Diptera Taken at Robson, B.C. H
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34 ENTOMOLOGICAL SoCIETY OP BRITISH COLUMBIA, PROc. (19~6), VOL. B, FEB. U, 1957 Forbes, A. R., and K. M. King. Practical application of chemical controls of root maggots in rutabagas. ]. Econ. Ent. 49: 354-356. 1956. Gibson, A., and R. C. Treherne. The cabbage root maggot and its control in Canada with notes on the imported onion maggot and the seed-corn maggot. Canada Dept. Agr., Ent. Bull. 12. 1916. Glasgow, H. Mercury salts as soil insecticides. ]. Econ. Ent. 22: 335-340. 1929. Goff, E. S. Work in economic entomology. In Eighth annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin ... 1891, pp. 162-175. 1892. Gould, G. E . Cabbage maggot control. Purdue Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bun 616. 1955. King. K. .M., and A. R. Forbes. Control of l OOt maggots in rutabagas. ]. Econ. Ent. 47: 607-615. 1954. King, K. M., A. R. Forbes, D. G. Finlayson, H. G. Fulton, and A. ]. Howitt. Co-ordinat ed experiments on chemical control of root maggots in rutabagas in British Columbia and Washington, 1953. J. Econ. Ent. 48: 470-473. 1955. King, K. M., A. R. Forbes, and M. D. Noble. Ten years' field study of methods of evaluating root maggot damage and its control by chemicals in early cabbage. In preparation. Presented at 10th I nt. Cong ress Ent., Aug. 1956. Schoene, VI.]. The cabhage maggot: its biology and control. New York Agr. Expt. Sta. (Geneva) Bull. 419. 1916. Semenov, 11.. E . A complex method of controlli ng the cabbage moth and the cabbage fl y with hexachlora ne dust (in Russian). Dokl. vsesoyuz. Akad. sel.-khoz. Nauk Lenina 15: 39-42. 1950. l--: ev. Appl. Ent., A, 41: 9. 1953. Slin gerland, ~L V. The cabbage root maggot, with notes on the onion maggot and allied insects. Corn ell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 78. 1894. \Vrigh! , D. IN. The assessment of damage caused to some brassica crops by the cabbage root fly. 1\1111. Appl. Diol. 40: 607-611. 19S3. DIPTERA TAKEN AT ROBSON, B.C. H. R. FOXLEE Robson, B.C. Robson is in the southern part of Bibionidae the West Kootenay region of British Bibio lot/ gipes Lw. Columbia, close to the no rtheastern Bibio l1ervo sus Lw. corner of the State of Washington. Bibio slossonae Ckll. The elevation is about 1410 feet. BRACHYCERA The Diptera in this li st were taken Stratiomyidae between 1939 and 1955. Clitellariinac Adoxomyia rtl.rtica (O.S.) ORTHORRHAPHA Stratiomyinae NEM.noCERA Eulalia pllbescens (Day) Anisopodidae Stratiomys barbata Lw. Anisopus al/erna/us Say. S/ratiomys mawloSct Lw. Geosarginae S·imuliidae Geosargus cuprarius (L.) Pt-osillluliulll fulvulll (Coq.) Ge.osargus decorus (Say) Simulium arc/icum Mall. Geosal'gus viridis (Say) Simulium hunteri Mall. Microchrysa polita (L.) Simulium /uberosum Lund. Simulium vitla/um Zett. Beridinae Scoliopelta luteipes Will. Fungivoridae (Mycetophilidae) Rhagionidae Ceroplatinae Rhagioninae Apemon negriventris J oh. Ceroplalus terminalis Coq. Rhagio COl1cava Leon. S'ciophilinae Ch rysopilinae D ziedzickia fllscipennis (Coq.) Symphoromyia atripes Big. Monoclona elegan/lIla Joh. Coenomyiidae Fungivorinae Arthroceras s p. Rhymosia cristata (Stacg.) Xylophagus decorus Will. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, FROC. (1956), VOL. ~3, FEB. 15, 19~7 Tabanidae Omphralidae (Scenopinidae) Silviinae (Pangoniinae) Omphrale feneJtraie (L.) Apato/estes comastes Will. Omphra/e nuhilipes Say Chr)'sops asbestos Philip A.ilidae Chrysops excitans Wlk. Chrysops pertinax Will. Leptogastrinae Silvius giganlu/us (Lw.) Le pto gaster S p. Stonemyia californica (Big.) Dasypogoninae Chrysoceria pollet/ia Cole Tabaninae Cyrotopogon banksi W. and M. Aty/otus incisura/is Maeq. Cyrtopogon daJylloides Will. Tabanus aegrotus O.S. Cyrtopogon /eucozona Lw. Tabanus californicus Mart. Cyrtopugon montanlls Lw. Tabanus captonis Mart. eyrtopogo1l praepes Will. Tabanus haemaphortisMart. Cyr/opogorl .ransorti Cn Tabanus kesseli Phil. Cyrtopogon willis/orzi Cn Tabanus /aniferus MeD. Dioctria pusio O.S. Tabanus lasiophalmus Maeq. Dioctria sackeni Will. Tabanus melanorhinus Big. Eucyr/opogon nebulo (O.S.) Tabanus nivosus -O.S. Heteropogon senilis (Big.) Tabanus nudus MeD. Lasiopogon aldrichi Mel. Tabanus procyon O.S. Lasiopogon monticola Mel. Tabanus rhombicus 0.5. Metapogon setig"",m Cole Tabanus rupestris MeD. N icocleJ canadensis Cn. Tabanus sequax Will. Nicocles dives (Lw.) Tabanus typhuJ Whitn. NicodeJ punc/ipennis Mel. TabanuJ JonomenJiJ O.S. Slenopogr)fl inquinatlls Lw. TabanuJ zygotUJ Phil. Laphriinae Cyrtidae Andrenosoma flllzJicauda lutea MeAt.? Bombomima astlir (O.S.) Eulonchus IristiJ Lw. Bombomima aJtllrilla Brom. OgcodeJ albiventriJ Jhns. Bombo1lli1lla ccdifomica (Bks) Bombyliidae Bombo1llima co/z;1Ilbica (Wlk.) B01llhomi1lla fernaldi (Back) Anthraeinae B01llbo1llima par/itor (Bks) Anthrax analis Say Laphria aim.~tis MeAt. Anthrax irrorata Say Laphria feli! felis 0.5. Anthrax pleJia Cn. LAphria felis crocea MeAt. Anthrax pluto Wd. Laphria ferox Will. Antbrax vClria F. Laphria franciscana Big. Dipa/ta !erpenlina O:S. LAphria gJlva (L.) HemipentheJ calulina (Coq.) Laph,ia index MeAt. HemiIJentheJ morioideJ (Say) Laphria januJ MeA t. Hemipenlhes JinuoJa (Wd.) Laphri'l Jackeni \,yill. Villa agrippina (0.5.) Laphria sadales Wlk. Villa altemata (Say) Laphria vifl(lX Will. Villa iulviana (Say) Laph,ia vlI/ltir ,o.S. Villa hypomelar (MeQ.) Pogono.f01Ila ridingsi Cress. Villa lateraliJ (Say) Asilinae Lomatiinae A Jillls auri,mnlJlatus (Hine) AphoebantuJ sp. AsillJs callidus (Will.) ,1silllJ occidentalis Hine Toxophorinae AsiluJ pla/yce/as Hine Eciimus Iuc/ifer (0.5.) AsiluJ vescus Hine Eclimus magnus (O.S.) Asilus willis/oni rIine Eciimus murica/uJ (O.S.) Empididae Bombyliinae Hyhotinae BombyliuJ aibicapilluJ Lw. Bombylius lancifer O.S. EuhyboJ triplex (Wlk.) BombyliuJ major L. Ocvdromiinae BombyliuJ validuJ Lw. ieptopeza dis/JariliJ Mel. SptoechuJ oreas O.S. Ocydrolllia glabrimla (Fin.) Oedalea sp. Therevidae Trichina aJ/ripes Mil. pJilocephaia canadenJis Cole Trichina pullata Mel. pJilocephaia munda Lw. Empidinae PJilocepha/a JignalipenniJ Cole HeJpettmpiJ mahelae Mil.? T here va brunnea Cole C1inoeeratinae The,eva cingulata Kroh. Clinocera undula/a Mel. Thueva fucala Lw. Dolichoctphala i",orata (Fin.) 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, !>ROc. (1956), VOL. 53, FEB. 15, 1957 Hemerodromiinac NeoCllemodoll al/ripleura Cn. Hemerodromia rogaloris Coq. NeoCllemodoll calearala Cn. Tachvdromiiuae Pipiza oregona Loy. Platypalplls cranifemoris Fitch S phegi"a /IIINctala Cole PI,lIypalblls jlat1irOIlriJ microte1!ls _\1 ci. Volucellinac PaltypalplIs inops Mel. Volllcella hombylans plum(/Ia Deg. Platypalpus jllvenis byaenaiJeJ :\[el. Volllce/!a homhylans I'll/omacllla/a Jones P/atypalpus juvenis JUIJeniJ Mel. Sericomyiinae Pla/ypalpus patina/or TIl el. Arc/ophil" jltlgrtl11s 05. Platypa/puJ pilatm Mel. Candidea lala Coq. Platyp,'/IJUJ "" liali.! L\I". Pyrilis kincaidii (Coq.) P/alypalpllS xanlbopadus Aiel. Pyr"ith mOlltigeJld Hunt. Tacbydrolllia himacu/ata (1.\1.) Sericomyia (ha/copygd L\I-. Tachypez:I diJci/eUl Tl l el. Aylotinae Dolichopodid"e Chrysosomidia ( rau'fordi (Sha nu.) I )olichoJlodi uac ChrYJOsolllidia pulcher (\-Vill.) D o/iciJupUJ conJ:lIIguineuJ \\·h eel. Crioprora /emorala Will. Do/ichopus dElersli.! Lw. CYf/orbilla armi/!ala O.S. CYII01'bina nigripes Cn. Campsicneminac CYllorhina scitula (Will.) Cbr)"Joli","s pUJio Lw. Penlhesilia all rata C n. Ch rYSOSOlll a ti nac Penthesilia (/Ilrea (Lov.) Condy/oslY/us pilicomis (Aiel.) Penthesilia (audala (en.) Lonchopteridae Pentbesilia coqtli/!etli (Will.) Penlhesilia intermedia (Jhns.) Loncboptera dubia Cn. Penlhesilia nigripes (Will.) Phoridae Sphecomyia patio IIi Will. Merase/ia sp. Sphecomyia vespi/ormis Gorski Xylola barbala Lw. CYCLORRHAPHA Xylola ejuncida S ay. ASCHIZA Xylola fidvilibia Big. XylO/(l sllh/asciala Lw. Clythiidae (Platypezidae) XylolodeJ illtl1'matlls (Hullt.) Callomyia venusla Snow XylolodeJ pigra (Loy.) elytbia coraxa Kess. Xyl%mima (urvaria (CII.) elytbia po/ypori (Willd.) Xylolumima nemorum (F.) P/alypezina pacifica Kess. Xylolomima pigra (F.) Syrphidae Tubiferinae Syrphinac Elophilus /asCitlll/J Wlk. Lampeli" equeJlriJ lI(u'riHi (F.) Baccba ohJcuricorniJ I.w. Tllbife/(/ alllhophorina (Fin.) Didea /uscipes Lw. Tubifera nem01'lI1Jl (L.) Ephtropbe dil!ersipuncl'l/(t Cn. Tllhifera le))ax (L.) EpiJtwphe groHularide Ovfg.) Tuhifera lellax cdmpeJlriJ (:\[ g.) Eupeodes volucriJ O.S. M elanostoma sp. SCHIZOPHORA MetasyrphuJ amalopis (OS) Melasyrphus laphonicus (Zett.) ACAl.YPTERAE MelaJyrphus limatus (Hine) Conopidae Melasyrphus snou'i (Wehr) Occemyia I,,/ei/wr Camr. Melasyrphus venablesi (Cn.)' Phyrocepha/a Imrge,fJi \Vill. Pdragus hicolor (F.) I'lalycheirus pellaloides Cn. Otitidae Scaeva pyraJlri (L.) Epi blalea s 1'. Syrphus opinalor 05. I'JairoPtera similiJ Cress. P.relldotephriliJ sp. Chrysotoxinae Seioplera l'ihraJls (I..) ChrYJOloxllm integrum "ViII. Slenopterilla sp. Ch"ysoloxllm l'elll1'icostim Lw. Trito.\·C/ cu))eala L\\,. J\Jicro(\onlinae Microdon colhurn(tlllS Big. Pallopteridae Microdoll pi/Jeri Kuab. Pal/oplera jlt(ulldCl (1.\\'.) Microdon triJ/iJ L\\,. I'alloptera terminaliJ (L\I.) Eumerinae Piophilidae EllmerJIs s/rigatllJ (Fin.) M),Jelclll/lis bipllnClaltlJ ( Fin.) Eumerus tubercula/IIJ (I\()nd.) Piophila alii/ron.! :\f. & S. C heilosiinae Piophil" xantbopoda:\f. & S. Bracb'opa sp. T rupaneidae Cll"losyrphus Iris Ii.! (Lw.) E/lochl'd caJladeJlJis Lw. Ferdillallded croeSIlJ (,O.S.) Myoleja rllbida C oq. ' ~', ': ', '" ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BRITISH COL UMBIA, PROc. (1956), VOL. 53, FEB. 15, 1957 37 Rhagoletis berberis Cn. Clusiidae Rha~ol etis symphoricarpi