Red Bank Register
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RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVII., NO. 13. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO Bayshore Badly Hit, A Warning To Republicans To Have Donations For The Imbiber Hurricane Work Red Bank Highlands Flooded The following warning, as Picnic And Big Rally The American Red Cross though written under force of has assumed all financial re- necessity caused by some re- sponsibility for disaster-cre- Loss Is $120,1 cent and unpleasant experi- ated needs for emergency re- Red Cross Aids Evacuees— * ence, k posted back of the State-wide Gathering At lief and rehabilitation result- driver's seat on one of the ing from the hurrlcahe. Keansburg Beach Wrecked Red Bank-Sea Bright buses: ' Brookdale Farm Next Friday Red Cross will gladly accept "No lit cigars, cigarettes,' and receive any voluntary Section Suffers pipes or persons allowed on contributions that the people Highlands suffered property dam a group of Highlands women, and this bus," , The Women's Republican cam- this year as never before, we must of Monmouth county care to age running into hundreds of thous- they finished the clean-up job at the paign committee of Monmouth give support to all our candidates.- make—these contributions to service club. Later when the Red county are inviting fellow Republi- Our American form of govern- be sent to the American Coast Resorts Are ands of dollar* in the most disas- cans to be their guests at a picnic ment demands all that patriotism Fair Haven Club trous storm that has even struck Cross arrived they set up their and loyalty can give. This will be Red Cross, Monmouth County that borough; according to officials, headquarters there, and a canteen lunch and statewide rally tomor- our tribute to the men In the Armed Chapter, Shrewsbury, New Battered and Farmers ! Skeeter Fleet row afternoon, September 22, at the The fact that there was no loss ° truck from Red Cross arrived with Forces. This will protect the homes Jersey. Holds Its Annual food, and breakfast and lunch were home of Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, to which they are coming back. life is spoken of by residents as Brookdale farm, Lincroft. Lunch- Have Losses—Wires miraculous. served. Special canned baby foods Banquet Washed We count upon vou to be present were also brought In by Red Cross, eon will be served from 12 to 1 with us at this opening meeting Trophy Dinner Some of the oldest watermen said and heated Individually for each in- o'clock. of the Fall Political Campaign. And Trees Down • they never witnessed such a high fant by the canteen workers, Out By Storm Notice to this effect has been sent The speakers and guests include Council Moves Prizes Awarded And tide and such destruction by theThroughout Friday and Saturday out to the press by Mrs. Thompson, members of the Republican stats flood and wind, which made home- the motor corps of Red Cross who is state committeewoman; Mrs, dommittee, Mrs. Walter E. Edge, Bouquet Presented less more than a hundred families brought in food so as to keep well Floor of Dickman Emma'J. VanSchoik of Red Bank, wife of the governor of New Jer- To Have Wires Boats Break Loose. residing between South Bay avenue ahead of possible need. Boat Works Flooded vice chairman of the county com- sey; Mrs. Florence Baker, vice Dr. and Mrs. Stewart (and Water Witch. mittee, and Mrs. Louise C. Bodman chairman of the Republican state Put Underground Mayor Fred P. Bedle's.drug store, Call for Physicians. of Middletown township, president committee and state committee- Utilities Suspended J. Stamen's cigar and confectionery As soon as the Red Cross arrived Last Thursday Night of the United Women's Republican woman from Camden county; Mrs. Presentation of the season point store and Rltterman's 5 and 10 cent on the scene, workers began an- club of Monmouth county. Reeve Schley, president of the Committee at trophies to the winners In the Just beforeJthe dessert was to be Women's State Republican club of Lightning sailboat events of the store on Bay avenue have been swering calls. One of the first re Struck by one of the wildest closed several days by the flood quests was for a physician and Car- served at the annual dinner Thurs- Mrs. Bodman Is handling the ar- New Jersey.and national commit- Rumson to Confer Fair Haven Yacht club marked the day night of the Dickman Skeeter rangements for transportation from teewoman from N4w Jersey; a'.l annual dinner Saturday night at storms ever to visit this section, that destroyed much of their stock. los Kelly, disaster chairman, man- Red Bank and vicinity is busily : Three of Fred Kteferdorfs four aged to contact" one around mid' fleet, the floor of the Dickman the Red Bank railroad depot to Monmouth county Republican can- With Light Co. the clubhouse attended by about 65 frame building on the riverfront Brookdale farm and return. Cars didates, Hon. James C. Auchincloss; members and guests. engaged this week, and will prob- bungalows were smashed up. The night and another around 3 a, m.. ably be so engaged for several, public bathing pavilion at the font Chief Monahan had the school was flooded. A wild scramble for will meet the southbound trains at member of congress from the third The gift of a bouquet of 48 glad- safety and dry land followed. Red Bank at 11:46 a. m., and 1:07 congressional district of New Jer- Installation of electric light wires loll to Dr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Stew- weeks to come, in cleaning up the' of Miller street was obliterated as opened before midnight and evac underground was advocated by debris, left mostly by falling tree* was Mrs. Kate Parker's boat house uees were brought there by the Seven women who had served the p. m., and the northbound trains at sey; H. Alexander Smith, candidate art from the Ladles' auxiliary was 12:12 and 1:01 p. m. Returning for the U. S. Senate from New Jer- Councilman Paul J. Hintelmann at a surprise feature of the evening. and limbs, and In restoring such on adjoining property. Army, townspeople, Coast Guard, roast chicken dinner to the young the meeting of the Rumaon mayor public utility services as telephone and Coast Guard Reserve. •kippers were taken in rowboats to cars will take passengers to thosey and former chairman of the The couple observed that day their southbound trains leaving Red New Jersey State Republican com- and council last Friday night and electric power. Biver Property Damaged. When the first group- of RedWharf avenue. They included Mrs. 48th. wedding anniversary. Property along Shrewsbury ave- Frank P. Dickman and her sister, Bank at 3:54 and 4:41 p. m., and mittee; Hon. Albert W. Hawkes, Mayor Louis M. Hague appointed Dr. Stewart, who as chairman of The tropical storm which struck Cross workers arrived they brought the northbound trains at 3:42 and United States Senator from New Mr. Hintelmann and Councilmen this section around 4 o'clock Thurs- nue on the Shrewsbury river front one mobile canteen and a motor Mrs. P. J. Crimmlns; Mrs. Anthony the Regatta committee had active- was aljo hard hit AH the private Baclgalupi, Mrs. Harry Ryder, Mrs. 4:52 p. m. Mrs. Bodman may be Jersey; Mrs. Winifred Stanley, con- Edgar B. Blake and Harry L. Mc- ly conducted the races, was mas- day afternoon reached its peak five corps vehicle with clothes such as reached by addressing her at R-gresswoman . at large from New Mahon to confer on the matter with hours later. In Its wake it left docks were washed away. Tnj heavy sweaters, shoes and socks. Amory Osborn, Mrs. Joseph.Gordon ter' of ceremonies. Col. Hope, past picking house and office of the and Mrs. Ralph B. Slckels. F. D. 1, Red^Bank, or telephoning York in the House of Representa- officials of neighboring municipali- commodore, who has been in ser- blocked roads, fallen wires, caua- • Later shoes were also provided Red Bank 597, If transportation Is tives at Washington and one of the ties and also the Jersey Central Ing disruption of utility services Highlands shucking company, to- from school supplies. Previous to' - Most i of the boys and girls waded Power and Light company. vice overseas, told of carrying the gether with 2,000 cans used for td dry land through water that had required. foremost women speakers for the club burgee to Halifax and London. not only in scattered sections but their arrival coffee was being Republican- National committee, Several years ago a similar move- to entire communities, and It also • shipping clams to market, was lost served by Commander Smith of the risen about four feet over the rec- The notice states: Rear Commodore Garretson Otto Betz's Jackson hotel was dam- ord high tide. and Hon. John J. Jennings, con- ment was started in Rumson- after thanked the Ladles' auxiliary for left a battered waterfront and Legion. The Army also provided Please come! We need your inter- gressman from Tennessee in thepower lines had been broken dur- flooded streets. aged almost beyond repair. One of food and this was prepared by Red Mr. Ryder and Mr, Gordon, who the fine chicken dinner prepared the Beattie bungalows on that ave- est and enthusiasm in the National, House of Representatives at Wash- ing a storm, and at that time the and served under the" direction of Despite the intensity of the storm Cross canteen workers. Fort Mon- officiated at the races during the State and Local elections which are ington, who has recently been answer from the light company was there were no casualties and this nue was partly torn apart.