with controversy general f III o : WKHII.It .HO. KI.RtlllAI'U OO. V, Hill, architect; all further ll bor the light lions. eplng wl City SBBOVS H I' she has let for office of Oeorne as- - id f..r diver Jlooo- alii Ished Fun lupervtalon situation maintains lis favorable coBvealeaoee, Irtoulri (ill Nor'li sfld r ling gle and liav'lg s will work to be ilone under the yy elsndlhg Address lie battle fins Machine 1 II. nt settlement of me trou For 40 years this paper fits, P. HI It I: NT Sit ' a nudied two. 1, bles Iti the 11 lil in ir runes Hi no " '"' gleseed In tie has retained its position rimni seaitmi Itt'V STOCK in 110,100,100 nop. to I followed iy the najummeui per. h no eh k to Ml Bosth W llll, as II been fl "iioslMon, Kill the best a 'round local clothing strike but fresh ItOUBll pi pel lent. quired to Hive a bond, satisfiiciory to ol the feratsaed nr. fm days pa! ITds ll wells at sBSbi Qttloh humorous periodical in the . have arisen here and eplng pore)., mot AUTO LIVERY he board of county contmi.-- long) s. disturbance HKNT office Itoniw aillon on our tnoiiev. Llinltud nuinher country. It is better now oil plants In - pcrfor-- ! elsewhere, notably at It Welt Siller .1 ei iits p. r shitre: II pal vulue. ltd Vt- conditioned for the faithful em- I). S. Maepber- - eharB. (live Us a (all Will Tnwl than at any time in Its New Jersey. I)ff icnees between FllH HKNT Offices. Apply liuys Itl.Tl par vii no T ills st .a k adi ani-u- to niancc of the ontruct. s..n ornne : Ango-- toil lilelll career. to re-- I ployers and wag earners, however, vom l.airnai innia pit ehsre t llth rompani bojrd reserves the ritrht .1 hUlld- Al A ( ONKTIU'C The not yet siif f ii ienl ly widespread to Knit hknt- - Mfle euite In Wo. ni eii .hosing big 10 01 ho Ion In llsSdellos MACIIIMo Hi . bids. are I.IBBKA I, HKWAltH for hay SalM den A i,0S-Brr- 10 cents a copy ct any or all th. progra log. .tuns in Isastfa ll gurrouBded to elle Itemit TION 111. of ( ounly securely ipti tier with linrsn A ttthson grocery; use sflr . By the order of the Board - nhereon .Wl.-- now Write P.r free lAflarmBllofl, IIP of manufacture and distribution. toVaS hBBdl high.' I" years old. welg .l.ornsl MtlK'lKb'iin. M. Ask Commiss ers. make while, dark man Your Newsdealer ,VAI-KK- thouKh the unsettled condltloni BooMl hlad dl- - onft hips. 4nurnsl a aBt ada tiring yulck reeulle. Clerk. Hx Increased consumption In some Ull, branded both SUNDAY. JULY EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. 25. 1915.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. WOMAN 'SUICIDE' HORSE PREMIUMS . - M...-- . HaHg- i- II. m- i- I nt ..l-- (ntl.rv T..l- Wltl Storm mid lilting, rluinliiiig . i I "I nii'l Work Hot Weather "iir !! Plenty of I F OUND ARE DOUBLED FOR W t I VI It I M I'lloM III AT JEMEZ 3IK Is Over Still Ahead of Us nut m iii 1 1' i u ii'i ii i i rv GET OUT NOW AND WITH 1915 STATE FAIR:! W For PICNIC BLU e Are Headquarters H. & K. Coffee PALM BEACH SUITS BKM-et- CAlglWTEHh I M I Kill) K W II II MX (OTKRli CfTI IV i. --' P KKP Allic Ferris III. .villi. - XI H STRAW HATS ; bfiow I I'... k. K V I atugraphr in i'i hi MUIL, OUJtJI itendents THIN SHIRTS BOND-CONN- buck undei lll SHEEP AND WOOl COMPANY .. -- - It. .link I I'll- -. A I' nIio aTc i i)i jinted by Ma meinont. LIGHT UNDERWEAR Mil I " M WOOL, IIIHI N (Mi ri i.i s

u- - And All Other Summer I an 1 . Itiei-.i- Menu, Mi icmiroiiii on. i in n Ifll mill foal Tin ,ir s iliiliit departments 0 the atate fair are gradually rounding A LUNCH SET Comforts let, having ii . Into ihape with the appointment ut going II Huperlntandenta anil tin- revising of DMi I...1 1, iinil I ii in II in iwn herself, tin. lint, it in axpact ad OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT l.v ml M i ill - iiii fact baa i.i mwii tn L'ndei lh "f this i'k tl Ipartment vm ba care of audi I I 111 I HIM. IN I'll Ml i i iff In. k I.i m several daya, taken tht- - plana im each of outlined. I H tral a ki p m i ii mm Mri rrta than BARGAINS-$2- si II K. I. seleel- - SEE THE SHOE .90 in nut J u'k Hlllmaii, blackn h who Martin has again been accompanied Both ed as tin superintendent "f the horae her, were erreeted department Valley Peaches ware in Mm ootwtj latl .it Old Atbu The fair has doublad the Car of Pecos gnerque la at night amount "f nnuiev tu be paid nut In prisaa I Mrs i i i i m unit Hllliaan were In annum 'he exhibit horses and been I rated in Jem . Boring under Sheriff attractive features have a Inc. STRONG'S learned :. woman anewer-in..- . added that will make beans Htm" SIMON STERN, poeslbte, A tHi-gmte- I tti. i rlptl in of Mi.- - ' lis Was saddle class hae A BOX ' GROCERYMAN FOR OF THE -- 111. . 1. been added, carrying flSO In pre ASK YOUR HOOK STORE II. I I I'. II Ill Iff A Burt lees and Parr in husband I miums, Home proa pact lire rnlrtea have j m FAMOUS PECOS VALLEY PEACHES. "VERY Mil It Ml V II K t ban Thai retut neeo received various parti n"i A i.hi i gen-- II MM I II III lllg III! M H. K' l I the Htati there will be a ' D AND CAN oteaa bel CHEAP' BOXES YOU The had ii room In tlemea'a driving which ui - i iemmeeeeis Loon nt tin. springs a part of ihi- horse ahow which to j AFFORD TO PRESERVE THEM. FOR SALE working at his trade in a feature "i one nlyht'i prosram in limit ill the grand Htand II is lie Utad tu Be 1 1. m i. -- Mi-. fYrrta, MARY PICKFORD TO BE lleved ihm there vv.n Iih many morel AT EVERY STORE 'I lie wiin. mi H.nii i ha wenl againai . line horaea shown this year in i .11 Rho though than ever AT CRYSTAL THEATER .. i before, n Inqtitrlea In t i"' laaai ted. I ate uorntni ., many Surrounding I THEATER ad tii. edge .if th trmA to " of the states. CRYSTAL TODAY AND mi-- 1 TOMORROW get away to coma Hlllman iroup Iihm aeoepted the pi i r held h. r, hIii- - loid ... ,n i ..,. ,ii"ii superintendent "t the swine M.u I k foi (J, I i, ,,t he ( l "111 Hint i'ii. she dues inn I. men TODAY and TOMORROW I l t announcad hcrlbei exactly what happened, she tali g deti i loo n with the iralMrs Pnrris nniii hi.. was ini to mlnal i" nm fin was paid out in premiums oi Ii III lilt ' .Sill ill illiv iii Mi iniiiu i iimiiH Players Plln Presents ' I swine mid ver) frw were shown wan hi iii up" frvm unutbera part aplte Ml the other h ind llillman said numerous and Tlii'ie are sufl'mi'iii hreedeis in ihi nf tin- I'm v i i was ,.i in i ns, ix pre Mrs KerriH went with him voluntarily, Pecos Valley Freestone Matt rime he riei Feature to legal pens ot I - . i in i h to state show al fifteen IK ill. III poll I Hit know hi ni in thai eompa in he im i in s in moved hint take her him, stock, mid Hie department will si t itsi Mi ii n Quevgrg Ing ma, Nell," nw.iv, according to Their plan MARY PICKFORD Peaches Policeman Ton romantic dm ttlalresa m I I i a idg clt) wag in. hi. ti" less than huh nuniber. U H II 1,1 j was in g" in wheri sh. II ML if ll 'III V f til di ..ii, of hj iii.. nil- i' Ha hi which best - prooura g iccordlng to which will give the showins evsi iii; h nth ..iii daughter "i hlalhas tor so mans enthralled an- in divorce mi i.i: Alii I 3 lbs.. 25c V gel possession seen at a state fair. liu ii In i iiii-- v n n al, j die in ihrniiglui llillman. and t" "' n 3, Nofgeaaa Huperlnteatlemt. rounty. Tii.' child died Hl sjitsign tsucci her chlldn i. as m fiver, The uf estsrday aftei n The "Mlstresa Nell" considered the Mrs. rerrls did no the guperlntendenc) the poultry la- - -- In -- a ii -- i In l tin- 1.1(1 I N r i In mi inli in department will be m hands of M WW III W ii... ii Hi i'ii. die Me) great t si heroine ihhiiiiIi and ro" ii.'. "suicide note, The tracks found on J, D Notgrnsa, the popular C whu made at ai personified by Santa fe Annul.. Chaves, mantle drnma. the hank w re tu'i'i. b) someone elee. conductor, who Is himself s breeder business n Tana, after i lulling Mm Plekford is 'haractoi of de tun The footprints in the sand seemed to of fane) poultry and wan well a. - j NELL" t "MISTRESS u h ins famll) Hi camp on ih ipai itin iiuiiifui fi m It mhlned he 1111 I point conclusively toward suicide qualnted itii the rennrements "i a M IM. I'l.M p t, rat i in Itj ti nt in nil the the fowover, ihn woman declared she had real pOUltrj nhow. II.' in alliadv al Mi says court The Celebrated Romantic Drama in Five Parts by fl Hi. chnvea the not gone that fiu to cover her depar" wink "ii the department securing an und Taos Is badij In m "i rain, n,,. . laid luri Perrls queetloned the seeming peetal premiums and welting breed- George C. Hazleton. Jr. Paramount Program. i. hi t hi- - Pecos oounti i i severMl Charles nf England, and in King II, I'ldvnce of tiir tun ks. hui despite his ers, reipu'Sl lug si 'in to liling their vi t I in OTHI H I Id Bni i ilhs the Isal feet da) j.i Rated in t im heroism and ga - .."Hi. is tiiv Lntjuresslotts leadlns tu the slink I" tlM slate tail'. MATINEES Al 2:15 AND 3:30 I I l M ' llaiitr) pa- M Mil Hhi liters "f A' a tempi Hich thai marked thai brllllanl brink ami ending there appeared 1 .l vii n. i Machinery. NIGHTS AT 7, 8:15 AND 9:30 mond, Vn passed throug llia eity iinil Yri in all tin. realm and of all t" Indicate that hi- - wife bad made I Fred w. fisher will have charge i home brave hold cavaliers the manj ami good her threat, An explanation tu to ol the farm Intplemenl department.! t i' char- - none surpasses, dar-.m- i is from hi attle, They had and knight, in now the) wi in made still tacking Hundreds of letters have gone out .i on Fi No ami loyalty, Mistress herself Night. - tan slepers Bnnl inn nhi Walked at nl the tan ai n e tin.-- week lo manu- I Iii king The) wn s im a ints i" linn shs saves the tiist from Mis. I'm rl ami llillman Walked la. tunas nt (arm machlBcr) ami ap M ill. iii h. H i,v a delcautlot "in Hni l tin. machinations of ins tmiitii ai ene-- north along the Hants i'i track after Adults 10c, Children 5c pi lances asking them to show their X 'HI IK II I III It vim her rooms. They hiked sl .caving about products mi tin' tan grounds, Prom III It Kill mx s of i ilv III null north the the first Ises been made by two of the love, are pn lurestiueiy, nramaiicany, night ami camped there, During have eaeee'eeeeee lb-- .. Mm an mid Miss lartrtuls moal I lensely, depleted Thescene oi Journo) t tramped night ii yasterds) morning nd often their thi at shots . I in in. li she nvei hears tn plot ana sli'pt In daytime. It look Hum l"i an Ill inl'll I'll Hill i nsilugi hlnery, gas TAYLOReeeeTAXI CO. - after i in- agahiHl king... life, and bj Si overland White mountuttu the . ... Incuba ll' misl t . iii d. niageil and mt tup i i.. 1...1... ni.iin ....,i..., i.i going lo Si lohns, a I. here in. ill. n 321 i IOH, lili'uili i:, IIIIIIMUK nuns. Phone i li ii nohled t" im utmosi sacrifice .e is iii a ii Ittonwood WARD'S STORE tin- iandelai ms foi mi mii r lines etc, ThePort-lan- d traction piowa, seeders, - 1 ... i - lo save her ign'n life, presents at Kinconada, m ar BernallllOi Was I'm- ' itniing relatives Mt .i"ii pi inf- people suf-iinie- IS.M Mow, THEATER Cement have given ( i i Plckfi in r Inlmltabla la st mail,, in them. The) stayed there two i it i Mgrhls i'. Phones t iiin and "i in i a Icons owns Ihi Man to a Situ on he enta alls. III MtHI w n cemi ni build vv a nil wl'" ikUlfull) '.he can dgyg 'i hat couple had camped M l ICS. W I'andelarlas iii pi ..... tin call in h k HOStl R H MO. Mgr. nt grounds. li Ivvo "t mine ttTIQ there wa knogftt, hut Perrls did no! inieiini't Windmill Bill, pfealdenl "i the Hint Show i. ,11 .,i Hie same lime will appreciate bytleve the wontan was his wife, say- f Tri-sta- Irrigation Hupply company tin nl this scene ami Its ing sin- would not he able i" walk on Merchant Police Services In tlio Stale hue charm "i Iteming, will install a windmill at "f tht lo her foot, ( unusuhl dramatic appeal account Injur) made I.I I Mt A DAIRYMAN IS FINED .Mrs. i'i in- - uptteared i" be fatigued. the grounds, the smallest mill .eeeeeeeeeaeeeaeee The suhji el is heauttfuil) coatumed by tin- '" a which will lift 300 Phone 1 008 TO I AY anil the settings faithful!) illustrate Her foul was iiearli well. She still had FOR FAILURE TO KEEP In wrapped In imndugi The tool did gallons "I water per minute. He will; VUDOR PORCH SHADES the linosliig env il "iiineiit ol Ihe pi I.,...... ,...;...... a. I... i greatly (he lie " i' "i"i'i..n. Henry iii supporting i'.'1" mi it.'" '""ii"'" ill-- hauls baggarje and Genesis POM ii OOIi HIS CORRALS SANITARY nod tin nasi Maryi""' .... rfMlVai lo,' ,nlll liii't I'or ! ; Man's gin nil. PI, Mm, gra Owen M as Klnglfhe said, ,, - , ,, ... p--i , . r. ""'II-- a Mm "aiiing s nun on a n.-- .an k. A KepriMloetlon of one "i hen i Hoops iih thelbandages in hot note omer tnmc s. rnone ujy. hni. ii iiiiui toe tuel liatu.H o p i i ROSEN WAID'S Hub) Hoffman lerrls sa fi har I'll rrlUal (llh'M Mwcusaogi Kugeulii I'linvi., dairyman, yestei Duke of Buckingham; luillllo HUOHCl'llii'il sutli' ieiit iiinney n tiieatest am I , )' Ini'hei h, nf the fool ilav i Ha I" I'nllee nut. Ilileloss of ills Illh: nine lined II" di to t sfeiiplna on a send live boys and hie girls l" tin u orange Moil, w" hi needle Judge tleorgi H ' inn' foi malntiiln-ii- Smells Rose, as and - encampment .it the as repfesen n " ' ho mi This caused an Infec- fait BY Mr. Jarr and the Captive an unWRhai dnTrs on NoM u i.tin popular phut " pia in ihe Itatlves nf Sandoval county, Huperla. SHORTHAND EAR n t nboUl four inllen 111 III"! nll'H. Ill" ..ii sun road l 'i. mi. m Toulouse ..f ihe department TelH'lllT's nine noil tile Maid "Mistress Neir win bg the bin u eiiu rmgiii s wire. Tttf t Mr.--. iM working m Santa re yestcraa) Typewriter Come in Mmr Home. X Crystal todaj ami torn or mo fust in. I'ert at l u graph ( iioieilv Strong Hrothcrti ihe theatei OOUnt) along Hie same Inns. Write for Particulars. row si and evening ihowi RaeerVe, Socorro where hrr afternoon lives He earn, here iftet Magdalena itand t oiiiiug. Tin: SIT NOl'HONK KVHTKM fathei the X IJndcrtakcrH frrleg did, and worked in Tony fr- - Sl1 Johnaon, repreaentlng tin Moor II New Tor life r.nlhliog Love's Way o, ALBUQUERQUE DAY AT tin' blacksmith ahoo. When Perrls Boys' band "t Mugilah ua, mis in t hiea-- I . S. A. ii-- i hi ii ic mi in riioNR ii all tree from Cuba yesterday, arrandlng fm' the use Drama Kkllth Storey 7 returned from ami learned ofjtown MIIUM. lll.K.. ourPKR dairyman had PANAMA-PACIFI- -- b; delega-- 1 Xt THE C tin supposed suicide f his wife he of the band the tan The iicroND. nil lil milk t n ami also ted wi la.. M... in " - .SEE SHUFFLEBARGER S Repaid 1 , Broncho Billy Well contained EXPOSITION SUCCESS her msai'i'iatuiee ami coniiaeg invi "" ""nh nnm. guaptclnn to nirieers. Hlllman could end while In AlbiHtuerque the mem-- 1 TRANSFER LINE Western Drama t i ehtlmi to.t he found until he was located at bars "i th hand will be thi giu-nt- I id Jemes Spi mgs with Mis. i'. i iih. of the i.i management ,,l the ell f'T gra ami I'etri,, ami his wife wef seem u iT v i a m nt mi tin fair giuuiuls. Mag j gravel h ullng and for all LOCAI, ITEMS t r work, I p. m. Show i perfect!) haetnonloui marital re luaiens ami gocorru are going to innii in nsf' Opi n ContlnuoUH phone 348, Or "REST lati. ni.-- when i hey rearned nere iasi out imniense crowns tor Hie air, .Ml'. 11 Tt DAIRY WAGON TEAM RUNS light he whs anxious to obtain her Johnson said, Inr the) have ennft - Offtoei Sill West (upper hlefly i please i mm mil. lioa evi i she m as ih nee that it will pav tin in t" eiune i it in port, r n hi AWAY; HITS LIGHT POST .Mini held last night she probabl) will ba reiaaaed undt bond today. .1,,, niv jf, also gopig h.lEAT MOIIK IUB ITU'-A- tin nr Ihe tw..ii four IimiiH einllng ling. H us ., i. a ml I,, the tan. President .OOI run Mil at- - up. 99 at S eln.'k ' i 'lav SI llll'g. ii ri'il Ihe ..I tin Karmlhgton Commer- - Candy Mo the pound und im i)ao "i itn Parmlhgton Home Cooked Luneheoa nt noon enjUes 'THE SPENDTHRIFT' wiiin- - lha a spei ial Hani has 35c. Try us. TELMO it the arranged for from that tetruiu which win stop .a a number nf points GRIMSHAW'S on ihe way i" Albuquerque Astecandj Corner Heennd and 'out nil THIS ii i: a Mi oi Will ParmlngftoO turn nut at hast 800 N N 11 I.IH1I1S NH M1 people Hie HptVlal, While Hie MOTORISTS SHOULD FIND .tl and Interesting fur BEST. points along the road me expected II I, Till'. , - 10 add alu'lhel 100 lair vlaitor. He TIRE COST FOR HIMSELF to Be Soph ,tl tin: I H S. also says thai San JukB win have g heatei lodav and g ea A h il ' VlltllOlit' lor 111111111- -. Word was iv nl yesterday from ni n l I MT I I at it coats Oltllil B. ti Merltt, assistant commissioned BATTSstl SI IIIN A MAN Batteelei ehafged, repaired nd esehsagsd. LET US SEND i rut i. m Washington, doubtless of ffalrs thai Mel'MIHKKl Al iiih v Lpprr inii of the n eyewear? guthorit) has been to. Replace Timi Rroken Window who has i1"' perted child! to (Haas successfully"d granted t he aupt r tileiuh uts ol s. hoOlg Wiin has comhatted the K MJMBBR nwiier. ,esiln shtiping fin Inrs of heredity ami reaervatlong la the stats tu pre-pa- ie IliBrQCKHOf isineMH a foi the Indian exhibits and I I1MI'AV nnd environment witii theoretical their 188 N. Plrsi aacer rode of ehiid-raidii- g warranted never transportation i" the fair Bach esti Phono ut hlbll will i.. accompanied b) a large $50 -- REWARD -- $50 ' ii nt huh. his and hv some lint ..r res- - anufacturers nf itbiiiinnili iinna, failed. Her two prettj nleoea, Japeclmens livestock from each WmW " POST CARD VIEWS OF I.'.... Iltf, il Ol.'l n ill l. nl I,, i letter from snd Clarice. wei"e taught tolgrvatton lleuben perry ban been ank- - I Frances tin .mil conviction I m s i, 1 t ii I y r land lax , an company, gnd m- ml, economise and re ed bj the department to take charg or B it wiii BIG GOODRICH FACTORY adaen iMi-oi- is ile- - I it thev bad iliatl in clothes and money! ol thi exhibits Mr Perry i? "u f ol am mt "' - scalp Tii atinenl. " Mcertalned tranoh, not alone faclag, dealroylng, removing I Seieiitilii- in. ni, tires coat them three Put in thought and emotions an well. (the olty, but the fair management H Ma age. SliamiHMiiog. Haw Hie or taking up our road-ioaik- - IM Wenvrng "i a per mile, up the fountain of youth." was! declare! thai in- w iii accept, Mank'iirtng, Hair If.teathi .in "Ping plin i d on anv ing. aiued! ,,. hiiish al null' ol lie entries tor Ihe harness lines ut crs. of the Combings Made t'p. rurilain. public roads hi the iiu, and.! - iu IIAIIMTT in Hi. i hit. hen Jans, ami Prances pud the, the tan- .lose at midnight next Sat- - I -: III! '. with heartaches, urday ,s no av telling I I'll,, lie- Offle, ' pehalty her There "f AUTO III II. .'. W hen Ril ha I 'I W ltd fell Ml whether they will nil or Dot ggicretar) BUTLER CO. m for ioe with Francea and Mis Jans re- - Wilev believes from the egrlj Indlca I con Ihe parental hlessmg. the voung at least two per day raei is Itueeil lions that nues horses. Trimble'" i linve, stncej , outde di,i what tn""t young couples will nil. which wdi be satisfactory to Mvery nnd saddle lav the fair Onl) IWO ices per day are Red Ham. Id liegh .1 then hit" the life desired, three being tdverttsed oh he great hangi the progrram onlv fm- the purpime of ..ic allowanee offering a large number of clawaeg in i vn of l"ll an like rii the hope thai at leasl two nut ot three i. .ll. I. mop ;altiii si"' In n through the j I M n l li l MtlHT. ehlne ilden stream would fill. The slate fall hut meet CcrrlliOH Lump CerrilhM Htovi lo I Kendal Richard Co. K l VM I0S, fingers of both is lo In held Ihe Week following the Hahn Coal I'll'iM pav - IM 'PARK KM couldn'l ke p up the gall Hills lose of ihe Oklahoma circuit and PHONE in ' ,t with a monotonous ret following com, m.i i n PARI N l l. hie "i' eai the week the close of the1 ANTHRACITE, Al.l. sli s; eTTEAM ularltj "tiiv squatted b) the decrease Wyoming ' eltcult, Because "f this the; Mi Wi "I I W'HhI. l ord W" Natlie liimlllng. l - ike. actors W' of his bills valee Credtl wenk- races an expected t" nil and give a PHONE 23 ened. the s ..i uf pen eii grinned good list nf entries some tine noreee rioi- - I through offlcg door and the iik-- I M h m i i l ill son l I I I MI t Tl ti" havi already been entered from ilit i im of th girl Who had heen I ' l Ml- - I Hni nod Night, waste kvhoma and ArUtona, i. winghnled V It ll V. I. ii d conl Inued then c tme the sei ond man a llh Ins inaii or lhotographer : If yon hi- - of ami the of mm i i s nlfer mone) trail results let us do our ko- rt Buffering ami f"i- - want Inner Sate Iweet pang tinlere taken thai dak flnkahbag. Hhimih x i, a- - w It seemed all cry Pnnna. wet in ptetwes ami frnsaing. In hui it was Iragedy lull ORAMiMC tMHSTHIAL Innocent I I o WeM eniral avenue. Ubu Iv ll to Richard Ill RENT stMiiiin. gneeejnev, FOR PhsHse (.in 'mt "The Kpandthrlft" al the irtu. pastime theatei tode) ami waaorrow I t in The; . you will tIMII.I I re i i:n. Build formerly occupied by the Orpheum i I SOX, I I OIH-- Ill I'I I T, through six emhantlng reels i MndrtMM rill -- 3 lhs. Cans m: KAI.I AatiaatohtP vi m t TO watch Hie I. sun hammered home ptuaa pnlnled ami j.ii rwi l (ml a pleasant I lbs. Cans Will I... ni mwii i Mi Ml. HI with a trutti ni fnreo -- ' - all) new 10 lbs. Cans s III Willi m nt i'v.i- pun in I innse of real Ilv osalbli onl to s" Mo- - .l UHANNW w lire- - aplendM 'mi lllllilieliin an artist ax M'ss Irene on i; mi m iii p toi i o llame : Penwlck. " PRINGER It M WIII.IXMS ISAAC BARTH, Stern Block HellllsC sc. ,i- - i" me, TAXI BERVICK ni in It IS fn.-in- ahaf 1" n, Old Tuna nnd ein. aft.-rmo- mill niiiH and W lilting Hud. ting ehltdri eenu Time nf show- - I. . P. 4 i "". ; nlglit. Dlionc MO and 111. 1 Ar-- J ' n. o lln ihea "f khirHKr t' o p Service ! No. .l' and m. kATISFltbS lluilrl aiH. uSle. 1'hone SM. u'i". Society Comic ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Page Section Al P AY, JULY 25.


.m J V

July 25, 1915 Ml llr:lli! RIhU 7agws ' The Original Katzenjammer Kids , I , g i r,-- V'' "" "v X r


Ktma 9 (a mm Am,

si - v v v.. m i i uii ; 14 FT I ( mm Vt VILL HW l v. v v - 4 wis GREW PLEASURE I MIT HFlPINir, MR ,1 ENG - A - L ING ' 3 (m W y 1 fir 5r R Ml - IP X


r napoleumV 'nit ii. rnn g v "V. W w& V" HAS GONE COULD KISS YOU FOR J DOT TX)T',5 . X', I DOWN ! r 4-- IDEA'. T DERGOOIEST I 1 tf.'.Al . . . M Mto3 VUI !(SEEN ir"(TT X fBLTTER HURRY -- DOT'OOUP j ill VELL'. VEIL! V Jmentilation (CM u undputinoerJ ' MACARONI ink der Cnnii UP J SOUP A I LIF J must add ve got Sim v A IN- - w dere?( IMPORTANT fvr 1, A r,&rmvFMT

: M How ISS IT JiVXt) " (BY YOU ? r

- A ' 1ST XJn b I FER THE LOVE O'MlKF!) 155 HE )f GET READY rftwi.MVQVlCK! - LET vWor's UP'J WHERE X A IIAUA X ffc Ye ) ( - U X goin'? 'tH VtlNI ( KOMG! ' I 1 q s':X"! l- - O . ,XV -s 1 umo r a ! NT?- .' Mill k O Vrh-- 1 GUf Dot - ) "; -- s V''- i;i ii : Mho? ABOUT '''WXur 1 'INDS UP i y NaPOLEUM!) V i n X k. I - A . n 7 It. La I , '..' ' J WW. X i'i'ti

. y

) X


ll v. I 1'lxt i r , III .1 .i

lit.-r- , whni nf III lei l r Tt feu Home i 1. Ratter at f... Hu r a tn i ni in I. I MUST (iSt.K! M, Opportunity ihi i i. .fit. ut Uhbm nt' othel nf t.l. Knl i. Tti IiEAL Some Morninf III lit II. temar feroad . hi hf. .in nf Cool and t V I Id ix BAIiGAINS In me , nr. tewi in hit TNt. Week. Read Bdow lit mi p, Huppt after .1 moment t, ti Bndoaror at iifl in pie un thiit aounda, 1MB) halrptn All her girl frien.lH I i" BOrt nf Mll'illl Save Money V ( aid it wa im hair, though, think they would,' llda: im CHItlKTI III III II Hay grh ye tn my. were .1 ffhe - anklta, did not Miy It fur nth- III liiru' Slu wore Cotton Kt.ukliiKu nil;, when Thl tile flow mid Mm k tie with Inrxe bnw nn thJ .m t g4 nun ilnin .mi I., tin tubb) tin" Mm fit: liehlff They take arred vt nre 'wnen'l 'ery mml. ( lh. It wnffn'l hlvra or Jam potfi .ol, It waaa'i ISndeavor, , i dump) "i tcrawny, Imi liter tn."t .HiithliiK. Juet tnd anything really latereatlng about it. wcel Sou,. inn Sh.. inn. I. mi .iiul botch .if fllniii.' I Wt.l I It l, LI T Mm iiiust admit that When he tried t III lit II. tn coo aha mooed. When Hhr tried Tu imds in a all di In lunch ei, 11. "he tquaaked, When nrnnk. Ami you have tn Hhe tn iuirt-i- d ;i i , tun i ii lavta. lh tried leumh hiurtll.i sin olle W'iiv "i loli. nut III, wii inn aal down mi .1 bench dike up their work agaii i li.i hlH "tllnuiri t In nuncht) !) ::n - bealde hi the moonllghi aba would lookl 4 SoWg 011 lh, by, achool, :'. m. 1 I So. .i- thri i OUR U IN'DOWS ii'mi tu undutai iiv iway, But trn.-tiii- i, I'r. tn h im m In. Qarmaii seriiir. 11130 a. m. of uli I kimvi w I "tii hi lil 1' rauUI Vmi couldn't hoapltat, tin' ba by a s I'd hum? irwrl gleaml kiKX her becaut aba fiiid that fte en Into her cure uinl long CHRISTIAN BCIKNCB SOCIKTY. ni e g hi ,, I111' " I'1" PHI 'I' ' mniiu a feiinw nin klaaad gin bad no mnl took the nniihik'v I" It Chriatlna Belenca aervioea ar held - foi Ketiied ii in Woman' building, 1,1 i Inn k tin- antiquated reaped hei s.. that facing breakdown, he ha the club at the trllUaaiiluirnCo she really talk abaui any corner of Seventh 1 ami Qeld n. Ami think up aomethlni couldn't yinr's vncition kettlim he him Lhlag, i if Mm in- anyone you p ah in ni. teii about wa in the little hotel wnii tin in. n a 11 ayriine, every Sunday niomiag at II I klini. I shmild wh.ii fine time the had in Pfttaburgh tango dancera with horn he bad he- - o'clock the uimmi r before mul hOW ni' nil come ucquahatod in ihom puanling Wedneaday evonlag aervlcea ure at .Uli' s .. thd fi iiuwh nut there were All you miiiin ti t h in the Aim n un ex jil'IMff llf- - o'clock. y urn In I I u );n mil. iin w iff piny the V'lctroU, and in e when xhc a ri'i- public !' eordjuilly Invited tu flHt If Hi'tn l.iiid nottled mi rei r from omat I me the'd play lha piano fur Inn Ived these tervlcea, 1V I'd ink, but morning rlpi buaJncs. The character in attend um in- re, iU' lay tilt) 1, 1, viiii ii ) .urn admit' ii plpi vmi. didn't vn the ttory mt .m nii it was Sunday achool ol 1:46 o'clock. II111I a i u ii Holy Mot wall Kb. knew "The Roaary" and llllila, nt uf Beading room in the N. T. Armljo n. mi', the mmtu'iit llllnk' , 'I inn k II lust fni .. i "Juat Awaarylng fur Vmi." mul "I avowal f lov, turned back mi l'ii ilil mi,-- room Xu. j open curb week ii.. if Vmi ialllng Mi; and Toatl'a thought of tin in ami In muki It Hu h hum- - nil fur .Mm, Smil nf lln Horrid liurein. her fin In i "Qood bya." employer, t It I it wan Lord nf Daj and remained f.nthfui - lies tn til. tlliniZH .'ill' ilnin hi i - fir 4a mul before, whe wag rather in,, im iiiury n i ii ii, is l - it --J put n i.iiini.THiiiiM majurit) ol II. I'ei becaut III'THODIST .l'h ll'AI. iTi i' .it commonplace, sin had seen llllnk iiIiik tin- -, Aim Albuquerque la blow itft' (IIIIKH. lire hittinK Win, wii" II ' Whv, vmi MOW In Bo . - I thai rlil on hi rival fight, buainet urncr Lead avenue and mi. ol i ;.- Iiitth .l:t ha n Knl Uf. were .1 miutl in wllb three venr he Mold, Ulllhow sin Ii im Identa mad piieawmil. Tiny I Klip ntiil the iin im" forget her namei Bmarl Bat her realize own hardneM. IllSt HI'.'lllK till' COUII-- J her nllllllllV fnlk. The ttory of her bang try wonderfully Uecrpllbla in Im-- i ninl he atanted Atlanta people in ihink There me iiIm.iih tWO (OUnd new uplrll which ram. int., Ihi honey both thu and evening prraagnni Wall nf Albuquerque. tnuile it morning service lie ohjadtlona lo n fni wnnuiu. On bee' life form the cret of ti Prayer meeting Wedaeaduy evening It wouldn't be I bad ld I foi till of huatntaa in that tin proper i bit nu i' thm .in and the othai Ii li Im now Hilda who goet bai k in m. 1)8, (HI I fof IhaMH in i lo Sunday echoo), ii:iri a. us. from imw l.i I'H'li i1"' hi motion for tin' I machlaen hill nhe i" nl imetll Work II Woou ill I'm iy lie lh:il Bpworth league, 7 p. m. people t (Input i t 1 ti it i' iitiv Ki 't ol rntertalnmtnt lh dtlatatlon ahlohl know all I" to I'm give all. effort in in-- decenllj pollt let' do win b and win hare thi afteri KH(HprTOW I I II FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 41 It. If Wr aer ii atriiiifcer Innklnn n i kH balam d large pun the ni' i The Kroaatown Mve ilomlred club I I I III NDRKI) PARTY, Broadway M!l!lll! If III' Wllllll-i- l III i Corner and bead avenue nl .lie :.' sellleulul' nf b n' in fin athaltver auccaaa int.t with Mih. ttl-t- o Mr n wa .. Thureda! evenlnd i'eiix it. ii a in. bundn '. T. Taylor, pastor: let South ti. V i n"""i,"w Hinl know IiihI hm gQ tboutj the doing today m belong 1. didn't .iiiiiui Bchaei "i smith Breadway. The host cmm Friday afternoon, '''in- roon Waltey si rt II, lei s dlv,. in, flint nut wlint the "Maaay," tl phone 6(6, tu prise foi thr blgh ''ni,. wnii by prettTl) decorHted with awe ' tut tv in "ti.iiniiirn iiiintiii hiiu runners mattor Mih it. iiiii. whin MiK" Charlotte pea and ni thutle mil. OcraMonalty w v trik an Krntch mlnlmer in need nf Blvmer wo ttwarded the conaolatton 'I'lie gUOatg Were M" I'll Uli h Km ihtetiacly elchiHive i iiHtrriier who will fundg conveyed inien-- i ihiin bli print launchcon wa nerved nt tin M I'm. Steve lioehl, Mr B, : s t .in in. tn hiim miy i inn i ihiiIIiiII whh Ian tn i ongregatloti hit OOncltielun nf the I'VrnltiK'ff entertnlti- - lira, McVay. Mrs. i k McCann it until i bam proparlj "Watl, kn-- ih lutri mi.. friend, the llU'llt l " Kred i 'iitiieri.n, M r A liul IhlMN iiiii.n,. will In-- uf and wo fWiat in need Hilar, a Mi t'harlotir num. 1, Mr Clif Mleklejohn, Mr.M. Bugi n With. Mr i wr nan it if can failed i honoatly in nint stand inni' to K' mone) ford Mr iitiii and Mr ftigate wart A. ii. w Ude, Mrs. ii Brown, Mra. nut r w ii in iin' fact majority of ran We will liiilr In hi r I'.i.lllir Mln are rrv many "- the nil gtlrlt nf the Club. 0, Brown, Mra. ThnmH Ulnkert, Mi scoring g Vfn n1 VMM lip u ki id fill Mil Hi' mill tin' in da iin- on - tu iihh. It Martin Crui . a Tierney, Mr, Onnrge ikiOfl the target 9 i Umsiirn Unit h v. dmic Ihe 1 11 mis. Mi"" tu i n . ins. Mrs 'I'll M. Mi Mr- s i m i" I n id thing Bui road that win ni: .t iiki.i M nt M vol '' Rugenl Kuppe rntei talned Sullivan, W. r ll I i.N'l I I I i t III I be tit. rewnrd people who never i Koallngton i requeati ) lt l. M II, 'II. that leorfe i dancing imrti' Friday nbihi nt bar ". Mra, wm tO tlli-l- Im SOUTH. ettw tiff before Kill K'i limk in read IhUt. Mr. Hoatlpgton tin in hon-n- The n d ird of Diamond Squoopec Tread - homo mi North Bocond tree4 i o SI. I, Corner Central avenue mnl Arno St. iinini mill tali thati fi ii mil. ti mi encoedlrigl) tnltlv peraon, uitd ni Mime Snnhie and Annie Befltr- - was I I Tires not made bv excerHbnal mileasa ' f In neighbor that Albuquerque he frtand nl mim Wouldn't I hull ill Id III ill.l Ml Allrlln irenao of TIM' IAIII1 'N N I Tlt t 'ft tin i" m towM mi Um map Hurt bt big ' Iiiikh fur tin um hi nn li- a iiaiai ilium, wi'i. ol 1. .ii child, I've in uiighi ii tniul.' u&ut on of in- happened in remem lt r in, i um t "lit word "iiini't," pink green nw Refreah- - it - a table for nur fern In In go mil n tin- n 111 In 'I In Kim qulvet tih a roc it is make amotlofi mania wi n t thirty And n COWlllp ImikIi u hai it is basod upon mm llilin.' Hint would like .mm hod) m requvat h .it. i i ' vr ii lhal ovot im tin li.iMilalltv Wm ih three dalali i at Hi mti in . i , if a? wart in tin u ii in. Following, wiiiiii im clipped from Tii in ihii i n wagon mi lh fJoldan l hi Hartford ' aul lluli It' lust ii little I'iniii'li'r nf Tin 'i' i. in ki; A trrtttTf ahoae tltla kommIp Im like it pi f hint i ipnrkll : Hi.' opportunity thm Albuquerque genenill) In In i'"- lllllln ur iimi ItehaVr lln uapai up word I ' he aoaka oui rluleta i. llttl. 1; i PIlK.Hll 1 fi n bavt offered in tin in at tin' lite Hoi lull win toon h.n tu add an .in.i hen tthlbll them wrong tin tin i ICtiqut i .in tin hapter, "ni the i nii tu' Tii,. Youth' Companion Thih? aa m i h mi id Iquel in'.- nil. ad record sliovvs that more than 99 'III!' ' i 11111:111 I'll' grown in ii.iiiiinii mm oe i S t I I I t HMlI M III of all Dumiond Tiros used produce plus service. I ii queatlon n havt lltttt aaprotted by Ibeae writer In tin mnn-i- ' 'iir .,1 ihr pieaaani affair nf lh I'd Ilka tu phi in i hi iimi u bt 1..11 mi' I'.i i waah whs the dance glvag at para nf lh 1,. 11 Equip with Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires Tin tat lh inn ml. m. tl .ii it, b0W mi1' Colombo hall"hv Miss CoraSga In hun-o- r and Hit- - faster nil tin tint ajvg gd tea gaata, if I ear Ii their ha of the Mtlaag Sophie ami Annie Ph ii p get tiic of these lint ihouldn i you Imagine crowded, i.iii nhould be parafiil nut to knef:t fe Hi irdlnelll nf Sttnti Fa, i ll lend (Ilowworm in uttend. It'a alowt ii don I. iniii i lot, iin hu whtli (llnei 1.1 going th around Thoa prt sent ii era Ml i Vlrglrrt Unttl MUPI" r tnnr, TOM THUMB'S WFDDIMG "FAII, Whan um tin i i.n . ,i gstop, n tin- m lichri" in, LISTED'' PRICES: thr oornei if Ihes tin number RuptHt, i iin,. Franklla, There iota, devoted Fairy Friend, wiiii, i m nntant to trot four joaaphlne Vota, Id Vota, Mable Phil i a i.i n Macdonall, In i outh'g Com i Bib in ludg. Diamond Dlimond orlnnt tip .i u.i Lorento of Hantn Ft, Mary paolnn, Sue Squv eree "1Z0 Squeegee a 1 . in in tig, aftai giving a lady bin Scotllln, Klelnwort, da Toil, t t Wllma mi ut, the gentleman may graap W 0N the' Kadi Moreltl, Klvlra t.'oraaaa, Mnaara, U lit I ll-- M.I IM. :iOx 1 S9d5 34x4 $.:o.35 nil.,, um in i iio tonneau, in au doing Hop-pa- Km Able, Itarrs f'ornell, i; R, l, A mi y pi rlti Wtddlng was t hai Mul 30x3' 12.20 30x4H 28.70 however, he thouid not forgai htm I i t he in I'lrreii. Ufri Cudahnc, arnnlxed ai t in- SHurch uf the i nun 1't.tJO 37x5" 33.90 Mtlf, m ih,. pro if mid 32x3'. the lull, Hun t. ii ingal William White, Conception Thuradaj morning 3:i x 4 20.00 10.00 I i m ulate 38x5 j tn.i ,i mtmbci oi tin An, nl mnl iii ii ii iii ii .Mm i and i hai Paul Itt 1" ' o M in ihy, Boy htlrk Mm Mr, MiKiir in wa when Miss ,;.n'e Wlrth and to forth rihrint lint hill I'll In une is lie.' t mi ' k, mim 11 B year Harold Itlli in tar, Stephen Balling were untied in nun 'AY NO r.!OT?E until two oi thro i ik hull, if she mi daelree.1 I' F, Sena of S.intn Fa, rtaga, w Rlohett, dant "( ti mill, bit h nun mii un ,i gantb mini'.', lap. Ii I - Dnyd, trthui Mandril, Max Golden- Tim bride a In Miss a in (he Knutheaalern ! attended ;t I t lloohaeldei , oualn of Ihe groom, lHt while Mr I' (.'nnney acted beat Albuquel qu "ti im nut parmiMtble fur gantle '" i III man Tin- - brld wa lovelj in white man win. i, huhiiuk n ludi mi in lapl dlfferrnt rounlrlen nf Europe will h preaent, ami alnu tin- - notet ,, ...... rled a botHiuel "f bride roaea, The mol in hu .'inn ni wui. ffghl blue ' fe j ' de train uf gnrlnefi from viinm i wuntii, pan rhntagh AtovHruerqtie today, in Hi, oh In with a lurga picture hat nil "If hull u hum i mi .1,. holding w popu- Koi buiq Hi i earrled white carnation. The hui iii f worn on uf iii rour lap gat Loti heavy, oui l 11 I I 'hriatiai tal III 11 III It HUI larity nf COUUla was alle.-lr-d b) thoffe dink littll In i though hfcd the feiM "lint um reaehed vaur deailn It is eurlotiiis and unex peeled the lira ut if iiiiiin; prasentt iroadwt parade, and tb Anciani and " forth matt) ni hi trom w.11 um .ill. . and ill' iii many a rrronda, order i uf"i Bsnl mil' m nnjiri v in hr crowded 111 Vt'" h"') thliu;. The ven latent ..r its by pro-du- rtrr tlm neremony a reception was lateral! fur bun But, having been i itung lady lap in- ippeurnnoe nf manifold .It !i 11 , ...... , I. ...1. held the Inilll. nf the Ill nn Atlanta man, he wanied VlbMoer i ,....11.... mm Ill "-M- - "" "" i algni hat in is more nut I' read-- I M- M,s. H N llalhui; un pi opte to Hunk w ell of mi cheap an when ,.(. nut Nun in. The driver 'lit Hi. in fm m.ii". I''i. llfferent gnuth etrat treet, in which about Ad Way hand tin drivei a $ I o inn a PASTIME THEATER in the nihi l had tuir pBtenger have .1.. want to mt i' p. keep win i..'i ih. une in him Tins win umuaamanl Uoal uf us ate pretty '.'" BE in waiting unit gtva BEAUTIFUL tin win iham I'llBl l 111'' 11 inter. Mu. I uf ih Whtl "Mecaua I'm married. chane tn admire th landacupe 1.1 11 Today hk, read find difficult tu net the and Tomorrow it m nut i iiuitldn ' .1 Ritod form, time wiiii, ni iin wlntei reading is riot 11 m p. Some-ticne- a Mills of ' iii. 1, lie done in match Mia Ruth lit' 1.1 returnod homal he has un u Ii .1 r "i ti. alth agd Beauty" ti lha there tush nf work, tluv 'I lien I. n froill th. east where she Via-- ! 1 lu, III. IV 11 hem nedreta (mployi d I" ail lam ni mi hi between hnptem nut In it. .1 sim e in .niii, 11 ma from Wall. i ou lieautlra Indispr nsuld,. tu till I'u Rummer CnHc h.n, mora time laale) , aomen who dealra in he charming. ' um m. gt Ih. l ull ru m-- rneht that M mi, I' Wui .11 coq) panted M hlli- tlii'V laxt. Inatt'tid "i taking iiulcK by .it Id s notne! "inn her Mm. Crunk, ami email he tu s u 111 a 1 N Inn. In mil Ills book im lake d tughtvi Tueadaj for Danvi WIIdtflN s s 1, 1 ' hit mind fi.n meal Thon au akl Head the Colo,, whara the Wog win make their I ii iMgvtrw, 1 ttiiiui niii 1. mi book first ; you nun not have pi rmanent home nn,,. I., n .id llu 11. all." That ilui'H .1 u ami Mis. Ira ttothgerber will ..t need comment, nrnv today HT from lianvei t" viit Mn I' Lu th,. limit reader, there nre Itothgerher'i parent, Mi. mnl Mih Ufred Orunafeld, Mr, flrunfeld, Inter, let him ttliu has been iii Ihr east, will iir-- 1 in, probably ..nip. mi tlm ttothgerber from Den- Special thai recorn-r- e ver. 1, enlllK f pal ii- 11 el trill - n. novel rend Mr ami Mi s. It. ,'h slim of U um 1,1. The II ttVf Milne enJo piffle" wiin have ipendlng cveral week ti hi. Ml 1,1,.,. ( ,1 unateldi M - 'en im t e.isun w h nil the enlist visiting tin nllfornla ea- - in.l Mi Atllle SI' II mmmer, n poaitlona, wlil today tn apend SILVER arritfa PLATED TABLE m labruan 11 few day as Mr j it A g) ih. nuesis uf and hum fMyn in Mis 0, s Hosenw ltd, Thm will be i.iii VKI'AKT. Auaudt, it is not .I ummat Ii accompanied hi little Arnold Roaan KORKS '.nt. it ild, who has pcen with them mi thai - aleeta. Hut na.t llil K'tlvlty, it Ih a Mi-- - Bllaabath ColllA, a popular! . .i t It Ih et stmt, young business woman of Albuquer- - ni injo) it by UUC, will leave In a few dais In spnnl Bitfield doing ni tud .1" in w In- - Helen, J II hat vacation whh friend In ,1 ,'im Me rail The Uoyal Woman nt the Broadway than that W Iphriftian ehHrcii met In regular gag. mmera all Mun Wednesday nftarnoon ai the l.ulht tut-Im- ul 1. nine uf Mis. 11. (f, Dieklnaon, on! the mill Smith Atim tret tiei the bual- - treat meatiag a not la hour wa pent. I Mi- - his. ut. Mis Hurl lug and Mm. I Crono Kaic readtasji which were

Km rvthiag 1 M i 11 in li M I I x , Mils III M III n w 1 111 a, t t u It 1 sam e .r party 1.1 f in 1,, Inllowt I im'a 'Bong evening in w tin '.I ss dm um ... das iKht K taken mil honor uf M la si smm w h it dlHpl tl - ihe fiu t leave within fm - lie Imhls IWU) 11 the Hum- , K Usi, linn nut put M rs. J. T. M l. aUKhll h eSTD 18&. US laed hv the uiftei Km mi. In.- lesH i . li'lila aft ("hurt hilt's a K.ii Countr; ," talnlng h uu h I v Tin iiiirhm Tarklngtou' HlgK. offfMiami, ' ' iimil, mid Mi w in s ll'.iim lha younger n ii im n. 1.1 in mi ni bera of ui ked Mr. Dan K Ri It is inihslde that moat uf u are gar fur 1. ii. i'u REUAPLE amna th rmigh life a did Hilda i Ti iday frutii , & "The A'CHMAJ'.tf(3 JEAVfltfti , , ru:M Spendthrift K)7 W. CENTRAL AVE ,, I l . ciiturinn Irene nwi. U. the gMM ppl:ir IIIiMtmm, v.... v ...... in.i ui give a mrtm ' l)n II III. IIN Ir III W in n liul e! I In-r- 1 um .cp im,, (i;,! loctetj life wciiui fii i.AJafcfcA-iiBmif-'-1- jI:!:! with bar daughtt 1. ;, human, an lima f Sium :;. 1. u, 7. geag p.jg u eat riiff", -- t I An. II A I, AHMI-MO- N Mil I . 10 (IM.s; UillHI! I V I CKXt ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915. THREE 4 -- THE ECONOMIST "FINAL CLEAN-UP- " IN THEIR WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT

Beginning Monday. THE ECONOMIST will make their final clearance price on all Wash Goods. After Saturday. July 31. all Wash Goods will have to be sold at their original price. So you can easily see that by buying now you can save

ONE-THIR- from D to ONE-HAL- F. This sale will include all Wash Goods, such as Ginghams. Percales. Madras and all other staple Wash Goods, also imported and domestic Crepes. Voiles and other novelty materials, in plain, printed and embroidered effects. READ ITEMS LISTED BELOW AND SEE WINDOW DISPLAY.

36-inc- h WASH CRETONNES Heavy White Madras . , iwqEL 11 XT C C 25c and 35c value ew Colors for the Popular retonne oats and Skirts 25c value a pric-e- 50c Value - 35c - 35c Value - 25c 19c yd. CLi6cvd - 19c 25c Value 12 PIECES ' ' 32-inc- 1 ' The most popular wash crepe, in plain and h ANDERSON GINGHAMS 25c Value Ik , . v striped effects ! niiiio rtpis t lici oiiiS

CLEAN-U- P Wortl1 to 75c a . PRICE 23 PIECES 20 PIECES Yard clean-- pric-e- 1 7V2c yd Plain and Printed Lace Cloth, Plain and Printed Wash up Rice Cloth and Voiles Materials - 36INC' ?EST !5c GRAD.E Worth to 50c a yard All now this season: 35c to 50c values Fast Color Percales pric- e- pric- e- cleanup cleanup JXLTTJTwSI m This guarantees of every store and is back the real article .r.?,a!?nSSLd, CLEAN-U- P PRICE , CLEAN-U- P 36-INC- PRIC- 27-INC- H H .fcl , E- . 12V2C I2V2C Irish Poplin Printed Lace Voiles

All colors and black and white 15c and 20c values 32-INC- H 40-inc- j 36 and h clean-u- p pric-e- clean-u- p price Good Grade Fast Colored Printed and Striped 22c 9c Gingham Voiles and Crepes 32-INC- ' Worth to 35c a yard 27-INC- H H PLAIN AND FANCY 12jSfc VT clean up pric- e- , Hydegrade Galatea Linen Finish Ginghams clean up price 15c yd. clean-u- p price clean-u- p price gc 1 5c yd. 1 5c Embroidered Crepes and 40 inch Voiles-Pri- Hand silk nted and striped All Natural Color and White Tub Silks rrepes' gf1 Voiles and

40-inc- LliNmNo h DKitoh y i 30 to Printed Silk Mulls j Worth up to $1.00 a yard 1 CIS Ora Wo,tl1 l 50 a yard j J CLEAN-U- P PRICE AO U 1 1 CLEAN-U- P PRICE 45c clean-u- p pric-e- 50c yd.

j xuy- i i gin-s- i i - ; - j nooks ami corners, ami with It all tne fiamon iwus and Albert (Jii lory as m .Mrs. i .coiimas n.g cummin in,. ,sri oi a mer- traders of Hit- West, Is a guest at Ihi coolest, mOS( lira, jug July, August and: cnhrim. b loan Archaeology, Qeorge Bryce will llollenbeck, where he is registered September weather to be had on the Kathleen Rolls was the ehai a Viernei club mel with Hit. R. speak on "Ohlbertl'e Oats of Paradise with .Mrs. Qusdorf from Taoe, M globe! He it for a days outing or a! hostess on Thursday evening a rvlen on Montesuma avenue on in Florence" (illustrated): p, w. h., been in the Indian countri - month's real cure, Santa Pe and sur-- J home of her parents, Dr, ami ai veiling, liesides th,. club Shipley on IIuimiiii Fortran St u ti .1 l.irli vriin t more and Notes l Society 11 i Santa Fe roundlnga offer the best there is. ThelA, Rolls, ut a delightful pari mber of ex ure," mil II. R. ain lough mi "A sevnrul posts lii operation. drain on the purse is not near as tended by more than two score 0 len home was problen Mrs. n. B, Laughlln is expected gli al as it is in the more fashionable I youthful friends. The muKUifu ei belllshed withj trated), home from a visit with relatives al 1 summer resorts, but the returns are 'chard and lawn were liinnu with ie refreshments U red h befoi Hie mer school, Dal la I, 'lev, on next Sunday. I s re- hOUSI w as pei iall.v . w e paper 011 "Aspects of WESTERN rillM.I I' MM lis OF lHI far more satisfactory if pleasure, Japanese lanterm and the rill Mrs. II. Lapp and daughter, Tills l.M. Three painters of Indian! are in the creation ami health count for any- gay with blossom.- - The guests line I'ulluie of Hie s.iuta Helen, of East Palacs avsnue, return desert ui painting pictures thing. It is no wonder, therefore, as Adeline Hahn of Hollywood, I Channel stands, ed this week from San DiegO where ul the nolile Ited Mi Mir roads improve, that the number of Helm, Pollard, Constance w lei lure will also bg illustrated. liicv Ipenl the past few months. low ,ear It is in me, - A roundlnga, Warren B, automobile! rolling Into Santa Ke ovet .Margaret Moore, le, ItUpp, Ho Kkl. or mi eclal Interest too will be the lee- 1 H. Lulz on 'iii ii sdas after- - myriad hands in friendliness t ' iere tmong the Hopl resuming 1:1 Camlno Real or the dozen other Wherry, Anita Hose. Florence Karn ure of Carleton M. Win ra on coon ga tea to the Lai Aid 'l.i p mine in amity. e I anl work he began lasi yi the gra-- highways that center here, is coii-th- est, Edna Earnest, Frances Wilson THE l M "Span ash Colonial Architect Society to most understood - re seoms bt lift ..I past Stuntly increasing rail- - Susie Nortuenl, Loll Speuke, Suaunni which tin- Cathedral of th chill ell. ; phlC record of Indian the and that rii. lolden Utile divine .1 Dn nt. This oik mads all h the st p. Catron, (Catherine Van Stone, Kather Whii b s making .New Mexli Mrs. hatever you've done to others, anil the Oeorglnu upy him tor some .M ais to come, a nd si nger bv ine. Hall, Elisabeth French, ii la evening bv Miss Lillian Par- - featured. day run know, expects to remain inng history. Williams, Pauline Uhlfelder, Nornm r and Miss PellCltas Kun In honor querque k you have done to mine." this time fie ai the tribes and the eliff Plske, Antoinette Wright, Doi Mi is Hay, Orator and Lemon of Mm nox, en's 'In southwestern An-- six months, The A V Koch, Katherine Zook, Katherln Cruses, Who are guests of Miss Plot. and keep me, ail ye Hod ventlon. i: WORTH Mil l.. dwellings for at least is I'M' has In mind will dreWS, Frances Andrews, Alary Von 1 irker, Plowers in form Pro anting Deouti to si ere of canvases he In ghlll of ii nun . th abundance 'he Taos artist colon) exhlbil Ille Abboit, Ci Jlyn Inoculated w a of ne of large else and win bs Indoor moon, Nuwenhelm. Jane ed thi background for the dellgrtful hung next week in the Palace landscape of d, Mci ;onvery, was enjoyed bj some ioi-t- y bltlon, ausploea oi outdoor subjects, the I he sui g of the In all led blood. vv"""' John affair which Governors under the Pllehlos of tin lu C.OW.llll Mi rah) 'a vies, lanlon couple lata into the night, llehold' ell distinctly lha itenerl ami the The real ii tin , th jlliet Rummer school win be With eliff dwellings Davles, Truman lied. ling, Sidney Tin naming club members were t.i mined, 1, four wnsbips Klmer Fi n i dians togethei the noon, Hi w . In fact, notable as have In RrOOkeS, Maurice Wherry, Orln Sta on Of .Mrs le S. W II. playing an important part them, t tint Joy stood, the nests Monday evening Thus colli. and John in. ml. n many past The work for has 111 the art exhibit" the who must not he plin, Atliinglon While, rt II III Lose, pram is C, W ilson. Ills place, a f II a wilh It! prom-- 1 Louis llovey Sharp, The fight when the tumult of striylng yean in the museum, this Van Wilson, lunch-eo- At each tin in I li I, confounded with J. H. sharp, now at r If Thomas stone, Parkei Dancing, cards and a Dutch ii to be one of the moat notable of Canyon and will Hoosevell ArrolJo, I'rank Pa Da--: were only some of the features AIM lor him' tor colony is Taos, is in the Grand thank 'bid lor life! the Taoi artist be joined shortly by Sheldon Parsons u. Pankey and Pred Wugm o the parly given by Mr. and Mrs F Whispei in id -- famed and at h ast four of the Life is given, of Santa Pe. sharp writeg thai the The li'eam f the maiden, dream N, Jenkins on Tuesday evening Tin ii ive broken Into "Who's ,Who" - the Mi I Offering, to (.anyon seems to him to '.'have a K of tin boy, I II I S Altlil MI N glle h were Mr, and mis. ueacnam a M r. Mrs. Andet I. Miss He paliciil II nlty that is unsumtountable, like 011 Hen w b cornea by la nd ot and Herbert ll mint rs. Afloat the of delight, lever Im guiding In a case, which one - Am Hetiel, lb Pa.Tsons. wonderful gem Th hopi- of the future, the glamour Whatever comes as gift to lelved from Bheldi footstel I. ma) gase hut not touch, He adds: II doubt It Was His Maude Ill Vol k- - :". "f joy, uoi that sei 11 Santa artist, tvhoaa Dot ml t.lve your I. a if course, one van make only quick Th- - land 0 hill Ill il not eat mi. il. a,' ill has just been hum; in Ihm line one Mei Stark wen tin C I. Bd or Belongi io Impressions, for it changes while 11 days when dm hut the tightest fi is. could 10. l.uildiiiK ut in Diego expo I p tt rock to canvas. lint to roue, T. 10. Pe Like Rome sloop or gel UP k iv from a nitt tug 1, turns from truth, the foiiowii aoa art lata win lu- Wreck your III h,. with it all spread out i of Joy or pa III, nilhill position, without itting very presented in exhibit: O. C. alone Thank Qod, What comes He good, be in its vastnesi III log at my s B, Blumenficheln, lu ath yonr feet even will epi as kindly N ami inch Chamber inghaua, begets inspiration and Ami deep Iain's Tablets helpi on ami ii. Couae. Herbert mm on, J. ami awfulnees then 'lit ..If In even a sort of affection for Till sl'l AT. by using the for a w as Sharp, o, Phtllpe, Victor d time III come few weeks licrt great work of nature, ueraia m The summer school Is mak- Win writ William Sharp. W'esl perhnos, Walter B. UI H and the iml th aee of tears. wind chorus .ailed," Caasidy wife are still on the des- ing good progress In preparing for I he Webster, N. 'ha a True, Mr. accompan- - and The soul to the grave as a gloom rn this remember, that know mberlaln's Tablel Paraoni leisurely making their Way to daily sen) double header musical VaUdaVll per- a mi Invigorate d hv his daughter. Sarah, ma e the ert, his bride The love that have rOMINU Ml II S( rengthen the stom Bant painting, sketching and writ- argument, formance It lias for early next mid 11 iii econd trip to Taoe month, Is led through the maze of the ye ns is one wiih Life's area slated Mrs. W. II. II lllcl'. aeh enable this ing on!, wuy. The art World BS - w. Kola rt Pike, month, 'I'lie dancing win he a fea- no and Mrs. Panl Radln, the When nothing is left but the quiver- Adelaide, Hoi Si Hons urally, f more of I I I ir. Well as the ureal public finds ing ture In Itself, With MISS Ooncvlcvc We.lll, glVS hem II I li Mrs p. Miller and childrei l Mian breath, - beautiful of ibe s and more to ailmire in the fine mural CUM, BRIDGE, Chatterton of Chicago, a thlrteen- you g 1. every W i! ind brother and Miss i,.. ,. ;, on Thank thank QOd for death' leu, are guests o ding Obtainabl hiTi paintings of the cliff dwellings In Ibe Wiisop Mu yeiii'-ol- d danseiise as one of the stel- - an overland campln- - trip, somewhat Evan in the Woman Cttlsen, Mrs. Thomas smith of ori Lincoln aventl Tl Hah tor- arts hulldinir at San WegO ' lar attractions, the entertainment is by Indian iikia., and Mrs, white ot nicago, A Ibuquerqu hul h marred two days' rain. Another by " commls-ito- n to In a gn at CSS, mer,ly lived at painted Caasidy under A MOONLIGHTMl wer,. guests of honor at a bridge party houml sin rnagnlfli nl resl- - that made dip Journey to Taos nr. HSdgar Hewitt, direc- Pit Mi'. Just oomplxte a from L by Airs. Cochran on Thai da) U Il "lid whii h has just returned ir laded Ar- A picnic of young folks slated for given di m e m Roll! Aood, III' iverlooks tor of the School of American w Airs Mc- NEW MPSCICO PH lIO, Attorney Prancla C. Wilson, Amado Thursday evening on the Santa Fe r i afternoon The gin sis h not only Ho angeh s, Lai ' chaeology at Santa Ps anil also direc- Mrs. Mrs. Parker. The New Mexico society of Los An-1- :. POSITION 'haven of Albnquerque 'A' II Bl WM Sdiotirned to the home of Miss Donald, Brookes, also th,. mou; id tl and tor of exhibits and the mam Inspira- L. Seligman. In Id meeting last nlghl In ''"I f Philadelphia. They In Ada Harvey. The moon was out al- .Mis. Palen, Mrs. James the ftni Panama-Californ- ia expo- Mrs. assembly In ot tion "f the along Mrs. Renehan, Mrs Maroh. Time rooms There wus west. automobile, however. Place sition. Two of CaSSldy'S paintings. right but the grass the river Herring, singing, and falrii aehooner and planned to tnke proved too wet after the rain for the Townsend, Mrs. Wells, Mrs recitation! other forms Miss .Martha llrowti and SUCCESS Looking Backward" and "Medita- 'Mrs. French, Mrs. Brvlea. Mrs Bur- of entertainment. More than sixty hility the plctureeqtie hit of hichwavy over LOS ui fresco dinner that had been prepar- Mn an artist of ' are on exhibit at the Wilson, were present. It was decid- "ad Btatea hill, pass Mora tion," ed by young and Im rows, Mrs Orlmsltaw, Mrs. members of her Sister, Mis. Rupert P. Ai nave crowned the efforts of Mora to iteli art gallery and are creating the ladies an Bedding, Mrs. to bold annual mu lety picnic and Laa Vagaa on their way home promptu plena: luncheon wilh Miss Mrs. (illletle, Mm. ed ths on Mar. v Street, hundreds of young people who comment. In fact, critics have H uglies, Mrs. DaVleS, August k at Long Beach, David Rlos, II. The number of parties tcnin to Taoi much tiarvey as hostess took its place. Wii kbam. Mrs Miss Ueveri "' Ns Orleans u have s. cured an A. I', train- , n gaged in quite a controversy over Mrs Smith. Mrs, While and Mrs Bar- - the president, luesided. ing. Courses I" conatantly on the Increase ami with SHOUgh af S) this week and will spend tin Stenography, thl 111, or.e Of them heing nasty Mrs. Day u s m Bookkeeping, the 1 1 Mrs. Smiih and ummer with her brothei Court Reporting, completion nf 'he road nmv ujider say: paintings prove to be now it Ii Is To PLEASE, kr. SANTA PEAKS TO THE PORE. ibe pll- - to Both it won the prizes. Lever) at their ranch home 01 Accountancy, Ranking, Secre- construction from both ends, this glaring In color anil prosaic In Weep arid you're called a baby, were "' mace to prove in rather Mrs Smith and Mrs. White Al lb,- meeting of the American Tesuque. tarial .studies, Commercial Taos will second oil you're ( sentiment, big illustrations in that Laugh and called I fool. so guests of honor together with Mrs. ai oh tn for the advancement of eel. W. Ti mpleton Johnson of San Ti ichlngi Expert teaching or Popularity only to that to the rl'jff of and you're called a coward, man- dwellings, hoW very little of the finesse this Yield Anna Townsspd at the executive lore himself away long enough f o III Civil Nervjee a specially No painter's water colors," which, after Stand and you're called a rnulei sion, when tin- Tuesday Kvoning club ai Mrs. vacations. Six sessions weekly. you Hi,, pxcsvafioni Pecos to taki all. is Indirect praise which the Smile and they call siliy. mei with Mrs. M Donald as hostess gram for learned papers, Dr, Bdgay l. Johnson ami children to the Six mouths will complete a sin- Of the other critics merely Frown and they call you gruff: Tin- prize were Meadames vm Ii, w.111 give an gle ionise. FCxperi Instructional Tin"! Ii tn winners lb who Illustrated dwellings, where ihev were the nor rittrrti thW aeetlon of the Put on a front like 11 millionaire Herring. Thorough Courses, Modern OBKUy ttina ait auU emphasise, Cochran, Parker and The lecture on the "Isttesl Work of the ot A el. P other iut tuaettier,. a) somebody'll your Equipment, 11 placed in Will the Unt few years was hupiweed tg b And call bluff. luh meets with Mis. Itenehan School of American Archaeology at Col J. W, Wlllson, Mrs. Lu dla raduatea ' pea nt ::curable. Kor a great many years d'H'tur THE IDEAt m mmi:i RESORT, 'hesa ke Point. week, Mrs. Mi iM tlso entertain- Quirtgua, Quatomala," on Tuesday at McOaffey, Mrs Harrj Aim. v. M rs. K. excelli posit n.n f ail tern eaivuuced opens Beptembar It a local dlaeaae and prescribed local and more Albuquerque, ftos- - ed the Saturday eiub at luncheon fol- temonn, August I, and on Thursday a. Cahoon, Mr and Mrs. Harol .I H nd 7th. aMelaa, ami hj faULug More .11 - constantly to curs nil" as towns VI Ml.i: I'MtTII lowed by the regular bridge game, thi forenoon will address the assembled IWo lo. lay trmtnieQt, prouciinced It incurable, 'rleiice well. I. Turen and the other and children relllln.'l The only Accredited "i In Woiveiton on Thursday being While Mrs on "Archaeology al Pana-ma- J National proten Catarrh tu be a cooitltutioosl d'lscaae, of the southwest that swelter the iltadys extra guesls Mr. savaiii the from their motor Hip to Valley. Km Commercial School in tge "'I therefore for celebrated her thirteenth Smith, Mrs. Wh kharn. Mrs 'linhsl.v Bxpoeition," Illustrat- l.amy. parly requires constitutional trcu tmcnt. summer sun are discovering that 'aiifornia iml Santa Fe via The Southwest. Instruction In res- '"II s a by entertaining met last 11 at.'irrh Cure, manufactured by V. 1. a summer resort, Santa Pe is cooler birthday anniversary and Mrs. lirookes. The club ing his lecture with slides. Mrs. Hur- were gone a week and enjoyed ident school and by correspond- " '"T S Co., Toledo. Ohio. Is the only Cmatltu- - Springs or the a dozen of her girl friends at her Saturday with Mrs. Piake ry L. Wilson, librarian of the School glorious noting. Mr. and Mis. Kurd 'til cure on than Colorado iencr ence. Catalogue on request. the market. It Is tuken liii.nlly coast, and offers quite as Inline ,,n San Fram-lsc- street Mrs. Carl Bishop whs hostess to the of American Archaeology, Is down for ami children retur i late last nlghl ,tnm 10 ,r"l It acts Pacific , '" tiKnful. the PiSkS was thirteen years old club Which meets next week a .a per on Life r the Colli a trly to I I s-- ectiy on the blood and mucous surfaces of mm Ii variety In its attractions as Norma Thirteen from week's pleasure Sunlu III VI RQ1TK III'SIM " rn Tuesday event Mrs C, The Dr, lllll-inhl- In "ratlin. They off.r one hundred do'lHrs for most celebrated of eastern or u"sP on and observed the with Charlei Catron. of Hie Southwest." ('buries Fe and other points of Interest the COItUEGB f esse tt fails to cure, Send for circulars and summering places. Forests, snow- With a lawn parly. The guests were. Moods) club met with Mrs. Bayden, Topi of llrltlsh Cob will the northern put of Ibe stale. Tbev peaks, shady 1:1 Mary Von Nuyvenhelm, Irene Wiley, the extra guests being Mrs. Well". same day deliver his lecture on "Pre" made trip overland In an automo- by Address; capped mountain the The Special School HpeciallslH r. J. CHENEY CO., Tole. to, Ohio, cliff dwellings, Sybil Wilev Katherine Hulls. Jane Mm. Otero and Mrs. Palen, the prize historic Man," given before 'he sum bile Hint report a most enjoyable time oiis. trout streams, AlbuquefQUa, . M. " Id br liruglst(. 7V. landmarks, ranch resorts, Indian vil- Abbott, Frame, Wilson. Dorothea. going to Mrs Hurrows. The ' mer school at Rants 'ke itsll's lanUiy PllJs fg, constliiatiOB. lages, mitsslon churches, secludud Koth, Elsie, Pop, Trumun Bedding, meets tomorrow at the Kplecopal rec- - ago. Of the BtSmb FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915.

Albuquerque Foundry and NO FOREIGN-MAD- E MARINE TRAGEDY COMMITTEE OF Machine Works Engineer Founder Machinists NITION PROBLEM Castings in Iron. Brass. Bronx MONITIONS USED TO BE CLEARED Aluminum. Electric Motor, oil o. PUBLIC SAFETY ITALY ALSO gine. Pumps and Irrigation. WORRIES Work and Office. Albuquerque do k d rr and ex.i d Prr MMgsaaggaM RAISING ilv 15. Th. sneiia! c B! FRENCH ARM! IV H Mm Mat m S A ST IBALDRIDGE M IK esia, Jul LUMBER COMPANY PAROID ROOFING with 15. V.I ,,fi-- r si Establishes Hea tht p r Mintah-- ind and Fr year guarantee ooieiy All 4n. Diaz; Dire Thi ti fr soundings on t munition, to t.-- t any ques-k- l CHICHESTER S PILLS the r r loi ation, and Eneiriies of Re may arise with the least 11 & 4 wi . '"';! delay, and to assist financlal- - r it therwi manufacturers who Mil. Mh4 ti.U smm"?Q) adapt their factories to the ts i. mM - a. b W mor, or I uUe with Hit (A.rt!rd I'rrn r..rrp.iin1fn.l Of munitions. t id re location ever M xieo Cttjr. ' ommitti e will also advise and . f 11.1 s), - July UmMl were sug- - , . ,, , ,, ... ill tri t'le procuring of special ma- SOLD BY fl - ORtOGISTS EVEWWllill aUJouMtarlai body appointed i.y the in raw material for manu- I who are just taking up the on of munitions. wner I No iKh Um l oinniittce has the matter what you want It win I has i rg In ti 's "f of th government, service save you time and money It you use th lo d ad He la hmmrary and unpaid. 'he Journal'i want column. '' ' b) -- Hi' . r, ..f i li.

rouiihl lo the surl p , by the. middle i .'. brought (hi i.o'ii. f tJeutenaiH VA and inn ii' of twi nt;. men, who pt

Now in i i i i ggigf sin tm i fa BMrtM J 4 dstApp ... .1 at the entraao of Honolulu harboi 'linns hi rwoon. March ( Whi a A f ly ir with inlii bunted, weeks laler, It wa fi ind I i MM i,. bead Ml ii "ti he ocean bd i.. Mam lh -- ni run-- , it has bona tsrouchl upward on ih sea s sloping floor, imlll now It Is only forty feet mi Hi. below the sulfate. Addition appar iitthl I a buffet be ntus being piepai'd ih Ihe San I i.iii'Imo nuv v iiu l ,'inl win ii il is "Pride," ni .ml the ' ,o In the par- - ol led In Honolulu and put In i l "ii. the litUs UK. I. with the remalm of its commanding officer and 'ii wiii ba i.k- ii to Pear aai m ' IM Hawi ii I. ival nation, and the cause of Its tleatl Ui lion ascertaln- - that is not Vainglorious

in oparatHiBg to araarvi ih vessel intacl rgamlnatlou made aooa R1DF! in tierfectinc 12,000 Battery Jars for Elec- Hi i lh V I w is I ii il showed that Product. tric Cars, etc. llii cup' tt t in lute was cttved In ileal Pride in Ackitv Nk ' i Conveyor Ihe "titimit towi Tins. i wn siiid, Belts that measure i Idi l I won, step bv throui'li rank lublU in It MM III d il, I" he II ' IllenilOUl ttn, as much as five feet wide and weigh llo In. nr. Wgtl pn lie of I he walei . I'h' ale in and fair means only. more than 3b74 pounds each. Pridfl in tin1 maintenance of a silll In I tall A Hard Rubber Dept. that high standard of Quality in repu- art gratified i hat the a alone employs more than 500 men. liomiiH. I d un. h that the bodlat ' an tation for ReHabitity DHI'END-ABIUTY- - All this in addition to its other i nil th. swe and "the Square lie lal" Departments and the 21 kinds of ut drill at all times. down H Rubber Tires it makes exclusive of troii "i'' The B. F. Goodrich Co. has the "(loojriih Safety " Tread Auto in ki II, nt runce to been malting history l Tin. triad deptb in the Rubber Tire. had been Industry, for tnttri' linn 75 yt'tit s. n sub- - the It ll.lS flCMMM hi t II till' I , ill. t I It has almost never had "Boom," or the leaction that ha upi n i" be moat fu ll"l I sinliiK I ifyap Minn, I, .lied : lows Boom. i for munition! work l fldei be due. inn ol Htl Ad Volume of Rubber i. , i pn. in. ,i rhlfal Mooie, comttianflaal of the It has been Conservative in Manufacturing lo ,.f i in. wat depart' I earl linrbor tiuval -- iaii.,n, atvaral THIS . its moves never ExK'rii)H ntin at. in iiiosi omplli atloaf i Ik Ian tin- I ihK of diHKKniK tht Selling, with the in- mo) Important In 01 i II bed. i In f i Ida) .iriei nooll. II its Customers' Exense, yet near corresponding reduction of Over- i oiillTcKk of tin war. pie, iollS 34 llOIIIS gftar Hie t behind first place in the head Expense when divided over Procession. so many classes, is what gives to Ini d whei It m Madens(;u":vs, t (iooJrich has bent the Pioneer in ilI the Factory the lowest .1 U men .in at tern pi was mad, lo ob low thill nearly altgreat Improvements made I the msame rJi- - Cost for Tire Manufacturing of Ih, line Hun till 711 Y the m the Working ol Rubber. 1 111 ' ableConstruction, highest Grade. 1 1 I 'I And, it baa mown steaJilv. the depend- - The Pesponsibility to so many atrwau i l'VV'V' III pi.. King wai continued, apd on surely, as well as stupendously, until ab,e Servic- e- lines of Dealers and Consumers, in i mint lu l Inn be. a Inn tag) I" the larict Rubtx I", n lory m the fiftliU) d so many lines of Trade, is what i K disap- w!tho,jt any,h,in(? Thei, was bltttr World today, is that ot The B. F, It J I i 1 makes it so zealous in guarding the tit when llii! broURhl to the i L4 S j whatever taken k old Imr This was on Goodrich Co. at Akron, and Value of Product ni ani 0. JH M out of no j Quality each niornlnsT, alter pan of a da The Operations of this Factory ti ll'lf llCfl CWr, that bears the Goodrich name so whole nlght'l drauulnK. matter what re 1 slow .if sa tng lit. wa loan pracU require, and utilize, more than 75 ii I i mJ to lr.unch new things until I, intoned. Acres of Floor Space, and The B. F. thoroughly tested- - so keen to make is iii I,, i be Brooklyn Goodrich Co. frequently employs Success sure and continuous, rather ai .i due. i iiiy a parti to pro- - oni e to Honolulu to assist 111 more than 15,000 people. than dramatic and transient. nl sin h In so Innal Ilia, su man And of all these Goodrich uulred i b .1 I" need in dnuiki weit Products, that which best expresses the measure of our capacity, our Good-fait- ' Experience and is the led ui I llll Ill I I I I Safety-Trea- d n I u French and Goodrich Tire. other Ruhlk-- T Factory It does this through giving the l.nughninn, prelll-divin- in the World buys BO greatest Mileage and Resilience in "i 'Jit feel N' mmi7 Crude Rubber. the field, at the fairest Cost, per iml i i illi and mnnutactuririH as it does mote than Mile, to Users. 90,000000 lbs. of Rubber Gixxls ill. mad,, the fit 'I 'lis. enl plll yearly. Hi found the P i, and report! .1 it wus lying, an its atarlNHird side It pays one-sixt- h of oil the Taxes 111 fi i.f wilier. llli 1) wns in the City of Akron, which City has dad 1.. Il II In a flip thai had IS ofAtrRublx-- r Concerns, and more you Test these KX),(HH) than Population. WITFN Safety-Trea- d iiikIi In breathed air at a Some of its "While Anchor" and compare .1 pogndg Dlvaf Meisun 1884 b si enl the same day and Fire Hose, made 'way back in with others of considerably higher ip Information Hint Hie su (30 yeiirs ago), is still doing jiiu i', you will then understand our 11. in Ihe vicinity ,.l lb 11 because of the Precision Prin- J'ride Goodrich ,1 iii I'll, it wad service, in Standards and imagewi.itIn could dlgvover on ciple and Duality Ambition that lie Ideals. lor, Uralllshak mud hh) Co. behind all Goodrich products. - A pride which results inGood-ric- h .11 'l!l IV. He t, ,. lei in iin. inadu faai In tbe Every day in the year, on aver- Tires being made better each n' lit oiih on a II at age, the ojK iations of The B. P. year than they have ever been, and I, nl the tesael, (itaxlrich Co. result in its receiving improved w ith each month's output. . MgjlK M8 I eel l,.ll danget attanda ut upon dlv mora than iio.iKK) nieces of Mail, The Goodrich Safety Tread sln.w 11 011 the all, noun of and more than 350 Telegratnt. Tire today giv es more Mileage than pi il inline! b Male It 281 Classes of (or plain-Trea- d II neal II he slirfner manufactures our own any other) r mi t t.,l pa ,,n t he , undl- - Rubln-- (jihkN Only 5 Plus for this Best Tire, with only about more Cost war n Mill-divid- ibat i.i' nad i" Some ot these Classes e to us and about 5f,e more price to II In, 11, twoamfl tutilad la Non-Ski- d Tire I, . large you Hill al a pill ot lit I, into businesses. than that of our Plain Tread. In ! .one p II 0 KO Thus it makes 100 kinds of This, in line with Goodrich Co. led to his nasistani r Rubber Hose, 11 kind ; of Rubber Note following comparative prires. "A," " B," "C" Policy which is to base its charges Widely-Sol- Tubing, 8 kinds ot Insulated and and "D" lepreirnt four d Non-Ski- d Tirei: only on its low Manufacturing Cost, Know an Allto other wire, etc. Goodnch OHIF.R MAKES no matter how much more price could Sit Sif ly be 11. I.oiikhman had t Every day, on average, The ' HSMH obtained for the greater efficiency From Hood to "A ' P" "C "D" Tirs 'inprcsrlon , hambef B. F. Goodrich Companj Factory it develops from same materials. ' ggi iii mi th. da manufactures: 30x3 1941 $10.55 $10.'J5 $16.35 $1S10 Pride ann an was feared tOn 3' 12.20 13JS 14.20 21.70 23.60 which results in this, I'rlllo) snffclcd ot) ,,i Miles Insulated Win 32k3 i 14.00 18.40 16.30 22 85 25.30 concerns YOL K Pocketbook. It w as h - anil slei 34x4 20.35 Vt I'rillev was com - 14 Milts ni Rubber II" 22J0 80 31.15 33.55 B. . 28.70 32 15 AS THE F. GOODRICH CO. ( In Kl dmilal 5 Miles ot Rubber Belting, 36x4' 60 41.85 41.40 a' 3 190 39 80 41 Akron, Ohio c t ipo on I he 11, 'x6 80 4 '185 52.05 nr lime iliiimg lb, gnlg Cg UK hi Ii one lie ' i.f it In ntdei lo FAIR -- LISTED

. Hie 4 a I In 11 in. n ,. It RES ei amt ud v anced In- - Goodrich Thar war fout line m 4 . i ill. an. on,- pMHl d undei it waa at llniatad that th ii'KKeii as it w as. w

It, Whak operl Ions w ft pol I'cen bniughl ind aaMk) ,1 onl) im tf

11, made now n ItftrMflaMI the fwnsgarcr Xtfcaals ' aaV) urd These will Bui M MfffOM, rA. 1.1 1, I'-- now Hi's The e of metal, oval In shape. 'lie le . 1 Hi. mi will ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915. FIVE


i trifle sli Jut. nwi 51 FADS III MOUNTAINS IS M III! i a If P Hi mi Mawt i nUritr Ultmant. . . Iiv Bryn Mawr ..Urn.' i Ik (it tho sWcatcl blouse. II AN NOVELTIES thai the fail original, il SERIOOSPHOBLEM ' - - am arc .i croat bttm a a waist iwi iff n n i t p sweater. Th are. ut on the i it w i of tin regulation sailor and are le of soft Italian silk. This silk Minis With a hiah hccn and is sunn w liat Costume Trousers lar in appcaran e to lightweight ik rsey Is Only One of Oddities li materiel, The blouses are the :i In it the Icntth of a midd. made Altitude Cieates Unusual ' i Inalag a Exhibited Dining with oal al the front and in Ade- of Fashion loos,, bait (,r sti.iiuht ash tif tii, bm- - Demands Providing The Bai bt Outdoor Season, fan-- quate Food Supply, utside of the skirt, aivording to 1 Now for Your Summer Outing y. an, i are nutting tavor tor ruling, Make Arrangements tenuis, sports toll and all outdoor of THE VARIOUS CALIFORNIA PLACES OF INTER- fBHCIIl COHtraNBNCI TO MUHMM4 JOUHNALI the summer. Kmeruld green is a AhftiM'i.ilril Pre 'rrrNHmlrnir. NEARLY ALL RESIDENTS OF THIS SECTION ANTICIPATE VISITING Si a Yolk, July 'H. Many B)OVel- - popular shade Then' are also awn-- ! Budapest, July 13. A HunKuriail APART- I FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA'S LEADING HOTELS. tlaa in sjeoats slothes Itava Cairo-r- .i ing stripes, eltei ks and pastel shades officer, describing the ngitttng on the EST THIS SUMMER. READ THE past ba how n le In the lew weeks. With Tyrolese mountain peaks. a in BFACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS. (til ii inn of warm Weather, the Rodicr's Haired PtgaSJSk above sea level, states that the most MENT HOUSES, HEALTH. n Inda of both young and old naturally Rod lar, the French manufacturer of difficult problem for the staff is to turn to the great and fabrit s. has gone in strong this sea-s- i maintain the Supply of food to the OF PUBLICATION Fashion is not slny to takr up the cm n for novelty planes, one of the troops. On account of tho high alti- FREE INFORMATION BUREAU AT OFFICE THIS - ol i in ao 11 btH and tennis racket. prettiest a arred effect in bright tude and the continuous physical Stores hive caught the spirit, and canary yellow on white, wide wale strain, they need good supplies and sweaters and othei sports perapher-nali- a pique. lie his also Introduced a plenty of them. have taken up their stand It trading stamp design punted in queel The officer pays a tribute to the J3Iaturcpatliic3nstituto would seem each store is striving to green checks, whi' h all to mind tile work of the Red (Hiss 'Our wound- outdo its neighbor in featuring some- sti. iters of the stamp book. These ma- ed have to be curled down In sheets thing distinctly new and surprising in terials the American manufacturers tied to thai ends ol sticks, and it takes (he way of sports apparel. are using for sports eoata They fit) do .en mi n 'o carry one down." he $anitorium of Tiuaacraj fnaiaaar lot Tennis. in well with other fabric fads of the; t W emarks. One house offers a novelty lentil Scout dutj is particularly danger- - roetUBIa with trousers. Already ous. eXCept for skilled Alpinists, and WcfTEL- California 3nc, h.iyo ' OREEHA- Mi Bt'lENTIFMJ cumber ot these lieen soiii ami many of these never return. Touching PASADLNA SOUTHERN CALIFORNI- M rill NATFBAL mm Ml liisr I nt:ll, M L.KHr In, In, tins liids one of lllnlis h: . the suit fair to be the "ii the remarkable echoes thrown LOSAHGiUS SiBUHBAh HOTSL UyMMMMjUe, li!r,ipr,-llr- , MOST BEAiTifiL N,,sllll OslSapalaSj summer. The blotiBe of- In- llrllo,i-,ll- r fads of the is back by the mountain peaks, the II. l, I, ll III nil ll- - limn, -. i I in in one with the trousers like the ficer says: "The roar of he guns is sag i t,- itiilnithvrnivlitl Knfhni. trlrnltr, L WssalWsintli ritaatrd between nsjUssai tea, last wlasti 11, In. body of a bathing, suit, a -- H. I,, Knliil, Mr, ll. lli. luillns portion with' heal d tw lie, Una e. or pi haps 1 - llnn.t.-- It ' "P. v,,,i,i, R rkto fssai iasel ""- II,, Mu.l (I'll mil N i nlteilil ll.lllln. SllB tin bloomers longer and left free. The doxen times, the throwing the - grearoot, Knmpma ulna IsaMd fur It, ' SaeSMM nnd echo hihI iiwDllil inr. tlinslstt'- .' " . r V'l . ii ml ir Bath. PaMsa? leeaai r nkirt is attached to a wide belt and' sounds liaek and forth, and trans- ascsUsnl eobiUM. linty "rite l..r booklet , ttc. Jw .jm .S .4 i null, 'i' ir nlfiini hfiilnl. 1 I CABTmaata button! on separate. The advantage: forming a single report into a fusil- iRAMi AVI: ( lt ratMS Deer. run i AH it i uraef lTMIt ol the Is obvious. With trotis-- i been Ro m suit the lade. Many of our men have :HlinWItH'"-n- W r MmMMHOM ihiu i.i Ar. ANGELES, CALIFORNIA JBeiti ' tmaUaHHianMHMOTllMlt,l HUf ItHHBtailf - LOS .i- - made ol the same material as the rendered unconscious or even driven MHitiirajimrn n ifti HlHinil tnifti imKtUMffnsti mii"ngBiBi Dr. i '.'i Keloid', skirt, they are almost invisible when mad by I ho fearful noise ,,f the gtina the skirt bloWl out in the wind, and, I in the ratified if thes OPPORTUNITY aiilda from this fact, they give a free-llo- high altitudes " 1 SPLENDID of artiou which is Impossible tlaek Italians syjL FOR MEN AND BOYS f) with petticoats wrapping armind the in anoth MmW'imwxBai. irrms; 1 SSleSWSlai irpirinl ond driwmii on eat, Ofte woman said sin WAI buy- v' ilo lo. UMty: in If1 Cirs. ing the dress to wear around the poaltlom held by lis troops. "It Room ml lul the riiiTiimiiR'' I "Krt laetreetere. lnid leoinms. hoaae, it is rasv to n i i evening understand the was after o'clock the HlliOllMlim ilanr poMli..nnciood. ( ,lloitiio lrp MnlulM comfort of such a costume, especially Infa itrv began to - r m m m m aaa a w . n . when tin Italian vifi ..i .' m a j n. L. - i.nS. for ,,,., m.iniln Hileit chool in United 3Ule, fur house-cleanin- g times, when Climb- elimb th mountain t nd storm th. J 1 2 Wi T 71H. LOS ANGELES ing step ladders and like occupations positions. We lay IOW be lund t lie l in ks NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 2110 ale the order of the day. Another land poured b fusillade ol Ore upon is girls t woman, who mil fitting for them as hi y i aine up in three lines. camp-lif- e, has ordered the costume That was easy. Hut son ie terrible and fur every member of the party. She try ing moments for oui r troops came .AUDITORIUM HOTEL pxplalnod thai when thM were around haVlttg been 14 BUM ii nn al l. his. The Italians I M OUVI ITt.1 I ,s kNClRLBfti i ll ni lie a III p site lit, let, ii ttlng thi in reinfor l by another brigade eame - Ui I 4 ill wear the trousers, like o lis. Wltll- - LTTff l- .7;u.., ..Uiii ul I'.irU Kvfrjr tmitlirti in mi ul it .ni j in such lone and with such determi c! purlurg, - out u-f- ive rm Jff f in uMiril lor klMlvti i. ni larhcr Itilililix mill piuulo the skirts. nation that the hot battels of our . - - vUMLtMi.'- - wall-pape- i a ik i rxir i e -- r ll f. II I'm itright r rlflps COUld dO inure. A f rth LnLUOr IT?. e1 lltHllltT l ho HI'IULLLO black-and-w- , 1 KM, U igSl i iriental li te patterns are i . nTrt .III in ll'iil for these ill Shi s, w ith collar and ' U ' ' i BOAIIWAT AT NKVKMII if jeV Tlie , enter ,f iblHiplaSt, tilOtinfM . uffa of White Swiss or organdy. In j "They surprlH d II, i ,,,','fi til, hihI Sth nnil theatrical dbitrtet. Oeavaa (. 1- nil lloTI'li the expensive models, linen and! sitious, a whole fell -J lr ul In n Ml IMMS. r,." ItninliN III mm , , I r tmbray are substituted. It ll hands, tie on uilh iirhntt. lulli, i nntKiiln i itm ti iirlvntr n their Ceavealeat in nil potats. Kare seta. i ii ii mi ii i "'" jj tl against the hea Infan laisa etas, iirni pi in. Nosj manaiteiasati try ami artillery ly and it i t s t nun 1 ,r,n nvw rtoiiim rnnini new ItHrhea, in the collar and cuffs. thi r most No hMsi lii i mil dartas mm "Tlie llniel ,'f romfnrj nn,l mr- - It undisturbed I . l. IIIMllll I , Ire, .1 11. I allc I ollows i lie t l. Mil ItsiilM (inner 'rae of t'retoiino Kalian) adversar irndijn, Free Auto itus M)esti .tu imiiw. tvn am ii i i nun. Haas i 18, Calico takes the remarked: 'Hon iect to 1 those Italian- - ll 'ti I would nol ippa reL The ve IV oldest of the oltl- - l. l its AN til i KK Inie pallet ns are revlved. The quaint. LHADINU h'UUMSllI n APART HERCELENE APTS. MIA I' I KM Si S oft IIHII ni,ul, in ii i , men I , SIO tn pe and them i a i t n. i inner si. in- - Aasjeleei lr places, aieain. - light in weight po the Lttanrlotulf fiirnlsliwli u iduii Al Walking instance and I Hgglo and MVVlVa ' qualities stand. ii 'I of sert Ice; llliniel'li: lllllllsi WIM I V ItOIIERTH OMI'IM in the catti o ai us, They -, rifles failed ; ; mi-"- 1 - xmm- ol iohh'ii- ihhe., mui ..eon "ill tage over the in. .iii.i iiillbinl mills ele alor alt cretnnnei eame e rochs In front, but ..linn Jill. I I none, i.nii.,, son f the pretties) of "er Interiii'biiu Car Pier vice at etrUf very was bayonet work, tor our ihree-moj- patterns have been dupl there door. Two anil u suites. s k wet", etreatlna to unothci - calico m; SMirl sunn ul Jcrsci men Reasonable rates b) tin- day, reefe or thai the effect height) win the reserves Were eady Nearest first ClMS without the weight. j month. I Sort of futuristic ulr to repulse in, further advance i Crounds We of the old urn reds is made lip i. Tim designs in HoteltoFair In a middy style for tennis costume, made are usually GEN1 Rl 's EGOS What a Contra! the frock will malt. odd-shap- M an pocket l u sher, cleaner, batter, Kverv one among the while dresses! A SPeclalt) lap-cjos- HOT SPRINGS of ln t tlie front. candled, stamped and guaranteed, FAYWOOD shop Is showing a dainty i ON Diego Ivvposilion often l if Woolen Stockings, Hawkins. ROE the San The ad by Jaffa, Malov. You Visit of yellow in peptunt Sold Kor RhSU matlsm, 0tomach Trou- When dress style, with "Knitting ks for soldiers" ha-- 1 SACRAMENTO ST. NEAR VAN NKSS AVE. bn'iiieil , i limn 1mm, iriitrnlly to la bles, - - rlera ut the ImmeSIW parasol match; ami there an old suddenly bri it to mind the practi-ile- n Kidney Ailments, Inflnmiua- (nt- "I Nun thin iiOOl II MaMBN bwK Hi(Ti t blue crinoline frock with waist gath- cablllty of stockings in our! Hons, Arterial Hardening, Loco- C MINIITF I" "r ..,... ml. ered In low a yoke, skirt full and own ll and e rybody is wearing motor Ataxia, Nervous lima king, WOTVIIW to Jheaeias Coaler ball-butto- - Willi . - HOTEL white crochet for tritn- them; t it ever) body thai noes in etc. Perfect Treittmont, 1'crfect yilrerl ral. Prrlnl hnlrl i.rv nfciint- I). S. GRANT There are white ones l i n WESTLAKE Climate, Health, riensura, .! KBAHOM Mill BATHS til i;a low. plain ones for the Modern Hotel. llookiet. conae .in ind Scotch Plaids Inl MILITARY one neora, las Pi ' "" "I thin unless, perchance, vou make green lli.w and Lille for those who T. V. McDDItMirTT, U mrl , nivinw in It foi imh mJdlllnnel psrsoa, n yourself. They an few and far sh ip FaywoiMl, N. M. ,Sn Iiiiiio o Ciln- l' Ce'l like color. oorta shows )V them, ami ry smart ACADEMY HH N AXfud y ti, it sports cost for ton-l- ii it for t f'iiiii person, ii, .y h n idi homi like environ I. is. coif. thtand- - coun- - fur n aevkitlea In svst eases sbnve sehedals. ttaei nn ni- - Individual Instraetros, eeanl rvitk saselste'"eertalnti apsfl Ihsss l try wear. i Ihiys, ,fal 'J tastruotlos fur svoril Miiiiiii;Iiis First show inns of Pelts. Csreful lujitrvlaton. unitary JAHKH II. HOI MI S. Hirsati Already the felt hal is strong in fn-- J system. Vttt eatsiosttei sddi m vor for sports wear. The newest ni. -- UIH illl St. Mary's College and School of Music models hnve wide brims ''ml medium OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO high crowns, usually with the brim 0000000 100000 nnd crown In contrasting color, Some, 0 o i n rrhtirch) 0 o of the smartest h ue wool, n floweff (Undci ho guanines "f Ule Protestanl Epcn 0 II o embrolderi d on rtq! and appliq on, PRKHimeNT Wight nn Hlshop Oarri h, D 0 i.i, i. o ll o others are painted and a lew hVa A boarding and day Bohool for girl Preparatory ml col woolen pampons or silk colds. They, ; r moral, In'rdlectual and physical dove IK ii an In; nurses. Attention given t" o inart and brilliant I'rivale Duly number Lodge are all deeidedlv men! of tin iMMvtdunl pupil. a limited "f vaeanoli 0 Spruce Houthweat, OOlor I'liipb te Hie gayest tutlon of i DOUgh in In the Dottrdlng department, 0 I UHIV) RLYLLUYU HAIMLH of th,. spoils costumes. VINCENT ACADKM1 Twenty sventh yen commencei Sept, 1 6th, 0 o Mbuquoro,ue, . m. 0 o l''or cutiilogua addrt as CLOTHING Hoarding and Day school for o WOMEN'S foUBg o (litis iiml Ladies ! fVWv's Cn)vi Dallas, I cxas 0 Twelve1 miles above of Pecos. Easily o - The 'Mil, town AVIATORS TO Sn i uil ttttl nli'iii given to Klo- 0 o euiion, china Painting, Vocal Cul- - 0 accessil) Uai s reasonable. o I I 0 by o t lire, .Moan , H awltlg, Ioiim Si 0 auto. , Inleit 1'rr-N- Bclence. 0 o Run-to- rs o IV rad, July i i How iwo Courses; Primary, Urimmar and 0 o lan made their way through Academic, 0 o tin in linen riiafUtai d as I" a:-- . nil Bchool opens Tuesday, Sept. v, 0 Wnlc or Phone o dlspaL h frfom the jo o women, is told in a 115. 0 o Nit lin n front. for catalog ami Information ap-- p 0 o The a iatnrs h id gpi ie lip to reeon-- io Superior. 0 fit noller a distant seetll of the (ler-u- l 0 d C. man lines. After It inc for o BOSSERMAN and they o oral hours their engine 0 Valley Ranch, N. M. o were compelled to des end behind the trenches in a ma'l Llthuan-lasan- l German women ian village. Two P The helped them in 4ntl ov their aero- - olftn,, nn.t one them Houses, skirls and handkerchiefs. Thes tney pm on and. carrying niarkel baskets, 'le New Mexico traversed the German lines for B longj distan- t- among the German-speakin- g Cheap Hales to All peasants, . University i Reachlns the Nlemen, thej doffed State into tne tin skirts asd dived iiei AT ALBCQUERQCfl This wa observed, ami the Germans, tricked, Eastern Points re:t ll'ttor that they had been started firing on them, However, they safely reached the Russian .ink Opens Tuesday, comrades, half-cla- d and ti Joined th'ir bantafeUi 10 months there win be on saW aheap rates to nil ami k fl bn fs. 17th in drilpnpg blouses August (CaStern I'olnla. Tickets arc on salo daily fmin May t.Mh to Sep- on October Hat! A Troiea'i-e- foi MINFSGIVE LIBERALLY I 'or lite ItlS-l- f 11 College Inir tember lOUi, 1015, and are limited to raturn ii6, spends (OllOWlnl In llal Ol tlie most im- millions l'hct.,1 Tcnnlx MlOWlng in. .pint is. The " The state University is rotlh TO BRITISH RED CROSS by tho portant points: the word At the Pi l' HIS Institution; maintained tl'Ones in, II,., iStnto to servo you and your,.,, ol the I'asiml arc Chii igo, til Ign.M J hi Paul, Mlna tun 90 at Xewnort - Ihes.. ;,r,. Ihu nlacefl (AsSeetatgl rnrrenpnnilenre.) children. Its standards I City, ato 144,41 Nat hlghi it accepted al Denver, Colo Il' Kansas wh, the calicoes are found. July IB. The largesl nn credits are Kt i.ouIh, ato ) r ". 1 0 London, all of great American col- Pueblo, Colo iixurii the the . s f N. smock, ii Sports Coats. to the British Red Cross since your son or Colorado Springs, Colo, . :!i.7r, Bnffals, 1 ivii.90 The t,i come from leges. Whether v. Y st.or, wnmap whom the unusual bealnnlna "f the war has daughter is Just entering Montreal, Qua jiilmo New rark, pppea Is nov- - 4 r I Niagara N, Y $711. no will welcome these latest Nottingham, 111" givers are tne own high school; whether college Quebec, Qui ftl falls, Sitles, tho Derbyshire: i Ohio $ fi f . 5 They offer a relief from ers and miners of the work Is to be tb termlncd lhl waehiogton, 0 $74.75 Cincinnati, i r. 7 7 II $71. .15 "Miliary sweater; an. coal mines, and the value "f their yenr or In It in your Bt IVllle, Ind Cleveland, Ohio 1350,0(10. the future. Tfir trcaJ of shakcj Europe I 1, ... Louliivllle, Ky 14 Sandusky, $71.05 ir niiir,. becomlnn to the averutt out tlntv inform rourself niitv iron armies i0. Ohio woman, ,,f' fully! univorsl-cquipme- Me Toledo, hio smarter and more gWtggef gilts inn home slate eourcc of tltc nations are bent toward providing shot. Cortland, IIT.tS than their predecessors, A liwiht-w- i unbu lances, togeth-- ' t nnd the Baltimore, Ud I74.TI iMiiiaiieipiua. ra !'!$7.0 ,'tr, 0 $74.1'5 iht silk Jersey materia! is used In th lb isrv an nmpanimeni "id nrtunities and siieeial ml- - shell nnd powdci wh.'ch h other. D Boston, Maaa $'J4 Pittsburgh, Pa ti MO.tO I Ogdah, the making. This cornea Ih ,nB ,r repair wagons, motor bicycle etc., van faces 11 offeti for ttroad and Minneapolis, Minn Utah $4.60 Ainrri'ci presents a tlitlerent puture. She 11 hn eporirj( to cc 114,10 Utah 1 1.: brilliant shades, the no raid greens, and the sum of tUMM'O" townrwine practical education. Milwaukee, wis Halt Lake, the npmmi; of the Panam t l.'.nal with two p. icr Li ion j in C.alif'i the popular rose shades, the soldut I and running expenses of j maintenance I San blues, and In black-and-whi- cheek-- 1 ambulances. TOT Mi A V I BXP1 MSB San rantiico and DlifC j ll f- -l rd Hand-smockin- and diamond hecks. 11 It Si I HUNT. glllS.OO The Santa Ve hai f p nt upwardi of $2,000,000 P. J. JOHNSON, Agent in coir - l effecthelj blended Have Be Mother'- ife. for new equipment wrmh will make it Mf for "ring, adds n decidedly new touch at Write today for catalogue, etc. 1 am positive that Chamberlain ma to ace Atiu-rn- inta re traint are th wrist and below the yoke: at the Remedy Auk for The University News, Anient shoulder. folic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea an monthly maga- mere than ever -- new mi, inr- - new I my life about twelve: illustrated i tier,, new saved mother's mailed on request. (lining art, new chair car.i, new (MMN and were some chartninK l.,..r. ... for the very sit k with zine free UodeJs shewn on the avenue the other mi the mnt te Pullinm equipment. Glass-Pain- day. bloody dvHtritiry. We have kept it In, Address t unit,, eclipsing the iretonno coats, a A pgrt of tniorrvire hlontj YOU Mr Amtricm, blazer-stripe- ever since and used it the d the th. house St you mur about ao4 Cement-Plaste- flannels and n..mi.r of times for summer com DAVIS It. HOVIl, brfiaJ t tU It trami LUMBER r coats of tail toweling. On Wng trouble,'' Sanli trtfi. gold at plaint nnd other bowel University of Ne.w Mexico Seidat bine, bordered in old New Ken- the front, with etiffs and collar to writes Mrs. A. Marlowe, P, J. it Albuquerque Lumber Company It hand, ll only JOFIN'f 11 match; smocking In the sington, Pa. Keep at Albuquerque. New Mexico sun Mtst siitii with the done Obtainable same shade of wool. One of rose-re- d routs a quarter. iiad a Urecian border in blue al the ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1915. BANKRUPT SALE

large stock of the NEWCOMER ART SHOP is to be sold, commencing THURSDAY THE JULY 29, AT 9 O'CLOCK, continuing fifteen days. This stock consists of the finest collection of ART GOODS ever assembled in New Mexico. Every lady should visit this sale, as it will afford the opportunity of purchasing material for holiday gifts at one-thir- d of regular prices in addition to the real necessities for one's own use and comfort. A numeration of articles for sale will be announced later This large and rich stock will be sold by THE BARTLEY MILLINERY

CLIFF DWELLINGS DRAW ; twenty per cent shaneed, Tl SWARMS OF VISITORS Uawremeburs;, MflRF PflWPR IM iry m. Nordstrom, Bhenea- - Mrv K Hoover, i x, a,; THE 1916 HUPMOBILES h in, itn the elim er. .ln h k ,. City. 'T'nr ll'li'., tin' rHupmabile i Lothrop, h graduate, student of "Without radical chance in design equipped with the famous BUur star rrtjoles, ik included J. Barada iropotog) in Harvard, who Ii ai-- 1 nnd without anj loss ..f tin- famous lint and lighting s tern, This hi tl I ,ni,i ii w, liel 'lanaha n. ,,r 1:1 Paso nir Dr. a. v. Kidder, of Harvard, Hupmoblle simplicity, tin- - 191 model j same system thai Is used on the Paul Who hint heen fiehliiK on tin' ii In- excavation at Pecos, came lnhagtwent per cent more power than m il. Jeffery, Wlnton, Apperaon, mi Pecos mill w,ttit tn wind up their ii the Valley ranch last evening j tSIS model, Y..u will find no car on tin- highest pried can of Bun - tn TH GOVERNMENT II VLADIVOSTOK N PLANNED iKirihi'i'ii New M ii IriH Willi i ' i' w wild Mm. l.uthi hi'. In Mill I In- n irded tilt ,.ii: of the cliff dnrelltnf. The otherVaro leum Ha in espeelatlj interested '"Ihuurio waa headed ,:- 8 White, ol Sew j prehistoric pottery, Mr. Luthrep ha L ,,. ..h. city, mi'' archaeologist, lecturer lust offered to finance the excava-- 1 gun(j ft( I Hupmohlle-BUu- r system has nn In- l WIIUT. I lll'If ftl'll' Mil' 111 I Mil lull "I I lie I'll'H'lll I 11 ill nil il'lt'l n , stallation designed by our own engl-- it I li l'i con. tlir lieum in ' I neers, insuring, We believe, mure ef- -' of If ohlbition Actually Prohibits Expenditure of Ninety 011 5e Patriotism flclent unii simpler operation than i installaitoija." y Labor Oiganiza- - in Gioat Shipping Centei for Dollars Contemplated When ,,,!;! hSSSSi1!? JJ ithi Secuiiiu1 Creator Supplies foi the Rio iin' Mml. .in1"1' " " " Mandamus iv tltkm mod. qfnArSnm ON SUMMER SESSION. Saiitii i'V, July Oen-ler- t W, Clancy today riieii s Effii it'io Z ,,,, ii,,. of California building mgl henei Prank art the petition for a wrtt af mandamus compel State Auditor w. c. Sargent to draw warrants on requisition of the iMwMiMtfMl 1'ff. I rrtutiit.' t iMSM4stsd Irsss ferfesiMSdsaes, ) fAsssssetsd Vrn GstfesssNssdswee) of the county of Santa Ana This, Dr frank h. H Roberta, president "f July 9. -- From the beflnnlns; I vimin.miu. k. June 1$, wmi. this I Toll to, June .'4. Pour super-- ! too, win be delight fullj Illustrated the .New Mestcn Norms! university I of tin wat Hi, (lerman trade uniuni " of dfeadnaughti Iwo scoul boats twi n- - With pictures bj Vierra and t'hapman. here, haa compiled some Interesting " couri an is to test the validity nOW T. mmm ' inpleei Hie b have proved strong help, rathei ,,' f,,,... i hU ..j..!,,"' rmit nf number will statistics "li the HiiiniiH'i Session JukIi nhma m I the sale of the 500,000 road bond than ii hindrance, io the govern l,m ''" a"rapH "f Sheldon Parson's! completed. Th.- summer school this I IT parent kIiip mr aeroplanes l in, nt in Hi. ' il I x lii nei lire Ihi' hlKh miiiiIih wllh pi mi h 'ally th hull "Cathedral," which now on exhibit year had the largest attendance of any tin. hi loui i' ipulatlon dei oted in It, no drop that Is the naval Increase program, I m tin rine Arts building at Man Ulego in the history of New Mexico rii, i . ii.f no of intoxicatitiM beverage can '" accordlusj to u ii informed One "f th mosl truiuentlj consu article id s bought in VtMivnexocii n ith speed hnawspapsra, wal Introduced I ed hunks In the museum library residents of I have been slmtlai refinements, ThoL, h tttttena, it '""I tii' it ., prime necessity In I in the next sew) lliipini'liile bus th l'i rprtaes .,!,.! and alcohol and thi business of wpi would urnment, but th lr thn i w , i i i tin. present not mil here, Hence he , mi i us approximately true, The "it oweiiers, he uoos nas i.e. n nut in the scnolars. There were nn men of tlin i enemies. " st the sale f vmlku, w iiu-h- whin Mee . predlts, estimated IM - "' print for :t number hi years and ne- - and 384 women enrolled, Of the total tin unanimity I kej and eveg beer is gtrlctly iron or IM.O0O 000 wuiitit h" K"H;'ii"ns are n"w peiniin beiweenlthere wera iSS. or 28 per oent, of win n hn-i- i I Uoddj Co., with nation, d spread over i period "f four yeftle publtohera, Meud & who Spanish descent, if class, picks Hiii n in ii wonderful thing how Ihelfi m own the copyright, and the secretary Tin- enrollment at the school fur! Hp III, wag thrown j people have gone ig without Tin orlgnal plan prepared by thalol the museum, Eor s new edition of ths year i:n not Including UiImi (town be tw reckoned drlnkjns The) have nstratedl national defense council last year waal 'be book, it will bs beautifully il- - year's summer i i. was 6M. In lib eerl diallks of wiir this and shown that they can have a I understood to fcnvw been eight bat I fustrated from photographs taken by tp,. regular term there were 151 men s peo-- 1 stlil battle-crwlser- a, I himself, by Jesse Nuebaum ;i:rj. :ilii"lin of the good time Inst the same The) tloahlps, elghl tin Oandtlter and .40 women, .1 total of in, TO opt ii"n to freuueni the 'cafe concerts' or (Indlscout shins slxtlfoui destroyers and ""' others Tin ppbllahern desire to rear's summer school there were.

nine "f the i lei five m t secrets A large no spine urn until after Hte ," lit attend Fellow Merchants rsit) suintti line

ii pn in IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS i in mi ih.i lh hands Bulterd, Ch .. b. iif.nii. ii Sh fnrs Treasurer t), , Wo Wibh to Announce in Order to Get OUT OF ttacklidgc "el Wii 1,1!,' That uahvllle In. Mi ii BUSINESS Wc Will Sell in Lots

Wilfred Wi d II. I'hOft Cooper and wife, Nsi Below Cost In Eastern Markets v tti ..ii. Ilollene. N M.

1,' .Mm Mctlray Diets, Rosa THE NOVELTY CO. li

GOLD Mho Mas i 122 WEST w onlln. Mo i r YOU KNOW WHAT GAS COSTS Y f V TJ 1 ' 000000000000000000000000 000 00 000000000001 OOOOOOOOOOUi 1 V 1 After a e use vou can tell to a few cents what your fuel bill will be. Yf f Not so wi th coal. Prices change and quality also, causing more ashes, clinkers and a lot of dirty work V m curing for same. ee With Gas you cannot waste, unless you deliberately do so. One foot away from a gas burner it's cool a proof that you get the heat where you want it and nowhere else. f Hull! 1 ? V t The Gas Range Does Not Cook the Cook Ask our Representative and he will tell you all it X ,i tuee an x about y Y ? v )OOOOOOOOOOCOOOO( 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOI V y ? r vt GAS COMPANY X HIM-IUk- mm. tftxMi f roit us t Iiii-Ii- eetnte pi I'll J nllei ill ii I'l'liim Miimhle In 1 pliunMn r tin shops i .. il.'. in, tinted. 'ilf?III!