ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 email:
[email protected] 2. ........... his long standing love affair : Who is the lover? and who is loved? Savitri's milestone in her career? A) Ray and Roberge B) Tagore and Roberge C) Roberge and people of India Films and Theatre Essays: 1970 - 2005, a compilation of his D) Roberge and people of Canada essays as the name suggests, being published 3. '.......... Which led to path breaking work in by manohar publishers, New Delhi, Roberge A. Reading: Rendezvous with Ray these fields', path breaking means? provides a scholarly, original analysis of Ray's I. Read the following passage. (10 Marks) works, giving an insight into the greatness of A) difficult B) interesting It was a unique friendship that developed Ray both as a person and as an artist. C) creative D) unfamiliar between a French - Canadian priest and one 'The Apu Trilogy was, in fact, my first portal 4. What does the expression 'enroute' mean? of the world's greatest film directors, and had a to West Bengal and its people', he told frontline. A) in the way B) on the way singular impact on Bengali films both academ- In his youth, all he knew of Bengal was through C) very near D) very far ically and practically. It was enroute to India in Mircea Eliade's La Nuit Bengalie, some of (Q.No: 5 - 7): Answer the following questions 1961, at a stopover in NewYork, that 26 year Tagore's poems, and a Reader's Digest article in two or three sentences.